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WCS change request - Add profile identifiers


Academic year: 2017

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Open Geospatial Consortium

OGC Doc 06-106




CR ?

 rev


 Current version: 1.0 



on using this form, look at the pop-up text over the symbols.

Proposed change affects:  AS Imp Spec X Best Practices Paper Other

Title:  WCS change request: Add profile identifiers

Source:  Arliss Whiteside and WCS 1.1 RWG

Work item code:Date:  2006-07-13


Use one of the following categories:

F (Critical correction)

A (corresponds to a correction in an earlier release)

B (Addition of feature),

C (Functional modification of feature)

D (Editorial modification)

Reason for change:  A Capabilities document cannot identify in a machine-readable manner the Application Profiles (if any) which a server implements.

Summary of change:  Add an optional and repeatable parameter to the ServiceIdentification section of Capabilities documents that identifies the Application Profiles which a server implements.

Consequences if

not approved:

Continued lack of a machine-readable parameters in Capabilities documents that identify the Application Profiles (if any) that a server implements

Clauses affected:  8.3, owsServiceIdentification.xsd (for OWS Common)

Other specs  Other core specifications  OWS Common (draft for version 1.1)

Affected: Abstract specifications

Recommendation Papers

Other comments:  Of course, the Application Profiles which a server implements could be identified in a non-machine-readable manner in text within the Abstract element in the ServiceIdentification section of Capabilities documents.



Add new subclause following Subclause 8.3.1 in WCS 1.1 draft OGC


8.3.2 ServiceIdentification section contents

The ServiceIdentification section of a service metadata document contains basic metadata

about this specific server. For WCS 1.1, the contents of this section shall be slightly

expanded from the contents specified in Subclause 7.4.3 of OWS Common [OGC

05-008]. Specifically, the following row shall be added to Table 8 in Subclause 7.4.3.

Name a Definition Data type and value Multiplicity and use

Profile Identifier of OWS Application Profile

Character string type, not empty

Value specified by each Application Profile

Zero or more (optional) Include for each specified

application profile implemented by server

Making this change in the XML Schema for WCS would be much more

difficult than making this change in the XML Schema for OWS


To make this change in owsServiceIdentifaction.xsd for OWS Common,

it can be edited as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<schema targetNamespace="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" :ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1"

="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ="qualified" version="1.0.0" xml:lang="en">


<appinfo>owsServiceIdentification.xsd 2006-02-1407-13</appinfo>

<documentation>This XML Schema Document encodes the common "ServiceIdentification" section of the GetCapabilities operation

response, known as the Capabilities XML document. This section encodes the SV_ServiceIdentification class of ISO 19119 (OGC Abstract

Specification Topic 12).

(c) 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </documentation>



<documentation>General metadata for this specific server. This XML Schema of this section shall be the same for all OWS.


<documentation>A service type name from a registry of services. For example, the values of the codeSpace URI and name and code string may be "OGC" and "catalogue." This type name is normally used for machine-to-machine communication. </documentation>

</annotation> </element>

<element name="ServiceTypeVersion" type="ows:VersionType" maxOccurs="unbounded">


<documentation>Unordered list of one or more versions of this service type implemented by this server. This

information is not adequate for version negotiation, and shall not be used for that purpose. </documentation>

</annotation> Application Profiles that are implemented by this server. This element should be included for each specified application profile implemented by this server. The identifier value should be specified by each

Application Profile. If this element is omitted, no meaning is implied. </documentation>

</annotation> </element>

<element ref="ows:Fees" minOccurs="0"> <annotation>

<documentation>If this element is omitted, no meaning is implied. </documentation>

</annotation> </element>

<element ref="ows:AccessConstraints" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">


<documentation>Unordered list of access

constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any other restrictions on retrieving or using data from or otherwise using this server. The reserved value NONE (case insensitive) shall be used to mean no access constraints are imposed. If this element is omitted, no meaning is implied. </documentation>




</element> </schema>


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