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Observing The Function Of The DPR In Guarding The Relocation Of The New Capital City


Academic year: 2023

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|141| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022

Observing The Function Of The DPR In Guarding The Relocation Of The New Capital City

M. Nur Rofiq Addiansyah1, Mukhsinatulluaili2 IAIN Kudus, Kudus, Indonesia

Emai; : mnurrofiq@iainkudus.ac.id, mukhsinatulluaili@gmail.com Abstract

Jakarta became the capital city of Indonesia based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 1964 concerning the Declaration of the Special Capital Region of Greater Jakarta as the Capital of the State of Indonesia on behalf of Jakarta. However, this led to plans to move the nation's capital city for all reasons, including overcrowding and traffic jams. Of course, the President cannot transfer IKN himself without the approval of various government agencies, including the DPR RI as a legislative body. The DPR RI has three functions: a legislative function, a budget function, and a supervisory function. Of the three functions of the DVR RI, of course, the DPR RI plays an important role in the transmission of IKN. In accordance with the functions of the DPR RI, the legislative function, the President asks the DPR RI for approval to obtain the approval of the IKN Bill. The DVR RI plays an important role in budgeting because the DPR must be able to take into account all sources of funding to avoid an economic crisis in the future. In addition, the latter is a supervisory function, meaning that the DPRRI carries out direct supervision in the implementation of IKN forwarding.

keywords: IKN, DPR RI, Law


|142| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 INTRODUCTION


Jakarta is the national capital and the capital of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, from government offices, private company offices, industry, from economic service facilities, social service facilities to housing and settlement facilities in Jakarta is very dense.

Apart from that, traffic in Jakarta can't even be said to be quiet, whether it's during the day until midnight, Jakarta's traffic is still congested. Due to the increasingly high population density and traffic, Jakarta has a very heavy burden, physically, economically and socially.

The plan to move the Indonesian state capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan by President Jokowi certainly invites pros and cons. Not to mention a president who does not have legislative authority in regulations for moving a new capital, of course the President needs approval from other institutions. The People's Representative Council is a legislative body that has three functions regulated in the 1945 Constitution, namely the legislative function, the budget function and the supervisory function. The DPR has an important role in governance in Indonesia, namely as a representative of the people. As for moving the new capital city of Indonesia, which was previously in Jakarta, it will move to Kalimantan. There are many pros and cons regarding moving the new capital city from various circles.

Turning from the pros and cons of moving the new capital city, what is the role of the DPR regarding the three functions carried out by the DPR as people's representatives. Moving the new capital city is certainly not easy, there are stages that must be passed. The DPR has three functions, namely legislation, budgeting and supervision. In planning the relocation of the new capital, of course, there is a draft law regarding the relocation of the capital before it is passed as a law, as the DPR with one of its functions, namely legislation, of course, the DPR has a role in the relocation of the new capital. In addition, the DPR also has a budget function.

In moving the capital, of course, requires large funds because many developments will be carried out in Kalimantan. And next is supervision, during the implementation of the relocation of the capital city, of course, it needs strict supervision because of course there will be parties who will interfere with the implementation of the relocation of the new capital.

In Indonesia itself, in fact, the mechanism for moving the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia to Kalimantan does not have specific laws and regulations governing the capital city of the country. The stages that are passed in the transfer of the state capital are that the


|143| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 government officially sends a presidential letter (surpres) on the Bill on the Transfer of the State Capital (IKN) which will then be inaugurated by the DPR. Then how to explain the role of the three functions of the DPR in relocating the state capital. This journal will try to explain how the DPR carries out its function in implementing the relocation of the State Capital.

Formulation Of The Problem

In writing this journal, we will try to discuss the role of the DPR's functions in overseeing the transfer of the new capital city in Indonesia. What is the legislative function of the DPR in making legislation for moving Indonesia's new capital city. Next is how the DPR's budget functions in moving the new capital city. In addition, the DPR must also carry out supervision in accordance with the last function, namely the DPR's supervisory function in moving the new capital city from Jakarta to Kalimantan.

Literature Review

Regarding previous readings or writings regarding the transfer of the new capital, there have been many discussions. One of them, in the article published by iNews.id, explains that Bappenas (National Development Planning Agency) has made observations about countries that have moved to new capitals. One of the countries that has succeeded in moving its capital to make its country progress rapidly is the United States, moving the US capital from New York to Washington D.C. and making New York the focus of industry makes the US government more organized because the center of government and the economy have been divided so that the burden of the previous city center which was only in New York became lighter from a physical, industrial and governmental perspective (iNews.id).

In other studies regarding the transfer of the new capital in Indonesia, it was found that actually plans regarding the transfer of the capital city of Jakarta had even existed since the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Jakarta as the capital of Indonesia has had a very heavy burden, from the physical burden, namely the dense population to the impact on Jakarta's traffic congestion to the impact on air pollution, not to mention the economic burden where most of the offices of private industry are located in Jakarta and governmental burdens such as offices -a government office based in Jakarta was able to create the idea of moving the capital city of Jakarta, which had been sparked since 2007. Of course, the plan to move the new capital, which at that time was in the hands of the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, was not just a plan, even at that time, President Susilo


|144| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 Bambang Yudhoyono along with experts and experts city planning, spatial planning, urban transportation, water management, environment and also the ministry of public works to form a small team to study the relocation of the capital city of Jakarta (Rozak, n.d.).

Other sources also explain that the transfer of the State Capital (IKN) has a long history in Indonesia. Even before until after independence in Indonesia, the capital in Indonesia underwent changes. It became a long debate again when the 2019 election in President Jokowi's government showed the idea of moving the capital even this idea became even stronger after appointing the State Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas as the institution that coordinates the planning map in moving the national capital (Hidayat, AR Rohman Taufik;

Iskandar, Wahyu; Iresha , Fajri Mulya; Rivai, Reza Ramdan; Wikantyoso, Bramantyo; Cipta, Hairi; Yogaswara, Gugi; Sabrian, Panggea; Nugroho, Ginaldi Ari; Rahadianto, Haris; Munir, Misbahul; Pamadiken, Luna Bellina; Aulia, Meutia N, 2020) .

Theoretical Framework State Capital Of Indonesia

Capital in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) means the city where the seat of the central government of a country is located or where the executive, legislative and judicial administrative elements are assembled. The symbol of the state that forms the state of a nation is the existence of the state capital. And the hope of the State Capital of the Republic of Indonesia is a capital that is able to describe the identity of the Indonesian nation with a diverse population, having diverse religions, ethnicities, cultures and languages who live side by side in differences on the basis of Pancasila as the basis of the state and ideology of the nation and Bhineka Tunggal Ika as a framer. .

Jakarta as the Capital of the State of Indonesia originated from a habit in the history of colonialism in the archipelago. Jakarta, which is actually a legacy of the VOC and the Dutch colonial government, which was originally the port of "Jayakarta" in 1619. The determination of the location of the capital city of the Dutch East Indies based on administrative interests by the VOC at that time had a monopoly right on trade and colonial activities in the area was left to The Dutch Parliament since 1602 which was then a fortress and a settlement that was growing to become the forerunner of Jakarta at that time was called Batavia. The government of Batavia (Stad Batavia) was formed on March 4, 1621. Within 8 years the City of Batavia had tripled and in 1650 the construction of the City of Batavia had been completed. As the


|145| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 center of Dutch activities in the Dutch East Indies, Batavia was called the 'Queen of the East' which had been able to present Dutch interests related to trade.

Indonesia which is rich in natural wealth makes Indonesia always the target of foreigners. The Japanese who came to Indonesia in 1942 finally changed the name Batavia to 'Jakarta'. Initially, Japan attracted the sympathy of the Indonesian people by helping Indonesia against the Dutch and also changing the name Batavia to Jakarta was a Japanese tactic in attracting Indonesian sympathy. Arriving at the climax of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945, and Jakarta was designated as the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia. And in history it is also recorded that the transfer of the capital occurred because of an agreement with the Dutch colonialists and the urging of an emergency during the war of independence in 1945- 1949. Until Jakarta became the capital of the State of Indonesia again to this day along with the transfer of Indonesian sovereignty from the Netherlands on December 27, 1949 which is in effect today. A series of history explains that the determination of Jakarta as the capital of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is a de facto habit and government practice.

In 1961, Jakarta was designated de jure as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 2 of 1961 jo. PNPS Law No. 2 of 1961. Continuing to determine the law in making Jakarta a Special Capital Region (DKI), from Law no. 11 of 1990, Law no. 34 of 1999 until the last is Law no. 29 of 2007 concerning the Provincial Government of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta as the Capital of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Although the legislation that has been enacted has not yet regulated the State Capital. So in moving the Indonesian capital, of course the president does not have legislative authority, namely the DPR (Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2020).


Currently, there are 560 members of the DPR who were inaugurated by the president based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.17 of 2014. Members of the DPR come from various political parties that have been elected by the Indonesian people through general elections. Each member of the DPR then has a five-year term in either one commission. For members of the DPR who cannot complete their term of office for 5 years or stop in the middle of their term of office, they will be replaced with other legislative candidates who take part in the General Legislative Elections through Interim Replacement (EIR).


|146| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 Based on the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 20A paragraph (1), there are three functions of the DPR in carrying out their duties. The first function is the legislative function, as a legislative body, of course the DPR has the authority to make laws. Next is the function of the budget, the DPR emphasizes its position, namely with the existence of authority that the DPR can change the RAPBN and determine the APBN for the welfare of the people. The position of the DPR RI is central in determining the APBN, because if the DPR RI does not approve the RAPBN proposed by the President, then the government will carry out the previous year's APBN. The last function of the DPR is supervision, of course the DPR supervises the implementation of laws, oversees the budget, and implements government and development policies by the government. The affirmation of the functions and rights of the DPR RI as well as the rights of members of the DPR RI in the 1945 Constitution is very supportive in seeking to carry out the duties of the DPR RI for the purpose of being in accordance with what the people expect. The details of the functions of the DPR RI are (RI, 2016):

Legislative Function:

1. Compile the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) 2. Compile and Draft Law (RUU)

3. Accept the bill submitted by the DPD (related to regional autonomy; central and regional relations; formation, division and merger of regions; management of natural resources and other SDEs; as well as financial balance between central and regional)

4. Discuss the Bill proposed by the President or DPD 5. Establish laws together with the President

6. Approve or disapprove a government regulation in lieu of a law (submitted by the President) to be enacted into a law

Budget Function:

1. Give approval for the Bill on the State Budget (submitted by the President)

2. Paying attention to the DPD's consideration of the Bill on the State Budget and bills related to taxes, education and religion

3. Follow up on the results of audits on the management and accountability of state finances submitted by BPK


|147| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 4. Give approval for the transfer of state assets and for agreements that have a broad

impact on people's lives related to the burden on state finances Oversight function

1. Supervise the implementation of laws, state budgets and government policies 2. Discuss and follow up on the results of supervision submitted by the DPD (related

to the implementation of the Law on regional autonomy, formation, division and merger of regions, management of natural resources and other SDEs, implementation of the state budget, taxes, education and religion)


In maintaining the truth in this paper, this journal requires appropriate guidelines and sources in writing this journal. What is special about this journal is that it is based on legal products, so in this paper it will try to write down the suitability of the contents with the data obtained through previous research sources and the development of the issues being discussed.

The research method taken in this journal is using qualitative research methods with a decision study (library search), namely by taking sources from the library or taken from journals on the internet. The journals taken are about the three functions of the DPR and the transfer of the new capital city.


Moving the New Capital City of Indonesia

Based on Law Article 5 No. 29 of 2007 concerning the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, the Law explains that DKI Jakarta Province has a role as the Capital of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which has specific duties, rights, obligations and responsibilities in administering the government. The specificity of Jakarta is not only a privilege, but a responsibility, such as all the affairs of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government directly to the President of the Republic of Indonesia covering the fields of spatial planning, natural resources, the environment, population control, settlement, transportation, industry, trade and tourism. The Governor is directly responsible to the President regarding the authority and government in the DKI Jakarta Province.

As an explanation of the history of Jakarta which is a legacy from the Dutch colonial era, it is not wrong to say that Jakarta is old, which is even longer than the independence of the State of Indonesia. An expert on urban planning, namely, Yeremias T. Keban. He believes that


|148| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 complex problems in Jakarta can be solved without having to move the capital city. The answer to this problem is to relocate the infrastructure causing the problems in Jakarta.

However, if you look at the success stories of other countries in relocating the national capital, such as Malaysia, whose former capital was Kuala Lumpur, moving to Putrajaya, Germany, whose capital city was in Bonn, moved to Berlin, Australia from Melbourne to Canberra, Valladolid to Madrid. The city of Spain, Japan whose capital city was Kyoto moved to Tokyo, and the United States of America, which was originally the capital city of New York, moved to Washington D.C. (Hutasoit, 2018).

And plans for moving the capital city of Indonesia had previously been proposed during the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. During the campaign for the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province in 2007, discussions began to discuss the relocation of the capital city of Indonesia, followed by a disaster in Jakarta, namely the great flood that occurred in February 2007. The relocation of the capital city of Indonesia certainly requires careful planning, discourse and all planning for the transfer. The capital city of Indonesia from Jakarta to Kalimantan is not an easy decision. Of course, moving the capital city of Indonesia to Kalimantan through various considerations. The president cannot do it alone, of course, the president needs various government institutions in preparation for the relocation of the Indonesian State City Ibo. The DPR as an institution that has 3 functions has certainly played a large role in moving the capital city of Indonesia (Rukmana, 2010).

The Legislative Function of the DPR in Regulating Legislation for the Transfer of the Indonesian National Capital

In the constitution, the President does not have absolute authority in matters of relocating the Indonesian State Capital, so all matters of relocating the State Capital must obtain approval from the DPR, so that the President cannot make decisions unilaterally in relocating the Capital City without the approval of other institutions. In moving the capital city out of Java to Kalimantan, it must go through clear laws and regulations so that detailed planned capital city transfers can be carried out. The stage that has been carried out in the matter of moving the capital city is sending a Presidential Letter (Surpres) on the Bill on the Transfer of the State Capital (RUU IKN). If the bill is approved, the next step is development. As stated by the Expert Staff of the Minister of National Development Planning in the Field of Institutional Relations at the 2019 FGD with the DPR RI Expertise Agency, the implementation


|149| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 of the relocation of the National Capital was carried out from the preparation and completion of studies, the NA draft and the IKN Bill which were carried out from 2017-2019 . Of course, in this case the DPR performs its legislative function. The President submits the Bill to the DPR in accordance with what is contained in Law No. 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation. What follows in 2020 is the enactment of the IKN Law, implementing and institutional regulations, preparation of the City Master Plan and Regional Technical Planning.

In 2021, land provision will begin, preparation of DED (Detailed Engineering Design) for the area and Ground Breaking for the Development of the New National Capital City. Only then will the construction of the core area of the Central Government and parts of the IKN area be carried out in 2022 to 2024. And the last is the beginning of moving the State Capital in 2024 (Rozak, n.d.).

The Function of the DPR's Budget in Relocating the State Capital

Judging from the budget, of course, the budget is very much needed in moving the New Capital City of Indonesia. In accordance with the opinion of the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the Development Planning Agency in the National Dialogue, it was explained that financing for the relocation of the capital city of Bru came from three sources, namely the State Budget, Government Cooperation with Business Entities and the last is with the private sector. Constitutionally, the APBN budget is the management budget of the state whose rules have been determined based on the law article 23 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Based on these constitutional provisions, in the case of the budget for moving the New Capital, of course this must await approval from various parties. So the role of the DPR in terms of the budget is in accordance with the applicable constitution because it returns to the existence of the DPR as a regulator. In accordance with one of the functions of the DPR, namely the budget function which is contained in article 20 A of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In Article 70 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 17 of 2014 it is stated that the meaning of the DPR's budget function is that in practice the DPR gives approval or not to the draft law APBN submitted by the President. Furthermore, it is also contained in Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning State Finance, in the Law it is explained that the DPR has a central role. This means that in making decisions regarding the APBN in the transfer of a new IKN, of course, approval still needs to be obtained from DPR (Hadi &

Ristawati, 2020).


|150| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 From the enactment of the IKN Bill in the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) as a priority for 2021, it was able to cause commotion from three of the nine factions of the DPR RI. The PKS faction, the Democratic Party faction and the PAN faction criticized the plan to relocate the National Capital because the construction of the IKN required enormous funds.

Due to the discussion on IKN during the Covid'19 pandemic, they thought that budgeting should be focused on handling Covid'19. However, the government, through Bappenas, replied that 99% of the budget for moving the capital city would come from the private sector.

Previously, funding for relocating the State Capital came from the APBN scheme, Public Private Partnership (PPP) and through the private sector. Apart from that, the government is of the opinion that the construction of the IKN can be an economic driver and useful in restoring the citizens' economy which has been down as a result of the pandemic.

The opinion above is contrary to the opinion of INDEF researchers, INDEF researchers consider that the IKN development project is not important. Because economic recovery does not have to be done by moving the State Capital because economic equality can only be done through equity from various regions. Given that the DPR RI and the government have determined the IKN Bill as a priority for the 2021 bill, all plans must still be implemented.

The government considers that the issue of several parties disapproving of moving the National Capital (IKN) due to a pandemic can be answered easily. There is a clear regulation set in May 2021 which has submitted a draft bill and IKN academic paper. Regarding the government budget, 99% of the financing for the construction of IKN will be charged to private funds, although previously Bappenas stated that the IKN development project would cost up to Rp. 466.98 trillion using APBN scheme financing of Rp. 91.29 trillion; PPPs amounted to 252.46 trillion and private parties amounted to 123.23 trillion. Of course, this budget has been planned through the approval of the DPR RI in accordance with article 24 of the RI Bill on the State Capital (Katharina, 2021).

In fact, until now, IKN changes have not found significant importance. Of course, the community wants economic recovery first after COID-19 rather than focusing on a desire for the President's political legacy in 2024. Even so, in fact the desire for IKN has been announced since 2019 which actually existed long before the discourse was launched. The government, which has promised that IKN development will not burden the state budget, is in reality quite different from what has been promised. The size of the IKN development range that costs Rp.

466 Trillion focuses on APBN funds amounting to 53.3%, the rest comes from private funds,


|151| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 namely from Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) and SOEs, only 46.7%. And what's more, the development of the IKN core area is entirely supported by the state budget.

Of course this confirms the government's inconsistent attitude (“Catatan Kritis Pelanggaran HAM di Balik Pemindahan Ibu Kota Baru,” 2022).

The Oversight Function of the DPR RI in the Relocation of the State Capital

Constitutionally, the function of oversight of the DPR is the implementation of laws and the state budget. In terms of the institutional duties of the DPR commission in its oversight as regulated in the MD3 Amendment Bill, it includes (Sekjen DPR-RI, 2014) :

a. Supervise the implementation of the Act as well as the APBN and its implementing regulations.

b. Discuss and follow up on inspection results, as well as presentation and quality of reports

c. Provide input to the BPK in terms of the annual audit work plan, audit barriers, as well as the presentation and quality of reports.

d. Supervise government policies and

e. Discuss and follow up on proposals from DPD.

The mechanism for conducting supervision is through:

1. Working Meeting (Raker) 2. consultation with DPD 3. Hearing Meeting (RDP) 4. Public Hearing Meeting 5. Working Visit.

From the explanation above, it can be interpreted that in supervising the development of the New Capital City, they must also go through these stages. Through the media source medcom.id Tuesday, February 4, 2020, Jakarta, the Minister of State Development Planning (PPN)/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa explained that the supervision of the new capital was carried out directly by the Indonesian Parliament. According to Suharso, the capital city will be led by a regional head who is specifically appointed by the central government. Because it is carried out by the center, the supervision will be carried out directly by the DPR RI, there is no Provincial DPRD or City Regency DPRD. This opinion was expressed by Suharso in a


|152| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 meeting at the House of Representatives Commission XI, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 4, 2020.

From the explanation above, the DPR RI will carry out its function as a supervisor. This means that the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia has really taken on many roles in the relocation of the National Capital. From the making of the Law, funding to the implementation of the DPR RI, it must carry out direct supervision in the implementation of the transfer of IKN (medcom.id).

Anis Byarwati as a member of Commission XI of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia studied the issue of the Capital of the Archipelago (IKN), which turned out to be in its development until 2022, it could only produce 1 Law, 1 Government Regulation and 4 Presidential Regulations, which means the government certainly needs to recalculate the budget for IKN. Anis also explained that funds from the APBN in 2023 should be more focused on more important and urgent needs in facing global challenges and weakening economic conditions. It is known that IKN development funds come from the private sector but in the course of development it turns out that as much as 56% of IKN development funds come from the APBN. Which means that there is a discrepancy between the provisions of the legislation and the reality of the budget, of course, as the DPR as the supervisory function bearer, of course, it must recalculate the budget so that it does not continue until the IKN is completed (dpr.go.id). The function of the DPR in supervising, of course, is not only overseeing the progress of IKN development, of course, the DPR must also review and hold meetings before the course of IKN development, even the making of laws must also be thoroughly studied.


The DPR has three functions, namely the legislative function, the budget function and the supervisory function. These functions are carried out in detail in the plan to move the Indonesian National Capital which was previously in Jakarta to Kalimantan. From the Legislative Function, the President submits the IKN Bill to the DPR RI after the President receives a Presidential Decree from the government. Furthermore, the DPR must also carry out the budgeting and finally, the DPR RI must carry out direct supervision of the implementation of the transfer of the New State Capital. This means that the DPR is taking a role in moving the new capital city, which of course still takes into account all the aspirations of the people


|153| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 because moving the Indonesian capital city from Jakarta to Kalimantan invites pros and cons from various groups.

The inconsistent budget for the development of IKN casts a bad image for the Indonesian people in discussing the burden of the budget which should not focus on the inappropriate APBN. Of course in this case the DPR does not place strictness on the applicable regulations and this has implications for the legislative function where the DPR does not have firmness and of course it can be drawn that the DPR's oversight function should also be able to oversee the funding that has been planned.


|154| The 2nd Interrnational Conference Sociology, Univetsity of Mataram | 2022 Daftar Pustaka

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Hidayat, AR Rohman Taufik; Iskandar, Wahyu; Iresha, Fajri Mulya; Rivai, Reza Ramdan;

Wikantyoso, Bramantyo; Cipta, Hairi; Yogaswara, Gugi; Sabrian, Panggea; Nugroho, Ginaldi Ari; Rahadianto, Haris; Munir, Misbahul; Pamadiken, Luna Bellina; Aulia, Meutia N, Y. (2020). Pustaka Aditya : Perpindahan Ibu Kota Negara di Mata Diaspora Jepang.



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