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The Effectiveness of Mind Mapping and Group Discussion to Increase the Students’ Speaking Ability (A Quasi Experimental Research of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in Academic Year of 2015/ 2016) - Test Repository


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(A Quasi Experimental Research of the Eighth Grade

Students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in Academic Year of

2015/ 2016)


Submitted to Board Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.PD.I) English Education Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Written by :








“In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the most Merciful”

Hereby the writer fully declares that this graduating paper is made by the writer and it is not containing materials written or has been publishing by other people except the information from references and also the writer is capable of accounting for this graduating paper if in future this is can be proved of containing others’ ideas or in fact, the writer imitates the others’ graduating


In addition, the writer really hopes that this declaration can be understood for all human being.

Salatiga, March 3rd 2016 The Researcher


iii SetiaRini, M. Pd

The lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Case: Atikah Rusydinas’Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting AtikahRusydinas’ graduating paper entitled“THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MIND MAPPING AND GROUP DISCUSSION TO INCREASE THE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY (A Quasi Experimental Research of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen

in Academic Year of 2015/ 2016)”

I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga,March 2nd 2016 Counselor





DISCUSSION TO INCREASE THE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY (A Quasi Experimental Research of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1

Bawen in Academic Year of 2015/ 2016)”


NIM: 11311111

has been brought to the board of examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on March 21st 2016 and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education.

Board of examiners

Head :Rr. DewiWahyuMustikasari, M. Pd_______________

Secretary :SetiaRini, M.Pd _______________

First examiner : Dr. Sa’adi, M. Ag _______________ Second examiner :RifqiAuliaErlangga, M. Hum _______________

Salatiga March 21st 2016 Dean of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty
















All praise due to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful because of His wonderful blessing and His mercy, the writer can finish this graduating paper requirement for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Peace and Salutation always be given for Nabi Muhammad Saw, who changed the darkness and bloomer period to be bright and blessing for the muslims. We hope that we will get his blessing in the Judgment day.

However, this success would not be achieved whitout the support, guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individuals and institutions. Therefore, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to:

1. Dr. RahmatHariyadi, M.Pd., as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.



4. FaizalRisdiyanto, SS, M.Hum., as the Academic Counselor, thanks for the support, suggestion and guidance.

5. SetiaRini, M.Pd., as the counselor, who educated, supported, directed and given many advices to the researcher from beginning to the end of this graduating paper.

6. All lecturers of IAIN Salatiga. 7. All official staffs of IAIN Salatiga.

8. My teacher counselor of SMP N 1 Bawen, BapakSukoEdiyono, S.Pd and the headmaster of SMP N 1 Bawen, BapakHargito, M.Pd.

9. All members of SMP N 1 Bawen, especially class 8B and 8F.

10.All of my friends, my beloved people, who help me to finish this graduating paper.

11.Those that cannot be mentioned one by one, thanks for supporting me.

Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers.

Salatiga, March 3rd 2016 The Writer


ix Education Department.State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.Counselor :SetiaRini, M.Pd

Keyword: Speaking Ability, Mind Mapping, Group Discussion.




TITLE PAGE ………...i




MOTTO ………v

DEDICATION ………....vi

ACKNOWLEDGE ………....vii




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research………....1

B. Problems Statement ………5

C. Objectives of the Study ………...5

D. Limitation of the Study………..………..5

E. Benefits of the Study ………6

F. Definition of the Key Terms ………...7

G. Review of the Previous Research ………9

H. Outline of the Graduating Paper ……….10




2. Benefits of Mind Mapping ……….………..11

3. Characteristics of Mind Map ………...………….12

4. Steps to Make a Mind Map …...………...12

B. Group Discussion………14

1. General Concept of Group ………….……….………..14 2. General Concept of Discussion ……….………...15

C. Speaking ……….……18

1. General Concept of Speaking ………...18

2. Types of Speaking ………18

3. Elements of Speaking ………...20

4. Classroom Speaking Activities ……….21

5. Characteristics of Good Speaking……….24

6. Factors of Good Speaking……….25


1. Independent Variable ………34

2. Dependent Variable ………..34

G. Data Source ………...34

1. Primary ……….…34

2. Secondary ……….35

H. Technique of Data Collection ……….35

1. Test ………...35

2. Observation ………...37

3. Documentation ……….38

I. Technique of Data Analysis ………...38



1. Preparation ………39

2. Implementation ……….40

K. Hypothesis Testing ……….41

L. Decision of Hypothesis Testing ………..42

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION A. Implementation of Mind Mapping to Increase Students’ Speaking Ability in Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Bawen…………..…………...43

1. Experimental Group ……….44

a. Pre-test ………..44

b. Treatment ………..46

c. Post-test ……….49

2. Comparison Group ………...51

a. Pre-test ………..51

b. Treatment ………..54

c. Post-test ……….55

B. Effectiveness of Mind Mapping and Group Discussion to Increase Students’ Speaking Ability………..57

1. Experimental Group ……….58

2. Comparison Group ………...59

C. Discussion of Data Analysis ………...64

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion ………...………...68

B. Suggestion ………..69 REFERENCES



Table 3.6 Implementation of Experimental Class………... 40

Table 3.7 Implementation of Comparison class……….. .40

Table4.1 Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Pre-Test Experimental Group……….. .44

Table 4.2 Score of Students’ Speaking Skill in Pre – test Experimental Group (8B)………. 45

Table 4.3 Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Post-Test Experimental Group……….. 49

Table 4.4 Score of Students’ Speaking Skill in Post – test Experimental Group…... 50

Table 4.5 Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Pre-Test ComparisonGroup………... 52

Table 4.6 Score of Students’ Speaking Skill in Pre – test Comparison Group…… 52

Table 4.7 Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Post-Test Comparison Group……….. 55

Table 4.8 Score of Students’ Speaking Skill in Post – testComparison Group……. 56

Table 4.9 Difference score of Pre-test and Post-test Experimental Group…………. 58

Table 4.10 Difference score of Pre-test and Post-test Comparison Group……….. 59

Table 4.11 Score of Students’ Speaking Skill Pre-test and Post-test Experimental and Comparison Group……… 61

Table 4.12Comparison of Pre-test (First Achievement) Experimental and Comparison Group……….. 65




A. Background of the Research

Speaking is one of the language skills that are learned in studying foreign language. Besides listening, reading and writing, speaking is an important skill that should be mastered by language learners. By speaking, learners will know how to express their feeling and their ideas orally.

In the globalization era, learning English becomes an important thing after English has been decided as the international language. Indonesian is one of the citizens who learn English as the foreign language. According to Fauziati (2005: 169), in Indonesia in the past English was only taught in secondary school. In current years, teaching English is expanding into primary or elementary school setting. However, in this reality most of students in Indonesia do not speak English fluently.



grammar, vocabularies, spelling, pronunciation, fluency etc, correctly. These have been some of many factors that make English is difficult to be mastered by foreign language learners. This is also clarified by Brown and Yule (1983: 25) that, “learning to talk in the foreign language is often considered being one of the most difficult aspects of language learning for the teacher to help the students with.”

Besides that, one of the other factors that make speaking English is difficult is teaching technique. The English teaching and learning process in SMP Negeri 1 Bawen especially at eighth year, teacher asks the students to memorize the text in speaking (Soko, interview, September 30th 2015). While, memorizing the text might be appropriate with the students who have the good ability to remember, but it does not appropriate with the students who are easy to be bored. Moreover, sometimes students do not understand the aim of the text which has been memorized by them. According to Afifah, one of the students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in the eighth year, the process of teaching and learning in English class is fun because the teacher adds the humors when he explains the materials, but most of the students do not understand the material. It was because the teacher still uses conventional technique.



such as: making a good atmosphere in the classroom, improving students’ speaking skill and students are interested in English, many activities can be practiced and applied by teachers.

Considering the explanation mentioned, the writer wants to give a solution especially to improve students speaking ability. The solution is applying mind mapping for speaking skill. According to Tony Buzan (2006: 6), mind map is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of the brain. This method is considered as the effective technique to be applied in learning and teaching language. The lines, colours and pictures which are made by students’ self in mind mapping make students can learn the language creatively appropriate with their imagination. Besides that, students do not need to make long note when they want to prepare their presentation in speaking. This technique will help them to understand and memorize the vocabularies more easily, so they can speak English fluently.



The mastery of speaking will not be useful if learners can not apply it in society. “Professionally, the higher people go in any organization (government, service, manufacturing, education, or whatever). The more time people will spend to work as a member of group.” (Adams and Galanes, 2006: 4). Clearly, knowing and practicing how to work in a group can be practical and beneficial to learners. In speaking class, group-discussion is considered as the exact technique. In the social function, group discussion will make the language learners coach them self to take upon say their idea and coach them self to accept the suggestion.

From the explanation above, the researcher assumes that applying mind mapping and group discussion are the exact technique in improving students’ speaking ability. Further, the researcher would like to know the effectiveness of mind mapping and group discussion in improving students’ speaking ability. The students in this research are eighth year students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen.

Based on the explanation mentioned, the writer is interested in conducting a research about “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MIND MAPPING AND GROUP DISCUSSION TO INCREASE THE

STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY (A Quasi Experimental Research

of the Eighth Year Students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in academic year


5 B. Problems Statement

Based on the background of the study above, many problems arise. Some problems that can be identified are as follows:

1. How far is the students’ achievement in speaking ability of the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in academic year of 2015/2016? 2. What method is more effective between mind mapping and discussion

groups in increasing the students’ speaking ability of the eighth year of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in the academic year 2015/2016?

C. Objectives of the Study

Generally, the purpose of this research is to increase the student achievement in speaking skill. Specifically, the purposes of this research are to get information about:

1. To find out the achievement of students’ speaking ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in the academic year of 2015/ 2016.

2. To measure which one more effective between mind mapping and group discussion to increase students’ speaking ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in the academic year of 2015/ 2016.

D. Limitation of the Study

In order to make this research is more focus, the research limits the study as follow:



2. The research is carried out to the eighth students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in academic 2015/2016.

3. The research is limited in Mind map and group discussion method. E. Benefits of The Study

1. Theoretically

The result of this research can be used as the supplementary reference in the development of teaching and learning speaking methods.

2. Practically

a. For the students

The students can be motivated to learn English creatively, because they use their imagination, so it can be interesting for the students.

b. For the teacher

This research has the benefit for teacher to know which one the effective methods that can be applied to improve the students’ speaking skill. The method that was used in the research process can be used as the reference for the teacher to teach English.

c. For the school


7 F. Definition of Key Terms

1. Mind Mapping

Mind map is an expression of radiant thinking and uses line, symbol, words and pictures; based on the set of simple rules and natural toward the human mind. By using mind map, the list of information that are so long and boring can changed into colorful diagram and make easy to remember (Buzan, 2009: 7).

2. Group Discussion

Group discussion may be composed of three to five students. The main aim of group discussion is to improve fluency, and grammar is probably best allowed to function as a naturally communicative context (Fauziati, 2005: 134).

3. Speaking Ability

“Speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-takers listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral production test”. Brown (2004: 140).


8 G. Review of the Previous Research

In this research, the researcher takes two of the previous researches. The first is the research that had been done by Siti Nurjanah entitled “Improving Writing Skill in Analytical Exposition Text Through Mind Mapping Strategy (Classroom Action Research for The Eleventh Grades of SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga in Academic Years of 2011/2012” . The purpose of Siti Nurjanahs’ research is to find out the implementation of mind mapping and whether mind mapping can improve the students’ writing skill especially in analytical exposition text. The result of that research is mind mapping strategy has been proven can improve the percentage of students’ writing skill especially in analytical exposition text.



Meanwhile, this research is conducted in order to know the effectiveness of the implementation of mind mapping and group discussion technique to increase students’ speaking ability in the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen. To find out the significant effectiveness between mind mapping and group discussion technique to increase speaking ability, this research applies quasi experimental research. The objects of this research are two classes in the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Bawen using purposive sampling. The research design which is used in this research is Non-eqquivalent group designs which is the data is measured before and after applies the treatment.

H. Outline of the Graduating Paper

This graduating paper consists of five chapters, each chapter discusses as follow:

Chapter one is an Introduction. This chapter explains about the background of the research, problem statement, the objectives of the study, the limitation of the study, benefits of the study, the definition of key terms, review of the previous research and the outline of this research.

Chapter two is Theoretical Framework which discuses about the definitions of mind mapping, group discussion and speaking ability.



Chapter four explains about the Data analysis which has been collected. This chapter will present the data and the result of the pre-test and post-test from experimental and Comparison group.

Chapter five is closure that is contained conclusion of the research and suggestions.




A. Mind Mapping

1. Definition of Mind Map

Mind mapping is the method to make a note about the material that have been studied. According to Bobbi DePorter, Mark Reardon and Sarah Singer Nourine (2008: 175), this method can help someone to remember speech and reading, increase the understanding about some materials, help in organizing some materials and give the new concepts because there are any key words and key pictures in a topic. Further, mind mapping is the creative way for students to produce the ideas, recording the materials that have been studied, even planning projects. Moreover, Tony Buzan (2006: 13) argues that mind map is a system of access and retrieval of data that is really great for giant library that is in amazing brain.

2. Benefits of Mind Mapping

The benefit of mind mapping is flexible, it means that brain be able to move fluently to all of direction (Buzan, 2003: 97). According to Buzan (2007:80) mind mapping helps the students in terms of:

a. Plan

b. Communicate


12 d. Saves time

e. Solving the problem f. Focus on learning

g. Develop and clarify thoughts h. Remember better

Moreover, according to Bobbi DePorter and Mike Hernacki (1999: 173), mind mapping also has some benefits, such as: flexible, can focus on notice, increase the understanding and fun method

3. Characteristics of Mind Map

Mind map is made up of words, colours, lines and pictures. Generally, mind maps take a hierarchical or tree branch format with ideas branching into their subsection. Their visual basis help one to distinguish words or ideas. It is very easy to construct. Mind map can help one to:

a. Remember better

b. Come up with brilliant ideas c. Save times in taking notes d. More fun in taking notes 4. Steps to Make a Mind Map

There are five steps to make a mind map according to Tony Buzan (2009):



b. Draw a picture in the middle of the page that sums up the main subject. The picture represents the main topic.

c. Draw some thick curved, connected ines curing away from the picture in the middle of the page, one for each of the main ideas you have about your subject. The central branches represent the main ideas about the subject. The central branches represent the main sub-topic.

d. Name of these ideas and if wanted, draw a little picture of each- this used both sides of the brain. Words are underlines throughout a Mind map. This is because they are key words, and the underlining as in normal notes, show their importance.

e. From each of these ideas, draw other connected lines spreading like the branches of a tree. Add the thoughts on each of these ideas. These additional braches represent the details.

Picture 1.1 Example of Mind Map


14 B. Group Discussion

1. General Concept of Group

According to Adams and Galanes (2006: 11), group is three or more individuals who have a common purpose, interact with each other, influence each other, and are interdependent. Being in a group means that people have interdependent relationships, and these relationships are the essence of being in a group. Further, Ann Margaret Trautlein characterizes the social collective, or usually we call as “groups”, in three metaphors:

a. “Rock” groups describe collections of animate or inanimate objects grouped by one or more common characteristics. Member of rock groups are no sense of any collective identity or purpose, there is no perceived relationship between members by the members. These might include females on a city bus, red roses on a vine, and so on. b. “Egg” groups have all the elements to become living, breathing

social groups, but for some reason have not done so. They may even share common rules for behavior and they interact one each other, but they do not act each other. They act independently and have individual goal. They include a collection of people waiting in line to see a movie, sitting in the classroom listening to a presentation, and so on.



to these elements, they identify with their group and demonstrate accountability toward each other.

2. General Concept of Discussion

Discussion method in teaching is a strategy for achieving instructional objectives that involves a group of persons, usually in roles of moderator and participant, who communicate with each other using speaking, nonverbal, and listening processes. (Gall and Gillet, 2001: 99)

a. Purposes of discussion

According to Gall and Gillet (2001: 99), there are some purposes of discussion method:

1) As the subject matter mastery

Subject matter mastery discussion are characterized by teacher questions at the comprehension, analysis, application, synthesis and evaluation levels of the taxonomy of cognitive objectives.

2) Issue-oriented discussion


16 3) Problem-solving discussion

Discussion can be used by teacher to help students solve problems. One criterion of a problems-solving discussion is the quality of the solution. Another criterion is the extent of commitment that students have toward the solution. The third criterion is found in brainstorming. Students aim at generating a large quantity of solutions while with holding critism. Then, the list of generated solutions is critically evaluated to select the best one.

b. Types of discussion technique

Many types of discussion technique can be applied in language class. There are some techniques of discussion according to Harmer (2001:272)

1) Buzz group

In this type of discussion, the discussion is implemented by three until seven peoples. They are has a same chance for quick to think of ideas and the language to express them before being asked to talk in front of the class.

2) Instant comment


17 3) Formal debate

In formal debate, the students prepare arguments in favor or against various propositions, so that, when the debate starts, the panel speakers produce speakers produce well-rehearsed „writing like arguments whereas the audiences pitch in with their own thoughts on the subject as the debate progresses. 4) Balloon debate

It is kind of debate in which the student take on the role of a real-life person which is intentionally made based on a scenario and they have to think arguments about what they should do.

c. Benefit of Discussion Technique

In speaking class, the discussion is needed very much to stimulate students’ speaking ability. This is because by discussion students are tried to develop their critical thinking orally in their group especially. Moreover, McGonigal (2005: 1) state that the advantages of discussion are:

1) Increase the students comfort with specialized language and methods of a field

2) Develop the critical thinking


18 C. Speaking

1. General Concept of Speaking

Speaking is productive skill where the speaker produces something through utterance to convey their meaning and intention to the listener. Listening and speaking are almost always closely interrelated. As assumed by Brown (2004:140),

“Speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test-taker’s listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an oral production test.”

Moreover, the art of speaking is the single most important aspects of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language. (Nunan, 1991: 39).

2. Types of Speaking

In the functional analysis of speaking, Bygates (1987) in Nunan (1991: 40) suggests that oral interaction can be characterized in term of routines which are conventional (an therefore predictable) ways of presenting information

Brown (2004: 141-142), stated that there are five categorizes of speaking performance assessment tasks, described as follows:

a. Imitative



phrase or sentence. The important thing here is focusing on pronunciation.

b. Intensive

It is the production of short stretches of oral language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow band grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological relationship. This is the students’ speaking performance that is practicing some phonological and grammatical aspects of language. Usually it places students doing the tasks in group work, for examples: directed response tasks, reading aloud, sentence and dialogue completion, limited picture-cued tasks including simple sequences, and translation up to the simple sentence level.

c. Responsive

Responsive assessment tasks include interaction and test comprehension but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversations, standard, greeting and small talk, simple requests and comments, and the like. For example:

Jeff : Hey, Stef, how’s it going? Stef : Not bad, and yourself? Jeff : I’m good.


20 d. Interactive

It is similar with the previous category which is representative, however it is different in the length and complexity of the interaction, which someone includes multiple exchanges and/or multiple participants.

e. Extensive

Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral presentations, and storytelling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited (perhaps for nonverbal response) or ruled out together. Usually, teacher gives the students extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, storytelling and short speeches.

3. Elements of Speaking

The ability to speak fluently depends on how the speaker produces utterance to convey their meaning. Harmer (2001: 269) states that the ability to speak fluently presupposes not only a knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and language “on the spot‟. In order to do so, there are some elements that should be considered by the speaker. Those elements for spoken production are described by Harmer (2001: 269-270) as follows:



(linking), or weakened (through constructions and stress patterning). It is for this reason that we should involve students in activities designed specifically to improve their connected speech.

b. Expressive devices: native speaker of English change the pith and stress of particular parts of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are feeling(especially in face-to-face interactions).

c. Lexis and grammar: spontaneous speech id marked by the use of a number of commons lexical phrases, especially in the performance of certain language functions.

d. Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiator language we use to seek clarification and show the structure of what we are saying. We often need to ask for clarification when we are listening to someone else talks and it is very crucial for students.

4. Classroom Speaking Activities

Many of the classroom activities is applied by teacher in language learning process. Bellow, the most widely classroom speaking activities used according to Harmer (2001: 271-275):

a. Acting from a script



front of the class. When choosing this activity, teacher should not choose the shyest student first, because teachers need to work to create the right kind of supportive atmosphere in the class.

b. Communication games

Games are designed to provoke communication between students. The games are made based on the principle of the information gap so that one student has to talk to a partner in order to solve a puzzle, draw a picture, put a thing in the right order, or find similarities and differences between pictures. Television and radio games, imported into the classroom, often provide good fluency activities.

c. Discussion


23 d. Prepared talks

Prepared talk is a popular kind of activity where a student (or students) makes a presentation on a topic of their own choice. Such talks are not designed for informal spontaneous conversation, they are more like writing activity. However, if possible, students should speak from notes rather than from a script.

e. Questionnaires

Questionnaires are useful because, by being pre-planed, they ensure that both questioner and respondent have something to say to each other. They may well encourage the natural use of certain repetitive language patterns and thus be situated in the middle of teacher.

f. Simulation and role-play

In this activity, students ‘stimulate’ a real-life encounter (such as: a business meeting, an encounter in airplane cabin, or an interview) as if they were doing so in the real world. Simulation and role-play can be used to encourage general oral fluency, or to train student for specific situation.

For a simulation to work it must, according to Ken Jones in Harmer (2001: 204) have the following characteristics:



2) A simulates environment: the teacher says that the classroom is an airport check-in area, for example.

3) Structure: students must see how the activity is constructed and they must be given the necessary information to carry out the simulation effectively.

5. Characteristics of Good Speaking

a. Learners talk a lot

As much as possible of the period of time allocated to the activity is in fact occupied by learners talk. This may be obvious, but often most time is taken up with teacher’s talk or pauses.

b. Participant is even

Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talk active participants. It means that all students get a chance to speak and contributions are fairly evenly distributed.

c. Motivation is high

Learners are eager to speak because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or they want to contribute to achieve a task objective.


Language is of an acceptable level





In this research, 68 students from eighth grade of SMP N 1 Bawen in the academic year of 2015/2016 are invited as the respondents. They were consist of 34 students as the experimental group, who are taught using Mind Mapping and 34 students as the comparison group, who are taught using Group Discussion.

This chapter will present the data and the analysis from the result of pre-test and post-test both from experimental and comparison groups. This chapter discovered the problems in chapter I there are: whether the implementation of mind mapping and group discussion to increase students speaking ability or not and the significant effectiveness before and after teaching speaking using mind mapping and group discussion. To answer the question of these problems, the list of the students and their score of speaking are showed in this chapter. These score will be classified the mean, standard deviation and counted the percentage based on students performance. Finally, the writer determined the table of t-value for significant difference of the research.

A. Implementation of Mind Mapping to Increase Students’ Speaking Ability in

Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Bawen



1. Experimental Group

a. Pre-test

The pre-test of experimental group was conducted on November 24th 2015. In the pre-test, students as the respondents were asked to describe their idol one by one in front of class. The students’ speaking ability was scored using five scales speaking rubric presented in chapter II. The result of the pre-test can be seen on the table below:

Table 4.1

Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Pre-Test

Experimental Group

Classification Score Rating Frequency Percentage

Excellent 14- 16 4 0 0%

Very good 11-13 3 10 29%

Good 8-10 2 14 41%

Fairly good 5-7 1 10 29%

Poor <4 0 0 0%

N= 34 100%

The percentage was counted using the formula bellow:

Percentage= 100%



Table 4.2

Score of Students’ Speaking Skill in Pre – test





were asked to make simple mind map based on that text. The researcher walked around checked and helped groups’ problem in make simple mind map.

In the last minutes of the meeting, all students in experimental group were invited to make simple present tense using mind mapping. Simple present tense was more emphasized, because to describe something has to use this formula. In the implementation of this activity, each student was given one blank paper and one colour felt-tip marker. The researcher explained the steps to make mind map. Every the researcher as the teacher explained one step, at the same time the students practiced it on their paper directly. In order to get various colour as the characteristic of mind mapping, after every steps have been practiced, the students gave their colour felt-tip marker to other student at the next table. Every the teacher said “Move!” at the third quantification the felt-tip must be moved. There the steps of this last activity of the treatment:

1. Write “Simple Present Tense” at the center of the blank paper as interest they can.

2. Move the felt-tip marker.

3. Make two bold connected lines. Move the felt-tip marker.

4. Write “Verba sentence” on the first connected line and “Nomina sentence” on other connected line. Move the felt-tip marker.



6. In order t know the differences between verba and nomina sentence directly, make a connected line as the continuation of nomina sentence. Write “S+tobe+O” as the formula of nomina sentence. Move the felt-tip marker.

7. The students make connected lines as the continuation of nomina sentence to explain some kinds of object/ complement. There are: noun, adjective and adverb. The teacher gave one example of each kind, the students were asked to add the other examples. If they were enabling, they add the key picture in each word, for example: draw little door at the word door as the example of noun. Move the felt-tip marker.

8. From the formula of nomina sentence, Students made one special connected line and write their own sentence as the examples of nomina sentence. Move the felt-tip marker.

9. After made the explanation of nomina sentence, the students were focused to verba sentence. They made connected lines as the continuation of verba sentences’ formula. The teacher asked them to make two connected lines to explain two forms of verb that was used in simple present.

10.Write “s/es” on the first connected line and “no s/es” on the second connected line. Move the felt-tip marker.

11.From the “s/es” written, made the connected line and write “S= He, she, it” on this line to explain the subject that could be followed with verb+s/es. Move the felt-tip marker.



13.Make a connected line and write “S= I, you, we, they” on the line to explain the subject that could be followed by verb without s/es. Move the felt-tip marker.

14.Students were asked to make the last connected line and made sample sentence of verb without s/es, for example: they play game.

After they finished their mind map, the researcher asked the students to make their own mind map describing something with free theme as their homework. The researcher asked the student to present their speaking using mind map at the next meeting. This students’ presentation would become the post-test of this research.

c. Post-test

The post-test of the experimental group was conducted at December 1st 2015. In the post-test, students were asked to describe something using mind map that have been made as their homework. They presented one by one, while the other students were given written test to make the class was conditioned. The result of student speaking ability in post-test can be seen on the table below:

Table 4.3

Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Post-Test Experimental Group

Classification Score Rating Frequency Percentage



The percentage was counted using the formula bellow:

Percentage= 100%

In table 4.3 above, there are 34 respondents after given the treatment. From all of the respondents, there are 4 students (12%) who get good score, 16 students (47%) who get very good score, and 14 students (41%) who get excellent. The detail of students’ score on pre-test is presented on the table below:

Table 4.4

Score of Students’ Speaking Skill in Post – test


51 good score. It has been explained in the paragraph previous that there are no student who get score under 7. It can be concluded that more than 75% of the students are able to use language fluently and accurately on all levels normally pertinent to professional need.

2. Comparison Group

a. Pre-test



speaking rubric presented in chapter II. The result of the pre-test can be seen on the table below:

Table 4.5

Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Pre-Test

Comparison Group

Classification Score Rating Frequency Percentage

Excellent 14- 16 4 0 0%

The percentage was counted using the formula bellow:

Percentage= 100%

In table 4.5 above, there are 34 respondents before given the treatment. From all of the respondents, there are 20 students (59%) who get good score, 12 students (35%) who get fairly good score, and 2 students (6%) who get poor. The detail of students’ score on pre-test is presented on the table below:

Table 4.6

Score of Students’ Speaking Skill in Pre – test





students of comparison group are able to speak the language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversation.

b. Treatment

The treatment in comparison group was conducted on November 26th 2015. After giving pre-test, the comparison group was given treatment by using Group Discussion method to teach speaking. This method often applied in speaking class. Usually one group consist of two students, they spoke English based on the material book (LKS). In this research the researcher separated the students in comparison group to be 7 groups. Each group consists of 4-5 students.

1. The students were asked to understand the charge each other. The researcher as the teacher suggested all groups to choose the leader. The leader has the responsible to arrange his members, such as: who is the writer, who is the members.

2. The students were asked to understand and phrasing the question. In this step, the teacher explained the material of descriptive text, included explained simple present tense. Each group was asked to take note based on the teachers’ explanation.



4. The teacher gave the guide to help student in do their exercise. In this step, the teacher walked around the groups to know the implementation of students’ discussion process.

5. The students discuss and finish the task which is given by teacher.

6. Then, they were asked to prepare and present their final report of their opinion about Broni from their discussion.

After the discussion was finished, to clarify students’ understood about the material, individually the students were asked to make the preparation to describe something with free theme for next meeting. It would be the post-test at comparison group

c. Post-test

The post-test of Comparison group was conducted at November 30rd 2015. In the post-test, students were asked to describe something that has been made on the previous meeting. They presented one by one, while the other students were given written test to make the class was conditioned. The result of student speaking ability in post-test can be seen on the table below:

Table 4.7

Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Post-Test

Comparison Group

Classification Score Rating Frequency Percentage



The percentage was counted using the formula bellow:

Percentage= 100%

In table 4.7 above, there are 34 respondents after given the treatment. From all of the respondents, there are 5 students (15%) who get good score, 16 students (47%) who get very good score, and 13 students (38%) who get excellent. The detail of students’ score on post-test is presented on the table below:

Table 4.8

Score of Students’ Speaking Skill in Post – test



Based on the table above can be seen that most of the students get very good score, three students many more than the students who get score excellent. Moreover, there are just 5 students who get good scored and nobody get fairly good and poor. It can be concluded that most of the students are able to use language fluently and accurately on all levels normally pertinent to professional need after get the treatment.

B. Effectiveness of Mind Mapping and Group Discussion to Increase

Students’ Speaking Ability



1. Experimental Group

Table 4.9

Difference score of Pre-test and Post-test



Difference score = (Post-test score)- (Pre-test score)

Based on the difference score table above, can be seen that most of the students speaking score from pre- test are increase in post-test. This is proven by there are not any negative digits in column difference score. The acquisition of the largest increase in score is 50 points, the smallest difference score is 6 points

2. Comparison Group

Table 4.10

Difference score of Pre-test and Post-test



Difference score = (Post-test score)- (Pre-test score)

Based on the difference score table above, can be seen that most of the students speaking score from pre- test are increase in post-test. This is proven by there are not any negative digits in column difference score. The acquisition of the largest increase in score in comparison group is 50 points, the smallest difference score is 12 points.



The mean of pre-test was counted using the formula below:



M : Mean of students’ score

∑ : The sum of students’ score

: The total number of students

After calculate the difference score of experimental and comparison group, then calculate the mean of these difference scores of experimental and comparison group.

Table 4.11

Score of Students’ Speaking Skill Pre-test and Post-test



X : The difference score of experimental group (8B) MX : Mean of the experimental group

Y : The difference score of comparison group (8F) MY : Mean of the comparison group

In that table also show Xa, Xa2 and Ya, Ya2. They symbolize the deviation of the individual score, which Xa means the deviation of Experimental group and Ya means the deviation of Comparison class. The result of Xa and Ya are calculated by formula below:



Ya = Y – MY Ya2= Ya × Ya

After get the result on the table explained, then calculating the t-test using the formula below:


o = |#$%#&|

'(∑ )*+, ∑ -*+.,./+ 01.23.24

= |56,898%8:,9|

'1;<=>,?, @A@B,@;<,;</+ 41;<2 3;<24

= |%9,C:D|

'1?@@<,;BB 41B?+4


= 9,C:D


= 5,DG5C9,C:D

= 1,8641

Then, look for the degree of freedom (df) = N-k means 68-2 = 66. In this research, the level of significance is 5%. If the to = t-table 5%, it means



T-table for standard of significance with df 66 shows 1,66827. Based on the result, can be concluded that:

to >tt


In the statistic form:

N : OP ≠ OR

It is assumed that null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is any effectiveness of mind mapping and group discussion to increase students’ speaking ability.

C. Discussion of Data Analysis



Table 4.12

Comparison of Pre-test (First Achievement)

Experimental and Comparison Group

Data 8B 8F

N 34 34

Max 75 69

Min 31 25

Mean 54.15 48.12

Note :

N = Number of Students Max = Maximum Score of class Min = Minimum Score of class Mean = Mean of data



Table 4.13

Comparison of Post-test

Experimental and Comparison Group

Data 8B 8F

N 34 34

Max 100 100

Min 56 63

Mean 83.50 82.62


N = Number of Students Max = Maximum Score of class Miin = Minimum Score of class Mean = Mean of data

In the hypothesis using t-test two sample independent with significant 5% was gotten t-test > t-table, that is 1,8641>1,66827. It showed there are any effectiveness of mind mapping and group discussion to increase students’ speaking ability. The result of the hypothesis testing can be seen as below:

Total difference score of experimental class : 998 Mean of experimental class : 29,353 Total difference score of comparison class : 1173 Mean of comparison class : 34,5

t-test : 1,8641

t-table : 1,66827



Based on the collecting data, it was showed that both of mind mapping and group discussion method are effective for the students’ speaking skill of the eight grade students in SMP N 1 Bawen in academic year 2015/2016. From the observation that is done by Mr. Suko as the English teacher assumes that the implementation of mind mapping and group discussion by researcher in teaching speaking was good. The implementation of mind mapping stimulates the students to develop their imagination to describe something. The method, which is something new for students, makes them pay attention when the researcher introduces this method in explaining the material. Because of the new method, the implementation of mind mapping will be get the better result if it is introduced and applied to the students more than more than three meetings.


25 6. Factors of Good Speaking

There are some factors of good speaking according to Tuan and Mai (2015: 9) in Asian Journal of Educational Research:

a. Performance condition

Students perform a speaking task under a variety of conditions. There are some types of performance conditions that become the factors of good speaking, such as: time pressure, planning, standard of performance and amount of support.

b. Affective factors

One of the most important influences on language learning success or failure is probably the affective side of the learner. A variety of affective variables has been confirmed to be related to success in second language acquisition in research over the last decade but most of those studies examined the three categories: motivation, self-confidence and anxiety.

c. Listening ability

Speaking skills cannot be developed unless we develop listening skills. Students must understand what is said to them to have a successful conversation.

d. Topical knowledge





This chapter discovers the research methodology that is consist of method of research, design of research, research procedures, population, samples, variables of research, data sources, technique of data collection, technique of data analysis, hypothesis testing and time of research.

A. Method of Research

The method that is used in this research is experimental research with comparative approach. Comparative research is research that comparing one variable or more toward two or more different samples, or at the different time (Sugiyono, 2008: 57). The comparative analysis is done by comparing between theory one with other theories.



for the variable being tested, while a comparison group is not exposed to any condition. The comparison group is more similar to the experimental group than the comparison group because the comparison group is exposed to the same conditions, except the experimental condition, while the comparison group is simply observed.

According to Best and Kahn (1995: 177) the adequacy of experimental design is judged by the degree to which they eliminate or minimize threats to experimental validity. There are three categories of the experimental research:

a. Pre-experimental design is the least effective, for it provides either no comparison group or no way of equating the groups that are used.

b. True-experimental design employs randomization to provide for comparison of the equivalence of groups and exposure to treatment. c. Quasi-experimental design provides a less satisfactory degree of

comparison, used only when randomization is not feasible.

From these categories of experimental research, this research uses the quasi-experimental design.

B. Design of Research



limitation of researchers’ understanding about the similarities of two groups.

The design of free variable, in this case is mind mapping and group discussion, is experimental. This research compares the effectiveness of two methods in learning process, they are mind mapping and group discussion, in class 8B and 8F to increase students’ speaking ability. The design in this research can be seen as follows (Sukmadinata, 2008: 209)

Table 3.1 Design of Research

Group Pre- test Treatment Post-test

Experimental group TO M1 T1

Comparison group TO M2 T2

M1 : Treatment uses Mind Mapping method

M2 : Treatment uses Group Discussion method

T : The students’ speaking ability after applying treatment T0 : The students’ speaking ability before applying treatment

C. Research Procedure

The procedure in this research as follows:

1. Observing the school condition to know total of classes that will become the population then used as the sample.



3. Giving pre-test.

4. Giving the different treatment between experimental and comparison class. In experimental class, teacher applies mind mapping method, teacher as the facilitator. While, in comparison class, teacher applies group discussion method.

5. There are same meeting in experimental and comparison class, that is 3 meetings.

6. Giving post-test. D. Population

Population is any group of individuals that has one or more characteristics in common and that are of interest to the researcher (Best and Kahn, 1995:13). While, the Encyclopedia of educational evaluation in Arikunto (1999: 115) states that, “A population is a set (or collection) of all elements possessing one or more attributes of interest.” The population in this research is all of student at grade 8th SMP N 1 Bawen in academic year 2015/2016, they are 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G, 8H and 8I.

E. Sample



technique commonly used non-random design, each based on a different consideration:

1. Quota sampling 2. Accidental sampling

3. Judgemental sampling or purposive sampling 4. Expert sampling

5. Snowball sampling (Kumar, 2011: 206)

This research is using purposive sampling to take the samples. Purposive sample technique usually used because of some reasons, for example: the limit of time, energy and money, so cannot take the big and far samples (Arikunto, 1998: 128). The result of purposive sampling is decided that class 8B as experimental class and 8F as comparison class. Total of samples in this research is 68 students that are in two classes, they are 34 students in 8B and 34 students in 8F.

The data of samples in this research are presented on the tables 3 Adrian Wahyu Fradewa 4 Ahmad Zauzi



8 Arnindya Ersi Swastika 9 Arrosikha Latiefah 10 Bagas Adistira

11 Bhama Sana Ftamadana 12 Citra Nurmala Dewi

13 Desinta Rifka Wahyu Laila 14 Dicky Thomas Pramudya 15 Esa Desi Shafitri

21 Irkham Setyo Cahyo Pmbudi 22 Mira Febriyani

23 Mustika Zunaina 24 Naufa Setyawati 25 Novita Nur Widayati 26 Nur Visriyati

27 Razita Artama Surya Putri 28 Reza Ayu Fadila

29 Rudi Lilik Reksadana 30 Salsabila Nida Cahyani 31 Shega Choerul Abidin 32 Sukma Kusuma Dewa 33 Tri Prasetya Budi Utomo 34 Yulian Sulistyo Wibowo



8 Aulia Nova Ramadhani 9 Brian Yogaswara 10 Eka Nanda 11 Erika Widya 12 Erina Febriyanti 13 Faradea Salsabila R 14 Fery Pradana 15 Fitriyanah



researcher to learn so can be obtained the information about that thing, and then can be concluded.

This research has two independent variables and one dependent variable there are:

1. Independent Variable (X)

Independent variable is the variable that influence or be the cause of the change or the arrival of dependent variable (Sugiyono, 2010: 4). The independent variables in this research are mind mapping method (X1) in experimental class, and group discussion (X2) in comparison class.

2. Dependent Variable (Y)

This variable is usually called as output variable, criteria, consequent. Dependent variable (Y) is variables that is influenced or which be a consequence, because of the independent variable (Sugiyono, 2010: 4). The dependent variable in this research is the result of students’ speaking ability in experimental and comparison class.

G. Data Sources

1. Primary



2. Secondary

The secondary data of this research is taken from the writers’ observation in the class while the research is conducted.

H. Technique of Data Collection

1. Test

According Arikunto (2010:226) test is used to measure the basic capabilities and achievements. In this case, test is used to know how far the students ability in speaking. Seen from the object that will be evaluated, there are any kinds of test (Arikunto, 1998: 139-140):

a. Personality test, this is the test which is used to reveal the personality of someone, like as: self-concept, creativity, etc. b. Aptitude test, this is the test that is used to reveal skill of


c. Intelligence test, this is the test that is used to arrange the estimation for the grade of the intellectual of someone.

d. Attitude test, this is used to measure the multiple attitudes. e. Projective technique, technique that is used to know the ones’

personality. As the example of projective technique is inblot technique by Rorschach.



g. Achievement test, this is the test that is used to measure someone achievement after learn something.

From the explanation above, in this research the writer uses achievement test as post-test. The researcher applies pre-test, which is applied before use mind mapping and group discussion method, and post-test, which is applied after use the method. a. Test Instrument

This research used pre-test and post test. Table 3.4 Question Sheet

Pre-test Describe your idol

Post-test Describe favorite thing (idol, reality show, films, etc.)

b. Evaluation Criteria

Table 3.5

The evaluation criteria

Aspects Statement Score


Very clear, so can be understood easily 4 Can be understood easily, although the

influence of mother tongue still detected 3 There are any problems, so the listener

need to concentrate 2

There are any serious problems, so can’t

be understood 1


Nothing or just a little error in grammar 4 Sometimes there are any grammatical



difficult to be understood

The grammatical error is very alarming ,

so can’t be understood 1


Use the exact vocabularies and expression 4 Sometimes use inexact vocabulary, so

have to explain more 3

Often use inexact vocabularies 2 Lack of vocabulary mastery 1


Very fluent 4

The fluency is little bit disturbed by

language problem 3

Often uncertain and be stopped a while

because of language restrictiveness 2 The speaking perform is not currently and

stopped 1

2. Observation



3. Documentation

Documentation that is looking for data about things or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, etc.(Arikunto: 2010:274). Applying the documentation method in this research is as complementary data to answer the problems of the research. The documentation of this research is done by taking the pictures during the research process. Besides that, the researcher collects the data about school from the staff administration.

I. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis that will be used in this research is adopted from Arikunto (1990: 507) as follows:

a. Calculate the mean (M) from each group using the following


Mx =

Mx =

M : Mean of students’ score

∑ : Total score of experimental students’ score

∑ : Total score of comparison students’ score

: The total number of students b. Score of Xa and Ya



c. Score Xa2 and Ya2

Xa2 : Xa × Xa Ya2 : Ya × Ya d. Calculate the T-test


o = | |

to : T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

MX : Mean of experimental group MY : Mean of comparison group

∑Xa2 : Total number of Xa2

∑Ya2 : Total number of Ya2

N : Total number of students J. Time and Place of Research

This research is conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Bawen in academic year 2015/2016. There are some steps that that was done by researcher to conduct this research. They are: preparation, implementation, analysis the data and report the result of the research. Those steps described briefly as follows:

1. Preparation



2. Implementation

a. Experimental class

Table 3.6

Implementation of Experimental Class

No Activities Date

1. Pre – test November 24th 2015 2. Correcting pre – test result November 24th 2015 3. Scoring pre – test November 24th 2015


Explanation the material November 25th 2015 Giving treatment November 25th 2015 5. Post – test December 1st 2015 6. Correcting post- test December 1st 2015 7. Scoring post – test December 1st 2015


Analyzing pre – test and post test

December 1st 2015

b. Comparison class

Table 3.7

Implementation of Comparison class

No Activities Date

1. Pre – test November 23th 2015


Table 4.1 Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Pre-Test
Table 4.2
Table 4.3 Classification of Students’ Speaking Ability in Post-Test
Table 4.4


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