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1. http://www.readbag.com/jofamericanscience-journals-am-sci-am0707-067-6293am0707-445-456 1.52% 2. http://jofamericanscience.org/journals/am-sci/am0707/067_6293am0707_445_456.pdf 1.52% 3. https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPURL.cgi?Dockey=P100NW1P.txt 0.28% 4. https://www.rbi.org.in/SCRIPTs/PublicationReportDetails.aspx?UrlPage=&ID=586 0.28% 5. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/reports-publications/veterina… 0.28% 6. http://www.ombudsman.gov.au/publications/annual/all-commonwealth-ombudsman-reports/annual_r… 0.28% 7. https://www.slideshare.net/DimpleBansal2/189626882-ep227digitalelectronics 0.28%

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6. https://ororo.tv/it/channels/scishow 0.76%

7. https://text-id.123dok.com/document/8ydjw8jy-aktivitas-antioksidan-pada-buah-paprika-merah-cap… 0.76%

8. https://show-english.com/channel/scishow 0.76%

9. https://ororo.tv/channels/scishow 0.76%

10. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2314853515000426 0.7% 11. https://www.ars.usda.gov/research/publications/publication/?seqNo115=190124 0.7%

12. http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/5868/6/BL501154.pdf 0.66%

13. https://www.curejoy.com/content/does-sweet-potato-have-any-side-effects 0.57%

14. https://awfw.org/abstracts 0.54%


32. http://alcazaba.unex.es/~ehabvac 0.51% 33. https://gmofreeusa.org/research/gmo-science-research/gmo-science-research-0001-0500 0.51% 34. https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/chemical-characterization-of-gilsonite-bitumen-2157-7463… 0.51% 35. 0.51% 36. http://ela.kpi.ua/bitstream/123456789/20455/1/Samsoni-Todorova_diss.pdf 0.51% 37. http://www.jwent.net/article_28432_8001d9f88010f7e8c8f0304d4c6b25c1.pdf 0.51% 38. http://www.acprc.org.uk/Data/Publication_Downloads/RespReviewWinter2011.pdf 0.51%

39. https://cyberbullying.org/research/map/united-states 0.51%

40. http://booksite.elsevier.com/9780123979322/downloads/TOC_with_References_and_Links.doc 0.51% 41. https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/54101/1/Ivshina_etal_ESPI_2015_Oil_spill_problems_and_sustain… 0.51% 42. https://publikasiilmiah.unwahas.ac.id/index.php/PROSIDING_SNST_FT/issue/view/4/showToc 0.47% 43. http://ejournal.kemenperin.go.id/dkb/article/view/1365 0.47% 44. http://portalgaruda.org/?ref=author&mod=profile&id=398220 0.47% 45. https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/elsevier/effect-of-thermal-processing-on-anthocyanin-stability-in-foods… 0.44%

46. https://core.ac.uk/display/35360027 0.44% 62. https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/vegetarianism-and-plant-foods/living-with-phytic-acid 0.28%

63. https://naldc.nal.usda.gov/download/27270/PDF 0.28%

64. https://michaelssayle.wordpress.com 0.25%

65. https://vdocuments.mx/documents/154s.html 0.25%

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67. https://red.hypotheses.org/page/2 0.25%

68. https://red.hypotheses.org/date/2014 0.25%

69. https://red.hypotheses.org/category/divers/page/2 0.25%

70. https://primalherb.com/the-underhanded-danger-of-sugar-and-processed-foods 0.25%

76. https://www.sbir.gov/sbirsearch/detail/1308571 0.25%

77. https://icpqm.org/media/medialibrary/2017/06/PQM-2016_Proceedings.pdf 0.25%

84. https://www.slideshare.net/wijoyoa/prosiding-snst-ke-3-tahun-2012-ft-unwahas 0.25%

85. https://red.hypotheses.org/page/3 0.25%

Library sources

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14.i1.0164- chatarina rika santy-23 NOV.docx 0.38%

13.61.0012 Atrina Febri Yuniarso (atrinafebri@gmail.com)09.0.docx 0.25%

14.I1.0073-Edwin Widjaja-15 FEB.docx 0.25%

13.40.0150 Arissa Hayu Riani I.doc 0.25%

13.40.0167 Maria Ursula FC.doc 0.25%

14.E1.0057 Stefanny Julianto.docx 0.25%



The pH of the solution was measured by portable pH meter,which had been calibrated


1.3.4. DPPH Inhibition

spectrophotometer)with ethanol as a blank. The procedure was repeated with another

extract with different treatment and distilled water for control. The total polyphenol

content was expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE) in milligrams per gram dry

Diluted 1 ml supernatant in 1 ml distilled water and mixed usingvortex. Absorption at


blank. The procedure was repeated with another 0.025 ml rosella extract with different

treatment. The calculation is as follow:

Total Anthocyanin






(OD 530−0,33 ×OD 657)

31,6 × dilution×

volumeextract Roselladry weight×100

1.3.7. Data Analysis

Data were analyzed by using sing a SPSS package (SPSS 13.0 for windows, SPSS Inc.,

USA)were doneby comparingthemeansby usingDuncansandat95%confidence



2.1. Color and pH Value

The color value and pH of rosella extract are shown in Table 1.

Table 5-1. The Color and pH value of Rosella Extract Heated at Different Time and Temperature

Temperature C) Time (minute) L* a* b* pH

60 15 71.970±0.1843b 54.010±0.2831a 11.822.4751a 2.372±0.0122b

30 58.460±0.8203a 68.600±0.3251b 33.595±1.6761b 2.278±0.0262a

45 53.742.1213a 70.910±0.5941b 45.673.1251bc 2.272±0.0452a

60 54.190±0.2973a

70.670±0.2551b 42.780±0.9621c 2.292±0.0022a

80 15 48.941.1602b 70.400±0.0003a 53.295±2.8922a 2.277±0.0331b

30 45.775±3.4442a 70.180±0.1563b 70.180±4.4552b 2.250±0.0141a

45 43.685±4.2922a 69.740±0.9333b 63.672.0652bc 2.252±0.0261a

60 45.321.2302a 69.995±0.3043b 62.090±2.1212b 2.257±0.0381a

100 15 43.505±1.3791b

69.405±0.2192a 58.875±7.2622a 2.258±0.0261b

30 43.000±2.0791a 69.030±0.5232b 63.885±2.4112b 2.263±0.0381a

45 43.380±0.5371a 68.575±0.2762b 63.295±1.5772bc 2.252±0.0021a

60 43.365±2.8641a 68.665±0.1062b 59.705±1.6052c 2.238±0.0161a

*Numbers are presented as mean ± standard deviation.


Based on Table 5-1., the L*value of rosella extract heated at 15 minute in all temperature are significantly different. Discoloration wasnt

visible on the lightness of the rosella extract. Its effect of temperature extractionwas degrade of anthocyanin(pigment of rosella),

degradation make theanthocyanin becomecolorlessand darker(Hayati,2012). The a*value was suggesting the redness. The a*value of

rosella extract heated at 15 minute in all temperature are significantly different. The increased of a*value because rosella have red pigment

and that pigment will come out if it was extracted. Hayati,(2012),reported rosella containednatural constituentsof organic acidssuchas

malic,citric and3 -indolylaceticacids whichplayedanimportant roleingiving theredcolorof sample extract. Considering the effect of heated time and temperature, it was found that the longer extraction time and the higher temperature resulted in the more decrease in a*

value. Chumsri(2008)reported,thatgreaterextractiontemperature andtimecontributedtolessbrilliantredincolor. The b*value was

suggesting the yellowness. The b*value of rosella extract heated at 15 minute in 6C are significantly different.

The pH of rosella extract was in the range of 2.23 to 2.38. The results also showed that rosella extract had lower pH-value. Ithappened

becauseofitshighconcentrationoforganicacids(Wongetal.,2002). The pH value of rosella extract heated at 15 minute in 6C are

significantly different. The pH depends on the concentration of free H ionsor mirrored the changes in total organic acids. The free state of

H ions is due to dissociation of H ions from the carboxylic group (- COOH) of an organic acid. This increase in pH throughout maturation was due to a metabolic process in the fruits that resulted in the decrease of organic acids (Azza et al., 2011). Chumsri et al. (2008) reported, that rosellaextracthave alower pH. The result shows that long-time heated and higher temperature will make a pH decreased. Thelower


Chumsri etal.(2008) reported,thatpHbelow2,theanthocyanin existsprimarilyintheformofthered flavyliumcation. AsthepHis raised (>4.5), a rapid proton loss occurred to yield blue quinonoidal, forms at figure 4.

2.2. DPPH Inhibition

The DPPH inhibition of rosella extract is shown in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2.DPPH Inhibition (%) of Rosella Extract Heated at Different Time and Temperature

Time (minute) Temperature C)

60 80 100

15 44.471±3.7941a 87.012.5162a 89.012±0.9652a

30 66.565±2.0701b 87.242.2042b 90.037±1.0062b

45 76.582±4.1191c 88.725±1.4452c 89.860±0.5322c

60 76.013±2.8721c 89.511.7522c 89.745±0.1512c

* Numbers are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

*A number followed by the different of superscript: there was a significant difference at 95%(p<0.05) confidence level based on the univariate test.

Based on the Table 5-2., Anthocyanin of rosella extract heated at 15 and 30 minute in 6C are significantly different. Rosella extract has

high antioxidant activity. Its because rosellaextract contains antioxidantsaswellasanaturalfoodcolorant(Chumsri etal,2008). The

result shows that the higher temperature and longer time will increase DPPH inhibition (%). But 100°C at 60 minutes the DPPH inhibition

(%) decreased, because the anthocyanin was not stable at a higher temperature and longer heating time degraded anthocyanin. Azza et al.,

(2011) reported, the polyphenol also contributes to making the higher result of the antioxidant activity (Table of polyphenol at Table 5-3).


extraction(Azza et al.,2011;Chumsri etal,2008). Thehigh antioxidantactivity observedintherosella couldcausebythe highascorbic acid contentof thisrosella, polyphenoland otherwater solubleantioxidant (Christian&Jackson,2009;Azza et al.,2011). Ivanova et al.,

(2005) reported, that Bulgarian medicinal plants have a good correspond between antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds.

The result show that % DPPH stable at 100°C along the extraction time. Thishappenscausedtheacidicconditionduringtheextraction,


2.3. Total Polyphenol

The total Polyphenol content of Rosella Extract is shown in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3.Total Polyphenol of Rosella Extract Heated at Different Time and Temperature C)

* Numbers are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

*A numberfollowedbythe differentofsuperscript:therewasasignificantdifferenceat95%(p<0.05) confidence level based on the univariate test.

The phenolic content in the plant consists mainly of anthocyanins likedelphinidin-3-

glucoside,sambubioside,and cyanidin-3-sambubioside mainly contributingto their

antioxidant properties(Aurelioet al.,2007). Tsai&Huang, (2004)reported,that in

addition, other phenolic compoundsfound in rosella extract suchas catechin could also

react with anthocyanins resulting in complex formation which led to color changes. The

result shows that higher temperature and longer time will have higher total polyphenol

content. They are all increase along the extraction time cause by the increase of

temperature. Sari (2012) reported, that the increase of temperature and total polyphenol

have a linear relationship.

2.4. Total Anthocyanin

Total Anthocyanin content of Rosella Extract is shown in Table 5-4.


*A numberfollowedbythe differentofsuperscript:therewasasignificantdifferenceat95%(p<0.05) confidence level based on the univariate test.

Based on the Table 5-4., rosella extract has high Anthocyanin content. Rosellaflower

that the stability of anthocyanin is correlated with structural features of anthocyanin and


acids,oxygen,sugar,sulfur dioxide and ametal ion. The type of anthocyanin can be

seen at Figure 6.

Heating at 15 6C have a lower yield. Mastuti et al.,(2013) and Suzery et al.,(2010)

reported, the lower anthocyanin cause by less thermal exposure time. Long or short

time, contact of solvent and the substance is effect to the yields. The heating condition

was impactful to the stability of the anthocyanin. Table 5-4 show that at 6C and 80°C

there are increase then decrease, while at 100°C only decrease. The increase of

anthocyanin at 6C and 80°C happened cause increase of heating temperature have

advantage to the extraction because the high temperature will increase the diffusion rate.

The solutes solubility of solvent will rise as the increase of temperature, make the

extraction rates and yields higher. The longer thermal exposure time also make the

diffusion rate increase (Mastuti et al., 2013). But at the same time, anthocyanin at 6C

and 80°C which a longer thermal exposure time was decrease and at 100°C all result

show that anthocyanin was decrease. That happened because, over exposure time and

high temperature make anthocyanin was degraded. Shaheer et al.,(2014) and Suzery et

al., (2010) reported, anthocyanin degradation happen under heating conditions,

accelerated with chalcon formatting longer time of anthocyanin exposure to high

temperatures. Degradation is primarily caused by oxidation, furcation of covalent bonds



Time and temperature of heating contribute to rosella extract content. The longer time

and higher temperature made color, pH, total anthocyanin, total polyphenol decrease.

But the higher temperature and longer time made DPPH inhibition increase. The rosella

extract has acid pH and red color. The best treatment is heating at 80°C for 60 min. That



Aurelio, D.; Edgardo, R.G and Navarro-Galindo, S. (2007). Thermal kinetic degradation of anthocyanins in a Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L. cv. ´Criollo´) infusion. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2008, 43, 322325.


AzzaA.Abou-Arab, FerialM. Abu-Salem andEsmatA.Abou-Arab.(2011). Physico- chemical properties of natural pigments(anthocyanin)extracted from Roselle calyces(Hibiscus subdariffa). Journal of American Science,7:(7)

Chumsri .P,Anchalee Sirichote and Arunporn Itharat. (2008). Studies on the optimum conditions





Table 5-1. The Color and pH value of Rosella Extract Heated at Different Time and Temperature
Table 5-2.DPPH Inhibition (%) of Rosella Extract Heated at Different Time and Temperature
Table 5-3.Total Polyphenol of Rosella Extract Heated at Different Time and


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