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Best Condition Check Up Of A Used Car When Old Gets Better


Academic year: 2017

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Today, buying a used car is as important as buying a new car. This is because the growing necessity and demand for cars is extremely important in an individual´s everyday life, especially if the daily activities require a lot of commuting and traveling. So, buying used cars can be very feasible especially to those who have limited budgets. Actually, buying a used car, say, 2 to 4-year old cars will definitely save an individual as much as 25% to 50% when compared to buying...


car, auto, automobile, vehicle

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Today, buying a used car is as important as buying a new car. This is because the growing necessity and demand for cars is extremely important in an individual´s everyday life, especially if the daily activities require a lot of commuting and traveling. So, buying used cars can be very feasible especially to those who have limited budgets. Actually, buying a used car, say, 2 to 4-year old cars will definitely save an individual as much as 25% to 50% when compared to buying a new one.

But, used cars are not created equal or they are not being maintained on the same level. Hence, it is important to know the proper way to choose used cars and the details to look for when buying one. With all the many tips that are being offered these days, checking the condition of the used car is the best tip ever.

Here´s a list of the things to be checked before getting the car: 1. Exterior check

Buyers should check on the exterior portion of the car like the paint. Buyers should take note if there are any rusty places present on the exterior body.

Buyers should also make certain that the car is level when inspecting it. It should not sag to one side. If it does that is an indication of frame or spring damage. The tires should be well inflated and the lights should be in good condition. Buyers should also check the other outer parts of the car like the disc brakes, the glass, the wheel rims, etc.

2. Interior check

It is best if the buyer inspects the interior portion of the car for things like its odor, the controls, the seats and the seat covers, and the pedal rubber. Everything should still be workable. 3. The air-conditioning unit of the car should be working well.

4. Trunk check

The trunk is the most neglected part of the car. Hence, it is important to know if the used car´s trunk area is still in good condition. It should never show any sign of rust accumulation and water entry due to holes and cracks. 5. The under hood test

The buyer of the used car should be aware of the wirings, fluids, belts, hoses, battery, and radiator of his car-to-be. It should not show any signs of damage, rust, or dents.

Best of all, before an individual finally decides on buying a particular used car, it is best if he or she will do a test drive first. In fact, it is one of the most important check-up in order to ensure the efficiency of the used car.

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