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88 10 2014 landscape


Academic year: 2017

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CD I is I SO 9 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 8 ce r t ifie d

Ce n t r e f or D e v e lopm e n t I n n ov a t ion , W a ge n in ge n UR

I nt er nat ional cour se

Landscape funct ions and


Clim a t e , con f lict s a n d colla bor a t ion in f or e st e d la n dsca pe s

Bangkok, Thailand 17 – 28 Novem ber 2014

Landscapes as new levels of oper at ion

Forest ed landscapes have alw ays had m ult iple funct ions, as provider of food, shelt er, biodiversit y, and incom e. Moreover, as part of t he response t o clim at e change forest ed landscapes are increasingly regarded as carbon st ocks, im port ant for t he m it igat ion of global w arm ing. As nat ural resources m anagers and planners, w e are increasingly confront ed w it h t hese m ult iple pressures on place. Com m unit y level or sit e- based approaches are no longer able t o cope w it h pressures driven by fact ors beyond t he com m unit y’s im m ediat e sphere of influence. Therefore, as spat ial planners and nat ural resources m anagers w e have t o learn how t o link sit e- level act ions at field or forest level t o broader spat ial levels of landscapes, w here different funct ions of t he landscape can be valuat ed, and t rade- offs can be m ade.

Claim s, conflict s, and collabor at ion

As m ore claim s are being m ade over resources, t he conflict s relat ed t o over lapping land use also increase. How ever, besides conflict s, t here are also new form s of collaborat ion bringing st akeholders t oget her t o negot iat e

access right s and land use. Adopt ing a landscape perspect ive t o spat ial planning and decision m aking offers new space for negot iat ion and collaborat ion, t aking int o account t he needs of local resource users as w ell as t he needs of t he global com m unit y. Spat ial planners and nat ural resources m anagers are increasingly operat ing as facilit at ors of such negot iat ion processes on t he ground. This requires not only new insight s in landscape dynam ics, but also t he applicat ion of new planning t ools t hat differ significant ly from convent ional pract ices. Are you w illing t o learn how t o t hink out side t he box?

Gaining t he r ight skills

During t he course w e w ill help you t o exam ine landscape dynam ics, and analyse conflict s arising from overlapping land use. Moreover, w e w ill enhance your abilit y t o m ediat e in conflict , facilit at e negot iat ion processes, and creat e space for m ult i- st akeholder collaborat ion w it hin landscapes.

A var iet y of t r aining m et hods

Bot h t he Cent re for Developm ent I nnovat ion, Wageningen UR and RECOFTC Cent er for People and Forest s have a long st anding experience in part icipat ory.


and hands- on t raining. Therefore, a “ learning by doing” approach w ill be follow ed t hrough t he applicat ion of a variet y of t raining m et hods. You w ill not only have t he opport unit y t o get fam iliarised w it h current landscape approaches, but you w ill also develop your pract ical skills in t he facilit at ion of negot iat ion, conflict m ediat ion and m ult i- st akeholder collaborat ion. Moreover, you are expect ed t o bring your ow n case- m at erial, w hich w ill help you t o apply t he lessons learned t o your own w orking environm ent .

Aft er t he cour se

Aft er t his int ensive course you w ill be able t o use t he different ‘principles’ and ‘t ools’ for facilit at ing planning processes at t he landscape- level planning. I n m ore pract ical t erm s, you w ill be able t o:

− Underst and t he cont ext , principles and relevance of a m ult i- funct ional and m ult i- level landscape approach t o nat ural resources m anagem ent ;

− Exam ine t he social dynam ics in landscapes, including conflict s em er ging from overlapping land use under t he pressures of clim at e change, using a range of analyt ical t ools;

Develop and facilit at e m ult i- st akeholder negot iat ion processes, including part icipat ory planning, negot iat ion and conflict m ediat ion t echniques, and t ools for inform ed spat ial decision m aking at landscape level.

Will you be eligible t o t ake par t in t his

exit ing cour se?

Part icipant s need t o have several years of professional w ork experience in t he fields of nat ural resources m anagem ent , forest ry, agricult ure, rural developm ent , rural livelihoods, sust ainable developm ent , spat ial planning, or ot her relevant areas. Proficiency in English is really required. recom m ended as som e procedures t o finalise subscript ion ( f.e. funding, visa) can t ake som e t im e.

2 ) I f you w ant t o apply a lso for a N FP Fe llow sh ip , check t he eligibilit y

at w w w .nuffic.nl/ nfp. A lim it ed num ber of

scholarships is available. To apply for it , regist er at t his w ebsit e t hrough Scholarships Online. As t his applicat ion t akes t im e and requires several docum ent s, w e recom m end you t o st a r t it a s soon a s p ossib le .

Part icipant s w ill be grant ed a Ce r t ifica t e of at t endance. The program m e of t he course m ight change t o incorporat e new insight s


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