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t bing 0704783 bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Alamanra, I., (2004). Generic Structure and Lexico-Grammatical Characteristics of Application Letters in English: A Discourse Analysis. English Department Faculty of Language and Art, State University of Jakarta. Thesis.

Allwright, Dick, and Bailey, Kathleen M,.(1991). ‘Focus on The Language Classroom’. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Alwasilah, C. A. (2002). ‘Pokoknya Kualitatif: Dasar-dasar Merancang dan Melakukan Penelitian Kualitatif’. Bandung: Pustaka Jaya.

Alwasilah. (2006). “Redefinisi Profesi Dosen” in Pikiran Rakyat. 5-1-2006.

Alwasilah. 2007. Quality Teaching at a Leading and Outstanding University: A Conceptual Framework for Action and Development. Indonesia University of Education. UPI Press: Bandung-Indonesia.

Anderson, L. W., (1989). The Effective Teacher; Study Guide and Readings. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. United States of America.

Arnold, J. (1999). Affect in Language Learning. Cambridge University Press. United Kingdom.

Arvani, M. (2006). ‘A Discourse Analysis of Business Letters written by Iranian and Native Speakers’ http://www.asian esp journal.com

Beaugrande, R. (2005) ‘Critical Discourse Analysis: History, Ideology, Methodology’ http://www.beaugrande.com

Berry, M. (1977). An Introduction to Systemic Linguistics, Two Levels and Links. Batsford; London.

Bloom, B. S. (1982). Human Characteristics and School Learning. McGraw Book Company: America.


Bower, G. H. & Cirilo, R. K. (1985). “Cognitive Psychology and Text Processing” Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Van Dijk (Ed.). Volume 1, Disciplines of Discourse. Academic Press: Amsterdam.

Brinton, L. J. (2003). “Historical Discourse Analysis” in The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Schiffrin, D., Deborah Tannen and Heidi E. Hamilton (Eds.). Blackwell Publishing. USA.

Brown, H. D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. 2nd Edition. Longman.

Burns, R. (1994). Introduction to Research Method. Second Edition. Longman.

Burns, Joyce & Gollin. (1996). I See What You Mean: Using Spoken Discourse in the Classroom; a handbook for Teacher. National Center for English Teaching and Research: Australia.

Butler, C. S. (1985). Systemic Linguistics: Theory and Applications. Batsford; London.

Butt, D., Fahey, R., Feez, S., Spinks, S., and Yallop, C. (2000). ‘Using Functional Grammar’. Sydney: Macquarie.

Cazden, B. C. (1988). Classroom Discourse; The Language of Teaching and Learning. Heinmann, Portsmouth, NH.

Chapelle, Carol A. (1998). ‘Some Notes on Systemic-Functional Linguistics’ http://www.public.iastate.edu/~carolc/LING511/sfl.html/

Chaudron, Craig. (1988). 'Second Language Classroom'. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Christie, F. (2000). “The Language of Classroom Interaction and Learning” in Research Language in Schools and Communities; Functional Linguistic Perspectives. Unsworth, L. (Ed.) Cassel. London.


Christie, F. & Unsworth, L. (2000). :Developing Socially Responsible Language Research”, in Research Language in Schools and Communities; Functional Linguistic Perspectives. Unsworth, L. (Ed.). Cassel. London.

Cloran, C. (2000). ‘Socio-semantic Variation: Different Wordings, Different Meanings” in Research Language in School and Communities; Functional Linguistic Linguistic Perspectives. Unsworth, L. (Ed.). Cassel. London.

Collerson, J. (1994). English Grammar; A Functional Approach. Primary English Teaching Association. Victoria.

Creswell, John W. (1994). ‘Research Design: Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches’. London: SAGE Publication.

Cruickshank, K. (2006). Teenagers, literacy and schools; Researching in Multilingual Context. Routledge. New York.

Dalin, P., Ayono, T., Biazen, A, B.,Mumtaz, J., Miles, M. B. (1994). How Schools Improve: An International Reports. Redwood Books, Trowbridge, Great Britain.

Darlin, H., Linda & John Bransford (Eds.). (2005) Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: What Teacher Should Learn and be Able to Do. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. San Fransisco.

Douglas. Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. [online] available at: http://www.cal.org/ericcll/digest/0107demo.html. Accessed on June 24, 2006.

Duranti, A. (1985). “Sociocultural of Discourse”, in Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Van Dijk (Ed.) Volume 1, Disciplines of Discourse. Academic Press: Amsterdam.


Eggins, Suzanne. (2000). “Researching Everyday Talk” in Research Language in Schools and Communities; Functional Linguistic Perspectives. Unsworth, L. (Ed.) Cassel. London.

Eggins, Suzzane. & Diana Slade. (1997). ‘Analysing Casual Conversation’: London: Casell.

Ellis, Rod. (1986). ‘Understanding Second Language Acquisition’. New York: Oxford University Press.

Fairclough, N. (2003). Analyzing Discourse. Routledge; London.

Freebody, Peter. (2003). ‘Qualitative Research in Education’ London: SAGE


Gee, James Paul. (1999). ‘An Introduction to Discourse Analysis’ London:


Gerning, B. (2005). The Use of English in Natural and Social Science Textbook; A Comparative Study Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics. Graduate School of Education, State University of Jakarta. Dissertation.

Gerot, Linda, and Wignell, P. (1994). ‘Making sense of functional Grammar’. Sydney: Antipodean Educational Enterprises.

Halliday, M. A. K. (1994). ‘An Introduction to Functional Grammar’. 2nd Edition. London: Edward Arnold Publishers, Ltd.

Halliday, M. A. K. (1985). “Dimension of Discourse Analysis: Grammar”. Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Van Dijk (Ed.). Volume 2, Dimension of Discourse. Academic Press: Amsterdam.

Halliday, M. A. K. (2003). ‘On Language and Linguistics’ London: Continuum.

Halliday & Hassan. (1985). Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective. Deakin University Press, Victoria.


Halliday, M. A. K. Mathiessen, C. (1997). Systemic Functional Grammar: A first STEP into the Theory. [online] Available at: http://www.ling.mq.edu.eu/nlp/resource/virtualLinguistic/publication/s fg_firststep/SFG%20%intro%20New.html. Accessed on September 10, 2006.

Halliday, M. A. K.& Matthiessen, C. (2004). An Introduction to Functional Grammar. 3rd Edition. Arnold Publisher.

Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. 3rd Edition. Longman.

Hughes, Rebecca. (2002). ‘Teaching and Researching Speaking’ London:


Jensen, M.T. (2003). ‘Frameworks for Transcribing and Analyzing Discourse in the Classroom’ http://www. Nola-ed.com.

Kasher, A. (1985). “Philosophy and Discourse Analysis”, in Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Van Dijk (Ed.). Volume 1, Disciplines of Discourse. Academic Press: Amsterdam.

Kress, G. (1985). Linguistic Processes in Socilcultural Practice. Deakin University Press. Victoria.

Lier, L. V. (1988). The Classroom and the Language Learner. Longman. London and New York.

Lipson, M. (2004). Exploring Functional Grammar: Functional Grammar Studies for Non-Native Speakers of English. Miller (Ed.). Bologna.

Lock, Graham. (1996). ‘Functional English Grammar’ New York: Cambridge University Press.

Lukmana, I. (2006). “Kajian Bahasa dan Pemberdayaan Sosial”. Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 6 No. 2, Oktober 2006.


Maolida. (2005). The Influences of Teacher’s Instructional Objectives on Variation of Exchange Pattern in Teacher-Students Interaction: A Classroom Discourse Analysis. Paper. Unpublished.

Martin, J. R. (1992). English Text; system and structure. John Benjamins Publishing, Netherlands.

Martin, J.R., Matthiessen, M., Painter, C. (1997). ‘ Working with Functional Grammar’. London: ARNOLD.

McCarthy, Michael. (1990). ‘Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers’ USA: Cambridge University Press.

McMillan,J.H., and Schumacher,S. (2001). ‘Research in Education: A Conceptual Introduction’ New York: Longman, Inc.

Mehan. (1985). “The Structure of Classroom Discourse”, in Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Van Dijk (Ed.). Volume 3, Discourse and Dialogue. Amsterdam: Academic Press.

Merriam, B. S. (1998). Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Educations: Revised and Expanded from Case Study Research in Education. San Fransisco: Jossey Bass Publisher.

Nunan, David. (1992). ‘Research Methods in Language Learning’ USA: Cambridge University Press.

Nunan, David. (1989). ‘Understanding Language Classrooms’ UK: Prentice Hall International.

Painter, C. (2000). “Researching First Language Development” in Research Language in Schools and Communities; Functional Linguistic Perspectives. Unsworth, L. (Ed.). Cassel. London.

Paltridge, B. (2000). Making Sense of Discourse Analysis. Book 3. Gerd Stabler. Australia.

Qi, Fang.(2007) ‘Classroom Research and Action Research: Principles and Practice in EFL Classroom’ http://www. RELC.com


Ravelli, L. (2000). “Getting Started with Functional Analysis of Text” in Research Language in Schools and Communities; Functional Linguistic Perspectives. Unsworth, L. (Ed.) Cassel. London.

Riggenbach, H. (1999). Discourse Analysis in the Language Classroom.: Volume 2 the Spoken Language. Ann Arbor; The University of Michigan Press.

Robinson, W. P. (1985). “Social Psychology and Discourse” in Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Van Dijk (Ed.). Volume 1, Disciplines of Discourse. Amsterdam:

Academic Press.

Sadker, M. P. & Sadker, D. M. (1988). Teacher’s, Schools and Society. USA: Random House, Inc.

Schiffrin, D. (2003). “Discourse Markers: Language, Meaning, and Context” in the Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Schiffrin, D., Deborah Tannen and Heidi E. Hamilton (Eds.). USA: Blackwell Publishing.

Silverman, David. (2005). ‘Doing Qualitative Research’ London: SAGE Publications.

Sinclair, J.M., and Coulthard, R.M. (1975). Towards an Analysis of Discourse’ London: Oxford University Press.

Skelton, A. (2005). Understanding Teaching Excellence in Higher Education; An Introduction. United States of America: Merrill Publishing Company.

Suherdi, D. (2006). Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Systemiotic Approach. Bandung: UPI Press.

Suherdi, D. (1997). “Focusing on the Teaching-Learning Process: A Case Study of the Use of Classroom Discourse Analysis in Understanding the Language of EFL/ESL Classroom” in Sadtono, E. (Ed.). 1997. The development of TEFL in Indonesia. The English Department of IKIP Malang in Collaboration with Bina Budaya Foundation. Malang. (p. 142-157).

Thorne, Steve. (2001). ‘A brief introduction to the work of M.A.K. Halliday and Systemic-Functional Linguistics’ http://www.asian-efl journal.com


Travers. (2001). Qualitative Research through Case Study. London: Sage Publications.

Van Dijk. (1985). Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Volume 3, Discourse and Dialogue. Amsterdam: Academic Press.

Van Lier, Leo (1988). ‘The Classroom and the Language Learner, UK: Longman.


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