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D BP 0907675 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Alur, M.& Tinmons,V.(2009). Inclusive Education A Cross Cultures Crossing Boundaries Saharing Ideas, Los Angeles: SAGE

Arend, R. (2008). Learning To Teach, Belajar untuk Mengajar, Alih bahasa Helly Prajitno, dkk, Yogyakarta; Pustaka Pelajar

Alnabhan,M.(2011). How Does Moral Judgement Change With Age and Giftedness?.

Gifted Talented International: The Journal of The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 26 (2), 25-29.

Awamleh,et.al.(2013). The Intelligence’s Level of Gifted and Ordinary Students In Seventh and Eighth Grades, in Accordance with the Raven’s Advanced Matrices Test in Irbid Governorate in Relation to Same Vanables (Sex, Mothers Qualificationa). American International Journal of Contemporary, Research, 3 (5),26-36.

Ainscow,M.,Booth,T.&Dyson,A.(2006). Inclusion and The Standars Agenda: Negotiating Policy Pressures in England. International Journal of Inclusive Education,10(4),295-308.

Baska,V.T,J. & Little, C.(eds).(2011).Content-Based Curriculum for Gifted Learners.

Waco,Tx: Prufrock Press.

Bracken,B.A.& Brown,E.F.(2006). Behavior Identification and Assesment of Gifted and Talented Students. Journal of Psychoeducational,24 (2),112-122.

Bain,S.K.et.al.(2007).Serving Children Who Are Gifted Perceptions of Undergraduates Planing to Become Teacher. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 30 (4),450-478.

Basca,J.V.T. (2006). Effective Curriculum and Instructional Models for Talented Students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 30(4), 164-169.

Creswell,J.W.(2010). Research Design, Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Mixed, alih Bahasa Achmad Fawaid, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Creswell,J.W. & Clak,V.L.P.(2007). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research, California: Sage Publication, Inc.

Chagas,J.F & Fleith,D.S.(2006). Development of Gifted Behavior: A Study With Families of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Environmente. Gifted Education International, 20(1), 10-18.

Cross,T.L.(2009). Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Child: Straight Talk.


Coleman,L.J.(2014). The Cognitive Map of a Master Teacher Conducting Disccusion with Gifted Students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted,37 (1), 40-55.

Cross,T.L.& Coleman,L.J.(2014).School-Based Conception of Giftedness. Journal for the Education of Gifted, 37(1), 94-103.

Coleman,L.J & Cross,T.L.(2014). Is Being Gifted a Social Handicape?. Journal for The Education of The Gifted, 37 (1) 5-17.

Cottle,D.N.(2006). Establishing, Managing and Evaluating an Elementary/Middle School Math Acceleration Program. The Journal of The National Association for Gifted Children,10(1), 29-32.

Donndly,V.(2010). Teacher Education for Inclusion,International Literature Review,

Denmark: European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education.

Depdiknas.(2007). Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Khusus Bagi Peserta Didik yang Memiliki Potensi Kecerdasan dan/atau Bakat Istimewa, Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal PSLB.

Depdiknas.(2007). Penataan Pendidikan Profesional Konselor dan Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Jalur Pendidikan Formal, Jakarta : Depdiknas.

Dryden, G. & Vos, J.(2004). Revolusi Cara Belajar: The Learning Revolution, Sekolah Masa Depan, Bandung: Kaifa.

Dubus, L.& Fromer, J. (2006). A Parents Guide to Special Education in New York City and The Metropolitan Area, New York: Teacher College Press.

Danovan,M.S.& Cross,C.T.Ed.(2002). Minority Students in Special and Gifted Education,Washington: National Academy Press.

Departement for Education and Skills . (2004).Pedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools, Unit 4.Lesson Design for Inclusion, Canbridge University Press

David, H.(2011). The Importance of Teachers Attitude in Nurtuning and Educating Gifted Children. The Journal of The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 26 (1),71-89.

Dijkstra,P & Bareld, D.et.al.(2011). Human Styles and Their Relationship to Well-Being Among the Gifted. The Journal of The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 26 (1), 89-97.

David,H.(2014).Droup Out Preventing of Gifted Youth: Case Study. Gifted Eucation Press Quarterly,28(1),9-15


Frederickson,N & Cline, T. (2009). Special Educational Needs, Inclusion,and Diversity,Second ed, England: Open University Press.

Feldhusen,J.F.( 2002) Synthesis of Research on Gifted Youth,EBSCO publishing.

Finnan,C & Swanson,J.D. (2000). Accelerating the Learning of All Students. Cultivating Culture Cahange in school, Classrooms,and Individuals,Colorado: Westview Press.

Freeman,J.(2006). The Emotional Development of Gifted Talented Children. Gifted and Talented International, 21 (2), hlm.20-28.

Gagne,F.(2008) A Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT), Canada: Universite du Queebac an Montreal.

Gray,B & Fow.(2005). Discovering and Developing Talent in Schools, An Inclusive Approach, London :David Fulton Publishers, Ltd.

Grace, Sue.at.al. (2009). Inclusion and Diversty, Meeting The Needs of All Students,

New York: Routledge.

Gelder,L.V.(1988). Een Orientation in de Orthopedagogik, Suatu Orientasi Tentang Orthopedagogik, alih bahasa Soedjadi.S, Jakarta: Danau Singkarak.

Gagne,I.(2007).Ten Commandments for Academic Talent Development. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(2),93-118.

Geake,J.(2006). Mathematical Brains Gifted and Talented. The Journal of the National Association for Gifted Children,10 (1),2-6.

Gallagher,S.et.al. (2011). Teachers’ Perceptions of The Socioemotional Development of Intellectually Gifted Primard Primary Aged Students and Their Attitudes Try Aged Students and Their Attitudes Towards Ability Grouping and Acceleration. Gifted and Talented International: The Journal of The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 26 (20), 11-24.

Ganiron,J.R.T.U.(2013). Application of Accelerated Learning in Teaching Environmental Control System in Qassim University. International Journal of Education and Learning, 2(2), 27-38.

Hardjanatawiyoga, S & Purwanta,E.(1996). Bimbingan dan Konseling Anak Luar Biasa, Jakarta: Depdikbud Dirjen Dikti.

Heller, Kurt.A. at.al. (2000 ). International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, 2nd Edition, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, Ltd.


Hoerr, T.R. (2007). Buku Kerja Multiple Intelligences, Pengalaman New City School di St. Louis, Missouri,AS,dalam Menghargai Aneka Kecerdasan Anak, alih bahasa Ary Nilandari, Bandung: Kaifa.

Heppner, P.P.at.al. (2008). Research Design in Counseling, Third Edition. Australia: Thomson Brooks/cole.

Hannell,G.(2008). Succes With Inclusion,1001 Teaching Stratagies and Activities that Really Work, Canada: Routledge.

Hong,E.& Milgram,R.M.(2008). Preventing Talent Loss, New York: Routledge.

Illeris, Knud (2011). Contemporary Theories of Learning, Teori-Teori Pembelajaran Kontemporer, Alih bahasa M.Khozim, Bandung: Nusa Media.

Herrmann, A & Neno,B.(2011). Gifted Education in German-Speaking Countries.

The Journal of The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 26 (1), 47-61.

Hindal,H.,Reid,N.,& Whitehead,R.(2013). High Ability and Learner Characteristics.

International Journal of Instruction, 6(1),50-76

Hamour,B.A.& Al-Hmouz,H.(2013).A Study of Gifted High, Moerate,an Low Achieveers in Their Personal Characteristics and Attitudesntoward School and Teachers. International Journal of Special Education, 28 (3), 5-15.

Johnsen,B.H & Skjorten,M.D.(2003). Education Special Needs Education An Introduction, Pendidikan Kebutuhan Khusus Sebuah Pengantar, alih bahasa Susi Septaviana Rachmawati, Bandung: PPS UPI.

Karten, T.J.(2005), Inclusion Strategies That Work!, Research-Based Methods for the Classroom, California: Corwin Press.

Kartadinata,S. (2011).Pembelajaran Akselerasi dalam Setting Inklusi, Model Pembelajaran Akselerasi di SD Al-Mabrur, Bandung: Al Mabrur.

__________(2011).Menguak Tabir Bimbingan dan Konseling Sebagai Upaya Pedagogis, Kiat Mendidik Sebagai Landasan Profesional Tindakan Konselor, Bandung: UPI Press

Kiley,T.L.(2011). Competitions for Showcating Inovative and Creative Talent. The Journal of The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 26 (1), 63-70.

Karaduman, G.B (2013). Underachievement in Gifted Students. International Journal Special Education, 4(4), hlm 165-172


Lewis,A & Norwich,B.ed.(2005). Special Teaching for Special Children? a Pedagogic for Inclusion, England: Open University Press.

Lavin,R.E.(2009). Psikologi Pendidikan, Teori dan Praktik. Edisi Kedelapan. Alih bahasa Marianto Samosir, Jakarta: PT Indeks.

Lewis,J.D.dkk.(2011) Community Counseling, A Multicultural-Social Justice Perspective, Fourth Edition.Australia: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

Lassig,C.J.(2009).Teacher Attitudes towards the Gifted the Importance of Proffessional Development and School Culture. Australian Journal of Gifted Education,18(2),32-42

Lassig, Carly J. (2009) Teachers' Attitudes towards the Gifted : the Importance of Professional Development and School Culture. Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 18(2). pp. 32-42.

Milgram,R.M.(1991). Counseling Gifted and Talented Children, A Guide for Teachers, Counselors,and Parents, Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation

Miles, M. B. & Huberman,A.M. (1992). Analisis Data Kualitatif, Alih bahasa Tjetjep Rohendi, Jakarta: UI pres

Miller,A.(2005). The Dra ma of The Gifted Child, Drama Anak-Anak Kita, Anak Berbakat Mencari Identitas, Alih bahasa Nikmah Sarjono, Jakarta: Pustaka Alvabet.

Munandar,S.C. (2012). Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Marks,W.L. & Nystrand,R.O.(1981). Strategies for Educational Change, Recognizing The Gifts and Talents of All Children, New York: Macmillan Publishing. Co.Inc.

Matthews, M.S. & McBee, M.T.(2007). School Factors and The Under Achievement of Gifted Students in a Talent Search Summer Program. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(2), 167-181.

Morawska, A.& Sanders,M.R.(2008). Parenting Gifted and Talented Children: What Are The Key Child Behavior and Parenting Issues?. Australian and New Zeland Journal of Psychiatry,42(1), 819-827.

Margrain. (2012). The Education of Gifted Children in the Early Years: A First Survey of Views, Teaching Practices, Resovicing Administration Issues.


Mansfield,K.C.(2015). Giftedness as Property: Troubling Whiteness, Wealth,and Gifted Education in the United States. International Journal of Multicultural Education,17(10,1-18.

Nelly,M.A.(1982). Counseling and Guidance Practices With Special Education Students, USA: The Dursey Press.

Needham,V. (2012). Primary Teachers Perceptions of the Social and Emotional Aspects of Gifted and Talented Education. The New Zeland Journal of Gifted Education, 17 (1), 1-18.

Neumeister,K.L.S.at.al.(2007). Fouth-Grade Teachers Perceptions of Giftedness: Implementions for Identifying and Serving Diverse Gifted Students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted,30(4), 479-499.

Ouri, M & Abraham,G.(ed).(2004). Handbook of Inclusive Education for Educators, Administrators, and Planners, New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Oswald,M.& Villiers,J.M.(2013). Including the Gifted Learner: Perceptions of South African Teacher and Principleals. South African Journal of Education ,33(1),1-20.

Piirto, J. (2004). Understanding Creativity, Scottsdale: Great Potential Press, Inc.

Pfeiffer,S.I.ed.(2008). Hand Book of Giftedness in Children, Psyco-Educational Theory, Research, and Best Practices, New York: Springer Science +Businee Media,Llc.

Puri,M & Abraham,G. (2004). Handbook of Inclusive Education for Educators, Administrators,and Planners, New Delhi: SAGE Publicators.

Putra, N, (2011). Research & Development, Penelitian dan Pengembangan: Suatu Pengantar, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.

Plicker, J.A & Mcallahan, C.(ed). (2008). Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education, What The Research Says, Texas: Prufrock Press Inc.

Piirto, J & Fraas, J.(2012). A Mixed-Methods Comvarison of Vocational and Identified-Gifted High School Students on The Overexcitability Questionnaire. Journal for The Education of the Gifted, 35(1), 3-34.

Plunkett, M.& Kronborg,L.(2011). Learning to be a Teacher of the Gifted the Infortance of Examining Opinion and Challenging Misconceptions, The Journal of The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 26 (1), 31-46.

Prior, S. (2011). Student Voice: What do Students Who are Intellectually Gifted Say They Experience and Needs in the Inclusive Classroom. The Journal of The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, 26 (1), 121-127.


Reid, G.(2006). Learning Styles and Inclusion, London : Paul Chapman Publishing.

Ruairc,G.M.et.al.(2013). Leadership for Inclusive Education, Values, Vision, and Voices, Netherland: Sense Publishers.

Sawyer,R.K.et.al. (2003). Creativity and Development, New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.

Suwaryani, N. (2008). Pendidikan Inklusif Pada Konteks Dengan Sumber Daya Yang Terbatas, Mungkinkah, Bandung: P44TK-PLB.

Santrock,J.W.(2007).Psikologi Pendidikan, alih bahasa Tri Wibowo, Jakarta: Kencana.

Surya,Y.(2006). Mestakung, Rahasia Sukses Juara Dunia Olimpiade Fisika, Bandung: Mizan Media Utama.

Sisk, D.(1987). Creative Teaching of The Gifted, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Stubbs, S.(2002). Inclusive Education Where There Are Few Resources, Pendidikan Inklusif Ketika Hanya Ada Sedikit Sumber, alih Bahasa Susi Septaviana R, Norway : The Atlas Alliance

Smith,J.D.(2012). Inclusion, School for all Student, Sekolah inklusif, Konsep dan Penerapan Pembelajaran,Alih bahasa Denis & Enrica, Bandung: Nuansa

Smith, C-MM. (2006). Including The Gifted and Talented, Making Inclusion Work for More Gifted and Able Learner, London: Routledge

Sternberg, R.J & Davidson,J.E.ed.(2005). Conceptions of Giftedness, Second. ed.New York: Canbridge University Press

Shaughnessy,J.J.et.al.(2007). Metodologi Penelitian Psikologi, Alih Bahasa Helly Ptajitno Soetjipto,dkk, Jogjakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Supriadi,D.(1994).Kreativitas, Kebudayaan & Perkembangan Iptek, Bandung: Alfabeta


Sharma,N.& Charman,P.(2015).A Study of Academic Achievement of Intellectually Gifted Students in Relation to Their Gender and Intelligences, ZENITH

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 5(2),139-145.

Schuler,P.A.(2013). Gifted Students and Lyme Disease, What Educators, Counselors, and Parents Need to Know. Gifted Child Today, 36(1), 35-46.

Schwean,V.L.at.al.(2006). Emotional Intelligence and Gifted Children. E-Journal of Applied Psychology: Emotional Intelligence, 2 (2), 30-37.

Sahim, F.Y.(2009). The Evaluation of Counseling and Guidance Services Based On heir Prediction Based on Some Variables. International Journal of Instruction, 2 (1), 59-76.

Tapper, L.(2012). Conceptions of Giftedness in a Global, Modern World: Where Are We at in Aotearoa New Zealand. The New Zealand Journal of Gifted Education, 17(1), 1-11.

UNESCO. (2000). Pernyataan Salamanca, Tentang Prinsip, Kebijakan dan Praktek, Dalam Pendidikan Kebutuhan Khusus, Alih Bahasa Didi Tarsidi, Jakarta: Braillo Norway

______(2002). Panduan Perencanaan Pendidikan Untuk Semua (PUS) Asia Timur dan Asia Tenggara, Tindak Lanjut Forum Pendidikan Dunia Dakar, Senegal April 2000, Jakarta: UNESCO

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Van Gundy,A.B.(2005).101 Activities for Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving, San Fransisco; John Wiley & Son,Inc

Wahab, R.(2009).Evaluasi Kritis Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Anak Berbakat di Indonesia dan Arah Pengembangannya ke depan Sebagai Implementasi Education for All, Solo: Makalah APPKhI

Walls,W.& Boundaries, N.(2004).Hand Book of Inclusive Education For Educators, Administrator, and Planer, New Delhi: Sage Publications India Prt.Ltd

Wallace,B.& Erikson,G.(ed).(2006). Diversity in Gifted Education, International Perspectives on Global Issues, London : Routledge

Wellish,M.& Brown,J.(2012). An Integrated Identification and Intervention Model for Intellectually Gifted Children. Journal of Advanced Academics, 23 (2), 145-167.


Karirnya diawali sebagai jurnalis (1992). Tahun 1993, mulai berkarir sebagai Dosen jurusan PLB FIP IKIP, menyalurkan nafsu intelektualnya melalui riset, seminar, training, menulis jurnal dan buku. Risetnya dilakukan melalui berbagai skim seperti; Penelitian Hibah Due-like, Hibah Kompetitif, Hibah Kompetensi Program Unggulan, Pusat Kajian Pendidikan Inklusif, Hibah Bersaing, Strategi Nasional, Local Wisdom, Limenson Foundation-RAM IPB, Unggulan BOPTN PPKBK, dan Hibah Disertasi Doktor (2014). Sebagai pengajar, ia mengampu mata kuliah: Pendidikan Anak Berbakat, Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat, Teknologi Asistif, Media Pembelajaran ABK, Pendidikan Anak dengan Hambatan Motorik, Pengantar Perkembangan Anak, Perkembangan Anak Disabilitas dan Keberbakatan, dan Psikologi Pendidikan. Selain mengajar ia sempat menjadi core trainer pada Decentralized Basic Education , Live Skills for Youth (DBE-3) dan Edupreneur, tim monev United School Program-Towards Quality Schools-Putra Sampurna

Foundation, tim pengembang pendidikan inklusif-Sumatera Selatan dan PAUD Holistik-Jambi, dan aktif dalam berbagai aktivitas Dinas Pendidikan-Jabar dan Direktorat PKLK Jakarta, serta tim konseling pasca trauma di Klaten-Bantul, Cimanuk-Tasikmalaya dan Pengendali Bengkel Kaunseling Krisis dan Trauma, Selangor, Malaysia (2014).

Bagian Disertasi ini, telah di presentasikan dan dimuat dalam proceeding kegiatan ilmiah seperti: (1) Education & Human Resource Development Postgraduate Colloqium-Universiti Putra Malaysia (Januari,2014); (2) International Seminar of Postgraduate Special Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Januari,2014); (3) International Seminar and Workshop on Guidance and Counseling, Universitas Negeri Padang (Maret,2014); (4) Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan ABK dan Temu Kolegial PLB, Universitas Negeri Malang (Mei,2014), (5) Internasional Conference on Teacher Education, UPI-UPSI (Juni,2014), (6) Simposium Nasional Inovasi dan Pembelajaran Sains, ITB (Juni, 2014),(7) World Association of Lesson Studies International Conference, UPI (November,2014), dan (8) Interna tiona l Confer ence on Gifted a nd Ta lented Educa tion, Permata Pintar-Universiti Kebangsan Malaysia (Desember,2014). Bagian dan Ide-dasar disertasi ini juga dipresentasikan pada:(9) monev internal dan eksternal Penelitian Hibah Disertasi Doktor (LPPM/DIkti,2014), (10) Diskusi dengan ketua harian Yayasan Kinarya Didaktika, Kepala Sekolah dan Guru Cugenang Gifted School (2014), (11) Uji konsensus bersama Guru-guru SD Al-Mabrur (2015), (12) Penataan kelembagaan, (13) Uji Publik Sekolah Keberbakatan, (14) Penilaian Buku Ajar Kurikulum 2013, (15) Penyusunan pedoman penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusif,(16) penyusunan pedoman identifikasi dan asesmen ABK Direktorat PKLK (2014), dan(17) dipublikasikan pada Jurnal Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan ,Vol.28 No.2, UNJ (2014) dan International Journal of Education, UPI (2015).


Yuyus Suherman. Lahir di Desa Cikareo, Kecamatan Wado, Kabupaten



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