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Research report

Localization of long-form leptin receptor in the

somatostatin-containing neurons in the sheep hypothalamus

a a b a ,


Javed Iqbal , Sueli Pompolo , Takashi Murakami , Iain J. Clarke


Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research (J.I., S.P., I.J.C), P.O. Box 5152, Clayton, Victoria-3168, Australia


Department of Laboratory Medicine(T.M.), University of Tokushima, Tokushima 770-8503, Japan

Accepted 22 August 2000


Reduction in the adiposity or dietary restriction increases plasma growth hormone (GH) concentrations, and in sheep this appears to be due, at least in part, to a reduction in the concentrations of somatostatin (SRIF) in hypophyseal portal blood. Leptin is a hormone secreted by the adipocytes and it is possible that the effects of altered adiposity or fasting on GH secretion could be due to regulation of SRIF neurons by leptin. To ascertain the extent to which leptin may act on these neurons, we have used immunohistochemistry to examine co-localization of long-form of the leptin receptor (OB-Rb) and SRIF in the sheep hypothalamus. In the hypothalamic periventricular area (PeriV), 44.5610% of SRIF cells were found to co-stain for OB-Rb. In the dorsomedial hypothalamic, ventromedial hypothalamic and arcuate nuclei, 100% of SRIF immunoreactive neurons expressed OB-Rb. These findings provide a basis for the direct action of leptin on SRIF neurons. Thus, it is possible that leptin stimulates the secretion of SRIF in relatively obese individuals. The significance of the lower number of SRIF cells in the PeriV co-localizing OB-Rb expression is not clear at present.  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Growth hormone; Obesity; Immunohistochemistry; Somatostatin; Hypothalamus

1. Introduction strated inhibitory effects of leptin on SRIF mRNA levels and SRIF secretion [24], but no in vivo studies have been

Food restriction or fasting leads to elevated plasma conducted in this regard. The central modulatory actions of

levels of GH in man, pig, cow, and sheep [2,3,5,19,29,30], leptin are thought to be mediated via leptin receptors,

whereas the reverse is true in rodents [1,8]. Studies in this which are expressed by various neuropeptidergic neurons

laboratory have demonstrated that food restriction in- [11–13,22] localized in different hypothalamic nuclear

creases plasma GH concentrations in female sheep groups. The leptin receptor has widespread distribution

[3,29,30] in association with a reduction in the secretion of throughout the brain [6,14]. Using immunohistochemistry,

somatostatin (SRIF) into the hypophyseal portal blood Hakansson et al. [14] have reported co-staining for SRIF

[30]. The mechanism whereby an effect on SRIF secretion and leptin receptor in the rat hypothalamus, but the degree

is effected in vivo is not known, but it could be related to of co-localization is not known for any species.

Further-alteration in plasma levels of leptin, which are reduced more, it is not known whether the SRIF neurons possess

with decreasing adiposity [17]. Leptin is a secreted product the short (OR-Ra) or long form (OR-Rb) of leptin receptor.

of the adipocytes, and is involved in the regulation of OB-Rb is considered to be the major signaling form of the

energy homeostasis and neuroendocrine function receptor, activating the JAK / STAT pathway [4,11,12]. On

[7,15,23,31]. the other hand OB-Ra is unable to activate the JAK / STAT

An in vitro study using rat hypothalami has demon- pathway [4,11,12] and is thought to be involved in the

transport of leptin across the blood brain barrier [28]. The aim of the present study was to quantify the extent

*Corresponding author. Tel.: 161-39-594-4387; fax: 1

61-39-594-of co-localization 61-39-594-of OB-Rb to SRIF neurons in the sheep


E-mail address: iain.clarke@med.monash.edu.au (I.J. Clarke). hypothalamus. To this end, we used dual-labelling


2 J. Iqbal et al. / Brain Research 887 (2000) 1 –6

immunofluorescence histochemistry and guinea pig poly- incubated with guinea pig polyclonal antiserum specific for

clonal antibody, which specifically recognizes the long OB-Rb (1:1000) for 48 h at 48C. After washing, sections

isoform of the leptin receptor [21]. were incubated with biotinylated goat anti-guinea pig IgG

(1: 250, Vector) in PB for 1 h at 32 E C, washed and then reacted with Avidin-FITC conjugate (1:500, Pierce,

Rock-2. Materials and methods ford, IL) for 1 h at 328C. For double labelling, the sections were blocked again with normal goat serum and were then

2.1. Animals and tissue collection incubated with a rabbit polyclonal anti-SRIF antiserum (1:

2500; kind gift from Dr. J.R Oliver, Flinders University,

All procedures and tissue collections were carried out Adelaide, South Australia) overnight at 48C. The sections

with the prior approval of the Animal Experimentation were washed and incubated in goat anti-rabbit Alexa 546

Ethics Committee of Monash University and Victoria (1:500, Molecular Probes Inc., Eugene, OR) for 1 h. The

Institute of Animal Science. sections were washed and counter-stained with 1% Sudan

Four adult Corriedale castrated (male) sheep of similar Black to block non-specific autofluorescence, washed,

age and weight were used and the tissue was collected as mounted and cover-slipped with antifade medium (Dako

previously reported [20]. Briefly, the sheep were adminis- Corp., Australia). Specificity of the immunostaining was

tered 25 000 IU of heparin iv and killed 5 min later by an confirmed using preabsorption of antiserum with the

over-dose of sodium pentobarbital (Lethabarb; May & antigen, preimmune guinea pig serum and omission of the

Baker Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia). The heads were primary antiserum from the incubating medium as

de-flushed via the carotid arteries with 2 liters of heparinized scribed elsewhere [21]. Use and specificity of the

anti-OB-(12,500 IU / litre) 0.9% saline followed by 2 litres of Rb and anti-SRIF antisera has been reported previously

Zamboni’s fixative in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB, pH 7.4) [21,32].

and 1.5 liters of Zamboni’s fixative containing 20% sucrose. The hypothalamic blocks were cut from the brains

2.3. Tissue analysis and post-fixed in fixative containing 30% sucrose for 24 h

and transferred to 30% sucrose for an additional 4 days at

Tissue sections were viewed using an Olympus BMX 50

48C. The blocks were frozen on powdered dry ice and kept

microscope attached with mercury light source and

Texas-at2208C until used. Coronal sections of 20mm were cut

red and FITC band filter systems. The immunostaining on a cryostat and stored in cryoprotectant solution until

with OB-Rb antiserum (green) and / or SRIF antiserum used.

(red) was visualized in individual cells by switching between the Texas-red and FITC filter systems. To esti-2.2. Immunohistochemical procedures

mate degree of co-localization, clearly dual-labelled cells were visually counted for each region for each animal and Four representative sections from the rostral to caudal

presented as mean (6S.E.M.)% of SRIF cells co-staining

limits of the hypothalamic periventricular area

(periven-for OB-Rb. tricular nucleus; Pe, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus;

PVN, and anterior hypothalamic area; AHA), dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH), ventromedial hypothalamic

nucleus (VMH) and arcuate nucleus (ARC) from each 3. Photography

animal were processed for dual-labelling

immunofluores-cence immunostaining using the free-floating technique Photographs were produced by capturing the images

[20]. Briefly, the sections were washed in 0.05 M phos- using a digital camera (Fuji3HC–2000) directly mounted

phate buffered saline (PBS) and treated with 1% sodium to the microscope and using Analytical Imaging Station

borohydride (Sigma-Aldrich Corp., Australia) in 0.01 M (AIS; Imaging Research, Inc.) software. The images were

phosphate buffer (PB) for 20 min. After blocking (10% combined into a plate using Adobe Photoshop 5.2 software

normal goat serum, 0.3% Triton-x 100 and 1% bovine and printed on Epson Stylus Photo 700 printer. In all cases

serum albumin in PB) for 30 min, the sections were only brightness and contrast were adjusted.


4 J. Iqbal et al. / Brain Research 887 (2000) 1 –6

4. Results a very large secretory pulse of GH [2]. We have found, however, icv infusion of leptin over 3 days either does not

OB-Rb immunoreactivity was widespread throughout affect GH levels [18] or can have a small stimulatory

the hypothalamus of the sheep with a variable intensity of effect [16]. The stimulation could be effected either by the

immunostaining within different regions and nuclear release of GHRH or the inhibition of secretion of SRIF.

groups (Fig. 1A, C, E, G). No specific OB-Rb immuno- Thus localization of OB-Rb in the SRIF neurons in the

staining was seen after the preabsorption of either an- present study and the earlier results [30] offers support for

tiserum with the relevant antigenic peptide; blocking of the latter.

OB-Rb immunostaining is seen in Fig. 1B. No staining We have also provided evidence that 70% of pituitary

was seen with preimmune guinea pig serum or following somatotropes express the leptin receptor [20], so there is

omission of primary antiserum from the incubating likely to be a dual-level regulation of GH secretion by

medium (data not shown). All autofluorescence was com- leptin. At the level of the pituitary, it was found that leptin

pletely blocked after counter-staining of the tissue with inhibited the GHRH stimulated secretion of GH in sheep

Sudan Black B. pituitary cells in vitro [26], which would act against a

The distribution of SRIF immunoreactive cells and mechanism whereby leptin reduced the secretion of SRIF

fibers was essentially similar to that reported earlier by (predisposing to an increase in GH secretion). These latter

Willoughby et al. [32]. The examples of immunostaining studies were, however, conducted in the absence of SRIF

and co-localization of OB-Rb and SRIF are shown in Fig. and it is possible that a different result would be obtained

1(C–H). in vitro with varying levels of GHRH and SRIF. In both

In the hypothalamic periventricular area (PeriV) includ- normally fed and starved rats, leptin stimulates the GH

ing Pe, AHA and PVN (parvicellular division), 44.5610.0 secretion [8,27], which could be partly due to the

inhib-of SRIF positive cells co-stained for OB-Rb. In contrast, itory effects of leptin on the SRIF secretion as shown by in

100% of SRIF–immunopositive cells co-localized OB-Rb vitro studies [24]. The present study provides an evidence

immunoreactivity in the DMH, VMH, and ARC nuclei. that leptin may stimulate SRIF to reduce GH secretion in

the fat animal. This concept is in accord with the recog-nized lipolytic actions of GH [8,9]; thus elevated GH

5. Discussion levels in the starved animals would favour enhanced lipolysis, providing more fuel to the metabolic functions

This study demonstrates that SRIF neurons in the sheep and decrease hunger. The possibility that leptin acts on

hypothalamus contain OB-Rb, but there is a difference in GHRH neurons to regulate GH secretion remains to be

the number of cells that expressing the receptor in the investigated fully, although Hakansson et al. [14] have

PeriV compared to other nuclei in which SRIF-containing reported that at least some of this cell type contain leptin

cells are found. The difference in the number of OB-Rb receptors in the rat hypothalamus.

immunoreactive cells and levels of expression suggest that Only a sub-population of SRIF neurons (45%) contained

leptin may have varying effects on metabolic and endo- OB-Rb immunoreactivity in the PeriV, the exact

signifi-crine functions depending on the localization within the cance of low degree of co-localization being unclear at this

hypothalamus. The variable levels of leptin receptor im- stage. It is possible that only a subset of the SRIF neurons

munostaining within different hypothalamic regions and in the PeriV project to the median eminence and that those

nuclear groups also has been reported for the rat but never which express OB-Rb are involved in the regulation of GH

quantified [14]. secretion. On the other hand, those which are devoid of

The leptin receptor has widespread distribution through- OB-Rb immunoreactivity may be involved in a multitude

out the brain [6,14] but it exists as multiple splice variants of other functions since PeriV neurons project to the ARC

that differ in the length of the intracellular domain [28]. and other regions [25]. The situation could be clarified by

OB-Rb is considered to be the form of the receptor that determining the extent of projections from the PeriV to the

signals via the JAK / STAT pathway [4,11,12]. Thus, median eminence by retrograde tracing, predicating their

presence of OB-Rb within the neurons is indicative of a hypophysiotrophic function.

potential regulatory function. The present study therefore A high number of SRIF immunoreactive neurons are

suggests that all SRIF neurons in the basal hypothalamus localized in the VMH with moderate numbers in the DMH

and a smaller proportion of those in PeriV are direct targets and a low number in the ARC in the sheep ([32], present

for leptin. study). The results of the present study demonstrate that

GH secretion is under dual regulatory control by growth 100% of the SRIF neurons in these areas express OB-Rb.

hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and SRIF, but only These nuclei are considered to be important feeding

the secretion of the latter is altered with changing adiposity centers and leptin may have varying effects on metabolic

in the sheep [30]. Leptin has been shown to modulate GH and endocrine functions depending on localization of cells

secretion, although the exact mechanism is not clear. In the which it targets. GHRH and SRIF, in addition to the


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We thank Mr. Bruce Doughton and Ms. Karen Perkins

J. Endocrinology, in press.

for animal care and Dr. J.R. Oliver for SRIF antiserum. We

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and Medical Research Council of Australia.

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