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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S.Pd) in teaching English


Fiza Intan Naumi





Naumi, Fiza Intan. (2016). The Effect of Using Timeline Strategy to Improve Students’ Writing Ability in Recount Text at the First Year Students in Hidayatul Ummah Senior High School. A Thesis. English Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. Advisor : Dr. Phol Khoirun Niam S,Ag, Ph. D.

Key Words: student teachers, PPL I, ability in facilitating pair and group interaction, pair and group work align with the lesson objectives

In the attempt to learn English, students often find problems dealing with language skills and language components, such as the difficulty in speaking what in their mind and writing their ideas in English. The researcher found that many students were not able to write a good English text. They encountered difficulties in organizing and developing ideas, punctuation, and lack of vocabulary. They got stuck in expressing ideas and put them into right words, phrases and sentence in the target language. It is due to the lack of improve the students writing ability in recount text. The strategy of timelines can be used with students in Grades K through 8. Research shows that even pre test and post test was taken to collect the data. The result shows that 12,35 so the t value is higher than t table 2,04. In conclusion, It can be seen that t-value > t table at a significance level of 5%. It was mean that alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and approved or rejected the null hypothesis


A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Research Questions ... 6

C. Purpose of the study ... 7

D. Research Hypothesis ... 7

E. Significance of the Study ... 9

F. Scope and Limitation ... 9

G. Definition of Key Term ... 9

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Literature ... 11

1. Effectivness ... 11

2. Timeline Strategy ... 12

a. Definition of Timeline... 12

b. The Use of Timeline... 12

c. Kind of Timelines... 14

d. How to Make Timeline In Recount Text ... 17

3. Writing Ability... 18

4. Recount Text ... 20

a. Definition of recount text ... 20

b. Generic concept of recount ... 20

c. Grammatical Features of Recount ... 21

d. Types of Recount... 21



A. Research Design ... 26

B. Research Hypothesis ... 28

C. Research Variables ... 29

D. Population and Sample ... 30

E. Research Setting and Subject ... 30

F. Research Procedure ... 31

G. Data Collection Technique... 33

H. Research Instruments ... 33

I. Data Analysis ... 35


1. The result pretest of experimental and control group... 40

2. The result posttest of experimental and control group ... 47

3. Analysis of significance ... 55

B. Discussion ... 60

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION A. Conclusion ... 62

B. Suggestion ... 63





This chapter presents the general issues related to the present study. These

include the background of the study, research question, purposes of the study,

significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of the key


A. Background of Study

In the attempt to learn English, students often find problems dealing with

language skills and language components, such as the difficulty in speaking what in

their mind and writing their ideas in English. Many of them failed to graduate

because of their low English score in National examination in other words cannot

achieve the passing grade score. Thus, Indonesian government strives to find the

solution of those problems. One of the solutions is changing the curriculum and

introducing new approaches of teaching to English teacher. They also have to

consider the quality improvement of teacher, students’ interest, motivation, and

teaching techniques that play important roles to achieve the standard competition in

language learning.

Writing is one of the four language skills: reading, writing, listening and



producing language rather than receiving it.1 For Indonesian students, they have

difficulties in expressing productive skill. It is based on the preliminary research; it

revealed that most of students are afraid of expressing the idea using English. When

teacher gives task for students to write, they get difficulties to write their ideas and

start it.

However, in the teaching learning process shows that writing is less developed

by students. Based on the researcher’s experience during the Service Teaching

Program (PPL 2) in SMA Al- Islam, the researcher found that many students were

not able to write a good English text. They encountered difficulties in organizing and

developing ideas, punctuation, and lack of vocabulary. They got stuck in expressing

ideas and put them into right words, phrases and sentence in the target language. It is

due to the lack of their knowledge about genres or types of text. The researcher also

found that students’ achievement in writing is low especially in recount text.

According to Hamps-L and Heasley, when we learn a second language, we

learn to communicate with other people, with their language. To understand their

language, we talk with them, read what they write in their language.2 The fact that

people frequently have to communicate with each other in writing is one of the

reasons to master English.

Unfortunately many students are not interested in writing based on their answer

after interviewing them, they stated that writing is difficult It is same as the theory


Mary. Spratt, Alan. Pulverness, and Melanie Williams, The TKT course: teaching knowledge test

(Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005)




from Bell and Burnaby’s statement in Nunan that writing is complex process that

requires the writer to demonstrate the control of several variables, including the

control of format, sentence structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and letter

formation at once.3 No wonder writing is the most difficult of all skills to master, not

only for foreign language learners, but also for native speakers. Moreover Elbow and

Bellan states that writing is hard because it requires two mental abilities that are

different and usually causing conflict with each other, the ability to criticize and

discard them.4

The difficulties faced by some students in writing recount text are; they find it

difficult to put the exact events and use the right tenses, they put their ideas randomly

without arranging the events based on the time happen and the students find it

difficult to retell the story based on the chronological order. Because the problems

above mentioned that are faced by student mentioned above the researcherwould like

to give treatment for them to make timeline when they will write a recount text.

The researcher chooses timeline because it is believed that it seems as an easy

media of visual aids in which is use of it often being neglected by English teachers in

English learning process. It is supported by Gange who states that visual instructional

media is one way to help teaching learning process and will not give other problems.5

It means that visual aids including timeline not only can help students to improve


David, Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology, A text book for teachers (London: Prentice Hall Intenational. (UK) Ltd,1999) ,16


Peter, Elbow-Pat Bellanof A Community of Writers, A workshop course in Writing (New York: Mc Graw-Nill, Inc, 1989), 152




their understanding in recount text, but also avoid the problems in teaching learning

process. According to Gerlach and Elly, to select an appropriate media, the teacher

must consider the characteristic of the students, which directly related to the learning

process such as verbal abilities, visual and audio perception skills.6 From this

statement, it can be concluded that teachers are not allowed to choose inappropriate

media to teach their students, because of the use of inappropriate media in teaching

will lead them to the teachers’ faults.

This research focuses on writing recount text because after interview some of

students SMA Hidayatul Ummah, they get difficulties in writing recount text and

placing the appropriate tenses for their text. Timeline strategy is the one way to

improve the students writing ability in recount text. The strategy of timelines can be

used with students in Grades K through 8. Research shows that even young children

have an understanding of temporal order of events in history and have the ability to

think and try to explain continuity and change over time.7 For example, see the

explanation of world history that Elizabeth dictated to her kindergarten teacher

around thanksgiving when the class was learning about the pilgrims. She was

clearly thinking about where the pilgrims fit in the sequence of world history. Most

upper elementary and middle school students can identify historical developments,

especially related to national history, even though they may lack a detailed


Gerlach, Vernon. S,and Elly, Donald. P. Teaching and Media: A Systematic Approach (New Jesey: Prentice Hall,1980)




understanding of this development.8

It is advisable to use timeline as strategy to gain students idea in one line and

use it fairly simple, co-create them with students, and consider alternative

chronological representations given the content taught, such as vertical or

horizontal timelines, timeline at an angle, timeline that replicate a path taken by

people or travelers, or circle.9 Timeline as teaching strategy can help students

construct an understanding of historical events over time, even the youngest

students. Literature can be used to show, model and help students develop concepts

about time, continuity, and change in social studies as a basic for creating


Birkerts and Stoll11 note that the digital environment tends to encourage

people to explore many topics extensively, but at a more superficial level. In this

case, students who are brought to learning which is facilitated by digital media will

be more interested in and enjoy in receiving the material. Through digital

technologies, young people get more new information from the technology they use

outside of school than they do from their teacher in the classroom12.


Linda Lesvtik, Reseraching History Education… 16 9

Alleman, Janet & Jere Brophy, History is Alive: Teaching Young Children about Changes over Time. (The Social Studies, Volume 94, Issues 3, 2003), 107


Pat Hoodles, An Investigation into primary school children developing awareness of time and chronology in story and historical Fiction, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 34:2, 2002, 173


Birkerts Sven, the Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in Electronic Age (New York: Macmillan,2006),10




The study is aimed to improve the writing ability of the first year students of

SMA Hidayatul Ummah Surabaya by using timeline strategy, especially in writing

recount text. The strategy is selected since it can guide the students to generate idea

into a meaningful composition. Timeline can draw past events and surely help

students remember details about people, places and events. In short, they can be

powerful sources of text. Besides, a timeline is worth a thousand words because one

line can tell the students something even has sequences to study behind it. Based on

that reason, the researcher wants to take timeline strategy to improve student ability

in writing recount text.

In this study, researcher wants to know the difference of writing ability in

recount text for the students who are treated by timeline strategy and those who are

not treated by timeline strategy and then researcher wants to know the effect of

timeline strategy if it used as method of teaching and learning in recount text.

Based on the descriptive above, if teacher wants to improve teachers’ skill use

new media the teachers have to arrange strategies effectively to support English

teaching and learning process on classroom to motivate students in learn English

language. With giving appropriate strategies the teacher clan plan innovative

lessons and creative thinking. Base on those reasons, the researcher interested to

research about “ The Effect of Using Timeline Strategy to Improve Students’

Writing Ability in Recount Text at the First Year Students in Hidayatul Ummah



B. Research Question

Based on background of study above, this study will try to find out the

answers of the following questions:

 Is there effect of using timeline strategy to improve Students’ writing

ability in recount text at the first year students in Hidayatul mmah

Senior High School?

C. Purposes Of The Study

According the statement of the problem, the purpose of this research is:

 To know the effect of timeline strategy strategy to Improve Students’

writing ability in recount text at the first year students in Senior High


D. Research Hypothesis

Ary defines hypothesis as tool that is used in the research process, no ends of

research.13It means that hypothesis just a tool to predict the result of the research. In

this research the hypothesis is to know the effect as research not correlation on

variables based on research question.14

Here, the hypothesis: Timeline strategy can improve students’ writing ability in

recount text. There is significant difference between students who are taught using

timeline strategy and students are use conventional strategy in recount text. Timeline


Ary Donald et.al., Introduction to Research in Education: 8th editin (USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2010).82




strategy likely improves students’ on writing recount text. The hypothesis used in this

study is two side hypotheses.

The formula of hypothesis is as follows:

1. NULL hypothesis (Ho)

There is no significant improvement in achievement between students

who are taught by using timeline strategy than who are not taught by

using timeline strategy.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (H1)

There is significant improvement in achievement between students who

are taught by using timeline strategy than who are not taught by using

timeline strategy.


Ho will be accepted if t-value < t-table

H1 will accepted if t-value > t-table

E. Significance of Study

The researcher hopes that the result of this study will be beneficial for:

1. For Teacher

This can motivate the teacher to use timeline method, particularly when they

are teaching recount text, and thus to make various technique in teaching. It



process in teaching learning process. So, hopefully the teachers are able to

improve student ability in writing recount text use timeline strategy.

2. For Students

This can encourage students to improve their ability, especially in writing

skills. It also can inspire students to use timeline strategy in writing especially

recount text.

3. For researcher

The result of the study is used to answer the available questions in this final

project based on data gotten along the research.

4. For other researcher

The result of the study is hoped to enrich knowledge about learning recount

text and the result of this study will be guidance for the next researchers to

enhance theory about learning recount text using timeline strategy.

F. Scope and Limitation

This research is focusing on the effect of timeline strategy in writing recount

text of the first year students of SMA Hidayatul Ummah. In this research, the

researcher takes second year students as respondents of the research. The



G. Definition of Key terms

The researcher writes down the definition of key terms to support the readers to

understand this study and in order to have same interpretation.

1. The Effect : effect refers to the intervention’s ability to do more good tham

harm for the target population in real world setting15. In this research, the

effect was indicated by improvement of writing ability that measured by

comparing the mean score of both posttest groups.

2. Timeline strategy : A graphical representation of a period of time, on which

important events are marked. 16 Timelines are often used in education to

help students and researchers with understanding the order or chronology

of historical events and trends for a subject. When showing time on a

specific scale on an axis, a timeline can be used to visualize time lapses

between events, durations (such as a lifetimes or wars), and the

simultaneity or overlap of spans and events.17

3. Recount Text : the purpose in to reconstruct past experienced by retelling

events and incidents of the order in which they have occurred.


Dean Schillinger, An Introduction to Effectiveness, Dissemination, and Implementation Research (California San Francisco: UCSF CTSI Community Engagement Program,2010),2.


Jonny Ingham in Timeline in EFL (https://eflrecipes.com/2014/06/21/timelines/) acces at December 2015





Review of Related Literature

In this chapter, the researcher focuses on review of related literatures that used

as the theoretical background and previous studies which related to the research. The

review of related literatures is described as follows;

A. Review of Related Literature 1. Timeline Strategy

a. Definition of Timeline Strategy

Timelines are diagrams that illustrate the reference of time

made by given a piece of language. They are used to show how a

particular language item (often a verb in a particular tense and aspect)

places particular events or situations in time and in relation to other


According to Carole Cox timelines are graphic representations

of the chronology of events in time. While they are often used a way

to display information in visual form in textbooks as an alternative to

written narrative, students can also become more actively engaged in

learning the sequences of events in history by constructing timelines



http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/timelines acces at December 30 2015




b. The Use of Timelines

According Gareth Rees in British council there are some

usefulness of timeline strategy, they are:20

Time line strategy can simplify linguistic explanation, this

strategy facilitates student to identify the use of right tenses. Besides,

it is an easy way for students to reinforce the understanding of a

concept in a text. The students can have Illustrate the differences

between verb forms and other language items

Each student has different learning styles, such as auditory,

visual, and kinesthetic and others. Timeline strategy can help

students with visual learning style. Moreover, timeline strategy

provides a reference point for students and encourages the awareness

of how language refers to time in different ways.

A timeline icon was chosen to represent recount because it is

a simple, clear indicator of chronological order (using left  right as

an indicator of time passing), and visually easy to remember. 21

The benefits of timeline strategy based on National Literacy

Strategy are: 22

20Teaching English….. 21



1) An opportunity to sort out the main events, and their sequences,

without the added effort putting on them into sentences

2) An overview of all the events, in clear chronological order, so

the author knows exactly how much he or she has to cover (and

doesn’t get stuck on the bus)

3) An opportunity to consider how to divide the information into

paragraph before beginning to write

4) An opportunity to decide whether to follow a linear

chronological structure or to adapt the time sequences for effect,

e.g : starting with a key event in a biography

c. Kind of Timelines

There are no set rules for the appearance of timelines; rather,

there is a common sense convention which will be described below.

The basics a horizontal line represents the basic line of time. The

left end of the line is the first point in time. The right end is the final

point in time. Thus, time is deemed to move forwards as the line

moves from the left to right. This line is usually marked with a point

that represents now. Thus, the timeline is divided into the past and

the future.23


National Literacy Strategy., National Literacy Strategy. Grammar 3, Grammar 3, (S.l.: s.n., 2002).



To emphasize the direction of time the line maybe capped with

an arrowhead. Gareth like represent the present with triangle, as


This simple template can be added to in order to show everything

from the difference between the words after and before and the

meaning of future perfect continuous!


The following is a summary of the common symbols used in timelines

A single action or events

A repeated action or habit

A permanent state or situation

A temporary state, situation or repeated continous action

Exact time of event unknown

A point in time

A period time



Examples of using symbol of timelines:

Last night, I was walking home and when I slipped on the icy path

I have been learning Japanese for 3 years

I have been to Taiwan, Hongkong and New Zealand

I get up at seven o’clock everyday

There are several types of timelines a teacher can choose,

depending on the grade, area of study in social studies and needs of


Horizontal: from left to right




Vertical: from bottom to top

Illustrated: pictures added

Table top timelines: add objects, artifacts, photographs in

frames, etc. to a timeline on a table or counter in a classroom

Circles: this could be a clock or represent a journey that

ended where it began

Computer generated: use Word, Excel, or PowerPoint,

adding information to create a personal or historical timeline

Meandering: a timeline could represent a journey or

migration that did not follow a linear path

Map: put a timeline directly on a map to show both distance,

place, and time on a Journey

Parallel timelines: put a student's life on the left and world

events on the right

Living timelines: construct a large timeline that uses the

walls or floor of the room using lengths of butcher paper;

students can learn about and dress to represent historical

events and then tell other member of the class, or an audience

of other classes, about the period



According to Palmer timeline was chosen to represent recount

because it is a simple, clear indicator of chronological order (using left

 right as an indicator of time passing), and visually easy to


2. Writing Ability

The importance of writing skills is growing in tandem with

increasing international interactions/transactions and opportunities in real

life. Writing is a productive skill that’s supported by receptive skill.

When students want to formulate the ideas, the students should have some

resources that help critical thinking. From receptive skills whether

reading or listening are able to help students of producing language in


Pal er….. Inrtroduction

5 W+1 H


Paragraph 1 Paragraph 3

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 5



written because writing can stimulate and support critical thinking skills

while showing what students do not understand.26

Students have to notice five components as evaluating of writing in

exploring their thought and ideas: composing style, word, formation,

usage and mechanics mentioned by self (n.d)27 because of evaluation

should be done to measure or to know the students ability in writing

especially in recount text. The effect of a learning process of writing skill

can be measured through an evaluation activity. Here are some aspects

evaluated for each category that’s taken by self (n.d)28

1. Composing

The composing related to the content and organization which

the composing of writing focuses on central ideas with

organized and elaborated text.

2. Style

It’s about how to choose vocabulary, sentence variety,

information and voice to affect reader.

3. Sentence Formation

Sentence formation is related to grammar. Grammar is an

important convention that makes communication (both oral


Jennifer lyn Craig, Integrating Writing Strategies in EFL/ESL University Context (New York and London: Routledge, 2013),115

27O’Malley J. Michael and Lorraine Pierce Valdez, Authentic Asses ents for English Language

Learners: Practical Approaches for Teachers (USA: Longman,1996),145




and written).29 It’s about how to write an essay with

grammatical correctly including in standard word order, no

enjambment (run on sentences), completeness (No sentence

fragments), standard modifier and coordinators, and effective


4. Usage

The usage related to standard inflections (e.g., plural,

possessives, -ed, -ing with verbs, and –ly with adverb),

subject-verb agreement (we, we is vs we are), and standard

word meaning.

5. Mechanics

It’s about effective use of capitalization, punctuation,

speeling, and formatting (paragraphs noted by indenting).

3. Recount Text

a. Definition of recount text

According to Hyland, recount is a kind of genre that has social

function to retell event for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

The tense that used in recount text is past tense. Social purpose of

recount is to reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in




original sequence. We can look at the sample of recount in personal

letters, police report, insurance claims, and incident reports.30

b. Generic Concepts of Recount

There are three generic structure of recount. They are:

1) Orientation: provides the setting and produces participants. It

provides information about :“who, where, and when”.

2) Record of Events: tell what happened, present event in

temporal sequence. It is usually recounted in chronological

order. Personal comments and/ or evaluative remarks, which

are interspersed throughout the record of events.

3) Re-orientation: optional-closure of events. It is rounds off the

sequence of events.

c. Grammatical Features of Recount

The common grammatical features of recount text are:31

1. Use of nouns and pronouns to identify people, animals, things involved

2. Use of actions verbs to refer to events

3. Use of past tense to locate events in relation to speaker’s or writer’s time


Hyland Ken, Genre and Second Language writing (New York, Michingan Press, 2004),29




4. Use of conjunctions and time connectives to sequence of events

5. Use of adverb and adverbial phrase to indicate place and time

6. Use of adjective to describe nouns

d. Types of Recount

There are three types of recount:

1. Personal recount: retelling of an activity that the writer or speaker has

been personally involved in (e.g. oral anecdote, diary entry).

2. Factual recount: recording the particulars of an accident (e.g. report of a

science experiment, police report, news report, historical account).

3. Imaginative recount: taking on a imaginary role and giving details of

events (e.g. a day in the life of a roman slave; how I invented). Here the

example of recount text:

Our Trip to the Blue Mountain

Orientation On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and a tennis




On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway. It was

scary. Then, Mummy and I went shopping with Della. We went to some

antique shops and I tried on some old hats.

Event 2

On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos

having a shower.

Reorientation In the afternoon we went home.

B. Previous Studies

There are five previous studies related to this study. The first study is

done by Farid Helmy entitled Improving Students Skills in Writing Recount Text

by Using Personal Letter. The objective of the study is to describe the

improvement of personal letter in writing recount text to the tenth grade of

MASS Proto Pekalongan in the Academic Year 2011/2012. The writer conducts

a classroom action research to know the effectiveness of personal letter in

improving students’ skills in writing recount text. The result of the test shows

that the students’ score in the pre-cycle test was 55.5, the students’ score in the



achievement of the test shows that the treatment was successful because the

result of the cycle II test was higher than the cycle I test.32

The second study was done by Christian D. Manurung entitled

Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text by Using

Transitions – Actions – Details (TAD) Strategy”. The objective of the study is

to know the effectiveness of TAD Strategy in writing Recount Text. The writer

conducted classroom action research. The subject of this research were the

second year students of SMP Immanuel, Medan, class VIII-A which consisted

of 36 students. This research is conducts in two cycles. Each cycle was

organized in four steps, namely Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection.

Cycle II was the improvement of Cycle I. The result of this study shows that

students’ score improved from Test I to Test III. Based on the data analysis,

Students’ mean in Test I was 44.33, in Test II was 61.13, and Test III was

82.66. The conclusion is that the Transitions – Actions – Details (TAD)

Strategy can improve students’ achievement in writing recount text.33

The third study is done by Eviana Yuni Afriana with the tittle ” The Use

of Blog to Teach Recount Text to Improve Students’ Writing Skill ”A Case

Study of the Year Eight Students of SMPN 5 Semarang in Academic Year

2011/2012”. This research finds out whether teaching writing recount by using


Farid Helmy, Bachelor Thesis: Improving Students Skills in Writing Recount Text by Using Personal Letter

(Semarang: IAIN WALISONGO, 2012)


Christian D. Manurung, Bachelor Thesis: I provi g “tude ts’ A hieve e t i Writi g Re ou t Te t Usi g



a blog as the medium is effective to improve students’ ability of writing recount

text and to find out whether there is any improvement of students’ ability of

writing recount text after being taught using blog. The result of this study

shows that there was a significant improvement of students‟ ability of writing

recount text after being taught using blog. While from the result of the

observation checklist and questionnaire, the students gave good responses after

being taught using blog. It can be concluded that a blog was a helpful medium

in teaching writing recount text.34

The fourth study is done by Doni Ramli under the title “An Analysis on

Students’ Error In Writing Recount Text” This research discusses the errors in

writing recount text of the tenth Grade Student of SMAN I Siantan in Academic

Year 2012/2013. The writer conducts a descriptive research where the

researcher explained the result of research by describing the data gained. The

techniques used for collecting data are measurement technique and direct

observation technique. The tool of collecting data is written test. The result of

this research shows that there are 275 errors made by the students in writing

recount text. The error are 95 or 34.54% errors at writing content of the text, 21

or 7.63% errors at vocabulary, 123 or 44.74% errors grammar and 36 or 13.9%

errors at mechanics.35


Eviana Yuni Afriana, Bachelor Thesis: The Use of Blog to Teach Recount Text to Improve “tude ts’ Writi g “kill

A Case “tud of the Year Eight “tude ts of “MPN 5 “e ara g i A ade i Year / (Semarang: Universitas Semarang, 2012)




The fifth study is done by Ellanari Karanani under the title “Area of

Problem in Writing Recount Text” .this research discusses the area of a problem

occurs when students write recount text. The writer uses descriptive method in

order to gain the data needed. The data were gained by using writing as test

instrument. The result of this research on the students ability in writing recount

text based on the five writing aspects was classified as fair, but most of them

still encountered with some serious problem.36

However there are the differences between the first, second and third

studies they various strategies applied such as personal letters, TAD and blog as

media to teach writing recount text. The fourth and fifth studies are an analysis

of writing recount text. What is the different from this research and research

above mentioned is that this research use timeline strategy to improve students

writing in recount text.





Research Method

This research aims to find out the strategic that is used to measure the effect of

timeline strategy in writing recounts text. Because of those problems, this chapter

presents research design, the location, subject, research instrument, data collection

techniques and data analysis.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher wants to get information about the effect of

timeline strategy to improve Students’ writing ability in recount text at the Second

year students in Hidayatul Ummah senior high school. In this research, the researcher

will use the quasi experimental. According to Trochim research design provides the

glue that holds the research project together. A design was used to structure this

research, to show how all the major parts of the research project-sample of group,

measures, treatments or program, and methods of work-assignment together to

address the rental research question.37

This study was quantitative research. Quantitative research can be interpreted as

research method which is based on positivism and philosophy, used in certain

population and sample, uses data collection and research instrument, in data analysis




uses quantitative/statistic characteristic, in purpose to testing the hypothesis that had

been settle.38 As this research aim to know the effect of timeline strategy in students

writing recount text ability, this quantitative method matches the purpose of this


Quasi experimental design was applied in this research. Experimental research

was the way to find a causal relationship between two factors that are deliberately

caused by the researcher by reducing or setting aside other factors that interfere.

Experiments are always done with the intent to see a treatment.39 A quasi

experimental design is one that looks a bit like an experimental design but lacks the

key ingredient-random assignment. 40

The design which is used in this research has some characteristics. The first

characteristic is that the researcher conducted the research in two classrooms. Those

two classrooms will divide into one experimental group and one control group. The

second characteristic is that the researcher measured both groups twice. The first

measurement serve as the pretest to find out their homogeneity before the treatment,

and the second one served as the post-test to find out the effectiveness of technique

employ. Then, the researcher manipulated the experimental group by using a particular

treatment which is the use of timeline strategy, while the control group will not use it.

Finally, the researcher measures the dependent variables’ effect after the treatments


Sugiyono, Statistika untuk Penelitian (Bandung: Alfabeta Bandung, 2010)8


Suharismi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Pendekatan Suatu Praktek (Jakarta: Bina AKsara,1987),3




are completely given by using statistical analysis. There is one stage used in the

process of analyzing the data. This is concerned with the descriptive statistics of which

purpose was to reveal the characteristics of the data, like maximum score, minimum

score, and mean score.

Table 3.1

The design of Experimental Research

Groups Random Pre test Treatment Post test

Experimental group

Control group





X O2


In which :

R : Random Sampling

O1 : Pre Test of experimental group

O2 : Post Test of experimental group

O3: Pre test of Control group

O4 : Post Test of control group

X : the treatment that given by the researcher to the experimental group by

using timeline strategy

B. Research Hypothesis



Ha : There is a significant difference in students’ English writing recount text taught by timeline strategy and traditional technique at the first year of

SMA Hidayatul Ummah Surabaya.

Ho :There is no significant difference in students’ English writing recount text taught by timeline strategy and traditional technique at the first year of

SMA Hidayatul Ummah Surabaya.


Ha will be accepted if t-value < t-table

Ho will be accepted if t-value > t-table

T-table is the score gotten from t distribution, while t-value is the score gotten

from calculation using the formula of t-test.

C. Research Variables

In the experiment research, there are two variables that will be manipulated by

the researcher. They are independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y).

Independent variable is a factor which is manipulated by the writer to determine the

relationship between the phenomena observed. While dependent variable is a factor

which is observed and measured to determine the effect of independent variable.

1. Independent Variable



recount text in the first year students of SMA Hidayatul Ummah.academic

year 2015/2016.

2. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is (Y) is student’s ability in writing recount

text in the first year students of SMA Hidayatul Ummah academic year


D. Population and Sample

This study addresses the population of first year students of SMA

Hidayatul Ummah, since this is a quasi experimental research, cluster sampling

was assigned and results two classes of first year. The sample will be taken in

first year of SMA. It will take 2 classes as experiment class. The first class will

become the experimental and control group. There are 2 classes consist of 18

students in class X-1 and class X-2 consist of 18 students. X-1 will become the

control class and X-2 will become the experimental class. it will take the

second semester of first year of SMA Hidayatul Ummah Surabaya.

E.Research Setting and Subject

The subject and setting of this study is the first grade of SMA Hidayatul

Ummah Surabaya. SMA Hidayatul Ummah was located in Jl. Mulyorejo No.92

Surabaya. The students from first year of senior high school were selected as

the subject of this study because they get a specific learning based on their



F. Research Procedure

The procedure of this study covered the following steps, namely: pretest,

treatment 1, treatment 2 and posttest. To answer the research question of this

study, pretest and posttest was collected. Pretest was conducted before

treatment while posttest was conducted after treatment. Before the treatment

was given to the experimental group, the researcher has been given some

information to the teacher about timeline strategy and how to teach using

timeline strategy because the researcher becomes an observer in the learning

process. The English teacher of SMA Hidayatul Ummah has been taught the

students in the experimental group using timeline strategy. There were some

activities conducted to both groups to see the differences on achievement

between experimental and control group. The research schedule is figured out

in the text following table:

Table 3.2

The Research Procedure

No. Experimental Group Control Group

Date Theme/ material Date Theme/material

1. 14th March Pretest 14th March Pretest

2. 15th March Treatment 1 teaching recount


The researcher prepared the teaching process before administering the

activities above. It was undertaken two steps: First, the researcher prepared a

appropriate materials for teaching process. Second, the researcher organized



G. Data Collection Technique

In conducting a research, it is necessary to collect the data required. Data

collecting can be done in many setting, various source and various means.41 It

also known that research was a system attempt to provide answer to problem or

a question. Then to solve the problem, pre test and post test was taken to collect

the data.

1. Pretest

The data was collect through the pretest in both classes in order to know

is the experimental group and control group having similar ability or not

before the implementation of timeline strategy. Pretest was administered

to both classes to measure the students’ English writing ability before the

treatment. The pretest conducted on March 15 2016.

2. Posttest

After timeline strategy implemented, then the posttest was given. Posttest

was given to know students ability result after the treatment. The result of

the test was scored and calculated. It was conducted on March 28 2016.

H. Research Instrument

In quantitative research, instrument was applied to collect the data. The

instrument of this research to measurable variable value that was accurate. In

this research, test and observation used to collect the data. The test was the




main instrument to give the researcher data about the students’ writing ability.

The test was in form of essay writing.

In grading and scoring the researcher used analytic scales with explicit

and detailed scoring adapted from Self (n.d) to get the more validity and

reliable grading of the test. (Appendix 1) the rubric is a set of characteristic that

used to evaluate writing, with rubric researcher can access and give the score of


There were five components assessed on writing ability in recount text:

they are composing style, word formation, usage and mechanism.42 Each

component of five aspects have maximal score and minimum score. The

maximal score of all aspects are 4, and 1 for the minimum score. The score was

based on the degree of control the students’ paper exhibits for that component.

4 = consistent control

3 = reasonable control

2 = inconsistent control

1 = little or no control

1. Pretest

In this research, the pretest was used to find the students’ English

writing ability in recount text. It was conducted to all class X in SMA

Hidayatul Ummah Surabaya. They were selected because their

schedule subject of second semester was similar.




2. Posttest

Afterward the posttest was conducted to measure the effect of

timeline strategy used after the application treatment in experimental

group. The use of posttest also determines whether was effective of not

by comparing the achievement of post test in both classes, those are

control and experimental group.

I. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, there was only one question with one data. The data of

the question about the significant different of increasing writing achievement

between who taught using guiding question technique and who was not taught

without using guiding question technique. The data was collected from

observation class activity and students’ test.

After collecting the data of pre-test and pos-test from the experimental

group and control group, the researcher tried to find out the difference between

the achievement of the experimental group and the control group. Then, the

data was analyzed using statistical calculation of t-test to find out whether the

differences of the score between the experiment class and the control class are

significant or not. T-test is used to measure and compare the differences of

means score between experimental group and control group. 43




To know is there any advantages in use of guiding question technique or

not in teaching writing, t-test was applied in this research. Before that, the

researcher was did normality test and homogeneities test. The normality test

was used to check whether the posttest score of experimental group and control

group were normally distribution or not. While homogeneity test was used to

calculate the homogeneity of variance of both experimental and control group

posttest score.44

1. Analysis of T-test

The data analyzed applying t-test formula to find out the influence

of timeline strategy on improving students’ writing skill.

�� =

the mean of the control group


= the mean of the experimental group

Sse: sum of quadrate deviation of the experimental group

Ssc: sum of quadrate deviation of the control group

Ne: the number of experimental group




Nc: the number of control group13

Before calculating the t-test the researcher calculates mean,

variance, and strandard deviation

a) Mean

Mean is computed by using the formula:


�= mean

�= sum of scores

�=number of scores

b) Variance

The variance of a group of scores is computed by using the

following formula:


S2: variance

X: individual score



c) Standard Deviation

The standard deviation of a group of scpres was computed by using

the following formula:


S: standard deviation

Xe: individual score

N: number of scores in group

After calculating the t-test, it shows the difference mean and standard

deviation scores between students who are taught with timeline strategy

and without timeline strategy. After that, comparing t-test with t-table.

1) If the value of t-test > from the t table it shows there is significance

effect of timeline strategy on improving students’ writing skill.

2) If the value of t-test < from the t table it shows there is no

significance effect of timeline strategy on improving students writing


2. Testing hypothesis

This research has two hypothesis, null hypothesis (Ho) and



based on the significant value and t-test calculated based on

hypotheses as follows:

a. Since significant value (to) > from the critical value (t), then

null hypothesis (Ho) rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha)


b. Since significance value (to) < from the critical value (t), then

null hypothesis (Ho) accepted and alternative hypothesis (Ha)



components from writing aspect taken from Self at, al.: Composing (C),

Style (S), Sentence Formation (SF), Usage (U), and Mechanism (M). The

researcher calculated the result of the pretest and mean of both groups to

evidence that samples had same ability. To know the total score of first test,

the researcher multiplied each component by 5 C (5)+ S (5) + SF (S)+ U(5)

+ M (5) and then all scores from five components number of students were

added to be a total score.

a. The Result of Pretest of Control Group Table 4.1

The Result of Pretest of Control Group

No. Score Criteria Score


1. 10 5 15 10 10 50

2. 10 10 10 15 10 55

3. 15 10 15 10 10 60

4. 10 10 10 15 15 60

5. 15 5 15 10 10 55

6. 10 10 10 10 10 50



8. 15 5 15 10 10 55

9. 10 10 15 10 10 55

10. 10 10 15 15 10 60

11. 15 10 10 15 15 65

12. 10 10 15 15 15 65

13. 10 15 10 10 10 55

14. 15 5 10 15 10 55

15. 10 15 15 15 15 70

16. 10 5 15 10 10 50

17. 15 15 15 15 10 70

18. 10 15 10 15 10 60

∑ 210 175 235 225 200 1045

Mean 11.7 9.7 13.1 12.5 11.1 58.1

The table showed that the sum of the pretest scores of control group was 1045.

While the mean of pretest scores of the control group was 58,1. The mean was

gotten from five components (Components, Style, Sentence Formation,



b. The result of Pretest of Experimental Group Table 4.2

The Result of Pretest of Experimental Group

No. Score Criteria Score


1. 10 15 10 10 10 55

2. 10 10 15 10 15 60

3. 10 10 15 10 15 60

4. 10 10 10 15 10 55

5. 10 10 15 15 15 65

6. 15 15 15 10 10 65

7. 10 15 15 15 15 70

8. 15 15 10 10 15 65

9. 10 15 15 10 10 60

10. 15 10 15 15 10 65

11. 15 10 10 15 10 60

12. 10 5 15 15 10 55

13. 15 10 10 10 10 55

14. 15 15 10 15 10 65

15. 10 5 10 10 10 45

16. 15 15 10 10 10 60

17. 10 10 10 10 10 50

18. 10 10 10 10 10 50

∑ 215 205 220 215 205 1060



The table showed that the sum of the pretest scores of experimental group was

1060. While the mean of pretest scores of the control group was 58,9. The mean was

gotten from five components (Components, Style, Sentence Formation, Usage, and

Mechanism) and divided by number of students (18).

1.1 Analysis of Pretest

Pretest in the experimental and control group is given in the first

meeting before conducting the treatment. It is attended by 18 students in each

class. data is collected through pretest in both groups in order to find out their

writing ability in both groups are homogeneous or not. It is given before the


Table 4.3

The result of pretest can be seen in the following table:

Group N Total Score Mean

Control Group 18 1045 58,1

Experimental Group 18 1060 58,9



1035 1040 1045 1050 1055 1060 1065

Control group Experimental group

Chart Total Score of prestest

Experimental and Control Group

Series 1 Column1 Column2

0 20 40 60

Chart Mean Pretest of Control and

Experimental Group

Series 1

Series 2

Series 3

The result would be described through the following figure.

Chart 4.1

Chart total score of pretest experimental and control group

Chart 4.2



1.2 The Treatment

The treatments of this study were the use of timeline strategy for the

experimental group. Timeline strategy would be a help for the students in

investigating the question and it would direct students in order to choose, find

and create the ideas of writing and then developing students’ ideas into

understand. The process of timeline strategy is very useful to help the students

to generate and organize ideas into a good composition of writing. So, the

product of writing can easier understand by the reader.

a) First Treatment

The first treatment was held on 16th March, 2016. In this time the students

was taught used timeline strategy. The theme of this meeting was about

“Unforgettable moment” The teacher ask the students to write their story be

related to their experience and use timeline strategy.

The first treatment was started with the greeting and shared the purpose of

the study. Then the teacher ordered the students to open the book and gave

some explanation based on the subject. Teacher introduces the timeline strategy

and starts explain how to use the timeline. Teacher gives picture kind of

timeline strategy, then she explain the steps how to make a timeline. After the

teacher gave the example, she asks students to write down their own timeline in

the book. Then she give the students home work to do the recount text based on



b) Second Treatment

The second treatment was held on 21st March 2016. In this time the

students was taught to use timeline strategy. The theme of this meeting was

about “Last holiday”. Teacher asked the students to write about their last

holiday and use timeline.

The second treatment was started with the greeting and shared the

purpose of the study. Before teacher explains the second material she asks

students to submit their home work. Then teacher asks the students to open the

book and explains them about generic structure of recount text. After that, the

teacher asks the students to write story about their last holiday and do they

spent the holiday. In the end, students make story about their last holiday use

timeline strategy and submit their work to the teacher. Then teacher asks one of

their students to explain how to write and generating their ideas.

2. The Result of Posttest of Experimental and Control Group

After giving pretest, the teacher taught writing to the experimental and

control groups. For the experimental group, the researcher presented the

material of writing by using timeline strategy and for control group taught

without using timeline strategy and directly taught and explained about recount

text. The posttest was given to the 36 students. There were 18 students in

control group and 18 students in experimental group. After giving pretest, the



experimental group was given timeline strategy and the control group was

taught use traditional method.

The posttest was conducted in 28th of March 2016. Posttest in experimental

and control group was conducted on the third and fourth meeting, while the

control and experimental group was given the posttest in the third and fourth

meeting. Posttest was conducted to know the students’ English writing ability

of recount text after the implementation of timeline strategy.

a. The result of posttest in control group

Posttest was also given to the class X-1 at SMA Hidayatul Ummah as

a control group. The control group was not given the treatment by

timeline strategy. The teacher was taught students use traditional

technique. In traditional technique teacher gives material to students

besides on explanation and book. The posttest was attended by 18

students at the third and fourth meeting on 21st and 28th March 2016.

The data of posttest of control group was analyzed based on the five

components: Components, Style, Sentence Formation, Usage, and

Mechanism. The result of posttest of control group can be seen in the



Table 4.4

The Result of Posttest in Control Group

No. C S SF U M Score

1. 10 10 10 15 15 60

2. 10 10 10 10 15 55

3. 10 15 10 15 10 60

4. 10 15 15 10 15 65

5. 10 15 15 15 10 65

6. 10 15 10 15 15 65

7. 10 15 10 15 10 60

8. 10 15 10 10 15 60

9. 10 15 10 10 15 60

10. 10 15 10 10 15 60

11. 10 15 10 10 20 65

12. 10 10 15 15 10 60

13. 15 10 10 15 10 60

14. 15 15 15 10 15 70

15. 10 20 10 10 10 60



On the contrary, the posttest of control had not improved

significantly as the experimental group. From the table above it can be

seen that the students’ mean in their English writing score of pretest

group was 61,1.

b. The Result of Posttest in Experimental Group

The data was gotten by giving posttest after implementation of

timeline strategy in experimental group. Posttest on the experimental

group was held on third and fourth meeting 28th of March. Before posttest

was given, the treatments were done twice on 15th March and 21st March

2016. The first treatment used “Unforgettable moment” and “Last


The score of control group which was showed in five components:

Composing (C), Style (S), Sentence Formation (SF), Usage (U), and

Mechanism (M), then the score of posttest of control group was assessed

based on ESL Composition. Score can be seen in the following table:

17. 10 10 10 15 15 60

18. 10 10 15 10 15 60

∑ 190 245 205 220 240 1100



Table 4.5

Result of Posttest Experimental Group

No. Score Critetria Score

1 2 3 4 5

1. 15 15 15 15 15 70

2. 15 15 15 15 15 75

3. 15 15 10 15 15 70

4. 10 20 20 15 15 80

5. 15 10 15 15 15 70

6. 15 15 15 15 15 75

7. 15 20 15 20 10 80

8. 15 15 15 15 15 75

9. 15 15 15 15 15 75

10. 15 10 15 15 20 75

11. 15 20 15 15 15 80

12. 20 15 15 15 15 80

13. 15 20 15 15 15 80

14. 15 15 15 15 15 75

15. 15 15 15 15 15 75



17. 20 15 10 15 15 75

18. 15 15 15 15 15 75

∑ 275 280 265 280 270 1365

Mean 15.3 15.6 14.7 15.6 15.0 75.8

Based on the table above, it can be conclude that scores of posttest in

experimental group got some improvement. The mean of posttest of

experimental group was 75,8. It means that mean score of experimental

group increase about 14,7 points.

c. Analysis of posttest

Posttest is conducted to both of experimental and control groups in

the same week after receiving the treatment. The purpose of posttest is

to know whether there is improvement in the students’ achievement of

experimental group. The result of the posttest score and mean of the

experimental and control groups are presented in following table:

Table 4.6

The Result of Total Score and Mean of Experimental And Control Group

Group N Total Score Mean

Experimental Group 18 1365 75,8



Chart total score posttest of experimental and control group

Chart 4.4



From the result of pretest and posttest scores of experimental group,

we could see that the posttest score is higher than pretest. It would be

compared with pretest to find out the improvement. The improvement can

be seen through the following:

Table 4.7

The improvement of Experimental and control Group

Group Mean



From the table above, it shows that the mean difference of

experimental class is higher than control class. The score of experimental

group mean difference is 16,9, whereas in control group is mean

difference is 3. It can be concluded that the treatment given by timeline

strategy has more influence than traditional technique.

Overall improvement between pretest and posttest score of

experimental group is higher than the control group. Then the researcher

calculates the two mean posttest score by using t-test formula to know

whether the improvement is significant or not.

d. Analysis of Significance

After the researcher gives the pretest, treatments and posttest then

the researcher calculates the different mean of pretest and posttest score

between experimental and control groups to know whether the result of

timeline strategy is significant or not between both of groups. Then the

result is analyzed using t-test formula. Before it is done, the standard

deviation of the two groups is calculated first.

1.1 Standard Deviation and variance of Experimental and Control


a. Experimental group

 Variance



=212,52 17


 Standard Deviation

= 12,5


b. Control group

 Variance

��2= (��−� )



=227,78 17


 Standard Deviation

= 13,40


Table 4.8

The result of calculation is presented in this table:

Group N Mean Variance

Experimental Group 18 3,53 12,50

Control Group 18 3,66 13,40



After the researcher knows the different between mean and variance

from both groups then, the researcher calculates the t-test.


 Table 3.1
 Table 3.2
Table 4.1 The Result of Pretest of Control Group
Table 4.2 The Result of Pretest of Experimental Group


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