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Kuliah Fisika Modern 2009 – fisika itu sunatullah 03-schroedinger_eq


Academic year: 2017

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Schr¨odinger Equation

an introduction

Febdian Rusydi

PHOTON – University of Airlangga


Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

1 Mechanism of Motion review so far dynamics

2 Dotting Your’s and Crossing Your h’s!

wave equation for electron operators



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Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

Quiz (20 minutes)

At timet = 0 a particle is represented by the wave function

Ψ(0,x) = (

A(a2−x2) if −a≤x ≤+a,

0 otherwise.

1 Determine the normalization constantA.

2 Sketch Ψ(0,x) as a function ofx.

3 What is the expectation value of x (at timet= 0).

4 Find is the expectation value of p (at timet = 0). Note: You cannot get it frommdhxi/dt, why?


foundation principle

1 The very basic principle


the very basic principle

|Ψ(t,x)|2 = PDF Born’s statistical


2 The basic assumptions

de Broglie hypothesis

the first assumption

wave-particle duality

they behave symmetrically

particle has wavelength


Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

the second assumption

σxσp >~


Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

review so far


consequence of de Broglie hypothesis

Definition (mechanism)


consequence of de Broglie hypothesis

Definition (mechanism)

Mechanism is the way that something works like the way it does. Mathematically mechanism is stated as EOM. Since EOM is for dynamic object, a working only happen if the object is dynamics.


Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

review so far


consequence of de Broglie hypothesis

Definition (mechanism)

Mechanism is the way that something works like the way it does. Mathematically mechanism is stated as EOM. Since EOM is for dynamic object, a working only happen if the object is dynamics.

Dynamic objects: particle and wave.


consequence of de Broglie hypothesis

Definition (mechanism)

Mechanism is the way that something works like the way it does. Mathematically mechanism is stated as EOM. Since EOM is for dynamic object, a working only happen if the object is dynamics.

Dynamic objects: particle and wave.

EOM particle is Newton 2nd law → theory of particle for particle.


Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

review so far


consequence of de Broglie hypothesis

Definition (mechanism)

Mechanism is the way that something works like the way it does. Mathematically mechanism is stated as EOM. Since EOM is for dynamic object, a working only happen if the object is dynamics.

Dynamic objects: particle and wave.

EOM particle is Newton 2nd law → theory of particle for particle.


consequence of de Broglie hypothesis

Definition (mechanism)

Mechanism is the way that something works like the way it does. Mathematically mechanism is stated as EOM. Since EOM is for dynamic object, a working only happen if the object is dynamics.

Dynamic objects: particle and wave.

EOM particle is Newton 2nd law → theory of particle for particle.

EOM wave is Wave Equation → theory of wave for wave. Theory of particle for light → photon.


Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

review so far



dotting your

’s and crossing your



Laplacian operator (cartesian):


Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

wave equation for electron

operators next

commentary on the Schr¨odinger equation


commentary on the Schr¨odinger equation

− ~


2m ∇


Ψ =ℑ~ ∂

∂t Ψ


Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

wave equation for electron

operators next

commentary on the Schr¨odinger equation

It is a different form of the conservation energy principle. It was published by Ewrin Schr¨odinger in 1925; he later won the Noble Prize at 1933 for that.

A year before, in 1924, Werner Heisenberg published a seemingly different theory to explain quantum physics. Schr¨odinger succeed to show that both equations are equally the same. Their both equations found the ”quantum


commentary on the Schr¨odinger equation

− ~


2m ∇


Ψ =ℑ~ ∂


Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

wave equation for electron

operators next

commentary on the Schr¨odinger equation


commentary on the Schr¨odinger equation

sense that (1) it is EOM for non-relativistic case and (2) it relates the time and space derivatives of the wave functions. The kinetic energy form,

T =− ~


2m ∂2Ψ



Outline Mechanism of Motion Dotting Yourℑ’s and Crossing Yourh’s!

wave equation for electron



position, momentum, kinetic

To find the value→calculate the expectation value of the operator.

Z +∞


please read


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