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Error Analysis for Writing 2


Academic year: 2017

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Studying English is interesting. We can study English not only from books but also the other media. We can develop our skill of English language by listening to musics, watching movies, playing vocabulary games in computer, etc. There is no pressure because of studying English. We don’t really need the complicated formulas like science, there are no “numbers” like Math, and there aren’t many theories we have to remember like social study. Language is not all about how you learn it, but all about how you use it. So, if we capable to use it well, that is good point. Moreover, if we master to use the language, the point will be the “four thumbs”. And, of course, studying English won’t make you blade whose the science professors. Just kidding. Therefore, studying English language is possible to make we “blade’ because we don’t have any creative strategies. I have told you about listening music and watching movie. Both of them are two of many creative strategies. They are interesting ways to studying English because we can studying while we enjoy the music or movie. Basically, we just find our fun to studying English, than we realize that studying English is absolutely interesting.

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I think studying English is interesting. As we know English language is the major in getting job. That’s why I choose the English program in my study. I feel enjoy with my study because I like English so much. In English program we are able to know more and detail about the language, how and when it used. It contains several things, like linguistics, structure, writing, listening, Reading, etc. Followed by that maybe we can master it well.

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I love English language so much, there are some reasons so I like it. For me, English is an interesting language. In this globalitation era, English becomes a world language so all of people in the world should learn it. When I started to study English in the elementary school, I thought that I must can speak English well. Now, I am studying English in Yogyakarta State University. I choose English programe, because I want to be English teacher. The other reason is English is a one of requirement of looking for a job. If we can speak English well, I think there are many opportunities to get a job. In Indonesia, the students in every school have studied English language, it is a good way in order to the people in Indonesia can follow the advantages of this world.

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Ketep located at the North of Sleman. I just go there when I and my friends have a picnic to Ketep. It’s the first moment we have a picnic together. We also bring some food to eat at Ketep. The road is tracking so we can’t to speed. Before we until Ketep the air are so cool and clean, and when until Ketep the situation become breezy. It’s so exciting. At there, we can see the scenery of Merapi volcano and Merbabu volcano. Unfortunately we can’t see the peak of Merapi because fog are around the volcano. There was a diorama that we can to know about Merapi activities. It’s so spooky. After take a look we go to the upstair and take lunch together some of my friends buy cornburn at Ketep. Many tree’s like pinus, out there. Before we go home we take some picture because we will never know are we can to Ketep anymore. So it’s for our documentation. Ketep the place that I’ll never forget.

Having Small Family Guarantee Happy Life


In the other hand, there are some people tend to have a big family because they think that is a good thing to be having big family. First, you will never feel lonely since there are someone such as brothers, sisters, and other relatives who accompanying you to hang around, to play or do something, and a lot of things to share together and learn some good values about sharing and being patient. Second, you have a joyful and social life. Being together and spent lots of joyful moments, that are such a special moment which is able to look back as you get older and think of all good times you had with your siblings and parents as well. Family is one source of happiness in life.


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