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(Submitted in a Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree

Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English)



Intan Jauharotush Sholihah







Sholihah,Intan Jauharotush. (2016). Students Difficulties in Designing Digital Media on CALL class For teaching English. A thesis. English Teacher Educatin Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. Advisors: Sigit Pramono Jati.

Keywords : Digital media, Difficulties, Designing, CALL.






D. Scope and Limitation of Study ...7

E. Significance of Study ...8

F. Definition of Key Term ...9

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Literature………..………..12

1. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) ...12

2. Digital Media ...15

3.Digital Media In Teaching English ...16

4.Factor Affecting Difficulties ...17

5.Kind of Difficulties in Designing digital media... ....22

6.Problem Solving to Face the Difficulties ...25



A. Approach and Research Design ... 34

B. Research Presence ...35

C. Research Location ...35

D. Data and Source Data ...36

E. Data Collection Technique ...37

F. Research Instrument ...41

G. Data Analysis Technique ...43

H. Checking validity of Findings………...45

I. Research Stages………...46


B. Discussion ...65


B. Suggestion ...75




This chapter discusses the area of the study that will be covered in

some headings (1) background, (2) scope and limitation of the study, (3)

statements of the problems, (4) objectives of the study, (5) significances of the

study, and (6) definition of key terms.

A. Background

The use of new media and social networks in teaching-learning

process gives big effects for language education, society, culture, distance

learning, socio-psychological, and access to get much information dealing

with the goal of the courses. Through digital media, young people get

more information from the technology they use outside the school than

from their teacher in the classroom1. It is clear that learning through

online media helps learners to improve their target language, encourages

them to be independence and has a great potential for the development of

intercultural and communicative skills. Beside that, teachers should

realize that nowadays people cannot be separated from technology.

Wherever they go and whatever they do, technology will be there.

1 Meidasari, Venny Eka.Thesis. Teaching English through New Digital Media (University of


Using various digital media is always challenging. Teacher and

students should be able to use media through different technologies so that

the students will not be bored when receiving the material in teaching and

learning process. New digital media provide teachers and students with

creative and practical ideas. They enable teachers to find the students’

needs easily2.

There are positive and negative impacts in using media for teaching.

The development of media that more sophisticated can be a new challenge for

teacher3. However, one of the problems faced by the teachers in using

computer in language teaching is lack of computer knowledge. Besides, most

of teachers do not have enough time to prepare material using computers4.

The technology is developed rapidly, thus there are many technology,

and media for teaching and learning to master all the digital media. It has

many difficulties more over if the students are not understand well about


Research on learning has demonstrated the shortcomings of this type

of instruction. Students often forget in memorizing information or they fail to

apply it, when it is really needed. They need some help in connecting new

2Supripto penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dan dampaknya dalam dunia

pendidikan (Citizen Journalism dan Keterbukaan Informasi Publik untuk Semua) : 2013

3 Committee on Information Technology Literacy. Being Fluent with Information Technology.

National research council.1999. P:12

4 Nor, Faizah binti Modh and Sumintha Malar Vasu.Teachers’ Preception Of lesson

UsingComputer Assisted Language Learning. Malaysia.University Technology of Malaysia.


information to their previous knowledge and also in extending and applying

their knowledge to the new problems.

There are some processes that should be known to use computer for

language learning as English. The processes are termed as “Computer

Assisted Language Learning (CALL)”.6

While doing the processes of CALL,

students will find difficulties. It will be a serious problem for the teacher

especially Pre Service Teacher. As the researcher phenomenon when join on

CALL class, the lesson very help us in teaching and learning process but the

fact the student do not understand well because many group work than

individual works. The students also have last face to face contact with the

lecture, thus make the student who joined CALL class have difficulties.

The Problem in providding language learning material means must

partly be due to teachers as facilitators who either do not appreciate or do not

understand the power of media use for teaching-learning process. In this case,

teachers must be able to choose and use the various media appropriately and

creatively in order to make students interested and enthusiast. Fortunately, in

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, especially at English Education Department,

there is a course that has been conducted to make the students more

understand about the benefits of technologies in education area. This course is

CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). The class explores some

ideas about how to integrate technology in language teaching and learning.


This class is designed to help students producing materials for language

teaching purposes using technology offline and online.

After taking CALL Class, students are expected to be able to design

some interesting and useful materials for teaching English as an output of the

course through digital media, computer. As teachers to be, they should be able

to implement their knowledge of CALL, to use it in teaching-learning process

creatively, to develop students’ interest, and to learn for pleasure. The fact is

there are many students of CALL course can not create material. That was

proven by some students who did their weekly assignments by designing good

media, but the content is not appropriate with the material, They created good

materials, but they still feel confused in designing. There are more group

assignments than individual assignment. Therefore the students feel difficult

in doing assignment based the technology

As the preliminarily research from five students that have taken CALL

Class the by the questions: 1. Do you fell difficulties in designing digital

media? 2. What are the difficulties in designing digital media? 3. What are

the factors that cause difficulties in designing digital media? 4. What do you

do when you felt difficulties? The result of preliminary research is four

students tell that they have difficulties designing digital media and the other

students feel easy while there are practicing. For the second question, almost

the students answer that they do not try new digital media in the free time


when connect or input the data to the digital media. For the third question

there are five students told that they have lack of teaching practice, lack of

interaction between lecture, lack of facilitation and lack of time to explain and

for the last question is when the students felt difficult, most of them anticipate

the problem by asking to their friend (discuss) and (goggling) search in the


It will be irony because if the preliminary research told there are many

difficulties to make digital media. As a teacher to be, they must master the

development of digital media for teaching English. Teach by using digital

media will encourage students to practice English. Inside and outside the

classroom, extensive promoting in learning by giving the students confidence,

motivation and ability to continue their reading outside the classroom.

Before conducting the study, some previous studies related to the topic

of this study was found. The previous study was a thesis entitled “Faktor –

Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar mata pelajara teknologi

informasi dan komunikasi siswa kelas VII semester I di SMP Islam

Hidayatullah Semarang” written by Adrestya Seytya. This study analyzes

about the factor of students difficulties in TIK lesson. The result of this study


book completeness, time in learning and mess media7. This study has similar

topic with the students mentioned above that is factor difficulties in TIK

(Technology Informasi dan Komunikasi). However, the purpose and the

subject of the study are quite different. The study done by Andrestya Setya

recovered only the student factor difficulties in TIK. Whereas: this study

recovered student factor difficulties in designing digital media and how

students deal the difficulties. The subjects of this study also in Student

University that process that term as Computer Assisted Language Learning


Because of the problem above, the researcher is in inspired to do the

research entitled Students Difficulties in Designing Digital media on CALL

Class for teaching English at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, the researcher try

to explore what the students’ difficult to designing digital media.

B. Statement of the Problems

As the English Education Department students who take Computer

Assisted Language Learning Course (CALL) course, The students can not use

the digital media for teaching English optimally and accurately. Thus, this

study intends to question:

7 Adrestya,setya, Thesis. Faktor Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar mata pelajara


1. What Factor are resulting student’s difficulties in designing

digital media on CALL for teaching English?

2. How the students deal with the difficulties in designing digital

media on CALL class for teaching English?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the statements of the problem, this study is intended to find the

objectives of the study, they are:

To analyze the students’ difficulties in designing digital media on

CALL class for teaching English are.

1. To identify the students’ difficulties in designing some digital


2. To know the students way in facing the difficulties in designing

digital media on CALL class.

D. Scope and Limitation of the Study

In this modern era, where people cannot be separated fromtechnology,

as a candidate of teacher, the students of CALL have to know the developing

of technology because various technology and interesting media for

teaching-learning process is very important to be noticed by the teachers as the

facilitator in the class. Thus, it is one of many aspects that can create

students’ interest and enthusiast in receiving material of the course. There will


technology because there are many digital media that have different way to

use it.

In order to make the research attaints its aim, the researcher needs to

limit this study of this study only on the students’ difficulties in designing

digital media. Then, it is divided into two research problem that are by

showing the result of the factors students difficulties and how the students

face the difficulties in designing digital media. The researcher limits the

difficulties only for students perception based on the students in designing the

digital media for teaching English based on their experience to do project in

CALL Class.

This research took the data from the eighth grade students of English

education department who has passed the CALL lesson in sixth and seventh

semesters. In this study researcher takes all the data in eight semesters that

have taken CALL class, there are 55 students researched.


Significances of the Study

1. This study is expected to give awareness for the students, lecturer and

researcher. To help lecturers finding out students problem in designing

digital media because as teachers in the future who will become

facilitators in teaching and learning process have to master the digital


2. The researcher want to enrich the literature as teachers candidate who

live in this technology era, they should be able to benefit the existence

of digital device in teaching that will make the media simpler in

access, more interesting and more flexible.

3. the result of this research will become reference for readers who

handles CALL class to decide what he/she has to do for the next

CALL class dealing with the material, the way in teaching, and other

things that can affect students’ ability in designing the media for

teaching English, digital media.


Definitions of Key Terms

In order to let students easy to understand about the main idea of this

research operationally, some definitions of key terms are provided.

1. Difficulties

The meaning of difficult thing that is hard accomplishes deal

with or understands8. So, what the research means difficulties is the

students do not optimal to use and designing the digital media. The

students trouble to designing digital media still have unclear

understanding the way to designing digital media, in this research the

8 Ibrahim Muhammad al faqih and Abdoel moneim hasan. 2014. Difficulties facing teacher in using


difficulties include what are the students factor felt difficulties and

how the students face the difficulties in designing digital media.

2. Designing

The definition of designing is the art or process of making a

drawing of something to show how you will make it or what it will

look like9. Operationally, what the researcher means by designing is

students/participants are able to produce/make English materials

individually using technology creatively without find any difficulties

when produce digital media. The definition of creatively here means creative in designing the media. How they design the media in good

visual and interesting. Then, operationally, the meaning of

appropriately here is the content which is appropriate to the theme of

material provided, using correct grammar, and understandable words.

3. CALL Class (Computer Assisted Language Learning)

The definition of CALL, Beatty also has contributed to define

the term as any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a

result, improves his or her language.10 Operationally, CALL class in this research means one of the classes provided in sixth semester in

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya which explores some ideas on how to

9 Daniel lim. 2012.Design Journal SOS. Singapore Design & Technology (D&T) Coursework

Component.Vol 01.

10 Ken Beatty, Teaching and Researching Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Second Edition


integrate technology in language teaching and learning during one

semester. This class is designed to help students to produce materials

for language teaching purposes using technology whether offline or


4. Digital Media

What the researcher clear that learning in an online environment helps

to improve the target language, encourages learner independence, and has

great potential for the development of intercultural and communicative

skills11. means of Digital Media in this research is an electronic tool used for delivering information in teaching-learning process implemented

digitally. For example: Comic, Power point (Video Scribe), and Google

Drive. Tools offer opportunities for people to challenge previous

centralized models of learning by connecting, sharing and discussing ideas

outside of the class room and at great distance from each other

11Muhammad, agus fayakun. Thesis Students Motivation in choosing CALL subject at UIN Sunan




A. Review of Related Literatures

This chapter reviews theoretical framework that deals with the

current study. This review is divided into some main parts that will be

discussed intensely; the first part will concern to Computer Assisted

Language Learning (CALL) then continuing with the digital media in

general after that give detail explanation about Digital media in

teaching English.. Then continuing with to Factor affecting difficulties

in designing digital media give more comprehensive knowledge about

what the researcher would like to discuss about kind of difficulties in

designing digital media the specific point that finally going to the

students deal with the difficulties in designing digital media After that

give detail explanation about It is necessary also to present the brave

explanation of which are applied in that research

1. CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning)

Computer-Assisted Language Learning or people generally abbreviate

with CALL, is traditionally defined as „presenting, reinforcing and testing„

certain language items. It presents regulation and example for learners before


will give feedback or mark, in which the teachers can use it as their


Regarding the definition of CALL, Beatty also has contributed to

define the term as any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a

result, improves his or her language.2 This definition, though rather broad, is

nevertheless a reasonable starting point when we consider the range of

articles that show up at CALL conferences, in CALL journals and in CALL

books. Here are the benefits of CALL:

a. Learning efficiency: learners are able to pick up language knowledge

or skills faster or with less effort.

b. Learning effectiveness: learners retain language knowledge or skills

longer, make deeper associations and/or learn more of what they need.

c. Access: learners can get materials or experience interactions that

would otherwise be difficult or impossible to get or do.

d. Convenience: learners can study and practice with equal effectiveness

across a wider range of times and places.

e. Motivation: learners enjoy the language learning process more and

thus engage more fully.

1Nazh G“nd“z, Computer Assisted Language Learning CALL , no. October : 97.

2 Ken Beatty, Teaching and Researching Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Second Edition


f. Institutional efficiency: learners require less teacher time or fewer or

less expensive resources.

Similarly, others have criticized the field for being too connected

to general education rather than focusing on the unique qualities of

language learning. 3

The definition above has similar sound with Scott and Beadle who

stated that CALL is any process in which learners use computer to improve

foreign language competence.4 Scott and Beadle also explain more about the

technology used in CALL, as well as a computer; smart phone, tablet, MP 3

Player and console are the members. In addition, they widely mentioned that

in CALL, people commonly applied:

a. Authentic foreign language material, such as video clips,

flash-animations, web-quests, pod-cast, web-casts, and news etc.;

b. Online environment where learners can communicate with foreign

language speakers, through email, text-based computer-mediated

communication (synchronous and asynchronous), social media, or

voice/ video conferencing;

c. Language-learning tools (online apps or software), such as for

phonetics, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and clause analysis,

3 Hubbard, Philip., GENERAL INTRODUCTION: Foundations of CALL

4 David Scott and Shane Beadle, )mproving the Effectiveness of Language Learning: CL)L and


which may include a text-to-speech function or speech recognition,

and often includes interactive and guided exercises;

d. Online proprietary virtual learning environments, which offer

teacher-student and peer-to-peer communication;

e. Game-based learning.

2. Digital Media

Birkerts and Stoll note that the digital environment tends to encourage

people to explore many topics extensively, but at a more superficial level. In

this case, students who are brought to learning which is facilitated by digital

media will be more interested in and enjoy in receiving the material. Through

digital technologies, young people get more new information from the

technology they use outside of school than they do from their teacher in the

classroom5. It is clear that learning in an online environment helps to improve

the target language, encourages learner independence, and has great potential

for the development of intercultural and communicative skills6.

Jelarwin Dabutar states that the role of media has extremely significant

effect for students’ achievement. Many people believe the increase of digital

5 Meidasari, Venny Eka.,. Teaching English through New Digital Media (University of Indraprasta

PGRI and a postgraduate student in State Universit y of Jakarta).

6 Muhammad, Agus Fayakun.Thesis.Students Motivation in Choosing CALL Subject at English


media is one of the great events of our time. 7 By having this theory, researcher

believes that the great media for delivering material of teaching-learning

process is by digital way because digital media provides students as learner to

have much time to use rather than the documents. So, this is teachers’

opportunity to benefit digital media as the great idea to be implemented in

teaching by mastering how to design some kinds of digital media interestingly

and appropriately.

3. Digital Media in Teaching English

As teachers in education, the view of how teachers can integrate

technology into teaching in order to engage today’s environment as

technology era, students fully modify to the reality that technology has

transformed how, when, and where students can learn. From blogs and

wikis, to podcasting and 3-D virtual worlds, the ninth edition is filled with

case examples of how teachers are integrating technology and

transforming their teaching to foster collaboration, discovery, and

understanding of the “big ideas” in the curriculum8


In this case, teachers should be creative in making digital media as

the material for teaching English to create students’ interest, enthusiast,

7 Sterne, Jonathan.Digital Media and Disciplinarity: Department of Art History and

Communication Studies, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,Canada.2005 P. 250.

8 Winerbrenner, Susan & Lisa M kiss. Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties in Todays Class

room how every teacher struggling students success” United stated of America. free spirit


and pleasure. Because digital area give much opportunity for students

retake the material outside the classroom.

4. Factor Affecting Difficulties

Difficulties in learning or in doing something have two factors there

are internal factor and external factor, based on Dalyono explain that internal

factor comes from inside their self. External factor comes from outside their


a. Internal Factors

1.) Cause from the physical of the students: sick and physical defect.

2.) Cause from inside their body: Intelligent, motivation, talent and


a.) Intelligent

This factor becomes the mind effect in learning process. Thus, if

students have problem in learning process but there is no support

from their parents, it is make the students failed in learning


b.) Motivation

Students, who have low motivation to accept the lesson in learning

process they will feel lazy, give up etc.


c.) Talent

Every students have different talent, students who give lesson that

different from their talent they will feel bored and lazy to accept

the lesson.

d.) Interest

Interest factor very important in learning process, by having

interest in each lesson the student will enthusiast easy to accept the

material and student who don’t have interest do otherwise.

b. External Factors

1.) Family Factor: that’s about how the way parents treat their child into

education, parents and child relationships. Situation factor: the house

situation very crowded. Economic factors: Poor Family condition.

2.) School factor: such as teacher factor the teacher is not qualified, lack

of teacher interaction with the students, lack of teacher method.

Instruments factor: lack of instrument since teaching and learning

practice. Building and facilitation factor: lack of facilitation, lack of

Wi-Fi. Lack of the media use in teaching and learning10.

According to Rosen & Weil, 1995; Winnans & Brown, 1992;

Dupagne & Krendl, 1992; Hadley & Sheingold, 1993) the Factors student

felt difficulties in designing digital media such as the lecture lack of

teaching experience, lack of on-site support for teachers using technology,


lack of help supervising children when using computers, lack of computer

availability, lack of time to study in designing digital media, lack of

facility to try use computers and lack of financial support11

Beside that also supporting by Galusha (1997) the factor students

felt difficulties such as there is no student motivations since there is no

face-to-face contact, startup cost and lack of faculty support, the

feedback and teacher contact in every learning process, the student

support and services, the lack of experience, and training related the

infrastructure and technology related problems, and the present

challenge12. Heidi et al. (2002) also examine that the difficulties in

designing digital media is there is no healthy communication between

participants and design groups for overcoming barriers to a successful

delivery of distance learning courses.

11 Mumtas,Shazia, Factor Affecting Teacher Use Of Information and Communication Technology :

A review of Literature. United Kingdom,University Of Warwich.2000.

12 DABAJ. Fahmi. Analysis of Communication Barriers to Distance Education A Review Study.


Table 2.1

2 Inside their body Intelligent


1 Family Child education

Parents and child relationship

Situation The house very


Economic factor Poor family


instrument (material)

Building and


Lack of Wi-Fi support

Lack of

supporting tool (computer)

Class very


Lack of support using technology

Time Lack of time to

use computer

Lack of


5. Kinds of difficulties in designing digital media

Possible difficulties in designing digital media and technology here is

physical and sensory difficulties and intellectual difficulties. That divides into

four categories there are: Exploring Opportunity and clarifying the task,

Generating developing and communicating design and proposal, planning and

making, testing evaluation and modifying13.


Table 2.3

Possible difficulties in physical and sensory difficulties Possible Difficulties Difficulties may Directly restrict

asses to resource and situation

Planning and Making Testing evaluation and modifying

Manipulation and coordination Difficulties of Failure it Compromised

Lack of Accuracy and Quality Low level education


Table 2.4

Inability to see value or point of view the design and technology task.

Inability or low interest to connect making designing

Lack of confidence and inability to understand.

students want to make something ( no to design)

Students wants to finish quickly Limited ideas and expression. Lack of confidence when designing

Planning and Making Testing evaluating and modifying

Inability to retain instruction and to listen the explanation

Low level of expectation and appreciate.

Inability to remember the previous skill and knowledge

Limit vocab and understanding the concept

Frustration and behavioral problem.

The theories also consolidate from ausumbel supported by Kolb,

Honey, Munford, and Habermas those difficulties in designing digital

media for teaching English according. States that the effectiveness of

learning is affected more by the content of the material rather than the

technology used. This theory support that in providing the material, the

content should be thought carefully rather than choosing the technology to

be implemented. So, this reference give realize that the digital media

designed should be provided by appropriate content14.

Gestalt Psychologists, included Pieget, state that the material

should be meaningful agrees with the theme, and match with students’


need and improvement. Not only providing good design of the media

digitally, but also the contents should provide what want to be achieved,

dealing with the compatibility with the themes, goals and objectives.

Table 2.5

When the students Feel Difficulties

No The Students difficulties Kind

6. Problem Solving to Face the difficulties

Based on Janssen to solve the problem gives tools, because it can give

big effect to make the students more understanding and conceptual

understanding15. As learners reach a new developmental technology, they will

be more attuned and self-regulated in their own thinking. Tools that support

students in making visible the evolution of their problem representations are a

15 Song.jeoe bae. 2014. Computer assisted language learning: learners, teachers and tools. Third


potential area of innovation. As a teachers can makes tools as media in

teaching and learning, these solutions to solve the problem.16

According to Min Liu problem solving, in students that have

difficulties in designing digital media that can do by the lecture and the

students. To search the Information in the internet has become abundant and

easily accessible. Rather than reading the unified perspective typically

presented by a textbook, Students can access many different points of view to

solve the problem17.

Instead of memorizing, Students now need assistance in learning how

to find and select relevant information for problem they need solve. They need

to learn how to collaborate with others as they solve these problems and

communicate their solutions to their teachers and to the world beyond their


Additionally, the instant feedback may guide teachers to make

important instructional and solve misunderstanding. Technology can support

learning through the use of real-world problems, which supports students in

making the connection between concrete contexts and abstract concepts. Give

new instruction innovation in order the students fell easy to understand. 19


17 Liu, Min Designing Technology-Enriched Cognitive Tools To Support Young Learners’ Problem

Solving. Austin. University of Texas.

18 Ibid

19 Stockwell,glenn.2012.Computter Assisted Language Learning: Diversity in research and


Table 2.6

Students face the difficulties No Face The Difficulties Categories


Search to another Point of view

Search in the Internet

3 Communicate with teacher Discuss with the teacher

4 Tools as media in learning process Looking for another visible tool


B. Review of Previous Studies

Several studies have investigated the difficulties in designing

digital media in CALL class for teaching English included what are the

students factor and how the students face the difficulties. There are some

previous studies which have similarity with this study.

The First is Research by Adrestya setya from State University of

Semarang. The title of the research is “Faktor – Faktor yang

mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar mata pelajara teknologi informasi dan

komunikasi siswa kelas VII semester I di SMP islam Hidayatullah


memepengaruhi kesulitan belajar teknologi dan informasi kelas VII di

SMP islam Baitullah semarang? In this study the researcher conducted

the research used questionnaire and Documentation The aims of the

research are: first to identify what are the student factoring felt

difficulties in TIK lesson at SMP Islam Hidayatullah semarang and the

result of this research there are eight factors that make students felt

difficulties such as students attitude, the students learning manner, book

completeness, time in learning and mess media20.

The second research was handled by Muhammad Agus Fayakun

Students Motivation in Choosing CALL Subject at English Education

Department State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The

research problem of this study is first, what are the factor which

motivate the seventh semester of English Education Department state

Islamic university of Sunan Ampel Surabaya in choosing CALL

(Computer Assisted language Learning)? The second what are

student’s opinion about CALL as media for teaching English? Here

the research used questionnaire and interview to collect the data. The

aim of this research is to know that factor which is motivated the

seventh semester of State Islamic university of CALL (Computer

Assisted Language Learning) Subject, the second aim is to know

20 Adrestya,setya, Thesis. Faktor Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan belajar mata pelajara


students opinion about CALL as Media for teaching English and the

result of this research is Factor which motivate students in choosing

CALL Subject there are four factor which make seventh semester felt

motivated there are students interest, Students need, Students

Expectation and the last is students perceptions. The another result is

Students opinion about CALL as media for teaching English show that

Hot potatoes become the most popular software for them among the

other CALL software. They can design English Material with using

CALL software21.

The third previous study was handled by is Faizah binti mohd and

Aumitra malar Vasu, the title is teacher’s perception of lesson used

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) the author of this

study from University of Technology Malaysia. The research problem

of this study are: first what are the problem faced by the teacher when

conducting Lesson used Computer assisted language learning, second

is what are the teacher perception of lesson using Computer Assisted

Language Learning (CALL). The third what is the effectiveness of

using Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in teaching

experience? There are three aim of this study “first to find out the

problem faced by the teachers when conducting lesson using

21 Muhammad, Agus Fayakun.Thesis.Students Motivation in Choosing CALL Subject at English


Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), second to identify

teachers general perception of lesson using Computer Assisted

Language Learning (CALL), the third aim is to investigate teachers’

perceptions of the effectiveness lesson using Computer Assisted

Language Learning (CALL). This study use questionnaire to collect

the data and the result of this study the teacher can perform well if

they supported by good computer equipment in the computer lab and

with sufficient technology training teach the students using computer

besides that from study it can be concludes that teaches have a very

positive perception on lesson using Computer Assisted Language

Learning. Moreover they are believed that CALL subject gives big

effect to the student22.

The fourth research by the title of the research is The Difficulties

and Challenges of Teachers’ Integrating Computer Assisted

Instruction into Teaching, this research the author is Tzu-Pu Wang

Department of Applied English, Hsing Wu College. Research question

of this study is what the difficulties of applying computer assisted

instruction to teaching and what the solution problem of applying

computer assisted instruction to teaching. The aims of this study to

investigate and discuss the effect of teachers’ integrating

22 Mohd,Faizah & Aumitra malar vasu. Teacher’s Perception Of lesson Using Computer Assisted


computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and multimedia into teaching. All

these materials are quick, cheap, and available from internet. This

study found that difficulties to applying computer assisted

instructional in teaching there are(1) inefficient computer facilities,

(2) administrators’ ignorance, (3) teachers’ belief and teaching styles,

(4) teachers’computer competence, (5) teachers’ burden, (6) Students’

computer competence, and (7) the government support. The

challenges that teachers face and solutions to the problem are to

(1) fulfill facilities, (2) build up innovative teaching ideas, (3)

improve computer competence, (4) participate in conferences,

seminars, and teaching practice, (5) reduce teachers’ work load, (6)

do self-evaluation, (7) and ask the government for help23.

The fifth research by Ashraf jalal yousef zaidieh and the title of his

research is The Use of Social Networking in Education: Challenges

and Opportunities. The aim of this research is It helps us in the

every fields of life such as political field, economic field and

educational field. In this study will summarize some of challenges

and opportunities to use social networking as educational tool

Challenges that face use the social networking in education. The

research question of this study is what are the benefit and obstacles

23 Wang, Tzu-Pu, The Difficulties and Challenges of Teachers’ )ntegrating Computer Assisted


that using social networking as educational tool? The result of this

study are there are some benefits and obstacles that face the using

the social networking as educational tool. Privacy, real friendship,

taking up time and miscommunication are the most important

challenges facing education through the social networking. On the

other hand, flexibility, repeatable and convenience and accessibility

have a vital influence in the use of social networking in


The last previous study the title is Effects Of Computer-assisted

Language Learning (call) Instruction On The Acquisition Of Passive

Grammatical Forms By Post-secondary English As A Second

Language (esl) Students. The author of this research is Ya Chi Chien

from University of Central Florida. The purpose of this study is to

compare Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) grammar

instruction with traditional classroom teacher-directed grammar

instruction for post-secondary English as a Second Language (ESL)

students enrolled in an Intensive English Program (IEP). The data

collection techniques use quantitative. There are two research problem

of this study, the first is Is there a statistically significant difference in

acquisition of the passive grammatical forms for ESL students taught

24 Zaideh,Asraf Jalal yosef. The Use of Social Networking in Education: Challenges and


in a traditional teacher-directed classroom setting as compared with

ESL students taught by CALL (Computer-Assisted Language

Learning)? The second question Is there a statistically significant

difference in acquisition of the passive grammatical forms for ESL

students taught in a traditional teacher-directed classroom setting as

compared with ESL students taught by CALL (Computer-Assisted

Language Learning) based on their current English proficiency level

(low intermediate, high intermediate, and advanced)?. This study

showed the result that there was no statistically significant difference

in acquisition of the passive grammatical forms for ESL students

taught in a conventional classroom setting as compared to those taught

solely by CALL. This study has offered a research-based indication

that CALL instruction was as effective as traditional classroom

teacher-directed instruction for teaching grammar to students of

different levels of English proficiency25.

The researcher has explained about several studies related to

CALL, problem Solving and factor difficulties in CALL (Computer

assisted language learning). All the previous study above explains that

factor difficulties in TIK lesson, Teacher perception and challenge to

25 Chien, Ya chi. 2011. Effects Of Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) Instruction On


face the difficulties. The author also discuss about how the students

deal and opportunity in CALL.

The researcher also same have similar topic that discuss about

what students difficulties, factor and the students deal the difficulties.

The differences in this study the researcher makes specific topic that

“student factor and how the students deal the difficulties in designing

digital media”. Then, the second difference in this research is the

subject in this study to the pre-service English education department




This chapter discusses the research methods applied for the study

that will be covered in some headings (1), Approach and Research Design

(2) Research Presence (3) Research Location (4) Data and Source the Data

(5) Data Collection Technique (6) Instrument of the Research (7) Data

Analysis Technique (8) Checking Validity of Findings

A. Approach and Research Design

The goal of this study is to know the students difficulties in

designing digital media on call Class for Teaching English.

Considering the goal, this study is included as qualitative study since

it tries to describe a phenomenon of language behavior.1 As a

pointed out by Ary in his book “Introduction to Research in

Education”, there are five kinds of research design, they are

experimental research, ex post facto, descriptive research,

correlation research and survey research2.

In addition, this research use one of the characteristics of

qualitative study that is natural setting to describe social

phenomenon as it occurs naturally without manipulation3. After

that, this study also used narrative descriptive to find the students

difficulties in making digital media by describing the result of the

1 (Selinger and Shohamy, 1989:120)


research whether the students have difficulties in designing digital

media or not

B. Research Presence

In this study, the acts of the researcher were considered as

well as a data collection instrument. The instruments other than the

researcher were also used, but only served as a supporter for

researcher in doing the research. Therefore, the presence of

researcher in the field is required. The present of the researcher was

needed when distributing the questionnaires and interview to the

respondents. After that, the presence of the research known by the

subjects of the research from the first time research is field is

conducted. The different of qualitative research from quantitative

research are the methods used to collect and analyze the data. In

qualitative research the researcher is the primary instrument to

collect and analyze the data.4

C. Research Location

The research location took place at State Islamic University

of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. It is located on Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani

No 117. The participants focused on English Education Department

Students of eight semester who joined CALL (Computer Assisted

Language Learning) course where they have learned and practiced


about designing some English material using technology in various


The subjects of the study were the eighth semester students.

The subjects were chosen because they have joined CALL 1 and

CALL 2. It means that the subject of the study have experienced all

the difficulties both in CALL 1 and CALL 2 classes. Moreover,

they have practiced in teaching and learning process as a


There were 80 students of English Education Department in

eight semesters. Then, students who have taken CALL course are

around 55 students who are divided into two classes.

D. Data and Source the Data

The information of the data obtained from the interview and

questionnaire based on the students reaction and the teacher. The

researcher uses two techniques to collect the valid data for this research.

There were questionnaire and interview form in qualitative analysis

There were questionnaire for the participant who has taken

CALL Class in eight semesters and to make straight result when

collect the data the researcher ask to the lecturer to make some

interview. Therefore those two techniques are taken because this

study concern to answer the mind research question is students’

difficulties in designing digital media on CALL Class for teaching


In collecting the data will focus on students’ difficulties in

design the digital media on CALL Class for teaching English and

break down by : what are the factor when students fell difficulties

and also how the students face the difficulties, dealing with the result

from the questionnaire and interview.

E. Data Collection Technique

The collection technique of the data that were survey

(questionnaire) and interview about what the students difficulties in

designing digital media on CALL class for teaching English. The steps

of those two data collection technique were:

1. Survey

According to Sugioyono “questionnaire sheet is techniques to

collect the data that gives question or declaration to the respondent

in order to answer it.5 Questionnaire as the instrument of the

research in this study used to collect the data from the respondents

to evaluate the student’s difficulties in designing digital.

Student in english education have the course to design

technology as term CALL class, in this class has a goal that the

student to be able to make and design digital media. Before

questioning the researcher measured that the students take CALL

class. Therefore, in this step survey was conducted for students

have taken CALL class in eight semesters. By using


questionnaires, the general idea was gathered from the students

that have difficulties in designing digital media and how they deal

with the difficulties in designing digital media. In this study all the

questions need a reason. Thus, all of them gave contrast result like

they find difficulties in designing, the deal the difficulties by

discuss with friend (specify) and brave explanation. Therefore the

respondent researched and analyzed were those who gave

expected and needed responses to answer the questions.

The survey had eight questions, from the questions provide, the

question number 5 and 6 were intended to find the answer of the

students difficulties when designing digital media and also do they have

difficulties or not in CALL Class. After that in question number 7 was

intended that the researcher found the answer what the student’s factor

feel difficulties in designing digital media. Therefore the last question

number 8 it was intended to obtain the answer how the students deal the

difficulties in designing digital media on Call Class for teaching English.

2. Interview

The interview was held after survey. In these interview

techniques the researcher intended to know from another point of

view, therefore the researcher asked the lecturer who handle CALL

class to be interviewed. Since from another point of view the

researcher wanted to compare the result and the deeper answer


was one on one interview of face to face directly with the

respondent, email interview6.

Interview would be more suitable method if the researcher

wanted to gain insight into thing as opinion, feeling, emotion and

experience of some people its means the respondent can explore

the answer more than one or two word7. Therefore, some questions

in interview guidelines were going to be asked to the lecturer who

handled CALL class. While the lecturers were being interviewed,

some important information was noted. The questions consist of 4

stages used open ended interview, all the question helped to look for the

information and make crosscheck from another point of view as the

secondary instruments8.

From the questionnaire and interview form, Researcher

collected the data from the participants’ result of each digital media

and students respond. The style will be like in figure below:

6 Ibid P.218

7 Martyn Denscombe, the goog research guide: fourth edition.(New York :Open University

Press 2010) P172 8



Subject of the study

Preliminary Research


The Students Difficulties in Designing Digital media on CALL Class for teaching English at UIN

Sunan Ample Surabaya

Questioner sheet Interview guide lines

Lecture Students

Analysis the result depend on the

interview and questioner


The description of the figure above is the first sub RQ (1) took

about students perception in difficulties designing digital media on

CALL Class for teaching English and will be break down with, what

the students factor student difficulties in designing digital media and

how the students face the difficulties. The continuing to get the data

use questioner for the fifty five participants and the interview guideline

for the lecture after the researcher analysis the result of the data and

the last the research will give the conclusion based on the result and

the phenomenon.

Finally, after getting those conclusions of each instrument,

researcher will take the big conclusion as the result of the research.

Then, it will have the description of students’ difficulties and how the

students deal the problem in designing digital media .

F. Research Instruments

There were two instruments to use in this study. There were:

Survey (questionnaire) and interview guide lines the descriptions are

follow below:

1. Questionnaire

In this study the researcher was used questionnaire because the

researcher needs to get the information from the respondent about the

student’s difficulties in designing digital media on CALL Class for

teaching English. Questionnaire based on written information


questionnaire. The information from questionnaires was tends to fall

into two board categories “facts’ and „Opinion’.9

The design of this survey use open and closed ended

question, the technique is open – closed ended question that the

researcher do not provide the respond and option, the participant

provide their own reason10.

The questions provide, the question number 5 and 6 was intended

to find the answer of the the students difficulties when designing digital

media and also do they have difficulties or not in CALL Class. After

that in question number 7 was intended that the researcher find the

answer what the students factor feel difficulties in designing digital

media. Therefor the last question number 8 it was intended to obtain

the answer how the students deal the difficulties in designing digital

media on Call Class for teaching English.

2. Interview Guidelines

The second instruments in this study the researcher wanted to

get the detailed information and to make a crosscheck of the

students’ impression of the student’s difficulties and the students

deal the problem during the designing digital media.

In this research, researcher also uses another technique in collecting

the data there was Interview. In the interview section the questions

consist 4 questions used open ended interview. crosswell stated that


Ibid P.155

10 John W Creswell, Educationanlresearch : Planning, Conducting and evaluating quantitative


open ended question will make the respondent voice their experiences

with unconstrained by the researcher’s perspective or the past research


The questions asked to the respondents were divided into four parts

that were warming up, analyze, core and closing. Core part consisted of

questions that were intended to find the answers of the research

questions. However the questions asked to the respondents were not

absolutely the same as the interview guidelines because the interview

guidelines used was in kind of semi structured, It sometimes improved

on the situation and condition while interview was held. During the

interview, researcher used tape recorder to record the interviewer

explanation. Researcher also usesd camera to take the pictures because

it proves that the interview really happens.

G. Data Analysis Technique

The data collected were in the form of qualitative. The

qualitative works questionnaire and interview from the respondent.

Then, all the data interpreted analyzed. After that the outcome of the

data reported from the beginning to the end used qualitative


The first technique the researcher held a survey or gives the

respondent questionnaire, after that analyze the result of

questionnaire each students by following table

11 John W Creswell, Educationanlresearch : Planning, Conducting and evaluating quantitative

and qualitative research , (boston library of congress cataloging in publication data 2012) 218

12 John W Creswell, Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative and mixed method


Table 3.1

Questionnaire Transcribe. Question number 1

Respondent 1 Answer

Respondent 2 Answer

After all 55 respondents answer the question the researcher

will analyze the data follow the step below13:

The first step is the research will organize and prepare the data for

analysis, type the question after that print and distributed to the

respondent. The second step is the research read through all the data

that answered. The third step is after get the data the research begin

analysis used coding, coding the process of organizing the

material into chunks or segments of text before bringing meaning

to information (Rossman &Rallis, 1998, p. 171). The forth step is

give categories for analysis after that the researchers can generate

codes for this description. Then, the fifth step is advance how the

description and themes will be represented in the qualitative

narrative. Describe in each codes that consist of each categories or

theme. The last step to analyze the data is the data analysis involves

making an interpretation or meaning of the data.


Table 3.2

Analyze the Questions.

No Reason Categories Code

1 Students





After get the categories and code the researcher will describe

the result use narrative descriptive. To know the deeper information

the researcher held a interview from another point of view here the

researcher choose the lecturer who handled CALL class. After get the

data the researcher will analyze the data and compare with the data.

After all the data conducting the researcher will analyze all the

techniques to find big conclusion.

H. Checking Validity of Findings

Triangulation was applied to keep the validity of research finding.

There was two collocation techniques used in this research there were

small survey or questioner and interview guidelines. The questioner and

the instruments used have been validated by the lecturer before it is

distributed to the respondents. That data collection technique was

conducted to make sure credibility and the validity of respondents answer


I. Research Stages

There were three stages to finish this Thesis. Those three stages were:

1. The first stage was submitting tittle proposal.

There were three stage was submitting a title proposal based on the

research that was going conducted. After the tittle was accepted, next

progress written proposal used preminelary research with the guidance

by advisors. The proposal written with followed the rule and formation

that given by the English Education Department. Once the proposal

finished, the approval was obtained from advisors. After that followed

a proposal examination

2. The second stages doing the research and analyze research finding

The second stage was starting the research with the guidance of the

advisors. It was started from survey (questionnaire). The questionnaire

distributed to the students in eight semester who have taken CALL

class. Once the data were gathered, the result was analyzed to be

continued to the next step that was interview section. By interview,

more complete and deeper information from another point of view

were gathered. The data from questionnaire and interview were

analyzed so that it can be reported for research finding.

3. The third stages was doing thesis examination and asking legalization.

The third was asking approval from the advisors, after that




In this Chapter, finding and discussion of the study are presented to answer

the research question 1) what are the students Difficulties in Designing Digital Media

on CALL class For Teaching English at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

A. Findings

Students Difficulties in Designing Digital Media on CALL class For Teaching English at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The questionnaire was intended to answer what student‟s difficulties in

designing digital media. Digital media here means that‟s tool that used for

teaching and learning as a pre-service English teacher should be mastered the

developing of technology as Digital media. There were 55 questionnaires that

had been distributed to the students at eight semesters that have been taken

CALL class. Every person showed different reason about difficulties. Almost all

the students who have taken call courses they feel difficulties. Here the result

from the small survey below:

All thestudents have answer all the questions, from the result of question

that Students apply the Digital media on CALL class for teaching English.

from 55 questionnaire that distributed to the students that:


Twenty three students agree that they are applying digital media in

teaching process by the reason apply digital media in outside the class

because, they will have much practice to learn digital media from CALL

class, because also to apply the call class is the regulation that should be

done. Beside that they also explain that the students want to make the

teaching process interest and make the learning process enjoy.

Then, sixteen students feel doubt if they apply digital media in

teaching process they reason that the class does not support teaching or

the place when the school does not support. Use digital media very good

for teaching practice but the school do not support for digital media. The

other reason that the students do not apply digital media for teaching

practice because, have no free time to designing digital media. After that

the balance of the student there are twenty students that disagree if they

apply digital media in teaching practice because they have no teaching


Next questions are Groups’ works make the students feel easy to

designing digital media. From 55 students there are forty student agree

with these statement, almost the students reason by grouping work they

can share the ideas and knowledge with each other, by grouping they can

anticipate the difficulties in CALL class since never get feedback from


 Table 2.1 Internal Factor affecting Difficulties
Table 2.3
Table 2.4
Table 2.5 When the students Feel Difficulties


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