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Academic year: 2019



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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


DWI ADI YUNIARTO Student Number: 061214026






Yuniarto, Dwi Adi. (2011). Paulo’s Motivation to Seek His Guardian Angel as Seen in Coelho’s The Valkyries.Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis discusses Paulo Coelho’s novel entitled The Valkyries. The Valkyries is a story about the spiritual journey of a magus named Paulo and his wife, Chris, who embark on an adventure to find his guardian angel. Haunted by a devastating curse, he confesses to his mysterious master, J. that he has seen his dreams fall apart just when he seemed about to achieve them. In response, J. gives Paulo a strange task; Paulo must find and speak to his guardian angel. The curse can be broken if Paulo completes the task. After that meeting, Paulo and Chris, drop everything, pack their bags, and take off on a forty-day adventure into the dangerous Mojave Dessert. There is the wise, 22 years old Master of Tradition, Gene, whobegins Chris’s initiation into the mystical, wondrous world of magic. There are the Valkyries, a group of warrior women who travel the dessert on motorcycles. The Valkyries help Paulo to remind his dark past life, which he must confront and overcome in order to speak with his angel and break the curse.

There are two problems discussed in this thesis, namely (1) what is the characterization of Paulo inThe Valkyries,and (2) what is the motivation of Paulo to seek his guardian angel in The Valkyries. In gathering the data for this thesis, the researcher used library research. There were two kinds of sources in this study. They were primary and secondary sources. The primary source of this research was the novelThe Valkyries written by Paulo Coelho. For the secondary sources the researcher used some sources related to the psychological approach and theory of literature.

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that Paulo is a magus, an adventurer, a mysterious man, a knowledgeable man, a loving husband, and an optimist. In addition, Paulo was a hippie and an infidel in his past life. There are some factors that motivate Paulo to seek his guardian angel. Paulo’s intrinsic motivations include seeking out novelty and answering his curiosity about his guardian angel. Paulo’s achievement motivations include accomplishing difficult tasks and pleasing his master. Paulo’s affiliation motivations include getting closer to his guardian angel to thank for the protection and guidance given by his guardian angel; asking his guardian angel to lead him in choosing the best path to Paradise. Paulo’s avoidance motivation includes asking for help to break the curse.




Yuniarto, Dwi Adi. (2011). Paulo’s Motivation to Seek His Guardian Angel as Seen in Coelho’s The Valkyries.Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini membahas novel karya Paulo Coelho yang berjudul The Valkyries. The Valkyriesadalah novel yang bercerita tentang perjalanan spiritual seorang magus bernama Paulo dengan istrinya, Chris, yang memulai petualangan untuk menemukan malaikat pelindung Paulo. Dihantui oleh kutukan, Paulo mengaku pada guru misteriusnya, J. bahwa dia sudah melihat mimpi-mimpinya gagal ketika dia hampir mencapainya. Sebagai tanggapan, J. memberi Paulo sebuah tugas yang aneh, Paulo harus menemukan dan berbicara dengan malaikat pelindungnya. Kutukan tersebut dapat dihentikan jika Paulo menyelesaikan tugas itu. Setelah pertemuan itu, Paulo dan Chris, menghentikan segala aktivitasnya, membawa tas mereka, dan memulai petualangan 40 hari di gurun Mojave. Ada seorang bijaksana, ahli tradisi berumur 22 tahun, Gene, yang memulai inisiasi Chris dalam kebatinan, dunia gaib yang menakjubkan. Ada para Valkyrie, kelompok dari prajurit wanita yang berkeliling di gurun menggunakan sepeda motor. Para Valkyrie membantu Paulo untuk mengingat kehidupan gelap masa lalunya, yang mana dia harus menghadapi dan mengatasinya supaya dapat berbicara dengan malaikatnya dan menghentikan kutukan.

Dalam skripsi ini, ada dua masalah yang dianalisa, yaitu (1) apa karakter Paulo dalam novel The Valkyries, dan (2) apa motivasi Paulo untuk mencari malaikat pelindungnya dalam novelThe Valkyries. Dalam mengumpulkan data di skripsi ini, peneliti menggunakan studi pustaka. Ada dau macam sumber data dalam penelitian ini, yaitu sumber primer dan sumber sekunder. Sumber primer dalam penelitian ini adalah novel The Valkyries karya Paulo Coelho. Sebagai sumber sekunder peneliti menggunakan sumber-sumber yang berhubungan dengan pendekatan psikologi dan teori sastra.



penjauhan Paulo adalah meminta bantuan malaikat pelindungnya untuk menghentikan kutukan yang dia terima.






I would like to thank those who have supported me with their affection, patience, guidance, and criticism in working on my thesis. First and foremost, I would like to bestow my deepest gratitude to Allah S.W.T for His plentiful love and never ending blessing in my life. His guidance has strengthened me to finish my thesis.

My greatest appreciation goes to my sponsor, Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum., who has guided me in writing this thesis. She has given her time to read this thesis and give me suggestions in the completion of this thesis. She also has encouraged me to finish this thesis as quickly as possible. I would also like to thank all the lecturers of PBI for knowledge and experiences I have gained during the years I passed as the student of PBI. My thanks are extended toMbak Dani and MbakTari for helping me with the administrative matters and to all Sanata Dharma University Staff.

My gratitude and respect to my beloved parents,BapakSugeng Riyadi and IbuMarjuni, who have encourage me in composing my thesis and given me their endless affection and prayers. I thank them for always supervising the progress of my thesis patiently. I also would like to thank my older brother and younger sister, Anang Handoko and Aprilia Rosma Diana for their support in many ways.



I would like to thank my friends atKontrakan Sejahtera, Paijo, Kirjo, Adi, Wegig, Uun, who always support me in every time and everywhere. I would like to thank my best friends, Ega, Dandot, Tunggul, Sintya, Iyot for the time they spent with me. I would like to thank Beny Gondrong for being my language consultant. He has made some corrections and given me suggestions in relation to this thesis. I would also like to thank Yoga, Doan, Wiwit, Mupet, Dani, Zico, Andrea, Doni, Sasongko, Ragil, Nisa, Guntur, Hosana,KangKadal, Kang Miko, Stella, and many other PBI students for your support and for every moment we spent in this lovely campus. I also thank my PPL, SPD, KKN, and Play Performance group for being my wonderful partners.

This page would not be enough to mention all my friends who have been helping me and supporting me. For those whose names are not mentioned on this page, I am grateful to know them all and may God give them endless blessing.



4.2. Paulo’s Motivation to Seek His Guardian Angel...39







A. Summary ofThe Valkyries...65

B. Biography of Paulo Coelho...69

C. Lesson Plan ...75

D. Worksheet for Intensive Reading II ...78





In this chapter, the researcher provides five aspects in the research, such as:

the background of the study, the problem formulation, the research objective, the

research benefit, and the definition of some terms. The background of the study

describes the reasons why the researcher chooses the novel and the topic. The

problem formulation gives general descriptions in the form of question about the

problem that is analyzed and discussed in this study. The objectives of the research

contain the expected answers to the question formulated in the problem formulation.

The research benefit contains people who will get the benefit of the study and what

will they get from the study. The definition of some terms explains of the definition

of key terms of the study in order to avoid misconception from the reader.

1.1 Background of the Study

Literature has three main genres which are novel, poetry and drama. They are

all very interesting to read, but the researcher decides to analyze novel instead of

other literary genres like poetry or drama because the researcher enjoys reading a

novel. Besides, novel is more complete in describing every detail about the

characters, the situations and the problems in a plot. Reading novel can help readers


since it contains some kinds of human aspect in life, such as history, moral, social,

and psychology.

Literature is also an art of language. It can amuse or entertain the reader.

Sometimes, it brings the reader to the fantasy world. A good novel can direct the

reader’s imagination and make them participants of the story

. It means that novel tells

a story about people in ordinary life that also has conflicts, feelings, and problems

within it. There are many types of novel such as thriller, romance, or science fiction.

Each novel has a unique story to express the writer’s idea.

In this case, the researcher wants to analyze

The Valkyries

, a great novel of a

great author, Paulo Coelho. The researcher wants to research about the motivation of

the main character, Paulo, who wanted to see and speak to his guardian angel. The



interest continually grows ever since the first time the researcher read the

book review of this novel. The researcher really wanted to know more about the story

since the researcher thinks it has a strange theme. After the researcher finished

reading this novel, the researcher thinks that this novel is a kind of researchable book

for thesis.

There are some reasons why the researcher chose

The Valkyries

as the main

subject for the study. First, Paulo Coelho is a great author who was born in Brazil. He

has written some great novels, such as:

Eleven Minutes, The Pilgrimage, By the River

Piedra I Sat Down And Wept, The Fifth Mountain, Veronika Decides To Die, Warrior

Of The Light: A Manual,

and his best-loved work,

The Alchemist

, and sold more than


researcher chooses his novel to be analyzed because most of his novels become

best-selling books. Paulo wrote each story in a beautiful language. Sometimes he puts

some good words, poetic prose and symbolism.


The Valkyries

is a great novel, great story which shakes up familiar

belief systems and makes the readers wonder about who they are, what they want,

and what their motives are. This book is a journey of faith, trust, forgiveness, love,

self discovery, battle the darkness within ourselves, and desire to change. The story

has great insights about angels and interesting characters. The main characters of this

novel are Paulo, who is also the author of this novel, and his wife named Chris. Some

of the character


name comes from the mythological characters, such as Valhalla and

the Valkyries. Some of them have their magic names, such as J, M, and S.

Third, the researcher chooses

The Valkyries

for the study because it is an

extraordinary novel that fills of amazing, mystical and spiritual journey. It explains

some of the ways in which a person should search for their guardian angel, along with

magical, earthly investigation. In this case, the main character, Paulo, wanted to see

and speak to his guardian angel by doing some rituals during the journey in the

Mojave Desert. Besides, this book is also about the relationship between Paulo and

his wife, Chris. He takes his wife along for the journey and discovers that his search

cannot be completed unless he helps her discover and speak to her angel. Their

journey and their marriage are both complicated and strengthened when they meet the

Valkyries in the desert. The researcher is interested in the story of the novel because


There is

reason for avery man’s behavior, be it from whitin the individual, for

example: hunger, thirst, fear or from the outside of the individual, for example: love

or support from others, reward, etc. Finding these reasons and knowledge about

spiritual world have been a fascination for the writer, and that is why this novel was

chosen as my thesis.

1.2 Problem Formulation

The main issue to be analyzed is the motivation of the main character in

finding his guardian angel. According to the previous discussion, there are two

problems that can be formulated in this discussion, and they are as follows:

1. What is the characterization of Paulo in

The Valkyries


2 What is the motivation of Paulo to seek his guardian angel in

The Valkyries


1.3 Research Objectives

The objective of the research is to answer the questions stated in problem


First, the researcher wants to find out the portrayal of Paulo’s character.

The second is to find out Paulo’s motivation to seek his guardian angel.

1.4 Research Benefits

The research will bring the benefits those concerned with literary works, they



For the researcher, the research gives benefits concerning with how to do a research,

especially in a literary work. The research is about human character and the

motivation of human to struggle in order to get their needs. The researcher gets many

lessons; one of them is about how to struggle to fight the laziness.

2. The Readers

The reader will be helped in realizing motivation. Since motivation is the strongest

influence to encourage people to do action in order to satisfy their needs. Further, the

reader can appreciate more on literature especially novel as literary works. By reading

novel, readers will learn about value in life. The reader can understand more about

human motivation and also what really motivate them in reaching their needs or


3. The Lecturer

The researcher hopes that this study can helps the lecturer in providing alternative for

the teaching-learning activities. The novel can be the facility to add the variety of

language teaching.

1.5 Definition of Terms

The first term is


Abrams defines character as the persons in a

dramatic or narrative work, endowed with moral qualities that are expressed in what

they say (the dialogue) and by what they do (the action) (1985:22). While Holman

and Harmon define character as a complicated term that includes the idea of the


simpler notion of the presence of creatures in art that seem to be human beings of one

sort or another (1986: 81). In this study,

character is defined as “a description of a

person’s attributes, traits, or abilities”.

The second term is


. Huffman, Vernoy, Vernoy (2000:392) state

that motivation is the process of activating, maintaining, and directing behavior

toward a particular goal. According to Petri (1981:3), “motivation is the concept we

use when we describe the forces acting or on within an organism to initiate and direct

behavior”. In this study, motivation is define

d as the desire or an action to do

something that is motivated to reach some goals or needs that have to be fulfilled.

The researcher would like to explore the motivation that occurs in Paulo to seek his

guardian angel.

The third term is

guardian angel

. Guardian angel is a spirit that is thought to

watch over and protect person or place (Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable). In

this study, guardian angel is defined as a spirit or invisible thing that protects person,

and everyone has their own guardian angel.

The fifth term is

the valkyries.

Hamilton (1953: 309), “maidens were Odin’s

attendants, the VALKYRIES. They waited on the table in Asgard and kept the

drinking horns full, but their chief task was to go to the battlefield and decide at

Odin’s bidding who should win and who s

hould die, and carry the brave dead to

Odin. Val means “slain”, and the Valkyries were the choosers of the Slain; and the


Maidens excellent in beauty,

Riding their steeds in shining armor,

Solemn and deep in thought,

With their white hands beckoning.

Berry (1957: 23),”the valkyries, warrior maidens of Odin, selected those brave

enough to be brought to Valhalla. These maidens lived in Valhalla also, another of

their duties being to pass mead at the feasts. The hall itself was described as being

thatched with the shields of the heroes, hung with their armor and mail, and lit with

swords as tapers. Here battles were fought by day and feasting was carried on at

night. From each of its five hundred and forty doors it was said that eight hundred

warriors would issue for the last great fight with the giants when the end of the world

would come”. In this study, Valkyires are defined as

a group of warrior women who

travel the desert on motorcycles, with their trappings, their kerchiefs, and their





This chapter consists of two sub headings. The first is the theoretical review and the second is the theoretical framework. The theoretical review consists of two parts. They are theory of literature and theory of motivation. The theory of literature is divided into three parts. They are theory of character, theory of characterization, and theory of literary approaches.

The theory of character and theory of characterization are used to find out the description of the central character in the story. The theory of approaches concerns with the approach that the researcher used in analyzing the novel. The theory of motivation is used to find out Paulo’s motivation to seek his guardian angel. The theoretical framework consists of the contribution of the theories and reviews applied in this study to answer the problems formulated in this thesis.

2.1 Review of Related Theories


2.1.1 Theory of Literature Theory of Character

Theory of character consists of some crucial parts to understand the characters in the novel. It is important to find out the answer to the first problem of this study. Those parts are definitions of characters and types of character. Definitions of Character

Character is one of the most important elements in literary works. Abrams defines character as “a literary genre: a short, and usually witty, sketch in prose of a distinctive type of person” or “the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say—the dialogue—and by what they do—the action” (20). In the other words, characters are the people in the novel, including their personalities and characteristics. Through the eyes of the characters, the readers can experience not only the characters’ life but also see what Henkle says as “a vision of a world” (48). The characters show the picture of their world in the story and make the readers able to identify the novel’s world.

(25) Types of Character

According to the role the characters serve in the story, Henkle (1977: 87-89) mentions that they may divided into major and minor or secondary character. A major character can be the centre of the story. He or she is the most important character in the story. Usually, the acts of the story focused on this character from the beginning to the ending part. The core of the story is highlighted to these character’s experiences. Meanwhile, minor or secondary character appears in a certain setting, just necessarily to become the background for the major characters because the focal experiences of the novel are taken place among the major characters (1988:23).

Based on the frequency of appearance in the novel, Milligan (155) divides character into two. The first type is the major character. The major character appears more frequently than the other characters in the novel. The readers usually follow the plot of the novel through this character. In the other words, this character is the main character of the novel. The second type is minor character. This character appears less often than the main character in the novel. This character only appears in certain setting of the novel. The character is also less important than the major character.


Antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist and usually the readers do not admire this kind of character.

Forster (1974: 63-64, 53-54) mentions that characters can be divided into: a. Flat or static character

Static character is the same sort of person at the end of the story as he or she at the beginning. A flat or static character tends to stay the same throughout the story. A flat character can simultaneously be a stock character. In flat character, some trait of character for some reason is exaggerated, while the other aspects or traits are hardly paid attention to. Flat character represents a particular person as more simple, or hardly ever, surprises the reader.

b. Round or dynamic character

A round character often changes. This the most perfect way for authors to present the characters in their wholeness and in their different aspects. A round or dynamic character tends to react differently toward different situations and or person encountered. It is obviously more lifelike than the flat character, because in the real life people are simply embodiments of single behavior, they tend to grow, develop and change, these characters tend to undergo a permanent change in some aspects of his character, personality, or outlook. Theory of Characterization

(27) Definitions of Characterization

In order to know Paulo’s characterization in the novel, the writer uses the theory that is related to characterization. Abcarian and Klotz define characterization as “the process by which the characters are rendered to make them seem real to the reader” (6). From the definition, characterization means the way of the author in describing the characters so that the readers are able to differentiate a character from the others and figure out the ideas, thoughts, and information brought by each character.

Meanwhile, Murphy states that characterization is “the technique used by the author to make the qualities of the character from his likes and dislikes, how he lives, and what he does” (52). It means that characterization is the way that is used by the author in his literary work to make the readers able to recognize the character and to find out the ideas which are conveyed by the character. This statement is supported by Holman and Harmon. They say that the term characterization is “the creation of the imaginary persons so that they exist for the readers as lifelike” (81). In short, characterization is the way the author shows and tries to make his characters alive and understandable for the readers as realistic ones in his literary work. Methods of Characterization


are two principal ways an author can characterize. The first way is by using the “direct means”, meaning that the author tells directly to the readers what the character looks like. While the second way is by using “dramatic means”, meaning that the author shows what the character looks like by the way the character behaves or speaks in the story.

M.J Murphy (1972: 161-173), in his book Understanding Unseen, gives more detailed explanation on how characters are presented by an author. He mentions nine ways of how an author reveals the character’s personalities and traits to the readers, like as follows:

1) Personal Description

The author explains directly to the readers the physical appearance of the characters.

2) Character as Seen by Another

The Author mentions his or her characters though the eyes of other characters in the story so that the readers can catch a reflected image of them through the other characters’ eyes.

3) Speech

The author gives the clues of the character’s personalities to the readers through what the characters say.

4) Past Life

By letting the readers know something about the characters’ past lives, the author give them some clues to his or her characters’ personalities.


The author makes dialogues about a character in the story which is spoken by some characters in it. The readers can refer to the conversations to know something about the character.

6) Reactions

The author mentions indirectly a character’s personality by letting the readers know how the character reacts to various events or situations.

7) Direct Comment

The author uses a direct comment to describe the characters. He or she seems to judge them, directly, whether they are good or bad, beautiful or ugly and the like. 8) Thoughts

The author gives the readers direct knowledge of what a character is thinking about. So that they can get knowledge of the personality of the character when they read the description of what he or she is thinking about.

9) Mannerism

The author describes a character’s mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies which may tell the readers something about the character. The Psychological Approach


The psychological approach involves the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns. It uses various theories of psychology to explain the characters, motivation, and behavior pattern.

Psychological approach is used to explain about human motivation especially the motivation of the main character, Paulo, to seek his guardian angel. It is because study of psychology deals with the mind, its senses and human behavior. The main character’s motivation can be seen from his behavior when he focuses on getting his goal. Through this approach, the character’s motivation can be analyzed deeply.

2.1.2 Motivation Definitions of Motivation

Murray says that motivation can be inferred by the aspect of behavior such as the dominanceof one’s conversations, fantasies, and dreams (1964: 11). Thus, we can learn one’s motivation from the dominance of his or her conversation or through what he is dreaming of.

Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy(2000: 392) state that motivation refers to factors of an individual such as needs, desires, and interest which activate, maintain, and direct behavior toward of his goals. Kinds of Motivation


1) Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation refers to a desire to exhibit an action for our own sake. It means that this motivation comes from someone’s enjoyment and pleasure. There is not a real reward (money, certificate, or status) for his work but the reward is from his heart, his satisfaction in doing something well.

2) Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is a desire to exhibit an action because of the external rewards and avoidance of punishment. It means this motivation comes from reward which will be benefit for someone, such as money, certificate, or status. There is not enjoyment in this motivation. He only does something for the reward given not for his satisfaction.

In the 1970s, the term intrinsic motivation became widely used in place of exploratory behavior. Intrinsic motivation has been defined as “the inherent tendency to seek out novelty and challenge, to extend and exercise one’s capacities, to explore and learn” (Ryan & Deci, 2000:70).

Murray in his book Motivation and Emotion states that we shall presents evidence for several new kinds of motives—sensory, curiosity, activity, manipulatory, and cognitive. These appear to be independent of other motives, they are not learned on the basis of simpler drives, and they involve behavior which is intrinsically motivating. We shall call them intrinsic motives (1964: 11).

Sensation Seeking (Thrill Seeking)


sensations and experiences and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experiences” (343-344).

Zuckerman’s Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS) is based on four related but independent factors that were derived through factor analytic procedures. These factors denote slightly different aspects of sensation seeking.

1. Thrill and adventure seeking. Some people are inclined to seek excitement through risky but socially acceptable activities such as parachuting or driving fast, even if they haven’t engaged in such activities.

2. Experience seeking. Some people desire to seek sensation by engaging in activities outside a conventional lifestyle. They might travel, seek out unusual friends, engage in artistic endeavors, experiment with drugs, and in general lead less conventional lives.

3. Disinhibition. Those who choose to follow a conventional lifestyle might periodically escape by engaging in social drinking or gambling or by pursuing a variety of sexual partners. They drink to free themselves from the social inhibitions that are part of their conventional lifestyles.

4. Boredom susceptibility. Some people have a much lower tolerance for repetition and sameness. They tend to seek out stimulation and change to escape the monotony of everyday life. These people are inclined to engage in sensation-seeking activities. Human Motives


However, I only discuss achievement motive, affiliative motive, and avoidance motive since these three motives are appropriate to this research.

Firstly is Achievement Motivation. David C. McClelland (227) emphasizes that “doing something better” is the natural incentive for the achievement motive. It now is time to become more precise, for people can do better for all sorts of reasons—to please the teacher, to avoid criticism, to gain the approval of a loved one, or simply to get some time off from work. What should be involved in the achievement motivation is doing something better for its own sake, for the intrinsic satisfaction of doing something better.

Murray in Karen, Vernoy and Vernoy’s Psychology in Action (399) identified “achievement motivation as the need for success, for doing better than others, and for mastering challenging tasks”. Murray also states the illustrative of needs in David C. McClelland Human Motivation (46); he defines the achievement motives as follows.

To accomplish something difficult. To master, manipulate, or organize physical object, human beings, or ideas. To do this as rapidly and as independently as possible. To overcome obstacles and attain a high standard. To excel oneself. To rival and surpass others. To increase self-regard by the successful exercise of talent.


Secondly isAffiliation Motivation, David C. McClelland (346-347) states “whether or not it is exactly what people seek in interacting with others, certainly depriving individuals of the opportunity for interaction arouses in them that has been called the need for affiliation or the need to be with people”. As what Beck (354) says that the term affiliations refer to motivation of someone in associating with others, whether they like the people or not.

According to Murray’s Need, affiliation is:

To draw near and enjoyable cooperate or reciprocate with an allied other (an other who resembles the subject or who likes the subject). To please and win affection of a cathected object. To adhere and remain loyal to a friend (McClelland: 46).

In summary, affiliative motive means person who has to be friendly to make a good relationships and he is expected to have good interaction with other people in order to accomplish his goals.

Thirdly is Avoidance Motivation. In Franken Human Motivation (3-4), Avoidant motive, people do thing to avoid something. Avoidant causes tend to be very compelling; that is, not only they aversive or noxious but they are also difficult—or impossible—to ignore (Higgin, 1997).

Academic psychologists first conceived of motives as effort to avoid discomfort and to reduce strong stimulation, whether caused by hunger, thirst, pain, electric shock, conflict, or frustration.(McClelland: 373).


In David C. McClelland Human Motivation (376), Weiner states that if the goal of anxiety motive is some kind of escape, measurement in this area is deficient, because it concentrates on the anxiety responses rather than on what relieves them. A motive is better defined in terms of its objective, or the incentive that it seeks or that would satisfy it. There is some evidence that what more anxious people seek is some kind of security, or the reassurance that comes from being told what to do or knowing what to do.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

The theories that are used in this study are the theory of literature and the theory of motivation. Theory of literature consists of three parts. They are: the theory of character, theory of characterization, and the theory of literary approaches. These theories are important to be applied because these theories are related to the main discussion of this study; to find out the character of Paulo in The Valkyries.





This chapter presents the methodology, which was employed for the study. This chapter consists of three parts: object of the study, approach of the study and method of the study. The object of the study focuses on the analysis of the novel and its physical description. The approach of the study focuses on the way or the approach in analyzing the problem formulation and it concerns the reason why I used them. The writer also discusses the method in conducting the study. It talks about the steps taken in analyzing the problem formulation of the study.

3.1 Object of the Study

The Valkyriesis a novel written by Paulo Coelho who was born in Brazil and hasbecome one of the most widely read authors in the world today. Coelho’s “The Valkyries” is a novel that has about 212 pages including the biography of the author and the notes of the author.The Valkyries is an English version of As Valkirias, the Portuguese original edition, published in Brazil by Editora Rocca Ltd. It is translated by Alan R. Clarke.


Paulo poses a question: “why dowe destroy that which we love?”He then sets for the task given by his master to break the curse of destroying that which he loves. (9)

In one of their conversation, J. told Paulo about a man named Gene, a man who had ever met with his angel, who was learning to be a master, who will serve as his guide in finding Paulo’s angel. After that, J. gave him the address where he can find Gene.

Paulo and his wife, Chris, were surprised when they saw Gene for the first time because Gene is only a young man not more than 20 years old.

In order to penetrate the invisible world and develop her powers, she here to live in the present, the here and now. In order to live in the present, she has to control her second mind, and look out the horizon. Everyone can make contact with four different kinds of entities in the invisible world: The elementals, the disembodied spirits, the saints, and the angels. (53) In this moment, Gene taught Chris about “the second mind” and he told Paulo about the Valkyries who can help him to find his angel. In the last meeting they had, Gene pointed to a place on the map and asked Paulo to go to the place where Gene saw the Valkyries. Then, Paulo and his wife continued their journey to the Mojave Desert (the enormous desert that spreads into many states and into Mexico, the desert that places with strange names like the Rainbow Forrest and Death Valley) to meet "the Valkyries", a group of warrior women who travel the desert on motorcycles, with their trappings, their kerchiefs, and their strange outfit.


glove, colorful bandannas and black leathers jacket. The oldest of them, the one with long curly red hair named Valhalla was the leader. They could recognize each other based on the brooch which was used by Valhalla and the ring which was used by Paulo. They used the same thing, a simple goods carved into two serpents, each had two heads, and the design was quite simple. Then, each of them gave their magic name. During their meeting with the Valkyries in the desert, Paulo learned that to break the curse and to meet his guardian angel, he had to do many things such as breaking a pact, accepting forgiveness, and making a bet.

3.2 Approach of the Study


3.3 Method of the Study

This research was conducted through the library study. The researcher used Coelho’s The Valkyries as the primary source of the study. It was not a research based on the observation on the field. The researcher also used other books related to human motivation and behavior as the secondary sources to support the study.

There were some steps as the procedure in conducting the research. First of all, the researcher read the main source of the study, The Valkyries. Then, the researcher tried to understand and comprehend the novel. It was aimed to get a comprehensible understanding of the novel. The researcher concentrates more on the main character, Paulo’s reactions and actions, quoted the important points of the important descriptions of the main character that showed us the nature of his character.

The next step was making the analysis by finding the character and motivation of the chosen character. Moreover, the researcher tried to find the motivation in finding the guardian angel of the chosen character based on his needs.


Psychological approach is used to facilitate this study. The theories of psychology used in this study were theory of motivation and theory of human motive.





This chapter aims to find the answers to the questions in the problem formulations stated in chapter 1.The Valkyriesserves as the main source and the theories in chapter two are implemented as the secondary sources.

This chapter is divided into two sections. The first analysis concerns with Paulo’s characterization. The second analysis concerns with Paulo’s motivation to seek his guardian angel, as seen in Paulo’sThe Valkyries.

4.1 Description of Paulo’s Character

In this part, the researcher analyzes the characteristics of Paulo based on the theory of character by Henkle and Forster and the characterization presented by Murphy. According to the role the characters serve in the story, Henkle (1977: 87-89) mentions that characters are classified as major character and minor character. In The Valkyries, it is obvious that Paulo is the major character. He is the most important character in the story. He has the fullest attention because the acts of the story are focused on him from the beginning up to the end of the story.


appearance in the novel. It is proved by that almost in every page of the novel talks about Paulo.

Character also can be also divided into protagonist and antagonist. Rohrberger and Woods, Jr. (1971:20) say that the most important character in a story, the one to whom all the events in the story have relevance is called protagonist. Usually, it is easy for the readers to identify him and give sympathy. Paulo is the most important character in the novel, so it can be concluded that he is the protagonist character.

In this part, the character is analyzed in details. Quotations from the novel are used to support the character’s characterization. Characterization is an important part to present the characters in the novel. It can make the novel interesting for the readers because the story represents human lives.

In order to understand the character fully, M.J Murphy (1972: 161-173), in his book Understanding Unseen, gives more detailed explanation on how characters are presented by an author. He mentions nine ways of how an author reveals the Paulo’s character and traits to the readers, like as follows: personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversation of others, reactions, direct comment, thoughts, mannerism.


his problem. So, at one moment in their meeting, J gives Paulo a strange task. He asks Paulo to speak to his guardian angel. But during his meeting with his master, Paulo doesn’t really know what the task for. He only wants to do that strange task well.

During Paulo and his wife’s journey in the Mojave Desert, they find a hotel in the Borrego Springs town, a small town in Mojave Desert. When they stay in the hotel, they go to the Mexican restaurant near the hotel for the dinner. As a foreigner in Borrego Springs town, they have different language with the native there.

It is clear that Paulo is a Brazilian people as seen in the conversation between Paulo and the waiter in the Mexican restaurant.

They left their luggage in the room and went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. The waiter stood nearby for some time, trying to determine what language they were speaking. Finally, when he couldn't figure it out, he asked. When they said they were from Brazil, he said he had never met a Brazilian before.

“Well, now you've met two,”Paulo laughed. (17)

Paulo’s age is not really shown in the novel, but it can be seen by these

proofs. In this case, Paulo’s age can be seen by Character as Seen by Another.

Paulo’s age is about 40 years old as seen in the novel when Paulo and Chris meet

Gene for the first time. Gene is a boy who lives in a trailer in the Mojave Desert, who has ever seen and talked with his guardian angel. J, Paulo’s master,


CH R IS W A S S U R P R IS E D W H E N S H E S A W GE N E F O R T H E first time. He was quite young, certainly not more than twenty, and he lived in a trailer out in the desert, several miles from Borrego

Springs. (22)

YE S , GE N E W A S S P E A K I N G T O CH R IS–IT W A S B E C A U S E she was here that he was here. There was nothing he could teach Paulo, twenty years older than he and more experienced, and who, on his own, would surely find the way to talk with his angel. Paulo was one of J.'s disciples– and the things Gene had heard about J.! At their first meeting, Gene had tried in various ways to get the Brazilian to talk, but the woman had made it impossible. He was unable to learn anything about the techniques, the processes, or the rituals used by J. (53)

From the quotation above, it indicates that Gene’s age is not more than

twenty. The second quotation indicates that Paulo is twenty years older than Gene. From the evidences, it can be concludedthat Paulo’s age is about 40 years old.

Paulo and Chris are Christians. During his journey in the desert, he always brings his Bible in the bag. He tries to attend mass, besides he also has some different ways in communicating with God.

Paulo checked his watch. It was still early. They had looked to the horizon and it had shown them a salt lake. One hour's walk there, another to return, no risk of the midday sun. Each placed a canteen of water on their belt. Paulo put his cigarettes and a Bible in a small bag. When they arrived at the lake, he was going to suggest that they read a passage from it, chosen at random. (35)

Chris knows that his husband is a magus and she really respects her husband spiritual search. Paulo wants to make it balances, between his believes in God and his spiritual search like he is doing now to seek his guardian angel.

“I've always respected your spiritual search, but I have mine, too,” Chris said. “And I'm going to go on with it. I want you to understand that. I'm going to continue attendingmass.”

“Igo to church,too.”


communicating with God, and I've chosen a differentone.” “Iknow that. I don't want tochange.”(75)

4.1.1. A Magus or Sorcerer

Paulo is a magus. There are many evidences in the novel that says Paulo is a magus. This characteristic of Paulo can be seen through Character as Seen by Another, Thought, Speech, and Mannerism. In the beginning of the story, he has a master named J., a mysterious master who is respected and believed by Paulo. Paulo is a famous magus who is known by many of Chris’ friends. It happens in their first

date. Chris remembers her first date with Paulo. Her friends say that his boyfriend is a sorcerer.

She remembered their first date. They had slept together, and within a week she had moved her art work table into his apartment. Their friends said that Paulo was a sorcerer, and one night Chris had telephoned the minister of the Protestant church she attended, asking him to say a prayer. (12)

The second evidence is when Paulo and his wife meet Gene, a master who has ever seen his guardian angel. Gene explains about mystical things, such as: the second mind, the four different kinds of entities in the invisible world, which Paulo has really known about them. He says to himself that Gene forgets that Paulo is also a master of magic too. Chris also thinks that Paulo certainly knows about all of the mystical things that are being explained by Gene. Since Chris has believed that Paulo is magus, she knows that everything that Gene said is something in Paulo’s spiritual


Gene went on, “Everyone can make contact with four different kinds of entities in the invisible world: the elementals, the disembodied spirits, the saints, and the angels.


earthquakes, lightning, or volcanoes. Because we need to understand them as 'beings,' they traditionally appear in the form of dwarfs, fairies, or salamanders. But all one can do is use the power of the elementals–we never learn anything fromthem.”

Why is he saying all this? Paulo thought.Has he forgotten that I'm a master of magic, too?

Gene continued his explanation, “The disembodied spirits are those that wander between one life and another, and we make contact with them by means of a medium. Some are great masters–but all that they teach us we can learn on earth, because that's where they learned what they know. Better, then, to let them wander in the direction of their next step, to look out at the horizon, and to take fromherethe same wisdom as theydid.” Paulo must know all about this, Chris thought.He's probably talking to me. (51)

The third evidence is given in the conversation between Paulo and Chris. He explains everything about miracles to Chris. He has witnessed a number of miracles. He gives the evidences that he and his master are magus who are able to perform wonders and unusual rituals. He also ever shows his ability as a magus to Chris when he reads people’s mind, causes the wind to blow suddenly, performs many magic rituals.

“I've already witnessed a number of miracles,”he began. “Many miracles. You and I have even witnessed some together. We watched J. create openings in the clouds, fill the darkness with light, move objects from one place to another.

“You've seen me read people's minds, cause the wind to blow, perform rituals involving power. I've seen magic function many times in my life– both for evil and for good. I have no doubts aboutit.”

He paused. “But we have also become used to miracles. And we always want to see others. Faith is a difficult conquest, and it requires daily combat in order to be maintained.”(176-177)


ways in solving his problems. She looked into his eyes.

“Isn't J.a much more powerful magus than youare?”

“Much wiser,” Paulo answered. “Muchmore experienced. He follows the path of the farmer, and it is on that path that he finds his power. I'll be able to achieve my power only by following the path of thehunter.”

“Well then, why did he accept you as adisciple?”

Paulo laughed. “For the same reason that you chose me as a husband. Because we're different from oneanother.”(178)

The last evidence is during the first meeting between Paulo and The Valkyries. For the first meeting, Paulo and the leader of The Valkyries give their magic name. Every magus has his or her magic name. It is believed that the magus can really strong and release their power when they use their magic name. It is secret name that only very few people know that secret. In this case Paulo believes that Valhalla is the one who can be trusted. Only those who are trustworthy are allowed to know the magic name. In this quotation below, it explains that Paulo is a magus that has a magic name S and Valhalla has a magic name M.

The Valkyries held out her hand to Paulo. “My name is M.,”she said.

“My name is S.,” Paulo answered.

Chris was startled. Paulo had given his magic name! Very few people knew the secret, since the only way to cause a certain kind of evil to a magus is using his magic name. Only those who were completely trustworthy who were allowed to know the name. (84)

4.1.2. An Adventurer


magical things, such as: looking for sacred pathways, swords, rituals, and looking for his guardian angel.

I should have married an engineer, she said to herself.

She had never gotten used to his life–taking off suddenly, looking for sacred pathways, swords, conversing with angels, doing everything possible to move further along the path to magic.

He has always wanted to leave everything behind. (11)

In this case, Paulo leaves everything behind to seek his guardian angel. He meets with the Valkyries. He has really known the leader of the Valkyries, Valhalla. During their time in searching his guardian angel, he has the opportunity to know Valhalla well. They really trust each other because they have given their secret or magic name. In one moment, Paulo stands alone in the desert and thinks about Valhalla. He thinks that Valhalla is just a fantasy. She is a woman who has conversed with her own guardian angel. Now, she lives in the dangerous desert with her legion. Paulo thinks that Valhalla recognizes him as a magus who knows about the occult mysteries, an adventurer who can leave everything behind to seek his guardian angel. He is an adventurer who takes a risk to seek his guardian angel in the dangerous desert.

Valhalla was a fantasy. The warrior woman, the huntress. The woman who conversed with angels, and was ready to run any risk in order to surpass her limits. For her, Paulo was the man who wore the ring of the Tradition of the Moon, the magus who knew about the occult mysteries. The adventurer, capable of leaving everything behind to go out in search of angels. Each would always be fascinated by the other–so long as each remained exactly what the other imagined. (192-193)


4.1.3. A Mysterious Man

Paulo is also a mysterious person. His wife thinks that he is a mysterious person who lives in a strange way may be because he is a magus. He lives between the modern and the mystical world that has many traditions and rituals on it. He learns many kinds of rituals, doing something strange in this modern life, a magus who lives in mystical way that many people do not understand about it. It can be seen in the quotation below that he does something suddenly. Drop everything in order to achieve his hope to seek his guardian angel. Sometimes, he makes other people confuse of something he do for his life. His attitude and his behavior makes some people think that he is a mysterious person.

What a strange way to live, thought Chris. She looked at her husband as he walked over to pay the bill. All she knew was that he felt he had to speak with the angels, and that was that! Drop everything, jump on a plane, fly for twelve hours from Brazil to Los Angeles, drive for six hours to this gas station, arm himself with enough patience to remain here for forty days: all of this in order to speak–or rather, try to speak–with his guardian angel!(15) From the quotation above, it can be concluded that Paulo is a mysterious man. He is a magus and his position as a magus affects his way to live. He never says something about magic to his wife. It can make Chris does not understand about his behavior.Paulo’s characteristic as a mysterious man can be seen through Character as Seen by Another.

4.1.4. A Knowledgeable Man


objects in desert to base comparison on. He knows that there are no points of reference to calculating the distance. He has learned anything about living in the desert. He has prepared many preparations in doing his journey to seek his guardian angel.

“Ourcalculation waswrong,” hesaid.

Chris had already noticed that. She was surprised, because Paulo was good at estimating distances, and he had trusted her guess of three or four miles. “I know how we went wrong,” he said. “There's nothing in the desert to base comparisons on. We're used to calculating distance based on the size of things. We know the approximate size of a tree, or a telephone pole, or a house. They help us to decide whether things are near or faraway.”

Here, there was no point of reference. There were rocks they'd never seen, mountains whose size they could not estimate, and only the sparse vegetation. (37)

From the quotation above, Paulo has knowledge how to calculate the distance while they are doing their journey in the desert. This characteristic of Paulo can be seen through his speech with Chris.

She sat there in silence for a while, sensing that she had given her all, and that the channeling had ended. Then she turned to him.

“Iwent very far today. It's never happened thatway.”

Paulo caressed her face and kissed her. She didn't know whether he was doing that out of pity or pride.

“Let's go,”he said. “Let'srespect the earth'sdesire.”

“Maybe he is saying that to give me a stimulus, to get me to try to continue channeling,” she thought. But she was certain–something had happened. She hadn't invented all that.

“Theprayer?”she asked, fearful of his answer.

“It’s an ancient indigenous chant. From the Ojibway shamans.”

She was proud of her husband's knowledge, even though he said it didn't count for much. (70-71)


Paulo explains it to his wife. He is good magus that has good knowledge.

4.1.5. A Loving Husband

Since he is a magus, there are many things that contrast with his modern life. He has a wife whom really religious in her belief. In his daily life, he has many problems related to his marriage. Actually, he really loves his wife. He does not want to fall apart with her. He believes that his master is right. People destroy what they love most. It is related to his past life. His past life really affects his present and may be his future life. He believes in J. to solve his marriage problem. From the quotation below, it indicates that he still loves his wife and he wants to save his marriage that has slowed him down.

It's not just a problem of spiritual search, he continued thinking, as he alternated between looking at Chris and watching the road. He loved his wife, but he was getting fed up with marriage. He needed some strong passion in his love, in his work, in almost everything he did in his life. (72) During their journey in desert to seek Paulo’s guardian angel, Valhalla

asks Paulo and Chris to enter the abandoned gold mine. Inside it, she opens the past life moments of Paulo. He has a dark past life. Now, he has a wife that he loves. He does not want to remember his dark past life and always leave everything behind to face the present of his life. He loves his wife, he has a master that he respects, and he has written some books as his occupation.


4.1.6. An Optimist

Paulo is an optimistic person. He always believes and relies on his ability. He never gives up. He has a positive thinking to face any situations. He believes that he has done everything to seek his guardian angel. If he thinks he can, he will do it. He believes that the moment conversing with his guardian angel will really happen, he can make it real.

He had already met two of the three conditions, and almost failed with regard to the third–the simplest of them! But his angel's protection had prevailed, and, during thechanneling…ah, how good it was to have learned to converse with the angels! Now he knew that he would be able to see his angel, because he had met the third condition.

“I broke a pact. I accepted forgiveness. And, today, I made a bet. I have faith, and I believe,”he said. “Ibelieve that Valhalla knows the method for seeing one'sangel.”

Paulo's eyes were shining. There would be no nocturnal walks, no insomnia tonight. He was absolutely certain that he was going to see his angel. (183-184)

From the quotation above, Paulo never feels hopeless. He believes that Valhalla and many kinds of rituals will help him to see his guardian angel. This characteristic of Paulo can be seen through his thought that believes in his dream.

In addition, there are some characterizations that are analyzed based on the Paulo’s past life. Those Paulo’s characterizations are related to the dark life of Paulo.

Paulo was a hippie and an infidel. He was known as a Beast follower. Now, the researcher is going to analyze the character of Paulo in his past dark-life.

4.1.7. A Hippie


leaves his family to roams.

In his past life, Paulo and his friend named Argelia, are hippies in Rio de Janeiro before he works at recording studio. He always learns about rituals of magic. He believes that his succeed is the result of his spiritual search. It can be proved by the quotation below. His character as a hippie can be seen through his Past Life.

She looked at him, not understanding. Two years earlier, they had been two hippies, without a cent to their name, and now his songs were being heard all over the country. He was at the peak of success–even though few people knew his name; and he had been saying that it was all the result of the rituals, the occult studies, and the power of magic. (108)

4.1.8. An Infidel

Besides his past life as a hippie, he does not believe in God. He has done everything as called for by the Beast’s follower because he only believes in his magical power, his capability to learn magic, his ability in doing something strange to support his daily life. On the other word, he can be called as an infidel person. ”He

left the shower again, checking whether the dizziness and the black hole were still there. He had done everything as called for by the Beast's followers.”(108)

His character as an infidel can be seen through his Past Life.


God. He begged for forgiveness. He offered God anything in return to the salvation of his souls. He offered God his lives, or everything he owned to get the forgiveness. He made a kind of pact, moreover trade. There had been a trade and the punishment was severe. He lost his friends, his security, and his desire to go on living. However, God was generous, and allowed him to rebuild his life. Some years later after that horrible moment, he met Chris and married her. He is a loving husband. The curse also affects his relationship with Chris. Chris thinks that Paulo is a mysterious man, who learns magic, and an adventure, who leaves everything behind. He really loves his wife and does not want to fall apart with her. One day, he met a mysterious master named J. Paulo respects his master. Paulo believes that his master can give him a solution to break the curse. J. gives his disciple to find his guardian angel. Paulo believes that he can find his guardian angel to break the curse. He tends to grow, develop and change. In his life, Paulo has many problems and experiences which finally change his life. He has developed from the beginning until the end of the story.

4.2 Paulo’s Motivations to Seek His Guardian Angel

4.2.1 Paulo’s Intrinsic Motivation


Many children believe that angels have a couple of wing and they have their own duty to accompany and protect us in this world. When they start to grow up, they get much knowledge about their own religion. Because of the knowledge they get, they want to prove whether the angel is really exist or not.

Any person who resolved to speak with them would discover that it was not the first time. They had already conversed with them when they were children–the angels had appeared in the form of “secretfriends,” and had been their companions in long conversations and in play, protecting them from evil and from danger. (131)

In the 1970s, the term intrinsic motivation became widely used in place of exploratory behavior. Intrinsic motivation has been defined as “the inherent

tendency to seek out novelty and challenge, to extend and exercise one’s capacities, to explore and learn” (Ryan & Deci, 2000:70).

Murray in his book Motivation and Emotion states that we shall presents evidence for several new kinds of motives—sensory, curiosity, activity, manipulatory, and cognitive. These appear to be independent of other motives, they are not learned on the basis of simpler drives, and they involve behavior which is intrinsically motivating. We shall call them intrinsic motives (1964: 11).


believes in God and the angels. He tries to convince his wife that without really knowing it, they are aware of the presence of the angels.

“Have you ever had the feeling, at certain moments in your life, that someone was observing what you were doing?”Paulo asked Chris.

“How did you knowthat?”

“Ijust know. There are moments when, without really knowing it, we are aware of the presence ofangels.”

“At such moments,”he continued, “we begin to create a kind of film in which we are the main character, and we are certain that someone is observing our actions.

“But then, as we get older, we begin to think that such things are ridiculous. We think of it as having been just a child's fantasy of being a movie actor. We forget that, at those moments in which we are presenting ourselves before an invisible audience, the sensation of being observed was verystrong.”

He paused for a moment.

“When I look up at the night sky, that feeling often returns and my question is always the same: Who is out there watchingus?”

“And who isit?”

“Angels. God'smessengers.”

She stared up at the heavens, wanting to believe what he had said.

“Angels remove the seals placed on prohibited books, and they sound the trumpets on the day of Final Judgment. They bring the light, as Michael did, or darkness, as Luciferdid.” Hesitantly, Chris asked, “Do they have wings?”

“Well, I haven't seen an angel yet,”he answered.“But I wondered about that, too. I asked J. aboutit.”

That's good, she thought. At least I'm not the only one who has simple questions about the angels.

“J. said that they take whatever form a person imagines they have. Because they are God's thoughts in live form, and they need to adapt to our wisdom and our knowledge. They know that if they don't, we'll be unable to seethem.”(18-19)



He also wants to seek his guardian angel because he is a magus who wants to seek out novelty and challenge, to extend and exercise his capacities, to explore and learn unusual things.

“Imagine your angel, and you will feel its presence right now, righthere.” They fell quiet, lying there on the floor of the desert. There was not a sound to be heard, and Chris began once again to feel like she was in a film, playing to an invisible audience. She began to imagine her angel, dressed in blue, with golden hair and immense white wings–exactly as she had pictured her angel as a child. Paulo was imagining his angel, as well. He had already immersed himself many times in the invisible world that surrounded them, so it was not a new experience for him. But now, since J. had assigned him this task, he felt that his angel was much more present–as if the angels made themselves available only to those who believed in their existence. He dressed his angel in a long robe, embroidered in gold. And he also gave his angel wings. (19-20)

Paulo has the curiosity about his guardian angel. He believes whether one believes in angels or not, they are always there to protect us from the evil and the darkness. He hopes that someday, he will be able to see and speak to his guardian angel. Besides his curiosity about his guardian angel, he wants to exercise his capacities to seek something novelty and challenge him.

According to Zuckerman (1979: 343-344), sensation seeking “is a trait defined by the need for varied, novel and complex sensations and experiences and the willingness to take physical and social risks for the sake of such experiences”.

There are four categories based on the Zuckerman’s Sensation Seeking


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