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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan Islam


English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)


Written By:

Fuad Abdul Majid

113 11 122










I would like to dedicate this graduating paper for everyone special for me and for my life, they are:

1. Allah SWT, The Almighty God for my talents and many perfect things having been blessed. Allah who always accompany my action anywhere 2. My beloved Parents (Mr. Darmono & Mrs. Endah Sutanti) you are the best

parent I ever had. You are the spring of my power, thank you for your prays, sacrifices, advices, and honest love.

3. My beloved Grandmother (Mrs. Sri Marinah) 4. My dearest brother (Mr. Arif Eko Susanto)

5. My inspiring lecturer (Mr. Hammam) thank you for your motivation, and your spirit.

6. All of members of International Class Program.



Majid, Fuad Abdul. 2015. The Implementation of E-learning Strategy in Group Discussion Using Nicenet.org toward International Class Program batch 2012

Students’ Writing Ability. Skripsi, English Department of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Ari Setiawan, S.Pd, M.M

The objective of this research is to know the implementation of e-learning in group discussion using nicenet.org toward International Class Program batch

2012 students’ writing ability.

This research is use the method of a descriptive qualitative research which is conducted on July 25th to August 10th 2015. The respondent of this research were the students of English Education Department of International Class Program batch 2012 IAIN Salatiga which consist of eight students. The technique of collecting data is through observation, structured interview, and documentation. Structured

interview used to know the students’ opinion about nicenet.org. Observation used to know the profile of students’ writing. The technique of analyzing data is

descriptive analysis. The technique to check data validity is triangulation.

The results of this research showed that most of International Class Program batch 2012 students have a good writing ability. The implementation of nicenet.org in online group discussion is run well as long there is an internet connection. Student have some difficulties when using e-learning such as, the limitation of network connection area and less interaction and communication each other.




TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v

C. Research Purposes ... 4

D. The Benefit of the Study ... 4

E. Definition of Key Term ... 5

F. Thesis Organization ... 6


B. Literature Review ... 10

1. Writing ... 10

a. The Definition of Writing ... 10

b. The Types of Writing ... 11



d. The Advantage of Discussion ... 18

e. Online Discussion ... 20

3. E-learning ... 21

a. Definition ... 21

b. The Purpose of E-learning ... 22

c. E-learning Approaches ... 23

d. The Types of E-learning ... 23

e. Elements of a Good E-learning ... 24

4. Nicenet.org ... 25

a. Definition of Nicenet.org ... 25

b. Organization Profile ... 26

c. Practical Application ... 26

d. Web Organization ... 28

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Methodology ... 32

B. Research Design ... 32

C. Research Subject ... 33

D. Technique of Data Collection ... 33

E. Evaluation Criteria ... 36

F. Technique of Analyzing Data ... 36

G. Setting of Research ... 37

H. Profile of Institution ... 38

I. Profile of International Class Program ... 40



A. The Respondents’ Writing ... 44 B. Interview Result ... 59 CHAPTER V CLOSURE

A. Conclusions ... 69 B. Suggestion ... 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY




Figure 2.1 Process Wheel ... 16

Figure 2.2 Nicenet.org Main Page ... 28

Figure 2.3 Menu Setting Page ... 29

Figure 2.4 Confirmation Page ... 29

Figure 2.5 Log in Page ... 30




Table 3.1 Faculties ... 39

Table 3.2 Programs ... 40

Table 3.3 Member of International Class Program 2012 ... 41









Writing is one of four the skills that have to mastered in learning English language and it requires special attention, as it is a productive language process. It is the process of transforming the thoughts and ideas into written form and every people can develop the writing skill by some exercises. According to Gelb (1951) writing is the way how man communicate his thoughts and feelings by means of visible signs, understandable not only to himself but also to all other persons more or less initiated into the particular system. Al-Quran also devoted a great emphasizes about writing where Allah stated in Holy Quran:

4. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen [the first person to write was Prophet Idrees (Enoch)],

5. Has taught man that which he knew not. (Q.S Al-‘Alaq verse 4-5)

The meaning of the word

here is the pen which is used to write sentences, and from those verses we know that Allah has ordered us using the pen to teach others what we have known. And Allah suggested to record the knowledge by writing. It is why writing is a productive skill that student should mastered in language learning.



In order to achieve that goal we need an effective learning where the learning use an appropriate learning strategy containing of deciding the steps of learning, an appropriate tool and media, the clear material and the good method will be used during the learning process in the class.

Media become one of the element to success the goal of learning. According to Gagne (1970) as quoted in Sadiman, Media is a various kinds of components which support the student to learn. And also Briggs (1970) stated that media is every single tool that provide a message and stimulate students to learn, e.g book, movie, cassette, etc.

In this modern era, the development of media include the information and communication technology is very significant, with this development people are expected that it will bring a new innovation and a positive impact to educational system. The information and communication technology bring a great innovation for education development in the world. Thus, the educational methods have brought many changes, even in personal learning method, interpersonal and intrapersonal. One of the developments on information technology applied in educational system usually called by E-learning.

E-learning is the new innovation that has a big contribution toward educational process. In which, students are not only listening to teacher’s

explanation, but they are also doing another activity such as, observing teacher’s



Many e-learning were applied in teaching and learning process. One of them is Nicenet.org. Nicenet.org is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free services to the Internet community. It is a free web-based learning environment for classrooms, distance learning programs and collaborative academic projects.

Moreover, there are many advantages of using Nicenet.org.org in teaching and learning activity, such as, students are feel free and comfortable to express their opinion into written form. And also with this website students can

learn to help others’ writing and accepting friend’s correction.

In addition, with Nicenet.org teacher can send an article and the student can give some comments and the other student may give a comment from the

original text or friend’s comment. From this activity students will create an

effective discussion using this website.

Concerning to the explanation above the writer interested to conduct a

research entitled “The Implementation of E-learning Strategy in Discussion

Group using Nicenet.org toward International Class Program batch 2012

Students’ Writing Ability.


From the explanation above there are still several problems need to discuss, the researcher concern in the problems bellow:



2. How is the implementation of e-learning in discussion group using Nicenet.org in International Class batch 2012 students’ writing ability? 3. What are the difficulties in implementation of discussion group by using

Nicenet.org in International Class batch 2012 students’ writing ability? C. RESEARCH PURPOSES

In relation to the research question already stated the purpose of this research are:

1. To describe the profile of students’ writing ability in international class batch 2012.

2. To know the implementation of e-learning in discussion group using Nicenet.org in International Class batch 2012 students’ writing ability. 3. To find out the difficulties in implementation of discussion group by

using Nicenet.org in International Class batch 2012 students’ writing ability.


The results of the research hopefully will give contribution to English teaching and learning, they are:

1. Theoretically, the research will enrich the technique and method of teaching and learning English.



3. The result of the research will be beneficial for the writer to learn how to apply e-learning in teaching process deeply, beside to fulfill of requirement for the degree bachelor.


To avoid misinterpretation or misunderstanding about the title of this research, the writer would like to clarify and explain the terms that used in this research as follows:

1. E-Learning

Nowadays, the learning process can be conducted wherever we stay, with e-learning strategy we do not need to worry about long distance learning as long as supported by the internet connectivity.

Electronic learning or E-learning is the learning process that held using electronic tools as the media to transfer the material to students such as, television, radio, internet, etc. In the modern era, information technology becomes the most important tool media which is used in the teaching and learning process.

2. Group Discussion



Accurately, group discussion is to assign jobs to some of the group members such as leader, facilitator, time keeper, recorder, spoken person, process observer, or materials manager.

Online discussion is an asynchronous discussion which means a discussion that occurs between multiple people scattered in different places without meeting each other.

3. Nicenet.org

Nicenet.org is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing free services to the Internet community. Nicenet.org's primary offering, the Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA) is designed to address the pedagogical needs and limited resources of teachers and their students. 4. Writing

Writing is one of the four language skills that was productive and expressive activity to communicate indirectly, because by writing people could pull out the ideas in their mind into a series of sentences that are expected to be understood by the reader.


This research is divided into five chapters and each chapter explains about something differently, according to the topics which are discussed.



of key term, review of related literature, and the outline of graduating paper.

CHAPTER II is a theoretical review. This part presents the research result on theories or related research studies on similar field. It provides the readers' theories which they need to comprehend this present research.

CHAPTER III is how to construct the body of this research and the data are explained here. In this session, there would be research design, data collection, data instrument, and data analysis. Many data are collected and analyzed that needed by the researcher. The contribution of the samples gives a numerous of objective views in acquiring the data required in this part.

CHAPTER IV is finding all the results of data analysis. The research questions will get the answers in this chapter. To make it clearer for the readers, the researcher suggests the discussions of the findings




Karyawati (2014) has conducted a descriptive research on the use of Edmodo website for English teaching learning.

In her research, she focus on the encouragement and discouragement of the use of Edmodo on teaching and learning process, and also she wanted to know the strength and weakness of Edmodo when it is compared with other social media.

After finished from the research, she concludes that 60 % from the interviewers agree when using Edmodo it was easy to submit the homework and 40 % said that the website is still unfamiliar among students. In addition, the researcher found 60 % as the strength because this website focus on the education and 60 % weakness from the unfamiliarity of Edmodo among students.

The second previous research is the research about the application of

inquiry method to improve students’ writing skills conducted by Sunarni (2012).

Her research focus on the using of inquiry method (inquiry is a process to answer the questions and solve the problems based on the logic testing or

facts and observe) to improve student’s writing skill and she wanted to know



method is still unfamiliar in language teaching, thus, she looks for the strengths and weaknesses of this method

In the end of this research, she concludes that the students were more encouraging their ability in writing skill especially in narrative text using inquiry method. In addition, the result of the action shows that application inquiry method can improve students writing skill.

The implementation of inquiry method of presentation is reasonable because it can give the students great motivation in learning writing. They can explore and express what they thought with other, they get much information and knowledge from their friend or other people. Thus, the application of inquiry method is good in improving students’ writing skill.

The last previous research is about the influence of group discussion to writing skill conducted by Migiyati (2009)

Her research was talking about improving student’s writing skill using

group discussion, but she only focus on the difference of group discussion and

the significant difference of the student’s writing skill.

In the conclusion of the research, she states that there was a significant

improvement of using group discussion to improve student’s writing skill, and

she concludes that teaching writing used group discussion is better than others. From those previous studies, the writer found some similarities and differences between his research and other research. The similarity with

karyawati’s research is that both of them were applied an e-learning strategy in



research and this research is that the same in focus research, she also focused

on how to improve student’s writing skill.

On the contrary, the differences between this research and two researches above are, one of them was applying the website Edmodo in teaching and learning process in State Islamic Studies of Salatiga, and the other one was

using inquiry method in students’ improving skill.

Moreover, the use of nicenet.org is suitable for English teaching and learning in case of writing and reading, while using edmodo it seems like using media social in English teaching and learning.

In addition, between the last previous research and this research is has a similarity on using group discussion method in writing skill, but what makes this research more interest that this research use the new strategy commonly called by e-learning.

B. Literature Review 1. WRITING

a. The definition of writing



Writing also considered as a productive activity because when you write something you are required to think and make a draft about what you want to devote.

Writing is a kind of progressive activity. It means that when you start to write something than you start to think what you will say and write it down. And after finished your written, you read over the text that you have written and make some correction and changes if you found some mistakes.

b. The types of writing

Generally, there three types of writing: 1) Letter writing

Letter writing is a correspondence which could be formal, informal and semi-formal between two parties; (a person or an organization, an establishment representing a person). There are three types of letter, those are:

A) Formal or official letter

A formal letter is the correspondence between a superior and a subordinate in an establishment or any correspondence done in official setting for official purpose.

B) Informal or friendly letter


12 C) Semi-formal letter

This type of letter has dual ‘nationality’ in the sense that it

has a few formal features of a formal letter and some formal features of an informal letter.

2) Essay writing

The second type of writing which is commonly used by many if not all literate people is an essay. It is written by all person engaged in one kind of writing or the other. Students, teachers, freelance writers, etc. are involves in writing one form of essay or the other.

3) Creative writing

Creative writing is a kind of writing where the purpose is to express thoughts, feelings and emotions rather than to simply convey information. Harmer (2007:328) states that the term ‘creative writing’ suggests imaginative tasks, such as writing poetry, stories and plays.

c. The purposes of writing

Writing can be seen as having six general types of purpose, each type of purpose focusing on one of the parts of the communication model.

1) Writer: Expressive purposes.



consideration; instead, it focuses on the writer's feelings, experience, and needs. Expressive writing may take the form of poetry, journals, letters, and, especially, free writing. Often, a person will do expressive writing and then be disappointed when readers do not respond to it.

2) Reader: Conative purposes.

Conative writing seeks to affect the reader. Persuasive writing is conative; so is writing intended to entertain the reader. Writing intended to arouse the reader's feelings is conative. Conative writing may take about any form, so long as its intention to persuade the reader or affect the reader emotionally.

3) Context: Informative purposes.

Informative writing refers to something external to the writing itself, with the purpose of informing the reader. For instance, this page is informative, as are the other components of this Map. In our times, informative writing is usually prose, although in earlier periods poetry was used for informative purposes.

4) Message: Poetic purposes.



Fiction has poetic purposes. Anytime one writes with an emphasis on the way the language is used, one has a poetic purpose.

5) Contact: Phatic purposes.

Phatic language (and nonverbal communication) establishes and maintains contacts between speakers or between writer and reader. In speaking, for instance, we may greet someone by saying, "Howya doin?" or Hozit goin?" These questions are not requests for information. They are intended to establish and maintain friendly contact. Phatic purposes are not significant in most writing. The use of greetings and closings in letters is one example of phatic purpose in writing.

6) Code: Metalinguistic purposes.

Comments on a piece of writing are metalinguistic. If a student attaches a note to an essay to explain why the essay is late, the note is metalinguistic in relation to the essay. An author's preface to a book is another example of metalinguistic purpose in writing. d. The steps of writing

1) Planning



In planning, we should do these steps:

A) Make a questions about what we want to write.

B) Brainstorming, in this step we need to write down every single thing in our mind and write it down into phrases or single word Brams (1995:64).

2) Drafting

We can refer to the first version of a piece of writing as a draft. In drafting process, we need to put our ideas down on piece of paper without concern for being correct or not.

3) Editing

Editing is the important step to do. In this step, you need to recheck and reread what you have written. Harmer (2004:5) states that once writers have produced a draft they then, usually, read through what they have written to see where it works and where it does not.

4) Final version

Final version is the last step when you are writing. On the other word, it is called by publishing. It means you have completed your writing after doing editing and revising and it is ready to publish.



Figure 2.1 Process Wheel

From the figure 2.1 above, we can conclude that Harmer (2004:6) describe the flow direction of the arrow is not pointing in one direction, it means that in the steps of writing the writer always recheck the previous text. And in the end of the writing the writer can read a whole written in order to make any correction. The written text can be corrected either in terms of vocabularies, punctuation, diction, or the correlation of content between each paragraph. e. The Requisite of a good writing


17 1) Unity

Bram (1995:20) states that the word unity is synonymous with

‘oneness’. It means that all the sentences in the paragraph should

focus on the thing expressed in the topic sentence, and all of the sentences stick together.

2) Coherence

The second aspect is coherence. This aspect is as important as the first aspect, coherence play as a crucial role in making a paragraph read well.

To achieve coherence, the writer needs to use the transitions, such as, however, although, finally, and nevertheless. Without transitions, it is too difficult for beginning writer to produce a coherent paragraph Brams (1995:21).

2. GROUP DISCUSSION a. The term of discussion


18 b. The kind of discussion

Generally, there are two kind of discussion. Those are: 1) Synchronous

Synchronous discussion is the discussion that conducted at the same time, it could be via chat or video call

2) Asynchronous

While asynchronous discussion is opposite from synchronous, where the discussion can be conducted in different time. The asynchronous discussion can be conducted via email and etc. c. The type of discussion

1) Topic based

In topic based, the participants will be given such topic to be discussed. The topic can be related to knowledge, abstract, controversial and opinion seeking topics.

2) Case based

While in this type, the participant create a discussion with a case topic. In this kind of discussion they are required to have known about some updated issues currently happen.

d. The advantage of discussion

1) Emphasis on Learning instead of Teaching,

Discussion method is more effective method, because it

emphasizes students’ activity in the classroom, rather than simply


19 2) Participation by Everybody.

In a discussion, every student participates in the forum, and therefore thinks and expresses themselves.

3) Development of Democratic way of Thinking.

Every student cooperates in the discussion, and the ideas and opinions are respected. Thus, there is a development of democratic way of thinking and arriving at decision.

4) Training in Reflective Thinking.

Students, during the course of discussion, get training in reflective thinking, which leads to deeper understanding of the historical problem under discussion.

5) Training in Self-expression.

During discussion, every student is required to express his ideas and opinions in a clear and concise manner. This provides enough opportunities to the students for training in self-expression. 6) Spirit of Tolerance is inculcated.

The students learn to discuss and differ with other members of the group. They learn to tolerate the views of others even if they are

unpleasant and contradictory to each other’s views. Thus, respect for

the other’s perspectives is developed.

7) Learning is made Interesting.



students will feel bored if they are listening to teacher’s explanation.

With discussion, students can share the knowledge and experiences they have. Active participation by the students in the discussion makes learning full of interest for the students. This also ensures better and effective learning.

e. Online discussion

Online discussion is a great tool to extend classroom conversations and learning by getting students to engage with class material online.

Moreover, online discussions can take other forms such as discussions based on a piece of work, or feedback dialogue on a

student’s writing.

There are many benefits using online discussion as a learning and teaching tool:

1) Flexible, not limited by time or space.

2) In-class discussions can continue online and vice versa. 3) Students can prepare for class activities by engaging in online

discussions that are designed to have students get familiar with new topics.

4) Online discussions can simultaneously reach different types of learners. Online discussions can enable introverted thinkers

time to process a response and extroverted thinker’s time to



5) Students can use online discussions to give and receive feedback on their work.

6) Postings are saved and conversations can be reviewed for assessment and reflection purposes.

Online discussions can be a space where students’ answer each

other’s frequently asked questions about the course, helping to minimize the instructor workload by dealing with questions that might be emailed to her or him.

3. E-LEARNING a. Definition

According to Munir (2009) the word e-learning has a broad definition. E-learning of the word “e” it means electronic and the word

“learning” means learning itself. Then the word e-learning can be definite as a learning utilized an electronic as an equipment. Especially, which is computerized. Smaldino (2011:235) argues that online learning or usually called by electronic learning or e-learning is the result of learning and teaching process which is delivered using media based on the computer.



learning. While Nichols (2003) define e-learning as strictly being accessible using technological tools that are either based, web-distributed, or web-capable. The belief that e-Learning not only covers content and instructional methods delivered via CD-ROM, the Internet or an Intranet.

According to Derek (2003) E-learning involves the use of a computer or electronic device (e.g. a mobile phone) in some way to provide training, educational or learning material. And according to Department of Computer Science E-learning is learning which is enhanced, supported or assessed by the use of electronic media.

Moreover, E-learning may involve the use of new or established technology and/or the creation of new learning material; it may be deployed both locally and at a distance.

b. The Purpose of e-learning

E-learning can offer effective instructional methods, such as practicing with associated feedback, combining collaboration activities with self-paced research, and using simulation and games. Further, all learners receive the same quality of instruction because there is no dependence on a specific instructor.


23 c. E-learning Approaches

According to Ghirardini (2011:10-11) There are two general approaches to e-learning, those are:

1) Self-paced e-learning

In self-paced e-learning, learners are offered e-learning courseware, which can be complemented by supplemental resources and assessments. And learners are free to learn at their pace.

2) Instructor-led/facilitated e-learning

In this model, the course is scheduled and led by an instructor/facilitator through an online learning platform. Learners can use communication tools to communicate and work together. And at the end, a final step typically includes an exercise or assessment to measure learning.

d. Types of E-learning

Fundamentally, there are two types of e-learning, those are: 1) Synchronous

Synchronous means “at the same time,” involves interaction of


24 2) Asynchronous

Asynchronous means “not at the same time,” allows the

participants to complete the WBT (Web-based training) at their own pace, without live interaction with the instructor.

e. Elements of good e-learning

In order to make our e-learning successful we need to pay attention more about the factors needed in e-learning. There are seven elements we have to do:

1) The Objectives of E-learning

First of all, we need to identify our e-learning objectives, we have to be clear and specific about our e-learning goals.

2) The Level of Interactivity

The more interactive elements we include in the e-learning the more time and money we invest

3) Visual Impact

The next step we should do is to examine the look and feel or our e-learning and determine whether the images and graphics are aesthetically pleasing or not.

4) Language


25 5) The Technical Functions

The technological aspect of our e-learning is also important to be evaluated throughout. We need to know if our learners use our e-learning comfortably.

6) Time

The thing that we need to notice is about time. Basically, an effective length of time to conduct e-learning is between 15 and 30 minutes for each topic.

7) Cost

And finally, the last factor to make our e-learning good is about cost. Even if we have successfully met all the aforementioned criteria, this might be a problem if our e-learning is too expensive. 4. Nicenet.org

a. Definition of Nicenet.org

Nicenet.org is a free Web-based virtual classroom, it is a place where the members of a group can share the information, ask question, and get extra help. Nicenet.org is a computer system as media to conferencing similar to e-mail and a bulletin board rolled into one.


26 b. Organization Profile

Nicenet.org was founded in 1995 by Nathan Dintenfass and Ben Archibald as a student project at Macalester College in Saint Paul. It is first project was matching new internet users with experienced internet users in a mentor relationship.

Nicenet.org is an organization of internet professionals who donate their time to provide services for the internet community. c. Practical Application

Nicenet.org is designed for post-secondary and secondary classrooms, distance learning and collaborative academic projects. The ICA was intentionally designed as a low graphics environment to decrease the load time of each page.

Every people can set up a class as a teacher in a few minutes and allow others to join. After login, users are presented with a "heads-up" display of class resources.

Moreover, there are some features in Nicenet.org that we have to know:

1) Conferencing


27 2) Scheduling

Put the class schedule online. With a seven-day advance view on your class homepage, students will have a heads-up display of upcoming assignments and class events.

3) Document Sharing

Students and professors have the ability to publish their documents on the site using simple Web-based forms. No knowledge of HTML is necessary. Automatically integrated with scheduling, students are one click away from turning in their assignments online, giving their peers feedback on published papers

and receiving instructor’s comments.

4) Personal Messaging

Similar to traditional e-mail but fully integrated with document sharing and conferencing, personal messaging is a great way to communicate with and between individuals in your class, comment privately on conferencing postings or give private feedback on published papers.

5) Link Sharing


28 d. Web Organization

1) Main Page of Nicenet.org

Figure. 2.2 Nicenet.org Main Page

The Figure above is the main page of Nicenet.org, and to start using this website, the teachers should click on Create a Class, if you are student, you should click on Join A Class

(found on the right hand side of the screen which is brown color) if this is the first time you are creating the class. If you have created a class previously, you may enter your username

and password under ‘Current User Log In’ in order to access


29 2) Menu Setting Page

Figure. 2.3 Menu Setting Page

In this page, you should complete the information form to set a class for the first time. Make sure you write down your username and password somewhere for reference. If you have done, you might click on Create a Class, and you will be provided to next page.

3) Confirmation page



In this page, provide you with your username and class key. One thing that you have to remember is save the key, because this key will be needed to allow others to join your class. If you entered an email address in the set up page, you will be emailed this key to the address you provided. If you did not enter an email address, either print this page, or write it down.

4) Log in Page

Figure. 2.5 Log in Page

You might enter your username and password in this


31 5) Main Page

Figure. 2.6 Main Page

This page provided you the main menu in Nicenet.org.

In the home page you can do anything you want, such as, giving an assignment to the students, controlling their

assignment and monitoring students’ discussion.

5. Connectivism



There are some principles of connectivism:

a. Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions.

b. Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources.

c. Learning may reside in non-human appliances.

d. Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known

e. Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning.

f. Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill.

g. Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities.



In this chapter the writer tried to describe about the method that used in this research. The writer explained about type of research, method of collecting data, and method of analyzing data.


Research methodology is a way to find out the result of a given problem on a specific matter or problem that is also referred as research problem. According to Kothari (1990:8), Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. And the writer use descriptive analysis to conduct this research, descriptive is a kind of research method to describe the phenomena current happen or in the past. Kothari (1990:2) states that the major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present.






In order to design this research, the writer uses field research supported by qualitative approach because the result of research presented in narration.


According to Moleong (2009:168), that for qualitative research, research subject is the person who plans the research, collects the data, analysis data, interprets data, and in the end of research he is who reports the final results of research. In other word, the writer is the subject of the research because he observes about the implementation of Nicenet.org


Suharto (1989:156) states that collecting data is a proses to accumulate data which are collected and relevant that give a view from the aspect will be studied. Thus, in doing a research, we need to collect the relevant data from the resources.

Data is the fact that describes an event and a real unity. Data is a form that has not been able to provide great benefits for the recipient, so, it is required a process or model that can process that data to produce a useful information. Supranto (1995: 1-2) argues that the data can provide an overview of a situation or problem which is generally related with a place and time. Basically, the data is used to make a decision by the decision-makers. But in the research process data is used to be an evidence of the research validity.



collected the data from interview, observation and documentation. Sugiyono (2011:225) states that in qualitative research, collecting data was conducted in natural setting, primer data resource and technique collecting data mostly by observation, in depth interview, and documentation.

1. Interview

In the first method the writer used a structured interview to collect the data. Sugiyono (2011:233) argues that structured interview was used as data collection techniques if the writer has really understood with the information will be obtained. Sarosa (2012:46) states that structured interview uses a quistioner which is arranged before so that they have the same standard. Another statement of structured interview comes from Daymon and Holloway (2008:266) they state that structured interview is like a written list of question from survei.

Furthermore, this method was very useful for writer to know the

students’ opinion about nicenet.org. In order to make the interview run well

and easy understanding, the writer used bilingual language (Indonesian and English).

In addition, with this method the writer got qualified answer from interviewees. It can be done by two ways, probing and prompting.

Etymologically, the word ‘Probing’ means intended to get



someone decide to say, while, the writer helps the respondent to say something in his mind.

2. Observation

Guba and Lincoln (1981:191-193) state in Moleong (2009:174) that observation method is one of the important method because by observation the writer can watch and observe by himself, then write the behavior and phenomenon that happen in reality. In addition, the writer did an observation to know the phenomenon happen during the research.

3. Documentation

Robert (2011:149) states that many documents can be useful simply by the nature of the details they contain. In other word, documentation used as evidence to proof the result of research. Soeharto (1989:74) argues that generally evidence is an object to help the writer to decide the problem. Sugiyono (2011:240) suggest that the document is a record of the past events. The document might in the form of text, images, or monumental works of someone.


37 E. Evaluation Criteria

Category Criteria

Excellent Complete all of the requirements

Good Complete almost all of the requirements

Fair There are some requirements are not completed Poor No one all of the requirements are completed

Criteria of a good writing:

1. Well focused at relevant to topic.

2. Outline of main ideas easily recognizable to readers.

3. Form of coherence whole; close, intelligible relationship between sentences; smooth flow of text.


According to Sugiyono (2011:244) analysis data is a process to find and arrange the data systematically taken from the result of interview, observation, and documentation. Analysis data from the collecting data is the most important step in conducting a research. Because if the data were collected not be analyzed would be useless. Furthermore, the function of analysis data is to make the data useful.

In addition, Kasiram (2010:355) argues that the main purpose of analyzing data in qualitative research is to find the meaning inside the meaning



The method of data analysis in this research is a descriptive analysis. Suryabrata (1983:85) states that descriptive analysis often be analyzed from the content, it is why this kind of analysis something called by content analysis. In addition, descriptive analysis is the review of the research, which is the result of this method, can solve the problems using observation, investigation, and explanation. Then, these are the steps of analyzing data are presented as follows:

1. The researcher created the class discussion in nicenet.org.

2. The researcher interviewed the respondents about the use of nicenet.org in learning activities to collect the data.

3. The researcher taken screen captures of respondents’ discussion in nicenet.org for documentation to show the reader how to use nicenet.org for discussion forum beside to strength the data.

4. The researcher observed how the implementation of e-learning using nicenet.org in discussion forum was.

In order to check the validity of the data, the researcher used triangulation method. Lacey and Luff (2001:23) state that triangulation means gathering and analyzing data from more than one source to gain a fuller perspective on the situation you are investigating.

G. SETTING OF RESEARCH 1. Setting of place



Address : Campus 2 of State Islamic for Islamic Studies (IAIN Salatiga). Nakula Sadewa Street V.A No.09, Kembang Arum, Salatiga.

Zip codes : 50722

Phone number : (0298) 341900 Fax : 323433

Website : kki.iainsalatiga.ac.id 2. Setting of time

This research was done from July 25th until August 10th, 2015. H. PROFILE OF INSTITUTION

State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga or IAIN Salatiga is the only one of the Islamic State Institutes in Salatiga City. Thereby, many people would expect that this campus would uphold Islamic values. With that responsibility, IAIN Salatiga strives to always combine between their students’ intellectual ability with the religion ability. Hopefully, the graduates of this Institute are able to give the contribution to develop the quality of education in Indonesia.



The vision and mission of IAIN Salatiga has been written in IAIN Salatiga website is mentioned below:

1. Vision

In 2030 Being Referral of Indonesian Islamic Studies for the establishment of peace and dignity community.

2. Mission

a. Conducting education in various disciplines of Islamic Sciences based on the Indonesian values.

b. Conducting research in various disciplines of Islamic values for the strengthening of Indonesian values.

c. Carrying out the community services based on the research to strengthen the Indonesian values.

d. Developing a culture of campus community that reflects to the values of Islam in Indonesia.

e. Organizing the management of professional and accountable higher education.

IAIN Salatiga start to open the new faculties when switch the status from STAIN. Nowadays, IAIN Salatiga has 5 faculties 2 programs.


No Faculty Study Program

1. Teacher Training and



7. Educational Teacher for Elementary School

2. Syaria 1. Islamic Family Law

2. Sharia Economics law 3. Constitutional law

3. Dakwah Communication and Broadcasting Islam 4. Ushuluddin, Adab and

Humanities courses

1. Quran and Tafseer Science 2. Hadith Sciences

3. Philosophy of Religion 4. History and Islamic Culture 5. Language and Arabic Literature

5. Economics and

No Program Study Program

1. Post Graduate Program 1. Islamic Education 2. Educational Supervision 2. International Class Program Cross Study Program


International Class Program is a cross study program of educational faculty; it is a new study program in IAIN Salatiga. The implementation of International Class Program is proposed to provide best service to students who have the potential and high motivation to study. One of the learning system and facilities that provided to the students of this class is applying Arabic and English in the teaching and learning process.



English Department, 6 students of Arabic Department, and 6 students of Islamic Education. In addition, the number of the third grade of International Class Program is 20 students.

Table 3.3

Member of International Class Program 2012

No Name Study Program

1. Muhammad Abdul Rosyid Islamic Studies

2. Arif Rahmadiansyah Islamic Studies

3. Hade Hilma Syahidah Islamic Studies

4. Mansur Hidayat Islamic Studies

5. Hanifah Ristyaini Islamic Studies

6. Anis Istianah Islamic Studies

7. Muhammad Agus Sholihin Arabic Department

8. Much. Mufty Azharudin Arabic Department

9. Irma Ariyani Arabic Department

10. Ayu Oktaf Arnandani Arabic Department

11. Fahrodin Ilfath Arabic Department

12. Maryam Fatchiyaturrohmah Arabic Department

13. Yusi Andriyani English Department

14. Sefty Hanida Fitriyani English Department 15. Salasun Ahmad Kholiq Yasin English Department

16. Atina Vina Muna English Department

17. Wahyu Diah Nur Anis Sholihah English Department

18. Ihda Muflih Saifullah English Department

19. Sugeng Iskandar English Department

20. Nur Kholis English Department

The vision, mission, and core value of International class program are described below:

1. Vision


43 2. Mission

A caring and socially responsible Islamic institution that explores the potential of learners, educators, staff and organization in Indonesia and South East Asia through the quality provision of internationally recognized programs.

3. Core Value

The acronym of International Class Program’s Core Value is

EDUCATION. The abbreviation of EDUCATION is mentioned below: E: Encourage

We encourage students to express individual’s thought, emotion, and spirituality.

D: Dedicate

We dedicateindividual’s knowledge and skills for better life.

U: Understand

We understand that every person is unique. C: Core

We intend the individual to core with others. A: Activate

We activate the individual as well as collective power. T: Talent

We explore the talent of every individual I: Integrity


44 O: Optimistic

We create optimistic individuals at any circumstances. N: Nurture

We nurture individuals confidently to encounter the bright future. J. PARTICIPANT OF RESEARCH

In order to make the research relevant, the writer only focus on the students in English Department that contain of 8 students. The participants are in the table below:

Table 3.4

The Participants of Research

No Name Student Number Respondents

1. Salasun Ahmad Kholiq Yasin 113.12.079 R1

2. Yusi Andriyani 113.12.043 R2

3. Atina Vina Muna 113.12.031 R3

4. Sefty Hanida Fitriyani 113.12.133 R4

5. Nur Kholis 113.12.130 R5

6. Wahyu Diah Nur Anis Sholihah 113.12.169 R6

7. Sugeng Iskandar 113.12.066 R7

8. Ihda Muflih Saifullah 113.12.131 R8


45 which the researcher conducts an interview by giving some questions to English

Department’s students of International Class Program of State Institute for Islamic

Studies Salatiga batch 2012. In addition, the third technique used by the researcher is documentation in which he takes photos of the respondents’ activities in

nicenet.org website.

A. The respondents’ writing 1. Respondent 1

In his writing, he wrote the topic about the silly moment with his friend. In this text, he wants to tell his own experience happen. Actually, he is good in writing. He wrote a paragraph systematically and understandable.

The transcription as follow:

The Silly Moment with My Friend



police. Besides, he asked me to accompany him to buy a second-hand book. Finally, I agreed to accompany him and go home together.

On the way to the bookstore, he rode carefully and chose the alternative way. Even it took longer time and distance, finally we could arrive the bookstore. The, my friend bought a classic book with lower price, while I was looking at the bookshelf filled with the novels.

After that, we went to the parking area. We rode the motorcycle and passed the same way went to the bookstore. We thought that the way was safe from the police. But unfortunately, when we just turned left at the intersection, we saw a police standing near the tree. The police stopped us and asked for the riding license and all the equipment in riding motorcycle. Then the police asked to me, "Where is your helmet?" I was afraid to answer, and I just said with shaking voice, "Sorry, sir. It's just my mistake." Surprisingly, my friend was also realizing him fault, "No, sir. I have asked him to accompany me. Let me get the traffic ticket."

Guess what happened next! The police which has strict face showed us his wide smile. He said, "You are all funny. I won't give you the punishment letter, but please do something." My friend starred at me. We thought we had to give the police some money, but we only had a few . Then, the police said, "Don't you think I ask some money from you. Okay, I'll make it clear. You are the students, right. Then tell me what lesson you learned today at school." Feeling surprised and worried at the same time, I tried to recall my mind about the lesson at school."oh i do not really undertand about the lesson today. So i just try to tell bla bla bla and bla. I can't imagine what my face looks like at the moment that. It must be very stupied face. Then the police couldn't stand not to laugh. "Okay, I release you. But remember to wear the helmet when you ride the motorcycle, even there is a police or not. Please stay safe!" We felt relieved and thanked him. Later, he told us that my friend and I reminded him to his daughter who stayed in other city to study.

After that moment, I promise to always wear the helmet when going by motorcycle and refuse for a ride if there is no helmet. I won't let that silly moment happened again!

Based on the result above, first respondent’s writing was classified

as a good writing; it is proved from the way of the respondent’s writing.



the thing expressed in the topic sentence, and all of the sentences stick together to make a unity. From that theory, in first respondent’s writing was proved as a good writing because the only mistake he did was grammatical error and he had completed all of the requirements of a good writing that mentioned in evaluation criteria in chapter 3.

Moreover, the first respondent’s writing got some comments from his friend that proved as a good writing. The comments are below:

“It's interesting to read.” Sefty Hanida Fitriyani. (08/07/15 5:51 PM PST)

“It's good moral value.” Atina Muna. (08/07/15 5:58 PM PST)

“It is good paragraph and interesting story. But there are

grammatical error and miss-spelling. Yusi Andriyani. (08/07/15 5:58 PM PST)

“I do agree that it is interesting story to read.... is it your

true story Salasun?” Nur Kholis. (08/07/15 7:42 PM PST)


48 2. Respondent 2

In her writing, she wrote the interesting topic, it is about Borobudur temple. She tries to explain about three vertical level in Borobudur temple. Beside the interesting content, she is good in writing a paragraph.

The transcription as follow:

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world. It is located in Magelang regency, Indonesia. This temple consists of three vertical levels. they are called as Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, and Arupadhatu. Kamadhatu is the foot part of the temple. Rupadhatu is the body part of the temple. While Arupadhatu is the top part of the temple. Borobudur temple provides many messages which is drew on it's wall. It is called relief. beside that, there are many stupas and inside the stupa is buddha statue. Borobudur temple is visited by more than 1.000 people around the world per year.

Based on the result, her writing was classified as a good writing because she wrote in good grammatical structure, but she forgot to mention the closing sentence as the ending of paragraph.

In order to prove that respondent 2’s writing was categorized as a

good writing, the writer provided the comments from her friends. The comments are below:

“Overall it’s easy to understand. Minor grammar mistakes.



“It's simple and clear information.” Sefty Hanida Fitriyani (08/07/15 5:40 PM PST)

“Well structured text, but need a closure such as "So, that is

all about one of big Indonesian heritage that is well known

by the world". Salasun Kholiq. (08/09/15 9:08 PM PST)

“Good structured and diction, better when you add a closure

to make your writing perfect..” Ihda Muflih (08/09/15 9:14 PM PST)

3. Respondent 3

In her writing, she talks about the passion in her life. While this writing is based on the true story happened in the past when the lecturer asked her. She has a good answer that she wanted to be a person useful to others.

The transcription as follow:




Based on the result, her writing was fulfilled almost all of the requirements as a good writing, and her mistakes tend to be on adjective

sentence like the sentence “he is the one that is full of spirit”. It is the

reason why this writing was classified as a good writing.

Moreover, the respondent 3’s writing was classified as a good

writing, it was shown from her friends’ comments. Those are the


“It's simple, clear and good text.” Sefty Hanida FItriyani (08/07/15 5:50 PM PST)

“Absolutely agree with sefty, i think it is also based on your

true story right?” Nur Kholis (08/07/15 7:56 PM PST)

“You may choose an adjective to change the sentence "He is

the one that is full of spirit" is it possible?” Salasun Kholiq (08/09/15 8:56 PM PST)

“it's very simple text cause based on your story, but its better


51 4. Respondent 4

Shewrote a text talking about her experience when she looks for

‘siomay’ (a kind of food) in the night. Over all, the text is good, she wrote systematically and understandable.

The transcription as follow:

'Siomay' in the night

It is so rare to find 'siomay' in the night. Pasar Raya, is one of the places in Salatiga City where you can find the whole night. It is in front of Ada Baru where Mr. X always goes there to sell 'siomay'. He starts selling at 18.30 and comes back home after he has no more siomay to sell. His present attracts people who want to eat siomay in the night. His trade is out of market since he is the one siomay seller around that area. Besides that, this siomay is quite cheap and delicious.

A customer said that this siomay was delicious and different with the others. It was no doubt many customers come and go to buy this, she added.

Based on the result above, her writing was also categorized as a good writing because of its paragraph construction, but she wrote an

unrecognizable introduction. It was proved by other respondents’

comments. Those are the comments:

“Overall its easy to understand and good. Atina Muna. (08/07/15 6:04 PM PST)



“Well structured text, but need a better introduction

sentences.” Salasun Kholiq (08/09/15 9:06 PM PST)

“You need to make a good introduction, so your reader easy

to understand about your text.” Ihda Muflih (08/09/15 9:18 PM PST)

5. Respondent 5

In his writing he want to deliver his opinion about black campaign. He was inspired with the black campaign when general election of Indonesia. Actually, he did not agree with this kind of a way, because it can break the democratic process in this country.

The transcription as follow:

Black Campaign, an Irresponsible Effort

This presidential election period, we see many irresponsible efforts to drop the number of electability one candidate such like what we know as Black Campaign. Black campaign or an effort to drop the rival reputation in front of people views aims to beat another candidate. By spread out the magazine which tell the negative side of one the candidate, or inform to the people by a banner that also tell the negative side of one candidate, this black campaign is totally irresponsible effort to compete become the leader of the people's choice.



This black campaign is totally do not show a responsible of campaign. And it can break the democratic process in this country

Based on the result above, he has completed almost all of the requirements of a good writing. He only did a mistake in grammatical error, so, this writing can be categorized as a good writing.

In addition, he got the comments from his friend that shown the mistake he did and an evidence that his writing was a good writing. The comments are below:

“I find some diction which do not show natural expression

of the meaning.” Sefty Hanida Fitriyani. (08/07/15 5:45 PM PST)

“good opinion.” Atina Muna. (08/07/15 6:03 PM PST)

“sefty, would please to mention the error diction?.” It was

commented by the author to confirm his friend’s comment.

(08/07/15 7:39 PM PST)

“Is it an analytical exposition? Good topic and well

structured text.” Salasun Kholiq (08/09/15 9:02 PM PST)


54 6. Respondent 6

She wrote an interesting topic. It is about the tips how to be a success student. There are many tips to do such as listening to teachers’ explanation and do not forget to pray. Actually it is a good sentence, and good structure.

The transcription as follow:

How To Be A Success Student

To be a success student is the most important for everyone who still studies. The students try to look for some tips and ways for being it. Here are some ways to be a success student: first, try to read more and more books whether in a class or outside. It is important because reading a book is the key to know the world.

Second, pay attention to the teacher when he or she explained the material of the study. A guide book is necessary but it will more helpful to understand the material with his or her explanation.

Third, do not forget to note it. Note some crucial values or main topic of the material. They will help you in remembering.

Fourth, if you do not understand the explanation from your teacher, ask her about it or you can ask your friend who understands well.

Fifth, studying and repeating the material at home when you have time. Sixth, beside study hard we have to pray to God.

That's all the ways to be a success student. Perhaps they will help you



In order to prove that it was an excellent writing, the researcher provided with the several comments from her friends. Those are the comments:

it's good topic.” Sefty Hanida Fitriyani. (08/07/15 5:46 PM PST)

“it's systematically good written.” Atina Muna. (08/07/15 5:49 PM PST)

“it is a good topic. We can apply those steps in our life.” Nur Kholis. (08/07/15 7:57 PM PST)

“good job, just try to add some supporting sentence. ^_^.”

Salasun Kholiq. (08/09/15 8:50 PM PST)

“good topic, every students need to read this text.” Ihda Muflih. (08/09/15 9:28 PM PST)

7. Respondent 7



grammatical error. But it is categorized a good enough writing for the student.

The transcription as follow:

Indonesian education

Indonesian education is very different with others country from the all side, that i can look at university for example. So, i can compare between Indonesian university with international university, I realize that Indonesian university is in lower level than international university. It is caused by progressing of country improvement, human potential resources and so on. But i can look that Indonesian university also has a better quality from the educational behavior than others.

Actually, i declare that international university is better than Indonesian university. I can look from the educational progressing 'especially' in scientific knowledge. That we have known most of scientist are graduated from international university.

Based on the result above, his writing was not completed all of the requirements of a good writing, even from the aspect of unity, coherence or Outline of main ideas. Thus, this writing was categorized as a poor writing.

Unfortunately, the respondent 7’s writing was categorized as a

poor writing. It was proved that he got some comments from his friends which was explained that he did many mistakes. The comments are below:

“Punctuation is not placed or put in a correct way.

Grammatical structure in some sentences is incorrect.”



“there are some opinion that i don't agree. the main topic

doesn't clear enough.” Atina Muna. (08/07/15 5:56 PM PST)

“This paragraph has error in punctuation and words

diction.” It was commented by the user name Yusi Andriani. (08/07/15 6:03 PM PST)

“sugeng, how about in our campus? many lectures are

graduated from abroad?” Nur Kholis. (08/07/15 7:37 PM PST)

“Just try to do it better next ^_^.” Salasun Kholiq. (08/09/15 9:05 PM PST)

“it's better when you add some connector to make connect

in every sentence.” Ihda Muflih. (08/09/15 9:22 PM PST)

8. Respondent 8

In his writing, he told the reader what he did when a holiday. He wanted to tell his story in detail.


 Figure 2.1                Process Wheel
Figure. 2.2
Figure. 2.3
Figure. 2.5


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