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The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the site of nutrient digestion and later absorption. Stretches from mouth to anus


Academic year: 2021

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Department of Physiology School of Medicine University of Sumatera Utara dr. Yudi Herlambang dr Nuraiza Meutia

 The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the site of nutrient digestion and later absorption.

 Stretches from mouth to anus

 The GI tract moves and mixes food (motility) while also secreting chemicals to breakdown food.  GI tract also eliminates waste.


 Alimentary canal : mulut, pharynx, esophagus, lambung, usus halus dan usus besar.

 Accessory digestive organs : gigi geligi, lidah, kantung empedu, kelenjar liur, hati, dan pankreas

 6 aktivitas dalam proses digestif :  memasukkan, memindahkan, dan pencernaan secara mekanis, +

 pencernaan secara kimia, absorpsi, dan defekasi


 Ingestion (memasukkan) : taking food into the digestive tract

 Propulsion (memindahkan) : swallowing, peristalsis, segmentas

 GI tract propulsion: peristalsis

 Caused by circular and lengthwise muscle contraction


 Mass movements

 Peristaltik haustra

 GI tract control valves: sphincters

 Located throughout the intestinal tract

 Respond to inputs from nerves, hormones, hormone-like compounds and pressure around them

 Upper and lower esophageal sphincters

 Pyloric sphincter

 Base of the stomach

 Allows stomach contents to enter intestine a few milliliters (1 tsp) at a time

 Ileocecal sphincter

 End of small intestine

 Prevents contents of large intestine from re-entering small intestine


 Mechanical digestion (pencernaan secara mekanis) : mengunyah, mencampur, dan mengaduk makanan.  Chemical digestion (pencernaan secara kimia) : catabolic breakdown of food

 Absorption : movement of nutrients from the GI tract to the blood or lymph

 Defecation : elimination of indigestible solid wastes

3 hal yang mengatur kerja sistem pencernaan :

1. Persarafan

Saraf otonom (ekstrinsik) dan

enterik (intrinsik) 2. Hormonal

3. Mekanisme lokal

Local messenger yang berespon thd perubahan pH atau stimulus kimia dan fisik.


 Intrinsic controls

Pleksus submukosa (plexus of Meissner) dan pleksus mienterik (plexus of Auerbach)

Persarafan enterik lokal ini (local enteric plexuses / gut brain) menghasilkan Short reflexes


 Extrinsic controls

 Bagian dari simpatis dan parasimpatis yang bersinap dengan neuron di dalam pleksus.

 Menghasilkan Long reflexes, within or outside the GI tract


 Mechano- and chemoreceptors respond to:  Stretch, osmolarity, and pH

 Presence of substrate, and end products of digestion  They initiate reflexes that:

 Activate or inhibit digestive glands

 Mix lumen contents and move them along


 Fungsi rongga mulut (oral/buccal cavity) :

 Analisa bahan yang ada di rongga mulut sebelum ditelan  Proses mekanis oleh gigi, lidah dan palatum


 Membatasi digesti

 Mencakup berbagai proses, yaitu menempatkan makanan yang belum dikunyah ke permukaan gigi, mengunyah, menghaluskan, dan mencampurkan saliva.

 Aksi volunter, tapi sebagian besar merupakan refleks akibat adanya makanan di rongga mulut.


Otot-otot pengunyahan :  utama : temporalis,

masseter, pterigoid lateral & medial.

Tambahan : milohioid & geniohioid

Persarafan : n. Trigeminus (n. V)

 Terdiri dari 97-99,5 % air.

 Dihasilkan : 1-2 ltr/hari, pH:6,0-7,4.

• Kelenjar parotis, sekresi serus

• Kelenjar sublingualis, sekresi serus & mukus • Kelenjar

submandibularis, sekresi serus & mukus

• Kelenjar bukalis, sekresi mukus


Fungsi :

1. Amilase : mencerna polisakarida

2. Mukus : melicinkan makanan agar mudah ditelan 3. Lisozim : antibakteri

4. Stimulasi taste buds oleh makanan terlarut 5. Melumas bibir & lidah untuk bicara

6. Membantu membersihkan gigi & mulut 7. Sebagai buffer makanan yg asam.


Sympathetic and parasympathetic responses are notantagonistic

1. Parasympathetic system has the dominant role - continuous 2. Increased parasympathetic stimulation produces a watery saliva

rich in enzymes

3. Increased sympathetic stimulation produces a smaller volume of thick saliva rich in mucus  inhibits secretion (dry mouth when


NBSalivary secretion is the only digestive secretion


CONTROL OF SALIVARY SECRETION cerebral cortex salivary centre in medulla autonomic nerves salivary glands ↑ salivary secretion pressure receptors and chemoreceptors in the mouth other inputs Conditioned reflex simple reflex

 The mouth and stomach are connected by a tube called the esophagus.

 Epiglottis is a flap of tissue at the top of esophagus which prevents food from entering the trachea (windpipe).


Oropharynx Oropharynx To convey food into the esophagus. Important role in swallowing. Anatomi Esofagus :

 Esofagus dimulai dari tingkat kartilago cricoid (C6)

sampai ke bagian kardia lambung, sepanjang ± 25 cm pada pria dan 23 cm pada wanita. Diameter 2 cm.

 5 % bagian atas – otot rangka

½ bagian bawah – otot polos

di antaranya : campuran otot rangka & otot polos


Four-cup holding tank

Secretes acid and enzymes

Only proteins are significantly digested in the stomach

Churns and mixes food Chyme is formed

Holds food for two to four hours

Releases food “a little bit at a time” to the small intestine.

Solid take longer than liquids and fat meal takes longer that CHO or protein


 Pada Epitel terdapat Goblet cells yang manghasilkan lapisan mukus alkalin .

 Pada Gastric pits terdapat gastric glands yang

mensekresi gastric juice, mukus, dan gastrin

Variety of secretory cells :

Mucous neck cells : alkaline


Parietal cells : HCl dan intrinsic


Chief cells : pepsinogen

Enteroendocrine cells :

gastrin, histamine,

endorphins, serotonin,

cholecystokinin (CCK), dan

somatostatin ke lamina


Pepsinogen HCl Gastrin Histamine


 Stomach pressure remains constant until about 1L of food is ingested

 Relative unchanging pressure results from reflex-mediated relaxation and plasticity

 Reflex-mediated events include:

 Receptive relaxation – as food travels in the esophagus, stomach muscles relax

 Adaptive relaxation – the stomach dilates in response to gastric filling

 Plasticity – intrinsic ability of smooth muscle to exhibit the stress-relaxation response

 Peristaltic waves move toward the pylorus at the rate of 3 per minute

 This basic electrical rhythm (BER) is initiated by pacemaker cells (cells of Cajal)

 Most vigorous peristalsis and mixing occurs near the pylorus

 Chyme is either:

 Delivered in small amounts to the duodenum or  Forced backward into the stomach for further mixing


Figure 23.18

Pengeluaran cairan lambung diatur oleh

mekanisme neural dan hormonal .

Proses stimulasi atau inhibisi berlangsung dalam

3 fase :

Cephalic (reflex) phase

: sebelum makanan


Gastric phase

: ketika makanan masuk ke


Intestinal phase

: ketika sebagian dari makanan

yang sudah dicerna masuk ke duodenum


Hal yang dapat merangsang :

Melihat atau memikirkan makanan

Stimulasi reseptor pengecap atau penghidu

Hal yang dapat menghambat :

Depresi atau hilang nafsu makan


 Hal yang dapat merangsang :  Stomach distension

 Activation of stretch receptors (neural activation)

 Activation of chemoreceptors by peptides, caffeine, and rising pH

 Release of gastrin to the blood  Hal yang dapat menghambat :

 A pH lower than 2

 Emotional upset that overrides the parasympathetic division


 Excitatory phase : makanan yg sebagian telah dicerna memasuki duodenum.

 Inhibitory phase : distensi duodenum, adanya lipid, acidic, atau kimus hipertonik, dan bahan iritan di duodenum

(Initiates inhibition of local reflexes and vagal nuclei)

(Closes the pyloric sphincter)

(Releases enterogastrones that inhibit gastric secretion


Sekresi HCl distimulasi oleh ACh, histamine,

dan gastrin melalui sistem second-messenger

Release of hydrochloric acid:

 Is low if only one ligand binds to parietal cells

 Is high if all three ligands bind to parietal cells

Antihistamines block H


receptors and

decrease HCl release


 Small intestine (about 10 feet)

 Duodenum, first 10 inches  Jejunum, next four feet  Ileum, last five feet

 Most digestion is completed in the jejunum

 Most digestive enzymes from intestine cells and pancreas  Muscular contraction move and mix food


 Features that increase surface area  Circular folds

 Project into lumen 3-10 mm

 Prominent in duodenum and jejunum and disappear near mid ileum


 4-5 million in entire length

 0.5-1.5 mm long

 Two primary function  Digestion

 Absorption of nutrients and water  Digestion

 Mainly in duodenum – small intestine and pancreatic enzymes

 Digestive enzymes  Pancreatic enzymes:

Trypsin,Chymotrypsin,Carboxypeptida se,Nucleases, Pancreatic lipase, Pancreatic amylase

 Intestinal enzymes:

Peptidases, Disaccharidases, Lipase, Nucleotidases



 Nutrients broken down into simple sugars, fatty acids and amino acids

 Principle sites of absorption

 Duodenum: iron, calcium, vitamins, fats, sugars, amino acids, vitamins

 Jejunum: fat, sugar, amino acid (largely complete by mid jejunum), vitamins

 Ileum: vitamin B12and bile salts

 Most bile salts are absorbed and recirculated to the liver – important in maintaining bile pool

Brush border enzymes


 S cells secrete secretin

 secretin target tissue = pancreatic ducts and liver

 induces release of water and HCO3- from pancreatic duct cells and secretion of HCO3-into bile by liver

 HCO3-neutralizes acidic chyme Stimuli for secretin secretion

 acid (pH less than 4.5 stimulates secretion)

 secretin = nature’s antacid

 I cells secrete cholecystokinin (CCK)

 CCK target tissues = pancreatic acinar cells and gall bladder

 induces secretion of digestive enzymes from pancreatic acinar cells

 induces contraction of gall bladder, which releases bile into small intestine

Stimuli for CCK secretion


 Largest organ in body  Blood supply

 hepatic artery delivers oxygenated blood

 hepatic portal vein

 products absorbed into capillaries in the intestines do not directly enter general circulation

 this blood is delivered first to the liver by the hepatic portal vein, and then passed on to the general circulation

 Digestive functions

 secretes bile - essential for digestion and absorption of fats

 Function - overall is to filter and process nutrient-rich blood, not just a digestive function

 regulates carbohydrate metabolism through glycogen storage and release

 regulates many aspects of lipid metabolism, eg., cholesterol synthesis and release of ketones

 detoxifies blood


Functions (converts chyme to feces)

 Absorption of water and electrolytes (mainly on right side)

 Absorbs 800 ml water/day

 Sigmoid colon reservoir for dehydrated fecal mass  ~200 g feces/day  Water – 80-90%  Food residue  Bacteria  Cells  Unabsorbed minerals


 Secretes mucus (no enzymes)

 Mass Peristaltic Movements (2-3x day)

 Bacteria produce vitamin K and several B’s

 Flatus (NH3, CO2, H2, H2S, CH4)

 CO2 produced when fatty acids and HCl are neutralized by bicarbonate

 Bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates produces CO2, H2, CH4

 Excess occurs with aerophagia and diets high in indigestible carbohydrates

 Rectum and anus sites of some of most common disorders known to humans



 Abscesses and fistulas

 Colon and rectal cancer


& H





 Reflex relaxation of internal sphincter

 Valsalva maneouvre raising intraabdominal pressure  Relaxation of puborectalis (anorectal angle)

 Voluntary relaxation of external sphincter



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