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Effect of Corn Extract and Solution of PEG to Increase Viability and Vigour of Sweet Corn Seed Deterioration at Different Incubation Periods | Julendri | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineer


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Effect of Corn Extract and Solution of PEG to Increase Viability and Vigour of Sweet Corn Seed Deterioration at Different Incubation Periods | Julendri | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineer"


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Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia


St udent of Depart em ent of Agrot echnology, Facult y of Agricult ure, Syiah Kuala Universit y,

Darussalam , Banda Aceh


Lect urer of Agricult ure Facult y, Syiah Kuala Universit y, Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia


Corresponding Aut hor

: herm aj ulendri@ym ail.com , rhalim ursyadah@yahoo.com

I n t od u ct ion

Qualit y seed is one fact or t hat plays an im port ant role in t he cult ivat ion of plants. Qualit y seed has a seed viabilit y of seeds t hat include high germ inat ion percent age and vigour ( Sadjad, 1993) . Sweet corn (Zea m ay saccharata) seeds belonging to t he sugar and carbohydrates ( 8.20 g) as a cause of the rapid decline of viabilit y especially during st orage. Sweet corn seeds m ay decline during the st orage process that will reduce t he potent ial viabilit y and vigor, to t he det rim ent of t he crops. Losses incurred, will increase t he cost, lat e of plant ing t im e, high percentage of germ inat ion failure and abnorm al growt h (Copeland and Mc Donald, 1997) ).Seed which has suffered a set back can be given t reat m ent wit h chem icals and ext ract certain m at erials t o im prove their vigor. The t reatm ent is called seed invigorat ion and t his t reatm ent is given before t he seed is planted. According Rahardja ( 1998) young corn ext ract can be used as a m edium seed invigorat ion because t he ext ract cont ains organic m aterial t hat can st im ulate seed germ inat ion after soaking. Young corn used for seed invigorat ion aged 40 days aft er ant hesis ( DAA) which is charact erized corn st arch began t o fill wit h fluid t hat form s ‘m ilk st age’, corn hair lengt h 3 - 5 cm , and green husk ( Adisarwant o, 2004). According Efendi ( 2005) young corn ext ract can be used t o increase t he value of seed vigor and viabilit y sweet corn expired. Concent rat ion of young corn is m ost appropriate to increase t he value of seed vigor and viabilit y expired sweet corn is at the level of 5% and t he incubat ion period of the m ost effect ive seed is 24 hours. The result of t his study indicat ed germ inat ion percent age 70% , growt h rate 11.1% / et m al, the potent ial t o grow 71% and sim ult aneit y grow 24% . Polyet hylene Glycol ( PEG) is one of t he com pounds used in t he prim ing where PEG has t he propert ies in t he cont rol of seed im bibit ion and hydrat ion. Munifah (1997) on cashew wit h prim ing m ethod t hat uses the PEG can im prove the speed of germ inat ion and seed growth m edium qualit y and low qualit y, accelerate t he vegetat ive and generat ive growth phase, and be able t o increase t he yield com ponent s, and seed qualit y were produced.

M a t e r ia ls a nd M e t h ods

Research conducted at t he Laborat ory of Seed Science and Technology, Agrotechnology Departem ent , Facult y of Agricult ure, Universit as Syiah Kuala, Darussalam , Banda Aceh on Decem ber 2012 - July



Herm a Julendri,


Halim ursyadah, and



Effe ct of Cor n Ex t r a ct a n d Solu t ion of PEG t o I n cr e a se

Via bilit y a n d Vigou r of Sw e e t Cor n Se e d D e t e r ior a t ion a t

D if fe r e n t I n cu ba t ion Pe r iods

Abst r a ct

This st udy aim s t o det erm ine t he com binat ion of y oung corn ex t ract and PEG w it h an incubat ion period of seed v iabilit y and v igor of t he sw eet corn ex pired. The st udy carried out at t he Laborat ory of Seed Science and Technology Facult y of Agricult ure, Sy iah Kuala Univ ersit y , Darussalam - Banda Aceh, w h ich last ed from Decem ber 201 2 t o July 201 3. Mat erials u sed in t his st udy is Ex pired sw eet corn seed w it h 50% germ inat ion . Ot her m at erials used are corn ex t ract , PEG 6000, and dist illed w at er. This research used Com plet ely Random ized Design ( CRD) fact or ial 4 x 3, so t here are 12 com binat ions of t reat m ent s. Each repeat ed t hree t im es, in order t o obt ain 36 unit s of t he ex perim ent . Young corn ex t ract

concent rat ion fact or and solut ion PEG- 2 bar consist s of 4 levels, nam ely : cont rol, 5% + - 2Ψ ,

10% + - 2Ψ, and 15% + - 2Ψ. Factors incubation period consists of 3 levels : 18 hours, 24

hours, and 30 hours. Variables m easured w ere pot ent ial grow t h, germ inat ion, speed of grow t h, grow ing unanim it y , v igor index and norm al seedling dry w eight . The result s show ed t hat t he concent rat ion of y oung corn ex t ract v ery significant effect on t he pot ent ial v ariables grow , germ inat ion, grow ing sim ult aneit y , speed of grow t h, v igor index and norm al seedling dry w eight . The incubat ion period of very significant effect on germ inat ion v ariables, sim ult aneit y grow t h, speed of grow t h and v igor index . The incubat ion period significant ly affect t he pot ent ial grow t h and seedling dry w eight norm al. There is a significant int eract ion bet w een y oung corn ex t ract concent rat ion and in cubat ion p eriod of t he v igor index v ariables. Cont rol t reat m ent ( w at er) w it h an incubat ion period of 18 hours is recom m ended as an alt ernat iv e t o im prov e t he v iabilit y and seed v igor of sw eet corn ex pired.


Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5 t hat have 36 unit s experim ent . Research m et hods. Young corn ext ract s blended and added PEG 6000. PEG Requirem ent calculat ed using t he form ula:

Ψ = – ( 1,18 x 10- 2) C – ( 1,18 x 10- 4) C- 2 + ( 2,67 x 10- 4) CT + ( 8,39 x 10- 7) C2T

Description: Ψ = Potential osmotic solution (bar) = concentration of PEG ((gr PEG)/(Kg H2O)), 1 bar

= 0.1 MPa, T = room tem perat ure (oC) , C = coefficient


Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

significant ly different from t he concent rat ion of ext ract of corn 5% + PEG ( J1) and 10% + PEG ( J2) . While t he growing sim ult aneit y, speed of growt h and vigor index of t he highest encountered in t reat m ent J0 are significant ly different from t he 15% + PEG ( J3) and 10% + PEG ( J2) but not significant ly different from t he 5% + PEG ( J1) . The highest norm al seedling dry weight found in t reat m ent J0 significant ly different wit h 15% + PEG (J3) but not significant ly different from the 5% + PEG ( J1) and 10% + PEG ( J2) . This condit ion m ay be t he seed used in t he st udy was not able t o repair it self due t o lim it ed oxygen obt ained in t he process invigorat ion. I nvigorat ion effect ive in seed t reat m ent wit h m oderate vigor. Research result s Widaj at i et al., ( 1990) st ates that t he prim ing effect is m ore not iceable on peanut seeds which have a m edium vigor seen in t he benchm arks shoot dry weight , num ber of leaves and t he growing power field ( field em ergence) .

Effe ct of I n cu b a t ion Pe r iod on Se ed V iab ilit y and Vigor Sw e e t Cor n

From t he research can be shown t hat t he incubat ion period is very significant effect on variables germ inat ion, growing sim ult aneit y, speed of growt h and vigor index. The incubat ion period of significant im pact on potent ial growt h and seedling dry weight is norm al. Mean of potent ial growth, germ inat ion, growing sim ultaneit y, speed of growt h, vigor index and seedling dry weight norm al sweet corn seed t reat m ent as a result of t he incubat ion period are present ed in Table 2.

Table 2. Mean of of viabilit y and vigor of sweet corn seed t reatm ent as a result of t he incubat ion period

Variable 18 hours ( I Period of incubat ion HSD0,05

1) 24 Hours ( I2) 30 Hours ( I3)

Potent ial Growth ( % ) 51,33 b 44,00 ab 38,67 a 9,70

Germ inat ion ( % ) 48,33 b 41,00 ab 34,67 a 9,36

Growt h Sim ult aneit y ( % ) 37,92 b 34,28 b 26,97 a 5,45

( 38,67) ( 32,67) ( 21,67)

Speed of Growth ( % / et m al) 3,20 b 2,94 b 2,57 a 0,33

( 9,95) ( 8,30) ( 6,43)

Vigor I ndex ( % ) 34,67 b 27,67 b 17,00 a 7,89

Norm al Seedling Dry Weight (g) 7,86 b 6,70 ab 5,62 a 1,80

Not e : Figures followed by som e let ter in sam e colom n are not significant ly different at 5% level ( HSD 0.05)

Table 2 shown that t he pot ent ial for growt h, germ inat ion, sim ult aneit y grow, growt h rat e, index vigor and dry weight of norm al seedling were t he highest found in the incubat ion period of 18 hours ( J1) which is significant ly different from t he incubat ion period of 30 hours ( J3) but not significant ly different wit h a 24 hours incubat ion period ( J2). This is probably due t o that the t im e required by t he seed t o fix it self has reached t he m axim um lim it . Khan ( 1999) states t hat , if a seed is t oo long incubated t he abilit y of seeds t o germ inate also decreased. This is probably caused germ inat ion which should have been ready for the seeds t o germ inat e but st ill soaked t hus inhibit ing its process. Bradford ( 1988) st ated t hat during t he process of m et abolism is act ivated incubated seed t o init iat e germ inat ion while taking on water after t he seeds reached t he m axim um dem and of water.

I n t e r a ct ion b e t w e e n You ng Cor n Ex t r a ct Conce n t r a t ion a nd I n cu b a t ion Per iod on Se ed V ia b ilit y a nd V ig or

The result showed t hat t here was significant int eract ion bet ween young corn ext ract concent rat ion and t he incubat ion period of t he vigor index variable.

Mean of sweet corn seed vigor index due t o t he t reatm ent of young corn ext ract concent rat ion and t he incubat ion period was presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Mean of sweet corn seed index vigor due t o t he t reat m ent of young corn ext ract concent rat ion and incubat ion period

Concent rat ion of Young Corn Ext ract and PEG Period of I ncubat ion ( hour)

18 ( J1) 24 ( J2) 30 ( J3)

Cont rol ( J0) 53,33 e 33,33 cde 28,00 abcd

5% + PEG ( J1) 41,33 de 41,33 de 16,00 abc

10% + PEG ( J2) 32,00 cde 29,33 bcd 16,00 abc

15% + PEG ( J3) 12,00 abc 6,67 a 8,00 ab

HSD 0,05 22,81

Not e : Figures followed by som e lett er in sam e colom n and raw are not significant ly different at 5% level ( HSD 0.05)


Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

Table 4 shows that t he highest vigor index values found in young corn ext ract concent rat ion of 0% ( cont rol) with an incubat ion period of 18 hours ( J0J1) . I t is possible t hat t he sweet corn seed t hat invigorat ion wit h wat er for 18 hours can im prove m et abolism system t hat has been dam aged due t o st orage. I ncreased vigor index at 18 hours invigorat ion t hen decreased at 24 hours and 30 hours was also due t o the t ype of seed used. The success of prim ing effect depends am ong other t hings: eit her t he seed t ype and age of t he species, t ypes osm ot icum , im bibit ion tem perat ure, concent rat ion or osm ot ic pot ent ial and prim ing durat ion and t he presence of O2 ( Lim ing et al., 1992) . Seed prim ing t reat m ent, are st ill t oo high or too fast im bibit ion and risky t o seed doubt about t he qualit y, because t he prim ing t reat m ent slowed t he rate of im bibit ion. Wat er absorpt ion occurs slowly can restore to norm al m em brane ( Fu et al., 1988), so it can im prove t he m etabolism of seeds. Gardner et al., ( 1991) st ated prim ing can lead t o t he st rengt hening of ( healing) plasm a m em brane, reduce elect rolyte loss and im prove germ inat ion and seedling st rengt h. Prim ing also increase t he percent age and rate of appearance of sweet corn seedling in a solid m at rix t hat is done and com bined wit h sodium hypochlorit e ( Parera and Cant liffe, 1992; Parera and Cant liffe, 1994).

Con clusion

Based on t he experim ent we conclude t hat using of young corn ext ract wit h a concent rat ion of 5- 10% + PEG - 2 bar was st ill able t o m aintain viabilit y and vigor, but can not increase t he germ inat ion of seeds of sweet corn t hat has expired wit h an effect ive incubat ion period is 18- 24 hours. This is st rongly influenced by t he species of seeds, germ inat ion rat es, invigorat ion m edia, concent rat ion, and t em perature.

Re fe r e n ce s

Adisarw ant . 2004. Jagung. Penebar Sw aday a, Jak art a. 10- 1 5 hlm .

Bradford K. J. 1984. Seed prim ing: t echniques t o speed seed germ inat ion. Proc. Oregon Hort . Soc. 25: 2 27 - 233. Copeland, L. O and M. B. McDonald. 199 7. Principle of Seed Science and Tecnology . Fourt h Edit ion. Chapm an and

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Gardner, F. P., R. B. Pearce dan R. C. Mit hcell. 1991. Fisiologi Tanam an Budiday a ( Ter j em ahan H. Su silo) . Univ ersit as I ndonesia Press. Jak art a 4 28 hlm .

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Parera, C. A dan D. J. Cant liffe, 1992. I m pr ov ed germ inat ion and m odified im bibit ion of sw eet corn by seed desinfect ion and solid m at rix prim ing. J.Am er.Soc.Hort .Sci 1 16 ( 6) : 942- 945 .

Parera,C. A dan D. J. Cant liffe. 1994. Presow ing Seed Prim in g. Hort icult ural rev iew s 16 : 109- 13 9.

Rahardj a, P. C. 1998 . Kult ur Jaringan : Tek nik Perbany ak an Tanam an Secara Modern. Penebar Sw aday a. 5 2 hlm . Sadj ad, S. 1993. Dari Benih Kepada Benih, Gram edia Widiasarana I ndonesia, Jak art a. 144 hlm .

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Table 1. Mean of viability and vigor of sweet corn expired due to treatment of concentration  extract young corn and PEG
Table 3.  Mean of sweet corn seed index vigor due to the treatment of young corn extract    concentration and incubation period


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