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Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Mulan’s Struggle to Get Equality as Seen through Her External Conflicts in The Script of Mulan


Academic year: 2017

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Mulan’s Struggle to Get E

quality as Seen through

Her External Conflicts

In the Script of



Submitted in the partial of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

Written by VILLA ENO






Copyright Statement

This paper contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text.

Copyright© 2016. Villa Eno and Ervin Suryaningsih, S.S., M.Hum

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of Language and Literature, Satya Wacana University,


Villa Eno: _________________




 My greatest gratitude to My Greatest beloved God, Jesus Lord who always strengthen me in faith and always pouring me with His eternal love, mercy and grace. Your love has seen me through all my days, ups and downs in my life and only by Your grace I am here. - Psalm 91-


 To my incredible Dad and Mom, you always said “Miracles will happen for those

who believe it because with God nothing is impossible!” you are my Sunshine, my

Flashlight, you know that I Love you, I Miss you so Much. To my sisters and brothers, my Big family –Eno’s family thank you for the love and warm hug that you are all always gave me. This work I dedicate for you all.

 I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Mrs. Ervin Suryaningsih whose stimulating motivation and valuable ideas helped me to complete this work. May God bless you


 Thankyou so much to my examiner Mrs. Anna Sriastuti whose giving me such a great advice and suggestion to make this work complete.

 So many thanks to all my lectures and staffs in the college who are very helpful for me during my study.

 Special thanks to all my friends, my Cakadidies (Umi Dita and Teteh Berta) thank you for the moral support and precious love, who were always standing by me in my

happy and hard times, for Neidy thank you for being my sister here. To Gladagan’s

Kece (Ka Rosina, Made Cika, Pade Irfan, Pucuk, Evani, Cindy Ainun), to Cungkup

Ceria (Ka Hany, Rein, Nelwan, Ryan) and My best community “Beyond Generation”


iv Sorry, Thankyou, I Love you 

 To Eders friends, especially ELEVENERS thankyou for the crazy times we had, there is nothing else more precious than our friendship.

Remember this “Sanggup ga Sanggup SANGGUPIN!!!”

Salatiga, 13th December 2015




This study discusses about Mulan’s struggle to get equality with men which the object of this study is the script of Mulan. There are two problems that will be analyzed: first, what the external conflicts faced by Mulan are and second, how does Mulan’s struggle to get the equality. Related to this, the writer uses liberal feminism criticism to see Mulan’s struggle

through her external conflicts because this approach argues about women and men are equal. To support the analysis the writer uses some quotations from the script. Then, the result of this analysis proved that women are smart as men, strong as men, and brave as men so women must has the same rights with men because they are equal.




Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perjuangan Mulan untuk mendapat kesetaraan dengan laki-laki dimana objek dari penelitian adalah skrip Mulan. Ada dua masalah yang

akan di bahas dalam analisa ini: pertama, konflik eksternal apa saja yang di hadapi Mulan dan kedua, melihat perjuangan Mulan untuk mendapatkan kesetaraan dengan laki-laki. Berhubungan dengan masalah ini, penulis menggunakan kritik liberal feminisme untuk melihat perjuangan Mulan untuk mendapatkan kesetaraan dengan laki-laki melalui konflik-konflik eksternal. Penulis mengunakan beberapa kutipan dari skrip untuk mendukung analisa ini. Kemudian, hasil dari analisa membuktikan bahwa perempuan juga pintar seperti laki-laki, kuat seperti laki-laki, dan berani seperti laki-laki untuk itu perempuan juga harus mendapatkan hak yang sama dengan laki-laki karena mereka adalah setara.



2.1.1 Definition of conflict... .4

2.1.2 Types of conflict ...4

2.2. Liberal feminism ...7

2.3. Women in Chinese society ...9

Chapter III Discussion and Interpretation ...11

1. Mulan’s external conflict ...11

2. Mulan’s struggle to get equality ...20

Chapter IV Conclusion ...23




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