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Implementasi Metode Simple Additive Weighting dan Weighted Product Model Dalam Pemilihan Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar di Kota Medan


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Implementasi Metode Simple Additive Weighting dan Weighted Product Model Dalam Pemilihan Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar di Kota Medan"


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1. Mainform


* Created by SharpDevelop. * User: User7

* Date: 28/09/2015 * Time: 9:38


* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace home1 {

/// <summary>

/// Description of MainForm.

/// </summary>

public partial class MainForm : Form {

public MainForm() {


// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.




// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.



void KRITERIALAHANToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, Event Args e)


Form a=new databimbingan(); a.Show();


void DATALAHANToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e)


Form b=new kriteriabobot(); b.Show();


void EXITToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

DialogResult button= MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to EXIT?","EXIT",

MessageBoxButtons.Ye sNo,MessageBoxIcon.Question,

MessageBoxDefaultBut ton.Button2);

if(button==DialogResult.Yes) Application.Exit(); }

void ABOUTToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

Form c=new about(); c.Show();


void HOMEToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void METODEToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

Form f=new metode(); f.Show();


void Label2Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void Label3Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void Label1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {




void Label42Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

} } }

2. About


* Created by SharpDevelop. * User: User7

* Date: 28/09/2015 * Time: 10:09 *

* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace home1 {

/// <summary>

/// Description of about.

/// </summary>

public partial class about : Form {

public about() {


// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.




// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.



void AboutLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void Label2Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void PictureBox2Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void Label3Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void Label1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void Label4Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void Label6Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void Label8Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

} } }



* Created by SharpDevelop. * User: User7

* Date: 28/09/2015 * Time: 10:58 *

* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;


using System.Data;

using System.Data.OleDb;

namespace home1 {

/// <summary>

/// Description of metode.

/// </summary>

public partial class metode : Form {

MySqlConnection koneksi2 =

new MySqlConnection("server=localhost;port=3306;username=root ;password=");

double maxc1,maxc2,maxc3,maxc4,minc5,minc6,minc7,minc8; double tertinggi=0;

string lahanterbaik,temp_pm; public metode()

{ //

// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.




// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.



void Panel2Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {


void Button1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

try {

DateTime waktuawal,waktuakhir;

waktuawal=DateTime.Now; double hc1,hc2,hc3,hc4,hc5,hc6,hc7,hc8; string MyConnection2

= "server=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; MySqlConnection MyConn2

= new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2);

//MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);



maxc1=Convert.ToDouble(command1.ExecuteScalar().ToStr ing());

MySqlCommand command2 = new MySqlCommand("select max(C2) from db_spk_bimbel.tb_bobot",MyConn2);

maxc2=Convert.ToDouble(command2.ExecuteScalar().ToStr ing());

MySqlCommand command3 = new MySqlCommand("select max(C3) from db_spk_bimbel.tb_bobot",MyConn2);

maxc3=Convert.ToDouble(command3.ExecuteScalar().ToStr ing());

//MessageBox.Show("min" + minc3.ToString());

MySqlCommand command4 = new MySqlCommand("select max(C4) from db_spk_bimbel.tb_bobot",MyConn2);

maxc4=Convert.ToDouble(command4.ExecuteScalar().ToStr ing());

MySqlCommand command5 = new MySqlCommand("select min(C5) from db_spk_bimbel.tb_bobot",MyConn2);

minc5=Convert.ToDouble(command5.ExecuteScalar().ToStr ing());

MySqlCommand kueri = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM db_spk_bimbel.tb_bobot",MyConn2);

string temp;

//kueri.CommandText = qw;


MySqlDataReader dr;

dr = kueri.ExecuteReader();

while(dr.Read()) {

temp = dr["nama"].ToString(); //matriks normalisasi

hc1 = (Convert.ToDouble(dr["c1"]))/maxc1; hc2 = (Convert.ToDouble(dr["c2"]))/maxc2; hc3 = (Convert.ToDouble(dr["c3"]))/maxc3; hc4 = (Convert.ToDouble(dr["c4"]))/maxc4; hc5 = (Convert.ToDouble(dr["c5"]))/minc5;

//perkalian dengan w


double skor

= (hc1*0.3)+(hc2*0.2)+(hc3*0.15)+(hc4*0.25)+(hc5*0.1);


updateskorsaw(temp,hc1,hc2,hc3,hc4,hc5,skor); }




TimeSpan lama =waktuakhir.Subtract(waktuawal); textBox1.Text=lama.TotalMilliseconds.ToString()+" MilliSeconds";


catch (Exception ex) {

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }

lihatperangkingan(); sawtinggi.Text=lahanterbaik; //datatertinggi_pm();


void lihatwpm(){ try{

string MyConnection2

= "server=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; //Display query

string Query = "select * from db_spk_bimbel.tb_wpm ORDER BY skor DESC;";

MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2

= new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2); MyConn2.Open();

//For offline connection we weill use MySqlDataAdapter class.

MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter();

MyAdapter.SelectCommand = MyCommand2; //DataTable dTable = new DataTable();

DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); MyAdapter.Fill(dTable);

dataGridView1.DataSource = dTable; // here i have assign dTable object to the dataGridView1 object to display


MyConn2.Close(); }

catch (Exception ex) {

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }


void lihatperangkingan() {


string MyConnection2

= "server=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; //Display query

string Query = "select * from

db_spk_bimbel.tb_normalisasi_saw ORDER BY skor DESC;"; MySqlConnection MyConn2

= new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2

= new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2); MyConn2.Open();

//For offline connection we weill use MySqlDataAdapter class.

MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter();

MyAdapter.SelectCommand = MyCommand2; //DataTable dTable = new DataTable();

DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); MyAdapter.Fill(dTable);

dataGridView4.DataSource = dTable; // here i have assign dTable object to the dataGridView1 object to display




MessageBox.Show("Ada Error"); }


void updateskorsaw(string nama,double hc1,double hc2,double h c3,double hc4,double hc5, double skor)

{ try{

string MyConnection2

= "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; string query2= "update

db_spk_bimbel.tb_normalisasi_saw set

normalisasi_c1='" + hc1+ "',normalisasi_c2='" +hc2+ "',normalisasi_c3 ='" +hc3+ "',normalisasi_c4='" + hc4+ "',normalisasi_c5='" + hc5+ "', skor='" + skor+ "' where nama='" + nama+ "';"; MySqlConnection MyConn2

= new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2);

//MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

MySqlCommand MyCommand3 = new MySqlCommand(query2, MyConn2);


//MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database.

MyReader2 = MyCommand3.ExecuteReader(); // MessageBox.Show("Save Data");



MessageBox.Show("Ada Error"); }


void updateskorwpm(string nama,double hc1,double hc2,double h c3,double hc4,double hc5, String skor)

{ try{

string MyConnection2

= "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=";

string query2= "update db_spk_bimbel.tb_wpm set c1='" + hc1+ "',c2='" +hc2+ "',c3='" +hc3+ "',c4='" + hc4+ "',c5='" + hc5+ "',skor='" + skor+ "' where

nama='" + nama+ "';"; MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2);

//MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

MySqlCommand MyCommand3 = new MySqlCommand(query2, MyConn2);

MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open();

//MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database.

MyReader2 = MyCommand3.ExecuteReader(); // MessageBox.Show("Save Data");



MessageBox.Show("Ada Error"); }


void Button2Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


DateTime waktuawal,waktuakhir; waktuawal=DateTime.Now;

double hc1,hc2,hc3,hc4,hc5,skorwpm; double tinggi=0;

string MyConnection2

= "server=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; MySqlConnection MyConn2

= new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2);




MySqlCommand kueri = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM db_spk_bimbel.tb_bobot",MyConn2);

string temp;

//kueri.CommandText = qw;


MySqlDataReader dr;

dr = kueri.ExecuteReader();

while(dr.Read()) {

temp = dr["nama"].ToString(); //matriks normalisasi

hc1 =Math.Pow(0.3,(Convert.ToDouble(dr["c1"]))); hc2 = Math.Pow(0.2,(Convert.ToDouble(dr["c2"]))); hc3

=Math.Pow(0.15, (Convert.ToDouble(dr["c3"])));

hc4 =Math.Pow(0.25,(Convert.ToDouble(dr["c4"]))); hc5 =Math.Pow(0.1, (Convert.ToDouble(dr["c5"]))); skorwpm=hc1*hc2*hc3*hc4*hc5;


strskorwpm=skorwpm.ToString("0.####################"); //MessageBox.Show(skorwpm.ToString());

if (skorwpm >= tinggi){ tinggi=skorwpm; textBox2.Text=temp; }

updateskorwpm(temp,hc1,hc2,hc3,hc4,hc5,strskorwpm );


MyConn2.Close(); lihatwpm();


TimeSpan lamawpm=waktuakhir.Subtract(waktuawal); wpm_time.Text=lamawpm.TotalMilliseconds.ToString()+" MilliSeconds";

}catch(Exception ex){

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }


void MetodeLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) {



{ }

void Panel1Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {


void TextBox1TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void Label7Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void DataGridView4CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridVie wCellEventArgs e)

{ } } }

4.Bobot Kriteria


* Created by SharpDevelop. * User: User7

* Date: 28/09/2015 * Time: 9:54


* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq.Expressions;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.OleDb;

namespace home1 {

/// <summary>

/// Description of kriteriabobot.

/// </summary>



public kriteriabobot() {


// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.


InitializeComponent(); lihat();


// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.



void lihat(){

string MyConnection2

= "server=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; //Display query

string Query = "select * from db_spk_bimbel.tb_kriteriabobot;";

MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2

= new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2); MyConn2.Open();

//For offline connection we weill use MySqlDataAdapter class.

MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter();

MyAdapter.SelectCommand = MyCommand2; //DataTable dTable = new DataTable();

DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); MyAdapter.Fill(dTable);

dataGridView1.DataSource = dTable; // here i have assign dTable object to the dataGridView1 object to display


MyConn2.Close(); }

void KriteriabobotLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) {

} } }

5. Data Bimbingan



* Date: 28/09/2015 * Time: 9:53


* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq.Expressions;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.OleDb;

namespace home1 {

/// <summary>

/// Description of datalahan.

/// </summary>

public partial class databimbingan : Form {

double c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10;

double c1_pm,c2_pm,c3_pm,c4_pm,c5_pm,c6_pm,c7_pm,c8_pm; double c1_pm_ideal,c2_pm_ideal,c3_pm_ideal,c4_pm_ideal,c5_pm_ ideal,c6_pm_ideal,c7_pm_ideal,c8_pm_ideal;

double c1_pm_gap,c2_pm_gap,c3_pm_gap,c4_pm_gap,c5_pm_gap,c6_p m_gap,c7_pm_gap,c8_pm_gap;

double cf,sf,skor; public databimbingan() {


// The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support.




// TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call.



void Button1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

try {

string MyConnection2


db_spk_bimbel.data_bimbel(nama,biaya,fasilitas,jumlah_pertemuan,jumla h_lulus_PTN,jumlah_pengajar)

values('" +this.namabimbel.Text+ "','" +this.c1_biaya.Text+ "','" +th is.c2_fasilitas.Text+ "','" +this.c3_jlh_pert.Text+ "','" +this.c4_jl h_lls.Text+ "','" +this.c5_jlh_peng.Text+ "');";

MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

//MySqlCommand MyCommand3 = new MySqlCommand(query2, MyConn2);

MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open();

MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // ekskusi kueri masuk ke database.

// MyReader2 = MyCommand3.ExecuteReader();

MessageBox.Show("Data Tersimpan"); MyConn2.Close();


insertsaw_normalisasi(); insertwpm();



catch (Exception ex) {

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }

void insertbobot() {

try {

string MyConnection2

= "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; //string Query = "insert into

db_padi.padisawah(nama,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5) values('"

+this.namapadisawah.Text+ "','" +c1+ "','" +c2+ "','" +c3+ "','" +c4+ "','" +c5+ "');";

string query2="insert into db_spk_bimbel.tb_bobot(nama,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5)

values('" +this.namabimbel.Text+ "','" +c1+ "','" +c2+ "','" +c3+ "', '" +c4+ "','" +c5+ "');";


//MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

MySqlCommand MyCommand3 = new MySqlCommand(query2, MyConn2);

MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open();

//MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database.

MyReader2 = MyCommand3.ExecuteReader(); // MessageBox.Show("Save Data");

MyConn2.Close(); }

catch (Exception ex) {

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }


void insertsaw_normalisasi() {

try {

string MyConnection2

= "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; //string Query = "insert into

db_padi.padisawah(nama,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5) values('"

+this.namapadisawah.Text+ "','" +c1+ "','" +c2+ "','" +c3+ "','" +c4+ "','" +c5+ "');";

string query2="insert into

db_spk_bimbel.tb_normalisasi_saw(nama,normalisasi_c1,normalisasi_c2,n ormalisasi_c3,normalisasi_c4,normalisasi_c5,skor)

values('" +this.namabimbel.Text+ "','" +c1+ "','" +c2+ "','" +c3+ "', '" +c4+ "','" +c5+ "','" +0+ "');";

MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2);

//MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

MySqlCommand MyCommand3 = new MySqlCommand(query2, MyConn2);

MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open();

//MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database.

MyReader2 = MyCommand3.ExecuteReader(); // MessageBox.Show("Save Data");

MyConn2.Close(); }


MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }


void insertwpm() {

try {

string MyConnection2

= "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; //string Query = "insert into

db_padi.padisawah(nama,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5) values('"

+this.namapadisawah.Text+ "','" +c1+ "','" +c2+ "','" +c3+ "','" +c4+ "','" +c5+ "');";

string query2="insert into db_spk_bimbel.tb_wpm(nama,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,skor)

values('" +this.namabimbel.Text+ "','" +c1+ "','" +c2+ "','" +c3+ "', '" +c4+ "','" +c5+ "','" +0+ "');";

MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2);

//MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

MySqlCommand MyCommand3 = new MySqlCommand(query2, MyConn2);

MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open();

//MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // Here our query will be executed and data saved into the database.

MyReader2 = MyCommand3.ExecuteReader(); // MessageBox.Show("Save Data");

MyConn2.Close(); }

catch (Exception ex) {

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }


void Unsur1SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if (c2_fasilitas.SelectedIndex==0){ c2=1;





else if (c2_fasilitas.SelectedIndex==2){ c2=3;


else if (c2_fasilitas.SelectedIndex==3){ c2=5;

} }

void Unsur2SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if (c3_jlh_pert.SelectedIndex==0){ c3=1;


else if (c3_jlh_pert.SelectedIndex==1){ c3=2;


else if (c3_jlh_pert.SelectedIndex==2){ c3=2.5;


else if (c3_jlh_pert.SelectedIndex==3){ c3=3;


else if (c3_jlh_pert.SelectedIndex==4){ c3=4;

} }

void Unsur3SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if (c4_jlh_lls.SelectedIndex==0){ c4=1;



else if (c4_jlh_lls.SelectedIndex==1){ c4=1.5;


else if (c4_jlh_lls.SelectedIndex==2){ c4=2;


else if (c4_jlh_lls.SelectedIndex==3){ c4=4;


else if (c4_jlh_lls.SelectedIndex==4){ c4=5;

} }

void Button4Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

try {

string MyConnection2

= "server=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; //Display query

string Query = "select * from db_spk_bimbel.data_bimbel;";

MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2

= new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2); MyConn2.Open();

//For offline connection we weill use MySqlDataAdapter class.

MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter();

MyAdapter.SelectCommand = MyCommand2; //DataTable dTable = new DataTable();

DataTable dTable = new DataTable(); MyAdapter.Fill(dTable);




string MyConnectionpm

= "server=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; //Display query

string Querypm = "select * from db_spk_bimbel.tb_bobot;";

MySqlConnection MyConnpm = new MySqlConnection(MyConnectionpm); MySqlCommand MyCommandpm

= new MySqlCommand(Querypm, MyConnpm); MyConnpm.Open();

//For offline connection we weill use MySqlDataAdapter class.

MySqlDataAdapter MyAdapterpm = new MySqlDataAdapter();

MyAdapterpm.SelectCommand = MyCommandpm; //DataTable dTable = new DataTable();

DataTable dTablepm = new DataTable(); MyAdapterpm.Fill(dTablepm);

dataGridView2.DataSource = dTablepm; // here i have assign dTable object to the dataGridView1 object to display data.

MyConnpm.Close(); resetisi();


catch (Exception ex) {

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }

void Button2Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

resetisi(); }

void resetisi(){

namabimbel.Text=""; c1_biaya.Text=null; c2_fasilitas.Text=null; c3_jlh_pert.Text=null; c4_jlh_lls.Text=null; c5_jlh_peng.Text=null; }



try {

string MyConnection2

= "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=";

string Query = "delete from db_spk_bimbel.data_bimbel where nama='" + this.namabimbel.Text + "';";

MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open();

MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); MessageBox.Show("Data Deleted");

MyConn2.Close(); deletebobot(); deletesaw(); deletewpm(); resetisi(); }

catch (Exception ex) {

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }

void deletebobot(){ try


string MyConnection2

= "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=";

string Query = "delete from db_spk_bimbel.tb_bobot where nama='" + this.namabimbel.Text + "';";

MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open();

MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); //MessageBox.Show("Data Deleted");



catch (Exception ex) {

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }



void deletesaw(){ try


string MyConnection2

= "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; string Query = "delete from

db_spk_bimbel.tb_normalisasi_saw where nama='" + this.namabimbel.Text + "';"; MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open();

MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); //MessageBox.Show("Data Deleted");



catch (Exception ex) {

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }


void deletewpm(){ try


string MyConnection2

= "datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password="; string Query = "delete from db_spk_bimbel.tb_wpm where nama='" + this.namabimbel.Text + "';";

MySqlConnection MyConn2 = new MySqlConnection(MyConnection2); MySqlCommand MyCommand2 = new MySqlCommand(Query, MyConn2);

MySqlDataReader MyReader2; MyConn2.Open();

MyReader2 = MyCommand2.ExecuteReader(); // MessageBox.Show("Data Deleted");



catch (Exception ex) {



void statusBiayaSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (c1_biaya.SelectedIndex==0){ c1=5;


else if (c1_biaya.SelectedIndex==1){ c1=3;


else if (c1_biaya.SelectedIndex==2){ c1=2.5;

}else if (c1_biaya.SelectedIndex==3){ c1=2;

}else if (c1_biaya.SelectedIndex==4){ c1=1;

} }

void jlhpengajarSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (c5_jlh_peng.SelectedIndex==0){ c5=1;


else if (c5_jlh_peng.SelectedIndex==1){ c5=2;


else if (c5_jlh_peng.SelectedIndex==2){ c5=2.5;


else if (c5_jlh_peng.SelectedIndex==3){ c5=3.5;



else if (c5_jlh_peng.SelectedIndex==3){ c5=4;


else if (c5_jlh_peng.SelectedIndex==4){ c5=5;

} }

void DataGridView1CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridVie wCellEventArgs e)



dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); }

void DataGridView2CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridVie wCellEventArgs e)





void DatabimbinganLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) {


void GroupBox2Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) {




Data Pribadi


: M. Pristian R.

Tempat/Tanggal Lahir: Lhokseumawe, 16 Oktober 1992

Jenis Kelamin

: Laki-laki

Tinggi/Berta Badan : 165 cm / 45 kg


: Islam


: Indonesia


: Belum Menikah


: Jl. Perjuangan No. 8, Setia Budi Medan, Sumatera Utara

No Hp

: 082362287622


: pristian.mohd@yahoo.com


Riwayat Pendidikan

[1998 – 2004]

: SD Swasta Iskandar Muda

[2004 – 2007]

: SMP Swasta Iskandar Muda

[2007 – 2010]

: SMA Swasta Iskandar Muda

[2010 – 2015]

: S-1 Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sumatera Utara


Kemampuan IT :

Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Ms.Word, Ms.Excel,

Ms.Power Point).

Mampu mengoperasikan Adobe Photoshop



Dokumen terkait

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