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Academic year: 2017



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INDRA JP NABABAN Id : 408221029 Program Study Physics


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Sain






First of all, I would like to thanks God almighty who has been giving me everything to accomplish this thesis is DESIGN OF INSTRUMENT OF SEA WATER TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT WITH DEPTH VARIATION:

Patience, health, wisdom, and blessing. Without all these things, I can’t finish this thesis while it is a condition in order to fulfill of the requirements for the Bachelor degree from Physics Department, State University of Medan.

I would like to express the sincere gratitude to the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Science State University of Medan: Prof. Drs. Motlan Sirait, M.Sc, Ph.D and also as my examiner, I would like to thanks my great Supervisor, Drs. Rahmatsyah,M.Si and Rita Juliani,Ssi,M.Si for guiding me, giving me motivation and giving his precious time, and also great ideas that enable me to complete this thesis. I also want to convey my sincere gratitude to my academic supervisor, Prof,Drs. Mara Bangun Harahap,M.S: my examiner Drs. Abd HakimS, M.Si and Dr.Nurdin Bukit,M.Si They have given me many contribute in preparing this thesis well. Beside it, I also want to convey great thanks to the principal of Hariawan Digital Center and to Programer Mr Dani ST, thanks a lot for making it easy and friendly.

I want to convey a great thank you to all of lecturers for their great contribution in sharing knowledge and advice during my academic years. I could not complete this thesis well without their good contribution and ideas.


friends alumnus SMA Khatolik Sibolga Wardi, Inton, Agus, Entro, Rohani, Sutrisno, Friska, Efri, Boy teguh, Aulia Arif . Beside it I won’t forget my friends in my boarding house “gang B” Iar, Wahyu, Herman.and Kiki,and Rumintang Gultom they are great boarding house members and friends of me and surely my second family here. Thanks for make me smile while I can’t, all of you are my friends to laugh, to cry, and to share. Believe me, it means everything. Also thanks to my Eklesia Choir that give me place to grow up. Last but not least,

Finally, I myself realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect, therefore I would appreciate and welcome some constructive advice to improve this thesis by indrajpnababan@gmail.com and I hope it will be precious as it should be.

Medan, July 2012







Purpose the design instrument of sea water temperature measurement with depth variation is; to know the function of microcontroller ATMega 8535, apply function of electro sensor and design the simple tool able to measure sea water condition. Ease of operating an electronic device is desire for consumers and researchers.

The research carried out by using experiment methods and implementing microcontroller and C language function as a central and data processing. As measurement temperature of sea water used IC LM35D sensor which has been covered glue gun in all its pin. Work concept optocoupler modification to able to measure position of temperature sensor in the water.




Legitimating Paper i

Curriculum Vitae ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Contents v

Contents of picture viii

Contents of table x

Contents of appendix xi

Chapter 1. Introduction 1

1.1.Background 1

1.2.Limitation of Problem 3

1.3.Problem Identification 3

1.4.Research Purpose 4

1.5.Benefit of Research 4

Chapter 2. Theory 5

2.1.1 Present General 5

2.1.2.ATMega 8535 Construction 6

2.1.3 Memory Maps 9

2.1.4.Memory Flash 9

2.1.5 Software 10

2.2 Hardware 11


2.2.2 Deepness Sensor 12

2.3 Component Support 13

2.3.1 Display LCD 16 X 2 13

2.3.2 Crystal Oscillator / XTAL 14

2.3.3 Capacitor 16

2.3.4 Resistor 17

2.3.5 Transistor 19

2.3.6 Electric Motor 20

Chapter 3. Design Project and Research Method 22 3.1 Design and Research Materials 22

3.2 Bloc Diagram 23

3.3 Flow Chart Design Project 24

3.3.1 Procedure Research 25

3.4.1 Microcontroller ATMega 8535 circuit 25

3.4.2 LCD 26

3.4.3 Motor Stepper Circuit 28

3.4.4 Design LM35 to measuring temperature 30

3.5 Analysis Data Technique 31

3.6 Time and Research Place 31

Chapter 4. Result and Discussion 32

4.1 Result 32

4.1.1 System Microcontroller ATMega8535 32

4.1.2 Depth Sensor Circuit 33

4.1.3 Temperature Sensor Circuit 34


4.1.5 Programming 35

4.2 Research Data 38

4.2.1 Data result sensor measurement of the depth 38 4.2.2 Temperature sensor measurement result data 39 4.2.3 The Result of Temperature measurement 41

4.3 Discussion 43

Chapter 5 Conclusion 46

5.1 Conclusion 44

5.2 Suggestion 44

Bibliography 45




Table 3.1 Materials Research 22

Table 3.2 Research equipment 23




Appendix 1 Program 47

Appendix 2 Calculate Standard Deviation Value 58

Appendix 3 Schematic of device 61


1 would be observing and displaying temperature and deepness definitely as well as will be giving information to users.

In an attempt to manage of coast natural source potential with constantly maintain conserving of sphere principle, required a good knowledge about natural source potential( biological and non biological ), sphere condition, society economy social condition and kind of culture where area will be carry out. One of important environment aspect to foreknow for become source managing will be do it correctly, it is dynamics of ocean. This is caused ocean looks like fluid without administration or ecology limit. Then, if piece of ocean in one of place is polluted will be affected spreading to surroundings. These affect will be preventable or limitable with learning motion frame of water mass. Dynamics of

ocean condition seems with getting parameter’s oceanography information at

place. One of them is temperature, wherein temperature is important information in definite seawater condition.



of is temperature. Transition of temperature depend seawater suitability level as habitat aquatic organism, because every aquatic organism have maximum and minimum limit temperature. (Leonidas, 2006).

At present, development of technology related to increasing human amount closely, whom need it sophisticated instruments tools, which is it will be working automatic and simply. This is a desire of human in order to do something more effectively. Development in an electronics tools has been increasing quickly, consist of telecommunication, farmer, medic, oceanic, industry scope direct or indirectly.



and mechanical strength make it ideal as an electrical component and circuit board coating. Glassclad® RC reacts covalently with glass and siliceous surfaces to form a permanent bond. It has excellent abrasion resistance properties and can be applied to materials as a protective coating. It is typically applied by dipping or brushing followed by air dry and final cure at 150°C for one hour (MacMillan, 2009) The device available today in market that is HOBO Pendant Temperature/Light Data Logger that is a waterproof, two-channel logger with 10-bit resolution and can record up to approximately 3,500 (8K model) or 28,000 (64K model) combined temperature and light readings or internal logger events. The logger uses a coupler and optical base station with USB interface for launching and data readout by a computer so expensive than fisherman user.

For reason above, the writer interested to design tool which is able to measuring temperature in every depth waters even unable to measuring the intensities of light. Design hardware of temperature water ocean measurement with a Microcontroller ATMega8535, a measurement of the temperature, and light sensor. Displaying on LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen as data temperature information appear. Microcontroller ATMega8535 as brain in the system, were function is processing data from the input (sensor), then forwarded to LCD as

Based on of the background above, this paper will be design the measurement of temperature and depth on sea water.

1. How to design Microcontroller able as a device measurement on variable sea water.



3. How to design Optocoupler circuit as measuring the deepness of the object.

4. What the influence for decrease temperature of water.

5. What is different temperature of sea water in day light than night.

1.3Limitation of problem

Based information above, writer will be making tools, that will measure temperature in the sea water. The tools using microcontroller ATMega8535 as center all of process, included processing of signal and displaying data.

Definition of fundamental work concept of temperature sensor (LM35) and light sensor just describe glance in this paper. Light sensor will not displaying amount of intensity, but writer will be designing it as a switcher component. The writer also describes the programming language, signal analog process until signal display on microcontroller ATMega8535 because the process have to use 8051 Editor ,Assembler ,Simulator (IDE) software.

Also in the research device only able to measuring the temperature of seawater by the researcher desire, then in this research only focus to how to design the instrument device have ability to measuring the sea water with depth variation.

1.4Problem Formulation

Based on background of study above, in this research the problem can be formulation:

1. How to make the micro control as a brain of work in this measurement. 2. How’s works concept in measure temperature of seawater circuit.

3. How’s works of measuring of the depth of seawater measurement circuit.

1.5Research Purpose

Can be defined the purpose of the research is:



3. To make a simple tool to measuring of water’s temperature every depth in the sea.

4. To Apply the Microcontroller’s concept which explain various events in our daily live.

1.6Benefit of Research

Some of the benefits that can be taken from the research are:

1. Can be applied in much field, for example detector habitat in the sea water by fisherman or research requirement.

2. Can be used as tools of temperature measurement in the machine diesel cooler.




5.1 Conclusion

Based result of discussion at the chapter before here is the a few conclusion from this project.

1. To make an equipment measuring temperature of sea water with depth variation required a few device like a microcontroller ATMega 8535, IC LM35DZ as temperature sensor which by covered all pins of component with glue guns, optocoupler as depth measurement and display on LCD 2x16.

2. Data have already captured saved in EEPROM then while this device is shutdown condition, data still stored in microcontroller.

3. Ratio the temperature in sea water around Poncan Sibolga Beach become decrease comparable with the depth. This case prove up that the temperature of sea water is different in every deepness layer. 5.2 Suggestion




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Table 3.1


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