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BRITISH, Volume 01, No. 1, Juni 2014


Academic year: 2021

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Jurnal ‘British : Terbit Dua Kali setahun, berisi tulisan hasil kajian, penelitian, dan konsep pemikiran yang berkaitan dengan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris serta rumpun ilmu yang terkait.

Dewan Redaksi

Pembina : Rektor Univ. Muhammadiyah


Pengarah : LP3M UMG

Penanggung Jawab : Ibnu Rawandhy N. Hula.

Pimpinan Redaksi : Febrianto Hakeu.

Sekretaris : Berti Arsyad.

Penyunting : Ana Mariyana

Sirkulasi dan Keuangan : Hajarah Yunus.

Alamat Redaksi

Kantor Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB) Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo (UMG). Jl. Prof. Dr. Mansoer Pateda, Desa Pentadio Timur, Kecamatan Telaga Biru, Kabupaten Gorontalo, Provinsi Gorontalo. Fax. (0435) 881135, Email : fibumgo.ac.id

Penerbit : Program Studi Sastra Inggris, FIB-UMG.

Redaksi menerima naskah tulisan berupa artikel, makalah, laporan penelitian, maupun hasil kajian. Dewan Redaksi berhak menyunting, mengedit naskah tanpa mengurangi maksud tulisan, adapun isi tulisan merupakan tanggung jawab penulis.



Puji syukur kami persembahkan kepada Allah Swt, atas karunia dan rahmat-Nya, sehingga jurnal BRITISH ini dapat diterbitkan, sebagai jurnal yang mengulas dan membahas tentang bahasa dan sastra Inggris serta rumpun ilmu yang terkait.

Sebagai salah satu program studi di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (FIB) Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo, prodi ini berusaha menyediakan Jurnal Ilmiah bagi semua pihak yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk mencurahkan ide dan gagasannya

sehingga kehadirannya diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah

mengembangkan budaya menulis dan meneliti.

Ucapan terima kasih disampaikan kepada sema pihak, yang telah membantu dan berpartisipasi sehingga jurnal ini dapat diterbitkan secara berkala, meski keberadaanya masih banyak kekurangan, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran selalu diharapkan guna perbaikan dan penyempurnaanya.

Pentadio Timur Nasrun Minalla>h



Transitivity Analysison ‚Trouble is a Friend‛ Song by Lenka

Yulan M. Puluhulawa

Students’ Speaking Ability In Teaching and Learning Atmosphere Organized by English Native Speaker

Adimawati Helingo

Self-assessment as a classroom assessment technique In teaching reading

Applying Multiple Intelligence-Based Activities (MIBA) to promote Students’ writing Performance

Dahlia Husain

Dyslexia on Main Character in The Movie ‚Like Stars on Earth‛

Indah Nur ‘Aini

An Analysis of Students’ Needs in Learning English (A Research Conducted at Economics and Business Faculty,IAIN Sultan Amai

Gorontalo) Ana Mariana

The Theme Analysis in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Yulin Panigoro

Analysis of Reffaterre’s Structuralism-Semiotic in poem ‚on A Girdle‛ by Admund Waller


Transitivity Analysis on ‚Trouble is a Friend‛ Song by Lenka Yulan M. Puluhulawa

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya - UMG Abstract

The main objective of this research is to find out the transitivity process on Lenka’s song ‚Trouble is A Friend‛. The writer also conducted the research to investigate the ideational meaning of each clause of the song. By conducting this research, the writer expects that this research will be beneficial for the readers, also the students and teachers about the transitivity process and analysis of ideational meaning of the clauses on Trouble is A Friend song by Lenka. Transitivity, as the part of Systemic Functional Grammar has its components. They are Process, Participant, and Circumstances. Based on the the research analysis, the writer didn’t find the existential process and behavioral process. The existential process showed the existence of someone or thing in the clause and behavioral process show the psychological and physiological aspect such as breathing, and so on. The process that often occurs in the clause is material process, relational process (attributive and identifying), mental process, and verbal process. This song actually expresses the motivation when people are facing troubles. No one can run away from a trouble because trouble can be faced by anyone wherever they are. Trouble is a mental disorder for anyone, but we don’t need to run away from trouble when trouble comes, we have to face it wisely. So, we can avoid a feeling like under pressure feeling. Keywords: Transitivity-Ideational Meaning-‚Trouble is a friend‛


Students’ Speaking Ability in Teaching And Learning Atmosphere Organized By English Native Speaker

Adimawati Helingo

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – UMG Abstract

The purpose of doing this research is to get actual information about the students’ English speaking ability in teaching and learning atmosphere organized by the English native speaker and to explore the native speaker’s strategies in teaching speaking class. This research descriptively provides the students’ speaking ability in English native speaker’s class through qualitative method. The participants of this research are class A of the fourth semester students in English Department consists of 24 students and English native speaker from America. The data is collected by recording the students’ presentation in class and from the English oral rating sheet that consists of five aspects of speaking namely pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension and also through the interview with the native speaker about the strategies used in class and her general impression towards the students’ ability in speaking. Based on the analysis, the result of the whole research shows that the students categorized into very good level is 37,5%, the students categorized into good level is 54,17%, and students categorized into enough level is 8,33%. Furthermore, based on the interview, the native speaker said that the students’ ability is good and needed to be improved especially the students’ self confidence in doing speaking activity.


Self-Assessment as a Classroom Assessment Technique In Teaching Reading

Indah Wardaty Saud

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya - UMG Abstract

This study reviewed the issue of the implementation of Self-Assessment as a classroom Self-Assessment Technique in Teaching Reading. In elucidating the importance of employing self-assessment in the teaching of reading, the researcher presented the analysis about the theories and the practices of self-assessment qualitatively. This study was interpreted based on the study carried out by Moheidat and Baniabdelrahman (2011). This study portrayed the definition of self-assessment, the effects of self-assessment on students’ reading achievement (reading performance), and the several kinds of self-assessment which were applicable in the classroom setting.


Applying Multiple Intelligence-Based Activities (Miba) To Promote Students’ Writing Performance

Dahlia Husain

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – UMG Abstract

The present study was conducted based on the assumption that accommodating students’ differences in classroom setting will lead to students’ success particularly in language learning. This research was aimed to investigate the extent of the application of Multiple Intelligence-Based Activities (MIBA) to promote students’ writing performance. There are 2 homogenous groups of the 4th semester of English Department students of Gorontalo State University enrolled in this study. A total of 40 students from control and experimental group were involved. This study applied quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest that were given to both groups followed by the perceptional questionnaire to find out the students’ perception toward the application of MIBA. The experimentation comprised 8 types of activities as the embodiment of 8 intelligences proposed by Gardner (2011) to be incorporated into students’ writing class. The students’ writing performance was measured through Jacobs et. al.’s analytic writing scale (as cited in Hughes, 2003) including content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics, while the data from the questionnaire was analyzed through Likert scale measurement. At last, the data from perceptional questionnaire strongly suggest that the students of experimental group had positive perception toward the application of MIBA. Therefore, it can be concluded that MIBA gave a positive effect in promoting students’ writing performance.


Dyslexia on Main Character in The Movie ‚Like Stars on Earth‛

Indah Nur’Aini

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – UMG Abstract

This study aims to describe dyslexia phenomenon which is reflected in the movie ‚Like Stars on Earth‛. It focused on describing the types of difficulties, both language disorder and learning disability, of dyslexic character. The data were collected by observing the movie at first and then transcribing the dialogue in order to select the data easily related to research question. The data are in the form on words and utterances. The data were analysed using Levinson (Syndrome of Dyslexia) and Lerner’s (perception) theories. As a result, the dyslexic character experienced all three kinds of dyslexia and learning difficulties as well. It was because he did not use five elements of each his visual and auditory perceptions completely. In reading, he used three elements of visual perception (spatial relation, visual discrimination, and object recognition) and one element of auditory perception (phonological awareness); in writing, he used one element of visual perception (visual discrimination) and none of auditory perception; and in arithmetic, he used neither visual nor auditory perception.


An Analysis Of Students’ Needs In Learning English (A Research Conducted at Economics and Business Faculty,

IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo) Ana Mariana

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – UMG Abstract

This research aimed to explore: 1) The Economic students’ needs as ESP students in learning English, 2) The interrelated between English material in Economy and the students’ needs. This research was carried out in Economic department of IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo. The participants involved in this research were the students and the lecturer in Economic department of IAIN Gorontalo. The research finding was revealed that first, the students’ needs in learning English involves the students are positioning themselves as the ESP learner, not language learner. The second, the notion of English is not applicable for the workforces; Furthermore, the research finding in the area of interrelated between the material and students’ needs was yielded that the material met the student need already, however the students expectation toward the material was not fulfilled yet.


The Theme Analysis in Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen

Yulin Panigoro

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – UMG Abstract

This research analyzes the theme in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. Human generally faces and feels many things in life. Each person has the feeling of love. Some persons can easily express their feeling to others, but some others cannot express it because of shy, even become arrogant. It also happens in the love story of the characters in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. The purpose of this research is to know the theme in ‘Pride and Prejudice’. This research uses descriptive method and the intrinsic approach. This research analyzes the theme, the character and the characterization, plot, setting, and the point of view in the novel. To support this approach, the researcher applies the objective theory which based on the library research, the things happen in a work is oriented in the work itself. The research dataare taken from the ‘Pride and Prejudice’.


Analysis of Reffaterre’s Structuralism-Semiotic in Poem ‚on a Girdle‛ by Admund Waller

Samid Saripi

Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya – UMG Abstract

Poetry is an art or work of poet. The mixture of experience, poet’s feeling, emotion, and thought are needed in order to create a successful work. The language of poetry is different from common language usage. However, it must have an esthetic value. The poetic of language cames from the element of poetry. Therefore, the researcher interested in studying the structuralism-semiotic theory. The important thing to understand poetry that is talk abaut verse. Therefore verse must analysis inner structure. With that, verse we can understood with deeply and all of the verse. To get the reqirtment analysis structuralism in this poem the researcher choose to use the theories and methods of Structural-Semiotic that is objective which the centre attention to art itself. That The theory and methods of Structural-Semiotic hopely can analysis poem with the deeply, can analysis complexity of structure of poem, and hopely can give the meaning of poem as useful as possible. The problem statements that will be answered by this research are about the intrinsic elements of poem and the theory of structuralism-semiotic by Rifatterre. This research focuses on the structuralism and semiotic of poem that found in on a girdle by Admund Waller. In finding of research the researcher find out the intrinsic elements of poem that are diction, figurative language, rhythm, rhyme, imagery and theme.


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