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T H E S T U D E N T S ’ M A S T E R Y O F V O C A B U L A R Y IN F L U E N C E D B Y S E X IS M IN W R IT T E N E N G L IS H (The Case Study of the Second Year Students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali in the School Year of 2003-2004) THESIS Submitte


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IN F L U E N C E D B Y S E X IS M IN W R IT T E N E N G L IS H (The Case Study of the Second Year Students of MTs N Filial Sucen,

Simo, Boyolali in the School Year of 2003-2004)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Degree o f Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in the English and Educational Department


DEWI W1DYAWATI NIM: 113 00 018



SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp.(0298) 323706,323433 Fax323433 Salatiga 50721

Website . www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E -m ail: admimstrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id



Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain atau pernah diterbitkan. Demikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran-pikiran orang lain, kecuali informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan rujukan.

Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran orang lain di luar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup mempertanggungjawabkan kembali keaslian skripsi ini di hadapan sidang munaqosyah skripsi.

Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Salatiga,2 6 Juli 2004 Peneliti


The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Salatiga, July 21st 2004 Case : Dewi Widyawati’s Thesis

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Dewi Widyawati’s thesis entitled “THE STUDENTS’ MASTERY OF VOCABULARY INFLUENCED BY SEXISM IN WRITTEN ENGLISH (The Case Study of the Second Year Students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali in the School Year of 2003-2004)”. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational faculty I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

Dra. Retnaningsih, M.Pd N IP : 150 262 646



Jl. Stadion 03 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721



(The Case Study of the Second Year Students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali in the School Year of 2003-2004)


Has been brought to the^oard of examiners in July 31sl, 2004/Djumadil Tsaniyah 13rd, 1425 H and hereby considered to completely fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana in the English and Educational Faculty.

Salatiga, July 3E', 2004 M

DjumadiI Tsaniyah 13,1425 H

Board of Examiners

Attentive Counselor

Dra. Woro Itetnaninasih, M.Pd NIP. 150 262 646


“(Believers), if you help Allah, He will help you, and make you strong”

(Surat Muhammad : 7)

“Life with faith, effort and pray!”

“where there is a will, there is a way”


This thesis dedicated to :

• My highly valued parents, my mother Wardati and my father Syukri, E.H. • Myparents in law, my mother in law Yayuk and my father in law Pandiman • My husband, Nur Fauzan

• My beloved son, Defasta Dzakiy Pradana “Dedek” • My elder sister, Titik Nurhidayati

• My younger sister, Susi Susanti and Aulia Yumna Devi • My younger brother, Agus Setiabudi

• All my friends who have helped in finishing this thesis


Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

A lhamdul illah irobbil 'alam in, firstly the writer said as praise and thanks to Allah SWT with His blessing, finally this thesis can be completed.

However, this success would not be achieved without the support, guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individuals and institutions. Therefore, let her say thanks to :

1. Mr. Drs. Badwan, M.Ag, the Rector of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mrs. Dra. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd, the consultant of this thesis, thanks for her careful guidance, wisdom, kindness and suggestion during the completion of this thesis.

3. Mr. Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag, the head of the English Department, thanks for your knowledge, suggestion, motivation and attention.

4. All lectures of English in English Department, who have given the knowledge patiently.

5. All of my friend in “HMl”, Siti Rohmatin, Rining, Yuli, Odi, Hafidz, Adin, Didik and those who cannot be metioned one by one.

6. OO’ers generation of English Department



Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, July 31st, 2004 ' The writer

Dewi Widyawati



A. The Background of the Study ... B. Statement of the Problems ... C. The Objective and Benefit to the Study ... D. The Theoretical Framework... E. The Analysis... F. Thesis Organization ... CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW


A. The Location and Geographical Condition... 43

B. The General of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali in Academic Year 2003 - 2004... 44

C. The Description of Teacher and student ... 45

D. Population and Sample... 48

E. The Method of Analyzing the Data... 50

F. Data Presentation ... 52

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS A. Resources of the Students’ Mastery... 54

B. Sources of Students Errors... 63

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion... 66

B. Suggestion ... 67 BIBLIOGRAPHY





A. The Background of the Study

People need to communicate with others by a language because language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols, which permits all people in given culture to communicate or to interact.1 By language people are able to convey the messages, feeling and thought in their mind so that they can

interact with other. Wardhaugh point out:

... language allows people to say things to each other and express their communicative needs. Language in the comment of society, allowing people to live, work and play together, to tell the truth but also to tell a lie or lien.'

Most of people think that language is nature but actually it can classify to become two kinds that is language for male and language for female. We can see in classify of pronoun like he and she, classify of job like a nurse for female, a doctor for male and noun like aship for female, a plane for male (it called vocabulary influenced by sexism).

Vocabulary in English as a foreign language is taught at school for the purpose of providing the students language skills. They are listening, reading, speaking, and writing, some general statements say that the techniques of teaching writing comprehension and other (listening, speaking and reading)

1 Rirocchiro, Mary. 1985. English Language as Second Language, From Theory to Practice. New York: Regents Publishing Company, page 3

' Wardhaugh, Ronald. 1977 Introduction to Linguistics. New York: Me Graw Hill. Inc.


are vouched on vocabulary. The statement above shows that vocabulary is one of the elements of a language.

As the number of vocabulary items, which have been mastered by experts indicate that there is a difference between those needed for production skill in foreign language especially speaking and writing, and those needed for recognition skill, particularly reading and listening. Robert Lado mentions at present it is possible to guess that a speaking vocabulary of 2000 words, in an adequate minimum number for the purpose of basic communication. The idea of a minimum vocabulary necessary for basic communication. The idea of a minimum vocabulary necessary for speaking, listening, reading and writing, but the problem is more complex in speaking and writing.

It is realized that in the production level, the students can select any words within their range of vocabulary' that they do not know. In production level however, they are forced to know all the words they read for have in order to communicate smoothly.

So, knowing vocabulary seems as knowing it as noun, adjective, pronoun, and so on. Furthermore, every item must be taught as clear as possible so that the students may enlarge knowledge by studying the items. For example, vocabulary influenced by sexism in the written English is to know vocabulary that commonly used to show male or female for reader or listener especially for students.


Students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali in the School Year of 2003-2004).

B. Statement of the Problems

Based on the background of study, the writer will formulate the problem as follows:

1. How are the varieties of mastering of English vocabulary influenced by sexism among the second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo Boyolali ?

2. What are the sources of their errors in vocabulary usage ? 3. What are their efforts to avoid the errors ?

C. The Objective and Benefit to the Study The objective of this research are:

1. To find out varieties of mastering of English vocabulary influenced by sexism among the second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo Boyolali.

2. To find out the sources of errors of English vocabulary influenced by sexism among the second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo Boyolali.


The researcher hopes that the research will be beneficial for: 1. The teachers

By having the result of the research, the teachers will know the mastery of MTs N Filial students in giving vocabulary concord with the function. The teachers are expected to encourage the students’ mastery in writing especially in using vocabulary influenced by sexism and the most important is that the lecturers must give good examples of using vocabulary concord with the function.

2. The Students

The students will get some descriptions about “vocabulary influenced by sexism” in English as well they may be able to measure their mastery in written English vocabulary. Knowing their mastery in written English vocabulary mean that they must improve their mastery by themselves to have a better mastery in using vocabulary influenced by sexism in written English.

D. The Theoretical Framework

This research is about vocabulary influenced by sexism. Here, the writer will explain the matters connected with the problems of this research. Further, the writer explains the meaning of terms of the research’s title:

1. Students

Students are persons who are studying at college, polytechnic or university3

3 Hornby A S 1987 Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary o f Current English Oxford University Press, page 859

n ria i o u ^ c n j n i r o 'u u j f u i a i r «■« j v i w v. ^ — — ■— -—

---a. Object : the students of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo Boyolali b. Grade : the second year students 4


c. Location : MTs N Filial Sucen Simo Boyolali d. Time : 2003 - 2004

2. Sample

Sample is a part of the accessible population to be investigated, and the researcher takes A class as a sample of the second year of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo Boyolali. The researcher just takes A class because there is no differences between A class and B class.

3. Method of gathering data

The test will be conducted to the students. The result of the test will be used as a primary data analysed to find the types and sources of the students’ mastery in using vocabulary influenced by sexism.

4. The technique of data analysis a. Descriptive method

Descriptive method means the thinking of every ideology and philosophy is described clearly and completely, so the similarity and differences can be treated clearly. Using this description will be known about the description of vocabulary influenced by sexism

b. Percentage

To get the percentage of the students’ mastery it will use this formula:

P = — xl00%


Where is:

P - The percentage of students’ mastery F = Frequency of presentation

N — Number of case

F. The Analysis

The first step is finding out the data of the number of the second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo Boyolali. After starting the research by collecting data this step will be done by giving the test. After collecting the data it will be done is analysed the result of the test.

1. Statistical Analysis

From that result it will be known how far the capability of the second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo Boyolali vocabularis influenced by sexism. It also gives the information of the percentage of students’ mastery. To know the percentage of the students' mastery it will use this formula:

P = — x] 00% N

Where is:

P = the percentage of students’ mastery F = right answer


2. Non-statisticai Analysis

In order to find out the cause of errors the writer did non-statistical analysis based on the performance data that is the real errors made by the students:

a. Interlingual error

Interlingual error is caused by the interference of the learners mother tongue. Interference from the mother tongue is clearly a major source of difficulty in second language learning.

b. Intralingual error

Intralingual error is the negative transfer of items within the target language.

Richards states the intralingual errors are of four categories, namely 1) overgeneralization, 2) ignorance of rule restrictions, 3) in complete application of the rule and 4) semantic error."

c. Efforts

From this case the researcher tries to find out an efforts made by students to improve their skill in mastering vocabulary influenced by sexism, that is:

1) Learning the common meaning of the word.

2) Developing a regular and systematic method of studying words keep a vocabulary rote book.

3) Studying the technical vocabulary of their subject matter.* 6

? Richard, Jack 1974 Error Analysis: perspectives on Second Language Requisition London: Longman Group Limited, page 6


Based on the result, the writer can formulate the problem of the research: “How good the students’ mastery of vocabulary influenced by sexism of the second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo Boyolali

G. Thesis Organization

This thesis of five chapter. They are:

Chapter I: Introduction, consists of background of the study, statement of the problems, the objective and benefit of the study, the theoretical

framework, methodology, the analysis and thesis organization.

Chapter II: Theoretical review, consists of the nature of vocabulary, vocabulary mastery, the kinds of vocabulary, vocabulary teaching, criteria for selection of vocabulary, the importance of vocabulary and the diversity of vocabulary influenced by sexism.

Chapter III: Research methodology, the location and geographical condition, the general of MTs N Filial Sucen, the description of teacher and student, population and sample, the method of analyzing the data and data presentation.

Chapter IV: Data analysis, consists of resources of the students’ mastery, sources students’ errors.



A. The Nature of Vocabulary

There are some experts who define vocabulary. Hornby defines as a total number of words which (with rule for complying them) make up the language.1 Hatch and Brown say that the term of vocabulary refers to the list or set of words for particularly language or list of words there individual


speakers of language. We can say vocabulary is a group or sources kind of word that mastered to deliver our mind or idea to other people and to understand peoples mind.

Vocabulary is one of the most important part of English. It is divided into two, the receptive vocabulary and the productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary is the words that can be recognized and understand when they occur in context or somebody deliver express with tongue (speak and write). They can produce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing. Other experts state that vocabulary is divided into passive and active vocabulary rather than receptive and productive vocabulary.

Hammer explains that basically students have four different vocabulary, namely listening vocabulary, speaking vocabulary, reading *

'A S Hornby, 1995, Oxford Learner’s Dictionary o f Current English, Oxford University Press, page 1331

‘ Hatch and Brown, 1995, Vocabulary Semantics and Language Education, Combridge University Press, page 1


words the students hear and understand in oral communication. The speaking vocabulary covers all the words the students use in oral communication. The writing vocabulary embraces the students use in writing. The reading vocabulary is composed of all words students recognized and understand in reading written material. The writing and speaking is language production, which belong to productive skills while listening and reading involve receiving the message and they belong to the receptive skills.

Vocabulary is regarded as the key in learning language, especially English. The people who have enough vocabularies in English do not find difficulties in expressing their idea. On the other hand, if someone has only few vocabulary' he will not find a lot of difficulties in expressing their idea in English.

Vocabulary involves two components, namely vocabulary as word and vocabulary as word in their meaning. It means vocabulary is one of the important factor in learn the language :

1. Vocabulary' as a word

Words are often defined as minimum free from. Lado says it is form that can occur independently, and cannot be devided into smaller part without changing or destroying the meaning. For examples : window, pillow, mirror are words because each of them cannot be devided into smaller part without changing the meaning. In a fact each of them can 1


stand alone. This definition, however fails to cover the forms like red dress, backboard, textbook, in fact, each of them consists of two free forms they are : red and dress, black and board, text and book respectively.

To argue this part, Falk states as follows :

To say that word is until capable of occurring as a minimum free from only partially succeeds in reflecting linguistic judgement of the speaker of English. The writer will not define all types of the vocabulary, but the writer will give the general description about them.

Now, the writer can conclude that a word is not always a minimum free form, either. It is a unit that may consists of single formulative such as chair, useful, and happiness or it may also consists of a combination of two or more free formative such as red dress, textbook, etc.

2. Vocabulary as words and their meaning

When we hear the word “meaning” our imagination always direct to a dictionary, the meaning of word can be found in the dictionary,

a. Conceptual meaning

Gain and Radman state that there are three points of it, they are :

1) Polysemy : we use this term to describe a single word form with several different but closely related meaning. For example we can talk about “the head” of a person, “head” of an organization.


or cutting or snooping hand substances.

3) Synonymy : another difficulty with meaning arise with group of word that share, a general sense and so may be interchangeable in a limited number of context, but which, on closes inspection reveals

, t

conceptual differences. It is two or more form with very closely related meaning which are often but not always intersubstitutable in sentences. For example : mistake and error,

b. Affective meaning

We are using this term to cover the attitudinal and emotional factors, which can be expressed in on item of vocabulary'.

B. Vocabulary Mastery

There are some vocabulary' skills that must be developed in mastering vocabulary. Students must recognize about the kind of meaning and the words.

1. Kind of meaning


From connotation and denotation meaning above students cannot merely translate words based on a dictionary. They have to think carefully the full sentence or those words in context. Before the students look up their vocabulary, they have to try making “intelligent guessing”. It is called as deducing meaning the context.

2. Kinds of words

Vocabulary mastery deals with words and meaning. Teacher should concern what words, which are suitable to be taught to the students. Teacher should select and grade the words according to the level of the students in a certain way. So that students will learn much easier. Actually there are many ways that will help students expand their vocabulary' and proficiency. The following are some ways to expands their vocabulary', a. Word classification

A word can occur in certain place of sentences and server certain place of sentences and serves certain function. It is classified based on their functional categories and called the parts of speech.

1) Noun

A word which serves the name of things. It may be the name of a person, an object, places quality and quantity of something. For example : goodness, teacher, chair, table, etc.

It is a word that express an action for instance : work write, go, put, read, get, make, etc.


3) Adjective

It is a word which is used to describe a noun or other substitute example : dark, night, beautiful girl, big match, strong man, lazy students, etc.

4) Adverb

It is a word that is used to describe an adjective or a verb. Adverb has been gradually extending its function to those usually performed by other parts of speech. Example : unfortunately, recently, now, tomorrow, last night, etc.

5) Pronoun

It is a word that has function to substitute a noun, example : they, we, you, he, she and it.

6) Preposition

It is a particle of word, which is used with noun or pronoun, example : on, in, under, above, at, into, from, etc.

b. Functional words

Functional words are to express grammatical functions. They include preposition, articles, conjunctions, forms indicating numbers gender, or tense and pronouns. Look at the following sentences below :

1) My friend does not speak English 2) The children went to the zoo happily


In English, just like in any other languages, the number of functional words is small and limited but these words are used both in spoken and written English much more often than the content words, however, form the bulk of the English vocabulary system. And there words especially nouns, keep on increasing in number everyday.

c. Content Words

Content words are to express cultural contents they consist of noun, verbs, adjective and adverbs. They have more or less independent meaning, surprisingly, while a sentence may consist of several content words (can eat fish). It can not build up a sentence with only several functional words. Thus, “my does not the” is not a sentence. Example :

1) Cal eat fish 2) / study English

Words such as cat, eat, fish, 1, study and English are called by content words.

d. Derivational affixes


No Root/base Affix New word

1. Happy (adjective) -ness Happiness (noun) 2 Quick (adjective) -ly Quickly (adverb) 3 Danger(noun) En- Endanger(verb) 4 Wide (adjective -en Widen (verb)

The prefix /en-/ and the suffix /-ness/, /-ly/, and /-en/ in the example above are usually called derivational affixes because /-ness/ change on adjective /happy/ into noun/ happiness/; /-ly/ changes and adjective (quick) into an adverb /quickly/; /en-/ changer a noun /danger/ into a verb /endanger/ and /-en/ changes an adjective /wide/

into a verb /widen/.

Among the characteristics of derivational affixes there are three that will be quite important to understand.


2) In many cases, but not all, a derivational changer the part of speech of the word to which it is added. The noun /act/ becomes an adjective by the addition of /-ive/, and to the adjective /active/ could add /-ate/, making it a verb /activate/.

3) Derivational suffixes usually do not close of a word, that is, after a derivational suffix and next, if required. For example to the word /fertilize/ which already ends in a derivational suffix /-ize/, can add another suffix /-er/ to make /fertilizer/.

e. Inflectional affixes

Some affixes when attached to the root or base do not change the part of speech of the root and they do not create new words. They only have certain grammatical functions. These affixes are usually called inflectional affixes. In English have inflectional affixes to

indicate to indicate the following : 1) Plural form, such as

a) -s book — books glass — glasses b) -en ox — oxen

child — children c) -O fish — fish d) a mouse mice

a goose .... ... geese a datum ... data


2) Possessions, such as : John’s book

John and Many’s house A dog’s tail

3) Third singular verb marker, for example Mother always cooks rice

Jack goes to school He never watches TV 4) Tense markers, such as :

He worked hard yesterday, (past tense) I have repeated the lesson, (part participle) We are studying English, (present progressive) 5) Pronouns have different forms in tenns of function

As a subject : She is a teacher As an object : I meet her yesterday

As possessive : In this bag hers? Yes, it’s her bag f. Compound words

Compound words are formed by combining two or more words into one unit with a perceptible meaning. The two word words can be as follows :


4) V +■prep — takeover, puton 5) N + V —1 sunbathe, earthquake Study the following diagram

Words Part I Part 11 Meaning

campfire camp fire api unggun

greenhouse green house bangunan dari kaca untuk tumbuh-tumbuhan

catwalk cat walk jalan sempit

pigtail P>8 tail rambut kucir

earring ear ring anting-anting

eyeglass eye glass kaca mata

sunflower sun flower bunga matahari grasshopper grass hopper belalang

Each of the words above consists of two parts. These two parts make-up one meaningful unit. Compound words are sometimes written as one word (basketball, cowboy), as separate words (day labourer, filing cabinet, walking stick) and sometimes hyphenated (cigarette- case, egg-cup, clothes-basket).

Compound words which are written as one word, ordinarily take the /-s/ or /-es/ ending in the plural, for examples :

Brother-in-law ... brothers-in-law Passer-by... passers-by


g. Blends

Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part of one word with the last part of another, so that the resultant blend consists of both of original meaning. People certainly familiar with the words motor and hotel and also familiar with the words breakfast and lunch. In English there are various ways to form new words. One of the ways is by lending two original words, that is : Motor + hotel... motel

Breakfast + lunch ... brunch

Thus, motel is used to mean a hotel for motorist and brunch is used to mean a meal taken instead of both breakfast and lunch.

There is no exact rule in forming a blend Radio + telegram ... ... radiogram Smoke + fog ... ...smog

Cheese + hamburger .... ... cheeseburger Biological + mechanic.. ...bionic

European + A sian... h. Clipped forms

... Eurasian


1) Zoo (zoology) 2) Vet (veterant) 3) Pant (pantomim) 4) Dorm (dormant) 5) Auto (autograph) 6) Photo (photograph) 7) Bike (bicycle) 8) Tend (tender) 9) Vocab (vocabulary) 10) Lab (laboratory)

Clipped forms can be made plural by adding the plural marker- s. For examples :

M ag... mags Photo...photos

Clipping occur when longer words have very common use and their shorter forms become simpler and easily understood. Generally, clipped forms are used more often in an informal speech,

i. Coining


1) Kodak 2) Nylon 3) Toyota 4) Kleenex 5) Tipp-ex j. Acronyms

Acronyms are the result of forming a word from the first letter or letters of each word in a phrase. Whenever possible, acronyms are pronounced as ordinary words such as NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) or YMCA (Young Men Christian Association).

Acronyms often name political, industrial, and social organizations for the are colourful and easily remembered short cut words. Some are humorous and catchy such as ACCEPT (adult child Caring for Elderly Parent), CARE (Cooperative for American Remittance to Everywhere), and WOMAN (World Organization of Mothers of All Nations).


k. Multiple meaning

Most English word that use everyday have several different meanings or have more than one meaning. These words are called words with multiple meanings. People can identify the meanings of such a word only if it is used in context. Word with multiple meaning of such a word only if it is used in context. People should know some familiar English words with various meanings in order to avoid misunderstanding when involved in both oral and written communication people have less number of English words with only one meaning for each.

Study the following pairs : Column A Column B Can opener Spring

Violin Mark

Dentist Nice

Kilometer Good

Kilogram Air

Post-office Round

Algebra Rare


fourstringed musical instrument played with a bow. Idris Sardi plays it very beautifully. When you have a toothche you should go to the dentist, and not to the veterinarian. You can add more words with only one meaning in column A with the of your dictionary.

The words in column B on the other hand, are still ambiguous in terms of meaning. The meaning of each word in column B will be decided by the context in which it is used. Take the word “spring” for example:

1) I like spring better than summer, (musim semi) 2) There are sulphuric hot spring around here, (mata air)

3) My watch doesn’t work. I am afraid its spring is broken, (per) 4) They always spring to their feet when they hear the bell for dinner,



constantly acquiring new meanings. Sometimes person invent new words.

Inventing new words, however, is not always easy. It is sometimes even simpler to use words already know. Thus, have multiple meanings of many English words. The advantage of having several meanings for a word is that can get along with fewer words. Person can also extend a common idea to something new, people can tie their experiences together and more easily make sense of them. For example, from the words have already know such a eye, neck, foot can guess the meaning of the eye of the needle, the bottleneck, and the foot of a mountain. But there are two advantages of words having multiple meanings. First, a word loses meaning when it is used name a great many things (nice for example). Second, as a listener or reader have to stop and figure out which meaning of a word is intended.

1. Synonyms


words, its marvellous, they want not have to open their dictionary too often when reading English texts or novels.

Study the following English synonyms below : A. Sadness : unhappiness

Appearance : look Bargain : agreement Chance : possibility Disturbance : confusion B. Admit : confess

Bind : tie Classify : arrange Declare : state Gain : win C. Sad : unhappy

Anxious : worried Comfortable : pleasant Confidential : secret Curious : strange D. Sadly : unhappily


In column A have five nouns with their synonyms. In column B have five verbs with their synonyms. In column C have five adjectives also with their synonyms. Finally in the last column have five examples of adverbs with their synonyms.

From those examples above person know that the synonym of a noun must also be a nun, the synonym of a verb must also be a verb and so on. Look at the following synonym below :

Sad = unhappy (both are adjectives) Sadness = unhappiness (both are nuns) Sadly = unhappily (both are adverb

It is really difficult to find two or more words having exactly the same meanings in English. Even if you do, these words with usually have different emphasis, suggestion, or usage. Look at the following synonyms below :

A. Rich, wealthy, opulent, moneyed, affluent, well-to-do, well off

B. Big, large, tremendous, enormous, great, huge, immense, titanic, vast, gigantic, monstrous


or fruit of the oak) may be big or large but hardly ever titanic. And a book may be huge but hardly vast. A human eye may be large but, excepting in the head of a mythical giant, say Cyclops, scarcely monstrous.

Writers of English are taught to use synonyms. Repeating the same word too often bores the readers. When you see a new word in your reading, therefore, do not look it up immediately in the dictionary. The writer may use the idea again but with a synonym that you already know. Synonyms give the language interest and colour. They help readers increase their vocabulary. To collect lists of synonyms and to distinguish their meaning (emphasis, suggestion, usage) is one effective way to enlarge your vocabularies,

m. Antonyms

Antonyms are just the opposite of a synonym, namely an antony is a word expressing an idea directly opposite to that of another word in the same language.

A. Sadness x happiness

Saint x sinner Birth x death

Cowardice x bravery

B. Come Arrive

x &go x depart

x buy


Live x die Accept x refuse

Sad x happy Artificial x natural Short x tall

Complicated x simple

Curious x uninterested Sadly x happily

Conveniently x unsuitably Successfully x unsuccessfully

Politely x impolitely Intentionally x accidentally

In A, B, C and D you have four nouns, five verbs, five adjectives, and five verbs respectively each with its own antonym. Just like synonyms, antonyms should be related with the word of the same part of speech. For examples :

sadness x happiness (both nouns)

success x failure (both nouns)

acceptance x refusal (both nouns)

succeed x fail (both verbs)

sad x happy (both adjectives)


sadly x happily (both adverbs) hopefully x hopelessly (both adverbs)

Sometimes it is easy to find out the exact antonym of a word such as : sad x happy, friend x enemy, good x bad, active x inactive. However, it is often rather difficult to find out the exact antonym of a word. The words ‘small’ and ‘tiny’ are synonymous, so are the words ‘large’, and ‘enermous’. Nevertheless it is not quite accurate to say that ‘small is the antonym o f ‘huge’ or ‘enermous’. Likewise it not accurate to say that ‘tiny’ is the antonym of ‘large’. The fact is that the more accurate antonym of the word ‘small’ is ‘large’ and the word ‘tiny’ has ‘huge’ or ‘enermous’ as its antonym.

Like synonyms, antonyms will help you increase your vocabulary power. Yet not all words possess antonyms. There are no antonyms for words such as sorcerer, lawyer, advice, weird favourite, exquisite, as founding, negotiate, drench, boot, and spell.

C. The Kinds of Vocabulary

You may think of yourself as having one vocabulary, but you actually have two vocabularies : a receptive vocabulary and on expressive vocabulary. 1. Receptive vocabulary


the chances are that in 80 percent of what we write. We rely on a vocabulary of fewer than 3.000 words and that in 95 percent of what you say you use a vocabulary of fewer than 1.000 words.

Receptive vocabulary is our basic vocabulary : the total storehouse of words we can use to understand the thoughts of others when we listen and read. It is also all the words on which we can draw when we wpeak and write; the words we use in speaking and writing are all words you know when we hear or read them. Therefore our first goal of vocabulary development should be to increase the size of our receptive vocabulary.

College vocabulary skills teacher threee methods that can help us increase the number of words that recognize when we read or hear them. It explains how to study sentences and paragraphs to determine the meanings of words, how to analyze the parts of words to determine their meanings and how to use a standard desk dictionary to locate definitions. This is explain how to learn words to that we will have less need to figure out meanings on the locate meanings in dictionary.

a. Using college courses and other sources, collect words that you will learn.

b. Make notes of the words and of the information that you want to learn about them.

c. Organize your notes for efficient learning.


Expressive vocabulary is the words that use when we speak or write - that is, when you express our thoughts to other. Expressive vocabulary almost certainly contains many words that we do not use when we speak and write. Therefore, our second goal of vocabulary improvement should be to increase the percentage of words in our expressive vocabulary that we use in speaking and writing.

We can increase our choice of words in writing and speaking and the potential size of our expressive vocabulary, because the words we use when we writer and speak are that know when we read or hear them.

However, the most efficient way to increase our expressive vocabulary is to become more expert at recalling words in our receptive vocabulary.

a. Recollecting words we know


swimming to share because then boat has overtuned, we might ask ourselves the following question.

Do I know a word that means “to turn a boat over” ?

The chances are that you do know the word that has this meaning, but unless you, go boating often, you probably seldom think of it. As a result, you, may not recall capsize; its means “to turn over”, especially a boat in water.

b. Scoring receptive vocabulary exercises

It is use since we cannot recollect a word that we don’t know, we score for the qui or far an exercise is 100 when we recollect and write all the words we know that are correct answers.

Sometimes we can define kinds of vocabulary to become passive vocabulary and active vocabulary.

1) Passive vocabulary


2) Active vocabulary

Active vocabulary means the words they should be using in their speech writing. The speaker may have to master some limit of vocabulary of this active vocabulary in communication. For example : in discussion, teaching process and other meeting, we have to respond the speech of the person who speaks with us.

D. Vocabulary Teaching

According to Fries structure is plays the most important role in determining the meaning of a word. The experience have shows that one who has only know that basic structure of English has to struggle very hard through the book he is reading, because one is confronted with words that he cannot understand. This is indicating that the understanding of the book he is reading.

E. Criteria for Selection of Vocabulary 1. Frequency

The high frequency of an item is no guarantee of usefulness, but there is obviously a significant correlation between the two, so it is worth examining some of the word on frequency word-counts that has been carried out over recent decades.

2. Cultural factor


3. Expediency

The classroom will often dictate the need of contain vocabulary without which the students may fail to understand their teacher, follow students of the activity they are supposedly engage in.

4. Need and level

Common sense dictates that students who are required to read technical report in English in their native country will want survival English to travel purpose in English speaking countries equally obvious in that elementary students will recognize limitations in their selection of lexis that will not be true of advance learner. Conflict arises, though when the lexical needs of the learners would seem to be in congruous with his general language level.

F. The Importance of Vocabulary

Students should learn vocabulary together with their meaning to avoid mistake in writing. This is important because every English word has a definite place for write and we cannot change it. However students should practice English using the rule of English in order to be good English writer.


G. The Diversity of Vocabulary Influenced by Sexism

All speakers of English can talk to each other and understand each other. Some differences are due to age, sex, state of health, size, personality, emotional state and personal idiosyncrasies. They knows thousand, even tens of thousand of vocabulary, knowing vocabulary means knowing both its sound and its meaning, because vocabularies are deliver information to us rather than vocabulary is total number of words in a language while word is written or spoken unit of a language.

Vocabulary is form part of linguistic knowledge, part of internalized grammars. Since vocabulary is a sound, meaning unit, which is stored in mental dictionaries must be stored with its unique phonological representation which determines its pronunciation (when the phonological rules are applied) and with its meaning. Vocabulary must included other information as well. The classes of vocabulary, refers to the syntactic categories such as nouns, verbs, adjective, and so on. Another interesting thing about vocabulary is that it seems to be related to each other in a special way because vocabulary is most wonderful of all and make friends one with another.

Vocabulary at a language can not be whether good or bad but can only be viewed as such by the people who use it. Vocabulary may have positive connotation, while another vocabulary with the identical linguistic meaning may have negative connotation.

This, can find the some individual referred to as a terrorist by one group and as a freedom fighter by another. A woman may be referred to as a


castrating female or as a courageous feminist advocate. Sex here refers to being male or female. The fact that on hearing someone say my cousin is a professor (or a doctor, or a president of the country) most people would conclude that the cousin was a man has nothing to do with the English language but a great deal to do with the fact that historically woman have not been prominent in these professions. Similarly, if you hear someone say my cousin is a nurse (elementary school teacher, model, prostitute) no doubt conclude that the cousin was a woman.

This could be due to the fact that the physical characteristics of women in society assume greater importance than those of men because women are constantly exploited as sex objects. This is further borne out by studies analyzing the language used by men in reference to women which often has derogatory or sexual connotations such term go very far, back into history and sometimes enter the language with no pejorative implications but gradually gain them. Thus from old English huswif "housewife” the word hussy was derived.


adding a bound morpheme or by composing. We have many such examples in English, it called by gender or sexism, that is :

1. Masculin : men, boys and male animals (pronoun he/ they) Feminine : women, girls and female animals (pronoun she/they)

Neuter : inanimate things, animals whose sex we do not know and sometimes babies whose sex we do not know (pronoun it/they).

Exceptions : ship and sometimes cars and other vehicle when regarded with affection or respect are considered feminine. Countries when referred to by name are also normally considered feminine. Examples :

a. The ship struck an iceberg, which tone a huge hole in her side b. Scotland lost many of her bravest men in two great rebellions 2. Masculine/feminine nouns denoting people

a. Different forms :

Male Female

Boy Girl

Bachelor Spinster Bridegroom Bride

Father Mother

Gentleman Lady

Husband Wife

Man Woman

Nephew Niece

Son Daughter

Uncle Aunt


Man exceptions : baby, child, cousin, infant, parent, relation, relative, spouse, teenager.

Male Female

Duke Duchess

Earl Counters

King Queen

Lord Lady

Prince Princess

b. The majority of nouns indicating occupation have the same form : artist, assistant, cook, dancer, driver, doctor, guide, etc.

Main exceptions:

Male Female

Actor Actress

Conductor Conductress

Heir Heiress

Hero Heroine

Host Hostess

Manager Manageress Waiter Waitress Salesman Saleswoman


c. Domestic animals and many of the larger wild animals have different forms :

Male Female

Bull Cow

Cock Hen

Dog Bitch

Duck Drake

Gander Goose

Lion lioness

Ram Ewe

Stage Doe

Stallion Mare

Tiger tigress

On talks of a male nurse because it is expected that a nurse will be female, the other examples that is career woman, and woman athlete.



Research literally mean an advanced study of the object to learn new fact on scientific, laws, while in common sense. It has a lot of definitions as many writers and research workers define. People can pick out a general statement of definition that research is an elaboration or a discussion of scientific method used in the research the discussion involves determining object of the study and analyzing the data.

A. The Location and Geographical Condition

MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali is located at north of Boyolali City, it was located at Simo-Karanggede street. Based on Simo region’s map, MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo. Boyolali is located at north west of Simo town. People can take a bus and go down at Kedunglengkong village then take a walk for about ten minutes to west.

The building of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo, Boyolali regency of Boyolali where the second students are learning is located in the edge of quite village. Therefore the situation around there is silent and good for study. Beside that, it is next to Pondok Pesantren Darusy Syahadah. This condition is educativelv, because a half of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali’s students are studies in MDA Darusy Syahadah Simo.


B. The General of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali in Academic Year

2003 - 2004

1. The situation of medium and instruments are as follows: a. Class rooms : 9 rooms

b. Principal room : 1 room c. Teacher room : 1 room d. Library room : 1 room e. Unit of school healthy : 1 room

f. Office : 1 room

g- Administration room : 1 room

h. Mosque : 1 room

i. Toilet : 2 rooms

Besides that, MTs N Fillial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali also has complement devices like tables, chairs, black boards and sport complements. For understanding teaching and learning process MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali is also completed with library, which supplies lesson books, general knowledge books, religious books, newspaper and magazines.


and talents. Beside extracurricular activities, there is devotion one, which ask them to put Islam in principle.

The activities are as follows :

a. Action of devotion activity, praying Dzuhur together b. Extracurricular:

1) Scout activity 2) Wall magazine 3) Electronic

C. The Description of Teacher and Student

In teaching learning process, the teacher have important roles. Their existence is always needed in every school or educational institution. They will give material of subject. The number of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali’s teachers are 15 person, 2 of them teach English subject. To know the condition of teachers, look at the following table.



No Name Code Profession

1 Daihari, S.Ag 46 IPA Biology teacher 2 Qomarudin 47 Aqidah Akhlak teacher

SKI teacher

- >

Suwaris 48 PPKn teacher


4 Bisri 49 Qur'an hadits teacher Bahasa Daerah teacher

5 Darin 50 IPS Economy teacher

IPS Geography teacher

6 Slamet 51 Math teacher

7 K. Safrudin, BA 52 IP A Fisika teacher 8 Sabar Raharjo 53 Penjaskes teacher

9 Eni Purwanti, S.Pd 54 Bahasa Indonesia teacher 10 Widarti, S.Ag 55 Bahasa Arab teacher 11 Hartoyo, S.Ag 56 KTK teacher

12 Ali Darokah 57 IPA Fisika teacher IPA Biologi teacher 13 Sri Muslimatun S.Ag 58 Fiqih teacher

Qur'an hadits teacher 14 Abdul Malik Ihyaudin 59 Bahasa Inggris teacher

KTK teacher

15 Zainal 60 Math teacher


1. Structure of the school organization

Considering that the duties of headmaster of MTs N Filial Sucen Simo, Boyolali are so many activities, that is why the headmaster should appoint a structure of the school organization to manage all of the educational activities which the organization structure consists of the some section with different duties.



2. The Teachers


3. The students

The students are persons who are studying at school. The total number of students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali is 155 students. They consists of 81 male and 74 female. The first year are 38 students, the second year are 55 students and the third year are 62 students.



No Class Sum of students

Male Female

1 First year 19 19 38

2 Second year 28 27 55


J Third year J J'S 'S 28 62

Total 80 74 155

D. Population and Sample 1. Population

Population or research subject, like statement of Suharsimi Arikunto, population is keseluruhan subyek penelitian"} And in the Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation, a population is a set of interest." In this study, the population is the second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali in the school year of 2003 - 2004. 1

1 Arikunto, Suharsini 1992. Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek Jakarta Rineka Cipta, page 114


2. Sample

Sample is a part of representative of the research population. A choosen sample must really represent the population because the result of the research will be generaled to the entire population. Representative sample will influence of the result.

Suharsini suggests that when the number of subject in the research is more than 100 persons, we take 10% - 30% of the population.3 The sample of the study is the second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali in the school year of 2003 - 2004 for 30 students. The researcher attempts to get the result of mastery of vocabulary influenced by sexism as optimally as possible, but she did not take the whole population as a sample. The researcher used an intact class.

The researcher only examined one class, it was a class, it has 30 students. There are 15 male and 15 female. The researcher just take a class because that A and B class nearly had the some condition.

In doing this research, the researcher used the following procedures :

a. Distributing the test to the students. b. Correcting the test

c. Analyzing the result of the test to find out the apprehensible and inapprehensible data and used the primary data.


d. Analyzing all collected data e. Making the report of the findings.

E. The Method of Analyzing the Data

The researcher uses statistical analysis and non-statistical analysis method to describe the students’ mastery of vocabulary influenced by sexism.

The statistical analysis uses the formula as follows :

/J = — x 100%


Where is :

P : the percentage of students’ mastery F : right answer

N : maximum score e g. :

Right answer: 20 Maximum score : 20

Score : — x 100% = 100


After knowing the test result and also the score of the students, the writer did the next step that is finding the percentage of the students’ mastery. To know the percentage of students’ mastery, the writer classified it into four level of mastery : 4


80% -100% : excellent 60% - 79% : good 50% - 59% : fair 0% - 49% : poor

The researcher uses this formula to analyze how many percent of the second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali who mastering the vocabulary influenced by sexism.

The non-statistical analysis is to reveal the factors of errors which include in the students’ answers. The interlingual error and intralingual error where is, interlingual error is caused by the interference of the learners mother tongue and it is clearly a major source of difficulty in second language learning while intralingual error consist of there item that is :

1. Overgeneralization

Overgeneralization or transfer as the use of previously available strategies in new situations but will be missleading and in applicable. 2. Ignorance of rule restrictions

Closely related to the generalization of deviant structures is failure to observe the restrictions of existing structures, that is, the application of rules to contexts where they do not apply. Deviant usage may happen even when the mother tongue is close to the English usage.

3. Incomplete application of rules


Alternatively, the statement form may be used as a means of eliciting questions through a transform exercise or deviant perception is a question is used in answer.

4. False concepts hypothesized or semantic error

Rule-learning at various levels, there is a class of developmental errors which derive from faulty comprehension of distinctions in the target language. For example the marker of tenses if past tense always use “was”, present use “is” and so on.

F. Data Presentation 1. Respondents

Respondent is apart of the accessible population who respon the test, and the researcher take 30 students or respondents of second year students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali.


26 Riza Nuryani 27 Sri Sumarsih 28 Sri Wigati 29 Sumadi 30 Suram ti 11 Feri Puma Irawan



A. Resources of the Students’ Mastery

The data of the research is analyzed to find out the students’ mastery of vocabulary influenced by sexism in written English. The writer got the data from 30 students of MTs N Filial Sucen, Simo, Boyolali especially the second year students and the second year students and the compulation will use this formula :

P = — x \ 00% N

Here, the writer describe the result of the test as the primary data of this research as below:

1. The ship struck an iceberg, which tore a hole in ... side

a. his c. their

b. her d. our

16 students answers were correct, and 14 students answers were wrong.

The percentage of mastery is 100% = 53,33%

The correct answer is “The ship struck an iceberg, which tore a hole in her side”. The answer of question is “her” because ship is feminine so people use her to subtitute it.


2. Scotland lost many o f ... bravest men in two great rebellions,

a. he c. her

b. she d. him

19 students answers were correct, and 11 students answers were wrong. 19

The percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 63,33%

The correct answer is “Scotland lost many of her bravest men in two great rebellions”. The answer of question is “her” because Scotland is name of country and considered feminine so people use her to subtitute it.

3. The lady will take care of you, ... will always beside you.

a. you c. her

b. he d. she

14 students answers were correct, and 16 students answers were wrong. 14

The percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 46,7%

The correct answer is “The young lady will take care of you, she will always beside you”. The answer of question is “she” because the lady is woman of female, so people use her to subtitute the lady by she.

4. Managress point out me as ... assistant

a. he c. his

b. she d. her

12 students answers were correct, and 18 students answers were wrong.



The correct answer is “Managress point out me as her assistant”. The answer of question is “her” because manageress is a woman who lead the factory so people use her to subtitute manageress.

5. In my village there is a spinster,... have no husband and child.

a. he c. her

b. she d. his

14 students answers were correct, and 16 students answers were wrong. 14

The percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 46,7% 30

The correct answer is “In my village there is a spinster, she have no husband and child”. The answer of question is “she” because spinster is a woman who no marry yet of female so people use she to subtitute her. 6. Charles is Lady Diana’s son, we call he as ...

a. king c. prince

b. queen d. princess

12 students answers were correct, and 18 students answers were wrong. 12

The percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 40%

The correct answer is “Charles is Lady Diana’s son, we call he as prince”. The answer of question is “prince” because Charles is male so people use prince to call him.


10 students answers were correct, and 20 students answers were wrong. The percentage of masteiy is ^ - x 100% = 33,33%

The correct answer is “My nephew get job in the factory as a manager”. The answer of question is “manager” because nephew is male so people use manager to subtitute stephew.

8. The plane is landing,... land so fast.

a. he c. she

b. her d. his

10 students answers were correct, and 20 students answers were wrong.

The percentage of masterv is — x 100% = 33,33% 30

The correct answer is “The plane is landing, he land so fast”. The answer of question is “he” because “plane” considered male so people use he to subtitute the plane.

9. That can so big, ... has eight chairs inside

a. he c. his

b. she d. her

21 students answers were correct, and 9 students answers were wrong. The


percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 70% 30


10. Anita like to act, so she want to be an ...

a. actor c. artist

b. actress d. dancer

11 students answers were correct, and 19 students answers were wrong.

The percentage of masterv is — x 100% = 36,7% ' 30

The correct answer is “Anita like to act, so she want to be an actress”. The answer of question is “actress” because Anita is female so people use actress to call her.

11. People call man who not marry yet as a ...

a. spinster c. bachelor

b. infant d. girl

13 students answers were correct, and 17 students answers were wrong. 13

The percentage of mastery is — x i 00% = 43,33%

The correct answer is “People call man who not marry yet as bachelor”. The answer of question is “bachelor” because man is male so people use bachelor to call him.

12. Her niece sale cosmetics as a ...

a. saleswoman c. steward

b. sales d. waitrers

22 students answers were correct, and 8 students answers were wrong. The


The correct answer is “Her niece sale cosmetics as a saleswoman”. The answer of question is “saleswoman” because niece is female so people use saleswoman to call her.

13. Maya works in the night club as ...

a. waiter c. host

b. waitress d. hostess

24 students answers were correct, and 6 students answers were wrong. The 24

percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 80%

The correct answer is “Maya works in the night club as waitress”. The answer of question is “waitress” because Maya is female so people use waitress to subtitute her.

14. Xena is ... of Greek

a. heroine c. pastor

b. hero d. servant

21 students answers were correct, and 9 students answers were wrong.


The percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 70%

The correct answer is “Xena is heroine of Greek”. The answer of question is “heroine” because Xena is female so people call Xena or heroine.


15 students answers were correct, and 15 students answers were wrong. The percentage of mastery is ^ x 100% = 50%

The correct answer is “Linda works in the plane as stewardess”. The answer of question is “stewardess” because Linda is female so we call her as stewardess.

16. Ahmad is ... in his family after his father die

a. heiress c. father

b. heir d. son

20 students answers were correct, and 10 students answers were wrong. 20

The percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 66,7% 30

The correct answer is “Ahmad is heir in his family after his father die”. The answer of question is “heir” because Ahmad is male so we call him as heir.

17. That bitch so cruel, the day ... bite my foot.

a. he c. it

b. she d. you

9 students answers were correct, and 21 students answers were wrong. 9

The percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 30% 30


18. Anita will become ... because she will married tomorrow a. bridegroom c. prince

b. bride d. princess

18 students answers were correct, and 12 students answers were wrong. 18

The percentage of mastery is — x 100% = 60%

The correct answer is “Anita will become bridegroom because she will married tomorrow”. The answer of question is “bridegroom” because Anita is female so people call her by bridegroom.

19. People call Lady Diana as a ....

a. prince c. queen

b. princess d. king

26 students answers were correct, and 4 students answers were wrong. 26

The percentaee of masterv is — x 100% = 86.7% 30

The correct answer is “People call Lady Diana as a princess”. The answer of question is “princess” because Lady Diana is female so people call her


20. Indonesia is my country, ... has many cities

a. he c. his

b. she d. her

23 students answers were correct, and 7 students answers were wrong. 23


The correct answer is “Indonesia is my country, she has many cities”. The answer of question is “she” because Indonesia is the name of country and considered feminine or female so people use she to subtitute it.




13 9

B. Sources of Students Errors

In order to find out the cause of errors the writer did non statistical

“Scotland lost many o f ... bravest men in two great rebellion’'

a. she c. her

b. she d. him

Most of student make a mistake to do this question because in Indonesia style there is no role to distinguish word between male and female so they regard. He or she are same to subtitute Scotland.

2. Intralingual error


a. Orvergeneralization

The use of previously available strategies by students in new situation, but will be misleading and inapplicable.

For example:

“Anita like to act so she want to be... a. actor c. artist b. actress d. dancer

Students considered if act indicate with artist so they are choose artist than actress

b. Ignorance of rule restrictions

Closely related to the generalization of deviant structures is failure to observe the restrictions of existing structures. That is, the application of rules to contexts where they do not apply. In this research the researcher does not emphasized on verb so the researcher can not find out the error cause by it.

c. Incomplete application of rules

This error caused by students’ prediction about role of question. They think if the answer of question use apart of question itself, so they make deviant structures.

For example

“The plane is landing, ... land so fast”

a. he c. she


Students considered if the answer is the plane because in the question use the plane too. They ignore the substitute of the plane itself by she. d. False concepts hypothesized




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