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A C O R R E L A T IV E ST U D Y O F R E A D IN G IN T E R E S T T O R E A D IN G C O M P R E H E N SIO N (A Case Study o f the Second Year Students o f SM K Al-Falah Salatiga in the Academ ic Year o f 2010/ 2011) - Test Repository


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board o f Examiners as a partial o f the requirements For the degree o f Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

in English Department

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STATE ISLAM IC ST U D IE S IN ST IT U T E (STA IN) SA LATIG A Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id


In the name o f Allah, the M ost Gracious and the Most Merciful.

Hereby the researcher fully declares that this Graduating paper is made by the researcher herself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other “people” ideas except the information from the reference.

The researcher capable account this for graduating paper if in the future this graduating paper can be proved o f containing others idea or in fact the researcher imitate the other graduating paper.

This declaration is made by the writer to be understood.

Salatiga, August 11th, 2010 Researcher




FALAH SA L A T IG A IN T H E AC C A D E M IC Y E A R O F 2010/2011

FATK H U R R O Z A O IY A H NIM . 123 06 005

Has been brought to the board o f examiners in August, 3 1 st 2010 M / Ramadhan, 2 1 st 1431 H, and hereby considered to completely fullfillment o f the requirement

for the degree o f Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in The English and Educational Faculty.


August, 31 sti2010M Ramadhan, 21st 1431 H Board o f examiners

D r. I la h m a fH a m a d i, M .Pd NIP.) 19670112 199203 1 005

2nd examiner

Prof. Dr. H. M uh. Zuhri1. M. A'g-J ■' M aslihatul Um am i, S.Pd.I, M .A

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Consultant R uw andi, S. Pd. M .A

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When You Wholeheartedly Adopt A “W ith A d Your

Heart" A ttitu de A n d (jo Out W ith Yhe (Positive

Principles, You Con (Do Incredi6Ce Yhin



Yhe Modest, (Be Pgspectful O f Other A n d Yry Yo


This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to:

1. My beloved father (Suwamo) and my beloved mother (Latifah,) you are

inspiration in my life, thanks for your support, trust, finance, encouragement

and everlasting prayer, may I can stand without you.

2. My beloved sisters and brother, Mb Jannah, mb umi, mas fat and dhe’

Halimah, thanks for your kindness, togetherness and your prayer and my

nephew Abyan Alimi love you so much, also my beloved grand father and

grand mother.

3. My dearest friend, Ella, ZhaQy, Vella, Uzly, UnnuxT, Doweeks, udhin, mb

M a’un,City and kukuh.

4. The big family o f Islamic Boarding School Al Falah Salatiga.



In the name o f Allah, the m ost gracious, the most merciful, the lord o f

universe, because o f Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one o f

the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department o f Educational

faculty o f State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2010.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet

Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

This paper entitled “The Influence o f listening English songs habit toward

vocabulary mastery o f the first year students o f SMK Al Falah Salatiga in

academic year o f 2009/2010” is presented as partial fulfillment for the Sarjana

Degree at English Department o f the Salatiga State Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN). In writing this paper, the writer is guidance and support by several

people, so it can be finished, although there are still many mistakes. The writer

would like to thank to:

1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the Head o f State Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN) Salatiga.

2. Dr. Sa’adi, M.Ag, as a chief o f Education Faculty.

3. Mrs M aslikhatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A as a chief o f English Department.

4. Especially to M r Ruwandi, M.A as a consultant who has educated

supported, directed and given the writer advice, suggestion, and

recommendation for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.

5. All o f the lecturers in English department.


7. All o f the staff who have helped the writer in processing o f graduating paper


8. M y beloved father (Suwamo) and mother (Latifah), thanks all support, trust,

finance, encouragement, and pray.

9. Mr&Mrs.Zoemri.RWS thanks for support, praying, and your knowledge.

10. All o f my friends who can’t the writer mention it that has helped m e to

finish this Graduating paper.

Finally this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and

information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion

and contribution from the reader for the improvement o f the graduating paper.

Salatiga, it August, 2010




Fatkhur Rozaqiyah. 2010. A C orrelative Study o f Reading Interest to Reading Comprehension, A Case Study o f The Second Year Students o f SM K A L-Falah Salatiga in the Accadem ic Year o f 2010/2011.

The goal o f this graduating paper is investigating the correlation between reading interest to reading comprehension which focuses on problems: (1) How far is the score o f reading interest (2) How far is the score o f reading comprehension (3) How far is the influence o f reading interest to reading Comprehension.

The score of reading interest o f the second year students o f SMK AL- Falah Salatiga, according to writer is fair enough from the percentage o f reading interest score is (62,73%) The score o f reading comprehension in the second years students o f SMK AL-Falah Salatiga, according to writer,is good because the score o f the percentage o f reading comprehension score is (67,69%)

There is positive correlation between reading interest and reading comprehension because the score o f arithmetic is 0,87 after is consulted with critical r in the level o f significant o f 5 %, it is found that critical r for the number o f sample 26 is 0,388 it means mean that the research hypothesis saying that is correlation between reading interest and reading comprehension is received. It is proved that rh > rt (0,87 > 0,38)

This graduating paper is quantitative case study; with questionnaire and test, questionnaire in this research is question or statements about student’s interest given to the students to find out information about how far their reading interest is. Test is a measurement which is given to individual to get his or her pure score; the test used in this research is reading comprehension test to find out student mastery in reading.

After the writer find out the result o f research, that reading interest contributes a lot to reading comprehension, student should know their reading intensity to get more interest and reach the reading comprehension.

Keyword: Correlation, Reading, Interest, Comprehension.


T IT L E ... i




M O T T O ... v





LIST OF T A B L E ... xii

C H A P T E R I IN TRO D U C TIO N A. The Background o f the S tu d y ... 1

B. Identification o f the Problem s... 3

C. Limitation o f the Problems... 4

D. Statements o f the Problem s... 4

E. The Objectives o f the Research... 5

F. The Significance o f the Study... 5

G. Definition o f Key T e rm ... 6

H. H ypothesis... 7

I. Research M ethodology... 7



A. Definition o f Reading... 11

B. The Important Aspect to Improve Reading Skill 12 C. Strategies to R e a d ... 15

D. Extensive and Intensive R e a d in g ... 16

E. Reading Com prehension... 17

F. Related Reading and Com prehension... 21

G. Reading Interest ... 23

H. Causes o f Reading Failure ... 25

CHAPTER HI RESEARCH REPORT A. Data Presen tatio n ... 26

B. Research M eth o d o lo g y ... 28

C. Research V ariable... 30

CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION A. The Analysis ... 35

B. Interpretation on the Research R e s u lt... 41

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. C onclusion... 42

B. Suggestion... 43




TABLE I The Teachers and Staff SMK Al Falah S a la tig a ... 26

TABLE II The Name o f Sample ... 27

TABLE III The Score o f Reading In terest... 30

TABLE IV The Score o f Reading C om prehension... 31

TABLE V The Score o f Reading In terest... 36

TABLE VI The Score o f Reading Com prehension... 37

TABLE VII Product Moment Table ... 39



help understand the text. Reading is an understanding a message conveyed by

the writer through visual and non visual information (Fauziati, 2002:139)

3. Interest

Is the feeling of attentiveness or curiosity aroused by something

(Grolier, 1981: 502).

4. Comprehension

Power of the understanding to receive the contain ideas. (Grolier,


H. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a predicated is answers o f the research problem with

data. (Arikunto, 1993:102) The alternative hypothesis in this research is as


1. There is a positive correlation between reading interest and reading


2. There is a significant correlation between reading comprehension and

reading interest.

I. Research Methodology

1. Approach

In this research the writer used a quantitative approach.

Quantitative is a process o f to getting knowledge by using a number of


2. Types o f the research

This is a correlation research. This is to find out the correlation

between two variables or more. The first variable reading interest (x) and

the second variables is reading comprehension (y). (Margono, 2006:9).

3. Population and Sample

a. Population

Suharsimi Arikunto states “population is all members of the

research subjects” (Arikunto, 1993:102). The population in this

research o f this research is the second year students o f SMK AL­

FALAH Salatiga. The total number of population is 26 that are

consisting of 21 male and 5 female students.

b. Sample

Sample is a part of total population having heterogeneous

characteristic (Sugiyono, 2007:620). The writer used a total sample of

the second year sstudents o f A1 -Falah and consists o f 26 students.

4. Data Analysis

To calculate the data obtained, the writer uses the data as follows:

1. To calculate the score of reading interest, the writer uses formula as



P : Percentage

I X : The sum o f reading interest score

N : Number o f the samples

2. To calculate the score o f reading comprehension, the writer uses

formula as follows:

y v

P = — x 100% N

By witch:

P : Percentage

ZY : The sum o f reading interest score

N : Number if the samples

3. To calculate the correlation between reading interest and reading

comprehension, the with

" ‘ p r s ' p r s ' j


r : Correlation coefficient o f variable X and Y

2'JCY : The sum o f the product multiplying and reading test scores

and the Questionnaire’s scores

UC : The sum o f the reading interest scores

E7 : The sum o f reading comprehension scores



Z ( f ) : The sum o f reading comprehension square

N : The total number o f samples

5. Out Line o f the Thesis.

This thesis consists of five chapters, which is systemized as


Chapter I introduction; consist of the problem, the identification

o f problem, limitation o f the problem, the formulization of the problem,

the objective of the research, the significance o f the research, definition of

key term, hypothesis, research methodology, thesis outline

Chapter II Deal with theoretical review o f reading

comprehension consist of definition of reading, important aspects to

improve reading skill , the strategies to reading, extensive and intensive

reading, reading comprehension, related reading and comprehension,

reading interest, role o f reading interest, cause of reading failure.

Chapter III is research report and data presentation which

contains general situation o f SMK Al - Falah Salatiga, and data


Chapter IV is analysis of with discussion, the result of the

research and implication o f the research.

Chapter V is closure; consist o f conclusion, suggestion





A. Definition of Reading

There are many definitions and the goals o f reading because o f the

complexity o f the reading process. It is suitable to discuss the differences

among point o f views.

According to Rudolph Fleshch in the “Why Johnny can’t read and you

can do about it”, at reading means getting meaning from each letter stands for

and he can read.

According to Daniel Hittleman, in “Development Reading” : A

psycholinguistic perspective that reading is a verbal process interrelated with

thinking and with all other communication abilities as listening, speaking and

writing. Specifically, reading is the process of reconstructing from the printed

patterns on the page the ideas and information intended by the author.

Reading is an interactive and interpretative process (Fauziati,

2002:139). The students process their background knowledge and the printed

text using specific skills and strategies from expectations or predictions about

the text, selection and using the most productive cues to confirm or reject

those predictions, through Reading and Discussion.

Reading involves more than word recognition, and comprehension is a

vital aspects of reading. Students must know the text whole comprehension;


students should bring to the premises at time as significant to reading as what

is actually written on it.

B. The Important Aspects to Improve Reading Skill

To reach the reading comprehension, there are elements that are

important to growth in reading comprehension physical as health, mental

health, and intelligence, maturity background of experience, role o f the

learner, and role o f the teacher (Dalmam, 1982: 27).

1. Physical Health

The physical health is essential in the learning process nervous

tension and even can reduce enjoyment and interest in reading.

To provide the help o f healthful physical environment, it must be

takeover o f rest and exercise, the function part of body it’s foundation

necessary, sight receive the images o f an object. The learner who has low

sight they will get difficulties in reading the low sight they will get the

target in the reading. Teacher’s focus to the students that has problem with

eye and focus on how is the way to read well.

2. Hearing

Learner who suffers from hearing is at a distinct disadvantage of

losing the oral explanation from the teacher’s oral explanation. The sharp

o f auditory is necessary in the process of learning to read. Hearing loss

may be no more common among poor readers than among good readers.



explanation by teacher. So that, the learner who has low hearing will

reduce than those hearing.

3. Speech

Normal speech development is an advantage in early reading

instruction. The learner with a speech obstacle the teacher o f reading has

to identify the difficulties and realize that students with a speech obstacle

may not be able to produce correctly the sound products. Informal speech

development, it’s the answer to reduce that obstacles.

Learner who has speech obstacle will get difficulties and will be

distressed when reading loud voice and he may get stress usually when the

learner will read with load voice even do not want to read.

4. Mental Health

Safe feeling is the basic development in the growth in readings self

confidence is a basic to perform better in any activity. A feeling of

successful performance and a strong desire to achieve this may cannot

learn up to capacity, in reading or in anything else. May case used by

anxieties, frustration and the sense o f failure. To create students be

accepted and respected effort is help it.

To get successful in the process of learning to read, teachers must

know the learner capabilities, teachers need to set reading program to

improve the capacity of reading of the learner to comprehend better what


5. Intelligence

Intelligence and reading ability have the close relation. The cultural

background and environment are likely to effect between reading and

intelligence test. The correlation between intelligence test and reading test

means that a large parts of an intelligence test it’s closely related to the

ability to read.

The students’ intelligence may be unclear in early stage of

learning, to read than later. There are many students who are slow to find

the target o f reading. Teachers must support them to reach their aims in


6. Maturity

Age should be taken into consideration in the planning reading of

program for the students. It is a matter of dispute, that physical maturity is

necessaiy and usually a characteristic that does not influence the learning

process in reading.

7. Background of experience

Acquiring meaning is related to previous experience of the

students. The experience related to other words and ideals in the sentence.

It may learner has personal experience.

8. Attitude o f students

It is connected with students’ interest in reading and motivation in



should be the teacher’s duty to provide or help the students reach their


Activities will show new experience in the capabilities o f reading

interest and reading comprehension.

9. Attitude of The Teacher

Teacher is the most important role in reading program. Such

reading material, reading curriculum, the teachers successful in reading

must be considered to achieve the effective ways o f teaching reading and

his teaching accordingly.

C. Strategies to Read

The students need to read affective by get ease so that they can reach

the goal o f reading well. Learner must decide reading goal, because will help

learners to reach the aims of far instance skimming or scanning. (

Djiwandono, 2002:76).

There are three activities in reading, before reading, while reading and

after reading. In the first steps or before reading, learner should arrange the

question about the main idea and the answer in the while reading. Activities

after reading is use to know, what that questions are answered well. This way

is suitable to the learner who is studying to big knowledge.

Effective’s ways to read vastly to get the new information in the target

vastly in reading, skimming and scanning is solution. Skimming is the act to

take essence from the object. Skimming in reading is look for the essence in


D. Extensive and Intensive Reading.

Students need to be involved both extensive and intensive reading to

get maximum on their reading.

1. Extensive reading program

Extensive reading program for development o f learner word

recognitions such appropriate materials, guidance, task and facilities.

a. Extensive reading material

Extensive reading material should be in the fundamental

condition because students should read the reading material which they

can mastery. There are struggle to understand every word; they can

hardly be reading for pleasure. For the case teacher should be

provides books which improve their reading.

b. Setting up a library

Library with suitable book is necessary; library will not have

been wasted if the students take part in extensive reading program.

c. The role of teacher

Teacher roles are crucial because most o f learner will not do a

lot o f extensive reading by themselves. May the teacher need to

promote reading, persuade students o f its benefit.

d. Extensive reading task

To rich the goal o f reading the students should be report task on

their reading in a number ways so that teacher should be prompt



2. Intensive reading and the role o f teacher

The teacher needs to tell exactly what the reading purpose is giving

the learner instruction how to achieve it. Teacher observes learner progress

in reading, give learner the task. Teacher may lead a feedback session to

check that they have completed the task successfully and always ask to say

where in the text founded in learner’s answer (Harmer, 1988: 110-113),

E. Reading Comprehension

Comprehension is an absolute necessity in the reading. Reading with

comprehension is meant constructing meaning from what is being perceived in

writing, in fact. Reading without understanding should not be called reading,

for reading necessarily involves comprehending.

1. Method to developing reading comprehension

Student who can perform their ability in reading do not lie to use

the strategies increase their reading, so that the students may:

• Establish a goal o f principal part to reading

• During, before, and after reading the students have to asking the


• A drawing, map, chart, diagram, have to show through retelling story

that they have understood the purpose of what they have read.

• Teacher writers a little paragraph or story to identify the topic



Make more and more competition with each friend. With this way

teachers also make sure the materials are interesting and teach that they

should establish a background of experience and knowledge to the reading


Literal comprehension is the meaning of words and sentences

In the literal meaning words and sentences, the student should be able to

recognize, locate, and elaborate explicitly in the main idea, significant

details sequence, direction and so on .Therefore they must be able to

answer the questions required literally.

2. Good and Poor Comprehend

a. Good comprehend

Reading comprehension may have ability to pronounce the

printed word. Good comprehend are capable o f mastering the words

accurately. May students have master thousands o f word accurately or

may students have master thousands o f words or vocabulary, and

show install, good readers always pay much attention to the

information relevant their purpose by read in the largest unit

appropriate with the task.

The indicator o f good comprehender possesses the ability to:

1) Associate experiences and meaning with the graphics symbol (have

an adequate meaning vocabulary).

2) Understand words in context and select the meaning o f that’s fits



3) Give meaning to units o f increasing size: the phrase, clause,

sentence, paragraph, and whole selection.

4) Develop literal and denotative meaning (be able to answer literal

question about a passage)

• Detect and understand the main idea.

• Recognize and recall significant fact or details.

• Follow directions given in the material.

• Recognize the sequence o f a passage.

• Identify explicitly stated expressions o f relationship, such as

cause-effect, contrast, comparison.

5) Develop an understanding o f the organization (be able to answer

question calling for an analysis, synthesis, or organization o f ideas

and information explicitly stated)

• Identify the basis o f paragraph organization; for example,

comparison-contrast, cause-effect, classification or

categorization, enumerative sequence, time sequence, size,

distance, position or degree, general to specific, thesis-proof

pattern, opinion-reason pattern, problem-solution pattern,

narrative-description pattern, definition pattern.

• Summarize, outline, underline, and take notes on the material


6) Develop inferential, interpretative, or connotative meaning o f the


• Make inferences, draw conclusions, generalize, speculate, or


• Interpret figurative expressions.

• Supply implied details.

• Anticipate outcomes.

7) Make judgments or critical evaluations about the material:

• Evaluate the quality, accuracy, truthfulness, and

appropriateness, o f what read.

• Determine whether the text affirms, denies, or fails to express

an opinion about a suppose fact or condition.

• Detect propaganda, one sided presentation, prejudices, biases,

and faulty inferences.

• Evaluate the writer’s reputation, biases, purposes, and motives.

• Detect errors o f reasoning, analogy, over generalization, over

implication, and distortion.

8) Reading for learning:

• Retain ideas.

• Apply ideas and integrate them with pass experience.

• Reads maps, graphs, chart.

• Use the dictionary

9) Read for appreciation:



• Identify the tone, theme, mood, and intent or purpose the

writer. (Dechant, 1982:314)

b. Poor comprehend

The poor readers are more concerned with word identification.

They read the text in a word by word manner with a minimum o f task

organization at a higher level. When the materials are read, the

students can understand. The poor comprehend on reading may

increase obstacles to face unfamiliar words. Uncorrected errors

especially in oral reading were made by students. It they can not cut

the meaning o f the task, they get difficulties to correct their problems

on the reading task.

F. Related Reading and Comprehension

Reading necessarily involves comprehension. Sometimes reading

certainly implies comprehension. Context generally serves to make meaning

to make meaning clear preserving us for the undesirable necessity of using

familiar words in unfamiliar ways or o f inventing unfamiliar words for

familiar purposes (Smith, 1982: 5).

When students enjoy reading a book and sometimes it does not but

students have been repeat reading and scarcely understood a word. Such

flexibility does not illustrate a flaw o f language but rather its boundless


The Distinction between reading with comprehension and reading.


them at all. When there is no possibility o f comprehension of a meaning and

it’s important to make the situation clear. Reading is something that makes

sense to the students, and always should.

The understand comprehension theoretically is o f crucial importance in

the study o f reading. There are some problems in comprehension, the problem

is not a quantity o f any thing and therefore cannot be measured.

Comprehension is not an opposite of ignorance, and therefore is not

quantifiable as the accumulation o f a certain number o f facts or items of


Comprehension is more appropriately regarded as a state the opposite

o f confusion comprehension in reading task, repairing an appliance or trying

to find the way through the traffic downtown.

The greatest in the students’ read is depend on the health environment

situation, because if the learner grow up in the environment that give the bad

effect may not get the good situation to create concentration in process of

study (Musthafa, 2005: 118 ).

Environment effort to improve the reading abilities and can be

stimulate. It can be achieved through habitual action in reading more one more

in other parts o f the schools day, reading out o f the class, as well as through

the use of practice exercises specifically set up to provide improvement in the

readings skills. Activities other than reading, can serve as an important means



The close relation between environment and comprehension, its benefit

to create the power o f motivation which is made for stimulating purpose on

the part of learner.

G. Reading Interest

The lack of interest in reading may make the poor reading or reading

failure. Student interest also improves students reading achievement.

Interest is the functions o f soul to reach something and come from

inner powerful the problem are learner will not read consideration of

motivation and an interest in reading is the answer that problem.

Students may learn to read because are motivated bay base personal

needs. Little by little the students become skill in reading and become interest

by self awareness.

1. The interest role

Interest is set o f attending, the tender to give selective attention to


Interest appears trough the communication o f basic needs and the

mean used to satisfy the learner. The basic needs o f personal capable such

self esteem of others, Curiosity or success.

With reading interest the students learn to use reading as a mean of

enjoyment studying and thinking also will prepare in order to provide time

for reading interest to determines how much students will read or even

whether they will become and more important the area within which


The ladder and lure described development o f interest in reading,

teacher and parent must be make lured to their children or students,

reading failure are lack o f attention, the poor o f concentration also get

difficulties to established interest and obstacles.

Material that too difficult it may make the problem in the

motivation, and may be help through their progresses and awareness.

2. Method to improve reading interest

After the students are skillful to read they must make reading as a

hobby. To achieve this, should make decision to grow up reading interest

with good condition at home. The method can be as follows:

• The positive remarks from parent

• Provide the interesting books and magazines are which appropriate

with learners’ hobby

• Parents should to discuss with their children about the content of the

books, magazines, and newspapers.

• Story tells and read with louder sound, and one other material that

improve their reading interest.

3. The school role

The role o f teacher to grow up reading interest is by creating the

conducive information, as the following.

• The teacher must show to the students and their reading interest.

• Provide the materials which are suitable with learners necessity.



H. Causes of Reading Failure

There are many causes o f reading failure such as personal

maladjustment. The part of maladjustment may even cause problems with

reading; painful emotional events early during effort at reading may turn to

students. Difficulties in adjusting to a new environment, poor parents’

students’ relationship, lack of encouragement from home and negative

attitudes o f parents to learning, in general may all lead to reading failure.

Students may be pessimist that there are lack in reading and those are

sure that they cannot learn to read , students may be pessimist o f making

mistakes and they do not want to be wrong they refuse to read.

The special factors that disturb reading disability for certain students

are low frustration. Such students are easily discouraged, cry easily, fight


A. Data Presentation

1. General Situation o f SMK AL-Falah Salatiga

SMK AL- Falah Salatiga has been established since 2005 years

ago. SMK AL-Falah was built the students o f AL- Falah Islamic boarding

school.This school is established by the leader of the Islamic boarding

school o f AL - Falah, KH Mohamad Zoemri in his own place. At the

beginning, KH Mohamad Zoemri received the students in his surroundings

and followed by the students from the other regions, SMK AT .-Falah is

located at Jalan Bima No 2, Dukuh, Sidomukti Salatiga, post code 5072.

2. The Identity of School


b. Address : Jl. Bima No. 2 Kel. Dukuh.

Sidomukti post code 50722

Telp: (0298) 321685

3. The Teachers and staffs of SMK AL-Falah Salatiga are as follows:


No Name Teaching Job Status

1. Samsidi, A. Md Chemistry Head master

2. Dra. Tri Fatichah English Teacher

3. Nikmah, S.Pd Productive Teacher

4. Laksmi H. S.Pd Productive Teacher



No Name Teaching Job Status

5. Edy Romly Qur'an Hadits Teacher

6. Abdullah Salam Ahli Sunah Wal



7. Sri Widyaningsih, S.Pd English Teacher

8. Mateas Ma'ruf, S.Pd Conseling Teacher

9. Suharto, S.Pd Mathematics Teacher

10. Drs. Setyo Prayitno Physic Teacher

11. Meyla Kumiawati, S.Pd Mathematics Teacher

12. Rinta Sari, S.Pd Sociology and



13. Dhany Susatyo Productive Teacher

14. Nur Ahmad A1 Faruqi Religion Teacher


No Name

using a number o f data as instruments to have explanations about what

will we know. In general quantitative research can do as descriptive

research. (Margono, 2005:106).

b. Method

The goal o f this research is to find out how far the variations in

a factor witch connect with variations in one factor or more based on


There are important aspects in correlation



• Literature review

• Set the approach

o Identify the relevant variables

o Choose the best subject

o Set the appropriate measurement

o Choose the appropriate correlation method

• Collecting data

• Analyze the data

• Make report ( Suryabrata, 1983:26)

2. Method o f collecting data

a. Questionnaire Method

Questionnaire in this research is question or statements about

student’s interest given to the students to find out information about

how far their reading interest is.

In this research the writer gives the questionnaire three times to

the students witch the writer choose the most appropriate answer with

multiple choice, the number o f questionnaire is 25 points.

b. Test

Test is a measurement which is given to individual to get his or

her pure score, the test used in this research is reading comprehension

test to find out student mastery in reading. (Sudjana and Ibrahim,


c. Document

It is finding data about variables in notes, recording cassette,

video, (Sukandarmudi, 2004:101)pictures and others.

This method is using to know the situation and condition,

teacher, student and location of SMK AL-Falah Salatiga.





No Name Score

16 Nduwono


17 Muhamad Iksanudin


18 Mukamad Saefudin


19 Ivan aditya


20 Baedony


21 Muhamad Abu dardaq


22 Joko Sulistyo


23 Rohmad Barudin 90

24 Shobri Zidni 80

25 Didik Tri Widodo 60

26 Muhamad Adriyanto





After collecting the data, the writer is going to analyze the result of the

research and review the calculation o f the data from second year students o f

SMK Al-Falah Salatiga. There are three calculations stage which are going to be

used in this research namely the calculation o f reading interest, reading

comprehension , and the correlation between reading interest and reading


Based on the objective o f this study that:

1. To know the score of reading interest of the second year students of SMK AL-

Falah Salatiga in the academic year o f 2010/2011

2. To know the score of reading comprehension of the second year students of

SMK AL- Falah Salatiga in the academic year o f 2010/2011

3. To know the correlation o f reading interest to reading comprehension o f the

second year students o f SMK AL- Falah Salatiga in the academic year of


To get three objectives above the writer uses percentage formula to find

out the score of reading interest and how far the score o f reading comprehension.

To know how far is the correlation o f reading interest to reading comprehension

the writer uses product moment calculation.


There three stages o f calculation namely the calculation o f the reading

interest, reading comprehension, and the correlation between reading and reading


1. To calculate the score o f reading interest, the writer uses formula as follows:

By witch

r J * . xl00% N

P : Percentage


: The sum o f reading interest score

N : Number o f the samples

2. To calculate the score o f reading comprehension, the writer uses formula as


y y

P= — *100%


By witch:

P : Percentage

ZY : The sum o f reading interest score

N : Number if the samples

3. To calculate the correlation o f reading interest and reading comprehension, the

writer uses formula as follows:

The steps of the product moment correlation formula are as follows:

o Make a table for calculating the product moment correlation formula

o Insert the column o f table



Make the conclusion o f result


-Correlation coefficient o f variable X and Y

The sum of the product multiplying and reading test scores

and the Questionnaire’s scores

The sum of the reading interest scores

The sum o f reading comprehension scores

The sum o f reading interest square

The sum of reading comprehension square


The total number of samples

A. The analysis

According to the problems statement the writer is going to analyze

them, the data are collected through questionnaire and test, the questionnaire is

an instrument to know about reading interest and test is an instrument to know

the reading comprehension.

1. The calculation of reading interest. This is used to know how far the score

of reading interest of the second year students of SMK Al-Falah


P= — x\00%

calculation showing the percentage of it that is 62,73%.



Al-Falah Salatiga is, The writer uses formula as follows:


Based on the calculation above, the writer sum up that the score of

students, reading comprehension is fair enough. The result o f the

calculation showing that the score is 67,69%.




No Name Score

comprehension of the second year students of SMK Al-Falah Salatiga, the


X Y X3 Y3 XY

67 70 4489 4900 4690

42 50 1764 2500 2100

51 60 2601 3600 3060

49 50 2401 2500 2450

80 90 6400 8100 7200

75 80 5625 6400 6000

53 60 2809 3600 3180

54 70 2916 4900 3780

7.1631 71760 7.106015 7.123400 7.113850

Based on the calculation and analysis above the writer is able to

explain that:

1. The score o f reading interest o f the second year students of SMK AL-

Falah Salatiga, according to is fair enough from the percentage of

reading interest score is (62,73%)

2. The score o f reading comprehension in the second years students o f SMK

AL-Falah Salatiga, according to writer is good because the score of the

percentage o f reading comprehension score is (67,69%)

3. There is positive correlation between reading interest and reading

comprehension because the score o f arithmetic is 0,87 after is consulted

with critical r in the level o f significant o f 5 % its found that critical r for

the number o f sample 26 is 0,388 that’s mean that the research hypothesis

saying there is correlation between reading interest and reading



B. Interpretation on the Research Result.

Based on the reading interest score the writer infers that there is

enough score of the students’ reading interest is 62,7% and the score of

students reading comprehension is 67,69 is good

From the result o f product moment calculation analysis is 0,87. To

understand the correlation o f variable (x) to variable (y) the arithmetic r

should be compared with r table with the number o f sample are 26 students,

and level o f significance 5% is proved that r calculation is higher than r table

(0,87 > 0,38).

Therefore, the hypothesis saying, there is correlation between students’

breading interest and reading comprehension is received. It means that there is

positive correlation o f reading interest and reading comprehension, o f the


After calculating and analyze the result of the research the writer is going

to conclude and share suggestion in this study. This study includes two variables

they are variable x and variable y. The students reading interest is symbolized by

x and students comprehension, is symbolized by y this aim to describe the

correlation between reading interest and reading comprehension o f the second

year students of SMK AL-Falah

A. Conclusion

Based on the research, the writer concludes that:

• Based on the calculation, the writer sum up that the students reading

interest o f the second year students o f SMK AL-Falah is fair enough. This

based on the on the score of the calculation showing the percentage o f it

that is 62, 73%

• Based on the calculation above, the writer sum up that the score of

students reading comprehension of the second years students o f SMK AL-

Falah is 67,69, it means that the students reading comprehension is good.

The result o f the calculation showing that the score is 67,69%

• There is positive correlation between reading interest and reading

comprehension because the score o f arithmetic is 0,87 after is consulted

with critical r in the level of significant of 5 % its found that critical r for

the number o f sample 26 is 0,388 that’s mean that the research hypothesis



saying there is correlation between reading interest and reading

comprehension is received. It is proved that rh > rt (0,87 > 0,38)

B. Suggestion.

After the writer find out the result o f the research, the writer gives

some suggestions hopefully would be useful to English teacher especially, to

improve students reading interest so that they can mastery English language.

1. To the students

Reading interest contributes a lot to reading comprehension, so that

how to improve in reading interest students should be increase the

intensity o f reading to get more interest in reading and get the good result.

To get the reading interest and reading comprehension students should

know their reading hobbies, students may collect some books as what they


Student should be active in the class and responsible with their

duty and read the material at home intensively and repeatedly.

2. To the teacher

Motivation from the teacher is great contribution to increase

reading interest. In the teaching learning process, appropriate method is a


Ahmadi, Abu. 1991 .P sikologi belajar, rien eacipta.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1993. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Yogyakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Dallmann, Martha. 1982. the teaching reading. New York: College publishing.

Darjowijojo, Soejono. 2003. Rampai Bahasa Pendidikan dan Budaya Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Dechant, Emerland v. 1982. Im proviing the teaching o f reading. London: united states.

Djiwandono, istitarto. 2002. Stratergi membaca bahasa ingri., Jakarta: Pustaka utam a

Fauziati, Endang. 2002. Teaching o f English A s Foreign Language, Surakarta: Muhamadiyah Univerity Press.

Grolier. 1981. The Grolier International dictionary. United State of America: Maynard Massachusetts,Inffonic.

H a d i, Sutrisna .1981. Statistik. Yogyakarta: Offset.

Harmer, Jeremy. 1988. English language teaching. England: Longman.

Margono, 2004. M etodologi penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka cipta.

Musthafa, Fahim. 2005. Agar anak gamar membaca. Hikmah.

Smith, Frank, 1982. understanding reading., New York: College publishing.

Sudjana, Nana Ibrahim. 1989. Penelitian dan Penilaian Pendidikan, Bandung: Sinar Baru.

Sugiyono,. 2007. Statistika untuk Penelitian, Bandung: Alfa Beta.



Nama :

Kelas :

No Absen :


Baca dan pahami pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada dengan teliti.

Jawablah pertanyaan dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Berilah tanda silang (X) paada jawaban a, b, c, atau d pada setiap pertanyaan.


1. Apakah anda tertarik dengan bahasa inggris ?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

2. Apakah anda tertarik dengan tema - tema pelajaran bahasa inggris yang anda pelajari?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

3. Apakah anda tertarik memepelajari kata - kata bahasa inggris dan berupaya menguasainya?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

4. Apakah anda tertarik untuk menguasai struktur bahasa dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik


5. Apakah anda tertarik membaca buku - buku bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

6. Apakah anda tertarik berbicara dengan bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

7. Apakah anda tertarik menulis buku harian dengan bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

8. Apakah anda tertarik menulis surat dengan bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

9. Apakah anda tertarik menulis catatan dengan bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

10. Apakah anda tertarik menyaksikan film -film berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

11. Apakah anda tertarik mendengarkan siaran - siaran berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

12. Apakah anda tertarik mendengarkan lagu berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik


b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

14. Apakah anda tertarik membaca koran berbabahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

15. Apakah anda tertarik membaca majalah berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

16. Apakah anda tertarik membaca iklan berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

17. Apakah anda tertarik membaca komik berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

18. Apakah anda tertarik menyaksikan kartun berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

19. Apakah anda tertarik bertanya dengan bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d . Sangat tidak tertarik

20. Apakah anda tertarik menjawab pertanyaaan berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik


21. Apakah anda tertarik menjelaskan dengan bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

22. Apakah anda tertarik membaca majalah berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

23. Apakah anda tertarik mendengarakan lagu berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

24. Apakah anda tertarik mendiskusikan pengalaman anda dengan berbahasa inggris?

a. Sangat tertarik c. Tidak tertarik

b. Cukup tertarik d. Sangat tidak tertarik

25. Apakah latar belakang pengetahuan yang anda miliki membantu dalam pemahaman teks bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat membantu b. Tidak membantu


international airport in Bandung. You have to go to Jakarta, than travel to Bandung.

Now the question is how to get to Bandung from Jakarta ? There are many ways.

• Taxi from the airport. You can ride taxi from the airport to Bandung. Current

estimate o f the cost is around Rp 250.000; (with US$1 = Rp 10.000;so that’s

around US$25). Be sure to get a good taxi. Blue Bird is a reliable name in taxi.

Don’t use other taxi name if you can.

• Trains, (this is the means that I usually take) trains rim frequently from Jakarta

to Bandung and vice versa. Have alook at its schedule . Jakarta - Bandung route

is very popular. If you don’t get tiket, you’ll going to wait a long time in a line.(

more dian 1 hours) On Friday and weekends it’s almost impossible to get ticket

if you don’t book ahead o f time. The cost o f ticket is Rp 20.000 to Rp 40.000;

(depending on the class). To get the train station from the airport, you have two


o Taxi. Its around R 50.000; (or Rp 80.000; if you get a private taxi from

the inside o f airport. It’s safe) Outside the airport you have to haggle

again, look for Blue Bird taxi .(this is what I take)

o Bus.there is a shuttle bus from the airport to train station. Look for “

Gambir “. It costs Rp 5.000 /person. The bus is relatively safe and ok,

You’ll just have to wait a little longer ( since it has schedule). If you

heve planty o f time to catch to train, then bus is an ok choice. Watch

your bellongings while you’re on the bus. There has not been any

problem with this bus. But, it’s better to be cautious.

• Shuttle, There are informal shuttle (they call it “travel”’) at the Gambir train

station. They ussualy wait outside the train station and wait for people who

could not get tickets. The cost is around Rp20.000 to 30.000/person. This is also

ok, if you can stand the way they drive. Even I feel scared with the way they

drive. I dont recommend this for the faint o f heart.

Now ... there is an airline (Deraya) that provides services from jakarta to

Bandung (and back to Jakarta) daily. It’s Rp. 285.000 for one way trip. It takes 30



1. According to the writer, what is Bandung like?

2. Where is it located?

3. Is there an airport in Bandung?

4. So, what must someone do if he wants to fly to Bandung?

5. What means of transportation can we take to get Bandung from Jakarta?

6. Which one is the cheapest? How much is the fare?

7. Where can we find train?

8. Is it easy to get on a train?

9. If you don’t get ticket, you’ll going to?


Website: \yww,st8insalatiga,ag,id E-mail: administrasi@stainsalatiRa,ac,id

Ruwandi, S.pd, M.A Salatiga, August 16lh, 2010

The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute o f Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE

Case : Fatkhur Rozaqiyah’s Graduating Paper


The Head o f State Islamic

Studies Institute o f Salatiga

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Fatkhur Rozaqiyah’s Graduating Paper entitled




decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational

faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.




Jl. T e n ta ra P e la ja r 0 2 T e lp .( 0 2 9 8 ) 3 2 3 7 0 6 ,3 2 3 4 3 3 F ax 3 2 3 4 3 3 S a la tig a 50721

W e b s ite : w w w .s ta in s a la tig a .a c .id E - m a i l : u d m in is tra s i@ s ta in s a la tig a .a c .id

Nomor: Sti.24/K-l/TL.01/rtS£ /2010 17 Mei 2010

Lamp : Proposal Penelitian.

Hal : 1 jin Penelitian


Yth.Kepala SMK Al Falah Salatiga di Salatiga

Assalamualaikum w. w.

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, kami menerangkan bahwa :

N am a

: Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga : Tarbiyah

: Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI)

Dalam rangka penyelesaian studi Program S. 1 di STAIN Salatiga, diwajibkan memenuhi salah satu persyaratan yang berupa pembuatan SKRIPSI.

Adapun judul yang diambil adalah :


Dengan Pembimbing : Ruwandi, M.A Asisten Pembimbing :

Untuk penyelesaian Skripsi tersebut, kami mohon Bapak/Ibu memberi izin kepada mahasiswa tersebut untuk mengadakan penelitian guna memperoleh data atau keterangan dan bahan yang diperlukan di SMK Al Falah Salatiga, mulai tanggal 24 Mei 2010 s.d. selesai.

Kemudian atas pemberian izin Bapak/Ibu, kami sampaikan terima kasih.

Wassalamualaikum w. n>.


Website : www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id

mor: Sti.24/K-l/PP.00.9/I-1.3.048/2010 12 Mei 2010

np. : Proposal Skripsi

Dalam rangka penulisan Skripsi Mahasiswa Program Sarjana (S.l). Saudara ditunjuk sebagai Dosen Pembimbing / Asisten Pembimbing Skripsi mahasiswa :


Apabila dipandang perlu Saudara diminta mengoreksi tema Skripsi di atas.

Demikian untuk diketahui dan dilaksanakan.




M : 123 06 005

nbimbing : Ruwandi, S.Pd., MA.

d u l A Correlative Study o f Reading Interest to Reading Comprehension (A

Case Study of the Second Year StudenCof SMK Al - Falah Salatiga in the

Academic Year of 2010/2011) ^

.onsultasi lembar ini harus dibawa


Nama : Fatkhur Rozaqiyah

Nim : 123 06 005

Jurusan/Progdi : Tarbiyah/TBI

PA : Ruwandi, S.Pd, M.A

No Jenis Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Status Nilai

1. M asa Penerimaan Anggota Baru (MAP ABA) PMII Joko Tingkir Salatiga

14-16 September 2006

Peserta 3

2. Pelatihan Kader Dasar (PKD) 17-19 Mei 2007 Peserta 3

3. W orkshop “Pelatihan Karya Tulis Ilmiyah” BEM STAIN Salatiga

27-28 November

6. Bakti Sosial Forum Mahasiswa Temanggung

18-20 Desember 2007

Panitia 3

7. Bedah Buku “Cintailah Cinta” LDK STAIN

22 Maret 2010 Peserta 2

8. Training o f Trainer (TOT) PMII Joko Tingkir Salatiga

13-14 Agustus 2008

Peserta 4

9. Konsolidasi Kader PMII Joko Tingkir Salatiga 2008

21 September 2008

Panitia 3

10 MAP ABA PMII Joko Tingkir Salatiga

14-16 Nopember 2008

Panitia 3

11 PLCPP ke 16 RAC ANA 21-24 November Peserta 3

12 Saminar Regional Entrepreneur goes to campus by Forum Komunikasi Wartawan M ahasiswa Jawa Tengah

03 Juni 2009 Peserta 4

13 Amalan Ramadhan Racana (ARR) 6-10 September 2009

Peserta 2

14 MAP ABA PMII Joko Tingkir Salatiga

13-15 Nopember 2009

Panitia 3

15 Optimalisasi Gerak Kader PMII Joko Tingkir Salatiga 2008

22 Nopember 2009


16 Seminar Kebangsaan DEMA STAIN Salatiga

2 Desember 2009 Peserta 2

17 Seminar Regional “ Modernisasi Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Iptek”

16 Desember 2009

Peserta 4

18 Festifal Bahasa Internasional CEC dan ITTAQO

20 April 2010 Peserta 2

19 Bedah Buku “JalanCinta Para Pejuang” LDK STAIN Salatiga

24 A p ril 2010 Peserta 2

20 Seminar Pendidikan Seks Bagi Remaja, Biro Konsultasi TAZKIA

22 Seminar Regional “ Peran Pendidikan Islam Dalam

M embentuk Jati Diri Mahasiswa”

17 Mei 2010 Peserta 4


NoTABLE INameTeaching Job


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