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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 034214015





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 034214015




beloved family: Papi & Mami, Om To, Mas Jondhet & Mba Udit, Mba Mega &

Mas Ishar, Mba Galih & Mas Dhadhang, and Damar for the never ending love and


My chief debt goes to Sarwoto. P, S.S., M.A., my advisor, who has

willingly spent his precious time to read and correct this thesis; and who has

patiently encouraged and supported me in improving this thesis with his advice;

from ‘nothing’ into a piece of this little work. My deepest gratitude also goes to

Maria Ananta Tri Suryandari, S.S., M. Ed., my co-advisor, who has devoted her

valuable time to read and give corrections and also suggestions to make this thesis

better. I would like also say thank you to Dr. Hary Susanto, S.J., for the discussion

and encouragement to finish the thesis.

I thank all my friends from the English Letters Study Program, especially

those from class A. I also thank to Mba Poet, Ella, and Icad for the great

friendship. Thank you to Jo for reminding me to learn more from a lot of the small

things. Thank you to my beloved friends “eks-stembayo”: Mba Pt, Mb Fiet, Mba

Rieh, Mba Aniek, Mba U’an, Mba Andar, Mba Desy, and Herlin. I would like

also say thank to Mba Iyus, Mas Lilik and Mas Wahyu for all the advices and





A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Problem Formulation... 4

C. Objectives of the Study ... 4

D. Definition of Term ... 5


A. Review of Related Studies ... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ... 8

1. Theory on Character and Characterization ... 8

2. Theory on Conflict ... 10

A. The Elaboration of the Characters Presented in the Novel ... 30

1. The Characterization of Major Characters ... 31

a. George ... 34

b. Lennie ... 33

2. The Characterization of Minor Characters... 37

a. Candy ... 38

b. Crooks ... 39

c. Curley’s wife ... 40

d. Curley... 42

B. The Elaboration of the Conflicts ... 44

1. Major Characters’ Conflicts... 45

a. George ... 45

b. Lennie... 50

2. Minor Characters’ Conflicts... 52


1. Major Characters... 64

a. George ... 64

b. Lennie... 68

2. Minor Characters... 72

a. Candy ... 72

b. Crooks ... 75

c. Curley’s Wife ... 78

d. Curley... 81





Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2008.

Of Mice and Men is a novel that tells about friendship between George and Lennie. Both of them dream about their beautiful future as the other workers who lived during the Great Depression of the 1930s in America. This novel depicts a tragedy within human’s life. A portrayal on the futility of human’s effort is revealed through the two major characters in this novel. The major characters’ hopelessness which is strengthened by the minor characters’ conflicts asserts Camus’ philosophical idea that is absurdity, revealed in this work.

The characterization of both of the major and minor characters in the novel is the first point discussed in this study. Second, the description of the conflicts experienced by each character becomes the main supporter to convey the third problem that is about the concept of absurdity in the novel.


Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2008.

Of Mice and Men adalah sebuah novel tentang persahabatan George dan

Lennie. Keduanya bermimpi tentang masa depan yang indah layaknya manusia-manusia kelas pekerja yang hidup pada masa Great Depression 1930 di Amerika. Novel tersebut menggambarkan tragedi dalam kehidupan manusia. Gambaran kesia-siaan usaha manusia terungkap melalui kedua tokoh utama. Keputusasaan tokoh utama yang diperkuat oleh konflik tokoh pembantu mempertegas ide filosofis Camus, yakni absurditas, yang terungkap dalam karya ini.

Penokohan dari dua tokoh utama dan tokoh-tokoh pembantu dalam novel ini merupakan hal pertama yang dibahas dalam studi ini. Kedua, gambaran konflik yang dialami oleh masing-masing karakter menjadi pendukung utama untuk memaparkan permasalahan ketiga tentang konsep absurditas dalam novel ini.

Melalui gambaran tentang kehidupan manusia pada umumnya di masa itu,

novel ini mengungkapkan gagasan mendalam atas kondisi tersebut kepada pembaca. Oleh karena itu, pendekatan moral-filosofis, terutama berkaitan dengan ide absurditas yang diungkapkan oleh Camus diterapkan dalam studi ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, meliputi tahap pengumpulan data, membaca data, menganalisis data, dan menyusun kesimpulan.




A. Background of the Study

Literary works in particular are not only considered as a part of culture.

Moreover it is used as the medium through which the author, consciously or

unconsciously, reveal a certain phenomenon in society. Somehow many issues,

regardless whether it is the ordinary one or the sophisticated one, are often

reflected, represented, and revealed in literary works. This can be seen from the

various themes found in literary works that might be related to a matter of

sociology, psychology, philosophy, and so on.

A literary work plays its role as a tool through which the author

communicates his ideas toward the reader. Since the literary work is regarded as

the medium, then it is closely related to the reader as the user, in which they do

the interpretation upon the literary works as they consume it. The reader makes

the interpretation through many aspects provided in the literary works, though

sometimes a certain aspect is considered as the one which is more important rather

than the others. Therefore it then becomes the focus of the source of the

interpretation. Thus, the interpretation made by the reader might be different from

the first meaning intended by the author. It is similar to what is meant by the

writer in analyzing Steinbeck’s novel, entitled Of Mice and Men in which

Steinbeck clearly depicts the life of imigrant labourer on a California ranch. This


company-owned ranches. On the analysis toward this famous work, the writer does not only

find the potrayal of the workers in that era, more than that, the writer can also find

the profound meaning revealed through it.

Of Mice and Men, a well known novel written by John Steinbeck and

published in 1937, is found to have a philosophical idea. The way human being

live with their problems and how they deal with their problems are some points

presented in Steinbeck’s novel. In particular, the novel tells about the bitter reality

of the American dream. All of the characters are told as human beings with their

own hopes to have their ideal dreams. Those are the points which are drawn from

particular aspects of the novel, that is the characters and their problems, through

which the writer tries to define the philosophical idea revealed in it.

Discussing about the human beings’ condition and their problems, it is

related to what is called existentialism, a branch of philosophy which is very

interesting since it offers the discussion about the way people seek the meaning of

their life among both of good and bad reality that they have in their life. This is

the first point on which the writer is interested in analyzing Steinbeck’s Of Mice

and Men. The novel reflects the way each of human being possesses his problem

and figures out the meaning of his life, without exception, even from those who

are considered as the one with the ideal image with his wisdom in viewing life in

this world.

People may conceive his life in this world as a journey, a mystery, and so

forth. People live within their daily activities. They are often trapped in their


neglect the spiritual side of human being because of the physical matter surround

him that occupies his life. ” Materialistic rules” (Marcel in Gould and Truit,

1973:151), for contemporary people becomes a very familiar thing for their life.

However, it is undeniable that human being also often questions the meaning of

his life, the meaning of his existence in the world, whether directly or indirectly.

Somehow the futility of the human effort in seeking the meaning of their

life is depicted in Steinbeck’s novel. A tragedy seems to be a part of the American

workers’ life. This is elaborated in each character presented in this work. The

struggle of each character in dealing with the problems in their life that looks like

an ordinary case of the imigrant workers in America rises the deep issue about the

way people try to stand in the world, to “exist”, in this unpredictable world that

might be fascinating and troublesome at the same time.

Although Of Mice and Men is not an absurd novel, through the portrayal

of the reality of human life that seems so tragic and futile presented in it, it opens

the discussion on the matter of absurdity as the subject introduced by Albert

Camus, one of the famous proponent of Existentialism. This assumption is

considered to be reliable enough as Abrams stated that “literature of the absurd is

applied to a number of works which reveal the sense that human condition is

essentially and ineradicably absurd” (Abrams, 1981: 1). Thus, the thesis concerns

more on the idea of absurdity revealed through the content of the novel. It does

not start from the notion of the particular form for the literature of the absurd i.e.

absurd by “rejecting the realistic settings, logical reasoning and a consistenly


stated,”Before encountering the absurd, the everyday man lives with aims, a

concern for the future or for justification” (Camus in Gould and Truit, 1973: 86).

Furthermore, this thesis will attempt to discover John Steinbeck’s concept of

existentialism revealed through the novel, especially the concept of absurdity

mentioned above.

B. Problem Formulation

The followings are the problems that will be discussed on the research

toward John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men :

1. How does the novel present the major and minor characters?

2. How is the conflict presented in the novel?

3. How do the conflict and characterization represent the concept of absurdity

revealed in the novel?

C. Objectives of the Study

Finding how the characters are presented in the novel is the first objective

of the study. As the characterization and conflict are binding together then

conflicts occur in the novel need to be figured out. Therefore, the second objective

is elaborating the conflicts depicted in the novel. Furthermore, the way the author

presents the conflict and characterization are prominent to understand the concept

of absurdity as the theme revealed in the novel. Thus, the last objective is gained


D. Definition of Term

Absurdity means the absence of meaning in human life and begins with

the idea that life is not worth living, “that this world is peopled with such

irrationals”(Camus, 1955: 20). The monotonous life is one of what is called as

irrationals in which people see this as uselesss since death will end everything.

Even it is continued by the notion of suicide as the rest of the recognition about

“the absence of any profound reason for living”(Camus in Gould and Truit, 1973:


A. Review of Related Studies

The impression of a literary work that is created directly or indirectly by the

author is always possible to lead into what is called as criticism. The criticism may

take many forms such as disagreement, serious examination, judgment, or comment

on argument of the literary work. Once published in 1937, Of Mice and Men

successfully brought John Steinbeck to be recognized nationally as a writer.

Beginning with his first novel, Cup Of Gold, John Ernst Steinbeck explored his great

talent in writing until he produced his other novels: To God Unknown (1929), The

Pasture of Heaven (1932), Tortilla Flat (1935), In Dubious Battle (1936)), The

Grapes of Wrath (1939), and many others of Steinbeck’s works that mostly known by

their themes which concerns more on social issue and humanity.

Toward Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck himself regarded this novel as the

potential one to be performed in a play. This fact then led him to perform the novel in

a stage version with George Kaufman, who directed the play on Broadway in New

York City on November 23, 1937. By the publication of the novel both by printing

media and by its visualization through play, many critical responses were directed to

this Steinbeck’s tragic-story. Most of the critics commented on this novel as the


relationship with others, which was completed by the description on a deep meaning

of friendship. Meanwhile, some others criticized on the rough earthiness of the

characters and their lives provided in the novel.

Of Mice and Men is said as the portrayal of two men in facing the world,

which is fully described in petty tyranny, misunderstanding, jealousy, and

callousness. Those are quoted from the statement of Penguin Highbridge publisher in

its review toward the novel (http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~stephan/steinbeck/mice.html).

However, most of critics see a matter of friendship and a shared dream as the theme

revealed in Of Mice and Men. A tragic friendship as the theme revealed through the

characterization of Lennie and George is one criticism stated by Jill Karson in

Reading on Of Mice and Men (http://catalog.stcharles.lib.la.w:800/ipac20/ipac).

Another critic said that Steinbeck has shown the way he affirms “the natural bond

between life and productive property, the need that man has of a bit earth to give him

sustenance and dignity” (Gardiner, 1952: 223). Gardiner said that this fact is strongly

supported by the elaboration of the characters’ obsession about their own land as it is

described in Of Mice and Men.

Claudia Durst Johnson, in “Understanding of Mice and Men, The red Pony,

and The Pearl”, Greenwood press, stated that Steinbeck’s works are the window of

the history of times and places portrayed in each of them

(http://www.greenwood.com/catalog/GR9966.aspx). In addition, Charlotte Hadella

said that Of Mice and Men clearly portrayed the American dream of individual




However, the study on Of Mice and Men may lead the readers into various

interpretations. The brief and solid story about the ordinary men, the powerful

technique used by Steinbeck in performing his idea through Of Mice and Men has

challenged the writer to get a deeper understanding on the philosophical value

contained in the novel. The concept of absurdity proposed by one of the most

influential existentialist, Albert Camus, is the point that has become the concern of

the writer in interpreting this challenging work.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory on Character and Characterization

Character is one of the main elements of a novel. The characters are created

in such a way that leads the readers to possess their own imagination. Sometimes, the

characters described in novel become the first reference for the readers to stand in the

story. It means that the readers are, while consuming the work since at the beginning,

unconsciously drawn into the situation told in the story by imagining themselves as if

they were the agents of the story.

Character can be simply considered as a person who has a role in a story.

Abrams explains that the person presented in a story is called the character. He adds

that the character is interpreted by the reader as having certain characteristic in the


Another aspect that may not be separated from the former is what they do or their

action for it also signifies the qualities of the character (Abrams, 1981: 20).

Two sources upon which an author can and must draw for his work are his

own creative imagination and actual life (Laar, 1957:165). The author has his own

experience in his actual life about a certain character and he also has his own

imagination that helps him in recreating the character of the novel. Therefore, the

profile exists in the novel is never the exact character replicas of the actual human


Making the characters real is one thing done by the author to build an

interesting character because an author has no business to create uninteresting

characters (Laar, 1957:166). To make the characters interpreted as the actual human

beings is a strategy to make the characters interesting. However, to make the

characters differ and greatly differ from them also posses the same proportion as the

former. One example of how the author makes the characters real is by making them

‘act in character’. It means that the characters are never allowed to act in which they

are not suited. A wise man never acted foolishly, or in other words, a certain

character is never described in such a contrast way unless there is a particular reason

why the character acts thus.

In discussing about the definition of character, Robert Henkle defines about

major and minor characters consist in novel. First thing that distinguishes the two is

the frequency of their appearance in the story. Major characters are the characters


normally give these characters their fullest attention since the focal experiences of the

novel is possibly delivered by such characters. Another function of major characters

is its performance as the key for the structural form of the story. Meaning to say that

the profound idea proposed in the novel would be successfully presented by the way

the major characters explore their ability in expressing and dramatizing the human

issues in the novel through its most convincing presentation (1977: 92).

Meanwhile, minor characters perform less function in the novel. Henkle

mentions about three various ways which are necessary in discussing the secondary

characters. First, minor characters are like an element of society. They make up the

human context in which the author is trying to establish in his story. Second, they

play as average or normal points of reference. Third, they play as foils to major

characters or they can be symbols of aspects of the governing state of being (1977:


2. Theory on Conflict

This theory is needed due to the analysis on the conflict of both major and

minor characters. Conflict is the prominent part of a novel. Conflict creates the

possibility of the real impact toward the readers; it is the part that lead the readers to

get involve more on the story as if they possess the same situation as what is told in

the novel. The conflict described in the story might be the portrait of the real situation

of the human being, which is recreated by the author. Moreover, it might also the


“The conflict might be a contest between opposing two forces such as man

against man, man against nature, and also man against fate (Pooley, 1964: 9). A

conflict may take its form in an internal one that is the opposing parts of a man’s

personality. The first and the second example are included as the external conflict,

between man and his surrounding. The later might be quite special since it could be

included as the external conflict, and also the internal one.

According to Stanton, it is said that conflict is the basic elements created in

order to establish a set of events in forming the story, especially to create the major

structure of the story. A story may contain more than one conflict of forces, but

usually only the central conflict fully accounts for the events of the plot (1965:16).

Stanton says the specific conflicts which are mentioned by Pooley above, “are in turn

subordinate to the central conflict, i.e. the conflict between the fundamental and

contrasting qualities or forces, such as honesty and hypocrisy, etc”. Stanton adds that

central conflict is applied properly for “a pair of forces” in which each of them is

“attempting to conquer the other or resisting being conquered by it” (1965: 16).

Furthermore, conflict is also stated as a clash of actions, ideas, or wills (Perrine in

Koesnosubroto, 1988: 43). Supported by those definitions, the writer tries to reveal

how the novel presents its central conflict that later on clarifies the issue.

A conflict might be considered as the tool for the author to reveal his idea

and his point of view. Somehow it is also possible that the conflict presented in the

novel is built based on another’s idea, point of view, and experience. The way the


strong point to attract the readers (Pooley, 1964: 9). However, the sequences of the

action or plot that arranges the conflict might also built in particular way using

fragmentation without considering the common pattern using the idea of climax,

resolution, etc

Laar and Schooenderwoerd state a definition of plot (Dutch:

verhaalgegeven) in An Approach to English Literature that refers to the idea of what

happens; the events, actions and things that happen, are done or suffered (1957: 163).

In details, plot is defined as an organized story, and through this definition, a further

explanation to distinguish the difference between stories and plot is needed then.

The term story is understood more by its relation to time sequence arranged

in the novel; that one thing happens after another thing (Laar, 1957:164). Plot is

different from story in which it is more about the order of causality. A story is said as

the answer that satisfies the readers’ curiosity. Plot plays a broader role for it requires

readers’ intelligence and memory in order that he or she may see the connection

between it and what happen later and thus the comprehension on cause-effect that

relate both (Laar, 1957:164).

3. Theory on Absurdity

Due to its interrelatedness with existentialism, the details about the concept

of absurdity may begin with the basic idea shared among the existentialists that is

questioning the existence of human. Most of us is said to “lose our sense of what it


“have thrown away their freedom, become passive automatons, and overlooked the

deeper”. Those conditions have supported the existential in owning its purpose “to

describe what may be broadly conceived as the human condition” (Woodhouse, 1994:

26-27). In existentialism, it is stated that unlike other entities, human are the only

creatures that are conscious about their existence in which it determines their

superiority compared with other creatures. However, the term existentialism itself is

not easily defined in a single fixed meaning because each thinker has their own

theory based on their particular perspectives (Hasan, 1967: 7).

Among various perspectives on existentialism, there is an assumption that

“existence precedes essence”, which is understood as the basic assumption in dealing

with the discussion on the existence of human. Sartre said that “at the very first time

man is nothing, then, the essence is defined by the time man makes decisions upon

his life through his total freedom” (Sartre in Gould and Truit, 1973: 30). Beginning

by the previous discussion on the superiority between man and other creatures, every

man is understood that he firstly “exists”; as the subject, who define the later of what

he is through his attitude, his way of thinking, etc that particularly leads him

indirectly to decide what sort of man he chose to be after all, how he takes a position

upon any situation he has in his life, and in particular how he defines his own life in

this world. In other words, every man creates his own life. He himself is the only one

who is wholly responsible for what he makes of himself.

According to Sartre, there is no higher value and authority that determines


leads to the man’s complete freedom to define himself since man is alone in the

universe and is responsible for his own condition. Furthermore, it is said that man’s

life is absurd. Human beings do exist but they have been thrown in a meaningless

world without their permission. The next thing left is “the question” on the meaning

of the existence of human in the world. Thus, according to Sartre, nothingness is the

only answer revealed as human being demand the clarification about their life in the

world (Sartre in Palmer, 1988: 366). Somehow, within the absurd, man has freedom

to create his own life. Life is said as something that has no value or meaning except

that which man gives to it.

In some way, some similarities are found between Sartre and Camus as

Sartre stated that all man’s acts are ultimately futile within their absurd existence in

the world. Besides, it is also futile since at the end the death will be the only reality

faced by man. However, the authentic man knows that and he chooses to persevere

(Sartre in Palmer, 1988: 374).

Albert Camus, a French philosophical novelist and essayist who was born

and raised in Algeria is also the most well known person who proposed his idea about

absurdity. Camus’ life experience as a fatherless, tubercular youth, a young

playwright, and a journalist in Algiers, and later in the anti German resistance in Paris

during World-War II, was said as the most influential thing in relation with his works

in literature, in which the notion of “the absurd” is also one of the most significant

ideas discussed by philosophers. Although Camus’ works were very famous with its


absurdity. In 19th century, Soren Kierkegaard, a Danish philosopher, already

introduced this concept (Gould and Truitt, 1973: 67).

A quotation stated in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy explains

Camus’ notion of “the absurd” as the confrontation between ourselves- with our

demand for the rationality and justice- and an “indifferent universe" (Audi,

1995:116). Furthermore, in his Myth of Sisyphus, Camus mentioned that human being

is said to be in “his longing for happiness and reason”, the point in which “the absurd

is born by the confrontation between human need and the unreasonable silence of the

world” (Camus, 1955:21). Thus, absurdity, as a concept born in the movement of the

existentialism or the philosophy of existence, is stated as a confrontation, an

opposition, a conflict, or a “divorce” between two ideals.

The two ideals proposed by Camus are the condition in which human beings

possess their question about the meaning of life, while on the contrary the world itself

provides no explanation for them. In details, it is elaborated in the fundamental

existence of suffering and monotonous life faced by human being that somehow has

stimulated them in questioning what is behind those and expecting this life to be

filled with happiness and such a meaning that is understandable for them. Seldom

people question about their life, especially within their monotonous activities, but

when then the question comes, men hardly get the answer upon the reality that they

have within their life.

While having their awareness as human being who is essentially and


people questioning the purpose of this life, on why do they appear in this world

within one or two thing that we have since we were born and that seems to be unable

to be changed, i.e. as Sartre said the “facticitiy” in existence (Sartre in Palmer, 1988:

371). The question that seems to be futile since the death is the only thing emerges as

reality for this life. This is even definitely shown by the awareness of all human being

that none of them will encounter the eternal life in this world. Those explain the

notion on the existence and the irrational, and last, the absurd that in a certain degree

may link both of them for questioning and demanding the clarifications upon the

inexplicable situation that people have signifies his awareness of being exist as an

individual. Means, people are aware of their existence in which they themselves who

create the meaning of their life. On the other side, the appearance of the final reality

that is the death refers to the irrational for it means there is no answer upon people’s

question about their life. Thus, people feel disappointed by the absurd; by the absence

of the concord between both of people’s desire and reality proposed by the world.

In a simple way, the irrational may be defined as the quality of being

beyond human’s capability to understand its logical thought. On the other hand,

people may naturally tend to define his surrounding rationally. Furthermore, it may

also refers to the quality of being unreasonable which can be seen as much as various

matters that seem to be occur or exist in such a way; transcendental. That formerly

people live within their purpose and plan; the matter of death has suddenly emerged

and replace the hope. Thus, according to Camus, the irrational later on refers to the


leads the people to recognize the existence of suffering that seems to be useless

before the death.

The world itself is not absurd, but rather the relationship between man and the world is an absurd one for it prompts certain types of question from man but makes no provisions for answer. The absurd relationship is to be found in that divorce between the mind, the desires, and the world, which disappoints (Camus in Gould and Truitt, 1973: 67).

Those may refer to many people’s experiences, for instance; the existence

of suffering, evil and so on that somehow insist them to find the sufficient reason

behind it. Then, it may refer also to the condition of human being who pursues the

eternal happiness in which the world cannot satisfy him because every man will die at

the end. By the final reality, that is the presence of the death, the uselessness of

suffering has surely indicated the absurd of human condition. In addition, the fact that

man lives within his freedom to think and to desire can be probably considered as the

indicator of the absence of the concord between this world and him; between his

reality and his mind. Once he reached a particular level, he may desire the more.

Thus, the divorce between both of desire and reality is continuously born.

Through their every day, people look into the way they repeat their days,

their everyday business, their longing for the more till they come to feel weary of

those denseness. Thus, it is not merely about such an eternal repetition occur within

their life, it is also about the later thought on people’s effort to make such a solution

to deal with that matter. Being aware of their condition, people make such a trial to

break from their routine. They are longing for their better condition. Thus, a hope


comparison, and hope are explored by Camus in dealing with his idea about the

absurd condition that refers to human’s life. By the existence of desire, the matter of

time which will actually reach its limit and the disagreement between both that

ultimately ruin the hope, a link of which the notion of the absurd can be described are


Surely, by having his own desire upon whatever condition that has already

existed surround them, people may find his unlimited mind and desire. That is how

the desire shows the tendency to compare which then signifies the absence of the

unity between people’s mind and his reality. As Camus says that “the absurd springs

from a comparison” and “in between an action and the world that transcends it”

(Camus, 1955: 22). Thus, the absurd revealed through the character’s scheme and the

objective situation that he has.

Nonetheless, man lives within his awareness of the matter of time. He realizes

his getting old, his future, and precisely on his ultimate reality that is his death. Thus,

it makes all things that have been desired before become nothing as Sartre says about

the “facticity”, that somehow signifies the absurd of human being’s life. The fact that

every effort done is going to be nothing for the death is the last thing left for them. It

is a kind of certainty that will definitely be experienced by all human being and

uncertainty, that, in fact it is something unpredictable when and how it will come to


Feeling worry about his future precisely illustrates the way man belongs to


But simultaneously he situates himself in relation to time. He takes his place in it. He admits that he stands at a certain point on a curve that he acknowledges having to travel to its end (Camus, 1955: 10-11).

By this phase, man is unconsciously directed by time. He begins to define

his ‘tomorrow’ and making such an effort that may make sure his ‘business’ be as he

expects it to be. Here, people indirectly conceive their life as a matter of passing by

the time. They know that somehow everything they do will have to be stopped

someday. It surely implies their awareness of death within people’s life in this world.

Before encountering the absurd, the everyday man lives with aims, a concern for the future or for justification. He weighs his chances, he counts on “someday”, his retirement or the labor of his sons. He still thinks that something in his life can be directed. In truth, he acts as if he were free, even if all the facts make a point on contradicting that liberty. (Camus, 1955: 42).

Those are the real portrayal of people’s life in this world. They realize that

every situation they have, both of good and hard times, will lead them into their

tomorrow. It may be understood that people here are aware of their being exist as the

subject, the determiner of what their own life are going to be. As Sartre said that this

is the first principle of existentialism i.e. “subjectivity” (Sartre in Gould and Truitt,

1973: 30). Meanwhile, within the absurd, while people are struggling in conceiving

their being exist in this world, they are at the same time finding themselves before the

universe that somehow seems to be the ignorant of their condition. Thus, the

awareness of the irrational is begun for so many things exist in their life beyond


between people’s desire to get the clarification from the universe and the inexplicable

condition proposed before them as Camus states below:

But what is absurd is the confrontation between this irrational and the wild longing for clarity whose call echoes in the man heart. The absurd depends as much on man as on the world. For the moment it is all that links them together. (Camus, 1955: 16)

Much as they conceive their own frame i.e. in term of the rationale, people

keeps demanding such an explanation upon their condition in the world. It is briefly

defined then as the conflict between people’s desire and the reality. In between both,

people find the disagreement that later on brings them into the feeling disappointed as

Camus states about the syndrome of absurdity below:

In a universe suddenly divested of illusions and lights, man feels alien, a stranger. His exile is without remedy since he is deprived of the memory of the lost home or the hope of a promised land. This divorce between man and his life, the actor and his setting, is properly the feeling of absurdity. (Camus, 1955: 5)

Referring to the absence of God, the quotation indicates the time when people

stands alone before this universe and ultimately receives the fact that there is neither

guidance nor purpose given to him. Thus he feels the absurd; the meaninglessness

upon his life for he knows his being apart from the world.

Furthermore, in dealing with the irrationals, Camus reveals it in The Myth of

Sisyphus, in which he explores one example of it. This is addressed to the idea of

absurdity that “this world is peopled with such irrationals” (Camus, 1955: 20). The

monotonous life which is also called as the irrational is the aspect to which human


‘tomorrow’ (Camus, 1955: 10). Meanwhile, people see this as useless since death will

end everything. Camus proposed two notion i.e. suicide and hope in deals with the

absurd. The notion of suicide is then offered as the rest of the recognition about “the

absence of any profound reason for living” (Camus in Gould and Truitt, 1973: 86).

The discussion about suicide is mostly seen as the way in which people try

to run away from their problem, their unsatisfactory condition in this world. What

might be the details in this case is that before deciding to commit suicide, man lives

with his “criteria” about his own life, “what is supposed to be in his life”, “purpose”

and “hope” of his life and so on. Then it is followed with the absence of the “certain

pattern” that they might have in their mind about their life and as they see that there is

no possible way for them to get away from their unpleasant condition, therefore they

commit suicide. Those explain what Camus said that after the absurd, everything is

upset (Camus in Gould and Truit, 1973: 92). Meaning to say that as the failure has

come inevitably upon people’s life there is nothing except the disappointment.

On the other hand, Camus’ idea of absurdity considers hope as typical act of

eluding the reality (Camus, 1955: 7). The matter of hope may indicate the way people

cannot ‘go along’ with whatever they have in their life. Therefore they obsess for the

more; the different situation, in which they think they can find it satisfy. However,

people may hardly find the situation as what they expect it to be. They even seem to

be powerless upon their surrounding. As if nothing they can do more about it for it is

occur just in such a way that is out of their schemes. By this time, people is said to be


limits, it has to make a judgment and choose its conclusions” (Camus, 1955: 21). A

phase that refers to the way people deal with the absurd. There may be the notion of

hope, suicide and the matter of the absence of hope as Camus states below:

“A man devoid of hope and conscious of being so has ceased to belong to the future. That is natural but it is just as natural that he should strive to escape the universe of which he is the creator.” (Camus, 1955: 24).

It describes the condition in which people are fully aware that actually

nothing they can really do about their life, as if there is no further place for hope

(Camus, 1955: 20). Both within and without the notion of hope, people remain

struggle to live side by side with the absurd since he, however, cannot elude from his

being free to think and desire that then insist him to define his surrounding based on

his way of thinking; his rationale. Such a desire that signifies the futility when it is

confronted against the world that does not provide any explanation for them.

By having the absurdity that refers to the condition that is not

understandable, the discussion about God is omitted since God is not included as

something understandable. It is beyond the rationale defined in human terms. Camus

defines “concrete” things as the things that are understandable. Then they refer to the

things that can be touched, can be smelled, and also to the things that resist us.

Hence, there is no higher power upon man’s life. Man himself becomes the

master of his life, the player of his own “game”. Therefore, there is no idea of

escaping from world because man is free to play his roles in this world and in his life.

However, man realizes the absurdity, then, a matter of acceptance is the only choice


give the value upon it. A statement quoted from Camus’ myth of Sisyphus offers the

idea that people will always find his or her ‘burden’ again within his or her life. This

is surely understood as people are always in the process of “making” (Sartre in Gould

and Truitt, 1973: 39). Soon as one choice is taken, it will always be followed by the

other and so on and so forth.

According to the idea of absurdity, the longing of unity, harmony, eternal

happiness, pattern and purpose that have been recognized within people’s mind

however cannot be as fix as it appears in the world. Moreover, it is applicable as well

for so many irrational that has urged them in demanding the reason upon those. This

is then the core of the absurd that is the two opposed ideals between man’s question,

mind to figure out the meaning of their existence in the world and those realities in

front of them. It is represented by Camus’ concept on existential absurdity that says:

…existential absurdity lies in fact that there is always at best an imperfect fit between human reasoning and its intended objective, hence an impossibility of achieving certitude (Camus in Audi, 1995: 297).

C. Theoretical Framework

Supported by Abram and Stanton’s theory on character and characterization,

the analysis on the first problem formulation that is aimed to gain the deeper analysis

on each of the character presented in the novel will be able to be done. The main

points described on each of the characters can be read not merely from the author’s

comment on the characters but also from the speeches and actions performed by


However, as Stanton said that the conflict is provided by the author to create

the major structure of the story, the prominent idea conveyed in the novel can be

drawn through it (1965: 16). Moreover, the conflict described in the story might

portray the real situation of the human being in which it is directly or indirectly

maintained the issue revealed in the novel. Here, the theory of conflict is used in

conducting the analysis toward the novel due to Camus’ concept of absurdity as the

concept presented in the novel. The theory on absurdity, which is understood as one

of the most fundamental discussion about human being, will be the basic theory of

this study. This theory is applicable since the novel itself is said to be the portrayal of

human being‘s condition. Thus, the understanding on the characterization of each

character and conflicts occur in the story are valuable to gain the deeper analysis on




A. Object of the Study

Of Mice and Men is a special novel in which it provides a profound

concern on what so-called as the absurd. This aspect is somehow clearly

recognized as part of human condition through the portrayal of ordinary men’s

life. This work was officially published by Penguin Book Publisher on

February 25, 1937 and selected for the Book of the Month Club, an honor that

made the work become a top seller throughout that year.

Of Mice and Men appears in a simple tragic text consisting of three

different scenes that is a secluded grove, a bunkhouse, and a barn. Each

chapter of the novel is pictured by a single space only taken from the three

scenes mentioned above. The title has been translated into a cynical statement

in modern English: “the best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry”.

Thus, the presence of the title of Mice and Men which is quoted from Robert

Burn’s poem To a Mouse also shortly represents the idea conveyed in the

story that is about the absurd and undeniable condition of human being, which

is then become the object to analyze.

Of Mice and Men sets on a ranch in Salinas Valley, California,

during the Great Depression of the 1930’s. The story tells about the ordinary

life of the American migrant workers. Of Mice and Men presents two major


their problems that have to be faced in their life. Somehow, the dream about

future and better condition is also inseparable part for most of the characters’


B. Approach of the Study

A quotation taken from Theory of Literature stated that there is a

special relation between literary work and philosophy. “Frequently literature is

a thought of as a form of philosophy, as ‘ideas’ wrapped in form; and it is

analyzed to yield ‘leading ideas’ (Wellek and Waren, 1956:110). In addition, a

literary work may reveal a philosophical issue even though the author is not a

philosopher. Philosophy itself discusses about basic ideas about human being

begun from the matter of human’s existence. The work may reveal this issue

as it is composed by the author in such a special way without direct influence

from particular background on philosophy which may or may not be

possessed by the author.

Despite the author’s imagination that creates the imaginative

atmosphere upon the work, any literary works may reveal the fact or reality of

the human being condition in this world. Any idea might be related to human

being condition, in fact, the way man deals with his problem may lead him to

the question about man’s life and everything that include within their


Among various approaches used in dealing with the analysis on

literature, a moral-philosophical approach is the one conducted in this study. A

quotation in A Handbook of critical Approaches to Literature states that “the

largest function of literature is to teach morality and to probe philosophical

issue” (Guerin, 1999: 29). Moreover, the previous statement is defined as the

basic position of the moral-philosophical approach. Through the philosophical

approach, the writer tries to reveal how the idea of absurdity, which is actually

a part of philosophy, is presented in the novel. This approach is reliable as the

novel is considered as a special work, which reveals philosophical idea

through its simple but solid conflict and characterization.

Particularly using theory on existentialism, the writer will reveal how

human being within their life in the world experiences the concept of

absurdity. The complexity of life might be different from one person to other.

However, at the very beginning a matter of defining and questioning all of the

inexplicable things exist in man’s life has emerged as the awareness of every

man. Therefore, the discussion on all of the characters presented in the novel

is reliable since no man might escape from many basic realities such as death,

choice, anxiety, freedom, etc, as the inseparable part of his existence in this


C. Method of the Study

Library research method was used to find as much as possible

information about the novel and the theories needed to analyze it. The writer

tried to collect books and other references form Internet about Of Mice and

Men itself as a primary data to analyze.

In this study, some steps were conducted to answer the questions stated

in the problem formulations. At the beginning, the writer tried to understand

better about the novel. The writer was interested in the novel because it

reveals something profound through the ordinary portrait of man’s life.

First, the writer observed each character presented in the novel in order

to get a deeper understanding on how they represent the ordinary human being

through the story. Theory on characterization was applicable in finding how

the author had his own particular pattern in presenting the characters. Thus,

the knowledge on how the characters were characterized has enabled the

writer in understanding the kind of person described in the novel. Second, the

identification of the conflicts experienced by the characters was important in

supporting the analysis on the concept revealed in the novel. By employing

the term conflict as “a pair of forces” and as the major supporter for the entire

structure of a story, the theory on conflict has helped the writer in

distinguishing the major issue established in the novel. Third, the writer tried

to see philosophical aspects of existentialism which are possible in its

relevancy with the novel. Then, the writer related the novel’s characters’


In conducting this study, many data and references were very

important in supporting statements in the analysis. The primary source used as

the main reference to answer all of the questions stated in problem formulation

was Of Mice and men, a novel written by John Steinbeck. The other

references, that is the secondary sources, such as Reading the Novel by Roger

B. Henkle, An Introduction to Fiction by Robert Stanton, A Glossary of

Literary Terms by Abram, Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus, Camus by

Conor Cruise O’brien, Existentialist Philosophy by Gould and Truitt, An

Approach to English Literature by Drs. E. Van De Laar and

DR.N.Schooderwoerd, Looking at Philosophy: The unbearable Heaviness of

Philosophy Made Lighten by Donald palmer, were very useful in supporting




Based on the study upon the novel, the writer divides this chapter into

three parts. The first parts discusses about the characters presented in the novel.

There are six characters in who are classified into two major categories namely

major and minor characters. Afterwards, the second part describes the conflict

occurs in the story as it is experienced by the characters.

The writer observes the existence of the conflict as a medium through

which the author revealed the idea of absurdity in the story. Here, the writer

employs the definition of conflict as “a pair of forces” in which each of them is

“attempting to conquer the other or resisting being conquered by it” (Stanton,

1965: 16). Stanton explains that the existence of internal and external conflicts in

fiction will then come to conclusion on what is called as a central conflict of the

work; “the fundamental and contrasting qualities or forces”. However, the study

focuses on the discussion of central conflict experienced by characters in novel. In

the third part of the analysis, the writer explixates Camus’ concept on absurdity as

the idea revealed in the novel.

A. Analysis on Characters Presented in the Novel

To begin with, two important aspects in interpreting the character

proposed by Abram i.e. the dialogue and the action are the main tool employed in


1. Major Characters

Based on Henkle’ categorization on the characters presented in the

novel, there are two characters included as those who are given the fullest

attention for they are likely to dominate in presenting the main issue revealed in

the novel, i.e. George Milton and Lennie Small. Both are given larger proportion

in term of characterization and conflict since at the beginning of the story till the

end. Not merely by their frequent appearance in each of the scenes, but also by

their being the focus of the story. It is indicated by anything related to these two

characters that have built the entire story.

a. George Milton

George Milton is an intelligent and careful person. Steinbeck puts him as

a protagonist in the novel, a companion of the mentally handicapped-Lennie

Small. At the beginning of the story, both are defined as unique characters since

they have such a close relationship that differentiates them from other guys in

ranch. Steinbeck provides a picture of loneliness as a common phenomenon for

the life of the workers. However, he tries to attract the readers through

togetherness between Lennie and George since the first part of the story. Below is

George’s physical description that slightly shows George’s inner capability as a

more intelligent man compared with Lennie.


George’s intelligence is also indicated by the way he reminds Lennie

about the water drunk by Lennie when they have a rest before they arrived in the

new ranch. On the contrary, Lennie will not even take any consideration about

that simple thing.

George unslung his bundle and dropped it gently on the bank. “I ain’t sure it’s a good water,” he said. “Looks kinda scummy.”

Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water and wiggled his fingers so the water arose in little splashes; rings widened across the pool to the other side and come back again. Lennie watched them go. “Look,George. Look what I’ve done.”

George knelt beside the pool and drank from his hand with quick scoops. “Tastes all right,” he admitted. “Don’t really seem to be running, though. You never oughta drink water when it ain’t running, Lennie, he said hopelessly (p.8-9).

As strong as his physical feature described in the novel, George is

created as an ordinary worker with a strong character. He is an assertive person. It

seems that he plays his role as decision maker upon Lennie’s life. One example

can be seen at the moment when George asks Lennie to keep himself from any

words whenever the boss may come and interview them.

George is in contrast with Lennie. Unlike Lennie who cannot keep himself save from his own carelessness, George can always manage many things

for Lennie. He seems to be Lennie’s protector. Being a protector for Lennie is a

character which is perhaps resulted from a combination of George’s intelligence

and carefulness. This can possibly be seen from George’s words that shows his

intention to protect Lennie if something terrible comes to him

“Course you did. Well, look. Lennie-if you jus’ happen to get trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an’ hide in the brush.”


“Hide in the brush till I come for you. Can you remember that?”(p.18)

George learns from his previous experience in Weed when Lennie made a

trouble that endangered not only Lennie but also him. Therefore, he tries really

carefully to keep Lennie stay away from any other trouble in their new ranch.

George starts this at the first day before they meet their boss. He tells Lennie not

to make any single mistake while they meet their boss.

“That ranch we’re goin to is right down there about a quarter-mile. We’re gonna go in an’ see the boss. Now, Look-I’ll give him the work tickets, but you ain’t gonna say a word. You just stand there and don’t say nothing. If he finds out what a crazy bastard you are, we won’t get no job but if he sees ya work before he hears ya talk, we’re set.”(p.11).

More than just a friend, George’s patience toward Lennie is showed by

the way he take care of Lennie. He often gets angry by Lennie’s stupid hobby that

is petting mice. Meanwhile, he knows he cannot let Lennie live alone. One time

Lennie makes George really angry, Lennie asks George if George may want him

to go. Lennie shows such a self-pity that later on wins George’s upset feeling on


“No-look! I was just foolin’, Lennie. Of course I want you to stay with me. Trouble with mice is you always kill ‘em.” He paused. “Tell you what I’ll do Lennie. First chance I’ll give you a pup. Maybe you wouldn’t kill it. That would be better than mice. And you could pet it harder.”(p.16)

However, George definitely realizes about any trouble that may come to

him because he has Lennie in his life. He cannot deny his feeling disappointed

about Lennie as a trouble maker. Somehow, still, he keeps Lennie beside him.


b. Lennie

Lennie is one of the two major characters provided by Steinbeck in Of

Mice and Men. Steinbeck gives a very different portrait about him compared with

the previous major character, George. At the beginning of the story, the author

describes his physical appearance as a big guy with a weak feature that can be

seen from his face.

Behind him walked an opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely and only moved because the heavy hands were pendula (p.8).

Since his first appearance in the novel, the readers can easily capture his

profile as a physically-strong man. Somehow, the author gives another clue about

him as a man who has a kind of imbalance feature within him as it is described

through the contrast between his body and his face description. In the story, the

author explores Lennie’s characters which are in contrast with George, not merely

through the differences of their physical description but also through every action

and speech performed by both which are simultaneously in contrast till the end of

the story.

The author creates Lennie as a character that is less intelligent compared

with George. Through the physical impression, mainly through his featureless

face and his pale eyes, the author shows Lennie’s low intelligence. In addition, the

author also states Lennie’s incapability compared with George’s capability.

Lennie has difficulty in memorize something except about his hobby to pet mice


“O.K.-O.K. I’ll tell ya again. I ain’t get nothing to do. Might jus’ as well spen’ all my time tellin’ you things and then you forget ‘em. And I tell you again”

“Tried and tried,” said Lennie, “But it didn’t do no good. I remember about the rabbits George”(p.9).

Steinbeck tells the readers about Lennie as a ranch-worker with his special

strength as well as the description on his physical appearance as a man with big

shape. The day when George and Lennie arrived for their new job, George tells

the boss about Lennie’s capability to work as a worker in that ranch. He said that

Lennie is not bright, but there is no doubt about his physical power that suit for

the job in ranch.

Meanwhile, Lennie never knows about his physical strength. Lennie likes

to pet mouse and he always has it killed in his hand. George always knows

whenever Lennie hides a mouse in his pocket and he finds it killed in Lennie’s

carelessness. On the other side, Lennie has never realized his physical strength

that often makes the mouse die. Lennie never knows what he is doing.

Lennie looked sadly up at him. “They was so little,” he said apologetically. “I’d pet ‘em, and pretty soon they bit my fingers and I pinched their heads a little and then they was dead because they was so little.”(p.13)

Lennie’s carelessness is also showed by George’s decision not to let

Lennie keep his work card and bus ticket at the time when they were going to the

new ranch for the new job. Up to this point, Steinbeck almost completely gives

main points of Lennie’s characters in first chapter of the novel. Lennie’s

dependence on George, makes him cannot stay alone as worker during the era of

the Great Depression of America. Lennie is like a kid with George as his


seem as a relation between friends only for each of them has something that

completes one another. Lennie’s speech about the way George and him look after

each other is one thing that indicates the special relationship experienced by both.

Lennie broke in. “But not us! An’ why? Because…because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.” He laughed delightedly. “Go on now, George.” “You got it by heart. You can do it yourself” (p.17).

Furthermore, inside his big physical appearance, Lennie is childish. Even

Slim can recognize it since the first time he met Lennie as well as Curley’s wife

comment on Lennie’s character. Slim said that Lennie is just like a kid. He

observes the way Lennie beg to George so that George allows him to pet the


Moreover, the way he responds George story about dream land also

indicates his frame of mind which is like a child. Lennie looks like a very

innocent fellow among other characters. His obsession for petting mice and

rabbits are what he has in his mind about his shared dream with George. Lennie

likes to ask George to tell him that story as a big baby expecting to listen for a

fairy tale. Within his complex characters as a childish and low intelligent worker,

Lennie cannot keep himself away from trouble as said by George below.

And Lennie’s face was drawn with terror. ”An’ whatta I got?’ George went on furiously. ‘I got you! You can’t keep a job and you lose me ever’ job I get. Jus keep me shovin’ all over the country all the time. An’ that ain’t the worst. You get in trouble. You do bad things and I get to get you out“ (p.15).

Lennie also looks like an ignorant person towards his environment and his

hard life as a worker, but he has his obedience toward George. Along the story,


utterance to Curley’s wife that he is forbidden to speak with her. For several

times, Lennie repeats his words about George’s order. He speaks about the way he

should avoid her otherwise he will get in trouble again. However, there is one

obvious reason about Lennie’s willingness to obey George’s words that is his own

obsession to pet rabbits. It can be seen as Lennie mentions about rabbits and pet

nice things while he is talking about George’s pre-caution for him to behave.

2. Minor Characters

There are four characters discussed in this part, they are: Candy, Crooks,

Curley’s wife and Curley. Based on Henkle’s theory on the minor characters

(1977: 94-100), the writer sees how the story has been built through the

appearance of the fourth minor characters mentioned above. To begin with, the

fourth of them are described as the member of the worker class and live in a ranch

together. Thus, they have composed the social structure and the nature presented

in the story. In other words, they make up the human context establish in the story

as Henkle said about the first minor characters’ function within the story. At the

same time, they also have maintained their role as the normal points of reference

in the story since the major characters also give the sufficient description on their

personality that may enable us to recognize their being ordinary and therefore

having the perspective on things in a morality which is the standard one.

Moreover, the last function can be observed as well through the two of them:

Curley and Curley’s wife that appear as the foils to major characters. Both of them


a. Candy

Candy is an old one handed-swamper belongs to the ranch in which

George and Lennie come to. Candy is also the first guy with whom George and

Lennie meet in Soledad. He tries to be a friend of Lennie and George and shows

his welcome to them by being talkative.

Candy shows his being open by telling George about everyone in ranch

including their boss, Curley, and Curley’s wife. Candy seems to know everyone in

ranch very well. He does not like Curley. He warns George about Curley who is

“pretty handy”. His words assure George to keep Lennie away from Curley. He

also talks a lot about Curley’s wife whom he said as “tart”. However, he does not

like Curley’s wife as well.

“You won’t tell Curley nothing I said?” “Hell, no.”

“Well, you look over, mister. You see if she ain’t a tart.” He stepped out the door into the briliant sunshine (p.28).

The old lonely Candy is almost described as the loneliest guy in ranch.

Candy has an old dog as his companion. It is a half-blinded eyes dog with which

he tries to share his old age and loneliness in ranch. Unfortunately, Candy cannot

keep that old dog any longer with him since the dog is killed by a gunshot at the

first day George and Lennie arrived in ranch. Candy has his respect on Slim and

he thinks that Slim may save his dog. Meanwhile, Slim keeps offering his puppies

for Candy and decides to let the dog die.

Candy lives within his powerlessness as an old-lonely worker. That is one


Once George tells him about his shared dream with Lennie, Candy feels there is a

better future for him.

Candy interrupted him: “ I’d make a will an’ leave my share to you guys in case I kick off, ‘cause I ain’t got no relatives nor nothing. You guys got any money? Maybe we could her right now?” (p.52)

b. Crooks

Crooks represents a black worker who lives within a hard life among

whites. His appearance plays the key on how the way black worker tries to deal

with the white oppression. Steinbeck depicts him as a nice character as said by


“Yeah. Nice fella too. Got a crooked back where a horse kicked him. The boss gives him hell when he’s mad. But the stable buck don’t give a damn about that. He reads a lot. Got books in his room (p.21).

As the only black man in ranch, Crooks has his own room separated from

others who are whites. Steinbeck mentions about his being proud and aloof man in

ranch. He realizes his powerlessness to live in such a racist culture and he tries to

keep himself in his place as a black by living in the distance between white people

and him. He can do nothing except opposing his situation by making the others

stay in their place as well and avoid any interruption from them.

Candy leaned against the wall beside the broken collar while he scratched the wrist stump. “I been here a long time,” he said. “An Crooks been here a long time. This’s the first time I ever been in his room.”

Crooks said darkly: “Guys don’t come into a coloured man’s room very much. Nobody been here but Slim. Slim and the boss.” (p.64)

Unlike George, Lennie, and Candy, Crooks has his own opinion about


having their own land, Crooks thinks that it is just something that will never be

realized. His feeling upset on his hard situation drives him to avoid such dream.

Crooks interrupted brutally. “You guys is just kiddin’ yourself. You’ll talk about it a hell of a lot, but you won’t get no land. You’ll be a swamper here till they take you out in a box. Hell, I seen too many guys. Lennie here’ll quit an’ be on the road in two, three weeks. Seems like ever’ guy got land in his head” (p.64).

Crook lives within his uneasy feeling, limited by bitter realities in his life

as a black worker. Once he fights the fact, his environment reminds him about his

helplessness. Nothing but bitterness is then the result of his feeling. The writer

finds this as the conversation between Crooks and Curley’s wife occurs.

Crooks stood up from his bunk and faced her. “I had enough,” he said ppcoldly. “You got no right comin’ in a coloured man’s room. You got no rights messing around in here at all. Now you jus’ get out, an’ get out quick. If you don’t, I’m gonna ast the boss not to ever let you come in the barn no more.”

She turned to him in scorn. “Listen, Nigger,” she said.

“You know what I can do to you if you open your trap?” (p.68)

c. Curley’s wife

Curley’s wife is depicted as a nameless but pretty lady in ranch. Steinbek

picks her as a victim of Lennie’s carelessness as she dies at the end of the story by

Lennie’s hands. Steinbeck describes her with such a strong image of a woman

with such a strong physical appeal.


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