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The message of friendship seen through the major characters and plot in John Steinbeck`s tortilla flat - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters



Student Number : 034214045







(62; ch.7)

Things that happen

are of no importance.

But from everything that happens,

there is a lesson to be learned.



This Undergraduate Thesis is dedicated to

My beloved parents

My beloved brothers




guided and helped me in this undergraduate thesis writing process. I also thank for His blessing that I can face my life and His greatness in giving me strength.

I would like to give my enormous gratitude toward my advisor Paulus Sarwoto, S.S., M.A. as my sponsor for the patience and willingness in guiding the writer in finishing this thesis. My gratitude also goes to Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji, S.S., M.Hum. as my co-sponsor, who has read and corrected my thesis. I also would like to thank Ms. Novita Dewi for her patience in supporting me to be stronger in my hard times. My appreciation also goes to the lecturers and staff of English Letters Department who have helped me during my study.

I also would like to express my deepest thanks from the bottom of my heart to my beloved parents and brothers for being on my life. My special thank goes to Alice for her helps; Ika, Nila, and Mbak Shella for their supports; Mbak Lia and

Mbak Tutik for their advices; Mbak Popi, Umi, Dwi, Wiwik, Reni and Titis for their friendships; Veri “Q”, Deni “dk”, and Tong-Djie for their companionships; and also my other friends who I can not mention one by one. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone in my life who gives the color in my world.



1. Theory on Character and Characterization ... .. 10

2. Theory on Plot ... 13

A. The Characterizations of the Major Characters in John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat ……… ... 23

1.The Characterization of Danny ... 24

2.The Characterization of Pilon ... 26



4.The Characterization of Jesus Maria Corcoran ... 30

5.The Characterization of the Pirate ... 32

6.The Characterization of Big Joe Portagee ... 35

B. The Plot in Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat ... 36

1. The Beginning ... 37

2. The Middle ... 38

3. The End ... 40

C. The Message of Friendship in John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat Seen through the Major Characters and Plot of the Story ... 41

1. Friendship Means Accepting Differences ... 42

2. Friendship Means Enlightening life ... 43

3. Friendship Means Forgiving ... 44

4. Friendship Means Sharing ... 45




Major Characters and Plot in John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2008.

This thesis analyzes Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat which tells about the life of some paisanos who build a bond of friendship. They are Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria, the Pirate, Big Joe, and Danny as the root of this friendship. Those characters join in the story one by one as the time goes and as their friendship develops. Their friendship starts to change when Danny feels his boredom of his monotonous life. Finally, their friendship ended after Danny’s death and they go apart to their own directions. After reading this novel, the writer is interested in analyzing the message of friendship seen through the major characters and plot of the story because no matter how the ending is, there must be a moral lesson contained to be learned.

In this study, there are three objectives to guide the analysis. The first is to analyze the characterizations of the major characters described in this novel. The second objective is to analyze the plot of the story. The third objective is to find out the message of friendship seen through the major characters and plot of the story.

In order to accomplish the objectives, the library and online research are used. The primary data is Tortilla Flat, while the secondary data are taken from some books and websites. Since the study tries to find out the message in a literary work, liberal-humanism approach is applied.




DWI SARI TIRTANINGSIH. The Message of Friendship Seen through the Major Characters and Plot in John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Tesis ini menganalisa novel Tortilla Flat karya Steinbeck yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan beberapa orang paisano yang membangun sebuah ikatan persahabatan. Mereka adalah Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria, si Bajak Laut, Big Joe, dan Danny sebagai dasar persahabatan ini. Karakter-karakter itu bergabung dalam cerita ini satu per satu seiring berjalannya waktu dan berkembangnya persahabatan mereka. Persahabatan mereka mulai berubah ketika Danny merasakan kebosanan dengan kehidupannya yang monoton. Akhirnya, persahabatan mereka berakhir setelah kematian Danny dan mereka berpencar ke tujuan masing-masing. Setelah membaca novel ini, penulis tertarik untuk menganalisa pesan persahabatan yang terlihat melalui tokoh utama dan alur ceritanya karena seperti apapun akhirnya, pastilah ada suatu pelajaran moral yang terkandung untuk dipelajari.

Dalam studi ini, terdapat tiga pertanyaan yang dirumuskan untuk memandu dalam analisa. Pertanyaan pertama adalah untuk menganalisa penokohan tokoh-tokoh utama dalam novel ini. Pertanyaan kedua adalah untuk menganalisa alur ceritanya. Pertanyaan ketiga adalah untuk menemukan pesan persahabatan dalam novel ini melalui tokoh-tokoh utama dan alur ceritanya.

Dalam tujuan untuk menyelesaikan analisa, digunakanlah metode kepustakaan dan online. Data utama adalah novel Tortilla Flat, sedangkan data tambahan diperoleh dari beberapa buku dan website. Oleh karena studi ini dimaksudkan untuk menemukan pesan-pesan dalam sebuah karya sastra, maka digunakanlah pendekatan liberal humanisme.







This chapter presents four subtitles. First is background of the study that contains some brief explanations about the topic of the study and the reason for choosing the subject. The second is problem formulation which mentions the problems discussed in this study. Third is objective of the study which expresses the problem formulation as objective and the last is definition of terms which explains some specific terms mentioned in the title of the undergraduate thesis.

A. Background of the Study


appears with its complexity in its meaning concerning the number of possible interpretations comes from one reader to another.

In this study the writer will try to specify on the messages of a literary work related to friendship. In his book, Kalish writes, “Man is a social being” (1973: 361). From that statement, it can be understood that human being must have relationships with other in their lives because they cannot live by themselves. One kind of relationships is friendship. No one in the world wants to live without any friends. The basic of friendship is the will of sacrifice, not only on the material context but also related to humanity or others.

In International Encyclopedia of Ethics, there is Aristotle’s statement about a possibility that friendship is based on a relatively selfish motive of utility and pleasure, but to find the highest and most permanent form of friendship, it should derive from a perception of goodness for one another.

All friends wish one another well, but a good person will value a friend not for a mere advantage but also for the friend’s sake, and for the sake of the goodness in that friend (Roth, 1995: 333).



The writer chooses Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat as the object of this study because it is a kind of novel containing human relationship that is friendship between some paisanos that live in Tortilla Flat, Monterey. They share their lives together in Danny’s house. The writer’s above statement is supported by Collin Hanna comment about this novel. She says that friendship among Danny’s friends made Tortilla Flat

as a heart touching novel through their adventures, successes and tragedies. She also considers it as a novel about friendship, commitment, love, poverty, and alcohol. She adds that “it is the story of how shiftless individuals came together under Danny’s roof and created something better than any of them alone, and it is the story of how they all departed” (Hanna, 2005).


in this analysis, the first problem deals with the characterizations of those major characters. While in the second analysis, the writer would like to analyze the plot of the story in order to relate some events that influence their friendship. The third analysis is tried to find out the message of friendship in Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat

seen through the major characters and plot of the story by relating the results of the first and second analysis.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study above, there are three problems that will be discussed in the study. The problems are formulated in the questions below: 1. How are the characterizations of the major characters (Danny, Pilon, Pablo, Jesus

Maria, the Pirate, and Big Joe) described in John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat? 2. How is the plot of the story developed?

3. How are the message of friendship described through the major characters and plot of the story?

C. Objectives of the Study



study. Secondly, the objective is to identify the plot of the story in order to get more understanding on some events that influence those characters’ friendship as some important points in the story. While the last, the writer will try to find out the message of friendship, which are valuable as lessons of life seen through the major characters and plot of the story.

D. Definition of the Terms

Before moving further, it is important for the writer to define briefly some

specific terms which are mentioned on the title in order to avoid misinterpretations in understanding this thesis on certain terms, which also will be mostly used in the analysis. Those terms are message, friendship, major characters, and plot.

Beaty and Hunter in their book, New World of Literature, give the explanation on messages. They describe this first term as the actual meanings or some easy conclusions that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899). It means that messages are some ideas that the readers can get from a work of art as a lesson for their life.


The third term is major characters that Abrams, in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms 6th ed., defines as the persons in dramatic or narrative work who become the focus of the story. He adds that the events in the story always involve them directly or indirectly (1985: 20-21).

The last term is plot. Holman and Harmon, in A Handbook of Literature,





In this chapter, there are three sub-chapters; those are review of related studies, theoretical review, and theoretical framework. In the review of related studies the writer will quote some public opinions of Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat. Whereas in theoretical review, the writer would like to write some theories related to the topic of this study. In this case, the writer will try to specify only on some theories that will be used to answer the problems mentioned in the problem formulation on the previous chapter. Then, in theoretical framework, the writer will try to explain the contribution of the reviews and theories mentioned before in solving the problems of the study.

A. Review of Related Studies

The writer found some customers’ reviews on www.amazon.com about


philosophy and the ending is masterful. Because of that, this novel successfully made her smiles and thinks (2005).

The next is William Fuller’s comment that Danny, Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria, the Pirate, and Big Joe are paisanos that qualified as friends. “Their friendship is the comradeships of simplicity, poverty, ignorance, despair, and on occasion, of simple pleasure. It is the comradeship of survival through the inexorable passage of time” (2005). In the end of the story, Danny wants to have freedom that makes him lost from his friend. His loss makes those paisanos friendship breaks up and his friends choose to live partly after his death. “The paisanos life will continue, not as a group of comrades but as the individuals they were before. Their temporary coalescing into a comradeship was, but the rise of the tide, which must, as a natural consequence, also fall” (2005).



Another review is from Sporkdude who states that Tortilla Flat is a decent novel which also heart-warming, funny, and tragic in the end. It tells a story about some paisanos that live in a poor condition and area who are considered as lazy people because their major activity in their daily lives is only drinking wine. “They go through, talk about, or hear about all sorts of little adventures. Some of these adventures revolve around getting drunk, some are more serious, and some are even more hilarious” (2002). As time passed, they build friendship until their conscience points although at the end, they are apart because of Danny’s death.

After reading some statements about Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat, which some of them quoted above, the writer’s interest to analyze the friendship in this novel grows deeper, especially to find out the messages of friendship seen through its characters and the plot of the story. At first, the writer specifies on analyzing the characterizations of Danny, Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria Corcoran, the Pirate, and Big Joe, and then, tries to analyze the plot of the story. And the last one is the writer relates the analysis of those characters’ characterizations and the plot of the story to the theories of message in order to get a deeper understanding of this study on the messages seen through those characters and plot of the story in Steinbeck’s


B. Review of Related Theories

In writing this thesis, the writer needs some theories that related to the topic. Those are the theories on character and characterization, plot, and message. Because of that, this sub-chapter contains some explanations of the theories, which are needed to do the analysis.

I. Theory on Character and Characterization

In discussing about the message, especially the message of friendship, in a story cannot be done completely without discussing on the related characters. Those characters' life is being discussed as one of the focuses in the story. Moreover, the characterizations of the characters and the story of their life usually have important effect to the story, as they become one of the main focuses to be told.



Abrams, in A Glossary of Literary Terms, states that character is one of the important elements of a story that also can be considered as a person who has an important role in a story. Abrams, in his theory, says that the person presented in a story is called the character. The readers interpret the character as having certain characteristic in the way he plays his role that is expressed by what he says or his dialogue and what he does or his action (1985: 20).

Characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say--the dialogue—and by what they do—the action (Abrams, 1985: 23-24).

From the above quotation, it also can be understood that readers can interpret a character’s behavior, moral and habit or other qualities by paying attention to what he says and does. While in A Handbook of Literature 5th ed., Holman and Harmon also say that the characterization is the creation of a character so that he exists for the readers as life like and the author always reveals the character of imaginary person in the story (1986: 81).


characters are the most important element because the center of the story is focused to those characters from the beginning until the end of the story (1985: 20-21).

The last theory to be explained in this sub-chapter is M. J. Murphy’s theory in Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students about the nine ways that an author may describe the character’s personalities and traits to the reader (1972: 161-173). Those are:

a. Personal description. It is related with the author’s description about the character’s appearance and clothes.

b. Character as seen by another. It means that an author can use other characters’ eyes and opinions in describing a character.

c. Speech. It is related with the character’s conversation with others as a clue for the readers to understand the character’s nature.

d. Past life. It is related with the character’s past life that can shape his nature, which the readers can find it from the author’s direct explanation, the character’s thought and conversation, and also the medium of another person.

e. Conversation of others. A conversation of other characters and the things they say about him can be a clue toward a person’s character.

f. Reactions. A character’s nature can be known from his reactions in various situations and events.



h. Thoughts. The author gives the readers a direct knowledge of what a character is thinking about, so, the readers can get an understanding about that character’s nature.

i. Mannerisms. The reader also can understand a character’s nature through his mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies.

2. Theory on Plot

A novel must be built by events, which are tied in a unity. Because of that, understanding a plot of a novel is important for the reader. In Aspect of the Novel and Related Writings, Forster states that plot is different from a story. He says that “a story as a narrative of events arranged in their time-sequence”, while a plot is “also a narrative events, but the emphasis falling on causality” (1974: 60). So, the basic difference between those two things is that a story only presents chronological events but plot also contains the causality of events.

In Structure, Sounds, and Sense 2nd ed., Perrinesays that plot is the sequence of incidents or events of which a story is composed. It may be included what a character says or thinks, as well as he does, but it leaves out description and analysis and concentrates ordinarily on major happening (1974: 43).


is perceived by the readers as a complete and ordered structure of actions, directed toward the intended effect, in which none of the component parts or incidents is unnecessary. He also quotes Aristotle’s statement about a unified plot as a continuous series of “beginning, middle, and end” (1985: 161).

The beginning initiates the main action in a way which makes us look forward to something more; the middle presumes what has gone before and requires something to follow; and the end follows from what has gone before but requires nothing more; we are satisfied that the plot is complete (1985: 161).

Aristotle also gives alternative of plot, which consists of “exposition”, “complication”, “climax”, and “denouement”. Exposition is the beginning of the novel when the characters are introduced and the background is sketched. While the next, when the increasing of interest appears as the difficulties introduced is called as complication. When there is the developing of conflicts and the rising of actions reach the highest point is known as climax. The last section is denouement that happens when the actions and intrigues reach the outcome as the ending of the story (Yelland, Jones, and Easton, 1953: 148).

3. Theory on Message



According to Beaty and Hunter in New Worlds of Literature, messages can be defined as the real meaning or some easy conclusions that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899). This definition leads the readers to understand that enjoying a work of art not only focuses on looking for pleasure but also deeper than that. It means that the readers should find the essence of a work as a moral lesson that can be applied in their real life in order to make it better and more meaningful. Sometimes, people think that message and theme are identical because of their similarities, but Beaty and Hunter in this book also give the difference between both of them. They state that “message seeks to inform or convince, while theme seeks to have you to comprehend and empathize, so that the information or the ideas are less directly articulated, or more broadly accessible” (1989: 899).


think worth realizing and the actions which we think worth doing or which we think important to refrain from doing” (Cochrane, Hamm, and Kazepidez, 1979: 7). It means that moral value is a kind of thing that people believe as something which is important to be done and it also can be used to differentiate whether something is good or not.

In An Introduction to the Study of Literature, Hudson writes Symonds opinion that all art must be moralized which means that there must be a harmony between that principle with the tones of feeling.

The objects of ethics and art are distinct. The one analyses and instructs; the other embodies and delights. But since all the arts give form to thought and feeling, it follows that the greatest art is that which includes in its synthesis the fullest complex of thoughts and feelings. The more complete his presentation of life in organized complexity, the greater he will be (1958: 170).

In short, art is fundamentally connected with morality that art grows out of life, fed by life, and re-acts upon life. As the author deals with life, his work must be dealt with the moral facts and issues involved in life; and it is upon the whole spirit and tendency of his attitude, that the real greatness of his work very largely depends on. So, there must be something that the readers can take as some valuable messages for their life beside satisfaction in enjoying it.



be able to reveal the message of friendship seen through the major characters and plot of the story in Tortilla Flat.

C. Theoretical Framework

There are three problems which are mentioned in the previous chapter that will be discussed in this study in order to get a deeper understanding on the message of friendship seen through the major characters and plot of the story in John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat. Here, the writer would like to specify on the friendship between Danny, Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria, the Pirate, and Big Joe. Because of that, the first problem is about how the characterizations of those characters in

Tortilla Flat are. The writer will apply Murphy’s theory taken from Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students about the nine ways to find out the characterizations of a character in literary works as the basic theory in analyzing it. This result of the first analysis is useful to show that the difference characteristics between the major characters lead to the plot development in the second analysis.


divided into three sections of plot. Those are the beginning, middle, and end; and also exposition, complication, climax, and denouement.





This third chapter consists of three parts namely the object of the study, the approach of the study, and the method of the study. In the first sub-chapter, there is the description of the data of this study. The second part consists of the explanation about the approach that will be used in this study. While the last one, it covers the procedures of analyzing the work of literature in the study.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is one of John Steinbeck’s novels entitled Tortilla Flat. This novel is considered as his first successful work. William Heinemann Ltd first published this book in 1935. While in writing this thesis, the writer used Tortilla Flat that published in London, by Pan Books Ltd as the third edition of this novel in 1975. It consists of 189 pages, which is divided into 17 chapters.


when Danny’s craziness starts to appear that also brings their friendship to an end after his death.

Tortilla Flat is considered as Steinbeck’s first success among his writings. His career gets a positive reception from public because this novel got a great appreciation that can be seen when he received the California Commonwealth Club’s Gold Medal. The success of his Tortilla Flat continued when it was made into a film in 1942.

In this novel, the writer finds that the friendship between the major characters (Danny, Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria Corcoran, the Pirate, and Big Joe Portagee) in Tortilla Flat is unique and interesting. Therefore, the writer wants to analyze the message of friendship seen through those major characters and plot of the story.

B. Approach of the Study



In the same book, Barry says that liberal-humanism is an approach that concerns on “human nature as something fixed and constant which great literature expresses” which not related to politic, Marxist’, feminist’, and ‘non-theoretical’ (Barry, 2002: 3-4). It also means this criticism believes that a literary text contains its own meaning within itself and it does not require any elaborate process of placing it within a context. In analyzing a work of art by using liberal humanism approach, the writer will only analyze the elements in the works itself (intrinsic elements) in finding the humane values without relate it to any other fields outside the work (extrinsic elements).

C. Method of the Study

There were two methods that the writer did in doing the analysis of this study. Those are library and online research. The writer divided the data into two categories; they were primary and secondary. One of John Steinbeck’s works, entitled Tortilla Flat, was considered as the primary data. While the secondary data was the others which were related and used in doing this study that could be from library and Internet.


In the second step, the writer collected some references from some books and websites. The collected data included some comments on Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat,

theories on character and characterization, plot, and also on message. Since this study talked about the message in a work of art, the writer also applied liberal-humanism as the approach.

The third step in this study was analyzing the formulated problems in the previous chapter. Since the first problem was about the characterizations of the major characters (Danny, Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria, the Pirate, and Big Joe) described in John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat, the theories of character and characterization were employed. Then, the writer applied the theories on plot to answer the second problem. While the next step, the writer used the theories on message, which will be related with those major characters’ characterizations and the analysis of plot, by using liberal-humanism approach.





In this chapter, the writer presents the result of the analysis as the answers of the problem formulation in the previous chapter. This chapter consists of three sub-chapters. First sub-chapter contains the answers of the first question stated on the problem formulation, that is the characterizations of the major characters (Danny, Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria, the Pirate, and Big Joe) in Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat. The second subchapter discusses the plot of the story. While the last subchapter, it reveals the message of friendship that can be found in this novel seen through its major characters and plot of the story.

A. The Characterizations of the Major Characters in John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat


1. The Characterization of Danny

On the preface of the story, Steinbeck gives a description of Danny as twenty-five years small, dark, and an intent paisano. Paisano is “a mixture of Spanish, Indian, Mexican and assorted Caucasian bloods. He speaks English with a paisano accent and Spanish with a paisano accent” (1975: 10).

He is also described as having good relationships with the people on there because of his paisano blood and his love affair from the author’s direct statement “He was related to nearly everyone in the Flat by blood or romance” (1975: 10). Danny can be called as a womanizer through his mannerism that Danny loves in having free loves with women around him (having sex without being married). The novel mentioned some of those women, such as Mrs. Morales (ch.4), Rosa Martin (ch.4), and Dolores Engracia Ramirez (ch.9). In having this kind of relationship, he does not pay attention on their status, age, etc. for example, he does not consider that Mrs. Morales is about fifty years old and he is only half of her.



His characteristic as a womanizer also becomes a proof of his principle of life to be a free agent.

From one of Danny’s speech with Pilon, it can be seen that Danny is a generous man. He has an intention to share one of his houses after he remembered himself as an heir and he makes that decision without any purpose, just because he considers Pilon as his good friend.

‘I will never forget thee, Pilon.’

Danny arose unsteadily and held himself upright against a tree. ‘Pilon, I swear, what I have is thine. While I have a house, thou hast a house” (18; ch.1).

His generosity is also proved by his word toward the Pirate. He feels pity for knowing the Pirate’s condition that he lives in a chicken house with his five dogs. “‘Poor little lonely man,’ Danny added. ‘If I had known, I would have asked him long ago, even if he had no treasure’“(69; ch.7). The previous statement shows us that Danny has a good heart without any intention in helping others although in fact, he does not know that person well.


2. The Characterization of Pilon

Pilon can be seen as a cunning man from his shrewd words when he talks to his friends in order to make them accept and follow his desire. It also can be said that he is clever in arranging words to touch one’s heart when persuading other. For example is when he successfully persuades Pablo to live in his house with him, he talks sweetly and softly in order to get a reason for not paying the rent to Danny.

‘Pablo,’ he said, ‘dost thou never get tired of sleeping in ditches, wet and homeless, friendless and alone?’

Pilon mellowed his voice persuasively. ‘So I thought, my friend, when I was a dirty gutter-dog, I too, was content, for I did not know how sweet a little house is, and a roof, and a garden. Ah, Pablo, this is indeed living’ (29; ch.3). His intelligence is also proved from his daily life that he usually has bright idea that his friends accept and follow him. By having such idea, he can control his other friends in Danny’s house. One of the examples is that he gives some commands to his friends to help a Caporal’s sick baby.

Pilon immediately took control. Jesus Maria he sent to Mrs. Palochio’s house to borrow goat milk; Big Joe and Pablo to get an apple box, pad it with dry grass and line it with a sheepskin coat. Danny offered his bed, but it was refused (108; ch.10).



time he works for Chin Kee by cleaning squids to get money for Danny but he does not succeed again in doing his plan (24-26; ch.3).

He has a strange habit that he wants to know many things about everyone in Tortilla Flat that others do not by noticing one’s daily life, such as the Pirate’s and Sweets Ramirez’s habits. He pays attention to them when he feels that there will be something, which can be useful, later. When he pays attention to the Pirate’s habit, he knows that the Pirate has much money.

Some people had seen the Pirate early in the morning on Alvarado Street; some had seen him cutting pitchwood; some knew he sold kindling; but no one except Pilon knew everything the Pirate did. Pilon knew everybody and everything about everybody (59-60; ch.7).

While about Sweets habit, he pays attention to it because he wants to know about her closeness with Danny. Then, it is useful when he wants to take back the vacuum cleaner as Danny’s gift, which makes people on Tortilla Flat laugh at Danny.

There were few things going on in Tortilla Flat that Pilon did not know. His mind made sharp little notes of everything that his eyes saw or his ears heard. He knew that Sweets went to the store at four-thirty every afternoon. He depended upon this almost invariable habit to put his plan into effect (103; ch.9).


remembers that God will forgive everyone’s sins since he tries to be a better person in his life.

I have known I would go to Hell. But now I see that the sinner is never so bad that he cannot be forgiven. Although I have not yet been to confession, I can feel that the change in me is pleasing to God, for His grace is upon me. If you, too, would change your ways, Big Joe, if you would give up drunkenness and fighting and those girls down at Dora Williams’ House, you too might feel as I do’ (83; ch.8).

Pilon’s reaction after knowing about the Pirate’s purpose in saving money can prove him as a kind-hearted man. Pilon usually has a special purpose behind his goodness toward others but he still has positive side in his life because as his action begins, his attitude will be changed little by little because of some factors. It is clearly seen when he has a hidden intention not only to help in managing the Pirate’s life but also to take advantage of the Pirate’s money but his attitude changed after he knows the Pirate’s vow. Even, Pilon and the friends try to help to keep that money (ch.7).

Pilon was a lover of beauty and a mystic. He raised his face into the sky and his soul arose out of him into the sun’s afterglow. That not too perfect Pilon, who plotted and fought, who drank and cursed, trudged slowly on; but a wistful and shining Pilon went up to the sea gulls where they bathed on sensitive wings in the evening. That Pilon was beautiful, and his thoughts were unstained with selfishness and lust. And his thoughts are good to know (26; ch.3).



3. The Characterization of Pablo Sanchez

One of Pablo’s characteristics is an alcoholic person which can be seen through his habit in drinking wine almost everyday. It also can be known from his way in seeing his surrounding related to wine. For instance in the beginning of chapter 4, Pablo says “If all the dew were diamonds, we would be very rich. We would be drunk all our lives” (31; ch.4) when he has a conversation with Pilon.

In chapter 5, Pablo is told as a careless man that he has no seriousness in his mannerisms and even, in religious service. It is depicted from Steinbeck’s direct comment when there is an event when the rented house burned down as his guilty “If it were possible to judge depth of sleep, it could be said with justice that Pablo, whose culpable action was responsible for the fire” (50; ch.5). It can be said that it happens because of his carelessness and unserious-ness in dedicating candle for San Francisco that also can be considered as a punishment for having such characteristics.

From his mannerisms, Pablo also can be considered as a follower in the friendship in this story. It is because he usually only follows his friend’s idea and action without giving any initiative and thinking further about it. Such as when Pilon tries to persuade Jesus Maria to join in the rented house, Pablo tries to help by also telling a story of a poor person who writhed and suffered because of life in open air, to support Pilon speech (38-39; ch.4).


did not mitigate his triumph. If Danny should ever ask for money, Pilon could say, ‘I will pay when Pablo pays’ (29; ch.3).

This characteristic also can be seen from the first time Pablo Sanchez appears in the story as the previous quotation that he is depicted as an easily persuaded person through his reaction toward other, especially Pilon. It is seen when Pilon tries to make him to live together in the rented house in order to make him pays the rent although Pilon is sure that he will never pay it. Pablo only accepts this persuasion and follows what Pilon says without thinking more on the consequence that will be his responsibility.

Through his thought when he sees a vision before Danny’s death, he can be considered as having sixth sense. It means that he can see something, which are not all people can know and see it. From his vision, he can predict that something bad will happen.

‘I could just see him, leaning on the rail. I looked at him, and then I saw something else. At first it looked like a black cloud in the air over Danny’s head. And then I saw it was a big black bird, as big as a man. It hung in the air like a hawk over a rabbit hole. I crossed myself and said two Hail Marys. The bird was gone when we came to Danny’ (176; ch.17).

4. The Characterization of Jesus Maria Corcoran



The author’s direct comments usually relate Jesus Maria Corcoran with the word humanities since the first time his name written in the novel. Such as “Jesus Maria was a humanitarian, and kindness was always in him” (37; ch.4). He likes to try to help others who need it and shares his happiness with people around him with his pure heart.

Jesus Maria Corcoran was a pathway for the humanities. Suffering he tried to relieve; sorrow he tried to assuage; happiness he shared. No hard nor haunted Jesus Maria existed. His heart was free for the use of anyone who had a use for it. His resources and wits were at the disposal of anyone who had less of either than had Jesus Maria (106; ch.10).

His habit that he likes to help others although he does not really know them well also proves his humanitarianism. In chapter 10, Steinbeck tells us that Jesus Maria is the one who brings a Caporal and his sick baby to Danny’s house to get help because he is a kind of person who can not stand seeing others in trouble (107-108; ch.10). While in chapter 13, Jesus Maria is the man who knows firstly that Teresina Cortez needs help to get food for her nearly starving children and mother (140-142; ch.13). Even, because of his kind-hearted, Pilon says “If that Jesus Maria had gone into the church, Monterey would have had a saint for the calendar” (106; ch.10).

Through his uncommon mannerism, it can be known that he has an interest in socializing with others and also art. Steinbeck tells that Jesus Maria Corcoran goes to a post office everyday in order to meet people and see women’s skirts blown by the wind, so he can see their feet which he considers as an art and not a part of lust.


windy post office corner he could look at the legs of a great many girls. It must not be supposed that in this latter interest there was any vulgarity. As soon criticize a man who goes to art galleries or to concerts. Jesus Maria liked to look at girls’ legs (106-107; ch.10).

Jesus Maria also can be considered as a man who often fails in love which can be known from a conversation between Pilon and Pablo “Jesus Maria, with that red beard and that kind heart is nearly always in some kind of trouble with ladies” (46, ch.5). From that quotation, it means that he has some relationships with women although he almost never succeeds. For instance in chapter 4, Steinbeck writes about his relationship with Arabella Gross that is ruined by some soldiers.

5. The Characterization of the Pirate

Steinbeck introduces the Pirate in chapter 7 by describing his strange appearance as the background why people call him as the Pirate. In the beginning, the Pirate is stated as a lone man because he has no friends, except his dogs. Because of his appearance and abnormal brain, people in Tortilla Flat see him only an eye and although many of them know him but no one know him well.



He is considered as a mentally handicapped man because his brain cannot work as a normal person, which is seen from Pilon’s thought about him “God did not give him all the brain he should have” (62; ch.7). It also can be said that he has a contradictory growth condition between his brain and physic. Because of that, related to his way of living, Pilon also thinks that it becomes the reason why the Pirate’s daily life goes so simply does not like a normal people in general that he only lives in a deserted chicken house with his five dogs without any desire to have a better life.

The Pirate looked down at the ground and tried to think clearly, but as always, when he attempted to cope with a problem, his brain grew grey and no help came from it, but only a feeling of helplessness. He looked to his dogs for protection, but they had gone back to sleep, for it was none of their business. And then he looked earnestly into Pilon’s eyes. ‘You must tell me what to do, Pilon. I did not know these things’ (65-66; ch.7).

It also can be seen from the Pirate’s reaction in coping problems as the result of his shallow brain as the above quotation, he usually faces difficulties to cope them in his life. He cannot understand something that for a normal people is only a simple one.


Every morning, long before his friends were awake, the Pirate arose from his corner and, followed by his dogs, he made the rounds of the restaurants and the wharves. He was one of those for whom everyone feels kindliness. His packages grew larger. The paisanos received his bounty and made use of it; fresh fish halt pies, untouched loaves of stale bread, meat that required only a little soda to take the green out. They began really to live (69; ch.7).

Through his habit, the Pirate is depicted as a dog lover. He considers his dogs on the same degree with him. It can be seen from his daily life that he really cares his five dogs fairly, even sometimes more than himself. When he has something, he will give the equal quantity for them and himself, even in some events he gives the better things for them. “Then he opened the parcels and fed the dogs. For himself he took bread or a piece of meat out of each package, but he did not pick the best for himself” (60; ch.7).

“My money will be safe with my friends. No one can steal it if my friends guard it for me” (73; ch.7). From that previous quotation, as the Pirate’s speech with his friends in Danny’s house, it can be concluded that he is an insecure man because he is not confident to keep his own money and as an alternative he asks his friends to do it. This characteristic of him also can be proved by his thought to get protection from his dogs when he has difficulties as one time Steinbeck writes “He looked to his dogs for protection” (65; ch.7).



(61; ch.7). The other proof for his religiosity is that he made a vow to buy a gold candlestick for San Francisco de Assisi as his gratifying related to his dog.

It is promised. I have nearly a thousand two-bitses. When I have a thousand I will buy a gold candle-stick for San Francisco de Assisi.

‘Once I had a nice dog, and that dog was sick; and I promised a gold candlestick of one thousand days if that dog would get well. And,’ he spread hands, ‘that dog got well’ (74; ch.7).

6. The Characterization of Big Joe Portagee

By telling Big Joe Portagee’s past life, Steinbeck wants to say that he is a lazy man. He spent more of his time in jail that was in two years life as a soldier but he becomes a prisoner for eighteen months on the war decade because of his laziness in doing his duties (75; ch.8). He considers jail as his own home where he can get many new friends without any effort and also he does not need to think about how to fulfill his daily needs and place to live. In other words, he can be called as a jail man because he spends half of the year in the jail and half another outside.

He is a not-trustworthy man that he cannot keep a secret, which can be seen, from his conversation with Pilon. He confesses that he tells others that they found a treasure on Saint Andrew’s Eve when he tries to buy wine in Torelli’s although Pilon had said to him not to tell other people about it before they dig it.


Beside that characteristic, Big Joe is quite an honest man that he likes to tell a truth. It is proved by Steinbeck’s direct comment in chapter 11 “Big Joe rarely told a lie. His mind didn’t work quickly enough” (115; ch.11).

He can be considered as a wine obsessed man from his peculiarity that he will do everything to get wine. Because of this bad characteristic, sometimes Big Joe is punished by his friends in order to make him realizes his actions that stealing friends’ properties can change one’s attitude towards friendship. He never thinks further in doing his action because of his mania for drinking wine. For example, he steals one of Danny’s blankets to trade it with wine in Torelli’s and he does not consider about the punishment which he can get (85; ch.8). Even, in another time he is dauntless enough to steal the Pirate’s money, which will be used to fulfill a vow only for wine (ch.12).

B. The Plot in Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat



1. The Beginning

The beginning part of the story consists of the coming of some related characters that join in a bond of friendship one by one as the story developed. The major characters who join that friendship are Danny, Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria Corcoran, the Pirate, and Big Joe Portagee who almost of them appear on different chapters where their characteristics explored.

The exposition is when the story begins with Danny as the heir of two houses from his grandfather, the Viejo, in Monterey (17; ch.1). It is told that Pilon rents one of Danny’s houses although in fact both of them do not really have the commitment about the rent.

It is impossible to say whether Danny expected any rent, or whether Pilon expected to pay any. If they did, both were disappointed. Danny never asked for it, and Pilon never offered it (24; ch.3).


2. The Middle

The middle part of the story consists of some problems in the major characters’ friendship related to their different characteristics. It starts when an event happens that the rented house burned down because of Pablo’s carelessness in dedicating candle for Saint Francisco. This incident can be called as the complication of the story, which is the introduction of an important problem in their friendship. Danny feels a little angry because his friends make him looses one of his houses but then, he only thinks that they must be more disciplined. Because of that, he forgives his friends when they ask forgiveness for the burnt house (56; ch.6). They succeed and even, Danny lets them stay with him in his house. This happening becomes a new starting point of their friendship building that they live together in one house.

There is the Pirate as the next member in Danny’s house. They invite him to live together although only on a corner of the living room for him and also his dogs than living in a chicken house because Pilon thinks that he is a kind of mentally handicapped man which makes him cannot manage his money for life. Beside that, Pilon also has a hidden intention to take advantage some of his money for himself and his friends. After knowing that the Pirate has a vow to buy a candlestick for Saint Francisco of one thousand days, they change their attitude toward the Pirate and help him to keep it (59-74; ch.7).



obsessed with wine, starts to make problem in Danny’s house by stealing one of Danny’s blankets and trades it with a jug of wine. Because of that, Pilon takes off his trouser when they drunk on the beach to be traded with wine. As angry as he is, Pilon has no heart to think that his friend is half naked on the beach, so, he takes back Big Joe Portagee’s trouser (75-93; ch.8). Another time Big Joe steals the Pirate’s money, which will be used to fulfill a vow. Everyone in the house is very angry and they punish him physically until unconscious. As friends, they forgive and cure his wounds after the punishment done. Obviously, the Pirate’s money is more than one thousand days of his vow, so in the next day, they go to Father Ramon to give the money to buy a gold candlestick for St. Francisco.

Danny’s boredom toward his daily monotonous activities and his longing for freedom that he has before living together with his friends is considered as an important thing related to their friendship. This feeling makes the paisanos life changes as his gloom grows bitterly.

Danny began to dream of the days of his freedom. He had slept in the woods in summer, and in the warm hay of barns when the winter cold was in.

Danny thought of the old lost time, he could taste again how good the stolen food was, and he longed for that old time again. Since his inheritance had lifted him, he had not fought often. He had been drunk, but not adventurously so (157; ch.15).


house by breaking Torelli’s bill of sale, which signed by Danny. Danny’s friends feel very worry for his condition. Even though they do not know the real cause of Danny’s changing and his leaving from the house, they try to handle the situations and do not angry with him for whatever he done as his craziness.

When Danny finally gets home with Tito Ralph, there is no brightness in his face and only gloomy can be seen. His friends arrange a party for him with the entire people in Tortilla Flat because it seems that although his body is at home but not his soul. In the party, Danny falls into a gulch outside his house when he gets drunk and he dies because of it (ch.16). This happening becomes the climax of the story because it is the peak of the conflict in this novel as the most important problem in the story of their friendship. It also can be considered as a turning point that leads to an enormous changing especially on the friendship between the major characters.

3. The End



As the end of the story, the five men left burn Danny’s house, which becomes the symbol of their friendship. It is done because they do not want others having this house that can make the memory of their living together with Danny in his house being disturbed.

The cord that bound you together is cut. The magnet that drew you lost its virtue. Some stranger will own the house, some joyless relative of Danny’s. Better that this symbol of holy friendship; this good house of parties and fights, of love and comfort, should die as Danny died, in one last glorious hopeless assault on the gods.

They sat and smiled. And the flame climbed like a snake to the ceiling and broke through the roof and roared (188; ch.17).

As the house burned down, their friendship also broke up and they are apart. They go to each of their own directions. This event is the symbol of the falling action or denouement that their friendship is ended.

Danny’s friends still stood looking at the smoking ruin. They looked at one another strangely, and then back to the burnt house, and after a while they turned and walked slowly away, and no two walked together (189; ch.17). No more friendship, no more happy story of their sacred bond of friendship. It is the end of the story as the end of the major characters’ friendship.

C. The Message of Friendship in John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat Seen through the Major Characters and Plot of the Story


though as bad as they are, as criminal as they are, those characters can build a unique friendship that can make us think more on their goodness rather than their badness.

Their friendship in this novel is developed step by step as the chapters go. In that process, the readers can take some lessons from some events in this novel for our real life to make it more meaningful. In this last analysis, the writer tries to find out the message of friendship seen through the major characters and plot of story in Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat. It is done because there must be moral lessons to be learned when their characteristics influence each other as the plot develops. The writer analyzes the message of friendship by relating the major characters characteristics as the result of the first analysis and the events in the plot analysis.

1. Friendship Means Accepting Differences.



wealthy families and homeless, except Jesus Maria Corcoran who is a son of a rich and respected prizefighter.

Another difference among them is about their characteristics. Each of them has their own uniqueness. Danny is a wealthy generous man, Pilon is a kind-hearted cunning man, Pablo is a follower and careless man, Jesus Maria Corcoran is a humanitarian, Big Joe Portagee is a lazy wine obsessed man, and the last one is the Pirate who is a kind of mentally handicapped man but also a religious hard worker.

Already his friends looked at him with a new respect. They thought no more of his intelligence than they had before, but they knew now that his meager wits were supplemented with all the power of Heaven and all the strength of the saints (126; ch.12).

The above quotation is one proof for the first message that they gain new respect for the Pirate which leads them to regard and accept him on the same degree although at first they see him only an eye.

2. Friendship Means Enlightening Life.


At first, the people who live in Danny’s house do not care others on their surrounding but after Jesus Maria Corcoran joins in Danny’s house, as one of their friend, they become more humanitarian by paying attention to others troubles. It can be seen when they try to help a Caporal and his sick baby (ch.10). In chapter 13, they also help Señora Teresina Cortez by giving her some sacks of stolen food for her nearly starve family.

Moreover, they become more religious after the Pirate joins as one of their friends because of his vow to buy a gold candlestick for Saint Francisco that arouses their awareness toward religious life. And also they can have more respect to others, especially one’s property by helping the Pirate to keep that money.

3. Friendship Means Forgiving.

In the friendship among Danny’s friends, the writer also finds a message that a friend should forgive one’s fault although normally at first he feels angry by paying attention to some events in the story and their characteristics. Six people with their different characteristics need a big heart for having forgiveness as an important thing in friendship to build, keep, and save this sacred bond.



he feels, he allows Pilon, Pablo, and Jesus Maria Corcoran to live in his house with him without thinking further about their fault after they ask forgiveness.

The other evidence is also found in the middle part of the story which is related with Big Joe Portagee that he puts one of Danny’s blankets to trade it with wine in Torelli’s. Pilon punishes him by ordering him to dig a treasure that they found in Saint Andrew’s Eve and also takes off Big Joe Portagee’s trouser when he sleeps on the beach. But then, Pilon does not have a heart to let him naked and he gives back Big Joe’s trouser as a symbol of his forgiveness (ch.8). While in chapter 12, Big Joe Portagee also gets a punishment from his friends because he steals some of the Pirate’s money. They beat him until bleeding and unconscious. After that, they forgive him by taking care of his injuries.

The action broke up the punishment. The friends gathered tenderly about Big Joe. They laid him on Danny’s bed and washed the salt out of his wounds. They put cold cloths on his head and kept his jar full of wine. Big Joe moaned whenever they touched him. His morals were probably untouched, but it would have been safe to prophesy that never again would he steal from the paisanos of Danny’s house (124; ch.12).

4. Friendship Means Sharing.


The Pirate still cut pitchwood and sold it in the streets of Monterey, but now he bought food with the quarter he earned every day. Occasionally the friends procured some wine, and then there was singing and fighting (156; ch.15). It also can be seen after the Pirate fulfilled his vow and he will go to the church to see his candlestick in a mass. His friends lend him their clothes and accessories in order to make him looks proper and well-mannered in the church as Steinbeck writes “At last he was ready; Pilon’s father’s hat rakishly on his head, Danny’s shirt, Big Joe’s pants, the huge handkerchief around his neck, and at intervals, the flashing of the jeweled belt” (129; ch.12). Even, they also help others together although they should do some little crimes in Tortilla Flat for examples in chapter 10 they help a Caporal and his sick baby, also in chapter 13 they save Señora Teresina Cortez and her starve family (140-142; ch.13).







After finishing the analysis, the writer finds the answers of the three problems discussed in this thesis. The first problem is about the characterization of the major characters (Danny, Pilon, Pablo Sanchez, Jesus Maria Corcoran, the Pirate, and Big Joe Portagee).

Danny is described as a paisano who likes to live freely in the forest, works on ranches and wrests his food and wine rather than lives with his influential family. He is also characterized as a womanizer who likes to have free loves. Besides that, he is also a generous man that he lets his friends to live in his house and an easy forgiving person that he forgives his friends for the burning of one of his houses.



Pablo is the third character who is analyzed in this thesis. He is an alcoholic and careless man that he has no seriousness in his action and even, in religious service such as when he dedicates a candle for San Francisco that caused the rented house burned down. In the friendship in this story, Pablo can be considered as a follower that he usually only follows his friend’s idea and action without thinking further on its consequences and without giving any initiative. He also has a sixth sense that is proved when he sees a vision before Danny’s death.

Jesus Maria is the fourth character who joins in the friendship. He does not come from a poor family, but he is a son of a rich and respected prizefighter. Steinbeck calls him as a humanitarian who likes to help others who need it with his pure heart although he does not really know them well. He is characterized as having an interest in socializing with others and in art that he likes to go to the post office to meet people and see women’s skirts blown by the wind, so he can sees their feet that he thinks as an art. Related to women, he can be considered as a man who often fails in love that he almost never succeeds in having relationships with them.


the same degree with him. He is seen as an insecure man from his unconfident in keeping his money and his thought to get protection from his dogs when he has difficulties. His most prominent distinctive with his other friends is that he is a religious hard worker that six days a week he works and goes to the church on Sunday. The other proof for his religiosity is that he made a vow to buy a gold candlestick for San Francisco de Assisi as his gratifying related to his dog.

The last character is Big Joe Portagee. He is a lazy person that leads him to spend more of his time in jail on the war decade because of his laziness in doing his duties. He also can be called as a jail man because he spends half of the year in the jail and half another outside, even; he considers jail as his own home where he can get many new friends and daily needs without any efforts. He is described a not-trustworthy man who cannot keep a secret, but he is quite honest that he likes to tell a truth. While his most conspicuous characteristic is that he is a wine obsessed man. He will do everything to get wine, even; stealing his friends’ properties without thinking further on the consequences that he will get.



The middle consists of complication and climax. The complication starts when the rented house burned down but then Danny forgives and lets them stay with him in his house, which becomes a new starting point of their friendship building that they live together in a house. The Pirate is invited as the next member in Danny’s house because they want to help to manage his life; but they also have a hidden intention to take some of his money. After knowing the Pirate’s vow, they change their attitude and help him to keep it. The last character is Big Joe Portagee who joins this bond of friendship. He starts to make problem in Danny’s house because of his wine obsession by stealing Danny’s blanket. Another time he puts some of the Pirate’s money of a vow that makes him being punished by his friends until unconscious but then, they forgive and cure him. Obviously, the Pirate’s vow is fulfilled. The next problem starts when Danny is bored with his monotonous daily activities and longed for freedom before living together with his friends, which leads him to leave his house back to his previous habit. The peak of his craziness is trading his house but his friends can safe it. When Danny finally gets home, his friends arrange a party to make him happier. The plot reaches its climax when Danny gets drunk and falls into a gulch, then, dies because of it in the party.


After reading Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat, the writer gets the message of friendship seen through the major characters and plot of the story. There are four messages in the analysis. First, Friendship means accepting differences among its members that they should not consider difference characteristics, status, intelligence, etc as obstacles. For example in this story, the six characters have difference characteristics but they still can build bond of friendship.

The second message is that friendship means enlightening life that each has their special goodness, which can influence one another in those characters’ ways of life. The six involved in this friendship become more religious, humanitarians, and having more organized life. For example: after Jesus Maria Corcoran became their friend, they become more humanitarian. They also become more religious after the Pirate joins as one of their friends and also they can have more respect to others.

The third message is friendship means forgiving fault that having forgiveness is important in building, keeping, and saving this sacred bond. In this story, Danny forgives his friends for the burnt house although he feels angry at first; even he lets them to live in his house without thinking further about their fault. The other is related with Big Joe who gets a punishment until unconscious because he steals the Pirate’s money but they forgive him by taking care of his injuries as a symbol of forgiveness.






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