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The meanings of Richard Dick Winters` action during his military service as seen in Stephen E. Ambrose`s Band Of Brothers.


Academic year: 2017

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Resanto, Emanuel Gevi (2015). The Meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ Action During His Military Service as Seen in Stephen E. Ambrose’s Band of Brothers.Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study deals with Band of Brothers, a novel written by Stephen E. Ambrose. This novel tells the story of Richard Dick Winters, a soldier who takes action combat for ally in World War II to against Germany. Richard Winters is a soldier who serves his country in World War II. He becomes a paratrooper soldier in the company, named Easy Company. As a volunteer soldier, he wants to spend his time in army by positive time and with no excuses seriously takes action combat during the war. His motivation, leadership skill and an ability to solve the conflict bring Easy Company lead the campaign the war in Europe. At the beginning of the war, his action in Europe is only to show his willingness to serve the company. As the time passed, he realizes that the war is not only about fighting with enemy, but also helping and releasing the Jewish people who are placed in a concentration camp and treated badly by Germany soldiers.

The aim of the study is to find out the meanings of Richard Dick Winters action during his military service. There are two research questions in this study.

The first question is “How is Richard Dick Winters described in the novel?”And the second one is “What are the meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ action during his military service?”

The theories that are implemented in this study are the theory of character and characterization, the theory of leadership, the theory of motivation and the theory of conflict. The approach used is psychological approach. The primary data of this study is a novel entitled Band of Brothers, while the secondary ones are: Literary books, psychology books, related books and internet.

After analyzing the novel, it can be concluded that Richard Winters is described as a hard working, kind, humble, self-confident, spiritual, wise, caring and decisive person. Then, the meanings Winters’ action are taking the Germany

battery, solving the conflict among his men and changing the leader of Easy Company. Further, the deeper meanings are he does not want to be killed in the first day, refuses to be underestimated by his men, wants to lead Easy Company once more and helps Jewish people, who are treated badly by Germany soldiers.

For future researchers, it is recommended to analyze the meaning of

people around Winters’ action, such as Nixon’s or Sobel’s action. It is also suggested that the novel is used as the material to teach reading.



Resanto, Emanuel Gevi (2015). The Meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ Action During His Military Service as Seen in Stephen E. Ambrose’s Band of Brothers.Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Study in berkaitan dengan novel Band Of Brothers, sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh Stephen E. Ambrose. Novel ini bercerita tentang Richard Dick Winters. Winters adalah tentara yang melayani negaranya pada Perang Dunia I, melawan jerman. Dia bergabung dengan pasukan penerjun payung di sebuah kompi, yang bernama Kompi Easy. Sebagai tentara sukarela, dia ingin menjalani waktu di kemiliteran dengan hal-hal positif tanpa banyak keluhan yang mengganggu. Jadi, dia melaksanakan dengan serius semua tugasnya selama perang. Motivasi Winters, kepemimpinannya dan cara dia mengatasi konflik, membawa kompi Easy memimpin kampanye perang di Eropa. Pada awalnya, aksinya di perang Eropa hanya sebatas untuk melayani negaranya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, dia sadar bahwa perang ini tidak hanya untuk mengalahkan musuh, tetapi juga untuk membantu dan melepaskan kaum Yahudi.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah mencari arti dari aksi Winters selama berada di kemiliteran. Ada dua pertanyaan yang harus dijawab dalam studi ini, yang pertama “Bagaimana Richard Winters digambarkan dalam novel?”, yang kedua “Apa arti aksi dari Richard Winters selama di kemiliteran?”.

Teori yang digunakan adalah teori karakter dan perwatakan, teori kepemimpinan, teori motivasi dan teori konflik. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan psikologi. Sumber data pada studi ini adalah novel Band Of Brothers, sementara itu sumber kedua adalah buku literatur, buku psikologi, buku-buku yang terkait dan dari internet.

Dari hasil studi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Richard Winters digambarkan sebagai pekerja keras, baik hati, rendah hati, percaya diri, spiritual, bijaksana, perhatian dan tegas. Lalu, arti dari aksi Winters adalah mengambil alih meriam Jerman, menyelesaikan konflik diantara tentara dan mengganti tongkat kepemimpinan di Kompi Easy. Untuk arti lebih mendalam, Winters tidak mau tebunuh sia-sia pada hari pertama, diremehkan oleh para anak buahnya dan sebenaranya dia ingin lagi memimpin Kompi Easy dan yang terakhir untuk membantu kaum Yahudi yang diperlakukan buruk oleh tentara Jerman.

Untuk para peneliti selanjutnya, disarankan untuk menganalisa orang-orang disekitar Winters, seperti Nixon atau Sobel. Lalu juga disarankan bahwa novel ini dapat digunakan sebagai materi untuk mengajarreading.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Emanuel Gevi Resanto Student Number : 101214072











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Emanuel Gevi Resanto Student Number : 101214072










Resanto, Emanuel Gevi (2015). The Meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ Action During His Military Service as Seen in Stephen E. Ambrose’s Band of Brothers.Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study deals with Band of Brothers, a novel written by Stephen E. Ambrose. This novel tells the story of Richard Dick Winters, a soldier who takes action combat for ally in World War II to against Germany. Richard Winters is a soldier who serves his country in World War II. He becomes a paratrooper soldier in the company, named Easy Company. As a volunteer soldier, he wants to spend his time in army by positive time and with no excuses seriously takes action combat during the war. His motivation, leadership skill and an ability to solve the conflict bring Easy Company lead the campaign the war in Europe. At the beginning of the war, his action in Europe is only to show his willingness to serve the company. As the time passed, he realizes that the war is not only about fighting with enemy, but also helping and releasing the Jewish people who are placed in a concentration camp and treated badly by Germany soldiers.

The aim of the study is to find out the meanings of Richard Dick Winters action during his military service. There are two research questions in this study. The first question is “How is Richard Dick Winters described in the novel?”And the second one is “What are the meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ action during

his military service?”

The theories that are implemented in this study are the theory of character and characterization, the theory of leadership, the theory of motivation and the theory of conflict. The approach used is psychological approach. The primary data of this study is a novel entitled Band of Brothers, while the secondary ones are: Literary books, psychology books, related books and internet.

After analyzing the novel, it can be concluded that Richard Winters is described as a hard working, kind, humble, self-confident, spiritual, wise, caring and decisive person. Then, the meanings Winters’ action are taking the Germany battery, solving the conflict among his men and changing the leader of Easy Company. Further, the deeper meanings are he does not want to be killed in the first day, refuses to be underestimated by his men, wants to lead Easy Company once more and helps Jewish people, who are treated badly by Germany soldiers.

For future researchers, it is recommended to analyze the meaning of

people around Winters’ action, such as Nixon’s or Sobel’s action. It is also suggested that the novel is used as the material to teach reading.



Resanto, Emanuel Gevi (2015). The Meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ Action During His Military Service as Seen in Stephen E. Ambrose’s Band of Brothers.Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Study in berkaitan dengan novel Band Of Brothers, sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh Stephen E. Ambrose. Novel ini bercerita tentang Richard Dick Winters. Winters adalah tentara yang melayani negaranya pada Perang Dunia I, melawan jerman. Dia bergabung dengan pasukan penerjun payung di sebuah kompi, yang bernama Kompi Easy. Sebagai tentara sukarela, dia ingin menjalani waktu di kemiliteran dengan hal-hal positif tanpa banyak keluhan yang mengganggu. Jadi, dia melaksanakan dengan serius semua tugasnya selama perang. Motivasi Winters, kepemimpinannya dan cara dia mengatasi konflik, membawa kompi Easy memimpin kampanye perang di Eropa. Pada awalnya, aksinya di perang Eropa hanya sebatas untuk melayani negaranya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, dia sadar bahwa perang ini tidak hanya untuk mengalahkan musuh, tetapi juga untuk membantu dan melepaskan kaum Yahudi.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah mencari arti dari aksi Winters selama berada di kemiliteran. Ada dua pertanyaan yang harus dijawab dalam studi ini, yang pertama “Bagaimana Richard Winters digambarkan dalam novel?”, yang kedua “Apa arti aksi dari Richard Winters selama di kemiliteran?”.

Teori yang digunakan adalah teori karakter dan perwatakan, teori kepemimpinan, teori motivasi dan teori konflik. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan psikologi. Sumber data pada studi ini adalah novel Band Of Brothers, sementara itu sumber kedua adalah buku literatur, buku psikologi, buku-buku yang terkait dan dari internet.

Dari hasil studi ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Richard Winters digambarkan sebagai pekerja keras, baik hati, rendah hati, percaya diri, spiritual, bijaksana, perhatian dan tegas. Lalu, arti dari aksi Winters adalah mengambil alih meriam Jerman, menyelesaikan konflik diantara tentara dan mengganti tongkat kepemimpinan di Kompi Easy. Untuk arti lebih mendalam, Winters tidak mau tebunuh sia-sia pada hari pertama, diremehkan oleh para anak buahnya dan sebenaranya dia ingin lagi memimpin Kompi Easy dan yang terakhir untuk membantu kaum Yahudi yang diperlakukan buruk oleh tentara Jerman.

Untuk para peneliti selanjutnya, disarankan untuk menganalisa orang-orang disekitar Winters, seperti Nixon atau Sobel. Lalu juga disarankan bahwa novel ini dapat digunakan sebagai materi untuk mengajarreading.




I would like to thank Jesus Christ who always gives me strength, courage and opportunity to finish this thesis. There were many obstacles that I faced during the process of writing the thesis. However, His blessing keep supporting me in finishing my thesis. I would also to thank for Mother mary, who always gives me enlightenment when I encounter some problems in writing this thesis.

I would like to thank my sponsor, Dr. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A., who always gave much time and patience in helping me to finish this thesis. His support, motivation, energy, guidance and feedback really help me in the process of writing the thesis. I would also like to thank all the lecturers of English Language Education Study Program for their experience and knowledge in teaching me. I would also express my gratitude to all of the staff of English Language Education Study Program for helping during my study at Sanata Dharma University.

My deepest gratitude goes my beloved parents, Fredericus Priyana and Maria Yani Moerdyaningsih for their support, patience, sincere and prayer for me. I would like to thank my beloved brother Benedictus Delly, who always supports and encourages me in writing this thesis, and all of my familiy members who support me to finish my thesis.



Nande, Mentari and Vena who have checked my grammar. I would also like to thank Vincent, Bitha, Arnis, Duma, Mentari, Anin, Sani and Arnis.

I would like to thank all of PBI students batch 2010 for their support in finising my study. Last but not least I would like to thank all people who I could not mention all here by name. May God always be with us.



1. Theory of Psychological Approach ... 6

2. Theory of Character and Characterization... 10 A. The Description of Richard Winters’Actions... 24

1. Hard-working... 25

2. Kind ... 25

3. Humble ... 27



5. Spiritual... 29

6. Wise ... 30

7. Caring ... 31

8. Decisive ... 33

B. The Meanings of Richard Winters Action... 34

1. The Surface Meaning... 35

2. The Deeper Meaning ... 39


B. Suggestions... 46

C. Implications ... 47







The first chapter consists of five sections. Namely, background of the study, objectives of the study, problem formulation, benefits of the study and definition of terms. First, the background of the study explains the justification of choosing the topic. Second, the objectives of the study states the aims of the research related to the chosen topic. Further, the problem formulation presents the formulation of the research problems to answer. The benefits of the study state the contribution of this thesis for the knowledge development for the students. The last section is definition of terms which explains what the important terms, used in this study.

A. Background of the Study

Band of Brothersis a novel written by Stephen E. Ambrose. He is a well-known author who writes many novels about World War II history. He has written more than twenty five works of history and most of them were done scientifically by conducting researches on original documents, or by interviewing people who experienced World War II.

One of Ambroses’s best seller novels is Band of Brothers, which tells a paratroopers company from United States. This company’s name is Easy


Richard Winters replaces Sobel’s position to lead Easy Company. The leadership skill of Winters brings Easy Company to be one of the elite companies in U.S. The main discussion of this novel is the relationship between the entire members of Easy Company endured their life during World War II, from the time when they have the training camp until they got the victory and went to their homeland.

Band Of Brothers is a novel that depicts people lives on the late of 1945. This novel tells the social world condition during the World War II in Europe. Abram (1985) states that realistic fiction is written so as to give the effect that represents the life and the social world as it seems to the common reader (p.174).

In Band of Brothers, there is a soldier that later on became the ranking officer of E Company who is respected by everyone in Easy Company. He is Richard Dick Winters. His personality makes the entire members of Easy Company always have the motivation to finish what has been ordered to them. His action affected his men during the combat on World War II.

The basic reason the writer chooses this novel is because Band Of Brothers novel contains many kinds of value such as togetherness, trust, respect, strong willingness, leadership and motivation. This novel gives a real description of how a soldier trusted friends during the combat. He believes the men beside him, because they have undergone the basic training together in Toccoa, which make them bound together on Easy Company. In addition, the novel conveys Winters’ leadership skill which successfully affect his soldiers to do a great job.


B. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find the meaning of Winters’ actions

during his military service in World War II, as seen in Stephen E. Ambrose’s

Band of Brothers.

C. Problem Formulation

There are two problems in this study that can be formulated as follows: 1. How is Richard Dick Winters described in thenovel?

2. What are the meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ actions during his military service?

D. Benefits of the Study

This study expects that the reader can understand the benefits of literary work, as seen by another perspective. The research findings can be used as a consideration in designing the material for literature course. In addition, this study can improve the knowledge of history. Therefore, this research can serve as a reference for future researchers who conduct the study in a similar field.


E. Definition of Terms

There are some key words that appear in this study. The writer clarifies and gives some key words that are important to be explained.

1. Leadership

According to Ciulla (2003), leadership is a particular type of relationship, the hallmarks of which are power and/or influence, obligation and responsibility (p. xi). In this study, leadership is related to Richard Winters’ character. The writer defines leadership as Richard Winters’ way in handling his platoon or battalion during his military action on World War II. His leadership gives an influence to the rest of Easy Company members, like when he takes the Germany battery.

2. Military Service

According to Quick (1973), military service is the military establishment as a whole or a branch of military establishment, such as army, navy or air force. The meaning of service in this novel is how people put themselves in a great danger. People are willing to become volunteers for World War II and they give their lives to join military for service their country. In this study, Richard Winters serves the military, that is endured his life in Europe for the great danger.

3. Motivation


when a person has a specified goal (p. 24). This goal enables humans to perform a specific behavior that leads them to achieve their goal.

The meaning of motivation in this study is the factor which encourages people to do an action of combat. This motivation also encourages people to set a goal. In the novel, Richard Winters’ motivation is to serve his country, which his country is being attacked by Germany.

4. Action

According to Quick (1973), an action is a combat in war such as engagement on both land and water. In this study, the word ‘action’ refers to the




The second chapter of this thesis consists of two sections. There are review of related theories and theoretical framework. The review of related theories discusses the theories and approach employed in the study. This part consists of theory of psychological approach, theory of character and characterization, theory of motivation, theory of leadership and theory of conflict. The next section discusses the theoretical framework which explains the contribution of the theories and reviews in solving the problem of the study.

A. Review of Related Theories

This section will discuss some theories that are going to be used to find the characterization and the meanings of Winters’ action in this study. The writer

employs some experts theories to define several terms related to the study and to help the writer answer the problem formulation in chapter one. There are multiple theories that are used in this study, namely psychological approach theory, character and characterization theory, motivation theory, leadership theory and conflict theory.

1. Theory of Psychological Approach

The approach that will be used to analyze the meanings of the character’s


In this study, the writer uses psychological approach to discuss the questions formulated in the problem formulation. According to Jung (as quoted by Baynes, 1948), art is a psychological activity, and, in this case, it actually requires a psychological consideration (p. 225). Further, psychology has only a modest contribution to make towards the better and deeper understanding of the phenomena of the life (p. 242).

Literary works, including novel can also be seen from a psychological aspect. Psychological novel has a specific purpose. Henkle (1977),“psychological

novel is to enable us to understand the formation of feeling and attitude in the

individual” (p. 32). This study will discuss the surface and the deeper meaning of

the character or the personality of Winters. Hjelle (1981) describes personality as a process of development from birth to death which integrates and directs the

person’s behavior (p. 156).

Worchel & Shebilske (1989) define the personality as the unique of behaviors (including thoughts and emotions) and enduring qualities that influence the way a person adjusts to him or her or her environment (p. 461). Further,

Worchel and Shebilske (1989) describe the Freud’s psychological theory of the

structure of personality as follows:


structure is known as the ego and the last one is known as the superego. These structure of personality are working together to create human behavior (p. 472). a. The Id

The id refers to unconscious level of human personality, and it has the savage quality at the root of humans’ personality. People are born with two instinctual drives that serve as the basic motivation for all behavior. The first drive isErosand the second one isThanatos.

Eros is the drive for survival. The activities that are included in Eros are eating and drinking that engages with sexual activity. The energy force that propels the person to satisfy these drives is called as libido

Thonatos is a destructive drive. The aim of this drive is to destroy others, but there is also a self-destructive aspect to it. In fact, Freud took the grim position that “the aim of all life is death”. This self-destructive impulse is seen not only in suicide, but in the harmful excesses in which so many people engage, such as smoking. It is the unconscious desire for self-destruction that leads us to drive smoke cigarettes. The id, like the savages, leads human beings to satisfy these primitive drives in the most direct and immediate way. It is not concerned with reality, logic, or manners. It functions on the pleasure principle, which dictates the immediate satisfaction of drives.

b. The Ego


person’s view of physical and social reality. It tries to satisfy the id impulses by

taking into account the possibilities of reward and punishment that exist in a situation. For example, you are very thirsty and you see a nice cold beer sitting on the table in a restaurant. Your id impulses would tell you to grab the beer and drink it. However, the ego would calculate the possible results on this action and the worst thing that may happen. Therefore, the ego would drive you to order and pay for the beer.

c. The Superego

We can view the id as an operator of the signal “I want it now.” The ego

answers this demand by saying, “Let’s be realistic and get it in a way that won’t

cause trouble.” These two forces, however must also deal with the superego,

which says, “Think. Is it right to want it?”. The superego represents our

conscience. It includes the moral values of right or wrong that are largely instilled in us by our parents. The superego makes us feel guilty when we have done the wrong thing.

Freud (as cited in Hjelle, 1981) divided the superego into two subsystems, the conscience and ego-ideal. The conscience is acquired through the use of punishment by the parents. It is concerned about what parents say as “naughty”

behaviour. The ego-ideal is derived from whatever the parents approve and reward. It leads the individual to set up goals and aspirations and, if it is achieved, generate a sense of self-esteem and pride (p. 36)


analyze the second problem that is formulated in the previous chapter, how the character of Richard Winters did the action during his military service.

2. Theory of Character and Characterization

The first problem formulation in this study deals with the description of the character of Winters. The theory of character and characterization are used as a tool to find the meanings of Winters. So, the author uses the theory of character and characterization to analyze it.

Abram (1985) states that character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral, disposional and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say (dialogue) and what they do (the action) (p. 23). Since the author will analyze the action of the character, this theory can support the analysis. Additionally, Henkle (1977) divided characters into two; there are major character and secondary character. Major character, are those people whom we observe most often in the novel, whose appearances are frequent, and in the level of pre-eminence as major characters (p. 90) Further in his book, he states that major character in a novel performs a key structural function, upon them we build expectations and desires (p. 92).


a. Personal Description

The anlysiss of the character in the novel can be generated by seeing his appearance. As stated by Murphy (1972) the author can describe a person’s

appearance and clothes (p.161). b. Character as Seen by another

In addition to analyze a character by referring to his or her appearance, a character can also be seen by referring to other characters’ opinion. The eyes and

opinions of another character can describe the character of the novel (p.162). c. Speech

The character in the novel can be seen by what the character says, whenever he has a conversation with another and whenever he gives an opinion(p.164).

d. Past Life

The reader can learn something about characters’ past life. The past life

can shape a person’s character. It is usually reflected in the comment by the author and person’s thought (p.166).

e. Conversation of Others

The author can also describe character through the conversation of other people and the things they say about him (p.167).

f. Reactions


g. Direct Comments

Direct comments of the person can also describe the character in the novel, Murphy (1972) states that the author can describe or comment on a person’s

character directly (p.170). h. Thoughts

Besides direct comment, the way of thinking of a person in the novel can also be used to describe one’s character. The author can give us direct knowledge

of what a person is thinking (p.171). i. Mannerisms

The last is about the habit of the character, Murphy (1972) states that the author can describe a person’s mannerism (p.173).

3. Theory of Leadership

Leadership is one of the main parts of the military service, because there is always a rank between a soldier and an officer. The leadership skill is important to a leader when lead a company. In this study, leadership is also used to find out the meaning of the characters action during his military service.


Weschler and Mussarick (1951) also states that a leader must deal with followers within a cultural, social, and physical context.

According to their definition of leadership, they define the components of leadership as follows (pp.25-29):

a. Interpersonal Influence

The leader has an attempt to affect the behaviour of the follower through communication. Here, the main focus is to affect the follower through behaviour. b. Exercised in Situation

The leader can engage in a group situation by knowing the characteristics, interpersonal relationship, goal or needs and cultural context.

c. The Communication Process

The leader concerns only about interpersonal influence which is exercised through a communication process. In this context, the leader is a communicator that has a goal to convey the meaning or ideas without distortion.

d. Directed Toward The Attainment of a Specified Goal or Goals

A leader wants to achieve a goal and uses his influence to achieve the desired goal, but this goal-oriented is too complex. Sometimes the attainment of a goal can make the satisfaction for both the leader and the follower. There are four categories of attainment of goal as follows:

1) Organizational Goals


2) Group Goals

This category emphasizes that the follower knows “what the group wants to do”. The leader is a person who uses his or her influence to facilitate the

follower’s attainment.

3) Personal Goals of the Follower

The leader uses their influence to assist the follower in attaining his own personal goals. It will create a good atmosphere around the group.

4) Personal Goals Of The Leader

The leader uses their influence primarily to achieve his own needs. It used to happen unconsciously by the leader.

4. Theory of Motivation

This thesis discusses Winters’ action meaning during World War II. There is always a motivation beyond the action he takes. There are different motivations for each soldier to join a war. However, in this case the writer wants to know

Winters’ motivation. To make it clear, the author uses experts’ theory to define motivation.


Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy (2000) states that motivation is related to factors within an individual (such as needs, desires, and interests) that activate, maintain and direct behavior toward a goal (p. 392). It means that a goal motivates someone to do or achieve something. In addition, Huffman (2000) also states that there are two forms of motivation that affect achievement namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation (p.401).

a. Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from the desire to perform an act for its own sake. It means that someone wants to achieve something for their pleasure, but he or she does not expect to get a reward.

b. Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from the desire to perform an act because of external rewards or avoidance of punishment. It means that someone wants to achieve something because they want or expect a reward. 5. Theory of Conflict

According to Hocker and Wilmot (as quoted by Isenhart and Spangle 2000), “conflict is an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent

parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources and interference from

the other party in achieving their goals” (p. 23).


a. Approach-Approach Conflict

This type of conflict consists of two positive goals, but an individual can only choose one of them. For example, an individual has a choice between watch two good movies at the same time and this conflict can be easily to be resolved. b. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict

This conflict consists of two uninterested goals and the only way to solve this conflict is an individual must escape from that situation. If they cannot, it is difficult to be solved. For example, a child faces two situations, he must do his homework or wash the dishes.

c. Approach-Avoidance Conflict

This conflict consists of one goal, but it has a positive and a negative features. An Individual wants to achieve the goal, but then he or she also wants to escape from it. For example, an individual wants to go to a movie, but he does not want to spend his money. It will make him be trapped in the difficult situation. d. Double Approach-Avoidance Conflict


B. Theoretical Framework

In order to answer the problem formulation that is stated in Chapter One, the writer uses some theories to analyze it. Since the problem formulation is going to analyze the description of Richard Winters’ character and the meanings of

Richard Winters’ action, the writer uses psychological approach proposed by

Freud (1923), Hjelle (1981), Worchel & Shebilske (1989), Jung (1948), Henkle (1977), Rohrberger & Woods (1971) to analyze it. For deeper analysis, the writer uses the theory of character and characterization by Abram (1985), Murphy (1972) and Henkle (1977) to analyze the description of Richard Winters’

character. Those theories provide suitable definition to analyze the character of Richard Winters.

The second problem formulation deals with the meanings of Richard Winters’ action during his military service in World War II. The writer employs

the theories of leadership, motivation and conflict. Those theories use to find the meanings of Winters’ action.

The leadership theory is dealing with how the character handles and leads his platoon, even further a whole battalion. The writer employs the theory of leadership proposed by Tannebaum, Weschler & Mussarick (1961). All of the leadership components above is used to analyze the character.


and how Winters spent his time in army. This theory is proposed by Beck (1978), Huffman, Vernoy & Vernoy (2000) and Jung (1978).



The third chapter consists of four sections. The first section is about the object of the study. This part deals with the novel of Band of Brothers and the physical description of the literary work studied. The next section is about approach of the study. This section is deals with the approach that is used to analyze this study. The third section is about the method used in this study, it deals with the procedures of analyzing the work. The last section is about the context of the novel that includes the discussion of the setting of the novel and the setting of the writer.

A. Object of the Study


works of history. He was also the founder of the Eisenhower Center and the recipient of a National Humanities Award in 1999 as well as the Distinguished Civilan Sevice Medal from the Department of Defense in 2000. He passed away on October 13, 2002 in Bay St. Louis Mississippi.

In this novel, Stephen describes some major characters. One of them is Richard Dick Winters, who gave influences to Easy Company. He was one of the leaders who affected the company. There were also some supporting characters who could give a description on how Winters led them.

B. Approach of the Study

In analyzing this book, the author uses psychological approach, because it is suitable to analyze the book based on the problem formulation. Psychological approach can analyze the theories that have been used, such as theory of motivation, leadership, conflict, even character and characterization. The theories above will help the writer explain the description of Winters and the meaning of Winters’ action, which the mainfocus of this study.

C. Method of the Study


the main subject of this study. The writer made the notes of Winters, how his action was, how his way of speaking, his behaviour, reaction and thought.

The second step, the writer found the theories of psychological approach and theories of literature which were taken from the library or online sources. The writer chose the suitable theories to analyze this study.

The third step was analysing the Winters’character by using the theory of psychological, and the theory of character and characterization. The writer made a limitation for the character that is related to the meaning later.

The fourth step was analysing the meanings of Winters action. Theory of motivation was used to analyze why he did a combat and the influence on the company. Then, theory of leadership presents how Winters did action to lead his company and the last is theory of conflict that was used to analyze what happened when he led his company.

The last step was drawing the conclusions of this study and giving suggestions for future researchers, and for teachers who want to use this book Band Of Brother, especially for teaching reading class.

D. Context of the Novel


1. Setting of the Novel

The story of the novel took place in Europe, when the World War II happened in 1944-1945. This war was considered as the biggest war ever for human life and for the world. This war gave a big influence for the development of people’s life. In this novel, there were four countries that became the main combat field for Easy Company, which are France, Holland, Belgium and Germany. It was the war between Ally, United States and Germany.

The end of the World War I triggers some countries to adopt of the idea of fascism. This idea implanted into some countries, mostly in East Europe, through occupation. On the other hand, some countries adopt the idea of liberalism. This difference made some countries got involved into the war. Most of the soldiers of this war were volunteers, including the soldiers in Easy Company. They believed that their country was being attacked by enemy, so they wanted to serve their country.

2. Setting of the Writer

Band of Brothers is a true story which is written by Stephen Edward Ambrose. He is the America’s foremost historian. He likes conducting original




This chapter elaborates the answers of the problem formulated in chapter one. The analysis is divided into two parts. The first part discusses about Richard Winters’ characteristic. The second part discusses about the meanings of Richard Dick Winters’ actions during his military service.

A.The Description of Richard Winters’ Characteristic

Character and characterization are some of the important parts of the novel. Based on the theory of Abram (1985), the character is a person who seen in the book that is takes action and dialogue. After that, according to Henkle (1977) theory, the writer inferred in Band of BrothersRichard Dick Winters is the major character who had an important role, and the readers build and expect him to lead his men well during the war. Winters become the main character, although the novel does not mainly focus on him, but in each chapter his roles appeared.


makes Winters to be more independent and affects Winters to be a good leader and know better how to solve conflicts.

1. Hard-working

Richard Dick Winters is a hard-working soldier, although he is only a volunteer for the army in World War II. He has a great his willingness to serve his country. He joins the army in order to gain the positive experiences on it. So, he joins the Easy Company during in World War II as a paratrooper. Luckily, Easy Company is handled by a strict commander, who forces Winters to give his maximum ability during the basic training. This condition enables Winters get to a great experiences.

Each man in his own way had gone through what Richard Winters experienced: a realization that doing his best was a better way of getting through the army than hanging around with the sad excuses for soldiers they met in the recruiting depots or basic training. They wanted to make their army time positive, learning and maturing and challenging experience (p. 16).

The text above shows that he is hardworking a soldier. He joins the army without compulsion. During his career in the army, he does his best as he could. This character is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It

is derived from the speech (p.164). 2. Kind


The N.C.O.s then thought further about what they were doing and decided to consult with Winters. He was invited to the orderly room, where on arrival Ranney told him what the group had done

“Don’t,” said Winters.”Don’t even think about it. This is mutiny” (p. 52).

The dialogue between Winters and Ranney above shows Winters’

kindness. During the conflict, his enlisted men ask Winters why he is transferred to battalion mess officer. They predict it isbecause of Capt. Sobel’s decision since

he has conflict with Winters. However, Winters does not think that way. Instead, he believes that his new position is about mutiny. It is analyzed based on

Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is derived from the character’s

reactions (p.168).

There is mumbling among the men about the conflict between Capt. Sobel and Richard Dick Winters. Most of the men in the company believe that Capt. Sobel is to be one who should be transferred out, not Winters. The men believe that the main problem is Sobel lack of judgement. He just envies Winters’

leadership, which brings him to get a rapid fit promotion from his higher officer.

Furthermore, there is an expert who also comments on Sobel’s lack of judgement.

He gives a comment that Sobel is Chickenshit.

Paul Fussel wrote, “Chickenshit can be recognized instantly because it

never has anything to do with winning the war.” Winters disagreed. He

believed that at least some of what Sobel was doing---if not the way he was doing it----was necessary. If Easy ran farther and faster than the other companies, if it stayed on the parade ground longer, if its bayonet drills

were punctuated by “The japs are going to get you!” and other

exhortations, why, then, it would be a better company than the others (p. 25).


still gives influence for the whole company, which later on becomes the bond of the company. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is derived from the direct comments (p. 170).

3. Humble

Winters is a humble and a simple person. He does not smoke and drunk. He is the person who never wants to show himself off. He is a respected officer, especially among the Easy Company soldiers. The previous conflict with his commander makes Winters does not want to be another person or pretended to be a good leader in order to get the fit promotion. The conflict and his basic character make him becomes a humble soldier.

Winters was none of these, nor was humorous or obstinate. “Nor at any

time did Dick Winters pretend to be God, nor at any time did he act other

than man!”, according to Rader. He was an officer who got the men to perform because he expected best, and “you liked him so much you just

hated to let him down.” He was, and is, all but worshiped by the men of E

Company (p. 23).

The text above shows that Winters is a humble person. He does not want to be another person and he is always respected by other men in the company all the

time. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is

derived from the conversation of others (p. 167).


A month or so later, Winters was called into regimental HQ. Sink, Strayer, and the staff were sitting in the tent. At the head of a table was S. L. A. Marshall, the Army’s combat historian. The atmosphere around the table was “electric,” Winters remembered. “Those West Pointers would have

‘killed’ to have the opportunity I had to be sitting in the chair across from Marshall.”

“O.K., Lieutenant,” Marshall said, “tell what you did out there on D-Day.

You took that battery of 105s didn’t you?” “yes, sir, that’s right.”

“Tell me how you did it.”

“Well, sir, I put down a base of fire, we moved in under the base of fire,

and we took the first gun. And then we put down another base of fire and

we moved to the second gun and the third gun and the fourth gun.” “No, sir, that’s basically it”. As a junior officer facing all that brass, Winters figured he had better not lay it on too thick. So he made it sound like a routine training problem (p. 85).

The dialogue between Winters and Marshall above shows that Winters is really humble. After the combat of taking the battery of German, Winters is called to Regimental Headquarter to tell what happened during the combat. It can be the opportunity for Winters to accentuate himself, but he does not do it. He says that everything that happened during the combat is just like a routine training problem.

It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is derived

from the speech (p.164). 4. Self-confident


“With that done,” Winters wrote in his diary, “we went to work harnessing up. It’s here that a good jumpmaster can do the most for his men. Getting

all that equipment on, tied down, make it comfortable and safe, then parachute over top, calls for a lot ingenuity and sales talk to satisfy the men

that all’s well” (p. 65).

The text above talks about his diary and shows that what he writes all is well. He believes that all of the equipment is well-prepared. It means that he is

ready for the jump. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of

characterization. It is derived from the thoughts (p. 171).

Winters also believes that he and the enlisted men can win the war. He has the optimism that they can win it. There was a famous quotation from General Taylor, ranking Officer for the U.S army, that makes Winters is confident to win the war. This self-confident comes to Winters because he knows well about the men. He knows the ability, how to lead them and how to solve the conflict among them.

General Taylor circulated among the men. He told them, “Give me three days and nights of hard fighting, then you will be relieved.” That sounded

good. Three days and nights, Winters thought to himself I can take that. (p.64).

The text above shows that Winters is motivated by the statement of his General which make him more confident. He believes that he can take that and

win the war. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is derived from the thoughts (p. 171).

5. Spiritual


the time before his jump in Normandy, he is praying and hoping that he will be able to pass the war and will not fail through the war.

Winters prayed the whole way over, prayed to live through it, and prayed that he wouldn’t fail (p. 67).

The text above shows that Winters is a spiritual person. He thinks that by praying, he could pass the war and does not fail during the war indeed. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is derived from

the thoughts (p. 171).

The day after D-day, he hopes that he can go through the war successfully. Just after the D-day, he wants God to help him during the war and on the D-day plus one. He prayed to God, in order to pass the war and help him went back to his country.

Before lying down , Winters later wrote in his diary, “I did not forget to get

on my knees and thank God for helping to live through this day and ask for

his help on D plus one”(p. 88).

The text above shows that Winters express his gratitude because of God’s

help during the first day. Further he asks for His help after that day. It is analyzed

based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is derived from the

thoughts (p. 171). 6. Wise

Winters is a respected officer, and a wise person. When there is complain

about Sobel’s leadership in Easy Company, Richard Winters could see the case


That feeling helped bring the company together. “No doubt about it,” Winters said. “It was feeling everybody shared. Juniors officers, noncoms, enlisted men, we all felt exactly the same way.” But, he added, “It brought us together. We had to survive Sobel.” (p. 26).

The text above shows that Winters is able to see a problem about the lack of judgement of Sobel, there is a point that can make Easy Company bound

together. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is

derived from the direct comments (p. 170).

After Winters is promoted into Battalion regiment, which is higher than the Company, there are some replacements officers to lead for Easy Company. One day, there was an attack at Bastogne, Belgium which is led by Dike. Unfortunately, he could not lead the company well. After the end of the combat, winters joins a meeting at the regimental HQ.

That evening, Colonel Sink called for a meeting at regimental HQ for all the principal parties involved in the attack. Sink opened with a question for

Winters:”What are you going to do about E Company?”

“Relieve Lieutenant Dike and put Lieutenant Speirs in command,” Winters

replied (p. 212).

The text above shows that Winters is giving the decision to replace the leader for Easy Company. It is the best and the wisest way to avoid his men the failure of to win the combat. He does not want his men to go to a great danger because of the leadership system of the Company leader. It is analyzed based on

Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is derived from the conversation of others (p. 167).

7. Caring


with his men. One moment, there is a person who is wounded in Holland, but he rejoins up his men in Belgium. Winters thinks that he does not need to rejoin if he is still wounded.

As Peacock left, Father John Maloney brought Joe Toye back from the aid station in Bastogne in his jeep. He dropped Toye off by the road. Toye started walking across the field toward the front line. Winters saw him, his arm in a sling, heading back toward the front.

“Where are you going?”Winters asked. “You don’t have to go back to the


“I want to go back with the fellows,” Toye replied, and kept walking (p.


The text above shows that Winters is giving attention to his men. Joe Toye come with his arm in a sling and has conversation with Winters. He tells Joe, that he does not need to go back to the line, but Joe just acts as if there is nothing

happened because his arm is recovered. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972)

theory of characterization. It is derived from the conversation of others (p. 167). The war is almost over and Winters is asked by his ranking officer to take a patrol. He asked the men had a patrol. The patrol succeed to take the prisoner, but one man is killed. The next day, his officer asks Winters to take another patrol. He thinks that another patrol does not mean anything with one men killed, it is the same as suicidal.

Colonel Sink was so delighted with the successful patrol, he ordered another one for the next night. In the meantime, however, it had snowed, then turned colder. The snow was frozen on top, crunchy, noisy. The cold air had cleared out the sky and the moon was shining. Winters thought a patrol under such circumstances was suicidal, so he decided to disobey orders.


soon be ready for bed. The patrol could report in the morning that it had gotten across the river and into German lines but had been unable to get a live prisoner (p. 234).

The text above shows Winters cares about his men. Looking the situation at the current time, the war is almost over and both, Germany and ally do not do a frontal attack. It does not worth to take patrol that can probably kill his men. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is derived from

the thought (p. 171). 8. Decisive

Winters is a decisive person. He could give a suitable decision for his Company during the combat. Taking Carentan, there is a moment when Easy Company stuck in the ditch and the men would not move out to the road. It is a crucial moment for him. He takes cover from the fire or asks the men to move out and to counter the attack.

By this time, Winters furious. It had taken all night for regiment to get the men in position. Stop, move out, stop, move out, so many times that the men were worn out. “It shouldn’t have been,” Winters said. “It wasn’t that difficult. We had screwed away the night, just getting into the position.”

There was no time for a reconnaissance; Easy had no idea what lay ahead. There was no artillery preparation, or air strikes (p. 94).

The text above shows that Winters has to take a good decision for the men in order to move out and achieve the objective. He was yelling to the men to move

out from the ditch and grab the target. It is analyzed based on Murphy’s (1972)

theory of characterization. It is derived from the reactions (p. 168).


not organize his men well. Those problems make Easy Company into difficult situation.

Winters grabbed an M-1 and started to run across the field, headed for the stationary company and its pinned down 1st platoon. He intended to take command, get those men moving. But as he ran down, he thought, Geeze, i can’t do this. I’m running this battalion. I can’t commit myself. He turned and raced back.

“And as I was coming up, there was Speirs standing right in front of me’Speirs! Take over that company and relieve dike and take that attack

on in.’”(p. 209)

The text above shows how Winters take a decision for the company. He can no longer handle Easy Company and lead them. So, he called Speirs, an officer from D Company to take the leader position, and replaces Dike. It is analyzed

based on Murphy’s (1972) theory of characterization. It is derived from the

reactions (p. 168).

The findings of the character and characterization above show that Winters is described as a hard-working, kind, humble, self-confident, spiritual, caring and decisive person. The writer’s reason only shows positive characters because the writer wants to show the real description of a real soldier. What the writer means as a soldier is the soldier who fights the enemy in the front line of the war. Therefore, in this novel, Winters is not the soldier who becomes ranking officer who works behind of the desk during the war.

B. The Meaning of Richard Dick Winters’ Actions During His Military


This section discusses the meaning of Richard Dick Winters’ action during


and a deeper meaning. The surface meaning can be found and analyzed in the text of the book, by reviewing Winters experiences during his military service. Then, the deeper meaning can be found after reading the whole text of the book and be analyzed by using psychological approach and it is not written in the book. The analysis of the surface and the deeper meaning of Richard Dick Winters action during his military service were provided in the discussion below.

1. Surface Meaning of Richard Dick Winters’ Actions During His Military


The most important thing in this study is about Richard Winters action in the war. The surface meaning is to serve his country in positive time, so he does action combat seriously, without any sad excuses. Richard Winters is a ranking officer of Easy Company. On D-day at Normandy, he has to be the commander of Easy Company since their Commander Lt. Meehan, has been shot on the plane before he jumped. His first action combat was when he leads the company to take the four-gun battery of German 105 mm cannon.

Winters is told by the intelligence that there is a German battery cannon firing Utah beach, a place for Ally infantry landed. Winters and his company are ordered to take that battery. For the combat, Easy Company only consists of no more than 15 people. It means that requiring the good leadership of Richard Winters is needed in order to be able to capture the German cannon.


Richard Winters usees the solid tactic to take the German battery. He places machine guns as covering fire, and then put two teams for the attack from flanks, left and right. Winters becomes the main assault team with his men. After getting the first attack, he orders his men as soon as possible to put TNT or grenade blowing the first gun, as soon as possible and continued for the next guns. The attack successfully destroyes the German battery, with little reinforcements from D company; however the main tactic is by Richard Winters. This action makes Utah beach opened which can be comfortable landed for Ally infantry. Furthermore, the action raises moral for all of the ally to win the war, especially for Winters and Easy Company, it really affects them.

He did give a full account of the capture of at battery at Holdy, near causeway No. 1, by the 1st Battalion, 506th. Marshall wrote that the battalion had 195 men lined up to take the battery. Winters commented,

“With that many E Co. Men, I could have taken Berlin!”.(p. 86)

From the action combat above, there are some characteristics of Winters that appeared, such as decisive, self-confidence and hardworking. Decisive

characteristic can be seen from Winters’ action meaning when he could decide

suitable tactic for the combat and be confidence with the rest of the men that he had. Hardworking characteristics were proved when he could take the battery.


At Carentan, France there is a wounded soldier named Private Blithe. As the commander, he also checks the mental condition of his soldiers. Winters asks Blithe calmly and he says that he could not see anything. He thinks that everything is dark, spooky and scary. As a soldier, it is a common feeling that appears when the war is coming and feels scary for each soldier. However, as a commander, he has to know it and has to help him to overcome it. Winters then talks to him and makes him relax. He thinks that what Blithe needs is just somebody to talk and to make him calm. After the conversation, Blithe can see everything and better is not scared. Blithe then rejoins up his friends.

Winters circulated among the wounded. One of them was Pvt. Albert Blithe.“How’re you doing, Blithe? What’s the matter?”

“I can’t see, sir. I can’t see”.

“Take it easy, relax. You’ve got a ticket out of here, we’ll get you out of here in a hurry. You’ll be going back to England. You’ll be O.K. Relax, “Winters said, and started to move on.

Blithe began to get up. “Take it easy,” Winters told him. “Stay still.”

I can see, I can see, sir! I can see you.

Blithe got up and rejoined the company. “Never saw anything like it,” Winters said. “He was that scared he blacked out. Spooky. This kid just

completely could not see, and all he needed was somebody to talk him for a minute and calm him down. (p. 98)

The action above was not related to gun or ammunition, but it is about the soldier morality. Winters are caring, wise and kind. He gives his attention to the wounded soldier, Blithe. He is also wise and kind by saying to the wounded soldier. Basically, for the wounded soldier is able to go home. In this moment Blithe decides does not go to home.


Easy Company. Getting the promotion could only show his action behind the desk. However he still has a chance to control and give advice for E Company. He has to know who would be suitable to be the next leader for Easy Company. Further, he has to order and discuss the tactic of this company for combat.

The commander of Belgium Easy company commander Lt. Dike, and Winters just stays back at the Headquarters. Basically, as the officer in the battalion, he does not need to deal with the soldier in the field. However, there was a mumbling among the soldiers that his commander is lack of judgement. He seldom appears for the soldier and he just stays in his foxhole. Furthermore, during the combat, as company commander, he asks another soldier to organize the men and he goes for help or in other word escape from the combat. This rumour is heard by Winters. However, he could not give a quick solution, because he needs to analyze the situation and consider his position as a junior officer.

His 1st sergeant wanted to talk. Lipton asked for private conversation. Winters said to meet him in the woods behind battalion CP that night. they met, and Lipton expressed his concern about the company commander. He described Dike’s action, or lack of them, with damning detail. He ended by saying, “Lieutenant Dike is going to get a lot of e

company men killed.”

Winters listened intently, asked a few questions, kept his own counsel. (p. 204)


over E Company and relieve Dike. Few days later, he decided to relieve Dike from Easy Company and put Lt. Speirs to be the commander of Easy Company.

”what are you going to do aboutCompanyE?”

“Relieve Lieutenant Dike and put Lieutenant Speirs in command,” Winters

replied. (p. 212)

The most important action from Winters is replacing the leadership for Easy Company. Lt. Speirs is a good and a suitable person for E Company. Since then, Winters action only dealt with the order and administration, while in the field he has Speirs.

Winters’ action in Foy, when he becomes the junior officer, shows the

characteristics of Winters, such as decisive, caring, wise and humble. As an officer, he is not authoritative. He gives a chance to another ranking officer to take a decision it. Then, when he knows that the situation in the field does not go well, he replaces the leader for the company and relieves the previous leader. So, the meanings of Winters’ action to serve the country in positive time by taking the

German Battery, to solve the conflict among the men and to replace the leader of Easy Company.

2. Deeper Meaning of Richard Dick Winters’ Actions During his Military



Winters is a paratrooper soldier. Paratrooper is a new military concept for ally to win the war. Winters has the motivation to join military, especially as a paratrooper. He wants to help his country, but he does not want to join it as a sad excuses. He wants his positive time by joining military. So, he decides to be a paratrooper. It affects him with a good action combat. Further, it enables him to lead the men, to decide important decision or solve the conflict among the soldiers.

Winters’ motivation to join military, is to achieve the glory for his country, especially in positive time. Becoming a paratrooper at Easy Company is a pleasure for him because he feels this company gives the best for their country. He does not expect to get a reward although army always gives a promotion reward for excellent soldiers. However, the promotion is not the main reason for Winters.

Winters did action combat at Normandy. He and his company are ordered take German battery, which fires ally in Utah beach. Easy Company, with less than 15 people has to take the German battery. He knows his men well and could put the men in the right position. He uses an effective tactic by surrounding the German soldier and destroying the cannon after taking the first cannon. His attack is successful. As a result, their friends in Utah beach could land the infantry.


case, Winters has all of the components. As a leader, he can share his positive influence for his men. Additionally, he knows the situation of the German battery, has clear communication in his company and has the specified goal. These four components enable Winters to lead and take the battery successfully.

The true meaning here, Richard Winters did not want to be killed in the first combat. He has spent few years on the basic training and does not want to waste it in the first day of the war. He wants only to pass the war without being killed and later to spend life peacefully.

Miller said that there is always motivation or goals behind the conflict. To achieve the goal, to win the war and to be back home safely, sometimes Winters must face a conflict with his soldier. Here, the conflict tends to be a personal. In addition, Winters should know the conflict and solve the conflict as the company commander. Private Blithe who is wounded in France has a personal conflict, which is an approach-avoidance conflict. He wants to win the war, but he feels that he cannot see anything. Winters know it, and he says that everything is going to be alright. The simple action from Winters gives a meaningful influence for Blithe in particular and for all of the Easy Company soldiers in general.


When Winters fits the promotion to battalion regiment and does not lead the Easy Company, he find a conflict among the soldiers. The way they look at the new leader is different from the way they look at him. Furthermore, the new leader has lack of judgement for the men. The combat at Belgium becomes the important action for E company. While ranking soldier in E Company tells to Winters about the conflict, he could not take a good decision. He just listens to him keenly. However, when taking Foy, E company could not do anything at the beginning of the combat. Knowing the situation, Winters takes decision and asks another lieutenant lead the attack. Few days later, Winters decides to replace the leader in E Company, and the decision to replace the leader become an important action for him. He can decide the good decision for the Company.

The true meaning here, Richard Winters wants to lead Easy Company again. He feels that Easy Company was successful, when he leads the company previously. On the other hand he realizes that the men could be killed because of the lack of leadership from Easy’s new commander. He wants to lead the attack

and finish the war earlier with his company.

Easy Company had done a lot of major and minor actions in Europe. Sacrificing himself and being wounded become the part of the war. Sometimes, the soldiers ask why they are here. This moment happened also to Winters. Battle at Normandy, Carentan, Holland and Belgium had been experienced by him.


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