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The second chance in life granted to Charley Benneto as seen in Mitch Albom`s for one more day.


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Andreas Priyo Setiawan Student Number: 011214142








Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Andreas Priyo Setiawan Student Number: 011214142





Yustiantho, Andreas Priyo Setiawan: (2009)

The Second Chance In Life Granted to

Charley Benetto As Seen In Mitch Albom’s For One More Day


Yogyakarta: English

Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University.

This thesis discusses Mitch Albom’s novel For One More Day


Charley Benetto

the main character of the novel is a person who used to be a famous baseball player. He

wants to end his life because of the problems he has. One day he tried to commit suicide

but failed. During his unconscious state, he happened to meet his late mother who died

eight years ago. The day he met his mother became the day where he found all the

answers to his problems. That day changed his view towards life.

The aim of the thesis is to see how the second chance in life granted to Charley

Benetto affects his life.

In order to do so, there are two problems to discuss: (1) “How is Charley

Benetto’s life described in the novel?” (2) “How does Charley Benetto’s second chance

affect his life?”

There are two kinds of sources used in the study. The primary source is obtained

from the novel For One More Day, and the secondary sources are obtained from related

books, journal and also from the internet.

The theories used to analyze the novel are theory of character and

characterization, theory Psychoanalysis and theory of katresnanism, the approach used is

psychological approach.

Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that first Charley Benetto

is naïve, weak, childish, selfish and desperate, second the second chance in life that

Charley get make him realize that everyone deserves a second chance to fix everything

and set things right




Yustiantho, Andreas Priyo Setiawan: (2009)

The Second Chance In Life Granted to

Charley Benetto As Seen In Mitch Albom’s For One More Day


Yogyakarta: Program

Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini membahas mengenai novel karya Mitch Albom yang berjudul For One

More Day. Dalam novel ini, Charley Benetto sebagai tokoh utama yang berkeinginan

untuk mengakhiri hidupnya dikarenakan oleh segala permasalahan yang dihadapinya.

Suatu hari akhirnya dia benar-benar mencoba mengakhiri hidupnya tetapi dia gagal,

sebagai hasilnya dia bertemu dengan mendiang ibunya yang telah meninggal 8 tahun

yang lalu. Hari dimana dia bertemu dengan mendiang ibunya berubah menjadi hari

dimana dia mendapatkan jawaban atas segala pertanyaan yang dia miliki. Hari itu telah

merubah pandangan yang dimilikinya terhadap hidupnya.

Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana kesempatan

kedua dalam hidup Charley Benetto merubah pandangan hidupnya.

Ada dua permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan dengan topik dari skripsi ini: (1).

bagaimana kehidupan Charley Benetto diceritakan di dalam novel ini? (2) bagaimana

kesempatan kedua dalam hidup Charley Benetto merubah pandangan hidupnya?

Terdapat dua macam sumber data yang digunakan dalam penyusunan skripsi ini.

Sumber data primer didapatkan dari novel For One More Day, dan sumber data sekunder

didapatkan dari buku dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan literatur dan psikologi serta dari


Saya menggunakan teori-teori literatur dalam menganalisa novel ini. Yaitu teori

karakter dan karakterisasi, teori psikoanalisis dan teori katresnanism. Pendekatan yang

digunakan adalah pendekatan psikologis.

Setelah menganalisa novel ini penulis menyimpulkan bahwa Charley Benetto

sebagai seseorang yang naïf, lemah, kekanak-kanakan, egois dan mudah putus asa dan

berkaitan dengan kesempatan kedua yang diperolehnya, Charley menyadari bahwa semua

orang berhak mendapatkan kesempatan kedua untuk memperbaiki hidup.




First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ for His love and guidance during my life especially the hard times in writing this thesis. He makes my life so beautiful and meaningful. He always gives me the wonderful surprises and blessings.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my sponsor, Drs. Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A, Ph.D, for his great guidance, encouragement, understanding, and advice from the beginning until the end of this thesis.

My appreciation also goes to all lecturers at Sanata Dharma University who have taught and given me valuable and great knowledge. I would also like to thank the secretariat staffs and the librarians for helping me searching the references.

I am sincerely grateful to my beloved parents Bapak Antonius Susanto and Ibu Yustina Wahyu Silaningsih (†), for their endless love and prayers for my success. I also thank my lovely brothers and sisters, Mas Wan, Mba ta, Alex, Agus and Sisca, Indri and Manda for their support and attention.



I address my acknowledgement to all my friends at Gondolayu lor, I thank them for encouraging me to keep trying and to lift me up in my greatest despair. It is great to spend the time with them. I would also thank Raka, Zega, Chika, and Serena for always making me smile and laugh anytime I need.

Last but not least, I would like to thank those whose names are not mentioned here for their support and prayers so that I could complete this thesis. May God bless them all.









i ii iv v vi vii viii x

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ………...………... 1 A. Background of the Study ………... B. Problem Formulation………. C. Objectives of the Study……….. D. Benefits of the Study ………. E. Definition of Terms ………...

1 3 4 4 4

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ……..……….. 7 A. Review of Related Theories………...

1. Approaches in Literary Studies……….. 2. Theory of Character………... 3. Theory of Characterization………...….………….…... 4. Theory of Psychoanalysis ………..……... a. The Id ... b. The Ego ... c. The Superego ... 5. Post Colonialism and Katresnanism Theory………... B. Criticism on Mitch Albom’s Works ……….. C. Context of the Novel………...…………...



1. The Condition of America in 1960s………... 2. The Condition of America in 2006……… D. Theoretical Framework………..

22 24 25 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY…..………. 26

A. Subject Matter….……….…………..…… B. Approach………..…... C. Procedures ………..……….………..

26 27 27

CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS …..………...……… 29 A. Analysis of the Major Character Described in For One More Day ...

1. Naïve………..……….... 2. Weak………...………... 3. Childish………..……… 4. Selfish………..………... 5. Desperate……….………... 29 29 30 31 32 33 B. The Analysis of Charley Benetto’s Second Chance in Life...

1. Surface Meaning of Charley Benetto’s Second Chance in Life a. “Morning” as Reflections of the Beginning of Charley’s

Important Life ………... b. “Noon” as Reflections of Charley’s Quest to Find the

Answer about His Life ……..………... c. “Night” as Reflections of the Result of the Quest that He has

done due to the Questions that He has About His Life.…..………... 2. Deeper Meaning of Charley Benetto’s Second Chance in Life

37 37 38 41 43 46


A. Conclusion ………

B. Suggestion and Recommendation……….. 1. For Future Researchers ………. 2. For English Teacher ………...………...



3. The Implementation of For One More Day in Language Teaching ……….... 54

REFERENCES….………..……….... 58

APPENDICES ... 60 APPENDIX 1. The Summary of the Novel ... APPENDIX 2. The Biography of the Author ... APPENDIX 3. The Work of the Author ... APPENDIX 4. Lesson Plan ... APPENDIX 5. The Implementation for Teaching Reading ...





This chapter provides some information about background of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study, and benefits of the study also definition of terms. In the background of the study, I explain about the necessity of analyzing the topic and the reason for choosing the topic. Objectives of the study explain the aim of this study. The problems that will be analyzed in this thesis are stated in the problem formulation. Benefits of the study explain to whom this study will be beneficial. The last part of this chapter is the definition of some terms related to this topic.

A. Background of the Study

“If you had the chance, just one chance, to go back and fix what you did wrong in life, would you take it? And if you did, would you be big enough to stand it?”


death, although it has been for seven years since she passed away. The writer still feels hurt to watch other people who can spend their time with their mother. The writer realizes that sometimes life cannot be like what we want it to be. In this study, the writer wants to focus on the second chance in life. In the case of Charley Benetto’s second chance in life that he gets, he happens to meet his late mother and spend one full day with her to reveals the truth about his life.

Since a novel is a part if literary works, the writer will try to give a few meaning of literature according to expert. Grace stated that “Literature gives us a specific knowledge of life that of real experiences and provides a profitable supplement in terms of intellectual and critical values. It is actually possible to make a mature evaluation of life without having had a great deal of experience) (7). Literature expresses and communicates thoughts, feelings and attitude towards life. Therefore, literature can help us to understand the meaning of life.

According to Hudson, “Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects of which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us. It is thus fundamentally an expression of life through medium of language (10).” Literature as a work of art is a means in bringing back the sense of humanities. We can see many aspects of life in a literature.


A novel is a book that tells a story about people. De Laar said that: “A novel is a work of art in so far as it introduces us into a living world; in some respects resembling the world we live in, but with an individuality of its own (163).” In a novel, a portrait of life is commonly seen, a portrait containing values of truth and a portrait of life as a process with all of its problems and aspects. We realize that many novels are able to portray the phenomenon of human life well. Some of the novels could tell about such kind of person who possesses a positive thinking in his life.

The aim of this novel is to see how Charley Benetto’s second chance of life affects his views of life.

In order to do so there are two problems to answer, namely, how Charley Benetto’s life is described in the novel; and how Charley Benetto second chance affect his life The theories used are theory of character and characterization, theory of psychoanalysis and katresnanism theory.

It is hoped that this study will be beneficial to those having concerned with literary works and those willing to make use of the novel to teach English.

B. Problem Formulation


C. Objective of the Study

There are two objectives of the study to focus on the problem formulation above, they are:

1. To find out how Charley Benetto’s character described in the novel. 2. To find out how the second chance in life affects his life.

D. Benefits of the Study

There are benefits that we can obtain from this study for both readers and those who are interested in literary works. This study can be used as an alternative reading material in teaching Extensive Reading in university. It can also be a reference for the students in getting more information about second chance in life.

Through this study, the writer hope that it can help the readers understand more about literary works especially novel, so that they are able to enjoy reading novels.

E. Definition of Terms

To avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, the following terms are defined:

1. Character(s)


2. Characterization

Holman and Harmon (1986) state that characterization is the creation of the author’s imagination about imaginary person so that they exist for the reader as lifelike.

In this study, characterization refers to the presentation of a character that presented by the author with the character’s features including personality and values.

3. Ideal

Hornby states that ideal is an effort of “satisfying one’s idea of what is perfect (21).”

n this study, the ideal condition is anything that Charley Benetto do deals with his faith as a man.

4. Personality

Kalish states that personality is “the dynamic organization of characteristic attributes leading to behavior and distinguishing one individual from other individuals (52).”

In this study, personality refers to something that represents the human life, which is a very unique condition that differs one and another.

6. Social


In this study, social refers to the relations within a family.

7. View

It was stated in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary written by Hornby. A. S, view is “personal opinion or attitude; thought or observation (on a subject).”

Another definition of view in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is “way of understanding or interpreting a subject, series of events, etc; mental impression.”





This chapter contains some theories used in this study. That is divided into Theoretical Review and Theoretical Framework. In theoretical review, the writer discusses the Theory of Critical Approaches, Theory of Character, Theory of Characterization, Theory of Psychoanalisis, and Post-Colonialism particularly that of Katresnanism theory. Meanwhile, theoretical framework discusses the theories used to guide the writer in the analysis of the novel.

A. Review of Related Theories

This part presents some theories that are relevant to the study including approaches in analyzing the novel. This study deals with literature, therefore, the writer believe that it is important to have some theoretical ground of novel as part of literature. These are theories relevant to this study.

1. Approaches in Literary Studies

There are theories and approaches used in analyzing literary works. Rohberger and Woods, in their book Reading and Writing about Literature, states that to have a reasonable judgment, the so-called “critical approach” is needed (3). The critical approach consists of five approaches: Formalist approach, Biographical approach, Sociocultural-historical approach, Mythopoeic approach, and Psychological approach (6).


the work of art only. In other words, this approach does not need any reference from other sources, like the author’s life, the social condition at the time the author’s live, etc. In short, the approach is mainly focusing on the work only.

The second approach is the “Biographical Approach.” This approach proposes the idea that the only way to understand literature is by asserting the necessity and appreciation of ideas and personality of the author.

The third approach is an approach that examines the work of art in reference to the civilization. Then the attitude and the actions of specific group of people become the subject matter. This approach is called “Sociocultural-Historical Approach.”

“Mythopoeic Approach” is the fourth approach. This approach tries to discover certain universality and recurrent patterns of human thoughts in the works of art that are believed to have expression in the works.

The last approach is “Psychological Approach.” Critics that involve the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns of human psychology in the works of art.

In this thesis, the writer uses the Psychological approach to analyze the character of Charley Benneto and his relationship towards other people in the story.

2. Theory of Character


Analyzing character is important because it should be analyzed based on the thought of the author. Character is an imagination of the author that lives in the novel and every character is unique because every character represents every person in real life that is different from others. Character is described as the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who is represented by the reader as being endowed with moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what they say (the dialogue) and what they do (the action) (Abrams 20). Characters must be credible so that they are accepted as believable people (Rohberger and Woods 20).

Rohrberger and Woods state that characters have an important role in a story since they can help the readers participate explicitly in the experience of the story by sharing imaginatively the feelings or the activities of the characters in the story (19). Furthermore, Rohberger and Woods (20) explain that “… stories involve persons, called characters, who act out in a particular time and place (setting) some kind of conflict in a pattern of events.”

Stanton states that character has two definitions. The first definition is character as the individuals who appear in the story. Meanwhile, the second definition is character as mixture of interests, desires, emotions and moral principles that makes up each of these individuals (17). The first definition refers to the persons in the story and the second definition refers to the characteristics of the person in the story.


the centre of the actions and usually shows human characteristic. The antagonist is the character in a story that moves against the protagonist.

The progress of a character in the novel is divided into flat character and round character (Abrams 21). Flat character means that the author only describes this character without specification, in other words the author does not explain it in details and without significant progress. Usually the writer describes the character in “a single phrase or single sentence.” This type of character does not make any significant progress in the novel. It means that the character gives little contribution in the novel. Round character means that the character is complex and makes a lot of progress through the novel. We usually call this as dynamic character. The reason why it is called as dynamic character is that the character is changing through the novel for example firstly the character is a good person but because of certain events in the novel the character becomes a bad person. In other words, the character seems as a real person and the character is changing through the dialogues or actions.


Furthermore, Perrine (71) classifies fictional characters into static and dynamic characters. Static characters are characters that change little in their outlook and personalities during the story. They remain stable and are the same sort of persons at the end of the story as at the beginning. They are described without much detail and they are not changed by circumstances. Dynamic characters are those who undergo changes in some aspects of their characters, personalities or outlook from the beginning to the end of the story. The changes could be for better or worse and may be a large or small one, but it is something that is important and basic, and more than a minor change in opinion.

There may be many characters that appear in a novel; however there is at least one main character in the novel and the others are usually supporting characters. Holman and Harmon (82) divide characters into two, namely major characters and minor characters. A major character is the most important character and becomes the main focus of the story. Meanwhile, a minor character is a less important one than the major character.


completely need the reader’s fullest attention because they perform a key structural function. While, secondary characters are characters who serve functions that are more restricted. Henkle (97) states, “secondary characters are limited in ways that the major characters are not.” They perform and respond in more limited functions than the major characters, they may be less sophisticated; therefore their response to experience is less complex and less interesting.

Based on the frequency of appearance in the novel, Milligan (155) divides character into two. The first type is the major character. The major character appears more frequently than the other characters in the novel. The readers usually follow the plot of the novel through this character. In other words, this character is the main character of the novel. The second type is minor character. This character appears less often than the main character in the novel. This character only appears in certain setting of the novel. The character is also less important than the major character.

3. Theory of Characterization

In a novel, there are many characters. Each character and its characterization have important roles in the novel. It is also very important to make readers understand about the story.

According to Murphy, there are nine methods to present a character (161-173).


readers can easily imagine a character through the character’s physical appearance because it portrays the character’s characteristics and makes the characters more alive.

The second is character as seen by other. In this method, the author portrays a character through the eyes and opinion of another character. The readers can recognize completely the characters about his performance or characteristics.

The third is speech. The author gives an insight to the readers of the character and of the person in the book through what the person says. Meaning to say, the speech of the person, his conversation with another, and his opinion give us some clue to his character.

The fourth is past life. in this method, the author gives the readers some clue to his character that have helped to shape a character’s character by letting the readers learn something about a character’s past life.

The fifth is conversation of others. In this method, the author gives the readers some hints to a character’s character and the things they say about him, from their conversation, the readers will understand what they are talking about so that the readers know his character.


The seventh is direct comment. In this method, the author gives descriptions and comments on a person’s character directly. It is the easiest way that the readers can gain in order to know the character’s character.

The eighth is thoughts. In this method, the author gives a direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. The author can do what the readers cannot do in actual life and he lets the readers know what other people are thinking about.

The ninth or the last is mannerism. In this method, the author illustrates a person’s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies that can give to the readers some clues about his character.

4. Theory of Psychoanalysis

Rohrberger and Woods say that “the modern psychological movement received its great impetus from Freud” (13-14). They state Freud’s theory about psychoanalysis. Freud explores that “the unconscious area of human mind is the area of man’s rich imagination, his capacity for creation, the complexity oh his thought and behaviour” (13).

Furthermore, Hall and Lindzey state Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis in Theories of Personality. Freud states that “a person’s personality is made up of three major systems, the Id, the ego and the superego” (22-26). The explanation of each system is as follows:

a. The Id


psychological that is present at birth. If the Id experiences the increases of energy or uncomfortable states of tension, it will discharge the tension immediately and return the organism’s low energy level. The Id is considered as the unconscious part of the person’s personality. Hall in his Primer of Freudian Psychology says that. The Id forces to the person to satisfy their needs. Id includes two instinctual drives in human mind. Those are the Eros and Thanatos. Eros is the instinct of survival such as eat, drink, sexual activity, and so on. Then the second is the

Thanatos. Thanatos is the destructive instinct including aggression, murder, and other destructive behavior. Those functions on the pleasure that have to be satisfied.

b. The Ego

Hall in his A Primer of Freudian Psychology says that The ego is formed as the results of the organism needs for appropriate transactions with the objective world of reality and known as the conscious part a person’s personality. It distinguishes between things in the mind and things in the external world. The ego itself is the organized of the Id and it exists to forward the aim of the Id. The ego then, is the product of an interaction with the environment or rather external world. However, heredity and natural growth processes, so called, maturation, lay down its line of development. (30)


c. The Superego

The superego is the moral part of personality, which represents the ideal which strives for perfection rather than the real it is interpreted to the child by his parents which is enforced by means of a system of rewards and punishment which final purpose is to meet the ideals of society.

The three main functions of the superego are to inhibit the impulses of the Id, to persuade the ego to substitute moralistic goals for realistic ones and to strive for perfection.

The personality normally functions as a whole rather than as three separate segments. The readers may consider the Id as the biological component of personality, the ego as the psychological component and the superego as the social component.

5. Post Colonialism and Katresnanism Theory

Being part of the so-called post colonialism theory, this theory adopts the third world universal values. According to Peter Barry, anyway, there are at least six points that post-colonialist critics tend to do (198): They reject the claims to universalism made on behalf of canonical Western literature and seek to show its limitations of outlook. Especially it is general inability to empathize across boundaries of cultural and ethnic difference; they examine the representation of other cultures in literature as a way of achieving this end.


works; they celebrate hybridity and cultural polyvalence that is the situation whereby individuals and groups belong simultaneously to more than one culture. They develop a perspective, not just applicable to postcolonial literatures whereby states of marginality, plurality and perceived “Otherness” are seen a source of energy and potential change (198).

Actually each country has its own idealism and at the same time ideological way of life. Those in the West are different from those in the East including those of Indonesia. One of those found in Indonesia is the so-called

katresnanism [divine and pious love].

According to Antonius Herujiyanto, in his “Katresnan Criticism: The Nature And Who Does It” (in LLT Journal, Vol. 09, No. 2, 125-138, August 2006), theory of katresnanism (divine love) is a term which refers to the result of an inductive work functioning as a reminder and invitation (éling-kèlingan) of one's true self (jati diri) and one's existence which was granted due to katresnan (divine love) as soon as one was born. It also functions as a practical way of regarding and looking at—and thus sincerely holding the commitment—things such as one's work (including one's own work), numerous life situation by using positive thinking.


There are 99 aoskatresnanism representing the hypothesis of this theory. Up to now, 33 aos (principles) have been discussed. The fact that theory of

katresnanism is an open ended may be seen through the words positive thinking and through an invitation to anybody to develop by, among others, proposing for adding more aos. These aos or principles or rather characteristics may also be called the components of katresnanism.

Theory of “Katresnanism” (divine Love) may, thus, be seen through the following figure:

The Real Truth: Aos Katresnanism

Those who offer katresnan = Those who receive katresnan

Figure 1

The 33 Aos of Katresnanism 1. andhap asor (being


12. kraton nDalem (being spiritual)

23. sithik idhing (promoting win-win) 2.andhom slamet

(sharing protection)

13. lothong kemayangan (feeling lucky)

24. sumèlèh (being able to accept)

3. angon mangsa (being versatile)

14. migunani (promoting benefit)

25. tentram (promoting peace)


[pious-divine) love]


4. atur panuwun (feeling gratitude)

15. mrantasi (being reliable)

26. tulus(being sincere) 5. banyu sinaring

(becoming a purified model)

16. mulat sarira (being considerate)

27. tuhu (celebrating faithfulness)

6. binerkahan (being blessed)

17. nalar ( being logical) 28. teposliro (celebrating tolerance)

7. cancut taliwanda (being prepared)

18. ngugemi (holding commitment)

29. sumarah (trusting-surrendering)

8. citra wicita wicitra

(meaningful overt-covert)

19. nyamleng (creating enjoyment) 

30. mranani


9. duga prayoga

(calculated step)

20. nyumangga (promoting after you) 

31. mbombong-mbimbing


10. yatna yuwana 21. rukun (promoting harmony)  

32. pas (just right)

11. kasugengan (offering goodluck)

22. samanunggal (being at the same boat) 

33. nyedulur-mulur

(brotherhood and absolution/ forgiveness)

Taken from the LLT Journal, Vol. 09, No. 2, 125-138, August 2006

Herujiyanto also points out that theory of katresnanism may be considered as a strategy to help us live positively and in a way that we feel the very enlightening-peaceful way in viewing the natural world around us.

B. Criticism on Mitch Albom’s Works.


areas of our interactions with people. He has pondered what we learn in our day-to-day intersections with those we love and those we hardly know, those anchors we have lost, those we have simply shaken hands with. In For One More Day this theme of revelation and learning continues. Where Tuesday With Morrie recounts the rekindling of a mentor relationship in the twilight years of a teacher's life and The Five People You Meet In Heaven reinforces the sometimes unknown impact of those we encounter in life, For One More Day is about missed opportunity and the miraculous "what if." Chick Benetto is far from perfect. In a plot that might sound too fantastic to be true, Albom spins a tale of reconnection and opportunity. The book is full of reminiscences from Chick's personal papers notes his mom lovingly wrote him, reminders of times he did not stand up for her and remembrances of his life. But the last day he gets to spend with his latel mother might well be the truest day he ever spent with her, for it is in this visit that he learns who she really was and who he really is.


you'd give anything to see again, those times you should have walked down the other path, and those moment you wish you could relieve.

While Jeffrey Martin stated that In his memoir Tuesdays with Morrie and his novel The Five People You Meet In Heaven, New York Times bestselling author Mitch Albom succeeded in creatively addressing the struggles we all encounter in how we relate to and reconcile with others, whether friends, family, or strangers. Albom's stories provoke us to ponder and question how we approach these relationships, either under truly extraordinary or utterly banal circumstances. "What could I have done better?" is the resonating question we think about regarding past relationships and "What can I do now?" spurs us to think about our present relationships.


where he grew up to end it all. In the process, he ends up spending one more day with his mother.

It is a remarkable day of discovering who Posey truly was and how her actions influenced his life in positive and negative ways. The pace of back-story intermingled with the present is true to Albom's style, giving the reader just enough information to grasp and propel them forward to the protagonist's next revelation. Successful character development is the key in the novel and the reader will not be disappointed by Albom's descriptions. They are vivid and tangible. Had Albom chosen a female protagonist and slightly different storyline, this novel would have easily fallen into the "chick lit" category. By choosing Charles "Chick" Benetto as the main character and creating such a layered and absorbing story line, Albom has successfully appealed to a diverse audience.

C. Context of the Novel

In conducting this thesis, the writer uses the post colonialism theory that is why the writer tries to shows the condition of America in 1960 as the time setting of the novel compared to the condition of America in 2006 the year when this novel was written. This is an effort to get a better view and understanding toward the novel.

1. The Condition of America in 1960s


2. The Condition of America in the 2006.

In the year of 2006, the Government of United States of America was at the euphoria to fight against terrorism. Since the World Trade Center tragedy, the main goal of this country dealing with terrorism were going crazy, the government spread their military power to vanished the terrorist movement all around the globe. Dealing with this effort, the American government showed off their force starting from military up to economic just to make sure that their goals achieved.

Because of it, the nation suffered economic decline that affected the life of its citizen, starting from high tax payment that resulted in a high life cost.

Dealing with family life, in the year of 2006, the American family although they were still recognizable, had been drastically modified across all social classes. Women had joined the paid labor force in great numbers stimulated by both economic need and a new belief in their capabilities and right to pursue opportunities. Women and men had the equal right in every aspect of life. People could say they had a family without completing the requirements of a family like those in the 1900; sometimes there were families that only consisted of a father and a son or daughter, or a mother and her kids without the figure of a father around.

D. Theoretical Framework


theories in this study. Furthermore, the theoretical framework will be the guidance of the analysis of this novel.

In this study, there are some theories used to analyze the novel. Those are theory of character and characterization, psychology, and post-colonialism particularly that of Katresnanism theory. The former one is used to describe personality and social character of the main character. The later are to discuss the psychological aspect of the main character.





This chapter discusses more about the primary data, approach and procedures the writer use to make this thesis. It consists of three parts, the first part is subject matter, which explains about the novel that the writer explore in this thesis. The second part is approach, which contains the approach the writer use to analyze the novel. The last part is procedures, consisting of a series of steps that the writer conducts in order to do this thesis.

A. Subject Matter

The novel to be analyzed was entitled For One More Day, written by Mitch Albom and published in 2006 by Hyperion Books. This book has 200 pages. This work is Mitch Albom’s second novel. This novel has been reprinted three times in 2007 and twice in 2008 has been translated into 26 languages. In the United States of America, the Hyperion Books published this book in 2006, while in Great Britain the Sphere Books published this book in the same year. The setting of place in this novel is Pepperville Beach which is a small town. Yet, the focus of this study was on the major character and the protagonist of the novel, named Charley Benetto, whereas the topic were to analyze about Charley’s struggle in finding the meaning of his life and to find the answers of the questions that he has in his life.


B. Approach

In analyzing the work, the writer used the approach suitable to the topic that the writer wanted to reveal. In this thesis, the writer wanted to find out the life of Charley Bennetto and how the the second chance in life affects his life. The writer used psychological approach to analyze Charley Bennetto’s character and his social relationship towards other people in the story.

Psychological approach explores characters in the story, so that this approach helps us to understand the character’s personality deeper. Someone’s personality affects his social relationship towards people around him. In using this approach, the character to be highlighted must be analyzed from the psychological point of view. The character’s behavior, thinking, and appearance must be noticed. By using this approach, the writer can understand the character’s behavior and why he does that.

C. Procedures





This chapter discusses Charley Benetto’s life and how he is granted to have a second chance in his life and its effect toward his life.

A. The Analysis of the Major Character Described in For One More Day The following are the major characteristics of Charley Benetto found in the novel. Charley Benetto is described as a naïve, weak, childish, selfish and desperate man. The analysis of Charley Benetto’s character is based on the theory of character and characterization. The aim of the analysis is to know the character of Charley Benetto, because by knowing the character of a person we can see his life experiences. This analysis is also aimed to reveal the real meaning of the second chance that he gets and its effect toward his life.

Based on the theory of character and characterization, Charley Benetto’s character is:

1. Naïve


boy. As a result, started from that day, he decides to be a daddy’s boy and it is clearly stated in the novel.

So I was a daddy’s boy I mimicked his walk. I mimicked his deep, smoky laugh. I carried a baseball glove because he loved baseball, and I took every hardball he threw, even the ones that stung my hands so badly I thought I would scream. (21)

He is so naïve because he thinks that by mimicking his father, he will be considered a daddy’s boy, and he dedicates his life to represent the figure of a man like what his father wants him to be.

….the only thing that I had to worship was baseball. He was pitching to me before I could walk. He gave me a wooden bat before my mother let me use a scissors. He said I could make the major leagues one day if I had “a plan and if I stuck to the plan”. (31)

However, we know that at seven years old, a child cannot decides at their own plan; they will stick to the parent’s plan. While Charley’s mother thinks that baseball is nothing more than an activity to get fresh air because she always wants Charley to go to college. We can see that although she never agrees with Charley’s decision dealing with baseball, she always supports him.

This choice were seems to be perfect until his parents get divorce, as a result Charley become confuse because he already make a choice but his father disappear, as a result he become a man who never cares about anything except the concept to be a perfect man.

2. Weak


he has in his life, later on this weak personality in his life make him turns into a person who always blames others dealing with the situation he faces rather than trying to find the reasons why those bad situations happens.

It is shown several times in his life, starts from the day his parents get divorce he always blames his mother because she does not allow his father to stay. He only focuses on the result but not the reason why things happen. Just like one night at his ten years old, when he knew that his father comes back but his mother does not allow him.

“Who was it?” I ask. “Nothing nobody”, she says. But I know she is lying. I know who it was.

“Come here, Charley.” She holds a handout. I straggle over, my arms at my side. She pulls me in, but I resist. I am angry with her. I will remain angry with her until the day I leave this house for good. I know who it was. And I am angry that she wouldn’t let my father stay. (93)

The result of his anger that starts that night made him a rebel to every decision and dreams that his mother had for him.

3. Childish

Charley Benetto is considered as being childish when he deals with his father’s dream to be a baseball player. Charley thinks that only through baseball he will gain the love of his father, although he never admits it. Everyone in his life sees it, including Miss Thelma, a woman that used to be his family cleaning lady. Miss Thelma tells him that even though he tries so hard to prove that he is a grown man through every decision he makes, deep inside his heart he is a little child that always needs his parent guidance.


Young man’s business, baseball is. But you’ll always be that little boy to me, with that glove on your hand, so serious and all.” (135)

From this statement we can see the application of the theory of character and characterization proposed by Murphy which is thought.

4. Selfish

Charley Benetto is a selfish person that he never cares about other people. The only thing matters for him is his life and everything that he has choose. Everyone who lives around him feels his selfishness starting from his choice to put aside his mother’s dream to get a better education, his selfishness can also be seen in the conversation that he has with his sister, Roberta.

“ I THINK MOM should get married again,” Roberta said. This was one time when I called home from college. “what are you talking about?”

“She’s still pretty. But nobody stays pretty forever. She’s not as thin as she used to be.”

“She doesn’t want to get married.” “How do you know?”

“she doesn’t need to get married, Roberta, ok?”

“if she doesn’t get somebody soon, nobody is gonna want her.” “Stop it.”

“She wears a girdle now, Charley, I saw it.” “I don’t care, Roberta! God!”

“You think you’re so cool because you go to college.” “Cut it out.”

“Did you ever hear that song Yummy, Yummy, Yummy? I think it’s so stupid. How come they play it all the time?”

“is she talking to you about getting married?” “Maybe.”

“Roberta, I’m not kidding. What did she say?”

“Nothing , OK? But who knows where the hell Dad is. And Mom shouldn’t have to be by herself all the time.”

“Stop cursing.” I said.

“I can say whatever I want Charley. You’re not my boss.”


It is obvious to see how selfish Charley is. His sister wants to see their mother happy and get married again, but on the other side Charley wants his mother to stay single because he still has the dream of their family being reunited again.

From the previous example, we can see that the third method of Characterization theory presented by Murphy, which is speech, is applied.

5. Desperate

Charley Benetto is a desperate person. He cannot deal with any disappointment, objections and circumstances that does not feel right for him. The worst thing is that this condition he had, later on turns him into an alcoholic.

“…ballplayers in my time always drank-but it became a problem which in time, got me fired from two sales jobs. And getting fired made me keep on drinking. I slept badly. I ate badly. I seemed to be aging while standing still. When I did find work, I hid mouthwash and eyedrops in my pockets, darting into bathrooms before meeting clients. Money became a problem; Catherine and I fought constantly about it. And, over time, our marriage collapsed. She grew tired of my misery and I can’t say I blame her... “ (5)

From this example the characterization method applied is the sixth method, reaction.


He has been experiencing the university atmosphere until he made the wrong decision that he regrets for the rest of his life. He gets married with Catherine and has a daughter named Maria. They live a happy family until his mother died. Finally, he hits rock bottom as soon as he discovers that he were not been invited to his only daughter’s wedding and he decides to commit suicide.

Charley Benetto grows up with a mother that always showers him with unconditional love, and always becomes a place to lean on. In contrary, he also wants to feel love from his father too. His life starts with his father statement about how he must choose between his parents. “You can be a mamma’s boy or a daddy’s boy, but you can’t be both” (21).

This statement actually will be a simple choice if Charley has the capabilities to think and to decide what the best for him is. However, he is only a child who still depends on his parents. As a result, starting from that day, he decided to be a daddy’s boy and it is clearly stated in the novel.

So I was a daddy’s boy I mimicked his walk. I mimicked his deep, smoky laugh. I carried a baseball glove because he loved baseball, and I took every hardball he threw, even the ones that stung my hands so badly I thought I would scream. (21)


game. His mother said that his father was not there, and Charley realizes from that very little morning that he is a mamma boy. This situation really hurts him because first he decides that he will be a daddy’s boy but now his father is gone and he does not know what to do.

Actually, it is all about pride because from the very beginning of his life, Charley is already a mamma’s boy but he is too shy to admit it. We can see it from the story when he was five years old in his first day at school in his kindergarten. He is afraid that when he comes out of the class his mother disappears. However, his mother says that he must stay calm and does not have to be afraid. Because a mother will never leave her son. At that moment she gives him a letter and says that when he really misses her, he can open the letter but it is ridiculous because it is his first day at school and he cannot even read. It is a funny situation but we can see that how his mother really showers him with an unconditional love.

We have seen from the beginning how Charley’s mother has shown her love to Charley but although his mother always there for him and really cares about him, she also acts like an ordinary mother who always punishes her children when they make mistakes.

...She wasn’t easy on me, don’t get me wrong. She smacked me. She scolded me. She punished me. But she loved me. She really did. She loved me falling of a swing set. She loved me stepping on her floors with muddy shoes. She loves me through a vomit and snot and bloody knees. She loved me coming and going, at my worst and at my best. She had a bottomless well of love for me… (33).


“….Here’s my theory: Kids chase the love that eludes them, and for me, that was my father’s love. He kept it tucked away, like a papers in a briefcase. And I kept trying to get in there….” (33).

After he graduates from senior high school, Charley granted a scholarship to get into a university because of his skill in baseball, but his mother always says that education is the most important thing. We can see how his mother always forces him to study especially reading books because only through education someone will be noticed by the society.

Until one day in the college spring game in 1968, Charley’s father reappears after eight years and from this meeting. We can see that Charley somehow reveals the old time feeling that has disappears from his life. Charley wants to tell his mother about it but he is afraid, until one day after a game soon after his father brings talent scout who offers him to play in professional level, he calls his mother to tell her about it, but his mother keeps telling him to concentrate on studying and explains how important study is. Yet in his second year, he drops out of the college to play for the minor league, following his father suggestions, and as usual, his mother says no to the decisions he makes. Yet, he still insists on doing it and finally he reaches his dream to play for the world series but it is only a dream because his team is beaten by their rival and he comes back home with a great disappointment because at that game he does not play.


Something that he wants to ask to his father for a long time finally has its chance to be spoken. Once Charley asks his father what happens with him and his mother, his father says,

“….it didn’t work out between us. If I pressed him he would add, “You wouldn’t understand”. The worst he ever said about my mother was, “she’s a hardheaded woman”. It was as if they had made this pact to never speak about what drove them apart. But I asked them both the question, and only my father lowered his eyes when he answered….. (143).

One day at his mother birthday, his father calls and tells him about the reunion game for the old timers. Charley insists not to come and play and as predicted before, he joins the game and leaves the party with many excuses. At the game, he plays bad so that his father feels embarrassed, so he leaves for home. When he calls his wife just to say hello, he receives news that makes him shocked and tremble, his mother died just at the same moment when he is playing in the game. All regrets that come out in his life have taken effects in every aspect of his life. He wishes to be granted one more day to reveal all the mysteries that happen in his life and answers all the questions that he has in his mind for the rest of his life.

B. The Analysis of Charley Benneto Second Chance of Life 1. Surface Meaning of Charley Benneto Second Chance of Life


decides to end his life. Therefore, he drives back to his hometown in Pepperville Beach and at that moment, he is drunk. When he is 1 mile out of town his car hits a truck but fortunately he survives. Therefore, he walks down the road heading for the water tower. He climbs it and soon after he reaches the top, he see the baseball field where he used to play when he was a child and something comes up in his mind, “what is it about childhood that never lets you go; even when you’re so wrecked it’s hard to believe you ever were a child?”(16), after that, he takes two running steps, grabs the railing and hurdles himself over.

When he opens his eyes he is surrounded by fallen pieces of the tree, stones press his stomach and his chest then he lifts his chin, and this is what he sees, the baseball field of his youth and his mother who had been died for years. She is standing by the dugout wearing a lavender jacket, holding her pocketbook and does not say a word, she just looks at him. When he tries to stand up his mother has gone, so he starts to walk toward his old house, determines to finish the job (17).

a. “MORNING” as Reflections of the Beginning of Charley’s Important Life


door, but he does not know where to go, so he just stand there, and then the door opens and there is his mother standing in front of him saying, “What are you doing out here? It’s cold” (41).

At that time his mind is really confused and he thought that he has a brain damage, “Was I hallucinating? Should I move toward her? Was she like a bubble that would burst? Honestly, at this point, my limbs seemed to belong to someone else” (42).

After a very hard mind battle, he tries to believe and disbelieve what he sees in front of him. He gives up and runs toward his mother and hugs her as if he will never go.

He sits on the kitchen table and his mother comes in the kitchen with antiseptic bottle and a washcloth; she begins to clean the wounds all over his arm and his face. The feeling that comes up in his heart is that he feels like a little boy. Who misses somebody to show his/her love for him like his mother did and when he starts to say the word that has been so long does not come out of his mouth like the way he used to say. His mother only says “Charley”, she sighed “The trouble you get into” (50).

After that his mother makes him a breakfast and asks him a question, “So, can you stay all day” my mother asked. Can you, Charley? She said. “She spend a day with your mother?”(55) And the only word that came out of his mouth is that “Mom,” “this is impossible” (55).


their beauty rituals alive and that day she has three appointments. While they are walking along the road, her mother begins to tell him the stories that he never knows and indeed this is the starting point of how his questions about his life is answered and revealed one by one. His mother starts it from the first three years after the marriage, the young couple writes a word on a tree and his mother shows him, and says the word that is carved on the tree is a wish of the young couple to get a child and that child as the wish granted is he himself. His mother continues, “Now you know how badly someone wanted you, Charley. Children forget that sometimes. They think of themselves as a burden instead of a wish granted” (73).

The first thing that comes out of his mind when he hears what his mother explains to him was that he feels very ashamed because he wants to end his life, while a long time ago his parents carved a prayer to have him born. After they stand in front of the tree and reveal the history of the word carved on the tree, they began to walk down the road to reveal another mystery in Charley’s life, which is the reason why he is should stay alive.


cut Charley’s hair, and Rose answers “Children get embarrassed by their parents” and his mother repeats the same words. (89) Children will be embarrassed with all their parents in every aspect such as their parents’ appearance, their parents’ clothes, and their situations. His mother then explains the conditions when once a long time ago Charley did the same thing to her, “Sometimes your kids will say the nastiest things, won’t they, Rose, (89) “But usually, they’re just in some kind of pain. They need to work it out.” She shot me a look. “Remember, Charley. Sometimes, kids want you to hurt the way they hurt.”

In addition, questions rises in Charley’s mind about what he has done to Maria and if there is anything he has done that hurts his daughter? Then he remembered his childhood when he does the same thing to his mother then Charley tells her that he does not mean anything. His mother continues, “a child embarrassed by his mother” “is just a child who hasn’t lived long enough.”(90) Then the phone rang, Charley picks up the phone and hears on the other sides of the phone that somebody screams out his name. He is afraid and he hangs up the phone. Then he is very confused wondering whose voice is that on the phone. So, suddenly he fall a sleep. From the first part, which is the morning, we can see that the relationship between Charley Benetto and his mother in his childhood is revealed, including the questions dealing with his daughter, Maria.

b. “NOON” as Reflections of Charley’s Quest to Find the Answer about His Life


are fine, but somehow his mother gives him another question, about Maria, his daughter, (107) “And this business about Maria being ashamed of you? What did Catherine say about that?” Then, Charley tells her the truth that he and Catherine split up. Charley explains to her that it is his entire fault, and how he feels that the situation will never be the same anymore, but then his mother says to him that he should not worry about it because everything can be fixed.

His mother’s next appointment is Miss Thelma; Miss Thelma is once the Benetto’s housekeeper. Throughout this meeting, Charley finds out that his mother joins Miss Thelma to work on cleaning houses. One thing that makes Charley hurt is that his mother do it to pay the college tuition for him and his sister, he is very angry at that moment because his mother never explains to him about it and of course from a son point of view the job that his mother has is embarrassing. His mother realizes that conditions and it is her reason why she does not tell him the truth about what she has for living and paying her children tuition. From this part, we can see how Charley feels guilty because he thinks that his job as salesmen is a terrible job but then Miss Thelma said (136): “sometimes that happens. Can’t be much worse that scrubbing’ your bathtub, can it?” she grinned. “You do what you gotta do to hold your family together. Ain’t that right Posey?”


Charley, but in the dream you have a new conversation? The world you enter then is not so far from the world I’m now.” She put one of her hands on mine. “When someone is in your heart, they’re never truly gone. They can come back to you, even at unlikely times.” (145)

Suddenly, Miss Thelma’s house was exploded, and there is a voice thundering from outside the house, a voice that calls out his name, and he is very confused and he asks his mother what he has to do, then his mother says to him that it is up to him to make the choice.

c. “NIGHT” as Reflections of the Result of the Quest that He has done due to the Questions that He has About His Life.

After they finish with Miss Thelma, then they walk down the road again, head back to their house. On their way, Charley’s mother shows him the proof about what she says about how people still lives in other people mind long after they die, and Charley’s fear about being forgotten is not proved. Then, their conversation continues by the question that is asked by Charley about why his mother does not get married again after the divorce. His mother answers that she does not have time to think about it, because she concerns more on her children life, and she explains how life changes very fast and how sometimes they do not get the time they needs, and how they should not waste the time they have while they still alive.


where they are, his mother only answers that he should eat more. Charley realizes that his mother’s love for him was never gone, and his mother asks him a question “Was I a good mother?” (175). When Charley wants to answer the question suddenly his eyes are blurred and he hears once again a booming voice calling out his name. and he finds out that his mother disappears and he tries to reach out his mother, and then he feels his mother hand reaches him and says “One more stop,” she repeated (175).

Then they enter the apartment and find a woman sit in front of the mirror, Charley asks his mother who is the woman inside of the apartment and his mother says that the woman is his father’s wife. After that, his mother starts to tell him the complete story about the woman, Charley can see how hurt his mother is when she tells him the story, and then his mother says,

“… you have one family, Charley. For good or for bad. You have one family. You can’t trade them in. You can’t lie to them. You can’t run two at once, substituting back and forth. “Sticking with your family is what makes it a family.” (183)


choice that Charley makes in every aspect of his life which he admits that his choice is wrong, his mother says that “a child should never have to choose” (188)

Charley sees that his father’s wife stands up and says a word “perdonare” and soon after that, he finds him and his mother lies on a grass staring at the stars in the sky. Charley asks his mother what the meaning of the word that the woman says before, and his mother says, “Forgive” and she also says that the word is directed to him, that he must forgive the entire mistake that his father does to them and he must forgive himself, about every mistake that he makes in life. His mother tells him that he must live to fix everything and continues his life. Suddenly his mother disappears and he finds himself lie down under the water tower with a young police officer in front of his face. (192)


based on the Katresnanism theory, by doing impulsive deed, Charley will become

sumeleh (being able to accept) or rather sumarah (trusting and surrendering) of what happens to him.

2. Deeper Meaning of Charley Benneto Second Chance of Life

In this part, we can see the real meaning of the second chance that Charley gets after he tries to end his life, he meets his late mother explaining to him everything about how such an important person he is to her.

The true meaning of the second chance in life that Charley gets is that he finally realizes that his life is very important to other people. He also finally realizes that all mistakes that he has done can be fixed. He finds the truth that he has been looking for in his entire life.

From my point of view, the most important thing that Charley Benetto should have to do is to have the attitudes of positive thinking. This is exactly why

Katresnanism is used to find the deeper meaning of Charley Bentto’s second chance in life.

When Charley Benetto’s starts his career in baseball, he feels unsatisfied with the successes that he gets. Instead of taking care of his wife and his newborn baby, he prefers to reach his father’s dreams. He actually knows that a family is an important part in life, but he ignores them. When Charley Benetto puts aside his family, he does not apply one of the aos of Katresnanism that is andhap asor (being humble)


scaring them away. What is his mother shows is a very tiny example of how a family member must protect each others. There are still many other examples that he gets in his entire life but unfortunately Charley cannot see it. Throughout the examples shown in the novel about how a family should protect each other member, Charley Benetto fails to apply one of the methods proposed by the theory namely Andhom Slamet (sharing protection).

While for the aos of Angon Mangsa (being versatile), it can be seen in the situation when Charley Benetto’s parent get divorced, he should be versatile, but although we can see that Charley is trying hard to be like that and actually he made it, but he still feels that the divorce should not happen.

The Atur Nuwun (feeling gratitude) is the one that Charley Benetto’s should apply in his life. Instead of feeling gratitude that he still has a mother that really loves him, he keeps blaming her as the reason why his father has left them. He should thank his mother since she can make Charley and his sister go to college to get a better education for their future. But once again, Charley makes his mother disappointed because he leaves the college life and decides to be a baseball player.


time, just to make sure that her children can study without any troubles deals with school tuition problem. Unfortunately, Charley Benetto cannot become a model for his daughter.

Binerkahan (being blessed) the rule of Binerkahan can be seen, when Charley’s mother tells him, how she feel blessed by having him born, after waiting for a few years, his mother tells him, that Charley is a dream coming true, an answered prayers.

Cancut Taliwanda (being prepared) is the most important thing in human life. Since we understand the fact, that sometimes things can go wrong, we should prepare ourselves for the worst thing to happen. This rule is applied when Charley and his family celebrates his mother’s birthday. Instead of staying with them and share the moments that they have, he leaves them by accepting his father’s invitation to join the baseball game for the old timers, and unfortunately as soon as the game finish, he gets a phone call from his wife telling that his mother has just passed away. This has been the starting point of Charley’s great despair.

Citra Wicita Wicitra (meaningful overt-covert) This rule is best applied for Charley Benetto in a whole, because he can see the real meaning of anything that happens in his life, the most important thing to do by every human being in this world is that everything whether it is good or bad contains implicit and explicit meaning, and we are supposed to learn from it for a better life.


consequences of every steps that he makes. As a result, when everything goes wrong instead of creating a better life, all that he can do is just regret it.

Mrantasi (being reliable) is one thing that Charley Benetto should have in his life, but he is to busy to reach his father dreams; by the time his mother passed away he feels that it is his mistake and he falls into a great despair and leave his family, he proves that he cannot become a reliable person for them.





This chapter deals with the conclusion of the study. This final chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the answers to the two questions of this study. The second part is the recommendation for future researchers and the suggestions to teachers on how to make use of the novel as the material to teach Reading.

A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis in the previous chapter, the findings can be concluded as follows:

First it is about the life of Charley Benetto. Since the life of a person can be seen through his/her character, the writer will try to give a better understanding by presenting the character of Charley Benetto.


others in this case his mother and all her dreams for him, he only focuses on his father’s dreams.

Charley Benetto finally realizes that life is very wonderful. As a human being, he feels grateful with his life no matter hard and disappointed a life can be he always remembers that his existence here on earth is very important. Just like what Charley discovered after he had something that he really wants after his mother dies, to have one more day with her, apparently it is very ironic, in his entire life he always tries to answer questions that he has about life, his family, and the most important the choice that he makes. He cannot find a way to do it but soon after he decides to commit suicide, an opportunity arrived, and in the day he can meet his late mother he reveals that life is very precious. He finds that he is a worthy person and his mother loves him so much. He fells ashamed for trying to end his life.

It deals with jobs that every man should have. We know that Charley hates his job very much, and he says it to his mother, but soon after his mother explains the job that she should done to pay the tuition of her children by cleaning houses, Charley feels ashamed because the one that he has is much more comfortable than the one that his mother had once when he was in college.


never give up in life and also never waste any time that he has because here on earth, time will never enough for human being to do all the things that they wants to do. In addition, we should do our best to fill it with anything that worth full in spite of something stupid.

B. Suggestion and Recommendation 1. For Future Researchers

Hopefully this th


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