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International Seminar on Global Health (ISGH) 2017 Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi


Academic year: 2023

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Tri Setiowati

Department of Midwifery, School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Email : trisetiowati@yahoo.co.id


Sexual abuse on children is an incident that is increasing every year in Indonesia. Noted from The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), Data obtained that about 240 cases in West Java this year, as many as 30 cases of which occurred in West Bandung. Health promotion media, the video from UNICEF contains a series of cartoon images can also attract the attention of respondents during the counseling, especially for children. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of providing health promotion video of UNICEF version to the knowledge of sexual abuse on 5th grade students of SDN Pamucatan West Bandung Regency in 2017. The method used is pre experiment, research design using one group pre test and post test. Samples are 5th grade students in SDN Pamucatan as many as 32 people with total sampling technique. Primary data collection using questioner, data is analyzed by bivariate. The results showed that from 32 respondents before provided the health promotion as many as 15 (46,9%) respondents have good knowledge while after provided health promotion as many as 27 (84,4%) have good knowledge. So that there is influence providing of video of health promotion UNICEF version on 5th grade children of SDN Pamucatan West Bandung regency in 2017. It is suggested that the school and teachers collaborate with parents to continue providing sexual education so that children understand about sexual abuse, so the children's knowledge is much better after provided video of UNICEF version.

Keywords: Knowledge, Video Media of UNICEF, Child Sexual abuse.


Technological improvements that are happening at this time have brought the impact of change for society, positive and negative impact. Technological improvement makes communication between countries more noticeable. The most noticeable impact is on the cultural, moral, and social order of society in general and particularly on the younger generation.

Lately, there are many cases of child sexual abuse where the perpetrator is an adult and most of them are known to the victim. Sexual abuse and sexual violence in children occur every year and this is not a new issues. The United Nations for children, UNICEF (united Nations International Children Emergency Fund) states that 1 out of 10 girls in the world were sexually abused (Kristanti, 2014).

Child sexual abuse and violation in Indonesia also continued to increase from January to June 2014 became 1,622. The records of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), states from directly complaints, or by mail, telephone, and email. Cases of sexual violence place at the first highest position with complaints as many as 459 cases on May 2014. Sexual violence such as rape, sodomy, abduction and pedophilia (Diah, 2014).

Sexual violence cases based on the age, mostly occurred at the age of 6-12 years (33%) and the lowest age are about 0-5 years (7.7%) (IDAI, 2014). This is because the child is an ideal victim who cannot resist. Children under the age of 8 years are usually invited to play to prevent children complain to their parents. Pre-teen children will be threatened and intimidated, so they will feel ashamed to make a complaint. The survey of Violence on Children held by the government of Indonesia and UNICEF in March to April 2014, data obtained that 1 of 12 boys experiencing violence and the girls experiencing sexual violence (Rofiq, 2014).


435 The series of cartoon pictures presented by UNICEF can attract the attention of the respondents during the counseling, especially for children. This is in accordance with Rahayu's (2012) research. She suggests that videos containing cartoons can improve cognitive development seen from pre and post test after the video given. Teaching media which can motivate respondents' interests and actions is the instructional medium realized with entertainment techniques such as video. Therefore, the video method can improve the knowledge of the respondents because it can increase the motivation of interest and the action of the respondent when the counseling takes place (Rahayu, 2012).

Table 1. Sexual Violence on Children in West Bandung Regency

Based on the table, it can be seen that the highest trend of increasing child sexual violence cases occurred in Padalarang District as many as 10.46%, followed by Cisarua as many as 4.90% and the lowest one is in Parongpong and Cipatat. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of providing health promotion via video of UNICEF version to the knowledge of sexual abuse on 5th grade students of SDN Pamucatan West Bandung Regency in 2017.


The type of research is pre-experiment. The research design used was one group pretest posttest design. The design was used one group. The respondents has been measured the knowledge about sexual abuse on child before and after provided health promotion from UNICEF. The population of the research was all students of SDN Pamucatan, Padalarang, West Bandung regency in 2017 as many as 32 people.

To determine the number of samples, the researchers used the total sampling with the sample of students in SDN Pamucatan, West Bandung regency as many as 32 people. The samples of the research were children aged 10-11 or equivalent to the 5th grade elementary school.

Data analysis is conducted by bivariate.


The description of Child Knowledge before provided the Video of UNICEF Version on 5 grade students SD Pamucatan in West Bandung regency 2017.

Based on Table 2, it obtained that the child knowledge before provided health promotion of sexual abuse by using video of UNICEF version. The majority of respondents as many as 15 people (46,9%) included in good knowledge, but there are still are few respondents as many as 9 people (28,1% %) have less knowledge.

Kecamatan 2014 2015 2016

n % N % N %

Batujajar 2 11.76 1 5.56 1 6.2

Cihampelas 2 11.76 2 11.11 0 0

Cililin 2 11.76 2 11.11 1 6.2

Cipatat 1 5.86 1 5.56 2 12.5

Cisarua 2 11.76 3 16.67 3 18.8

Lembang 2 11.76 2 11.11 1 6.2

Ngamprah 3 17.65 2 11.11 3 18.8

Padalarang 2 11.76 4 22.22 4 25.0

Parongpong 1 5.88 1 5.56 1 6.2

Total 17 100 18 100 16 100


436 Table 2

The Distribution of Child Knowledge before Provided Health Promotion by Video of UNICEF Version

The description of Child's Knowledge After provided health promotion video from UNICEF Version on 5 Grade In SD Pamucatan in West Bandung Regency 2017.

Based on Table 3, it is obtained that the child knowledge after provided health promotion video about child sexual abuse from UNICEF version has increased. The majority of respondents are as many as 27 people (84,4%) have good knowledge, and the respondent with lack of knowledge as many as 4 people (12.5%).

Table 3

Child Knowledge Distribution After provided

Video Health promotion on child sexual abuse of UNICEF version

Influence of Providing Video of Health Promotion of child sexual abuse UNICEF Version Towards Knowledge of child Sexual abuse At SDN Pamucatan West Bandung Regency In 2017

Based on Table 4. It is obtained from the results of statistical tests using paired sample t-test, that the average knowledge of children before provided health promotion by video of UNICEF version was 1.19. The average of child knowledge after provided the video is 2.84. The result is obtained P value = 0.000 <(0,05) so Ho is rejected so it can be concluded that there is influence of providing video health promotion of UNICEF version towards 5th grader SD Pamucatan West Bandung Regency in 2017.

Table 4.

Influence of Providing Video of Health Promotion of Child Sexual Abuse UNICEF Version Towards Knowledge of Child Sexual Abuse

Knowledge Frequency (n) Percentage (%)

Less 9 28,1

Enough 8 25

Good 15 46,9

Total 32 100

Knowledge Frequency (n) Percentage (%)

Less 4 12,5

Enough 1 3,1

Good 27 84,4

Total 32 100

N Mean Mean Differences P value

Pre 32 1,19 1,656 0,000

Post 32 2,84


437 Discussion

The process of behavioral change on individuals, groups, or communities to be more independent in achieving healthy life goals. According to Machfoedz (2005), health education is an activity done by spreading the message, instilling confidence, so that community subconsciously, know and understand, but also willing and able to do a suggestion that correlate with health. The purpose of providing health education is to improve the ability of individuals, groups, and communities in fostering and maintaining healthy behaviors by physically, mentally and socially to achieve healthy life goals (Mubarak, 2009). According to Keleher, 2007, health promotion is a social process and political that not only emphasizes the strength of individual skills and abilities, but also changes in social, environmental and economic conditions that affect to individuals and communities health.

But until now, there is still distortion understanding of health promotion. Health promotion is still understood solely as a substitute for the term health education. Institutionally, it may be true that health promotion is a substitute for education or health counseling, but in a different concept, it would be better to say that health promotion is a revitalization of health education (Notoatmodjo, 2012).

Health promotion cannot be separated from activities or efforts to deliver health messages to communities, groups, or individuals. With the message, it is hoped that people, groups and individuals can obtain a better knowledge about health. Finally, its knowledge ultimately expected to affect the behavior. In other words, the promotion is expected to bring effect to the change of target behavior (Notoatmodjo, 2012)

The content of health promotion presented in this study is about sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is an annoying, irritating, and unexpected action committed by a person or group of people to another party which directly related to the gender who is abuse and perceived to degrade of the person dignity (BKKBN 2013). Sexual abuse is any form of behavior that connotes or leads to sexual matters that are unilaterally and unexpectedly by the person so that cause negative reactions such as shame, anger, hatred, offense and so forth on the abuse victim (Nurlaili, 2010).

Health promotion is also an activity that has input and output process. The purpose is to achieve the goal of behavior change, influenced by many factors. In addition it is needed to provide the method, material or messages, the officers, also tools aids/ props or media. In order to achieve an optimal result, those factors must work together in harmony. This means that certain inputs must use a certain way as well. The material must be tailored to the target or the media. For group objectives, the method should be different from the target and individual goals. Last, mass goals must be different from individual and group goals (Notoatmodjo, 2012).

The media used in this research is the video of UNICEF version. Media is one of the decisive factors in the success of learning. Through technological media, video can clarify the message by seeing directly the purpose of the message delivered in a screen. The video method can present what experience that did not experienced directly by the respondent because the audio visual presents the real situation of the information conveyed to create a deep impression. In addition to accelerate the learning process, video also can improve the level of intelligence and change the passive and static attitude into active and dynamic attitude (Wahyuningsih RA.2011) Video of UNICEF version is made by presenting a combination of images and words that can be understood by the respondents. A series of images and words is combined and are more effective for retaining memory than just images or words. It is in line with the research from Mills and Mc Mullan in 2009 about “short-term memory obtained from images, words and combinations of images and words”. The presentation of colorful images and words in the video provided to the respondents also has an effect on the increase of knowledge, where the colors have a strong effect on short-term memory and visual attention (Susanto R. 2012).

The series of cartoon images presented can also attract the attention of respondents during the counseling. This is in accordance with the research of Reny Dwy Rahayu (2012), she states that video containing cartoons can help improve cognitive development seen from the test scores before and after provided the video. Teaching media that can motivate the respondents'


438 interests and actions is the instructional medium realized with entertainment techniques such as video, therefore the this method can increase the knowledge of the respondent because it can increase the motivation of interest and the action of the respondent when the counseling takes place (Rahayu RD.

The effectiveness of a video media is also states by Amelia Nurfalah (2014). She mentions that there is an increase of in child knowledge as many as 5.3 after provided health promotion through video. This research is also in line with the research conducted by Ervina (2013) which shows that there is influence of audio visual video counseling to the level of knowledge about SADARI.

Audiovisuals gives a huge contribution to the changing of behavior, especially in information and persuasion aspects. Audiovisual media has two elements that each of them have a power that will synergize into a great one. This media provides a stimulus to hearing and sight, so that the results obtained can more maximum (Yuliastari, 2014). This is in line with what Dwyer says in his book "Strategic for Improving Visual Learning", humans learn 1% through the five senses, 1.5% through touch, 3.5% through smell, 11% through hearing, 83% through sight. Last, the five senses that deliver the knowledge to the brain are the eyes (approximately 75% to 87%), while 13 to 25% are channeled by the other five senses (Liana, Lisa, 2015).

In the questionnaire analysis, to improve the knowledge in questions concerning understanding, forms, and prevention efforts of child sexual abuse in media used is the video of UNICEF's version. So it can be seen that child knowledge increases after providing health promotion in the form of video version by UNICEF.


Based on the results of research that has been done, the statistical test results obtained P value = 0,000 <(0,05) then Ho is rejected which indicates that there is influence in providing video health promotion of UNICEF version to students in SD Pamucatan West Bandung 2017.


Acknowledgments author deliver to Stikes Jendral Achmad Yani Cimahi who has provided moral and material support and also to SDN Pamucatan who facilitated the implementation process of this research.


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