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The Feelings of SMK Sanjaya Pakem students about speaking in English.


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Djanurombang, Antonius Nicko Hefra. (2015). The Feelings of SMK Sanjaya Pakem Students About Speaking in English. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

In learning English, there are four skills that must be mastered, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of those skills that should be considered to have a communication in English is speaking. In speaking, someone should pay attention to some cognitive matters, such as pronunciation, vocabulary, and structure. The problem is the affective sector is often forgotten. Then, the researcher conducted two formulated questions to identify the feelings of students in speaking English.

This research investigated the feelings of SMK Sanjaya Pakem Students and

the factors influenced the students’ feelings about speaking in English. It considered two questions: (1) What are the students’ feelings about speaking in English? and

(2) What factors influence students’ feelings about speaking English? The setting

of this research was in SMK Sanjaya Pakem which was located on Jalan Kaliurang Km. 17. The participants were the students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem.

This research was a mixed-method research. In this research, there were two data that were the quantitative data and the qualitative data. The quantitative data was from the questionnaire. The quantitative data was analyzed by calculating the percentage of the students’ answers in the questionnaire. Then, the qualitative data came from the interview section with five students. The participants for interview section were chosen randomly. Thus, this study used random sample. The qualitative data was analyzed by transcribing the recorded data then identifying the major themes from the whole answers of the participants.

This research indicated that there were a lot of students in SMK Sanjaya Pakem who still felt uncomfortable to speak in English. Some of the students felt afraid to speak in English because they were fear to make mistakes. Another finding was the students felt shy of speaking English. They were not confident to speak with others using English. Those feelings were emerge because they were influenced by some factors. Those factors were culture which exist in the school and society around the students; the environment around the students, such as friends, teacher, media and the application of learning process in the classroom or outside classroom, which did not support them to speak English and the less self-confidence of the students because of nervous, afraid and the other negative thinking in speaking English.



Djanurombang, Antonius Nicko Hefra. (2015). The Feelings of SMK SANJAYA PAKEM Students About Speaking in English. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, ada empat keahlian yang harus dikuasai, yaitu mendengar, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Salah satu keahlian yang harus diperhatikan untuk berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah berbicara. Dalam berbicara, seseorang harus memperhatikan beberapa hal kognitif seperti, pengucapan, kosakata dan struktur. Permasalahannya adalah, sektor afektif dalam pembelajaran sering dilupakan. Oleh karena itu peneliti membangun dua rumusan masalah untuk mengetahui perasaan murid dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

Penelitian ini menginvestigasi perasaan-perasaan para murid di SMK Sanjaya Pakem dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perasaan-perasan tersebut tentang berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ini mempertimbangkan 2 pertanyaan: (1) Apa perasaan perasaan para murid dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris? dan (2) apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perasaan perasaan para murid dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris? Peneltian ini dilaksanakan di SMK Sanjaya Pakem yang berlokasi Jalan Kaliurang Km. 17. Pesertanya adalah siswa-siswi SMK Sanjaya Pakem.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian mixed-method. Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua data yaitu data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Data kuantitatif berasal dari kuesioner. Data kuantitatif ini dianalisis dengan cara menghitung persentase dari jawaban siswa dalam kuesioner. Kemudian, data kualitatif didapatkan dari sesi wawancara dengan beberapa siswa. Partisipan dari sesi wawancara ini dipilih secara acak. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini menggunakan sampel acak. Data kualitatif dianalisis dengan cara menulis penjelasan dari data rekaman kemudian menemukan tema besar dari semua jawaban peserta.

Penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa ada banyak murid di SMK Sanjaya Pakem yang masih merasa tidak nyaman untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Beberapa murid merasa takut untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris karena mereka takut membuat kesalahan. Penemuan lainnya adalah para murid merasa malu untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Mereka tidak percaya diri untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan orang lain. Perasaan-perasaan itu muncul karena dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Faktor faktor tersebut adalah budaya yang hidup di sekolah maupun di lingkungan sosial para murid; lingkungan sekitar para murid seprerti teman, guru dan penerapan dari proses belajar di dalam maupun luar kelas yang tidak mendukung para murid untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dan rasa kurang percaya diri para murid karena gugup, takut dan beberapa pemikiran negative untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Antonius Nicko Hefra Djanurombang Student Number: 101214039








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Antonius Nicko Hefra Djanurombang Student Number: 101214039





A Sarjana Pendidikan Final Paper on




Antonius Nicko Hefra Djanurombang Student Number: 101214039

Approved by






I honestly declare that this final paper, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of other people, except those cited in the quotations and references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 30 July 2015 The Writer,





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Antonius Nicko Hefra Djanurombang

Nomor Mahasiswa : 101214039

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberi royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 30 Juli 2015 Yang menyatakan,




Djanurombang, Antonius Nicko Hefra. (2015). The Feelings of SMK Sanjaya Pakem Students About Speaking in English. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

In learning English, there are four skills that must be mastered, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of those skills that should be considered to have a communication in English is speaking. In speaking, someone should pay attention to some cognitive matters, such as pronunciation, vocabulary, and structure. The problem is the affective sector is often forgotten. Then, the researcher conducted two formulated questions to identify the feelings of students in speaking English.

This research investigated the feelings of SMK Sanjaya Pakem Students and the factors influenced the students’ feelings about speaking in English. It considered two questions: (1) What are the students’ feelings about speaking in English? and (2) What factors influence students’ feelings about speaking English? The setting of this research was in SMK Sanjaya Pakem which was located on Jalan Kaliurang Km. 17. The participants were the students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem.

This research was a mixed-method research. In this research, there were two data that were the quantitative data and the qualitative data. The quantitative data was from the questionnaire. The quantitative data was analyzed by calculating the percentage of the students’ answers in the questionnaire. Then, the qualitative data came from the interview section with five students. The participants for interview section were chosen randomly. Thus, this study used random sample. The qualitative data was analyzed by transcribing the recorded data then identifying the major themes from the whole answers of the participants.

This research indicated that there were a lot of students in SMK Sanjaya Pakem who still felt uncomfortable to speak in English. Some of the students felt afraid to speak in English because they were fear to make mistakes. Another finding was the students felt shy of speaking English. They were not confident to speak with others using English. Those feelings were emerge because they were influenced by some factors. Those factors were culture which exist in the school and society around the students; the environment around the students, such as friends, teacher, media and the application of learning process in the classroom or outside classroom, which did not support them to speak English and the less self-confidence of the students because of nervous, afraid and the other negative thinking in speaking English.




Djanurombang, Antonius Nicko Hefra. (2015). The Feelings of SMK SANJAYA PAKEM Students About Speaking in English. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, ada empat keahlian yang harus dikuasai, yaitu mendengar, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Salah satu keahlian yang harus diperhatikan untuk berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah berbicara. Dalam berbicara, seseorang harus memperhatikan beberapa hal kognitif seperti, pengucapan, kosakata dan struktur. Permasalahannya adalah, sektor afektif dalam pembelajaran sering dilupakan. Oleh karena itu peneliti membangun dua rumusan masalah untuk mengetahui perasaan murid dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

Penelitian ini menginvestigasi perasaan-perasaan para murid di SMK Sanjaya Pakem dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perasaan-perasan tersebut tentang berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ini mempertimbangkan 2 pertanyaan: (1) Apa perasaan perasaan para murid dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris? dan (2) apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perasaan perasaan para murid dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris? Peneltian ini dilaksanakan di SMK Sanjaya Pakem yang berlokasi Jalan Kaliurang Km. 17. Pesertanya adalah siswa-siswi SMK Sanjaya Pakem.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian mixed-method. Dalam penelitian ini, ada dua data yaitu data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Data kuantitatif berasal dari kuesioner. Data kuantitatif ini dianalisis dengan cara menghitung persentase dari jawaban siswa dalam kuesioner. Kemudian, data kualitatif didapatkan dari sesi wawancara dengan beberapa siswa. Partisipan dari sesi wawancara ini dipilih secara acak. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini menggunakan sampel acak. Data kualitatif dianalisis dengan cara menulis penjelasan dari data rekaman kemudian menemukan tema besar dari semua jawaban peserta.

Penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa ada banyak murid di SMK Sanjaya Pakem yang masih merasa tidak nyaman untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Beberapa murid merasa takut untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris karena mereka takut membuat kesalahan. Penemuan lainnya adalah para murid merasa malu untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Mereka tidak percaya diri untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan orang lain. Perasaan-perasaan itu muncul karena dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Faktor faktor tersebut adalah budaya yang hidup di sekolah maupun di lingkungan sosial para murid; lingkungan sekitar para murid seprerti teman, guru dan penerapan dari proses belajar di dalam maupun luar kelas yang tidak mendukung para murid untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dan rasa kurang percaya diri para murid karena gugup, takut dan beberapa pemikiran negative untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.



Dedication Page

Kesuksesanmu Tak Bisa Dibandingkan Dengan Orang Lain,

Melai ka Diba di gka De ga Diri u Sebelu


Jaya Setiabudi (The Power of Kepepet)

Ka u Calo Ko glo erat Ya? Ka u Harus Raji Belajar Da

Membaca, Tapi Jangan Ditelan Sendiri. Berbagilah Dengan

Teman-Te a Ya g Tak Dapat Pe didika .

Wiji Thukul

This Final Paper is dedicated to




First of all, I would like to deliver my greatest gratitude to my Lord, Jesus Christ. Everything written in this paper has come from His love and wonderful miracles.

Secondly, my special gratitude is addressed to my beloved advisor, Concilianus Laos Mbato, M.A., Ed.D., for his kindness, guidance, patience, and support that given to me. I thank him for giving feedback on my paper and giving his time to share information, knowledge, motivation, experience, and everything to support me in writing this paper. Everything happened in this paper appeared from his advises and suggestions which were really helpful. This paper would not be better without his suggestions and feedbacks.

Then, my deepest gratitude also goes to all of PBI lectures and staff, especially for Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D., who has guided and supported me along my journey in PBI. I have learned many things from them.

My special thank also goes to the teacher in SMK Sanjaya Pakem for giving me chance to conduct my research. Everything that has come from them was the special experience for me. I also thank my participants, all of the students in SMK Sanjaya Pakem, who gave me a chance to do the observation and worked well together.



and motivation made me strong in every problem I faced during writing this final paper.

Then, I would like to thank my friends, Cornelius Yoga, Agustinus Grahito, Arya Dewangga, Paulus Robertus Kurniawan Gaguk, Cristoforus Febri Diputra, Sesarius Selapino Hardani, Antonius Beni Purnawan, Yosef Suryo Hernugroho, Ana Maria Ina, and Fanny Amelia, who always give a big support by sharing or inspiring each other. Those guys are really special.

I also would like to deliver my special thanks to all of the members of PBI A 2010, July Oral Defense Team, Begundals-26, Ijo Royo-Royo Executive Apartment, and Piknik Ceria. They are my places to learn, share, tell, and grow. They make me full.

The most special gratitude is dedicated to my sporty and wonderful father, Fransiskus Djanurombang, S.Pd., and my patient and awesome mother, Caecilia Henny Trimartuti, S.Pd., and also my tomboy sister, Agnes Dhea Hefra Djanurombang. I thank them for the prayers that never stop for me, for unlimited patient and love to me, for all of the suggestions, advice, financials, facilities that have been given to me. I cannot say anything, but I just realize that I am blessed because I have them.

I would like to thank everybody who cannot be mentioned one by one. I thank them for everything given to me. I am lucky having you in my life. May God be with us forever!




ABSTRACT ... vi Influence Learning ... 13

2.1.2 Speaking ... 15

2.2 Findings ... 16

2.2.1 The Feelings of SMK Sanjaya Pakem Students in Speaking English ... 17




Appendix Page

APPENDIX 1 : The Questionnaire Guiding Result ... 30

APPENDIX 2 : The Questionnaire Result ... 37

APPENDIX 3 : Interview Guiding Questions ... 41

APPENDIX 4 : Interview Transcripts ... 43



This chapter presents the research background and the research method. Firstly, the research background elaborates the reason why this study was conducted. Secondly, the research method explains the method that was used to conduct this study.

1.1 Research Background

A Language becomes an important element of human life. People use a language to communicate with others. Whenever and wherever people are alive, they always deal with language. Every common activity which exists in human life always puts a language as a tool to interconnect with others.

One of the languages that is widely used in this world is English. Pope (2002) says that English has been widely used as a foreign and second language often we trade and commerce in mind, since sixteenth century (p. 31). It means that as a foreign or second language, English is one of the languages which is able to connect people around the world. Then, the effect of this fact can make people are easy to intercommunicate with other people even so they do not learn about their interlocutor’s first language.


field, English requests as one of the requirements. The importance of English in the work field can be seen that many institutions require English as a considered element in the institutions or companies. For the example, when we are looking for

some job vacancies, ‘good command in English’ is the most important soft-skill

requirement. It also occurs in education sector. When someone wants to continue his/her study to the next level especially he/she takes his/her study in the department of foreign affairs, somebody must master English. Therefore, by using English he/she can have communication with other people who come from other countries.

In Indonesia, English is recognized as one of foreign languages. It means that English is learned by every grade of student at school. The aim of learning English at school is to make the students be able to listen, speak, read and write in English. To equip and support the students in learning English, the Indonesian government puts English as one of the compulsory subjects. Pope (2002) explains that making English as school subject is the way how English is studied (para. 29). The seriousness of Indonesian government to encourage Indonesian students in learning English is also presented by bringing English as one of the subjects tested in the National Examination. It evidences that the government has more attention to make Indonesian students be able to master English in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in order to mold human resources who are able to compete with the other students who come from the other countries.


whether it is in the oral or written form. One of those skills that becomes main public consideration is speaking. Nunan (2003) states that many people feel that speaking English as a new language is harder than the other skills (p. 48). He realizes that speaking English is not utterly used by people in every country. For example in Indonesia, people are accustomed to use their mother tongue than the other foreign languages. Because of this habit, some Indonesian people have difficulties to speak in foreign language such as English. English is realized as an unfamiliar language by some Indonesia people especially they who have low-education. It also becomes the basic reason why English has discussed as one of the focuses for the government in Indonesia.

Goh and Burn (2012) notes that an individual’s communicative competence is his/her ability to use language effectively in actual communication (p. 51). This argument explains that the speaker who wants to speak English must have many vocabularies and master the English grammar. Then, the speaker has to be able to pronounce the English words well, so that the communication becomes more interactive. All of these processes belong to our preparation of cognitive aspect in speaking English. Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, and Krathwohl (1956) mentions that there are three domains of educational activities, they are cognitive, affective and psychomotor. In the cognitive domain, the main focus is mental skill (knowledge). That is the reason why cognitive aspects really need more attention in a learning process.


where one of the focuses of this domain is on the feeling or emotional aspects of the students. The emotional of students will influence them in learning. This aspect is rarely noticed in the learning process. Eyler and Giles (1999) made the distinguishing between emotion (the precursor) and reason (the goal) (p. 185). Eyler and Giles (1999) also confirm that students need considerable emotional support when they work in settings that are new to them; it needs to be a safe space where they know that their feelings and insights will be respected and appreciated (p. 185). This arguments encourages that the teacher or the facilitator should not only care about the cognitive or psychomotor spheres of the students, but they also should respect to the students’ feelings,

Relating to the explanation about feelings which also play the important role in learning, the researcher reflects an experience when the researcher had a teaching practice in SMK Sanjaya Pakem. The researcher noticed that almost all of the students over there, were afraid to speak English. Some of them told to the researcher that speaking English was very difficult. Some of them paid less attention to speak English because they minded that they did not need to speak English fluently so far. So, they just learned, followed the curriculum, but did less practice in speaking English. The researcher had an experience that really excited to be presented based on the phenomenon happened in the English class. When the teacher asked a question using English to the whole class, all of them answered it surely. Then, the teacher asked the same question to a student. The student did not answer it because she was afraid to make any mistakes when she had to answer of


Based on the experience occurred, the researcher identified that there was a dread of speaking English in that class. They always had difficulties in producing a sentence even a simple sentence in English. Whereas, most of the students had learned English since they were in the junior high school. The English teacher informed that he had applied some techniques to support the students, but they were still shiest to speak English.

From this experience, the researcher conducted a research about the SMK Sanjaya Pakemstudent’s feelings in speaking English. The researcher deemed that it was not only about the cognitive problems, it was also about the English teacher who had less attention to the students’ feelings in speaking English. Besides, the researcher had read some PBI’s students thesis and final papers, but the researcher obtained that there was no a thesis or a final talking about feelings. That was why the researcher accomplished an observation to this topic and summarized the topic in a mind-mapping which focused on the feelings of the students in learning process.


speaking English. The students will speak English courageously or in other hand, they will be confident to speak English.

Because of the background which was clarified, the researcher formulated two research problems. The first question was “What are the students’ feelings about speaking English?” and the second question was “What factors influence

students’ feelings about speaking English?”

From both of the formulated questions, the researcher established the research objectives. The first research objective was to identify the students’ feelings about speaking English. Another objective of this study was to identify the factors which influence students’ feeling about speaking English.

The researcher hopes that this study will be useful for the education elements (students and teachers). The findings of this research are expected to be able to give contributions to the English teacher to consider on SMK Sajanya Pakem

students’ feelings about speaking English. For the researcher, the experience in

observing and identifying the whole answer of two formulated questions will be the best experience. This experience also gains the researcher’s comprehension on the affective domain in learning especially about students’ feelings in learning process.


according to one strand in folk psychology, emotions are feelings; they are phenomenally conscious mental episodes (p. 9). He explains that sometimes, feelings are defined as a conscious emotion (p. 10). Those statements can be understood that feelings and emotion are the same. They have close relation one and another. So, as the definition of terms the researcher stated that feelings and emotion are the same. They are interchangeably.

The researcher also focuses in speaking skill in this study. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997). In this case, its form and meaning are depended on the context in which it occurs, including the participants themselves, the participants’ collective experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for speaking. Speaking is a practical skill in learning language. Speaking happens in the real time. It means that when someone speaks to others, he/she cannot edit or revise the speech as he/she can do in the writing or reading. Speaking can be concluded as an active process when people express what are in their minds.

1.2 Research Method


provide (p.23). The researcher chose this method because this study obliged the quantitative data (from the questionnaire) and the qualitative data (from the interview section). Mixed method research was used to provide the most complete information on identifying the answers from both of the research problems. By using mixed method, the data which were collected could be clearer. The quantitative data presented the percentage of students’ answers included in the eighteen statements of the questionnaire. The data from the questionnaire were not enough. The researcher managed an interview section which was pondered as the qualitative data. From this part, the researcher transcribed the data collected into a descriptive data. Then, all of the data were combined to be analyzed together in the discussion relating to the basic theories stated in the review of the related literature.

This study was conducted in SMK Sanjaya Pakem. The school was located on Jalan Kaliurang Km. 17. The class observation was done while the researcher did the teaching practice period on July-December 2013. To make sure that the phenomenon still existed, the researcher did the second class observation in the last of May to the beginning of June 2015. The distribution of questionnaire was done in the middle of June 2015. After that, the researcher started to analyze all of the results of the questionnaire and the interview.


Afterwards, the researcher made an observation of the students’ feelings. From the result of the observation, the researcher suggested the English teacher about the appropriate way to help the students in learning English especially in speaking English.

The participants of this study were all of the SMK Sanjaya Pakem students. The researcher selected the students from every grade randomly to fill the questionnaires. To gain more detail information, the researcher also conducted interview to five students who were taken randomly. Then, the data of the interview section turned out to be the additional data to clarify the statements written in the questionnaire.

According to Fraenkel and Wallen (1993), the word ‘sample’ refers to the group of people on which the information needed is gained (para. 79). In this study, the researcher used simple random sampling. Johnson and Christensen (2014) state that a simple random sampling is formally defined as a sample drown by a procedure in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected (p. 251). It meant that the sample of the populations was taken randomly and everybody had the same chance to be chosen.


The questions were adapted from Mbato (2013, p. 210) research then it was developed by the researcher. Mbato (2013) had ever used this questionnaire to identify the feelings of the students in reading to support the students’ self -regulation using metacognitive approach. Next, the researcher adapted some statements which were able to support this study. The questionnaire also consisted of four open-ended questions. In the close-ended questions (in the questionnaire was mentioned as Part 1), the participants answered the questions based on the statement provided, while in the open-ended (in the questionnaire was mentioned as Part 2) questions, the participants stated their opinion freely related to the question. The researcher asked three open-ended questions. The questionnaire helped the researcher in identifying students’ feelings in speaking in English.

Besides, the researcher also used interview as the tool to gain more information. Gall, Gall and Borg (2007) also note that interview is oral questions which are asked by the interviewer and the research participants give the oral responses. The interview section was conducted to five students. Then, the interview result added more information about factors that influenced the students’ feelings in learning.


� : The number of responds

� : Total respondents

After calculating the data, the researcher started to analyze the result of the data. From the data collected result, numeric data was transformed into descriptive data. The detailed data result of the questionnaire can be seen in the Appendix 2.

The other data collected was derived from the interview. The researcher made the transcript of the recorded data. The next step was the researcher summarized the data based on the major themes identified in the data. it was supported by The Instructional Assessment Resources (IAR) Web site (2011) which states that ‘It can be helpful, once themes emerge, to express a key observation you have to future respondents to get their viewpoint’ (IAR, 2011, retrieved on July 10, 2015). The detailed conclusion of the interview result can be seen in the Appendix 5.



This chapter displays the review of related literature and the findings. Firstly, the review of related literature explains all of the theories used in this study. Secondly, the findings are aimed to discuss all of the findings in this research.

2.1 Review of Related Literature

This section aims to mention and to explain the theories used to support this study. The theories come from some author which define the theories belong to their research done before. The researcher divides this section into two main sub-chapters. They are feelings and speaking. In the feelings, it is elaborated to feelings which influence the learning process. Then, in the speaking, it is talking about the speaking influenced by feelings.

2.1.1 Feelings


Deeper means that feelings can be described more detail than emotions because you can have a specific feeling for anything, each feeling is unique and might not have a name (Pettinelli, 2015, p. 10).

The feelings have the goal. Banyan (2003) explains that feelings have a purpose far more important in helping us create enjoyable and meaningful lives yet (p. 7). Banyan (2003) also added an explanation on the goal of feelings:

I believe the answer to the question “What are feelings for?” should be common knowledge to every helping professional, teacher, minister, manager and parent. Why? Because our

feelings are nature’s built-in guidance system. This system is

designed to let us know which of our needs aren’t being fulfilled and motivate us to take the actions necessary to fulfill them. When we ignore our feelings, our basic needs remain unmet. Our lives become filled with frustration and stress and eventually depression (p. 7).

Based on that explanation, the researcher draws the conclusion that feelings are something that allow someone to follow or to do whatever he or she wants to follow or to do. It comes from the experience that occurs in someone’s life. Feelings Influence Learning


p. 90). They say that students learn and perform more successful when they feel secure, happy, and excited about the subject matter. Hammond et al. (2003) add that the students are overly excited or enthusiastic, they might work carelessly or quickly rather than working methodically or carefully (p. 90). Hammond et al. (2003) also confirm that emotions such as anger, anxiety, and sadness have the

potential to distract students’ learning efforts by interfering with their ability to

attend to the tasks at hand (p. 90). Emotions can interfere with students’ learning in several ways; including 1) limiting the capacity to balance emotional issues with schoolwork, 2) creating anxiety specifically about schoolwork, and 3) triggering emotional responses to classroom events (Hammond et al., 2003, p. 90). They present that in learning, feelings (the conscious emotion) play the important role in influencing the student. Feelings or Emotions Make a Limitation in Balancing Emotional Issues With School-Work

Ellis, Ottaway, Varner, Becker, & Moore (1997a); Ellis, Ottaway, Varner, Becker, & Moore (1997b); Hertel and Rude (1991) as cited by Hammond et al. (2003) explain that when our emotions are heightened, we use up our intellectual resources (p. 90). Some students may have difficulty in learning because their minds are cluttered with distracting thoughts and memories. If the students’ minds


focus on the learning. The influence of this problem impacts the students’ feelings

then it also disturb the students in the learning process. Feelings Can Create the Anxiety in the Schoolwork

Dobson & Dobson (1981) and Cole (1991) as cited by Hammond et al. (2003) stated that a second way in which feelings can interfere with learning occurs when students are anxious about their schoolwork (p. 91). The students, who are depressed or anxious about learning, often do not feel competent academically. They can lose their confident aspect. Afterward, the students might withdraw from classroom activities in order to avoid appearing incompetent in the classroom. Feelings Trigger the Emotional Responses to Classroom Events Graham (1997) and Weiner (1994) as cited by Hammond et al. (2003) say that the students can become upset by classroom events—a failed test, a negative comment from the teacher or a peer—and react in a way that impedes further learning. These reactions may play out in different ways, depending on what the student attributes the problem to (p. 91). The students can built negative responses. They can also become frustrated to the point of feeling helpless or incompetent.

2.1.2 Speaking

Speaking is one of productive skills. According to Nunan (2003), “speaking is the productive aural/oral skill. It consists of producing systematic verbal


is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information. Thus, speaking can be concluded as an oral skill to produce information.

Eckard & Kearny (1981), Florez (1999) and Howarth (2001) as cited by Torky (2006), define that speaking as a two–way process involving a true communication of ideas, information or feelings (p. 33). Feelings, once again, take the important role and they also happen in the speaking matters. In speaking, feelings should also be deemed to expound students’ problems especially in everything which cause them having difficulties.

Based on the theories, the researcher concludes that speaking is also influenced by feelings. Students can speak fluently because they feel comfortable when they are speaking. On the contrary, they will feel uncomfortable in speaking when they are depressed. The depression can be caused by fear or shyness. León and Cely (2010) explains that when students speak with confidence, they can interact better in real daily situations (p. 15). They also states that speaking is a skill which mostly affected by shyness and fear of being humiliated (p. 20).

2.2 Findings


2.2.1 The Feelings of SMK Sanjaya Pakem Students in Speaking English This section was conducted to answer the first research problem. The first question in the research problem talks about “What are the students’ feelings about

speaking English?”. The data, which were collected from the questionnaire related

to this formulated question, helped the researcher to identify the best conclusion of this study.


English. It meant that they were uncomfortable in speaking English. Then, the 16.67% of the students agreed that they felt comfortable in speaking English.

Another finding was the students were afraid when they had to ask their English teacher in English. The questionnaire result declared that 35.18% of the students assumed that they did not have a courage to ask their teacher in English in the class. There were five of fifty-four students or 9.25% of the students assumed that they were brave to ask their teacher in English. Based on the interview result, the researcher identified the same themes with the questionnaire result. The students were nervous when they were given an English question by the teacher. They had to take some minutes to deal with the question. Sometimes, they answered the question in English but unfortunately, they almost used Bahasa Indonesia even Javanese language to answer the question. The students frequently did not give an answer. Then the researcher also asked the studnets about the teacher’s response toward the students’ behavior. The students told that the teacher did not do anything and always tolerated the students’ rejoinder. It made the student did less practice in speaking English. This fact made the students felt comfortable with their afraid and shy feelings and they could not developed their English speaking skill.


to speak to older people or someone who was better than them in English, they were not confident. On the other hand, when the students had to make conversation with their classmate, they would be more confident because they could explore their English skills. They were not nervous in making some mistakes. They just flew on their English although they made some mistakes in speaking English. The researcher identified that the students could explore themselves in speaking English when their interlocutors had the same level.

The students also felt shy to speak English. They were shy when they were asked to answer the question from the English teacher in English. The researcher recognized this fact from the interview section. The students wanted to speak English to answer the teacher’s question, but they were shy if the answer was not appropriate. They assumed that it was better to answer the question in Bahasa Indonesia. In the interview result, the shyness was caused by the people around the students who laughed at them when they made mistakes in speaking English. A student told that he was shy at that time. This experience made him depressed and decided to do not speak English. Another example was caused by the bad experience a student had. When he tried to speak English, his friend felt that he was arrogant. He was deemed to be a pedantic person. Speaking English became a strange thing to do. It made him and other students felt shy to speak English. It happened in the classroom and also outside the classroom. This problems made the students felt uncomfortable in speaking English.


questionnaire result was described that 48.14% of the students assumed that they did not use English to communicate with others during the English class. They were more comfortable to use Javanese language or Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, English was often used in writing, reading and listening tasks.

Both of the feelings identified in this research really supported the theory that was mentioned as the basic theory of this study. León and Cely (2010) who explained that students needed confident and comfortable way to speak (para. 15). When they were not confident, they could not interact better in the real situation. It also occurred in this research. When the students could not be in their comfortable side to speak English, they really could not explore themselves to speak English well. Another theory which was conducted by Ellis at al. (1997) and Hertel (1991) as cited by Hammond et al. (2003) also supported this findings. The students could not concentrate well when their mind was cluttered. The students who were in the cluttered-condition that was caused by a bad experience could not feel comfortable to speak. Because of that feelings, the students were shy even afraid of getting the same experience.

2.2.2 Factors that Influence SMK Sanjaya Pakem Students’ Feelings in Speaking English

This section was conducted to answer the second research problem: “What

factors influence students’ feelings about speaking English?”. In order to report the


data. Both of the data collected helped the researcher to identify the factors influenced to the students’ feelings to speak English.

Based on the interview data, the students assumed that there were some factors influenced to their feelings to speak English. One of the factors was environment. The environment of the students influenced them to build their feelings in speaking English. One of the students confirmed that there was no appropriate partner to speak English became the factors hampered him to speak English. The student wanted to speak English, but he/she did not have a partner to hold an English conversation. Hence, that student chose not to speak English in the class. The other factor was because of the class situation did not encourage the students to be able to speak English. As the researcher had explained in the introduction that English was used based on the situation. English class was not effective enough to help the students to speak English because the students were more comfortable using Bahasa Indonesia or Javanese language. The English teacher did not has the specific rules to make the students accustomed with English in the speaking sphere. Then, the teacher also did not build the comfortable environment by speaking or explaining the materials in Bahasa Indonesia even Javanese language.


English outside the class. This culture also existed in the students’ environment. Most of the students at that school judged that the English users were pedantic because they spoke in foreign language. This condition influenced the students’

mental to speak in foreign language such as English.

Based on the interview, the students voiced that they practiced to speak English rarely. The students confirmed that they just practiced to speak English when it was needed. Actually, it contended with the result of the question number 1 (one) in the questionnaire. In the questionnaire, the students answered that English was really important. There were 51.85% of the students who agreed of this statement. Unfortunately, it was not supported by the practice activity in the class or outside the class. They did less practice but they expected to have good English skills. Then, all of it influenced the students’ self-confidence.




This chapter consists of the conclusions and the recommendations. In the first section, the researcher intends to conclude the findings of this research. In the second section, the researcher presents some recommendations related to this research.

3.1 Conclusions

This section was aimed to summarize the major findings in this research. The research focused on the feelings of SMK Sanjaya Pakem students about speaking English and also the factors influenced to the students’ feelings in speaking English. This research intended to identify all of the students’ feelings in speaking English and also kind of factors influenced to their feelings in speaking English.

The researcher identified that most of the students in SMK Sanjaya Pakem were still uncomfortable when they spoke in English. The big problem was caused by the environment, culture, and also themselves as individual. The feelings that existed around them were fear and shyness.


atmosphere. The students only used English when the teacher asked them to speak English. Some of the students still answered the question in Bahasa Indonesia. In the English class, the students often used Bahasa Indonesia even Javanese language to communicate with their classmates. Some of them still thought that English is one of the hard subjects whereas we knew that in every grade of education, English was one of the compulsory subjects that would be tested in the National Examination.

Another finding was about the factors that influenced the students’ feelings to speak English. The atmosphere around them became one of the factors. The students had limited support such as the partner in speaking English. They stated that sometimes the English teacher used Bahasa Indonesia during the teaching and learning process. When the teacher used English, unfortunately, they could not

understand about the teacher’s clues or information. They had difficulties in

listening to the speaker who spoke English especially someone who was able to spoke English fluently. The low supporting condition created fear or shy feelings when they were required to speak English.


As the conclusion, the researcher stated that SMK Sanjaya Pakem students were still fear and shy to speak English because of some factors such as the environment around them, the culture that was exist in the school and their own self-confidence.

3.2 Recommendations

The researcher proposes some recommendations that will be beneficial for the teacher and the future researchers. In this recommendations, the researcher elaborates some problems happened during doing this research. The researcher also mentions some solutions which are expected to help the future researchers who have the same interest related to this topic.

3.2.1 For Teacher


3.2.2 For Future Researchers

For the future researchers, the researcher suggests that the next observation should be more detail, such as the time-management which should be considered, the relation between the observer and the resources, the process during the observation (questionnaire guidelines and interview guidelines), and the consistency during this observation. Based on the researcher’s experience, this research is better if it is done twice in a year. It is aimed to make sure that every year there is an improvement depends on the students’ feelings about learning



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The Questionnaire Result

Number Questions Responses Number Percentage

1 English is important Strongly Disagree 1 1,85%

Disagree - - English to communicate Disagree 26 48,14%


Agree 13 24,07%

speaking English Disagree 18 33,33%

Undecided 19 35,18%

am speaking English Undecided 22 40,74%

Agree 17 31,48%

Strongly Agree 3 5,56%

15 I like to speak English Strongly Disagree 9 16,67%

with my friends in Disagree 18 33,33%

English lesson Undecided 21 38,89%

Agree 6 11,11%

Strongly Agree - -

16 In English lesson, I am Strongly Disagree 9 16,67%

brave to ask to my Disagree 19 35,18%


Agree 5 9,25%

Strongly Agree 1 1,85%

17 I am not shy to speak in Strongly Disagree 4 7,40% English with my teacher Disagree 16 29,62%

at school Undecided 27 50,00%

Agree 5 9,25%

Strongly Agree 2 3,70% 18 I am brave when I am Strongly Disagree 3 5,56% requested to practice a Disagree 9 16,67% conversation in English Undecided 21 38,89%

Agree 18 33,33%






The Interview Guideline for students


Apa yang menjadi kesulitan anda dalam berbicara bahasa



Apa yang anda rasakan ketika diminta berbicara dalam bahasa



Hal apa saja yang sudah mendukung anda agar mampu

berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?


Apakah lingkungan sekitar anda (sekolah/rumah) sudah






Respondent 1

No. Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apa yang menjadi kesulitan anda dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Kalau menurut saya sendiri yang menjadi kesulitan dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris yaitu pelafalannya. Setelah itu, kesulitannya tidak ada teman/partner yang untuk diajak ngomong bahasa Inggris. Terus sama kosakatanya, kurang.

2. Apa yang anda rasakan ketika diminta berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?

Kalau menurut saya sendiri, dengan kemampuan saya ketika saya diminta untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris itu ada perasaan takut juga. Kenapa takut, karena walaupun terkadang saya tidak sepenuhnya bias berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris tapi takut pelafalannya salah, terus S-P-O-K nya itu juga belum bisa menguasai. berbahasa Inggris, video dan film yang berbahasa Inggris, partner (kadang guru, kadang teman dikelas) tapi kalo di rumah jarang karena tidak ada yang mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik. 4. Apakah lingkungan sekitar anda

(sekolah/rumah) sudah mendukung anda ketika anda berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?


Respondent 2

No. Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apa yang menjadi kesulitan anda dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Pola kalimatnya terus sama kosakatanya, mas.

2. Apa yang anda rasakan ketika diminta berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?

Senang, karena senang bahasa Inggris. Terus kalo ada yang minta ngomong salah gitu. Misalnya harusnya ngomong ini eh ternyata yang dimaksud itu, dan

Belajar banyak kosakata, terus suka reading, terus nonton film (sebisa mungkin sih nggak pake subtitle). Aku juga suka pop barat. Waktu aku mau nyanyi, biasanya cari artinya dulu apa. Terus, games juga. Sebenarnya bahasa Inggris itu fun banget, mas.


Respondent 3

No. Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apa yang menjadi kesulitan anda dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Kalo buat aku sendiri secara pribadi, itu biasanya untuk pengucapan dalam vocabularynya. Terus untuk pelafalan yang benar itu seperti apa itu yang masih sulit.

2. Apa yang anda rasakan ketika diminta berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?

Pertama sih deg-degan karena pas ngomong itu bener atau enggak ya. Disisi lain juga aku seneng. Tapi aku juga takut salah.

Tapi aku gak malu, karena aku malah merasa bangga bisa ngomong pake bahasa Inggris. kosakata yang aku nggak tahu aku tulis, terus aku cari artinya. Film juga, musik juga, pokoknya ada kosakata bahasa Inggris yang baru, aku terjemahin. 4. Apakah lingkungan sekitar anda

(sekolah/rumah) sudah mendukung anda ketika anda berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?


Respondent 4

No. Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apa yang menjadi kesulitan anda dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Kosakatanya kurang, jadi sulit untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. 2. Apa yang anda rasakan ketika

diminta berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?

Malu dan takut salah, mas. Takut salahnya itu nanti takutnya di ketawain, mas. Kan jadi malu. kata katanya. Tapi ntar lama-lama juga tahu kok.


Respondent 5

No. Pertanyaan Jawaban

1. Apa yang menjadi kesulitan anda dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?

Dari tulisannya dan cara bacanya beda, itu sulit mas. Kadang suka salah. Nyusun kalimatnya juga, kosakata juga. 2. Apa yang anda rasakan ketika

diminta berbicara dalam bahasa

Bercanda pake bahasa Inggris di kelas, terus kayak true story gitu kayak ikut ikut Bayu SKAK gitu. Musik dan film juga suka, tapi gak terlalu mas.

4. Apakah lingkungan sekitar anda (sekolah/rumah) sudah

mendukung anda ketika anda berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?






The Detailed Conclusion of Interview Result

There were five students who had been interviewed by the researcher. All of the interviewees were chosen randomly. The researcher asked four questions.

The questions were about the students’ feelings and also factors that influence their

feelings in speaking English.

The first question were conducted to find kinds of the difficulties that were faced by the students in speaking English. Most of the students answered that the problems were about vocabulary and the pronunciation. Both of this problems became main problems which influenced their feelings in speaking English. Then, in the second question, the students presented that because of the problems, they were afraid and sometimes they were shy to speak English. The fear of the students was about making any mistakes in speaking English. Then, they felt shy to speak English because sometimes the people around the students would laugh at them when they made mistakes in speaking English. Sometimes, at school, when the student tried to speak English, his/her friend felt that he/she was arrogant. It made the students felt afraid and sometime they felt shy to speak English. It happened in the class and also outside the class. This problems made the students felt uncomfortable in speaking English.

The third question was about some factors that influenced the students’


Those activities were not enough for them. The students stated that they rarely made a practice conversation. In the class, the students used Indonesian Language even Javanese language frequently. In the fourth question, the students explained that the environment around them had not encouraged them to speak English. There was no partner and the culture factor built their paradigm to be afraid and shy in speaking English.

Based on the interview result, the researcher concluded that all of the interviewees felt afraid and shy in speaking English. There were some factors that

influenced the students’ feelings. The first was Culture factor. Speaking English

became the strange activity for the students. It was caused by the situation around the learning process in the class. The second factor was environment. The environment around the students had not supported them to speak English. Doing less practice to speak English and the limited partner in speaking English became the problems of environment factor. The last factor that influenced students’

feelings to speak English came from the awareness of the students to learn to speak English. They chose to be passive in the English class because they felt uncomfortable when they made any mistakes in speaking English.


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