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The U.S. in Syrian Conflict: A Critical Discourse Study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles.


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The U.S. in Syrian Conflict:

A Critical Discourse Study on BBC International and BBC

Indonesia Articles

A Research Paper

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree

Alfiani Safitri


Department of English Education

Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education



The U.S. in Syrian Conflict:

A Critical Discourse Study on BBC International and BBC

Indonesia Articles


Alfiani Safitri

Sebuah Skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh

gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Alfiani Safitri 2014

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

April 2014

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Skripsi ini tidak boleh diperbanyak

seluruhnya atau sebagian, dengan dicetak ulang, difoto kopi, atau cara lain tanpa





A Research Paper

Written by:

Alfiani Safitri


Approved by:

Main Supervisor Co-Supervisor

Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C. NIP. 1973080720022121002

Susi Septaviana, S.Pd., M.Pd. NIP. 197609042009122002

The Head of Department of English Education Indonesia University of Education




I hereby officially state that the paper entitled: ‘The U.S. in Syrian Conflict: A Critical Discourse Study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles’is my original work. I am completely aware that I have quoted some statements and idea from other sources and they are properly acknowledged in the


Februari 2014




Praise to Allah, the Merciful who gives me opportunity and

encouragement so that this study entitled “The U.S. in Syrian Conflict: A Critical Discourse Study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

is finished. This study is submitted to the English Education Department of

Indonesia University of Educationtofulfilone of theSarjanaSastradegree

requirements. This study is aimed at exploring how the BBC International and

BBC Indonesia represent U.S. in Syrian Conflict by using Sociocognition

approach from Van Dijk (2009a).

It is expected that this research can contribute to the studies of Critical

Discourse Analysis, media discourse, representation of social actor, and

linguistics in general.

Bandung, Februari 2014




Alhamdulillah, the highest gratitute was delivered to Allah SWT for His

bless and mercy, so the writer was able to accomplish this research paper as one

of the final requirements to get Sarjana Sastra degree in Indonesia University of

Education. The witer also sincerely thanks the main supervisor of this research

paper, Mr. Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C., and the co-supervisor, Mrs. Susi

Septaviana, S.Pd., M.Pd., who always patiently supervised and kindly taught the

writer to produce good research report.

This research paper was dedicated to my beloved family, who always

supported and prayed for the writer sincerely in the up and down situation in

finishing this research paper. Thanks to my parents, Siswanto, S.Pd., M.M.Pd. and

Zubaidah Khoiriyah, S.Pd., M.M.Pd., and my little brother, Septian Ilham

Saputra, for always advising the writer to be a hardworking and patient person.

The special gratitute was delivered for my best partner, Gigeh, for your

availability in patiently accompanying the writer in both good and bad situation.

Moreover, the writer also thanks my bestfriends, Fira, Meyza, Riestia, Prita, and

Luciyana, who were always available to listen and advise the writer in the making

process of this research paper. Next, sincere thanks was delivered to all friends in

English Language and Literature for the happiness and best moments we spend

together from the first time we met.

The last, but not least, there are actually so many other people who

always support the writer behind the making process of this paper. The writer

thank them all very much for the support and may Allah SWT give them better

than they had given.


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu ABSTRACT

“The U.S. in Syrian Conflict: A Critical Discourse Study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles”

Main Supervisor: Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C. Co-Supervisor: Susi Septaviana, S.Pd., M.Pd.

This present research examined the representation of United States in Syrian conflict as evidenced in BBC International and BBC Indonesia articles by using van Dijk’s sociocognition framework (2009a & 2009b). This research employed qualitative method to describe the representation and its significance. The collected data were 5 online articles from BBC International and 5 online articles from BBC Indonesia. The data were analyzed in the unit of words, phrases, and sentences to reveal the representation of U.S. in Syrian conflict. This research disclosed that, according to the text, U.S. was represented as the Globo-cop, who controlled the plot in Syrian conflict. The representation was indicated by three indicators, namely: U.S. as a firm and powerful country, U.S. as being intimate with Opposition, and U.S. as being the Opposition group helper. Hence, by sociocognition and context analysis, the research revealed that the thought of BBC International and BBC Indonesia was shaped by the culture of their owner. However, they were readers-oriented in delivering the news.


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu ABSTRAK

“The U.S. in Syrian Conflict: A Critical Discourse Study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles”

Pembimbing 1: Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C. Pembimbing 2: Susi Septaviana, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Penelitian ini mengkaji representasi Amerika Serikat dalam konflik Suriah dalam Artikel BBC Internasional dan BBC Indonesia dengan menggunakan bingkai sosiokognisi Van Dijk (2009a & 2009b). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menjelaskan representasi dan makna dari representasi tersebut. Data yang terkumpul adalah 5 artikel daring dari BBC Internasional dan 5 artikel daring dari BBC Indonesia. Data tersebut dianalisis dalam unit kata, frasa, dan kalimat untuk mengungkap representasi A.S. dalam konflik Suriah. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa, berdasarkan pada teks, A.S. direpresentasikan sebagai Globo-cop, yang mengontrol alur konflik Suriah. Representasi tersebut didukung oleh tiga indicator, yaitu: A.S. sebagai negara tegas dan berkuasa, A.S. sebagai pihak yang dekat dengan kelompok Oposisi, dan A.S. sebagai pihak yang membantu kelompok Oposisi. Lalu, berdasarkan analisis sosiokognisi dan konteks, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemikiran BBC Internasional dan BBC Indonesia dibentuik oleh kultur pemilik kedua agensi tersebut. Akan tetapi, keduanya menganut readers-oriented dalam menyampaikan berita.


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



Page of Approval ... i

Statement of Authorization ... ii

Preface ... iii

Acknowledgment ... iv

Abstract ... v

Table of Contents ... vi

List of Tables ... x

List of Figures ... xi

List of Appendices ... xii


1.1 Background of the Research ... 1

1.2 Research Questions ... 3

1.3 Aims of the Research ... 3

1.4 Significance of the Research ... 3

1.5 Research Methodology... 4

1.5.1 Research Design ... 4

1.5.2 Site and Subjects of the Research ... 4


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


1.5.4 Data Analysis ... 5

1.6 Clarification of the Terms ... 6

1.7. Organization of the Paper ... . . 7


2.1 Text and Discourse ... 8

2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis ... 10

2.3 Van Dijk’s Perspective on CDA ... 11

2.3.1 Text ... 13

a. Macrostructure ... 13

b. Superstructure ... 14

c. Microstructure ... 15

2.3.2 Sociocognition ... 16

2.3.3 Context ... 16

2.4 Systemic Functional Linguistics ... 17

2.4.1 Halliday’s Theme and Rheme ... 18

2.4.2 Halliday’s Transitivity ... 18

2.5Representation in Translation News ... 20

2.6 Previous CDA Studies on Translation ... 23



Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


3.2 Research Design………... .. 24

3.3 Data Collection………... 25

3.4 Data Analysis………... .. 26

3.4.1 Text Analysis ... 27

a. Macrostructure ... 27

b. Superstructure ... 27

1 Summary ... 28

2 Story ... 28

c. Microstructure ... 29

1. Transitivity Analysis ... 30

2 Lexicalization Analysis ... 30

3.4.2 Sociocognition Analysis ... 30

a. Environment ... 30

b. Dimension ... 31

c. Goal ... 31

d. Motivation and Decision Making ... 31

3.4.3 Context Analysis ... 31


4.1 Representation of U.S. from Text Analysis ... 32


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


b. U.S. as being Intimate with Opposition Group ... 41

c. U.S. as the Opposition Group Helper ... 44

4.2 Representation of U.S. from Sociocognition Analysis ... 50

a. Environment ... 50

b. Dimension ... 51

c. Goal ... 51

d. Motivation and Decision Making ... 51

4.3 Representation of U.S. from Context Analysis ... 52


5.1 Conclusions………... .... 55

5.2 Suggestions………... ... 56



Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



Table 2.1 Summary of TransitivityLabel

Table 3.1 Articles from BBC International and BBC Indonesia

Table 3.2 Example of Thematic Analysis

Table 3.3 Example of Superstructure Analysis

Table 3.4 Example of Transitivity Analysis

Table 4.1 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 1

Table 4.2 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 1

Table 4.3 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 1

Table 4.4 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 2

Table 4.5 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 3

Table 4.6 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 4

Table 4.7 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 5

Table 4.8 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 2

Table 4.9 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 4

Table 4.10 Theme-Rheme Analysis in Text 5


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



Picture 2.1. The discourse-sociocognition-society triangle

Picture 2.2 Sociocognition approach schema

Picture 2.3 News Schemata (Van Dijk, 1988 p.55)


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



Appendix A: BBC Internationaland BBC Indonesia Articles

Appendix B: Macrostructure Analysis

Appendix C: Superstructure Analysis



Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter presents introductory part of the research. It covers background

of the research, research questions, aims of research, significance of the research,

research methodology includes research design and site and subject of the

research, data collection, clarification of the terms, and organization of the paper.

1.1Background of the Research

People communicate in different ways. According to the scope of

communication, the ways people communicate are divided into two; internal

communication and external communication. Verghese (2012) defines internal

communication as the communication within a group or an organization, for

example communication between staff and manager from the same company.

Meanwhile, external communication is communication between a group and

society, for example publication, press release, and mass media (Rumanti, 2005).

Mass media, as an example of external communication, performs as social

surveillance which presents objective information, which aims to supervisesociety

(Lasswell& Wright, 1954 in Sendjadja, 2008). However, Holmes (2005) and

Richardson (2007) state that information which includes representation in mass

media has been an apparatus in reflecting the news agency’s commodity. Furthermore, the representation in mass media can be clearly seen in hot news.

One of the current hot international issues is Syrian conflict. The conflict in

Syria involved groups of Syrian people against President Assad and his supporters

that had been going on since February 2011.This conflict had got much attention

from international world and had recently invited several countries, for example

United States of America, Rusia and Iran, to intervene. The intervention from

those countries was reported in many international mass media, for example BBC



Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

BBC International provides its Indonesian version named BBC Indonesia.

However, the translation version of the news in BBC Indonesia might have

different intension from the news in BBC International because the translation text

in media might reflect the ideology of translators or editors (Martinovianto,

2012).The intention of translators or editors working at BBC International and

BBC Indonesia in reporting Syrian conflict can be seen from the way they

represented actors in Syrian conflict.

How social actors were represented in texts such as news media can be

critically discussed and revealed from its sociocognition perspective, such as by

the approach proposed by van Dijk (2009b). Van Dijk’s sociocognition approach (Kuntoro, 2008) not only focuses on the text itself, but also considers the process

behind the text production.

According to van Dijk (1980, 1998b, 2008, and2009b), Kintschand van Dijk

(1978), sociocognition approach consists of three stages, namely text,

sociocognition and context. In the stage of text, the analysis focuses on theme,

structure and words. Furthermore, in sociocognition level, the analysis involves

the cognition of local society or community, for example, the cognition of

journalist and media worker. Then, analysis in context level concerns the setting

of the news. The sociocognition and context analyses are used to find out the

reason behind article production.

There are several studies which usedCDA in translation work, three of them

are the studiesconducted by Ian Mason in Baker (2010), Isbuga-Erel (2008), and

Bánhegyi (2009). The research conducted by Ian Mason in Baker (2010), which

was about Mexican History and its translation revealed that the choice of words in

translating the text reflected the ideology of translator. Moreover, Isbuga-Erel

(2008) investigatedTurkish taboo translation about incest in literary text. This

research asserted that lexical choices in translation work were adapted to the

sociocognition of people in Turkey.Meanwhile, Bánhegyi (2009) investigated the

superstructure in source text and target text. The source text was a



Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

professional translators in opposite ideologies. By utilizing Hoey’s (2001) Problem-Solution Model and van Dijk’s notion of ideology (2003), the research revealed different result that there was no difference in superstructure of the three


This present research investigates the representation of United States of

America in Syrian conflict as evidenced in BBC International and BBC Indonesia.

The research employs sociocognition theory as proposed by van Dijk (2009a &

2009b) and Systemic Functional Linguistics as proposed by Halliday (1994) as

the tool of analysis.

1.2 Research Questions

This researchwas conducted to answer these following questions:

1) How does the text represent U.S. in Syrian conflictas evidenced in BBC

International and BBC Indonesia?

2) How do the sociocognition and context of the news support the


3) What does this representation signify?

1.3 Aims of the Research

This researchwas conducted to uncoverU.S. representation in Syrian conflict

by analyzing the macrostructure, microstructure and superstructure of the news in

BBC International and BBC Indonesia. Furthermore,the research analyzed the

sociocognition and context of the news.The researchalso intended to seek the

signification of the representation.

1.4 Significance of the Research

This researchcan contribute to Critical Discourse Analysis studies in

translation work, especially in news discourse. Through this research, it is

expected that people can be more sensitive in reading and criticizing the news in



Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 1.5 Research Methodology

1.5.1. ResearchDesign

This research employeda qualitative method since it consisted of text

analysis, description and stating larger meaning of the findings (Gay, L.R., Mills,

G.E. &Airasian, P., 2006).Sukmadinata (2009)also elaborates the characteristics

of qualitative research which are natural, inductive, holistic, dynamic, neutral and

self perception oriented.

1.5.2 Site and Subjects of the Research

The subjects of this research were five articles from BBC International and

the five equivalent articles from BBC Indonesia. The articles which wereretrieved

from BBC International were“Syria conflict: US condemns deadly Aleppo rocket

strikes,”“Syria crisis: Obama warns Assad over chemical weapons,”“Syria

conflict: John Kerry extends US aid to rebels,”“US recognises Syria opposition

coalition says Obama,” and “Syria crisis: US decries Assad 'Western puppets' speech.”

Then, the five equivalent articles retrieved from BBC Indonesia

were“Obama peringatkan Assad tidakgunakansenjatakimia,”“Bantuan AS

untukoposisiSuriahditingkatkan,”“Obama mengakuioposisiSuriah,”“AS

kecampidato Assad tentang 'boneka Barat',” and “AS kecamseranganke Aleppo Suriah.”

1.5.3 Data Collection

The datawere in the form of words, phrases and clauseswhich were

collected by critically selectingarticles about the U.S.involvement in Syrian

conflict from BBC International. The next step was searching for five equivalent



Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

equivalent articles to BBC International were then eliminated.The rest of them

were retrieved in word format and grouped according to the language: English

articles and Indonesian articles.

1.5.4 Data Analysis

The analysis involved three stages of sociocognition approach as proposed

by van Dijk (2009a), namely text, sociocognition and context. In the level of text,

the analysis consists of three sublevels: macrostructure, superstructure and

microstructure. The macrostructure analysis utilized theme-rheme analysis

proposed by Halliday (1994), the superstructure analysis employed news

schemata proposed by van Dijk (1988, p.55), then the microstructure analysis

employed transitivity analysis proposed by Halliday (1994) and lexicalization

analysis of the text.

In the level of sociocognition, the analysis used social situation schemasas

elaborated by van Dijk (2009b). The schemas consist of:

1. Environments, which is the setting or location around people.

2. Dimensions, which is the people’s opinion made towards the settingof text

3. Goals, which is the purpose and consequence of doing the activity

4. Motivation and Decision making, which arethe concious reason of doing the


Then, in context level, the analysis focused on the setting of the news

production. It involved intertextual analysis to uncover how the texts

wereprocessed and constructedin society.Context analysis covered the

chronological story behind Syrian conflict, the relation between BBC and the

U.S., and the relation between BBC and the readers.

In conducting the research, these following steps had been taken:

1. Reading the texts critically;

2. Breaking down the texts into clauses;

3. Analyzing Macrostructure of the texts;



Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

5. Analyzing Microstructure of the texts;

6. Analyzing the sociocognition of the text;

7. Analyzing the context of the text;

8. Making conclusion based on the findings of previous steps to find the

signification of U.S. representation from BBC International and BBC


1.6 Clarification of The Terms

To avoid misconception, there are some technical terms which have to be

clarified here:

 Discourse

Discourse is defined differently by different researchers and academic

cultures (Wodak, 2006 in Wodak and Meyer, 2009). According to

Merriam-Webster online dictionary (2013), discourse is a linguistic unit (spoken or

written) which is larger than sentence. However, it is defined as the abstract

realization of knowledge (Lemke, 1995 in Wodak and Meyer, 2009) or as a

structured and systematic form of knowledge in terms of discourse – historical approach (van Dijk, 1998).

 Text

According to Lemke (1995 in Wodak and Meyer, 2009), text is a part of

discourse which is a concrete realization of abstract form of knowledge.

 Ideology

Ideology, according to van Dijk (2009a) is a kind of shared belief like

knowledge, attitudes, ideologies, norms and values. Van Dijk (2009a) also

asserts that ideology as cognitive cannot be studied separately from society

since cognitive concerns with social group. In other words, it is formed by

particular society.

 Critical Discourse Analysis

Critical Discourse Analysis is an analysis of discourse with critical thought to



Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2006). It can utilize several approaches, namelyFoucauldian CDA and

Dispositive Analysis, van Diijk’sSociocognition, Discourse-Historical Approach by Wodak and Reisigl, van Leeuwen’sRecontextualization and Dialectical-Relational Approach by Fairclough.

 Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)

SFL is an approach to linguistics to analyze the text in language function. The

approach proposed by Halliday (1994) consists of the clause of message,

exchange, representation, nominalization, etc.

1.7 Organization of the Paper

This research will be organized in several chapters, namely: Introduction:

the background of the research, research questions, aims of the research, scope of

the research, significance of the research, clarification of the terms, and

organization of the paper; Literature Review:theoretical review that provides

severalrelated literature for conducting the research; Research Methodology: the

research methodology, discussing the steps and procedures of the research, and

the data resources in conducting the research; Findings and Discussion:

elaboration of findings and discussion of the research; and Conclusion: the

interpretation toward the result of the research in a form of conclusion and


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu




This chapter presents the research methodology used in conducting the

research. It contains research problem which elaborates core issue of the research,

research design which explains how the research was framed, data collection

which tells how the data were collected and data analysis which elaborates how

the data were analysed.

3.1 Formulation of the Problem

This present research was conducted to answer these following research


1) How do the macrostructure, superstructure and microstructure of the

texts represent U.S. in Syrian conflict as evidenced in the investigation

of BBC International and BBC Indonesia news articles?

2) How do the sociocognition and context of the news support the


3) What does this representation signify?

3.2 Research Design

Thispresent research is adescriptive qualitative research. Descriptive

qualitative research usestext analysis, description and larger meaning of the

findings (Gay, L.R., Mills, G.E. & Airasian, P., 2006).Furthermore, the

characteristics of descriptive research as Sukmadinata (2009) proposedare natural,

inductive, holistic, dynamic, neutral and self perception oriented.

This research was conducted to find out how the same news agency with

different version represents U.S. in Syrian conflict differently.The research


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


The theory was formulated in three stages, which are text, sociocognition and

context. The stage of text itself was divided into three, namely macrostructure,

superstructure and microstructure.

The analysis in text stage concerned with how text components represent

U.S. in Syrian conflict. In this case, texts were divided into macrostructure,

superstructure and microstructure. Macrostructure could be examined by

examining the global meaning or the themeof the text. The superstructure is the

way how the elements were constructed. Then, microstructure wasanalysed by

examining the words, phrases, clause or sentence.

In sociocognition level, the analysis focused on cognition of local society

where the texts were produced, in this case, the news agency of the texts. Then,

the context analysis examined the setting of text production. By utilizing these

three stages, it could be revealed not only how the texts represented U.S.in Syrian

conflict, but also why the texts represented U.S. in Syrian conflict in the given


3.3 Data Collection

This research analyzed ten online articles which were collected from BBC

International and BBC Indonesia. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was

selected since it is one of prominent international news websites which

providesmany article versions in different languages. In addition, historically,

BBC, which is owned semi-autonomously under the Royal Charter and Licence

and Agreement from the Home Secretary, was lack of impartiality in reporting

Middle East


more, BBC Indonesia, which is the Indonesian version of BBC International has

different target readers in terms of culture. BBC International has wider and more

diverse target readers. Meanwhile, BBC Indonesia has more specific readers


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


BBC International and BBC Indonesia represent U.S. in Middle East news

differently due to the different target readers between BBC International and BBC


International were then eliminated. The rest of them were retrieved in word format

and grouped according to the language: English articles and Indonesian articles.

The five articles which were retrieved from BBC International and its five

equivalent articles retrieved from BBC Indonesia are:

Table 3.1 Articles from BBC International and BBC Indonesia

No. BBC International BBC Indonesia

1 Syria crisis: Obama warns Assad over chemical weapons

Obama peringatkan Assad tidak gunakan senjata kimia

4 Syria conflict: US condemns deadly Aleppo rocket strikes

AS kecam serangan ke Aleppo Suriah

5 Syria conflict: John Kerry extends US aid to rebels

Bantuan AS untuk oposisi Suriah ditingkatkan

3.4 Data Analysis

The analysis in the research used three stages of sociocognition approach;

which are text, sociocognition, and context. The analysis was started from text

levelwhich consists of three sublevels: Macrostructure, Superstructure and

Microstructure. The macrostructure analysis utilized theme and rheme analysis

proposed by Halliday (1994), the superstructure analysis employed news

schemata proposed by van Dijk (1988), then the microstructure analysis employed


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


analysis also involved lexicalization analysis of the text to see the diction and

style of the words.

In the level of sociocognition, the analysis usedsocial situation schemas as

elaborated by van Dijk (2009b). The schemas consist of environments,

dimensions, goals, motivation and decision making. Furthermore, in context level,

the analysis focused on the setting of the news production. It involved the

intertextual analysis to uncover the story behind the text production to see how the

texts are processed and constructed in news agency.

3.4.1 Text Analysis

The text analysis was used to examine the text components which were

formulated in macrostructure, superstructure and microstructure. Macrostructure

examined the theme of text, superstructure dealt with the construction of text

elements, while microstructure analysed the local meaning of the text. These three

analyses are elaborated as follow:

a. Macrostructure Analysis

The macrostructure analysis which deals with global meaning tries to seek

the theme of the text. In macrostructure analysis, theme and rheme analysis as

proposed by Halliday (2004) was employed. Subagyo (2012) stated that the global

meaning of textwas formulated in the frame of text, for example, title, headlines,

topic sentence, summary, abstract, or conclusion. Leaning on that notion, this

present reseach used theme and rheme analysis to reveal the macrostructure of

text in sentence level. It also helped researchers to find significance how certain

rheme was arranged with a theme to give name and to represent the theme itself

(Mason in Baker, 2010). The following is the example of theme and rheme


Table 3.2 Example of Thematic Analysis


Alfiani Safitri, 2014

The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Theme Rheme

b. Superstructure Analysis

This analysis examined how the elements of texts were constructed. It also

examined how the elements of text built one unity of texts. To examine the

Headline is the title of the text which was placed in the top of text and printed

bold or bigger size font than the text. Another point in summary is lead, which

is the “second title” of text. It is usually a complete sentence printed bold or

bigger size font than the text, but smaller than headline.

2. Story

News story consists of two points, which are situation and comments.

Situation was divided into main events and background. Main events described

the basic information of the news. It covered all information about event that

was given in the text. Background is the context and history of events. It

contained the present background which is context of the events and past

background which was history of the events.

Second category of news story is comment, which was divided into verbal

comments and evaluation. Verbal comments functioned as the evidence of

certain news also the strategy to position journalist in objective side (van Dijk,

1980). The second category of news story is evaluation which mentioned the


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The following is the example of superstructure analysis using news

schemata proposed by van Dijk (1991, p.119). The analysis used one of the

texts analyzed in present research which was entitled “Syria conflict: US

condemns deadly Aleppo rocket strikes.”

Table 3.3 Example of Superstructure Analysis

Superstructure Analysis of Text 4

Text Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Syria conflict: US condemns

deadly Aleppo rocket strikes

Summary Headline -

Superstructure Analysis of Text 4

Text Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Missile attacks on Aleppo

have enraged the opposition

Summary Lead -

The US has condemned recent rocket attacks

Story Situation Episode

on Syria's northern city of Aleppo,

Story Situation Background

which opposition activists say killed dozens of people.

Story Comments Verbal Reaction

The US state department said the strikes were "the latest demonstrations of the Syrian regime's ruthlessness".

Story Comments Verbal Reaction

The statement came Story Situation Episode

after Syria's opposition coalition pulled out of planned

international talks

Story Situation Background

because of the world's failure to stop violence.

Story Situation Background

Damascus has not commented on the Aleppo attacks

Story Situation Episode

earlier this week. Story Situation Background

In a separate development, Story Situation Background

the UN special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, described the car bomb attack on the ruling Baath Party's headquarters

Story Comments Verbal Reaction

in Damascus Story Situation Background

on Thursday Story Situation Background

as a war crime. - - -


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people dead

No group has said it carried out the attack.

Story Situation Episode

c. Microstructure Analysis

The microstructure analysis involved two kinds of analyses; transitivity

analysis and lexicalization analysis. The two methods of analyses were elaborated

in the following points:

1. Transitivity Analysis

Halliday (1994) defined transitivity as the meaning of exchange because

language had function in giving and demanding activity. He divided transitivity

into seven points; material, behavioural, mental, verbal, relational, existential, and

meteorological process.

The following is the example of analysis using transitivity. The sentence is

“Ms. Nuland also said that America was looking forward to meeting Syria’s opposition groups soon.”

Table 3.4 Example of Transitivity Analysis

Ms Nuland also said that America was looking

forward to meeting

2. Lexicalization Analysis

Eriyanto (2003) stated that word choice reflected writer's attitude.

Therefore, this analysis concerned with language diction and style to reveal the

attitude behind the text. For example intervention could be represented by

mediation, agency, intercession, or interference. Those different words had


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31 3.4.2 Sociocognition Analysis

The analysis is not only in text level, the research was provided by example

of analysis in sociocognition level. The analysis involved the examination of

environment, dimension, goals, motivation and decision making. The elaboration

and example of analysis are provided below:

a. Environment

Van Dijk (2009b) stated that text of social actors might depend on

environment because they tended to fulfill situation constraints, for example their

social roles or social norms. The example of environment analysis is in Toni

Blair’s speech in Iraq debate (van Dijk, 2009b). His speech to go to war enacted his social role as Prime Minister of British Parliament.

b. Dimension

democracy for Iraqis, to remove dictator, to fight terrorism, etc.

d. Motivation and Decision Making

The process of making decision was influenced by certain knowledge.

Therefore, in analyzing the sociocognition, it was useful to examine the

motivation and decision making in doing particular activity (van Dijk, 2009b).Van

Dijk (2009b) also gave example of decision making in Toni Blair’s speeh in Iraq

debate that his motive was asking parliament to legitimate his decision to go to



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The analysis involved intertextual analysis of the text.The result of

intertextual analysis wascompiled from researcher's conclusion from the story

behind the making of articles. The resultswhich were presented in paragraphs

include the story from the cause of Syrian conflict until the intervention of U.S.,

the relation between BBC and the U.S., and the relation between BBC and the


Representation analyses are presented in Chapter 4 in terms of textual

description of representation from Text, which comprises Macrostructure,

Superstructure, and Microstructure; Sociocognition; and Context. The analysis

results are presented in the form of tables and are elaborated in the form of


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This chapter presents the last part of the research. It contains conclusions

and suggestions of the research. Conclusion presents the findings and discussion

of this research in brief. Meanwhile, Suggestion contains the advice from

researcher for the next study.

5.1 Conclusions

This research disclosed the representation of U.S. in Syrian conflict as

evidenced in five articles from BBC International and five articles from BBC

Indonesia. The research employs van Dijk (2009b) which comprises three stages

of analyses; Text, Sociocognition, and Context. The stage of text analysis covers

macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure analysis.

Based on those three stages of analysis, both BBC International and BBC

Indonesia similarly represented U.S. as the Globo-cop in Syrian conflict. The

representation was indicated by three indicators, which are U.S. as the firm and

powerful country, U.S. as being intimate with Opposition, and U.S. as the

Opposition helper. In addition, U.S. was found biased to the Opposition based on

its policy to help and assist Opposition to achieve their aim. However, BBC

International provided more informative news compared to BBC Indonesia, not

only the news about political issue, but also the news about religion issue in

Syrian conflict. BBC Indonesia omitted sentences which talked about Moslem

conflict and reduced the level of representation.

BBC International’s readers, whoare wider and more general compared to

BBC Indonesia’s readers mightexplain why the contents of BBC International

were more general and informative. The difference level between BBC

International and BBC Indonesia in representing U.S. was influenced by their


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However, BBC Indonesia omitted several sentences from BBC

International, which means reduced the level of representation. BBC Indonesia

also put more focus on the conflict between Opposition and Assad. Moreover,

BBC Indonesia eliminated the information about Moslem condition in Syria. BBC

Indonesia might consider BBC Indonesia’s readers which were mostly Moslem by

eliminating Moslem’s religion conflict and Moslem victims in Syrian

conflict.This indicates that BBC Indonesia intended to avoid the fidgetiness of its

readers only provided information which was properly needed by its Indonesian


The similar representation of U.S. as being Globo-cop in Syrian conflict,

which was revealed in both BBC International and BBC Indonesia, signifies that

BBC, which was owned semi-autonomously under the Royal Charter, might have

same culture as English culture in representing the action of U.S which supported

Opposition. However, the difference found between BBC International and BBC

Indonesia signifies that both BBC International and BBC Indonesia have the same

thought to be readers oriented by providing information which is properly needed

by their readers.

5.2 Suggestions

Having done with the analyses, this research ends with suggestions, which

can be considered for the next research. The next research should use more

innovation in analyzing sociocognition stage, for example by applying other development approaches from other scholars. One of them is Eriyanto’s schema (2003) to analyze sociocognition of news agency. Next, it would be better if the

next research employs combination approaches in analyzing the text, for example

by using Sociosemantic approach from van Leeuwen (2008) and Sociocognition

stage analysis from van Dijk (2009a) or Eriyanto (2003).

It is expected that this research can contribute to Critical Discourse


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Table 3.1 Articles from BBC International and BBC Indonesia
Table 3.3 Example of Superstructure Analysis
Table 3.4 Example of Transitivity Analysis


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