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T PD 1404527 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Adnyana, K. J, Lasmawan, I. W, & Koyan, I. W. (2013). Pengaruh model pembelajaran rekonstruksi sosial terhadap keterampilan berfikir kreatif dan pemahaman konsep IPS. Jurusan Pendidikan Dasar, 3 (2013), hlm. 1-12.

Agbaria, (2012). The social studies education discourse community on globalization: Exploring the agenda of preparing citizens for the global age. Journal of Studies in International Education, 15(1), hlm. 57–7. DOI: 10.1177/102831530933464.

Ahmed, M. T. & Omotunde, H. (2012). Theories and strategies of good decision making. International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research, 1 (10), hlm. 51-54. ISSN 2277-8616.

Akınoğlu, O., & Tandoğan, R. O. (2007). The effects of problem-based active

learning in science education on students’ academic achievement, attitude and concept learning. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 3(1), hlm. 71-81. ISSN: 1305-8223.

Alma, B., & Harlasgunawan. (1987). Hakikat dasar studisosial. Bandung: SinarBaru.

Al-Tarawneh, H. A. (2012). The main factors beyond decision making. Journal of Management Research, 4 (1), hlm. 54-65. ISSN 1941-899X.

Anzizhan, (2010). Sistem pengambilan keputusan pendidikan. Jakarta: Grasindo.

Arikunto, S. (1998). Prosedur penelitian (suatu pendekatan praktek). Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

Arikunto, S. (2013). Dasar-dasar evaluasi pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Banks, J. A. (1990). Teaching strategies for the social studies: Inquiry, valuing, and decision-making (fourth edition). New York: Longman.


Budiardjo, M. (2008). Dasar-dasar ilmu politik. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Cahyo, E. D. (2015). Pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dasar IPS dan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. (Tesis). Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung.

Creswell, J. W (2012). Educational research (forth edition). London: Pearson.

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Deniz, M. E. (2011). An Investigation of decision making styles andthe five-factor personality traits with respect toattachment style. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice.11(1), hlm.105-113.

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Djahiri. (1995). Membina PIPS/PPS yang menjawab tantangan hari esok. Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, I/1993. Bandung: Forum Komunikasi FPIPS/IPS Indonesia.

Echols, J. M., & Shadily, H. (2003). Kamus Ingris Indonesia. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.

Fanning, R. M., & Gaba, D. M. (2007). The role of debriefing in simulation-based learning. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 2 (2), hlm.115-125.

Farisi, M. I. (2007). Struktur kompetensi ilmu pengetahuan sosial sekolah dasar dan pengorganisasian pengalaman belajar siswa, Jurnal Interaksi, 3 (3), hlm. 4-19. ISSN. 1412 – 2952.

Friedman, A. M., & Hicks, D. (2006). The state of the field: Technology, social studies, and teacher education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 6 (2), 246-258.


Galway, G., & Sheppard, B. (2015). Research and evidence in education decision-making: A comparison of result from two pan-canadian studies. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 23(109).ISSN.10682341.

Hackathorn, J., (dkk). (2011). Learning by doing: An empirical study of active teaching techniques. The Journal of Effective Teaching, 11 (2), hlm. 40-45.

Hewitt, D., & Tarran, S. (2015). Innovative teaching and learning in primary school. London: SAGE.

Jacobsen, A.D., Eggen, & P., Kauchak, D. (2009). Methods for teaching. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar.

Jarolimek, J. (1977). Social studies competencies and skills. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.

Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2011).Models of teaching (model-model pengajaran). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Belajar.

Khalid, A., & Azeem, M. (2012).Constructivist vs traditional: Effective instructional approach in teacher education. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2 (5), hlm. 170-177.

Krathwohl, D. R. (2002). A revisions of bloom’s taxonomy: an overview. theory into practice, 41 (4), hlm. 212-218.

Krain, M., & Shadle, C. J. (2006) Starving for knowledge: an active learning approach to teaching about world hunger. International Studies Perspectives, 7 (1), hlm. 51–66.

Kriz, W. C. (2008). A-systemic-constructivist approach to the facilitation and debriefing of simulations and games. Simulation Gaming, (41), hlm 663 . DOI: 10.1177/1046878108319867.

Krookal, D. (2010). Serious games, debriefing, and simulation/gaming as a discipline. Simulation & Gaming, 41(6), hlm. 898–920. DOI: 10.1177/1046878110390784.


Lederman, L. C. (1984). Debriefing: A critical reexamination of the postexperienceanalytic process withimplications for its effective use. Simulation & Games: An International Journal, 15, 415-431.

Leinhardt, G., Zaslavsky, O., &Stein, M. K.(1990). Functions, graphs, and graphing. Review of Educational Research, 60(1), 1-64.

Levin, I. P., dkk. (2014). The combined role of task, child’s age and individual differences in understanding decision processes. Judgment and Decision Making, 9(3), hlm. 274-286.

Liu, C. C,. dkk. (2011). The effect of simulation games on the learning of computational problem solving. Jurnal of Computers & Education, 57 (2011), hlm. 1907–1918.

Lizarraga, M., Baquedano, M., & Elawar, M. (2007). Factors that affect decision making: Gender and age differences. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 7 (3), hlm. 381-391.

Lunenberg, F.C. (2010). The decision making process. National Forum Of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal, 27 (4) hlm. 1-13.

Maftuh, B. (2013). Body of language pendidikan IPS. Makalah ini disampaikan pada seminar nasional tentang body of knowledge pendidikan IPS yang disampaikan di Universitas Kanjuruhan, Malang, Jawa Timur, 24 Maret 2013. Tidak dipublikasikan.

Mahapatra, S. (2016). Development of planning behaviour and decision making ability of children. Journal of Education and Practice, 7 (6), hlm. 74-77. ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online).

Maley, C.W. (2015). What every social studies teacher should know about simulations. Canadian Social Studies, 48 (1), hlm. 8-23.

Malik, N. (2010). Pengaruh strategi pembelajaran interaktif model simulasi mata kuliah rangkaian listrik terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa program studi pendidikan teknik elektro FT-UNM. Jurnal MEDTEK, 2 (1), hlm. 1-10.


Maryani, E. (2011). Pengembangan program pembelajaran IPS untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Moore, K. (2010). The three-part harmony of adult learning, critical thinking, and decision making.Journal of Adult Education, 39 (1), hlm.1-10.

Mutakin, A. (2004). Konsep dasar pengorganisasian program pengajaran IPS di Sekolah Dasar. Bandung: Bina Siswa.

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Nguyen. (2006). Variation in decision making approach to tertiary teaching.A case study in Vietam. International Journal of Instruction, 9 (1).e-ISSN: 1308-1470 p-ISSN: 1694-609-x.

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Prince, M. (2004).Does active learning work? A reviewof the research. Journal of Engineering Education.93 (3), hlm. 223-231.

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Ruben, D.B (1999). Simulations, games, and experience-based learning: The quest for a new paradigm for teaching and learning. Simulation Gaming, 30 (4), hlm, 498-505.

Salusu, J. (1996). Pengambilan keputusan stratejik untuk organisasi publik dan organisasi nonprofit. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.

Sanjaya, W. (2006). Pembelajaran berorientasi standar proses pendidikan.

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Sapriya. (2014). Pendidikan IPS konsep dan pembelajaran. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Saputri, E. (2014). Pengaruh model learning cycle 5E terhadap pemahaman konsep dan kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial. (Tesis). Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung.

Sart, E. (2008). The relations between decision making in social relationship and decision making. World Applied Sciences Journal, 3 (3), hlm. 369-381. ISSN 1818-4952.

Sauve, L. Dkk. (2007). Distinguishing between games and simulations: A systematic review. Educational Technology & Society, 10 (3), hlm. 247-256. ISSN 1436-4522 (online) and 1176-3647 (print).

Shaw, C.M (2010). Designing and using simulations and role-play exercises. The International Studies Ensyclopedia. eISBN9781444336597.

Silberman, M. (2011). Active learning: 101 strategies to teach any subject. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Silva, C. (2010). The impact of simulations on higher-level learning. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 18 (2), hlm 397-422.

Susikaran, R.S.A, (2014). Learning trought simulation teaching. The Dawn Journal, 3 (1), hlm. 838-844.

Savage, Tom. V & Amstrong, David G. (1987). Effective teaching in elementary social studies. New York : Macmillan Publishing Company.

Schuncke, G. M. (1988). Elementary social studies (knowing, doing, caring). New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

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Surapranata, S. (2009). Analisis, valitiditas, reliabilitas, dan interpretasi hasil tes implementasi kurikulum 2004. Bandung: Ramaja Rosdakarya.

Susetyo, B. (2010). Statistika untuk analisis data penelitian. Bandung: Refika Aditama.

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Thatcher, D. (1990). Promoting learning through games and simulations. Simulation & Gaming: An International Journal, 21, hlm. 263-273.

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Woolever, R. M., & Scoot, K. P. (1988). Active learning in social studies promoting congnitive and social growth, USA.

Zainul, A. (2001).Alternative assesment. Jakarta : Depdiknas.


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