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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

By: Uswatun Lailiya


Thesis Advisor:

Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling









Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Uswatun Lailiya A03211032

Thesis Advisor:

Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling






Happiness depends upon ourselves


Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you ‘ll die




This thesis is dedicated to some important people in my life. They are my beloved parents H. Abdul Majid and Hj. Siti Rochmah who always support me and pray me for my success. My husband Mega Johan Andarista and my littel son M. Helmi Arrasyid who always give me a big spirit to be a success mother. My friends Ana, Shanaz and Sasha who motivate me to be better woman. Then, to my beautiful advisor Mrs. Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling that force me to study hard to gain my dream. Thank you so much your pleasant suggestion, your ink streaks inspire me. Thanks to all beloved friends in ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDER I always love you.




All praises to Allah the most gracious and the most merciful who always give me guidance, inspiration and blessing to finish this thesis. My big sholawat and salam always for our prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Writting this thesis is a new experience for me. I have faced many difficulties in the first process of writting. However, by this writing this thesis I realize that every problem only happen in our mind. I only go on and I finish the thesis. My problem of writting will not be solved without some people that always support and help me.

First of all, my thanks will be delivered to my thesis advisor Mrs. Raudhotul Jannah M.App.Ling who always give me a best advice to make my thesis better also.

I want to give thanks to my beloved parents and my beloved family specially my beloved son M.Helmi Arrasyid who always inspire me to finish my thesis.

The last, my beloved friends Sasa, Ana, and Shanaz who always motivate me to be a good student. Then, to my friends in SI A thank you so much without you I can’t find my research data to complate my thesis. For my friends in SKI



Uswatun Lailiya. 2015, The Study of Illocutionary Acts on Facebook Group of English Department Students, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS. English Department, Faculty of Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling.

Key Word: Speech Acts, Illocutionary Acts, Facebook Group.

This study focuses on the using of illocutionary acts on the facebook group of English Departement Student, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS. The aims of this research are to find out the types of illocutionary acts on the Facebook group of English Departement student, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS and the process of reader recognize the intended illocutionary acts that emerge on Facebook group of English Departement Students, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.

The writer uses descriptive qualitative to gain the research. The writer collects the data from the whole conversation on Facebook group of English Departement studens, ASIA (AREK SI A)SEVEN WONDERS then classify the illocutionary acts and describe the process recognizing illocutionary force.




Uswatun Lailiya. 2015, The Study of Illocutionary Acts on Facebook Group of English Department Students, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS. English Department, Faculty of Humanities State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing : Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling.

Kata Kunci : tindak tutur, tindak ilokusi, Grup Facebook.

Penelitian ini di fokuskan pada penggunaan tindak ilokusi di grup facebook dari mahasiswa sastra inggris, atas nama ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tindak tutur yang di gunakan oleh grup facebook ini dan proses dimana pembaca mengerti makna tersembunyi dari setiap ucapan yang ada dalam percakapan grup facebook ini.

Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk melakukan penelitian ini. Penulis mengumpulkan data dari seluruh percakapan yang ada di grup facebok ini kemudian mengklasifikasikannya menjadi beberapa tipe tindak ilokusi kemudian mendeskripsikan proses dimana pembaca bisa memahami makna tersembunyi dari setiap percakapan.



Cover ... i

Title ... ii

Declaration ... iii

Motto ... iv

Dedication ... v

Thesis Advisor’s Approval Sheet... vi

Thesis Examiners’s Approval Sheet ... vii

Acknowledgements ... viii

Table of contents ... ix

Abstract ... xi

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of Problems ... 5

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 6

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 7

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 8

2.1.1 Pragmatics ... 8

2.1.2 Context ... 9

2.1.3 Speech Act ... 13

2.1.4 Illocutionary Acts Classification ... 14

2.1.5 Kinds of Speech Acts ... 18




3.1 Research Design ... 27

3.2 Data Source ... 27

3.3 Subject/ Participant ... 28

3.4 Data Collection ... 28

3.5 Research Instrument ... 29

3.6 Data Analysis ... 29


4.1.1 Kind of Illocutionary Acts ... 34

4.1.2 The Process of Reader Recognize ... 40

4.2 Discussion ... 62

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION and SUGGESION 5.1 Conclusion ... 64

5.2 Suggestion ... 65




1.1 Background Of The Study

Every human being in this world has to communicate to each other to fulfill his or her own needs. In reaching the goal of communication, at least, there will be two parties; they are speaker and hearer. A successful communication can only be reached if both of the speaker and the hearer are able to convey and understand thoughts, and feelings of each other. In order to understand the speaker intended meaning the hearer must develop the context of their communication. The context in linguistics known as pragmatic.



first is the action of saying an utterance, the second the action of doing the utterance, and the last the effect of doing the utterance. This cases broadly discussed in speech acts.

Speech acts deals with the action that performed via utterances (Yule, 1996) speech acts have three main acts they are locution, illocution, and perlocution. Locution is the basic act of an utterance or producing meaningful linguistic expression (Yule, 1996). The illocution is the speaker intends to communicate to the addressee. Then, perlocution is the message that the addressee gets his or her interpretation of what the speaker says. (Kreidler, 1998). To clarify this definition the researcher gives example: I’ve just made some coffee. This is

the locution. Then, the illocution of this utterance the speaker might be thirsty, sleepy, and bored so the speaker made coffee. The perlocution of this utterance is the speaker made some coffee. Thus clearly describe something that spoken by the speaker relate to the locution then, the intended meaning relate to the illocution which hearer must interpret and understand the utterance by himself. Whereas the goal of the conversation deals with perlocution. Before gain the goal hearer must well understand speaker’s literal meaning which we called illocutionary acts. The illocution almost occur in every conversation. It can be explicit or implicit and also can be done or not. It has complicated risk if the communications occur in a not face-to-face communication or we can say CMC (computer-mediated communication).



there will be misunderstanding because the participants could not directly transfer their knowledge, they could not draw on visual cues from the other to gain quick immediate feedback and make rapid adjustments as necessarily, and their absent in communication take difficulty learn about one another’s background, skills, and experience (Rebbeca, 2015). However, CMC becomes famous today and one of type of CMC is social media.

Nowadays, the development of technologies makes people change the way of their communication. As the effect of internet technology communications seems to be very fast. One of internet facility that facilitates people in communication is social media such as Facebook. Facebook helps people to communicate. It looks as face-to-face communication although separated by a distance. It is because not all of illocution directly appears. Therefore, the researcher interested to discuss about the illocution which found in not face-to-face communication such as Facebook.



and chat (Dean, 2014). By Facebook we also can create group to collect friends, family, and roommate. Facebook group will make us easily in communication with many people. Facebook group divide into two types; the close group and the open group. Close group means that only member of group can access it whereas open group used for public that every information will be shared to public.

ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS is one of close group on Facebook. ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS are the Facebook group of English department class in State Islamic Universities Surabaya. This group exists in the first semester of their bachelor degree. This group consists of forty eight members who are roommates. This group made for gathering information about courses included books, assignment, examination, and registration. This group uses English in every status and dialog of this group although a little of them uses Indonesian.

Since the conversation and the posting message are done or written in English create misunderstanding and misinterpretations of the messages are inevitable happen. The misunderstanding might affect the damage of friendship, wound, resentment, revenge, and hostility. This could be prevented if we could well understand the message and the context of its conversation.



(Searle, 1976). Those kinds of illocution will be the basic theory that is used in this research. Since the data is in the form of conversation in media social. So, the researcher also uses descriptive qualitative method to collect and analyze the data. Thus this research is conducting to observe the illocution in social media, the Facebook group communication as the data. The Searle theory is the basic study and the descriptive qualitative as the method of research.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The statement of the problems that observe in this research are getting description and explanation about illocutionary act in media social. Whereas the specific problem that observed are formulated as follow:

1. What are the types of illocutionary acts that emerge on Facebook group of English Department Students, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS? 2. How do the reader recognize the intended illocutionary act that delivered

by the writer that emerge on Facebook group of English Department Students, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS?

1.3 Purpose of Research

There are three main purposes of this research:

a. To identify types of illocutionary acts on Facebook group of English Department Students, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.



1.4 Significance of the Study

The result of this research has two significant, goals or functions: theoretical and practiced. The significance of this research formulated as follows:

The theoretically, this research is expected to be used as one of the sources of information about illocutionary acts that appear on social media such as Facebook group which named ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS. This also might be used as a reference for those who are interested in the subject of pragmatics. This research also hoped will give information about Searle theory about illocutionary acts when someone is analyzing the speakers meaning. Furthermore it also hoped will give development in the pragmatic study.

And the practical function of this research is to give contribution to the understanding language use in social media, and the understanding of illocutionary acts.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study in this research is divided into two parts, first part is the subject as the data the second part is the underlying theories. The data of this research come from the conversation and posting message (situation, emotion, condition, health, and circumstances) of the members of the group of is used as the main data in this research. This research focus on the conversation which is used English as the main language. The researcher uses the data from 3 April, 2014 until 15 April, 2015.



Searle’s theory. Searle divines five kinds of illocutionary acts such as

representatives, directives, commissives, expresives, and declarations. (Searle: 1976). The researcher also considers the aspects of background that called speech event.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

a) Speech acts is the actions via utterances. (Yule,1996)

Speech act is an utterance that has performative function in language and communication. Speech act is when people communicate such for making statement, describing some events or processes, or stating of affair, but also for doing something such as for making question, ordering, and requesting (Yule, 1996).

b) Illocutionary act is an act which a speaker performs in saying something. (Tsohatzidis, 1994) It also can be said the act of doing something.




2.1 Theoretical Framework

This chapter is reviews the related literature which contains description on the theories and studies which have been done before. In this part the researcher explained the theory that is used to accomplish this study. The main data in this analysis is the conversations on Facebook group under named ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS. The theory of pragmatics by George Yule, in pragmatics book by George Yule will help the writer to analyze this study and the theory of illocutionary acts by Searle will also support this analysis.

2.1.1 Pragmatics



Kreidler(1989) stated that pragmatics has various focus, such on: person’s ability to derive meanings from the specific speech situation, to recognize what the speaker is referring to, to relate new information to what has gone before, to interpret what is said from background knowledge about the speaker and the topic

of discourse, and to infer or „fill in’ information that the speaker takes for granted

and doesn’t bother to say. In simple way pragmatics explore the meaning based on

the situations involving the participants’ social and educational background, the

topic of the conversation, the intended information which backgrounds the speech.

2.1.2 Context

Context is background knowledge assumed to be shared by speaker and

hearer and which contribution to hearer’s interpretation of what speaker means by

hearer.(Leech,1983) It is important to comperhend the context of an utterance, because it helps the listener reveal the literal or the intended meaning of speaker’s utterance. Therefore, the meaning itself can not be direclty appear and easily understood without knowing the context or situation. The situation or the context where the utterance produce must be well understood by the speaker and hearer. It include where, when, why the utterance produce and who was produce the utterance, because it possible has more then one meaning inside.

Here is the example of the relation among context of the situation and the utterance spoken by the speaker:

Sealt your sealt belt!



save ourself from accident. However, It will be different if the speaker is policeman, it might be a comman. It is because wearing sealt bealt is one of high road regulation. If we collide it concious or unconcious we will get punishment of our deed.

Context also known as speech event. Speech event is an activity in which the participants interact via language in some conventional way to arrive at some outcome. (Yule, 1996) In other definition speech event is a situation that creates speech. There is no communication without speech event inside because it is important; by knowing speech event we will also know the purpose of an utterance. Here is the example of speech event:

1. Him: oh, Mary, I’m glad you’re here. Her: what’s up?

Him: I can’t get my computer to work,

Her: is it broken? Him: I don’t think so.

Her: what’s it doing?

Him: I don’t know. I’m useless with computers. Her: what kind is it?

Him: it’s a Mac. Do you use them?

Her: Yeah.

Him: do you have a minute? Her: sure.



The example above is called requesting speech event without a central speech act of request. There is no actual request among “Him and Her” to do

something but we might characterize it by the question, “do you have a minute?”

as a pre-request from “Him”. By allowing “Her” to say that she’s busy or she has

to do the others but the responds of “Her” is „sure’. In this context the speaker

gets acknowledgement that “Her” not only of having time available, but also a

willingness to help Him. (Yule, 1996)

There are eight components of speech event which proposed by Hymes (cited in Yule, 1996): participants, topic, setting, channel, code, message-form, event, key, and purpose.

1. A participant is people who direct or indirectly include in the speech. The background of the participants include age, education, position, and etc. Leech (1983) has another designation besides participants. He shall refer to addressers and addressees, as a matter of convenience, as speaker and hearer.

2. Topic of the conversation. The subject or object that becomes the main component of the discussion, conversation, and speech.



by speaker and hearer which contributes to hearer’s interpretation of what

speaker means by a given utterance. (Leech, 1983)

4. Channel: how is contact between the participants in the event being maintained? Example: by speech, writing, signing, smoke signal.

5. Code: what language, dialect, and style that being used includes manner, intonation, enthusiasm, and attitude of delivering message.

6. Message-form: the kind of utterance. Example poem, magazine, phone, prose, and etc.

7. Event: the nature of communicative event within which a genre may be embedded. Example: a sermon or prayer may be part of the larger event, a church service.

8. Key: involve evaluation. It is good utterance or not, appropriate or inappropriate to say, a sore explanation.

9. Purposes: what did the participants intend should come about as a result of the communicative event. Leech also gives the same argument in divining goals. Leech shall often find the communication useful to talk of a goal or function of an utterance, in preference to talking about its intended

meaning, or speaker’s intention uttering it.



a Facebook group of English Department students, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.

2.1.3 Speech act

When people communicate to others, they utter languages that are not only for saying something such for making statement, describing some event or processes, or stating of affair, but also for doing something such as for making question, ordering, and requesting is called speech acts. To reach their want, the speakers do not only produce utterances in correct grammatical structure and words, but also they perform actions via those utterances. (Yule,1996).

According to Austin and Searle (cited in Paltridge2006) there are three kinds of act which occur with everything we say. These are the locutionary act, the illocutionary act and the perlocutionary act. The following are the explanations:

Locutionary act is an act of how a person produces the utterance or to produce a meaningful linguistics expression. When the speaker uses their organ of speech to produce utterance, then, indirectly there is the locutionary act in their utterance. In the other words, locutionary act is the act of the speaker in using their organ of speech to produce utterances. For example:

“I promise to give you some money”

The moment when the utterance is being said by the speaker by using the organ of speech is called locutionary act. (Yule, 1996)



speaker to what s/he has just said. This is because that utterance intention is the fact that the speaker will do something in the future or we can say, the speaker promising something. Therefore, the illocutionary act of an utterance above is the act of promising. (Yule,1996). In other hand, Yule (1996) also stated that illocutionary act is the utterance of sentence by speaker which is sent to have performed some acts. By this definition it can be said that the speaker wants hearer to do something by utter their utterance.

Perlocutionary act is the effect of the utterance which the speaker said to the hearer. Yule (1996) also explained perlocutionary acts are the utterances which bring effects on the audience by means of uttering the sentence. It is called the act of affect someone.

2.1.4 Illocutionary Acts Classification



has the same argument of defining illocutionary acts. However the researcher uses the theory based on Searle which explain in below explanations.

1. Declaration

Declaration is a kind of speech act that change status of something or someone. The speaker changes status via its words or utterance (Yule, 1996). It also refers to a speech act of which effects immediately change an institutional state of affairs. The examples of the act are excommunicating, declaring war, christening, marrying, firing from employment, name, appoint, and sentence. For example:

a. Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife. b. Referee: you’re out!

In using declaration, the speaker changes the world via words

In the“a” utterance the priest changes the world via his word. It is because

he declares that those people became couple whom before they were not a couple. However, by the priest’s utterance they become couple. The same case also

happens in the “b” utterance. The referee changes the world via his word. He sent

out the player in a game. It means the player can’t play in the game again. By the

two example above it can be justified that they have authority to do that. However, if they do not have authority to do that their utterance will be unfelicitious and can not be justified.

2. Assertive



examples of the speaker believed are statements of fact, assertions, conclusions, and descriptions.

For example:

a. Chomsky didn’t write about peanut.

b. It was a warm sunny day.

In using assertive, the speaker makes words fit the world.

In the “a” utterance the speaker makes word fit the world. It can be seen as

the general fact that Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, logician, and political commentator. He takes a deep influence in

linguistic theory. Therefore, it is totally true that Chomsky didn’t write about

peanut. It is the same as in “b” utterance that the speaker makes words fit the

world. The speaker in “b” utterance says that it was a warm sunny day. It is true

that when summer the weather is warm and sunny. 3. Expressive

Expressive is a kind of speech act that states what the speaker feels or reveals the psychological attitude to a condition. This kind of speech act expresses statements of pleasure, pain, like, dislikes, joy, or sorrow (Yule, 1996).

For example:

a. I’m really sorry. b. Oh, yes, great!



apology in the word sorry. In “b” utterance the speaker expresses his/her feeling by the word. He/she express their pleasure by the word great.

4. Directive

Directive is a kind of speech acts that is used by the speaker to get the listener performs what speaker wants. Directives also define as asking the hearer to do something. With the use of directive, the addresser attempts to get the addressee to do some actions as the speaker wants. This kind of speech act expresses commands, orders, requests, and suggestions (Yule, 1996). Those expressing can be positive or negative. Another expression such as advising, admonishing, asking, begging, dismissing, excusing, forbidding, instructing, ordering, permitting, requesting, requiring, suggesting, arguing, warning.

For example:

a. Could you lend me a pen please! b. Don’t touch that!

In using declarative, the speaker uses the word that will make the hearer do some

acts. In “a” utterance the speaker uses the word that make the hearer do

something. The speaker in the “a” utterance ask the hearer to lend his/her

something. In “b” utterance the speaker forbid the hearer to touch something.

5. Commissive



guaranteeing, inviting, offering, promising, swearing, volunteering (Yule, 1996).

The speaker’s intention is to make the world fit the words.

For example:

a. I’II be back.

b. I am going to get it right next time.

In using commisives, the speaker uses the word that will make effect in future.

In the “a” utterance the speaker uses the word that will make effect in the future.

The utterance I’II be back means promise, it is hoped will be happen in the future.

In “b” utterance the speaker plans some action to repair the condition in the next


2.1.5 Kinds of Speech Acts

Yule (1996) stated that there are two kinds of speech acts they are direct speech act and indirect speech act. Those kinds of speech acts use to distinguish the forms of declarative, interrogative, and imperative and the general communicative functions as statement, question, command or request. The descriptions of them explain as follow:

1. Direct speech Acts

Direct speech acts happens when there is a direct relationship between a structure and a function. The speaker uses declarative sentence for giving information to the listener, the speaker uses an interrogative sentence for asking something to the listener, and the speaker uses an imperative sentence for giving an order to the listener.



Wear a seat belt! (Yule, 1996)

The speaker in above utterance use direct imperative sentence to order someone to do something. The hearer do not need to think a lot of this utterance because the comment is clear. However, it still might have intended illocutionary force based on the context and felicitious or not.

2. Indirect Speech Acts

Indirect act happens when there is an indirect relationship between a structure and function. Indirect act is the speech act which has function to order someone to do something indirectly. It is usually in the form of declarative or an interrogative sentence in order to make a polite conversation. Look at the example, (Yule, 1996). Example:

a.it’s cold outside.

b. I hereby tell you about the weather.

c. I hereby request of you that you close the door.

The utterance in (a) is a declarative. When it is used to make a statement as paraphrased in (b), it is functioning as a direct speech acts. When it is used to make request or command, as paraphrased in (c), it is functioning as an indirect speech acts.




indicates the exact verb or action of illocutionary acts. Yule (1996) stated that illocutionary force is a slot for verb that explicitly names the illocutionary act being performed. It clearly understood that by illocutionary force the hearer will easily understood their actions ahead. In other hand, it might help the hearer to classify the illocutionary act being performed by the speaker.

Searle (1969) argued that illocutionary force is what illocutionary act the speaker performing by their utterance in their sentence. Searle’s argument explains the illocutionary acts that produce by the speaker could be known from the illocutionary force. It could be justify that illocutionary force is the performative verb that will be perform by the hearer after hearing the speaker’s utterance.

Searle (1969) classify some components in finding the illocutionary force in the study of illocutionary force indicating devises. He included word order, stress, intonation contour, punctuation, the mood of the verb and performative verb. Here are the explanations:

1. Word order

Word order is the way in which words are arranged in sequence in a sentence or smaller construction. Example:

a. The man wrote a letter.

b. People who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones.

In sentence “a” normal declarative sentence, the subject of a sentence

comes directly in front of the verb. In sentence “b” the subject here not a single



go with it. Therefore the subject in this sentence becomes more specific (Nordquist, 2015)

2. Stress

Stress is the degree of emphasis given a sound or syllable in speech. The function of stress is to provide the distinction degrees of emphasis or contrast in sentence or lines of verse. Example:

I am a proFESsionalphoTOgrapher whose MAIN Interest is to TAKE SPEcial, BLACK and WHITE Photographs that exHIBit Abstract MEANings in their photoGRAPHicSTRUCture.

The above example describe that the writer is a photographer which has main interest in black and white photographs. It is directly appear by the stress of the verb. (Nordquist, 2015).

3. Intonation contour

Intonation contour is a characteristic series of musical pitch levels that serves to distinguish between questions, statements, and other types of utterance in a language (English Grammar).

4. Punctuation



link words and parts of words. 7. Dash, used to mark off information that is not essential to an understanding of the rest of the sentence, and to show other kinds of break in a sentence where comma, semicolon, or colon would be traditionally used. 8. Brackets, there are two main types of brackets. Round brackets are

mainly used to separate off information that isn’t essential to the meaning of the

rest of the sentence. 9. Inverted commas, used to mark the beginning and end of

direct speech, to mark off a word or phrase that’s being discussed, or that’s being

directly quoted from somewhere else, and to draw attention to an unusual, ironic, or arguably inaccurate use. 10. Exclamation mark, used to end sentences that express and it also be used in brackets after a statement to show that the writer finds it funny or ironic. 11. Question mark, used to indicate the end of a question, and it also be used in brackets to show that the writer is unconvinced by a statement. 12. Bullet points, used to draw attention to important information within a document so that a reader can identify the key issues and facts quickly. (Grammar, 2015)

5. The mood of the verb

The moods of the verb are classifications that indicate the attitude of the speaker. Here are three kinds of mood of the verb:

a. Imperative used in request and commands. Imperative statements have an

understood subject of “you” and therefore take second person verbs.




b. Subjunctive mood, a verb expressing a doubt, desire, supposition, or condition contrary to fact.


If I see him, I will tell him.

c. Indicative, a verb stating an apparent fact or asking a question, expresses an assertion, denial. This is the way verbs are normally used in English. (verb mood, 2015)

Example: little rock is the capital of arkansas. Have you finished your home work? Ostriches cannot fly.

6. Performative verb

A performative verb is a verb that names its own implementation. In other words, when people use a performative verb, they “do” what they are describing simply by saying the verb (what is performative verb, 2015). We also can test that is the utterance performative or not. It can be proofed by inserting hereby before verb. If

the resulting sentence doesn’t make sense, so it is not performatives.

The above explanation briefly describes the way to recognize the illocutionary force in both oral and written conversation. Therefore, the researcher chooses punctuation, the mood of the verb and performative verb as the devices to analyze the illocutionary force. It is because the data come from the written



2.2 Review of Related Study

The research of speech acts had done by many people. They usually used to only searc that in their object contains what kind of illocution inside. Then, they also usually use movie, novel, drama, and talk show. There are two students that also take research in speech acts study. Reinardo observe speech act in humor communication, and Imama observe the illocutionary acts in movie. The descriptions of them are formulated as follows:

Imama (2014) analyze speech act under the title Shane’s Illocutionary Act Analysis On The Pacifier Movie Script. This thesis analyzes the speech acts that use by Shane, the main character in the movie. The analysis of this thesis is

based on the application of Searle’s (1969) five classifications of speech act

theory (representative, directive, commissive, expressive,

Finally, the result of this research she find that by using illocutionary acts, Shane tries to convey what is on his mind, what he wants, and what he expects from the kids. By producing directive utterances frequently, he tries to interact

and also manage the kids’ bad attitude.



research. Then, the resercher do not focus on the characterization which influence the production of illocutionary acts but she focus on the intended illocutionary acts which might be well accepted by the reader or not and it create miss understanding or not. It is because this conversation happen on secial media which both the writer or the reader could not give direct respond to each other.

The next researcher, Reinardo Rezariolimenta (2012) is a student from Bina Nusantara University. He analyses the use of speech act in humor conversation under the title Incongruity leading to humor: the Language use in the conversations of The three main characters in TV Comedy series two and a half men. The data was taken from Comedy series Two and a Half Men season 1. The findings show that the mostly occurred speech acts types in the conversations

are representatives’ speech act as to assert beliefs or facts. The second most used

types of speech act are directives as asking question, ordering or requesting. It is also found that there are some infelicitous utterances in the conversations which most of them are done purposely to make the conversation funny. The result shows that the acts of teasing/ridiculing others are found infelicitous in the conversations. In conclusion, some jokes intentionally use infelicitous utterances to make it funny.





This chapter discussed the approach used in this study and the data collection. Then, the explanation of qualitative methods is explained in this research. There are also the explanations of the source of the data, the instrument that is used, data collection technique, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

In this research the researcher used qualitative method. It is qualitative because it analyzed the data descriptively since the data concern with context. The researcher chooses this method because in the data analysis, the researcher does not put any numeric data. The researcher only put numeric data in the example of a case. Then, the researcher explains the data by descriptive explanation. This research was done by describing the phenomenon found out in ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS on facebook group, and then continued with general conclusion.

3.2 Data Source



exists in the first semester of their bachelor degree. This group consists of forty members who are classmates. It is functional for all members because all information about our courses is available there. It might be the books, assignment, examination, and registration. They use English in every status and dialog of this group although a little of them uses Indonesian.

The researcher uses the data from the utterance written by the entire members of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS. The researcher also the member of the group which she might follows the communication inside the group.

3.3 Subjects/ Participants

This data was taken from the conversation on facebook group. The subjects are the entire member on facebook group. They are 48 people inside. However not all of the member or a half of them about 20 people did not always followed this conversation on facebook group. Therefore, the participants are the member whom follow the conversation. The participants in this conversation comes from some different background such as from senior high school, vocational school, boarding school, and an employee.

3.4 Data Collection

To collect the data, the following steps were done:



2. Copying the conversation posted by the entire members of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.

3. Print out the conversation posted by the entire members of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.

4. Observing the conversation posted by the entire members of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.

5. Taking note on the utterances spoken by the members of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.

6. Identifying the data into five types of illocutionary acts.

7. Arranging the process of the reader recognizing the illocution that delivered by the speaker.

3.5 Research Instrument

Research instrument is very important to obtain the data. In this research, the researcher was the one who identifed, observed, and analyzed the data. Piantanida (1999) stated that the researcher is as much a part of the inquiry as the intent to the study and the inquiry process. The engagement with the researcher as research instrument notion is depend on the researcher worldview.

3.6 Data Analysis



theories book related to the topic, the researcher analyzed the data systematically as follows:

1. Identifying the illocutionary acts that appear on group Facebook of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.

2. Classifying the illocutionary acts that appear on group Facebook of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.

3. After identifying and classifying the data the next step was drawing the tables. The table showed the summary of illocutionary acts delivered by the entire member of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS on

Facebook group. The researcher uses „initial names’ for each participants

in the data. It is used to protect their privation from the undesireble things. The initial name of participants also written in bold form. Then, the researcher typed the utterances which cathegorized in illocutionary acts by bold and italic writting. The last, the researcher gives the symbol ( √ ) in the table kind of illocutionary acts in every utterance that suitable with the characteristic in illocutionary acts.

Table 3.1

Sample table of the illocutionary acts emerge on Facebook group of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.

No Date Data

Illocutionary acts


1. 15 April, 2015



C: commisive illocutionary acts DL: declarative illocutionary acts

4. Finding out the process of reader/hearer recognizing the illocution that delivered by the writer/speaker on Facebook group of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS.




In this chapter, the analysis focused on the finding and discussion. The writer analyzed the illocutionary acts that emerge on Facebook group of English Department Students, ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS. By focusing the illocutionary acts, the writer could answer the statement of problems in this study. Those statements of problems are the types of illocutionary acts that emerge on Facebook group of English Department Students, ASIA AREK SI A SEVEN WONDERS and the second the process of the reader recognize the illocutionary force delivered by the writer on Facebook group of English Department Students, ASIA AREK SI A SEVEN WONDERS on Facebook group.

The writer divided this chapter into two main parts. The first parts of this chapter, the data finding of classification of illocutionary acts. The writer analyze based on the speech acts theories proposed by John Searle (1976), which classified in five categories they are assertives, directives, commisives, expressive, and declarations. The second parts, the writer provided the discussion which contained the process of gathering information on the illocutionary force.




4.1.1 Kind of Illocutionary Acts that emerge on Facebook group

There are five kinds of illocutionary acts; assertives, commisives, directives, declaratives, and commisives. Here are the samples as follow: Assertive

Assertive deals with the speaker believe to be the case or not. As the purpose of assertive is to commit the speaker (in varying degrees) to something’s being the case, to the truth of the expressed issue (Searle, 1976). The example of assertive are informing, deducing, complaining, and concluding. The below data are categorized as assertive as the illocutionary force informing. In this conversation mostly found some utterance that informs the reader about information. This information consists of two parts they are fact and opinion which can be seen from below explanation.

Datum 1

Asy: Heh guys you absolutely know right that the accreditation of our English Department is C? Then u knows right what happens if we try to look for job, scholarship, magister... [1]

JIA: yeah, I heard got C, it’s really worry for us [2] Asy: It can be B [3]

LD: Not a big trouble [4]



believed that this information will affect their future especially in occupation and the later education.

Related to the utterance in 1, this conversation commented on information about the status of accreditation. Here, [3] utterance believed that this status could be change in to B,. While different with [3] utterance, [4] utterance considered

that it’s not really important to be worry. By this brief explanation the above

conversation is kind of assertives illocutionary acts because it contained information of their own belief.

Datum 2

FH: I have question to answer..

I have submitted the proposal title..May I change my object in my proposal with the remain theory? [1]

DCC:yes you can changed it [2]

This data taken from 31 Oktober 2014. The conversation above contained an assertives illocutionary acts. It is on [2] utterance. In [2] utterance the writer directly answers the question although she did not really understand the rule. Therefore, this utterance was believe or opinion which the writer did not ask to the others first to clarify the truth.

Datum 3

SL: Not in Monday , but in Tuesday I think, at second period...but I don’t know which class is...or maybe u can join another class at Friday in second period...if u want.

This data taken from 10 September 2014. In this utterance contained assertives illocutionary acts. The writer gave information on the date of their

program. In other hand the word „I think’ made the information did not accurate



Datum 4

SB: Guys...this is the suggestion from ma’am Z to our proposal: Technical matters.

A. Use align „left‟ for every title of our content, no need to put in the

„center‟. Ex: put the title of „background of study in the left side...

This data taken from 17 June 2014. The bold utterance above describes the technical matters in writing proposal. Here the writer wanted to give explanation on how to make the right proposal. Therefore, it justified as assertives as the used of statement of the fact that is describing the information. Commissives

Commissives is kind of illocutionary acts which use to commit the speaker to some future action. The speaker usually expresses promises, threats, refusals, and pledges agreeing, betting, guaranteeing, inviting, offering, promising,

swearing, volunteering (Yule, 1996). The speaker’s intention is to make the world

fit the words. In this data the researcher only found one commissive category with the illocutionary force promising.

Datum 1

UP: ok, but I'll send my ppt in your email and please share in this group. gimme your email address [1]

IC:Nashruddinmedan@yahoo.com [2]

AV:Thanks UP, I'll upload it next morning [3]


37 Directives

Directive is a kind of speech acts that is used by the speaker to get the listener performs what speaker wants. Directives also define as asking the hearer to do something. With the use of directive, the addresser attempts to get the addressee to do some actions as the speaker wants. This kind of speech act expresses commands, orders, requests, and suggestions (Yule, 1996).

Datum 1

ASY: At least if we can graduate with the acreditation is B, it will help us in future (if u agree with me). So please do not only focus on your thesis but help me to always ask mr. Kj as the head of Eng.Dept

when you meet him at campus about the acreditation‟s progress..

for me, my thesis will not help me enough when i graduated from major that the acreditation is C. Be aware guys with our acreditation... itu sangat sensitifbuatkitakedepan

This data taken from 15 April 2015. The above utterance is classified as directives illocutionary acts. As the characteristic of directives illocutionary acts that is the speaker use to get someone else to do something. It can be seen from the bold utterance „help me and ask’ which explain a request. The writer ordered to the reader to always find out information about their faculty accreditation. Datum 2

SB: ...Mr.M: NO take SKRIPSI next semester because it should be preceded by seminar .you can take KKN this smt, it is held in Jan-Feb 2015 (end of this smt)...

This data taken from 11 August 2014. The utterance above contained



first this utterance seems to give advice or suggestion. So, the illocutionary acts will be in choice to be done or not.

Datum 3

SL: Not in Monday, but in Tuesday I think, at second period...but I dont know which class is...or maybe u can join another class at Friday in second period...if u want.

In the above utterance the writer give a suggestion to the reader. The

utterance „ u can join another class’ this utterance contained suggestion which

inside also ask or order the reader to do that. Then, suggestion categorized as directives illocutionary acts.

Datum 4

AS: Have u looked at ELDAF about mam I announcement? Is the direction of that info is for our class?

This utterance contained an indirect illocutionary force because the performative verb didn’t directly appear. It became directive from the type of sentence which is interrogative and a sign question mark. So, this utterance used

to ask the reader to answer the writer’s question.

Datum 5

SL: here I attack 3 files of world literature Novel...dont forget to submit the essay in 19 JUNE 2014, until 00.00 WIB send it to hutaminestiani@ gmail.com please write the subject in (mail)=name-class in your essay, dont forget to give the title



function to get someone else to do something. So, it is why this utterance categorizes as directives illocutionary acts.

Datum 6

SL: Hello my sweet hearted friends...come and join this event for you who want to know more about how to be a good writer and for you who fan of RadityaDika..this is a chance for you to meet directly...spent your Saturday to come in...thankyouu

This data taken from 16 Mei 2014. The above utterance consist of two performative verbs they are come and join which both two words are used to ask the reader to do something. Here the writer wanted to invite the reader in one of seminar. Therefore, it become directive illocutionary acts.

Datum 7

SB: Then, do not look for job, but make your own business [1] LD: Agree with SB..your study not for looking a job but creat it..[2]

This data taken from 15 April 2015. There are two reasons on why those utterances is categorized as directives illocutionary acts. It can be seen from the [1] bold utterance which mean as forbidding by the word „do not’. Then, the [2] bold utterance which mean as agreement as the word „agree’. So, these utterances contained ordering by the meaning of forbidding. Declaratives

Declaration is a kind of speech act that change status of something or someone. The speaker changes status via its words or utterance (Yule, 1996). Datum 1

IWK: Hey admin! Could you like to give the word Wonders after the

word seven? Coz we’ve been through wonderful semesters! Isn’t



ADN: done

This data taken from 21 August 2014. This conversation describe about the one who is the administration of ASIA (AREK SI A) SEVEN WONDERS on Facebook group that directly added the name of their group only by her sentence. Therefore, this conversation categorize as declaratives illocutionary acts. Expressive

Expressive is a kind of speech act that states what the speaker feels or reveals the psychological attitude to a condition. This kind of speech act expresses statements of pleasure, pain, like, dislikes, joy, or sorrow (Yule, 1996). In this conversation the participants mostly used expressing of gratitude.

Datum 1

IWK: As the head of second group, I‟d like to say sorry cause we cannot send our file. Therefore, my computer is broke. Thanks. Datum 2

IWK: Oh, you answered AM’s question...sorry

This data taken from 10 September 2014. The two data are classified as expressive illocutionary acts. Those utterance uses psychological attitude which

showed the speaker’s feelings. Those feelings are gratitude and apologize.

4.1.2 The Process of Recognizing The Intended Illocutionary Force

Illocutionary force is the concrete example of illocutionary acts. It also defines as an utterance that produces as the result of illocutionary acts. Yule

stated (1996) illocutionary force is what is „count as’, means the utterance can be



Yule also stated (1996) IFID is used to recognize the intended illocutionary force. There are devices used to indicate the illocutionary acts; stress, punctuation, the mood of the verb and performative verb. The data are written conversation which does not use the correct grammatical rule. Sometimes the stress and punctuation do not enough used to analyses so, to obtain the actual evidence the researcher added some others relevant theories such as context.

From the data posted on April 3, 2014 – April 15, 2015 on Facebook group the researcher found some intended illocutionary force inside. Below the data and discussion as follow:

Datum 1

Asy: Heh guys you absolutely know right that the accreditation of our English Department is C? Then u knows right what happens if we try to look for job, scholarship, magister...

The context of the utterance:

Participant: The writer is ASY. He is the member of the group. In the college, he is the leader of one of the organization in our faculty. Therefore, he almost knew whole information in our faculty. The reader was the entire member of the group. Topic: the topic of this utterance was about the accreditation of our faculty. Purpose: inform the reader on the information about the accreditation which influence their future action.

The illocutionary force indicating device (IFID)



grammar do not have any sense. However, the researcher interpreted that the writer of this utterance do not only sign this utterance is end but it might has an intended sign such as asking to the reader the solution of this problem and ask the reader to only realize on this important of this information. The mood of the verb: The writer used interrogative sentence as the mood of the verb which means it is indicative. Performative verb: there is no performative verb in this utterance because the writer used indirect speech acts which mean the verb not direcly found. However, this sentence can be add the word hereby that become “I hereby tell you that the accreditation of English Department is C.” So, the performative

verb of this utterance is „telling’. In addition, the writer wrote some stress in

above utterance. It can be seen from the phrase “know right that the accreditation

of our English Department is C? Then u knows right” the writer stressed his

utterance in the word „right’ which sign the reader knew about something and the

capital letter of „C’ which can be justify that the writer intend to show the reader

about the C letter which take a deep influence on their next future.



from the punctuation there is question mark. It means asking the reader about the important of this information.

Datum 2

ASY: At least if we can graduate with the acreditation is B, it will help us in future (if u agree with me). So please do not only focus on your thesis but help me to always ask Mr. KJ as the head of Eng.Dept

when you meet him at campuS about the acreditation‟s progress.. for me, my thesis will not help me enough when i graduated from

SB: Then, do not look for job, but make your own business [5] LD: Agree with SB.your study not for looking a job but creat it..[6]

The context of the utterance:

Participant: all of the participants above are the member of the group. The topic was about the important of accreditation of the faculty. The purpose of this conversation was to pursue the reader to doing something to know the progress of the accreditation.

The illocutionary force indicating device (IFID)

Punctuation: [1] utterance used some punctuation inside utterance. There are comma which is mark a slight break between different parts of the sentence,

brackets in the utterance „if u agree with me’ this means the writer wanted to

separate the sentence that isn’t essential to the meaning of the rest of the sentence,



of his utterance to make a command. Then different with [2], [4], [5] and [6] utterance that used indicative to only express their dissapoinment and denial. Performative verb: [1] utterance used the word help and ask as the performative verb. [5] utterance used the word make as the performative verb.

Related to above data which also talk about the faculty accreditation but this conversation stress their conversation in unfirming perception. It is because the stress word in [3] utterance which show that ASY want the accreditation change in to B. But he also put brackets in [1] utterance which written (if you agree) means he make an option. Then, it contained two performative verbs they are help and ask. So, this utterance is kind of directives illocutionary acts. It also can be seen from the mood of the verb that used subjunctive which contained allusion and agreement to make the reader conscious of the important of the status of accreditation. So that the writer can insert what he wanted. If it is seen from the punctuation the writer looks as giving information but then in the middle became ordering statement. Clearly, the writer wanted to invite the reader to aware of this kind of problem then he wanted their help to only survey it. However, it was not well accepted because they did not really interest on it. So, the intended illocutionary force in this utterance is inviting and ordering.

Datum 3

FH: I have question to answer..

I have submitted the proposal title..May I change my object in my proposal with the remain theory? [1]



Participant: all of the participants above are the member of the group. The topic of this conversation was about proposal. The purpose of this conversation was getting the answer of the problem.

The illocutionary force indicating device (IFID):

Punctuation: [1] utterance used some full stops traditionally as the sign of the end of the sentence. These full stops written after the word „title’ then he follows it by a complicated question which must be answered by the authorized people. So, these full stops also have a function as the sign that the writer hesitate to ask. It is because this statement consists of a question that must be answered by the authority people. Then he also used question mark which indicate that the writer wanted to ask something. The mood of the verb: [1] utterance used imperative mood, [2] utterance used imperative mood that used in command. The performative verbs: [1] utterance used the verb „answer’ then [2] utterance used

the verb „changed’.

The above utterances are directives illocutionary acts because it consists of performative verb. There are “answer and changed”. Afterword, the intended illocutionary force of them is asking and ordering. The intended meaning of that utterance is the writer wanted to get the information about the proposal by asking a question. Then, the reader directly accepts it by answering it. It can be proofed through the mood of the verb. However, the reader respond didn’t follow opinion that she has been done that.

Datum 4



AV: ASY///ASY..OS...OS....give your hand please...[2]

The context of the utterance

Participant: both the writer and the reader are the member of the group. The topic of this conversation was one of important file. The purpose of this conversation is

to inform the reader that he can’t send the file because of something.

Illocutionary force indicating device (IFID)

Punctuation: [1] used comma as the sign of a slight break between the different sentence, full stop as mark the end of a sentence. In other hand, [2] used some slash and full stops after the name of person which in correct grammar doesn’t have any sense. Those full stops written after the name of man which in oral conversation used to call someone. So, this utterance might consist of oral conversation that written by social media. The mood of the verb: [1] used the verb tell that apparent of fact which in the mood of the verb called indicative. This utterance tells the reader about the writer condition. It can be seen from hereby test “Ihereby tell you that my computer is broke”. Then, [2] used a performative verb ask which in the mood of the verb called imperatives. As the hereby test “ I

hereby ask you to give your hand”. Performative verb: [1] used indirect speech

acts because he did not take the direct command in his utterance. However, if it

added with the word „hereby’ this utterance might have a performative verb. “I

hereby tell you that I can’t send my file”. Different with [1] utterance, [2] directly

used a performative verb that was „give’.



he also indirectly inform to the reader on his condition. It seen from the use of indicative mood of the verb and the performative verb tell which means giving information. As the process of identifying illocutionary force above it can be concluded that [1] not only wanted the reader to only read but he wanted the reader take an action after the posted information. Fortunately, it can accepted by [2] utterance by asking to OS and ASY to „give their hands’ which means help us. Datum 5

AV: Dear, my friends of group 1-4 psycholing, would u mind to share ur ppt presentation to ease our study for next midterm?[1]

UP: ok, but i'll send my ppt in your email and please share in this group. gimme your email address[2]

IC:Nashruddinmedan@yahoo.com [3]

AV:Thanksukik, I'll upload it next morning[4]

The context of the utterance:

All participants in this conversation were the member of the group. The topic of this conversation was about the submitting a file. This file was important to the other group. At that time there was exam which the material came from the presentation of each group in the class from the whole semester. Therefore, they collect this ppt material. The purpose of this conversation was to collect one of file in the group.

The illocutionary force indicating device (IFID)



imperative as the used of the word „share’ which also become the performative

verb. [2] used indicative as the used of the statement of fact under the

performative verb „send’. Then, [3] also used indicative as her information.

Based on above information, those conversations contains of two illocutionary acts. There are declarative, and commisive. The writer in this conversation wrote some performative word that relate to directive. Then, as the time line showed it became commisive. By this conversation the writer wanted to get a file from the hearer. The word „share’ strengthens it. Afterword, this utterance could be well accepted by the posted answer from UP and IC that promise to share the file and give information of the email address where it will be sent. discussing with u all to decide the time but we consider truly because we just enter the class in Monday and Tuesday. So finally... the psycholinguistics for a class will be off in this Friday, and started in next Monday,, at c2.203..thanks for reading happy Wednesday [1] AM: Thanks for inform. Are other class at Monday too?? Cz i hve lesson at third too [2]

SL: Not in Monday , but in Tuesday i think, at second period...but i dont know which class is...or maybe u can join another class at Friday in second period...if u want.[3]

IWK: What?!!Tuesday? how dare you change the day?!! [4]

SL: Maksudnya ...kelasseninitukelasAdoang!!!kalomauikutkelas lain adahariselasa, smjumat...dibaca oh!!!! [5]

IWK: Oh, you answered AM’s question...sorry [6]


 Table 3.1


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