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PROS Candradewi WA, Herman K developing group investigation fulltext


Academic year: 2017

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candradewi .wahyu @ gmail.com lionelvakin@ gmail.com


Poetry was one of the requirement subjects in the undergraduate program of English Department. Giving a report assignment in Poetry class was a good task for assessing students' ideas toward their poetry materials. However, the students found a barrier in writing their report. Indeed, the lecturer had to apply an effective teaching method to overcome the barrier. Dealing with this issue, this study was conducted to develop group investigation in writing a report of poetry class and to examine the practicality and efficiency of group investigation. This study was held at English Department of Islamic Sultan Agung University Semarang (UNISSULA). The type of this study was research and development design. The participants of this study were the lecturer and the students of poetry class at UNISSULA. Questionnaire, interview, and observation were used to collect the data. The study showed the lecturer had good response to the development of using poetry group investigation in writing a report of poetry class. The lecturer viewed that poetry group investigation was a good choice to lead his students to think carefully and cooperatively each other. It could be concluded that poetry group investigation was practicality and efficiency helped students in writing a report of poetry class. It made the students to be active, participated and helped students to become independent learners.

Keywords: group investigation, writing a report, poetry



assignments make the students have the sense of critical thinking for interpreting the literary works, particularly in poetry. According to Kellem (2009), a poetry covers a source of content-rich reading material; a model of creative language in use; a way to introduce vocabulary in context; and a way to focus students' attention on English pronunciation, rhythm, and stress.

Poetry is one of the requirement subjects in the undergraduate program of English Department. The lecturer usually gives a poetry assignment in which assesses the students' interpretation. Broughton (1999) states assessment methods should pursue the need of the poetry activity. The assessment measures covers creative drama, puppets, writing projects, or other media. Moreover, the lecturer tends to give the students writing projects in poetry class. Dealing with the writing report assignment, students tend to feel anxious since they find difficulties in pouring their ideas into written forms. It happens when the lecturer assesses the students by giving writing assignments. Since poetry deals with literature aspect, the students get barrier in writing the poetry report. However, students need to grasp the poetry in order to fulfill the assessment in poetry class.


to work cooperatively. Zingaro (2008) propose the description of group investigation steps, as follows:

1. The lecturer gives a problem to the class, and students choose an interest group (grouping).

2. Groups plan their investigation, the procedures, tasks and goals consistent with the chosen subtopic (planning).

3. Groups do the investigation (investigating). 4. Groups organize their presentation (organizing). 5. Groups conduct the presentation (presenting).

6. The lecturer and students evaluate the investigation and resulting presentations (evaluating).

Regarding to the idea of implementing group investigation in writing the poetry report, it can be considered that there will be additional steps of group investigation since it deals with poetry. This study develops the group investigation in writing a report of poetry class. Poetry Group Investigation (PGI) is developed into nine steps in which cover reading, mapping, grouping, planning, investigating, organizing, writing, sharing and evaluating. The purposes of the study are to develop the group investigation in writing a report of poetry class and to examine the practicality and efficiency of group investigation. The study are guided by two research question: Why is a group investigation needed to be developed in writing poetry report?, How is a group investigation developed in writing poetry report?, How is the practical and effectiveness of developing group investigation in writing poetry report?


media, especially for teachers and learners and also to be able to be used as the result of this study for further study. Practically, PGI as a technique, it is believed that the students of English Department will be encouraged to write the poetry report. Doing PGI, it is expected that the students will be active, encourage them to share their own ideas toward poetry. Pedagogically, referring to the nature of this technique, it is believed that PGI can provide valuable contribution in improving the classroom environment. If the students are motivated, they will try to explore what they have thought and make them to write. As the result, they will participate more in the teaching and learning process and become independent learners. METHODOLOGY

Research and Development Study

This study used research and development. Research and development has been defined as a numerical method of describing observations of materials or characteristics (Gall et al. 2003). According to Akker (1999), there are four steps in research and development, those are:

Preliminary investigation ^ r

Theoretical embedding i r

Empirical testing 1

Documentation, analysis, and reflection on process and outcome Figure 1: Steps of research and development.

1. Preliminary Investigation


Literature study is a study to learn the concepts of theories about the model of being developed.

1.2 Field Survey

Field surveys are conducted to gather data regarding the planning and the implementation of group investigation in learning poetry within the classroom. Data are collected through interviews, questionnaires, documentary studies, and observations in the classroom directly when lecturers teach directly in the classroom.

1.3 Drafting Products

Draft product is based on the data that have been gathered from field surveys and referring to the basics theory or concepts. First, other techniques and group investigation are combined. After getting a new product that Poetry Group Investigation (PGI) which is developed by giving additional activities, mappings the groups are done by lecturer. In one hand, the lecturer handles the classroom and guides the students in applying group investigation.

On the other hand, the lecturer has several roles for motivating the students, leading the students, and making mind mapping to the students in doing group investigation. After finishing drafting the product, the lecturer applies this product that is Poetry Group Investigation (PGI).

2, Theoretical Embedding


classroom is not participating. In learning process, lecturer has roles as designer, facilitator and guide in the learning process.

A cooperative learning method has several types, namely write-pair-share (WPS), Group Investigation (GI), Students Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD), Teams-Games-Toumament (TGT), Team Assisted Individualized (TAI) and Jigsaw (Isjoni, 2009). One of its interesting types is group investigation. Group investigation is an organizational technique that allows a class to work actively and collaboratively in small groups and enables students to take an active role in determining their own learning goals and processes. Group investigation technique requires the students to form small interest groups, plan and implement their investigation, synthesize the group members' findings, and make a presentation to the entire class (Isjoni, 2009).

Group investigation is viewed as a good choice to be developed into a new product that is Poetry Group Investigation (PGI). Adopting and developing this technique, the lecturer is expected to be able to run the teaching learning process effectively, especially in teaching a poetry report.

3, Empirical Testing


4, Documentation, Analysis, Reflection on Process and Outcome

In implementing PGI, the documentation of applying PGI is got as the data. Furthermore, the next step is analyzing the implementation of PGI and the process of running PGI. Finally, the outcome of applying PGI in the poetry class in making a poetry report is revealed.

Context of the Study and Participants

This study was conducted at English Department of Sultan Agung Islamic University in an English Poetry class. The class consisted of 38 students. This study employed one poetry class's lecturer and 38 students of poetry class.

Instrument of Data Collection

Observations, documentary, questionnaire, and interview are used in order to acquire sufficient data. The results of the data acquired were in the appendices (see appendices).


This part covers the findings of the study based on the instruments of data collection. The description as the following:

A. Poetry Group Investigation (PGI)

Group Investigation (GI) Poetry Group Investigation (PGI)


Grouping -> Planning -> J Investigating


Organizing -> Presenting -> Evaluating


Reading ^Mapping -^Grouping ->


Planning-> ^Investigating^



Regarding to Figure 2, there were different number of the steps. In common group investigation, they were six steps applied. PGI in writing poetry report covered nine steps. The nine steps were explained as below:

1. Reading

Before the lecturer divided the students into several groups, the lecturer read the whole sentences or stanza in the poetry. Afterwards, he generally interpreted the poetry. The aim of reading the whole poetry was to activate the students' schemata related to the topic.

2. Mapping

The lecturer made a mapping to divide the students into several groups. The function of mapping was to know the ability of each student in order to become a balanced group.

3. Grouping

The lecturer divided the students into small groups which consisted of four to five students which had the same ability.

4. Planning

The lecturer gave an instruction to the students to do the poetry based on the questions, those were: What does the poem tell us about?, What is or are the subject in the poem?, What lesson can you take from the poem?, What is your impression about this poem?, What is the author's background?. All the questions were given by the lecturer to know how the students investigated the poem and made a poetry report. 5. Investigating


in order to get the final appropriate answer relating to the questions. On the other hands, the others members could share their own knowledge to the group, and discussed their opinions with others. The best answer would be agreed by the group. 6. Organizing

The best answer had been already got by the groups. After getting the answer the groups had to make a report based on the topic available and the given questions by the lecturer. In organizing step, the students should organize the answer to be report poetry. Some groups might answer the questions based on the number, while some groups might answer the questions and arranged the answer into a paragraph. 7. Sharing

After organizing the best answer of each question, the students tried to share the answer with the members; afterwards the students shared the answer with other groups. In this step, they tried to share their opinion to other groups relates to the decision of their discussion. When they were going to share their ideas with other groups, they tried to explore their findings.

8. Evaluating


9. Writing

The students should make a report in writing form. By doing sharing and evaluating they would get more information relates to the poetry. Finally, as their assignment the students made a poetry report writing.

Poetry Group Investigation (PGI) had been implemented successfully in the poetry class. Based on the classroom observation, the lecturer applied PGI and the students actively joined the classroom activity. Therefore, PGI could help the students' writing a poetry report, because they shared their own ideas with their members in a group, discussed their ideas and finally the best decision of answering questions had been already got by the group.

B. The practicality and efficiency of Poetry Group Investigation

The practicality and efficiency of PGI derived to the two points, those covered benefits of the developed group investigation, the lecturer and students' perspectives toward PGI in writing poetry report.

1. Benefits of Poetry Group Investigation

Based on the data acquired, it was found that PGI gave several advantages. The benefits cover the answer of each question would be better, since it was another student' ideas, then sharing their ideas, and evaluating their ideas based on their findings of each group. Besides, other students got a chance to share their own ideas in the group or even in the evaluating session.

2. Lecturer's Perspectives


was leading the students to make report poetry by getting the explanation from the lecturer, then analyzed the poetry generally. The lecturer viewed that PGI helped the students to investigate poetry and motivated the students to write a poetry report. The interview result could be seen as follows:

Extract 1: Interview with Mr. Sam (pseudonym)

"Group investigation helped the students in investigating a poetry. In doing some investigations, it was believed that by applying group investigation the problem could be solved. Besides, group investigation also motivated the students to write a poetry report. The roles of the lecturer were motivator, guide, and facilitator."

There was a different viewpoint applying PGI and not applying PGI in the classroom. When the lecturer did not apply group investigation, the students found difficulties in writing poetry report since they did not share their ideas, they did not argue and only some students who involved actively in the group.

Therefore, some students who engaged actively in a classroom activity, they got good scores. By using PGI, the students argued their own ideas then they shared their own ideas to the group and finally they got comprehensible feedbacks from other groups.

The lecturer stated that PGI lead his students to think carefully and cooperatively each other. The lecturer's feeling after applying PGI was happy. It seemed that he would apply PGI in the classroom.

Exract 2 : Interview with Mr. Sam (pseudonym)


3, Students' Perspectives

Below is the chart of students' perception based on the given questionnaires. Some of them may agree, strongly agree, disagree, strongly disagree with the statements relates to PGI. Here is the chart:

30 25 20 15 10

Strongly A Agree Disagree Strongly D

sy o?


o? &

A o?

rt> rS- & <y

Figures 3: Chart of Student' Questionnaires

The following number reflected the question numbers. It could be concluded from each question of Figure 3 as the following:

1. Writing a poetry report is difficult.

Students felt difficulties in writing poetry report. It could be seen in the chart above. The number was the highest. They all agreed (23 students) that writing poetry report was difficult.

2. I know group investigation previously.


3. After joining PGI, I think I can write the poetry report easily.

Based on the result of the given questionnaires, after joining PGI the students could write the poetry report easily (27 students). Besides, some of them declared they disagreed (8 students) that after joining PGI they could not write the poetry report easily, they got difficulties in writing poetry report.

4. PGI helps me to do my poetry's writing report.

Almost all students agreed (28 students) that PGI helped them to do their poetry's writing report.

5. I involve actively in discussing of our PGI.

25 students stated that they involved actively in discussing of their PGI. Few of them (9 students) stated that they did not involve actively in discussing of their PGI. 6. All the members of our group share our ideas about the topic.

27 students agreed that they were discussing and sharing their ideas relating to the topic. 5 students stated strongly agreed that they shared their ideas in the group investigation. 6 students stated disagreed that they did not share their ideas.

7. PGI helps me to be more active in group discussion.

25 students agreed that PGI helped them to be more active in group discussion. 7 students stated strongly agreed that PGI helped them to be more active in group discussion. However, 5 students stated that PGI did not help them to be more active in group discussion.


20 students stated that PGI helped them to participate in a group. Then 10 students stated that they strongly agreed PGI helped them to participate in a group. 6 students disagreed that PGI helped them to participate in a group.

9. PGI is practicality and efficiency helps me in writing a report of poetry.

19 students stated that PGI was practicality and efficiency helped them in writing a report of poetry. Then, 10 students also stated that they strongly agreed that PGI was practicality and efficiency helped them in writing a report of poetry. 6 students stated they disagreed about the practicality and efficiency of group investigation in writing a report of poetry.

10. Group investigation makes me become independent learner.

20 students responded that PGI made them became independent learner. 10 students stated strongly agreed that PGI made them became independent learner. Then, 8 students disagreed that PGI made them became independent learner.

Based on the students' perspective toward PGI, it could be stated that the students got several benefits in joining PGI. PGI helped the students to write a poetry report. The students were active in enganging PGI. Besides, PGI made the students become independent learners.



active in joining the classroom activities, and PGI helped students become independent learners.


Broughton, M. G. (1998). Poetry ideas: Who am I? Integrating Poetry in All Curriculum Areas. Retrieved September 2nd, 2014

from http://www.ceap.wcu.edu/Broughton/Poetryunit.html

Gall, M. D., Borg, W. R., & Gall, J. P. (2003). Educational research: An introduction (7th ed.). White Plains, NY: Longman.

Hartati,E.K. (2013). The Use of Group Investigation to Improve the Students 'Motivation in Reading Comprehension. Post Graduate Program of English Language Education Semarang State University.

Isjoni. (2009). Pembelajaran Kooperative. Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar.

Kellem, H.2009. The Formeaning Response Approach: Poetry in the EEL Classroom. English Teaching Forum, 47 (4), 12-17.

Richard, J.C. & Rodgers, T.S. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. (2nd ed). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Sharan, Y., and Sharan,S.1992. Expanding Cooperative Learning through Group Investigation. Cochester, VY: Teachers College Press.


Van den Akker, J. (1999). Principles and Methods of Development Research. Dortrech: Kluwer Academic Publisher.

Zingaro, Daniel. 2008. Group Investigation: Theory and Practice. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Toronto: Ontario.


Appendix 1 : Questionnaire form Questionnaire

Name :

Please identify the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about Group Investigation in Writing a Poetry Report. Give check [ V ] to your choice ; Strongly Agree [SA], Agree [A], Disagree [D], Strongly Disagree [SD]. This will not affect your grade.

No Statements SA A D SD

1 Writing a poetry report is difficult. 2 I know group investigation previously.

3 After joining Poetry Group Investigation, I think I can write the poetry report easily.

4 Poetry Group Investigation helps me to do my poetry's writing report.

5 I actively involve in discussing of our Poetry Group Investigation

6 All the members of our group share our ideas about the topic. 7 Poetry Group Investigation helps me to be more active in group


8 Poetry Group Investigation helps me to participate in a group discussion

9 Poetry Group Investigation helps me in writing a report of poetry practicality and efficiency.


Appendix 2 : Semi-Structured Interview Guide Name of interviewee

Date of interview Start time

End time Opening

Interview Questions

1. Do you think that your students find difficulty in writing the poetry report? 2. What do you think about poetry group investigation in your poetry class? 3. What is the difference between applying PGI and not applying PGI in

students' writing the poetry report?

4. Is PGI a way to lead your students to think carefully and cooperatively each other? Why is it so?

5. What are the benefits of PGI?


Appendix 3 : Documentary of Poetry Group Investigation 1. Reading



3. Grouping 7. Sharing


4. Planning and 5. Investigating 8. Evaluating

It1 Organizing



Appendix 4: The poem for PGI

The Eagle

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson) He clasps the crag with crooked hands;

Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ringed with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He watches from his mountain walls,

And like a thunderbolt he falls.

Appendix 5: Sample of Students' Poetry Writing Report


The Eagle

The eagle is a bird that is dashing brave, has strong body, and sharp claws that is made. The eagle into incredible bird. The eagle fa;;s as if a thunderbolt when he was seeing from on the top of mountain walls. I got a lesson from the poem that as strong though as any of us would certainly fall too.

The poem present stunning image of a creature that impresses the readers of how powerful the bird is. This poem created by Alfred Lord Tennyson. This poem like the poem by Stephen that has fulfilled his purposes by selecting and arranging words that by association and rhytm subtly bring us the sight, sound, and movement of wave of the sea.


The Eagle

The eagle is the great kinds of bird. He is so strong with 2 wings. Because he want to search a freedom and explore the words, enjoy the world and cross the sea. The lesson can we learn from the poem is although we live alone we must able to stiff and keep our life. Freedom is the best way to explore the world in our life.


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