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The Key To Protecting Your Money


Academic year: 2017

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476 Summary:

Have you ever experienced a major paradigm shift? You know, the kind where you think you already know something about something...

But suddenly, you learn something new about that ’something’ that changes your whole perspective and outlook on the topic. If so, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Now, you know that something this powerful doesn’t happen everyday. But somehow you kind of wished it did. Right?

So, what if there was an almost-magical, top-se...


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Article Body:

Have you ever experienced a major paradigm shift? You know, the kind where you think you already know something about something...

But suddenly, you learn something new about that ’something’ that changes your whole perspective and outlook on the topic. If so, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Now, you know that something this powerful doesn’t happen everyday. But somehow you kind of wished it did. Right?

So, what if there was an almost-magical, top-secret way you could rest totally secure in the fact that your money was totally safe...and were absolutely sure that nothing bad would ever happen to you. What if your money constantly increased exponentially without you having to work a minute longer or a calorie harder? Wouldn’t that be really, really cool?

And on top of that...every time you faced a difficult situation you knew exactly what to do to get that breakthrough solution you happen to be need? Did you know that there is a rock-solid, scriptural principle that you can accept by faith and watch unfold before your very eyes!

Here it is:

"...Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house and test me now in this, "says the LORD of Hosts, "if I will not open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough for it. I will rebuke the devourer for you sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast its fruit before its time in the field," says the LORD of Hosts. Malachi 3:10,11

How powerful is that? All you have to do is tithe what you get and you will be blessed. All of your assets will be protected. This is way better than any kind of insurance you could purchase anywhere!

And on top of that, not only will you be protected, but the Living God (Creator of the entireuniverse) will open up the windows of heaven upon you, and pour out so many blessings upon you that you won’t have room enough to receive it all! How cool is that? What are you waiting for? Go pay your tithes!

Look at this way. If the Living God were to say to you right now, "Stand on your head for 15 minutes every day at 6:00 a.m. and you will exponentially increase the amount of money you make each week." Would you do it? I tell you what...I sure would. So, why do time-tested, proven concepts seem so difficult to comprehend? It’s like they’re hidden right in front of our eyes. All we have to do to see them is open up our eyes.

Open your eyes, and take a look around. You might be surprised at what you start to see.

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