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Analysis of The Functions of The Use of Code Switching in 'Family Planning in Rural West Java, The Serpong Project'.


Academic year: 2017

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Tugas akhir ini ditulis untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat kelulusan program sarjana di Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Kristen Maranatha.

Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya hendak menganalisis penggunaan code switching dalam buku Family Planning in Rural West Java. The Serpong Project. Teori linguistik yang digunakan dalam menganalisis code switching tersebut adalah Sosiolinguistik.

Dalam pembahasan ini saya menggunakan teori code switching yang dikembangkan oleh Koziol. Fungsi dari code switching tersebut adalah personalization, reiteration, designations (endearment and name calling), substitution (appositive), emphasis, clarification, objectivization, untranslatability, mitigating message, parenthesis, aggravating message, quotation, dan topic shift.

Dalam masyarakat bilingual, orang banyak menggunakan code switching dalam percakapan mereka, yakni percampuran bahasa dalam ujaran-ujaran mereka. Hal ini pun terjadi di Indonesia dengan mencampurkan bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa Inggris atau bahasa yang lainnya.


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ABSTRACT ... iii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background of the Study ... 1

Statement of the Problem ... 4

Purpose of the Study ... 4

Methods of Research ... 4

Organization of the Thesis ... 5








Table of Data

No Sentence Function

1 It is quite usual that Ibu camat initiates or at least participates in all kinds of activities in the fields of social welfare and informal education.


2 It is not without reason that the lurah is sometimes referred to as Bapak Masyarakat, as father of the people.

Untranslatability and Reiteration

3 The modern contraceptive methods are usually referred to as medicine against pregnancy

(‘obat anti hamil’), or to stop having children

(‘obat menyetop anak’).


4 In each neighborhood, there is at least one

langgar, a simple structure used for individual

prayer as well as for the popular Kor’an reciting session.

Substitution (Appositives)

5 Frequent daily transport to the towns is provided by the many enlarged jeeps (P.C) and station cars (oplet).


6 …in both areas, the married women wear the same colourful, traditional kain and kabaya.


7 He is the traditional democratic leader whose authority is based upon the principle of consensus or musyawarah.


8 The kyai starts his career as a student at a pesantren or pondok, a school and community

in which the religious students remain several years to study Islam under the guidance of

Untranslatability and Substitution


35 religious teacher.

At present, a large diversity in folk entertainment can be found in the area, including lenong, orkes

melayu, topeng, wayang golek, barongan, and

modern films…

Clarification and Untranslatability

…agreed that “Banyak anak, banyak rezeki” (children were a Divine blessing and brought wealth)…

Quotation and Reiteration

Western – style jeans and shirts are popular among teenage boys in the entire area, but in the orthodox Islamic areas they are often changed for the traditional sarung on religious occasions or at social public events.


The larger houses provide accommodation for communal meals, women’s clubs (arisan) and religious classes (pengajian).


The 144 traditional healers counted in Serpong include dukun urut, dukun jampi, dukun

ramuan, dukun perewangan, and dukun sunat.

Clarification and Untranslatability

Also the popularity of the communal meals (selamatan), held at the six highlights of the Islamic year as well as on many other occasions...


Unlike the appointed sub-district officer, the elected village head (lurah or kepala desa) is well-known among his subjects. The same is true for the assistant of the village head, pamong praja (the other members of the village leadership).

Substitution (Appositives) and Parenthesis

The regular occurrence of marriages between members of one hamlet and another ensures a situation in which two communities are affiliated by several marriage relationships (besan).


Vegetables which are often consumed include tamarind (sayur asam), swamp cabbage (sayur

kangkung) and Indonesian amaranth (sayur bayam)…


After the selamatan which ends this 40-day period, the woman is considered to be ‘bersih’ again.



The good power inside should be made to stay (the concept of semangat in Java), while the one outside is usually contracted for healing purpose.


The protest was also made that family planning was against the teachings of Islam. ‘Omong

kosong’ (Nonsense), said the same dukun…


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Background of the Study

Communication is very important for human beings as they communicate in order to share knowledge and experiences. In interacting with others, people use language, which is ‘the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country or the use by humans of a system of sounds and words to communicate.’ (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 721)

In a multi-cultural community, such as Indonesia, we often hear people talking using their vernacular languages. The way people talk and their preference of language are controlled by the social context. One can convey the same message to several different people in several different ways. It all depends on the social factors, such as the user of the language, the setting, the social distance, and the topic. (Holmes 23)


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exists among people who are able to speak more than one language. Those people often switch from one language to another to convey their ideas and hence, code switching is accepted as a normal phenomenon. The idea is supported by Milroy and Muysken (7), who state that code switching is the alternative use of language done by bilinguals in the same conversation.

This code switching phenomenon appears in various contexts. For instance, in a language classroom where teachers or lecturers often switch their language (English-Indonesia) to deliver the information to the student (Olcay), in a conversation among friends who are able to speak more than one language, and many others.

Code switching occurs not only in conversations but also in written forms such as letters, newspapers, magazines, and literary books. The writers tend to switch from one language to another. They insert or borrow words or sentences from another language.


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The writers of this book are members of the Serpong team consisting of sociologists, medical doctors (from Indonesia and the Netherlands), and also cultural anthropologists. Besides, the target audience of this book is not only people of Indonesia and the Netherlands, but also people elsewhere who are aware that multi-disciplinary research and evaluation constitute vital conditions for the adequate functioning of the health care system.

The book consists of nine chapters and in this discussion I only choose Chapter Three until Chapter Eight because in those chapters the writers write the report of the field research and therefore, I can get a lot of data of the use of code switching in those chapters. Chapters One, Two, and Nine are the introduction and conclusion of the report and the writers do not use a lot of code switching. Therefore, I do not analyze those chapters.


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Statement of the Problem

The problems that will be analyzed in this study are: 1. Which utterances in this book contain code switching? 2. What is the function of code switching in this book? 3. What is the purpose of using those functions?

Purpose of the Study

With reference to the above research problems, this study aims:

1. To find out the utterances which contain code switching in this book. 2. To know the function of code switching in this book.

3. To know the purpose of using those functions.

Method of Research


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Organization of the Thesis


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In this chapter, I would like to draw some conclusions based on my findings after discussing the functions of code switching in the previous chapter. Code switching occurs in Family Planning in Rural West Java. The Serpong Project. The writers write this particular book in two languages, which are English, as the main language, and Indonesian. I believe this happens because in the book the writers tell about the daily life in an area in Indonesia, which of course includes the people’s way of life and thinking as well as culture. I think this is an appropriate way as the book tells about the situation and condition of a certain area in Java, in which there are a lot of typical cultural concepts and customs which do not exist in Western culture. For example, the use of the code switched item sarung, which refers to “the traditional cloth with block patterns and usually used by orthodox Muslim men”, occurs because there is no equivalent word for sarung in the English language as the Western culture does not have that thing. Therefore, the writers leave the word in Indonesian.


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functions that are most often found in this book. There are ten Untranslatability functions found out of the twenty-seven functions of code switching that I have analyzed. Besides, I find seven functions of Reiteration. Untranslatability is the function which uses the word in the original language, while reiteration is the function which uses the same word in another language. These two ways, in my opinion, are the easiest functions of code switching among the fourteen functions available in Koziol’s theory. In Untranslatability, when an equivalent word does not exist in the main language used, a writer can just keep the word in the original language. Or, as in Reiteration, when the word exists in the main language, a writer can use both the word in the main language and the word in the original language so that the readers can also be made aware of the term in the original language.

Untranslatability is usually used for objects that are hard to express in English. In my opinion, in this book, there are a lot of Indonesian words that cannot be replaced by English words. This is caused by the fact that the words are related to Indonesian culture which does not exist in English culture; that is why there are no exact words in English. For instance, the word kebaya is untranslatable because it is one of the traditional clothes in Indonesia and there is no English word that can give an exact illustration of kebaya. I believe that the writers write the words in Indonesia in order that the readers will get an accurate reference of what is being talked about.


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want to be sure that their point is clearly conveyed. For example, in the word musyawarah, the writers write the same word again in English. Therefore, the readers know the meaning of musyawarah because in English musyawarah is known as principle of consensus. I think the word musyawarah must still be kept as it is such a well-known and widely-applied concept in Indonesia that the readers should know this term.

In my opinion, the function of Reiteration is the clearest way of code switching among all the functions available because the readers will get the exact meaning of the word. Compared with the function of substitution (appositives), I think it is more specific. Substitution (appositives) only gives definition and further identifies the noun. Besides, it can make the readers have a different interpretation. For the function of emphasis, it must have a certain implication, which is more difficult for the readers to catch what is being talked about. For the function of untranslatability, the readers themselves must look for the meaning of the words because the writers leave the words in the original language. Besides, not all readers are aware of what is talked about except when they know the culture or customs. Reiteration occurs when a speaker repeats exactly what he has said in another language to reemphasize his point and I think it is more efficient.


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Echols, John M. and Hassan Shadily. An Indonesian-English Dictionary. Cornell: Cornell University Press, 1989.

Holmes, Janet. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited, 2001.

Hornby, A. S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Milroy, L. and P. Musyken. One Speaker, Two Languages: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Code Switching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Electronic Publication:

Koziol, Marie Jessica. Code Switching Between Spanish and English in Contemporary American Society. St. Mary’s College of Maryland, May 2000.



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Primary Source:


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