Volume LVI
University of Agronomic Sciences
and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest
Faculty of Animal Science
x Stelian ACATINCĂI - University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat,
Timiúoara, Romania
x Vasco A.P. CADAVEZ - Departamento de Ciência Animal & Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO), Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança - Portugal Serghei CHILIMAR - Academy of Agricultural Sciences - Republic of Moldova
x Mioara COSTACHE - S.C.D.P. Nucet
x Daniel Severus DEZMIREAN - University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
x Georgeta DINIğĂ - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania x Cătălin DRAGOMIR - I.N.C.D.B.N.A. - Baloteúti
x Nicolae EREMIA - Agricultural State University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
x Horia GROSU - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania x Mihaela HĂBEANU - I.N.C.D.B.N.A. – Baloteúti
x Mostafa A.R. IBRAHIM - University of Kafrelsheikh, Egipt x Ondrej KADLECÍK - Slovak Agricultural University Nitra, Slovacia x Yusuf KONCA - Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
x Monica Paula MARIN - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania
x Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania
x Mircea POP - University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaúi, Romania
x Agata POPESCU - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania x Elena POPESCU – MICLOùANU - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of
Bucharest, Romania
x ùtefan POPESCU - VIFOR - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania
x Daniela RADU - S.C.D.P. Nucet
x Paul Rodian TĂPĂLOAGĂ - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania
x Ilie VAN - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania
General Editor: Prof. Ph.D. Gheorghe Emil MĂRGINEAN Executive Editor: Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Monica Paula MARIN
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania Address: 59 Mără܈ti, District 1, 011464 Bucharest, Romania
Phone: + 40 213 182 564, Fax: +40 213 182 888,
CERES Publishing House
Address: 1 Pia܊a Presei Libere, District l, Zip code 013701, Bucharest, Romania Phone: + 40 317 90 23, E-mail:, Webpage:
Copyright 2013
To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science, Volume LVI, 2013
The publishers are not responsible for the content of the scientific papers and opinions published in the Volume. They represent the authors’ point of view.
Identification of PIT-1 gen using PCR-RFLP and genetic evaluation of haching weight using paternal halb sib on indegenous breed singing cockerel Pelung - Sri Bandiati Komar PRAJOGA, Kundrat HIDAYAT, Perman IMAN ……… 11 Pastoralism and the Romanian history. Sheep breeds-people, languages, genes in Northern Carpathians and Pannonia Basin - Condrea DRAGANESCU ……….. 16 History of genetic evaluation methods in dairy cattle I. Daughter-dam comparisons - Horia GROSU, Sorin LUNGU, Pascal Anton OLTENACU ……….……… 25 Genetic diversity of Karya and Çine Çapari sheep - Onur YILMAZ, Ibrahim CEMAL, Orhan KARACA, Nezih ATA, Semih SEVIM, Mehmet OZTURK ………... 31 Birth weights and growth performances of hair goat kids raised in Denizli province of Turkey - Ibrahim CEMAL, Onur YILMAZ, Orhan KARACA ………... 36 Study of genetic diversity of three Portuguese cattle breeds by 93 micro satellite markers - Armandina ALMEIDA, José P. P. ARAÚJO, Ivica MEDUGORAC, Vasco A.P. CADAVEZ ……… 41 Calpastatin gene polymorphism in Çine Çapari and Karya sheep - Nezih ATA, Ibrahim CEMAL ……… 48 Genetic characterisation of populations of cattle of Holstein breed, cultivated in the Republic of Moldova - Alexandra KONSTANDOGLO, Valentin FOKSHA ……….. 52
Chemical composition and nutritional value of the fodder grown in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova - Larisa CAISIN, Vasile HAREA, Vasile VRANCEAN ………… 61 The metabolic utilization of iron and copper in the young swine organism - Monica MARIN, Dumitru DRAGOTOIU, Carmen NICOLAE, Georgeta DINITA, Iuliana MARIN…………... 67 Use of chrome trace for vital activities functions stimulation of Apis mellifera bee colonies - Valentina CEBOTARI, I. TODERAS, I. BUZU, V. RUDIC ………... 73 Effect of artificial molted brown laying hens on production of DHA enriched eggs - Natasha GJORGOVSKA, Kiril FILEV, Vasil KOSTOV, Vesna LEVKOV ……… 78 Characteristic and growth pattern of Brachiaria humidicola cv. tully underneath coconuts plantation - Selvie D. ANIS, M.A. CHOZIN, David A. KALIGIS ……….. 82 Investigation of L. monocytogenes – HEp-2 cells relationships by culture based and microscopy tools - Marius Eduard CAPLAN, Lorena Andreea MATEESCU ………...
Microelements and their chelate forms in nutrition of monogastric animals: a review - Vidica STANAûEV, Nikola PUVAýA, Dragan MILIû, Vladislav STANAûEV, Milanka DRINIû ……….. 90 The effect of feeding intervals on the level of glucose, triglyceride, percentageof abdominal fat and carcass quality on broiler chickens - Elvia HERNAWAN, Tuti WIDJASTUTI ……… 97 Nutritive evaluation of ammoniated Benggala grass and fermented Sago waste - Ronny A. V. TUTUROONG, SOEBARINOTO, HARTUTIK, Ch. KAUNANG ………..…………. 102 A study on babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa celebensis) in tropical forest of Northern part of Sulawesi - B. TULUNG, J.F. UMBOH, A.F. PENDONG ……… 107 Effect of free choice feeding based on emmer, triticale and wheat to japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) on performance, inner organs and intestinal viscosity - Yusuf KONCA, Selma BÜYÜKKILIÇ BEYZI ……….. 113
Protean nutrition optimization for cows with high milk production by using an unproteic natrium source associated with energy and mineral supplements - Roxana ARGHIRIADE, Dumitru DRĂGOTOIU, Monica MARIN, TomiĠa DRĂGOTOIU, Izabela OPREA ……... 120 Evaluation of fructan contents in the taproots of plants Lactuca serriola L.and Sonchus oleraceus L. - Nadezhda PETKOVA, Panteley DENEV ... 125
Studies on improving local sheep breeds fertility in Egypt - Mostafa Abdel Rahman
IBRAHIM ………... 135
Dynamicstudiesinbroilerchickennaturalimmunefactors- Tsvetoslav KOYNARSKI,
Lilyan SOTIROV ……….. 144
Maintenance of reproductive health when using mexidolin the course of a sperm
cryopreservation- Iulia CAZACOV, Melania BUCARCIUC, Gheorghe BORONCIUC, Ion
BALAN, Vladimir BUZAN, Nicolae ROùCA, Ion MEREUğA ……….. 148
Cervical insemination in Karya sheep - Orhan KARACA, Onur YILMAZ, Ibrahim
CEMAL ……….. 152
Molecular biology studies of protein synthesis and 45Ca transport in striated and
cardiac muscle of rabbits withexperimental glandulardys functions - Flory REVNIC,
Bogdan PALTINEANU, Gabriel PRADA, Gabriel Ovidiu DINU, Speranta PRADA, Cristian Romeo REVNIC, Cosmin ùONEA, Cătălina PENA ………... 157
Researchesregardingage,breedandcollectingseasoninfluencein qualityand quantity
boarssemen- Paul-Rodian TĂPĂLOAGĂ, Alexandru ùONEA, Alexandru IANCU, Elena
Milk quantityand qualityinadairyunit-studycase- Paul-Rodian TAPALOAGA …….. 166
Improvingrepeat breedercowsfertilitybyestrussynchronization:comparisonofPRID
+ PGF2ALFA + GnRHandGnRH+ PGF2ALFA + GnRH protocols- Osman ERGENE ……. 172
Theeffect ofusingPietrainbreedonimprovingcarcass qualityon pigs- Ilie ROTARU . 177
BreedingHolsteinorNorwegianRedinAlbania? - Ylli BIÇOKU, Kujtim GJONI ……... 181
StudyregardingreproductiveisolationinRomaniansport horsefrom Jegăliastudfarm
-Mariana VODĂ, Gheorghe MĂRGINEAN ………..……… 188
Research regarding evolution of heavy weight of young ramsin Teleorman’s Black
Headsheep - Andi FIğA, Ion CĂLIN ………. 190
Theutilizationof fast food waste product on the proteinefficiencyration oflocalmale
duck - Tuti WIDJASTUTI, Hery SUPRATMAN, Sjafril DARANA, Anggana
DairysectorinAlbania-challengesand perspectives- Ylli BIÇOKU, Merita URUÇI … 197
Great bustard restocking in Eurasia - Cristina GARLEA, Marcel Th.
PARASCHIVESCU, Florin RADU ……….. 203
The pollutionlevel of teniosisinshepherdsandimpact ofsomeof theminapparition
anddevelopment ofcenuriosisfocus pointsinyoungsheep - Octavian NEGREA, Vioara
MIREùAN, Grigore ONACIU, Camelia RĂDUCU, Flore CHIRILĂ, Zamfir MARCHIù, Octavia NEGREA ……….. 209
Some aspects concerning the incidence of podal disorders in cattle reared and
maintained in free system - Octavian NEGREA, Vioara MIREùAN, Grigore ONACIU,
Camelia RĂDUCU, Liviu OANA, Flore CHIRILĂ, Adriana CRISTE, Zamfir MARCHIù … 213
The umbilical ring of ruminants, natural gate for transponder implant into the
preperitonealspace- Sorin LUNGU, Anca LUNGU, Horia GROSU ……… 217
Studyabout influenceoffeed parametersonslaughtering performancesincertificate
-type broilers - Ioan CUSTURĂ, Maria Antoaneta POPA, Ilie VAN, Minodora
Research on influence of nutritional parameters on unit costs in bio type broiler
carcasses- Minodora TUDORACHE, Maria Antoaneta POPA, Ilie VAN, Ioan CUSTURĂ,
Elena POPESCU-MICLOùANU, Livia VIDU ……….. 225
Researchesconcerning total watercontent ofbroiler- Maria Antoaneta POPA …………. 229
Cattleandsmallruminant breedingactivitiesinTurkey- Ali Murat TATAR, Muhittin
TUTKUN, Halit Deniz SIRELI ………. 233
Study on density in shelter and the effect of a vitamin-mineral selenium premix in
young quails of the Baloteúti population - Lucian IONIğĂ, Elena POPESCU -
MICLOùANU, Consuela ROIBU ………. 237
Researchonbee keepingdevelopment in theSouthernRomania – a questionairebased
survey- Ion PÎRVUTOIU, Agatha POPESCU ………... 245
Considerations on the C.E.E.Cs’ position in the EU-27 poultrymeat production and
foreign trade- Ion PÎRVUTOIU, Agatha POPESCU ……… 253
Comparativestudyof the qualitiesofcowsfromMoldovian typeofBlack Spottedand
RedofSteppebreeds- Serghei CHILIMAR ……….. 260
Theeffect ofSpirulina sp. populationdensities towardreductionofBOD5 andCODof
beef cattleslurry- Tubagus Benito Achmad KURNANI, Yuli Astuti HIDAYATI, Eulis
Tanti MARLINA ……….. 268
Palmsugar (Arengapinata) implementationasbiosecurity pre-transportationsystemon
bloodglucoseandglycogenonbroiler- Fredy J. NANGOY, S. DARANA, L. ADRIANI,
Partial results regarding the exploitation and morpho-productive traits for Alpina
breed goats in South of the country - Iulian VLAD, Marius MAFTEI, Daniela
IANITCHI, Mirela STANCIU, Andi FITA ………. 277
Using feed additive (complex symbiotic) in stimulating feeding of bees - Nicolae
EREMIA ………. 282
Development of heat-stable fruit fillings using gellan gum as stabilizer - Janna
CROPOTOVA, Svetlana POPEL, Lidia PARSHAKOVA ………. 291
Fermentation of sugarcane (Saccharumofficinarum L.) bagasse hydrolyzate by Pichia
stipitis,Saccharomycescerevisiae,Zymomonasmobilis to ethanol- Ratu SAFITRI, In-In
HANIDAH, Toto SUBROTO ……….. 296
Blood glucoseand triglycerideprofileusingAlpinia galanga(L.) /lengkuas juice- Lovita
ADRIANI ……….. 300
Hydrolysis of sago pith powder (Metroxylon sago Rottb.) in enzymatic and
fermentation of hydrolyzate by Pichia stipitis CBS 5773, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
D1/P3GI, and Zymomonasmobilis FNCC 0056 toethanol- Ratu SAFITRI, Abi WIYONO 305
Sparkling wine quality in a Romanian wine processing unit-study case - Dana
TAPALOAGA ………... 311
A better start in bread quality-ultra fiber and other plant ingredients - Dana
TAPALOAGA ………... 315
Particularities regarding processing technology in a catering unit - Carmen Daniela
PETCU ………... 321
Researches concerning some meat products control in a specialized unit - Carmen
Daniela PETCU ………. 323
A way to prevent syneresis in fruit fillings prepared with gellan gum - Janna
Helminthcommunitiesoffishesfrom theriverDanubeandlake Srebarna,Bulgaria
-Diana KIRIN, Vladimira HANZELOVÁ, Sonya SHUKEROVA, Stefan HRISTOV, Ludmila TURCEKOVÁ, Marta SPAKULOVA ……….. 333
Biodiversity and ecological appraisal of the freshwater ecosystem of the riverArda,
Daphnia test – ashortcut forhumanhealth protectionassessment - Rodne NASTOVA,
Nedeljka NIKOLOVA, Vasil KOSTOV ………. 349
Examination of content of heavy metals and pesticides in fish in the accumulation
Strezevo in theRepublicofMacedonia- Rodne NASTOVA, Vasil KOSTOV, Natasha
Geneticevaluationina populationofFrasinet cyprinidsusedforselection tomaximize
meat production - Carmen Georgeta NICOLAE, Horia GROSU, Mioara COSTACHE,
Monica MARIN, Daniela RADU, Alin BÂDILITA, Victor NI܉Ă ………. 358
PadjadjaranUniversityBandung, Jln. RayaBandungSumedangKm. 21,Bandung,Indonesia
Transport of broiler chicken pen to the slaughterhouse can lead to stress. Transportation stress substantially unavoidable, but it does not mean that the negative effects of stress can not be reduced. Efforts to suppress the detrimental effects of stress alternative transportation one can do with management prior to transportation, through provision of drinking water containing palm sugar (Arenga pinata). The objective of the study is to obtained the implementation and delivery of palm sugar pre-transportation to maintain the stability of broilers performance. The study was conducted on thirty five days in the Sumedang, West Java Indonesia. The transportation routes are held from the village carried Bentar Cibitung - Cipadung - Nagrag or 2 hours, Village Bentar Cibitung - Cipadung - Nagrag - Cipadung - Tanjungkarta - Cipadung - Nagrag or 3 hours, Village Bentar Cibitung - Cipadung - Nagrag - Cipadung - Nagrag - Congeang - Nagrag or 4 hours. Each car transport speed 50-60 km/hour. Research carried out by using the method of factorial experimental design Completely Randomized Experiment 3 x 3 x 3, Statistical tests performed to the influence of variance and differences between treatments were examined using different test real honest. A factor is the transportation of animal with three replications, namely A1 is a 2 hour transportation, A2 is a 3 hour transportation, A3
is a 4 hour transportation ; anti stress factor B with three replications, namely B1is palm sugar 2%, B2 is palm sugar 3%, B3palm sugar 4%. The study found that by implementation of palm sugar in different rations and drinking water
makes a decreased of blood glucose ranges from 4.72 up to 8.75 mg/dL, glycogen ranges from 120.27 up to 130.34 mg/g.
Key words: Palm sugar, transport stress, performance production, broiler chickens.
Transportation of broiler chickens stricken areas of origin destination can cause stress. Factors that could be cause stress during transport, among others, mileage, time, duration, effects of temperature and humidity duringtransport. Stresstransportationofbroiler can make negative effects that cause high shrinkageofweightandslowingevencessation of body weight gain after arriving at the location of dismantling and cutting (Budinuryanto etal., 2000). There areseveral thingscan dotoreducethenegativeeffectsof transportation stress, namely: provision of adequate nutrition rationbefore transportation, selectionofbroilersbeforetransport,densityof broiler chickens in a box, setting ventilation and transport time. One function to maintain the biological safety of poultry especially broilers are ready to cut the traffic control system regarding biosecurity, so that all the
wayuntiltheendofthejourneyisstillobtained optimal performance. Transport to be one of themajorfactorsintradingsystemisaswellas the storage and processing of livestock (Mubyarto,1982).
Palmsugarasasourceofglucoseistheenergy sourceofnon-ruminantlivestockorenergyfor living organisms, and is absorbed in the bloodstream through the digestive tract. Disaccharide, sucrose or simultaneously absorbedmore quicklyasglucoseandfructose when broken down in the 'brush border' intestinal mucosal cells. Some glucose goes intofueland thento thebrain cells, whilethe rest to the liver and muscles to be stored as glycogen or animal starch and fat cells are stored as fat. Glycogen is stored in energy sourcetobeconvertedbackintoglucosewhen energy is needed more. Palm sugar release energyslowlyorslowenergyrelease,sothere willbe anincreaseor decreasein blood sugar
suddenly, too high, or too low, as the main content of palm sugar is sucrose and then glucoseandfructose. sugar cane, sugar beet 17% (Burhanuddin, 2005). Palm sugar is believed more lenient towards the stomach or indigestion and expedite metabolism (Susilowati, 2002). Excess glucose can be stored as glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the liver and a lot of
muscle. Glycogen any time reformed into monosaccharides and serves as a source of energy through glycogenolysis process. Glucoseandfattyacidscanbeabsorbedbythe
cellsofintestinalwallandbloodtransportitto theliver, then stored in thefatty tissue which contained in the various layers and organs. Glycogen is the stored as energy source that
will be converted back into glucose when needed as energy. Some carbohydrates eventually broken down into glucoseor other monosaccharides in the small intestine and transported to the liver to be converted into glycogen(MinkaandAyo,2009).
Implementation oftheresearch carriedout for 35days(28daysofmaintenanceanddayto29 -35 given treatment palm sugar in drinking water at day 35 before transportation), the amountofwhichasmanyas162transportation broiler chickens shaped 'straight run' Cobb Strain,obtainedfromthebreederinSumedang District. Palm sugar used in this study was purchasedapalmsugarmakersfarmerfromthe villageofKakasRinondorDistrict.
Method of administration: Rations (TN-2) given twice a day i.e. morning and afternoon during the study, brown sugar mixed in drinking water supplied ad libitum (300 mL water + 20gramsor2%,300mL + 30grams, or3%,300mL + 40gramsor4%)givenfor8 days (2 days and 6 days pre-study research) thendotransportationfor2hours,3hoursand 4hourstreatments.
Broilerswere randomly markedin accordance with the treatment then included in the 24
boxes were made from a mixture of bamboo and wood boxthat has provided 432 broilers. Each box contained 9 broilers for 2 hour transportation research, and has three times replication, andalso for3 hourstransportation and4hoursoftransportation.
Treatmentofbroilerchickensfedpalmsugarin water,markedandobservedinaccordancewith existing treatments. Thenumberof broilercut 54headsfor analyzingtheglycogen (liver) 27 heads palm sugar in drinking water (each replication were taken onebroiler chicks),the numberoftreatmentstudiescarriedasmanyas 18boxeswith162broilerchickens.
Each treatment unit then markedaccording to randomizedtreatmenthaswornsowelltreated animals had marked. Placement on the car alreadyrandomized treatmentaccording tothe serial numberon the car issort from front to back and so on until the top. Variables measured: Decrease in glycogen (mg / g), obtained from liver samples atthe end of the study, and analyzed the laboratory (Peungvicha,1998); decrease inblood glucose (mg / dl), obtained from blood samples beginning with the final blood sample. Blood sampleswereobtainedbeforethebeginningof transportation while final blood sample after transport. Blood sampling on the wing vein with thesmallest needle(venojec) heparinthe blood doesnot build up(Barham and Tinder, 1972.).
The study was conducted using a completely randomizeddesignFactorialExperiments3x3 (Gaspersz,1995). Afactoristhetransportation of livestock, anti-stress factor B with three replications. Factor A = Transport namely: Livestock Transport A1 = 2 hours. Livestock Transport A2 = 3 hours. Livestock Transport A3 = 4hours. FactorB = AntiStressnamely: B1 = 2% palmsugar. B2 = 3% palmsugar. B3 = 4% palmsugar.
Influence Graph Blood Glucose Treatment of BroilerChickens.
Results of analysis of variance (Figure 1 and Table 1)showsthattheaverageblood glucose broilers receiving drinking water containing sugar palm (Arenga pinata) (G2), (G3), (G4) significantly (P <0.05) decrease in blood glucose. Percentage usedof palm sugarlevels
in drinking water can lead to differences on blood glucose content due to long transport (T2,T3,T4)inbroilerchickens.
Table1. TestBNJTreatmentEffectofPalmSugaronthe DecreaseofBloodGlucose.
Treatment DecreaseBloodGlucose Significance 0.05
Figure1. GrafikInfluenceBloodGlucoseTreatmentof BroilerChickens.
Glucose found in the blood stream or blood sugarlevelsandservesasaproviderofenergy
to all cells and tissues. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles as an energy reserve which at times can be converted back into glucose when needed. By order of the most rapidly absorbed are galactose, glucose and fructose (Hutagalung, 2004.). The decrease in average blood glucose results indicates that administration of palm sugar in water before transport can respond to heat stress during broiler chickens transportation. The results of the analysis of the effects of the use of anti -stressbetweenthepercentageofpalm sugarin treatment of drinking water to the durationof transportshowednointeraction(P>0.05)onthe decline of blood glucose, but in single-use brownsugarinthedrinkingwatersignificantly
(P<0.05) due to long transportation of broiler chickens(Figure1).
Hormonesepinephrinesecretedonthesituation whenthebodyisunderstressordanger. Ration of carbohydrates consumed through drinking water or through excess body needs and then stored in the muscles as glycogen and the remaining hearts. Capacityislimitedglycogen formationor maximum 350 mg/ dl, andif in
theform ofglycogenaccumulationhasreached its limit, then the excess carbohydrate is converted into fat and stored as fat adipose (Hutagalung,2004.).
Normal blood glucose levels in chickens is 200-250 mg / dl (Austicand Nesheim,1990).
Palm sugarorbrown sugarisanalternativeto lossofelectrolytesinthebodyandthephysical condition of broiler stable avoid dehydration (Burhanuddin,2005). Theresults ofthis study
that the average magnitude was decrease in bloodglucoselowof4.72 mg/dlfrom 159.26
mg/ dl before decliningtransportation andbe 154.54 mg / dl after transport, as well as the
highest8.75 mg/dlfrom 145.25 mg/dlbefore
transport,andthendecreasedto136.51 mg/dl
after transport in fact is much lower than the resultsofpreviousstudies.
Decomposition reaction of glycogenolysis or glycogenproducesglucose6-phosphate,the1
-4 bondbreakingor glycogenphosphorylaseto produce glucose 1-phosphate. By catalyzed
-phosphate can be formed from glucose 1
-phosphate. Glucose 6-phosphate is converted
into glucose by the enzyme phosphatase catalyzed, thus facilitating the diffusion of glucosefrom theblood intothecellscausean increaseinbloodglucoselevels(May,1999).
Table 2. Effect of Treatment of Glycogen Graph BroilerChickens. Resultsofanalysisof variance (Figure 2) shows that the average glycogen broilers receiving drinking water containing sugar palm (Arenga pinata) (G2, G3, G4)hadnosignificanteffect (P> 0.05) to glycogen. Mean glycogen is from 120.27 to 130.34 mg/g. Thedifferenceinthepercentage
of palm sugar in water with long transport showed no interaction (P> 0.05) on glycogen levelsintheblood(Figure2). Provisionof2% palm sugarindrinkingwaterisgoodenoughto overcomethetransportfor2hoursandupto4 hours.
Table2. TestBNJTreatmentEffectOfPalmSugar
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Membuat Nata dengan Penambahan Gula aren.
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