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S ING 0807532 Abstract


Academic year: 2017

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Rizqi Fauziah, 2014

The Affixaton of Indonesian-English Mixed Complex Words Found in Twitter Selected Tweets

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


This research paper entitled The Affixation of Indonesian-English Mixed Complex Words in Twitter Selected Tweetsaims to reveal the process of affixation especially in prefixation in which prefixes are attached to Indonesian-English mixed complex words shaped by English base. In particular, this study attempts to investigate the grammatical meanings and the morphophonemic rules that have occurred in the complex words shaped by English Base found in Twitter. The study employs a qualitative-quantitaive method to describe and interpret the data. In this study, the data were the selected tweets which are purposively chosen in order to answer the research questions. The theories of Ramlan (2009) and Kridalaksana (2009) are applied as the basis of identifying the kinds of prefixes, the grammatical meanings and the morphophonemic rules that have occurred in the Indonesian-English mixed complex words found in Twitter. The findings reveal that there are two kinds of prefixes found in the study, namely prefix-non-simulfix (51.28%) andprefix-simulfix (48.72%). The most frequent prefix-non-simulfix is prefix {di-} (57.50%) while the most frequent prefix-simulfix is prefix {nge-}(57.9%). In relation to its meaning, each prefix that is attached to English base has various meanings which depend on its context. Prefix-non-simulfix has 9 meanings such as action/to do base,passive base, undeliberate action of base, most of base, able to do something related to the base, has been done something related to the base, having base, in a condition of baseand as base. Meanwhile,

prefix-simulfixhas 6 grammatical meanings such as action/to do base, feeling like base, has the characteristic, go to/aim, becoming base, and making of base. Moreover, both prefixes also undergo the alteration if they are attached to a particular initial base. For instance, prefix-non-simulfix{meN-} undergoes the

alteration into [mən-], [məɲə-], and [mə-] if it meets particular initial phonemes. Meanwhile, prefix-simulfix {N-} nasalizes into[ɲə-], [ɲ-], [ň-] and [n-] in particular environments. Based on the findings, it can be seen that the users of Twitter tend to mix Bahasa Indonesia with other languages especially in English.They create new colloquial Indonesian and its rules. It shows that the effects of social media have seriously wrecked Bahasa Indonesia by ruining the rules of how to use


Rizqi Fauziah, 2014

The Affixaton of Indonesian-English Mixed Complex Words Found in Twitter Selected Tweets

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



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