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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted to the Board requirements for








OF 2018/2019


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)


Nur Kayati










of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)




Man Jadda Wa Jada

“Where there is a will there is a way”

ْۗﻢِﮭِﺴُﻔْﻧَﺎِﺑﺎَﻣا ْوُﺮِّﯿَﻐُﯿﯨﱣﺘَﺤٍﻣ ْﻮَﻘِﺑﺎَﻣُﺮِّﯿَﻐُﯾ َﻼَﮭﱣﻠﻟﺎﱠﻧِا

Verily never will Allah change the condition of

people until they change it themselves.


Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about

creating yourself.




This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. My beloved parents (Mr. Raban (alm) and Mrs. Kusnah) who always

support me materially and morally. Thank you for your endless love and

prayer, thank you for raising me up to more than I can be.

2. My beloved sisters, Siti Harmini and Munawaroh, my beloved brothers in

law, Jumarno and Slamet Widodo, and my beloved nephew, Syarif

Maulana. Thank you for always cherish of me.

3. My beloved second parents of Dar Al Yatama Orphanage, Mr. Sigit

Riwiyanto and Mrs. Mustaghfirotun Idriss. Thank you for taking care of

me since I was in senior high school until I finished my study in


4. My beloved best friends, Tasfiatun Niswati, Sinta Dewi P, Anglila W, who

always be there supporting, listening, and amusing me.

5. My beloved sisters from another mother and father, Rina Anggaini, Umi

Nashikhatuzzulfah, Tiyas Utami, Dwi Sri Utami, Umi Mahfudhoh, April

Liyani, Bayu Alfin Maulana who always reminds me to take care of

everything and give me strength.

6. My big family of LKSA Dar Al Yatama. Thank you for being the part of

my wonderful journey.

7. My best partners of graduating paper in Mrs. Setia Rini’s group that




Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all praises be to Allah SWT the Most

Gracious and Most Merciful who always blesses and helps the researcher, so the

researcher can finish this graduating paper as one of the requirements for Sarjana

Pendidikan (S.Pd.) in English Education Department of Teacher training and

Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Peace and salutation may always be given to Prophet Muhammad SAW.

who has guided as from the darkness to the brightness. However, this graduating

paper will not be finished without support, advices, help, and encouragement from

several people and institution. Hence, the researcher would like to express special

gratitude to:

1. Dr. H. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Dr. Setia Rini, M. Pd as the counselor, who gives great attention,

suggestion and guidance for this graduating paper from chapter I until



Kayati, Nur. 2018. The Implementation of “Make A Match Model” to Improve Writing Skills for the Eleventh Grade of MAN 2 Semarang in the

Academic Year of 2018/2019. A Graduating Paper, English Education

Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Dr. Setia Rini, M.Pd.

The objectives of the study are: To find out the implementation and to know the result of the implementation of “Make A Match” model to improve writing skills for the eleventh grade of MAN 2 Semarang in the academic year of 2018/2019. The numbers of subject of the research are 29 students of XI MIA 1 class of MAN 2 Semarang.

The methodology of this research was classroom action research. The research consisted of two cycles and each cycle consisted of four steps, they were; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data collected were qualitative but also supported by quantitative data. The qualitative data were gained through observation and documentation. The data were in the form field notes, observation checklist and photographs. Meanwhile, the quantitative data was collected from the test. The researcher used SPSS 18.00 for analyzing the test.

The writer finds that there is a significant improvement on students’ writing skills after treatment by using “make a match” model in cycle I and cycle II. The result of pre-test cycle I is 0 % of the students who reach the passing grade. The total presentation of the students who cannot reach the passing grade in the post-test cycle 1 is 51.72 %. T-test cycle I was 13.7 while T-table is 2.048 for df 28 and the significance 5%. The sig 2 (tailed) value is 0,000 and T-test is 13.7, thus the sig 2 (tailed) value <0.05 and T-test is bigger than T-table. Thus, Ha is accepted. Meanwhile, in the pre-test cycle II, there are students who can pass the passing grade, and the presentation is 72.41 %. Meanwhile, there are three students by the presentation 10.34 % who cannot reach the passing grade in the post-test cycle II. T-test in the cycle II is 4.93 while T-table shows 2.048 for df 28 and the significance 5 %. The sig 2 (tailed) value < 0.05 and T-test is bigger than T-table. Thus, Ha is accepted. The target presentation of the passing grade has been achieved.




TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v






CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Statement of the Research Question... 5

C. Objectives of the Research ... 5

D. Significance of the Research... 6

E. Hypothesis and Success Indicator ... 7

F. Research Methodology ... 8



2. Subject of the Research ... 10

3. Steps of the Research ... 12

4. Techniques of Data Collection and Research Instrument ... 14

5. Data Analysis ... 18

G. Graduating Paper Outline ... 20


1. Writing Texts ... 22

2. Make A Match Model ... 53

B. Review of Previous Study ... 55

CHAPTER III: IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH A. The Procedure of the Research ... 59

1. Cycle I ... 59

2. Cycle II ... 62

B. The Minimal Standard of Successful ... 65


1. Cycle I ... 66

2. Cycle II ... 81

B. Discussion ... 96



A. Conclusion ... 100

B. Suggestions ... 102





Figure 1.1 The Scheme based on Kemmis and McTaggart ... 10

Figure 2.1 The Scheme based on Harmer ... 26

Table 1.1 List of the Students’ Name of XI MIA 1 Class of MAN 2 Semarang 11 Table 1.2 Research Schedule ... 12

Table 1.3 Students’ Observation Checklist ... 16

Table 1.4 Teachers’ Observation Checklist ... 16

Table 2.1 Scoring Rubric according to The Jacob ... 31

Table 4.1 Form the Result of Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle I ... 76

Table 4.2 Form of Result Teachers’ Observation Checklist Cycle I ... 76

Table 4.3 The Students’ Score Pre-Test and Pos-Test Cycle I ... 77

Table 4.4 Count of Passing Grade of the Pre-Test and Post-Test in the cycle I 78 Table 4.5 Descriptive Statistic Cycle I ... 79

Table 4.6 Paired Samples Test Cycle I ... 80

Table 4.7 Form the Result of Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle II ... 90

Table 4.8 Form of Result Teachers’ Observation Checklist Cycle II ... 90



Table 4.10 Count of Passing Grade of the Pre-Test and Post-Test in the cycle II 93

Table 4.11 Descriptive Statistic Cycle II ... 93

Table 4.12 Paired Samples Test Cycle II ... 94




In this chapter, the researcher presents the background of the study,

statement of the problems questions, objective of the study, significance of the

study, review of previous study, hypothesis and success indicator, research

methodology, and graduating paper outline

A. Background of the Research

English is the important subject of the teaching-learning process in the

school. English is starting from kindergarten up to the university. English is

not a mother language or English is a foreign language in Indonesia and it is

taught formally at the school, thus is not easy learned it for Indonesian’s

student. However, English must be learned, since English is the International

language that connects Indonesia with the other country. It helps students get

information and knowledge in more than one aspect.

There are four basic skills should be mastered by the students, they are

reading, speaking, writing, and the last is listening. Rini (2009:3) states that,

“They are used to encourage the students to develop their competence….” It

means that four skills of English increasing students ability in many aspects.

If students only master one of them, the students get difficulties to understand

what they learn. For example, when students write a sentence, they should



structure of the sentence. Then, if they have written a sentence correctly, thus

they will be able to speak correctly also.

In this research, the researcher will focus on writing aspect. According

to Nur R, (2009:1), “…proficiency in English, particularly writing skill, is

generally assumed to be the most essential for a successful study.” It means

that writing is the aspect that is needed by the students because it is one of

particular importance in English.

Harmer (2001:79) said that, “The visual demonstration of language

construction is invaluable for both our understanding of how it all fits

together and as an aid to committing the new language to memory. Students

often find it useful to write sentence using new language shortly after they

have studied it.” It means that writing can reinforce the student memories.

Nur R (2009:2) also states about the importance of writing, “Writing skill

covers the mastery of language, mechanical skills, treatment of content,

stylistic skills, and evaluative skills.”

The main key of writing a text is the students have to master the

vocabulary and also the tenses. Thus, the students can arrange the vocabulary

and tenses to be a correct sentence. Moreover when make a good text needs

coherence and cohesive.

As interviews that hold on Wednesday, 3rd May 2018 with Mrs.

Noviati Jamila, she is English teacher in MAN 2 Semarang. There were many

problems that obstruct in teaching-learning process. The researcher asked



the teaching learning process, the teacher said that the situations of the

students depend on their class. There are active classes and also passive

classes. The class area also influence the students comprehension.

The second question is about problem in the class. The teacher said

that the students usually had difficulties in writing. The teacher answered that

in particular writing subjects, the lack of vocabulary, the students faced many

difficulties in proposing their idea to be an appropriate text, and less

enthusiastic in the lesson became the problem in the class too.

The third question is about the Standardized of Minimum Score

(KKM) of English subject and the Curriculum that is used in MAN 2

Semarang. The teacher said that Standardized of Minimum Score (KKM) in

MAN 2 Semarang is 70, and MAN 2 Semarang uses Curriculum 2013


The fourth question is about the method that is used in writing. The

teacher said that for now she follows the instruction in the book. The last

question is about make a match model. The teacher said that she never uses

make a match model.

The conclusion from that interview in term of students’ difficulties in

writing was the eleventh grade of MAN 2 Semarang, they had problems such

us; lack of vocabulary, the students faced many difficulties in proposing their

idea to be an appropriate text, and less enthusiastic in the lesson became the



in writing activities. Thus, the students are more enthusiasts in writing


Nowadays, teachers can use many ways in the teaching-learning

process, for example is game, thus the teaching learning-process is not

monotonous and the students are not getting bored. Varieties method or

model is needed to make the teaching-learning process more interesting.

Sutarmiyati (2016:3212) states that variety learning model will increase the

student’s enthusiast.

There are many of games that can be applied; one of them is “make a

match” model. Make a match model is the game of teaching-learning that

developed by Curran (Huda, 2016:135). It is part of cooperative learning, that

emphasize grouping and pair discussing. In this model, the teacher should

prepare some cards that consist of topics. According Arifah &

Kusumarasdyati (2013:02), teachers can motivate and encourage their

students to be more interested and enthusiastic in learning English by using

make a match model. Hopefully, by using the game, the teaching-learning

process will be more interesting, make the student comfortable, enthusiastic

with the material and improving the students ability in writing. Through make

a match model, the students can propose their idea since the cards in make a

match model only show the clue of text or the main idea and the students

have to develop the cards.

According to whole explanation, the researcher is interested in doing




B. Statement of the Research Questions

Based on the background of the study, the researcher decides the problems of the research are:

1. How is the implementation of “Make A Match” model to improve writing

skills for the eleventh grade of MAN 2 Semarang in the academic year of


2. How far is the improvement of student’s writing skills by implementing

“Make A Match” model for the eleventh grade of MAN 2 Semarang in the

academic year of 2018/2019?

C. Objective of the Research

The objectives of the study are to answer the question above. In this

research, the researcher has some purposes according to the statement of the


1. To find out the implementation of “Make A Match” model to improve

writing skills for the eleventh grade of MAN 2 Semarang in the academic



2. To know the improvement of student’s writing skills by implementing

“Make A Match” model for the eleventh grade of MAN 2 Semarang in the

academic year of 2018/2019.

D. Significance of the Research

The researcher hopes that this research gives advantages, contribution

and also useful for the students, the teacher, the school, the reader and the

writer especially about the implementation of “make a match” model to

improve writing skills for the eleventh grade of MAN 2 Semarang in the

academic year of 2018/2019 as the statement below:

1. For the students

The advantages of this research, it can support the students achieve

in writing skills. It can increase students’ motivation in English.

Teaching-learning process using “make a match” model can make students become

active and enthusiast in writing skills. It can help students feel fun and

receive much knowledge easily.

2. For the teacher

The advantages of this research, it can support English teachers to

use this model in teaching writing. They can apply new model in

teaching-learning process in order to make the students more enthusiast in their


7 3. For the school

The advantages of this research, it can develop the curriculum of

the English teaching-learning process. It can develop the accreditation

score of the school. When the students feel comfort with the

teaching-learning process, then they understand with the material and the final result

the students can get more score in their exam.

4. For the researcher

The advantages of this research is the researcher can understand

more about the implementation of make a match model to improve

students in writing skills and can know deeply how to make students

interested with the teaching-learning process.

E. Hypothesis and Success Indicator

Hypothesis is temporary for the problems of research to reasonable

show with the grouping of data (Arikunto, 1998:7). According Hopkins

(1980:15), “Hypothesis provides a very important element of the scientific

approach by giving something for collected data and results to support or not

support”. It means that hypothesis is used to measuring for the researcher.

Hypothesis of this research is if use make a match model can achieve the

students in writing skills.

The success indicator of this research is taken from the students’ Basic

Competence shown in Lesson Plan (RPP). The students’ success and failure



of the passing grade (KKM). The passing grade of English lesson in MAN 2

Semarang is 70. The teacher and the researcher expect that there are at least

85% of the students who pass the passing grade.

F. Research Methodology 1) Research Design

This research was CAR (Classroom Action Research). Action

research tried to take a study since it explored whether something could

be done in a better way or not. This type of research was done for the

purposes to improve local classroom practices. Action research provides

a chance for teachers to reflect on their own practices (Cresswell,

2005:550). The researcher took two cycles in this action research. In this

research, every cycle consisted of two meetings. After the first cycle was

done, the second cycle followed the first cycle and hope it could improve

the activities of the first cycle. The designs of activities that were done by

researcher according to Kemmis and Mc Taggart, 1988:14 in (Hopkins,

1993:47) are as follows:

a. Planning

In this stage, the researcher needed to prepare instrument which

was support in learning process, they were:

1) Formulated the purpose of learning, prepared the material, made



2) Prepared sheets for classroom observation. Prepared camera to

take photos the situation of the class.

3) Prepared pre test and post test to measure students’ achievement

in writing texts.

b. Action

In this action, the researcher implemented the action research

and did some actions, they were:

(1) Gave the pre test.

(2) Thought writing texts in class by using make a match model.

(3) Gave occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or problems.

(4) Gave the post test

c. Observation

Observation is one of the instruments to know the students

feeling, thinking and anything they do in the learning process. The

researcher observed the action of the students in learning process by

field note which was helped by partner researcher. In this researcher,

the researcher also gave the students pre test and post test that both of

them analyzed by the researcher.

d. Reflection

Based on the result of the observation, the researcher made

evaluation to the students during teaching learning process. It was



first cycle. The researcher did better in the next cycle like the first


Four activities in each cycle can be described as follows:

Figure 1.1 The Scheme based on Kemmis and McTaggart 1988:14 (in Hopkins, 1993:48)

2) Subject of the Research

The object of this research was the eleventh grade of MIA 1 in





3) Steps of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher carried out the steps

which summarize in the following research schedule. This research was

done on July 2018 until August 2018. The table of research schedule was

written below:

staff of MAN 2 Semarang

Office staff





Meet the English teacher to

do a consultation about the

lesson plan

Doing action in the class

(cycle I)

Doing action in the class

(cycle I)


In the classroom

of eleventh MIA




8 August, 6th


Doing action in the class

(cycle I)

Doing action in the class

(cycle II)

Doing action in the class

(cycle II)

Doing action in the class

(cycle II)

4) Techniques of Data Collection and Research Instrument

The researcher presented the act of collecting data are as follows:

a) Interview

According to Schostak (2006: 54) in Alshenqeeti (2014:40)



that have get information deeply about a certain topic or subject.

Aditya (2013:16) stated that interview is meeting between partners for

exchange information through question and answer, thus could be

interpret the meaning of topic or phenomenon. Nazir (1988:235) said

that interview process interaction between interviewer and respondent

use guide interview. The researcher used this interview to get data for

the background of the research. And the result of the interview

explained in the background of the research.

b) Observation

According to Spradley (1980) in Creswell (2002:212),

observation is one of the collecting data form that often used and the

researcher able to get different part in the process. Creswell

(2002:213) also assumed that observation is the process of collecting

the information by observing people and places in the research’s

place. Observation was a crucial role in the classroom research. In

addition, the researcher observed the learning process. In this research,

the researcher took observations in two cycles; cycle I and cycle II.

The researcher used the observation checklist to make it more

systematic. It consisted of students’ and teachers’ observation

checklist. The students’ and teachers’ observation checklist was



Table 1.3 Students’ Observation Checklist

No Students’ Activity Yes No

1 Paying attention

2 Asking question

3 Responding to the question

4 Doing the task well

5 Being enthusiastic in application make a

match model

Table 1.4 Teacher’s Observation Checklist

No Teacher’s activities Yes No

1 Greeting students before the lesson begins

2 Praying before the lesson begins

3 Checking students attendant

4 Reminding previous materials

5 Preparing and giving of the material

6 Giving opportunity for asking questions

7 Giving explanation of the materials

8 Guiding the students activity

9 Giving feedback after the lesson


17 c) Test

According to Brown (2000:384), test is the way to measure the

student’s knowledge and some procedures that consist of instrument

that needs activity on the part of tester. To get the data, the researcher

gave to the students the test that consists of pre-test and post-test. The

function of pretest was to know how far the students’ improvement in

writing skills before applying “make a match” model. The function of

post-test is to know the students’ improvement in writing skills after

applying “make a match” model. The researcher used essay for

pre-test and post-pre-test. In the pre-pre-test and post-pre-test (see in appendix),

explain the detail clues. The researcher gave 45 minutes to do the pre

test and 45 minutes for post test.

d) Documentation

According to Arikunto (2010:201), the word documentation is

from document that has meaning written object. The researcher

investigates the written object as books, magazine, document,

regulation, field note and the others (Arikunto, 2010:201). The

researcher needed some documentations and data to know about the

school situation of this study. In this research, the researcher chose to

using photos and field note as the documentation of the research (see


18 5) Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next steps of study is analyzing the

data. Kothari (2014:130) said that there is several kind of analysis the

data including descriptive analysis and statistical analysis.

a) Descriptive analysis

Kothari (2014:130) argues that descriptive analysis is the explanation or sharing about one variable in research deeply. According to Sugiyono (2014:14), the descriptive analysis is about the researchs interpretation about the data that found in the

field. The researcher used the observation sheet and field note. b) Statistical analysis

Kothari (2014:131) states that statistical analysis or inferential

analysis is about significance of the test to examine the hypotheses

until find conclusions. Lodico, Spaulding & Voegtle (2006:243) stated

that the researcher should be able to make summarize in form of

statistical analysis to make sense the data. In this research, statistical

technique was used to know the extent to using make a match model

toward the students’ improvement in writing skills from the result of

pre-test and post-test.

(1) Score of Students’ Test

The researcher measured the students’ improvement in

writing skills by scoring the students’ test. According to Kherudin



performance in test and can evaluate the student’s performance in

test. The researcher uses scoring rubric (it can be seen in table

2.1) for evaluate the student’s test. The students’ score test was

from the result of pre-test and post-test.

(2) Calculate the Result of the Test

After scoring the students’ test, the researcher calculated

the data uses the t-test to determine there was a significant

difference in cycle I and cycle II. The researcher uses Statistical

Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) application for analysis the

data. Arkkelin (2014:2) argues that SPSS is used to understanding

and interpreting the research’s data. The researcher used SPSS

Base that gives the range of data entry, statistical, or informing


The steps for analyzing by using SPSS as follow:

(a) Open SPSS

(b) Click Data View, insert the data. In Variable view, in the

column of name, change the name of VAR00001 into pre test

and change the name of VAR00002 into post test. Then

change the number of decimals from 2 into 0.

(c) Click Data View, then click Analyze, choose Descriptive

Statics and click Descriptive. Move the pre test and post test

into variable (s). Then click Ok. Copy the result of



(d) Click Analyze, choose Compare Means, and then click

Paired-Sample T Test. Then copy the result into word.

G. Graduating Paper Outline

This study is organizes into five chapters as follows:

Chapter 1 is tells about introduction presenting the background of the

research, statement of the research questions, objective of the research,

significances of the research, hypothesis and success indicator, research

methodology and graduating paper outline.

Chapter II is describes about theoretical framework that related of the

literature and the review of previous research. Theoretical framework consists

of underlying the writing of the study; they are the definition of writing,

definition of text, teaching writing, writing process, classroom technique in

writing, the writing assessment scoring rubric, genres of writing, definition of

make a match model, the steps of make a match model, and the last is the

advantages and disadvantages of using make a match model.

Chapter III is the implementation of the research. This chapter consists

of procedure of the research.

Chapter IV presents about Research Finding and Discussion. This

chapter consist the result of the implementation make a match model to

improve writing text for the first grade of MAN 2 Semarang in the academic



Chapter V, as the last chapter in this study contains the conclusion

and suggestion of the research based on the analysis in chapter four.





In this chapter consists of supporting theories and the review of previous

research. Supporting theories describe some information related to writing text

and make a match model.

A.Supporting Theories 1. Writing Texts

a. Definition of Writing

Robert (1964:143) states that, “Writing is a partial representation

of units of language expression.” It is mean that writing is one of those

four language skills, which is used as one medium to communicate with

others, in academic field, as well as in daily life. According Ghaith

(2002) in text Nur R (2008:2), “Writing is about more than making our

thoughts and ideas visible and concrete.”

b. Definition of Text

Text is the variety type of communication expression such as

written, spoken, picture, or symbol, that all of them are used to

delivering the information (Pardiyono, 2016:2-3).

1) Written Text

Written text can be found in the variety of printed media and



notebooks, magazines, novels, newspapers and the others that load a

text are including in written text.

2) Spoken Text

Spoken text is the text that can be found as spoken. For

example, when we speak with others, reigning over to others, give

instruction to others and so on, it can be conclude as spoken text.

Spoken text is the type of spoken communication expression.

3) Picture

Advertisements use pictures or images to deliver the message

or information to others. It is conclude as picture text.

4) Symbol

There is often found the variety of symbol that has different

purposes. For example the symbol of don not smoke in this area,

toilet for men, toilet for woman, restaurant, parking area, and others.

All of them are include as types of text because are form to deliver

the information.

c. Teaching Writing

Writing is an important part that must be mastered by the

students. So that, from earlier enter the school, the students are able to

learn writing. Harmer (2001:79) state that, the reasons for teaching to

the students of English as a foreign language include reinforcement,

language development, learning style and, most importantly, writing as


24 1) Reinforcement

Some students obtain languages in a purely oral/aural way,

but by seeing the language written down get the benefit greatly. The

visual demonstration of language construction is important for both

the understanding of how it all fits together and as a support to

committing the new language to memory.

2) Language Development

The mental activities that have to go through in order to

fabricate written texts are all part of the ongoing learning experience.

3) Learning style

Some student mostly study language quickly by looking and

listening. For many learners, procedure language is the slow way.

Writing is appropriate for such learners. It can also be quite

reflective activity instead face-to-face communication.

d. Writing Process

According to Harmer (2004:4) the process of writing has four

elements. It can be explain as follow:

1) Planning

Before starting to write, the writers try to plan and establish

the planning to write by making detail notes. Some people write few

words is enough, even though others may do all their planning in



When planning, writers have to think about three main issues

(Harmer, 2004: 4-5):

a) They have to consider the purposes of their writing since it

influences the type of text that produce, the language that they are

used and the information they choose to include.

b) The experienced writers think about the audience that they are

writing, since that influence the shape of the writing, the language

choosing, for example, it is formal or informal in tone.

c) Thirdly, writers have to consider the structure content of that

piece, how best way to sequence the fact, ideas, or arguments

which they have decided to include.

2) Drafting

It can refer to the first version of a piece of writing as a draft.

The word “go” at the text is often make assumption that it can be

amended later. As the writing process continuous into editing, a

number of drafts maybe produced on the way to the final version

(Harmer, 2004:5).

3) Editing (reflecting and revising)

After the writer have produced a draft later they read through

what they have written to see where it works and where it does not.

Perhaps that they are written is ambiguous or confusing. Then, they

may move the paragraphs or write a new introduction. They may use



Reflecting and revising are often helped by editors who

comment and make suggestions. Another reader’s reaction can help

the author to make appropriate revisions (Harmer, 2004:5).

4) Final Version

Once writers have edited their draft, make a change that is

necessary, and produce their final version. This is different from

both the original plan and the first draft, since things have changed in

the editing process. It can decide to present these stages in following

way: “planning- drafting- editing- final draft” (Harmer, 2004:5).

It needs to represent these aspects of the writing process in a

different way. Therefore, the writer can take the way from any

direction in this process wheel below (Harmer, 2004:6).

Figure 2.1 The Scheme based on Harmer (2004: 6)

Sometimes the first three stages of the process can take

almost no time at all and it can plan, (re-)draft, and (re-)edit very

quickly in their heads as their write. Even though, it approaches the



written, and revise it before sending it off. It is just that at certain

times do this more carefully than at others (Harmer, 2004:6).

Spears & David (2008:5) stated that, “It is useful to think of

journey toward a finished paper as having three stages: prewriting,

writing, revising.” It means that according to them, there are three steps

in processing writing. They providing a steps-by-step discussion of the

way one students and they explain in through of Hernandez’s

assignment. The steps can explain as follow:

1) Prewriting

In prewriting process, Hernandez needed to prepare in several

way (Spears & David, 2008: 6-12):

a) Understand the writing Task

First of all, Hernandez read the assignment carefully and

then asked for clarification. She was not sure whether the paper

requirements would allow her to observe only students from her

own classes or whether she needed to observe widely. She should

focus on students behavior in own college classes.

b) Use brainstorming strategies to find and narrow the topic

Hernandez used various strategies to explore this subject:

(1) Free writing

After returning from an exam where she saw students

using cell phones to cheat, Hernandez sat her computer and let


28 (2) Listing

Hernandez made list of the various forms of cheating

she had observed.

(3) Clustering

Using her list and her notes from rewriting, Hernandez

made clusters of her ideas.

(4) Reading

Hernandez sought out and read several articles she

found on the collage library’s online database to help her think

about the effects of cheating on both students and instructors.

(5) Talking

Talking with others can help a writer formulate ideas.

c) Consider the audience

Instead, Hernandez was writing for large audience, she

also pays attention with: the reader’s knowledge about the

subject, the reader’s values, the reader’s interests, and the

reader’s diversity.

2) Writing

a) Writing the thesis statement

The thesis is the heart of the essay. Without a clear,

well-thought-out thesis, it is hart to rescue an essay no matter how

many hours put into it. The thesis has three functions:



(2) It indicates what the writer’s approach to that subject will be.

(3) It helps the writers to organize the supporting ideas.

b) Planning the structure

(1) Introduction

The opening should draw the reader into the world into

the paper be showing about what are going to discuss. The

thesis should be clearly stated in the introduction, which does

not have to be only one paragraph. For a complicated subject,

the introduction might stretch over two or three paragraph.

(2) Body

The content of the body should be arranged as outline

as a method of organizing the information.

(3) Conclusion

(a) Sum up the examples, details, and reasons offered in the

body to support the thesis.

(b) Present a solution to the problem posed.

(c) Leave the reader with something challenging to think


(d) Indicates future possibilities related to the topic.

(e) Ask a thought-provoking question.

3) Revision

Hernandez in Spears & David (2008:12) kept in mind three



a) Identify any large changes, such as additions to content.

b) Identify any stylistic changes, such as the need to revise unclear

sentence structure or overuse of a descriptive word.

c) Identify any grammatical, spelling, or typographical errors.

e. Classroom Technique in Writing

Through Fauziati (2005:151), since writing as a process, it must

apply in the classroom practice; certain characteristic should be well

recognized. Some of the characteristic are as follows:

1) Instruction should be focused on the writing process. This means that

students can starting up into the process and the teacher should

prepare to help the students’ writing process with suggestion, and

correction to help the students overcome difficulties encountered in

each of the stage.

2) The writing task should encourage students to write a variety of

modes besides expository writing. This is based on the

understanding that people do use different modes f writing, and they

do need different process

3) Conferencing is an important part of the classroom activity. It

happens between teacher and students as well as between students.

4) The main role of teacher is as a facilitator. The teacher no longer

focuses just on error in the product, but is free to respond to a



understanding and giving nice responses to what the students’


5) The students would work and help each other, rather that work alone

or just with the teacher, the classroom would be arranged in the

manner of workshop, where students can work in pair, or groups.

6) A bond which ties all members of the class into one community,

whose member feels responsible for each other’s growth, can be

created in such classroom.

f. The Writing Assessment Scoring Rubric

The Jacobs et al. (1981) in Weigle (2009:116)

Table. 2.1 Scoring Rubric according to The Jacobs et al. (1981) in Weigle (2009:116)

Aspect of


Level Score Criteria

Content Excellent

to very


30-27 Knowledgeable, substantive,

thorough development of

thesis, relevant to assigned


Good to


26-22 Some knowledge of subject,

adequate range, limited

development of thesis, mostly

relevant to topic, but lack of


32 Fair to


21-17 Limited knowledge of subject,

little substance, inadequate

development of topic.



16-13 Does not show knowledge of

subject, not substantive, not

pertinent, not enough to


Organization Excellent

to very


20-18 Fluent expression, ideas

clearly stated/supported,

succinct, well-organized,

logical sequencing, cohesive

Good to


17-14 Somewhat choppy, loosely

organized but main ideas stand

out, limited support, logical

but incomplete sequencing.

Fair to


13-10 Ideas confused or disconnected

lack of logical sequencing and


20-18 Sophisticated range, effective



good word form mastery,

appropriate register.

Good to


17-14 Adequate range, occasional

errors of words/idiom form,

choice, usage, but meaning not


Fair to


13-10 Limited range, frequent errors

of words/idiom form

choices/usage, meaning

confused or obscured.



9-7 Essentially translation, little

knowledge of English

vocabulary, idioms, word

form, not enough to evaluate

Language use Excellent

to very


25-22 Effective complex

construction, few error of

agreement, tense, number,

word order/function. Articles,

pronouns, prepositions, but

meaning seldom obscured.

Good to


21-18 Effective but simple

construction, minor problem in



errors of agreement, tense,

number, word order/function,

articles, pronoun, preposition,

but meaning seldom obscured.

Fair to


17-11 Major patterns is

simple/complex construction,

mechanics, frequent error of

negation, agreement, tense,

number, word order/function,

articles, pronoun, preposition

and/or fragments, run on,




10-5 Virtually no mastery of

sentence construction rules,



paragraphing but meaning not


Fair to


3 Occasional errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing, poor hand

writing, meaning confused or


purposes. He explains the various text or genre of text as follow:

1) Descriptive

a) Definition of Descriptive Texts

According to Pardiyono (2016:19), descriptive text is kind

of text is made for giving information to the reader about the

visual image or mental of the object; about “what an object is



word portraits. Such paragraphs attempt to give the reader a clear

picture of objects, places, animals, or person.”

b) Purposes of Descriptive Texts

This text has aims to describe what an object is like

(Pardiyono, 2016:8).

c) Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Pardiyono (2016:16) divide the generic structure of

descriptive text into two parts:

(1) Identification

The content of this component is about the main topic

of the text that would be described in the next paragraph.

Pardiyono (2016:203) also said that the information that is

delivered in the text is about the reality or fact in this era.

(2) Description

The explanation of what in object is like appropriate

with the main topic.

d) Language Feature of Descriptive Text

(1) Using present tense

For example: provides, asks, etc.

(2) Using simple sentence that have one predicate



(3) Using relation verb (is/are, have/has)

For example: It is very wet during the rainy season.

(Pardiyono, 2016:204-210)

e) Example of Descriptive Text

The small brown book, a collection of poems, looked

every bit of its fifteen years. The front cover had been torn off and

repaired with brown adhesive tape. The inside front cover listed

faded names of students who had previously used the book. The

lower right-hand corners of the first seventy-five pages were

ragged, giving the impression that an over-enthusiastic student

had decided to eat the book. Other pages revealed careful pen and

pencil marks. Still others revealed water and food stains made by

careless students. The brown and yellowing book was well used

(Bossone, 1977:134).

2) Procedure

a) Definition of Procedure

According to Pardiyono (2016:39), procedure text is kind

of text that arrange to give information to the reader about how

the jobs are doing to be finished.

b) Purposes of Procedure

The text has aims to tell the procedures, to tell the steps


38 c) Generic Structure of Procedure

Pardiyono (2016:16) divide the generic structure of

procedure text into two parts:

(1) Identification/The Aim

Including the topic of the activity or the job that be


(2) Steps

The explanation about the consecutively step of the

activity or job.

d) Language Feature of Procedure

(1) Action Verbs As Imperatives

Cut, grasp, connect, secure, remove, align, etc.

(2) A Range of Adverbials

(a) Time (when?): first, second, third, next, finally, lastly, etc.

(b) Manner (how?): carefully, very slowly, finely, firmly with

one hand, etc.

(c) Place (where?): in a moderate oven, through the tunnel,

onto the bread board, etc.

(d) Reason (why?): to form a soft batter, so that the filling does


39 e) Example of Procedure

Drinking a glass of lemon tea is always ice in the morning.

Everyone can make it. Here is how to make a glass of nice the

lemon tea. All you need are hot water, sugar, tea, and lemon.

First, take a glass and pour hot water in it. Then, put in some

sugar and some tea. Tea bag is recommended. Stir the sugar for a

moment. And then squeeze a lemon, and take its juice. Add the

lemon juice into the glass and stir them using a tea spoon for

seconds. The lemon tea is ready to drink. It is nice and healthy

(Pardiyono, 2016:41-42).

3) Recount

a) Definition of Recount

Pardiyono (2016:61) states that recount text is kind of text

that often are used in the communication context, whether spoken

or written.

b) Purposes of Recount

The text has aims to tell the past event or the past activity

(Pardiyono, 2016:5).

c) Generic Structure of Recount

Pardiyono (2016:13) divided the generic structure of


40 (1) Orientation

The content of orientation is the topic or event that will be

reported including what the event, who, doing what, where, and


(2) Sequence of events or activities

The explanation of consecutively the variety of event; what

the writer doing or what the happen.

d) Generic Feature of Recount

(1) Adverbs of Time

For example: first, then, next, afterwards, at the end of the

summer, etc.

(2) Past Tense Action Verbs

For example: drove, began, brought, carried, saw, etc.

(3) Person and Place Describing Words

For example: small, huge, interesting, new, rustic, fun-filled,

etc (Fortune & Tedick, 2003).

e) Example of Recount

One day, a few of my friends and I went on a picnic. We

visited Prambanan temple. We had a good time and all of us were

very happy. It is a beautiful temple in central Java. It is located in

Klaten, about 30 kilometers south of Solo. To get to this place is



there…..It was a nice day and we were all happy. We planned to

go back to that place the other time (Pardiyono. 2016:63-64).

4) Narrative

a) Definition of Narrative

Pardiyono (2016:79) states that narrative text is kind of

text that consist of life story of someone in the past, whether it is

factual or not. According to Richard (1977:173), “narrative

paragraphs tell a story or an incident.”

b) Purposes of Narrative

The text has aims to narrate of story of a problematic event

in order to arouse readers’ emotion, to make them to think, to get

a lesson of moral value (Pardiyono, 2016:7).

c) Generic Structure of Narrative

Pardiyono (2016:15) divide the generic structure of

narrative text into four parts:

(1) Orientation

It is containing of the topic or character in the story; what

or who, what happen, where, and when.

(2) Complication

It is consist of the explanation of the story in harmony,


42 (3) Resolution

It is containing of activity that will be done to overcome

the problems.

(4) Coda

It is consist of the closing of the story, and tells about the

moral value of the story.

d) Language Feature of Narrative

(1) Adverbs of Time (sometimes non-specific)

For example: one day, once upon a time, later, afterwards, in

the end, etc.

(2) Past Tense Action Verbs

For example: fought, chased, marched, jumped, slammed, etc.

(3) Person and Place Describing Words

For example: small, hidden, handsome, beautiful, mysterious,


(4) Dialogue or “Saying” Verbs

For example: said, screamed, replied, insisted, remarked, etc.

(Fortune & Tedick, 2003)

e) Example of Narrative

After Odysseus escaped from the Cyclops, he and his crew

came to the island ruled by Aeolus, god of the winds. Odysseus

was a guest of Aeolus for one month. As Odysseus prepared to



sight of home, the weary Odysseus fell asleep. His men, thinking

that the leather bag contained gifts, opened it. Out rushed the

winds that blew them back to Aeolus’s island (Bossone,


5) Information Report

a) Definition of Information Report

Information report is kind of text that is made to give

information to the readers consist of knowledge surrounding us

about nature phenomenon, social, politic, scientific knowledge

building on the reality (Pardiyono, 2016:107).

b) Purposes of Information Report

This text has aims to define, to describe, to give example,

to classify, to tell more about an object, phenomenon, event etc.,

in order to transfer knowledge, etc. (Pardiyono, 2016:10).

c) Generic Structure of Information Report

Pardiyono (2016:17) divide the generic structure of

information report text into two parts:

(1) General statement of a phenomenon

It is containing of to topic that will be explained detail

and scientific.

(2) Description (defining, classifying, etc.)

It is consist about the explanation including definition,



d) Language Feature of Information Report

(1) Infrequent Use of Adverbs of Time

(2) Relational (or linking) Verbs

For example: to be, to have (Frogs are amphibians. Frogs have

webbed feet.)

(3) Terms and Taxonomies

(a) Technical Terms: Tadpoles, transparent lenses, webbed

feet, etc.

(b) Taxonomies: Conductor, strings, woodwind, brass,


(4) Nominal Groups with Adjectives/Adjective Phrases

For example: Those young, fresh water tadpoles navigate with

their long tails.

(5) Purposeful Use of Personal Pronouns ( I, we, you, he, she, it,


(a) Inclusion (close reader-writer relationship): You can see

that frogs have eyes that stick out so they can see well.

(b) Exclusion (distant reader-writer relationship): Frogs have

protruding eyes, which allow for excellent vision.

(6) Nominalization (verb as a noun)

For example: When we run, we can sprint, hurdle or we



involves either sprinting, hurdling or distance running (Fortune

& Tedick, 2003).

(7) Example of Information Report

People are familiar with food allergies. It is said that

food allergies or food intolerances affect nearly everyone. It is

an unpleasant reaction in the body as the result of food

consumption. People often have an unpleasant reaction to

something they eat if they have a food allergy. Some others say

that they have to modify the family diet because one of the

family members is suspected of having a food allergy. In

children, it is found that only about three percent have

clinically proven to have got allergic reaction to foods. While

in adults, the prevalence of food allergy drops to about one

percent of the total population (Pardiyono, 2016:109-110).

6) Explanation

a) Definition of Explanation

According to Pardiyono (2016:131), explanation text is

kind of text that is made to give information to the readers about

the process as a background of the phenomenon formation.

b) Purposes of Explanation

This text has aims to explain how a phenomenon or an

event forms or occurs, to explain the process of a formation or an



c) Generic Structure of Explanation

Pardiyono (2016:16) divide the generic structure of

explanation text into two parts:

(1) General statement about an event or a phenomenon

It will tell about the topic of natural phenomenon.

(2) Explanation of the process of formation or occurrence

It is consist of explanation about the process that the

cause of phenomenon done.

d) Language Feature of Explanation

(1) Relational (or linking) Verbs

For example: to be, to have (In the combustion of food, oxygen

(O2) is used and carbon dioxide (CO2) is given off.

(2) Technical Terms and Taxonomies

(a) Technical Terms: Metabolism, thermal stress, digestion,

oxygen consumption, basal metabolic rate, etc.

(b) Taxonomies: Human biological system. For example

circulatory, skeletal, digestive, muscular, etc.

(3) Nominal Groups with Adjectives/Adjective Phrases

For example: The ideal standard metabolic rate of an animal is

established by determining its metabolism under the least



(4) Absence of Personal Pronouns

(I, we, you, he, she, it, they) Exclusion (distant

reader-writer relationship): Nominalization (verb as noun)

For example: when we run, we can sprint, handle or we

can run over longer distance. The sentence become:

Running involves either sprinting, hurdling or distance running

(Fortune & Tedick, 2003).

e) Example of Explanation

Photosynthesis is a process in which green plants use

energy from the sun to transform water, carbon dioxide, and

minerals into oxygen and organic compounds. Photosynthesis

happens when water is absorbed by the roots of green plants and

then it is carried to the leaves by the xylem, and carbon dioxide is

obtained from air that enters the leaves through the stomata and

diffuses to the cells containing chlorophyll. The green pigment

chlorophyll is converting the active energy of light into a latent

form that can be stored and used when it is needed (Pardiyono,


7) Analytical Exposition

a) Definition of Analytical Exposition

Exposition is kind of text that is made to give information

to the readers about opinions or arguments that we made as a



b) Purposes of Analytical Exposition

This text has aims to expose arguments or opinions in

response to a problem or event in order to judge or to persuade

(Pardiyono, 2016:11).

c) Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition

Pardiyono (2016:17) divided the generic structure of

descriptive text into three parts:

(1) General statement containing a thesis

It is consist of the declaration about something that will

be argued.

(2) Description of arguments

It consists of arguments with the data, general realities,

or the other arguments.

(3) Reiteration

It is containing about arguments that justifying the


d) Language Feature of Analytical Exposition

(1) Using simple present tense

For example: A school examination is important because it

forces the students to learn more.

(2) Using adjective clause


49 (3) Using adverbial clause

For example: When the examination time has come, most

students are worried

(4) Using connectives

For example: They can communicate and make many business

contacts with different people.

(Pardiyono, 2016:241-245)

e) Example of Analytical Exposition

I think one of the most useful things in the world for

human beings is TV. Indeed, it is the most wonderful thing that

man has ever invented. There are many advantages that people

can take from having TVs. TVs not only entertain people but also

teach them many important things. Through this wonderful

invention, people can learn about different parts of the world

which may be located thousands miles away. Motions pictures

which are taken from many different parts of the world have been

made to entertain as well as teach people. Some films are

purposely designed to entertain people as well as to teach them.

Even, some programs on TV now have been made to teach pupils


50 8) Discussion

a) Definition of Discussion

Discussion text is kind of text that is made to analyze a

problem from two different sides: from positive side and negative

side. It is made to give conception a problem (Pardiyono,


b) Purposes of Discussion

This text has aims to discuss an issue in two points of

view, to show the strength and the weakness, to describe the

positive points and negative points (Pardiyono, 2016:12).

c) Generic Structure of Discussion

Pardiyono (2016:18) divided the generic structure of

discussion text into four parts:

(1) General statement about an issue

It consist of one declaration about something or social

issue that must be discussed, because that declaration have

positive sight and negative sight.

(2) Arguments for

It is containing the positive sight or the advantages

about the issue.

(3) Arguments against

It is containing the negative sight or the disadvantages


51 (4) Recommendation

It is consist about the suggestion about what should we

do to receive to the issue.

d) Language Feature of Discussion

(1) Modals (to position a reader in a certain way)

(a) Certainty: must, will, should, etc.

e.g., We must conserve our forests.

(b) Less Certainty: Might, may, could, etc.

e.g., We might have solar powered cars in the future.

(2) Nominalization (to create authority and de-personalize text)

(3) Connectives (as signposts for reader)

(a) Clarifying: to put it another way, in particular, to illustrate,


(b) Showing Cause/Effect: is caused by, so that, etc.

(c) Indicating Time: initially, soon, until, before, etc.

(d) Sequencing Ideas: first, second, next, in summary, etc.

(e) Adding Information: additionally, furthermore, etc.

(f) Condition/Concession: if…the, even though, etc.

(4) Conjunctions (to link clauses within sentences)

(a) Clarifying: for instance, in other words, that is, namely, etc.

(b) Showing Cause/Effect: consequently, accordingly



(d) Sequencing Ideas: first, second, finally, in the first place,


(e) Adding Information: and, most convincing, likewise,

moreover, furthermore, etc.

(f) Condition/Concession: when…then, although, but,

however, otherwise, nevertheless, despite this, etc.

(Fortune & Tedick, 2003)

e) Example of Discussion

One of the most wonderful gadgets in the market today is a

mobile phone. It is small but has wonderful uses. Nowadays, a

mobile phone is not anymore to be considered as something

‘special’. Mobile phones have become such daily needs. People

cannot live without mobile phones in their hands. Wherever they

go and whatever they do, mobile phones are always with them.

Using a mobile phone, people cannot only communicate with

other people, but also enjoy music, make photos, have some

chats, etc. Mobile phones are always very helpful to people. On

the other hand, mobile phones have also created many problems

to people. One of them is that people sometimes make some

uncontrolled calls that cost a lot….Therefore; it always suggested

using the mobile phones properly in order that they can take the


53 2. Make A Match Model

a) Definition of Make A Match

According Rahmawati & Aryanti (2016:305), make a match is

learning technique using card. The division of the group “make a

match” model and there are two groups of problem and holding group

answer. Cullan (1994) in Huda (2014:251) states that “Make a Match”

model is one of the important model in teaching-learning process.

Arifah & Kusumarasdyati (2013:2), make a match is one of the

techniques which is introduced in cooperative learning. Make a match

technique is a kind of technique that leads the students to find their

partner. In this technique, the students are divided into two groups, “A”

group and “B” groups. Each of the students of the group gets one card.

b)The Steps of Make A Match Model

According to Huda (2014:251-252), teacher should make

preparation when using make match model. The preparation can explain

as follow:

(1) Make questions appropriate with the material that will be delivered,

then write them into question cards.

(2) Make the answers key from that questions and write them into

answered cards also. It is better that the question cards and

answered card has different color.

(3) Make a rule; the students have high score will get gift and the low


Figure 1.1 The Scheme based on Kemmis and McTaggart
Table 1.1 List of the Students’ Name of X1 MIA I class of MAN
Table 1.2 Research Schedule
Table 1.4 Teacher’s Observation Checklist


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