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George Quinn Uli Kozok


Academic year: 2019

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The Indonesian Way

Kosakata – Wordlist



“The Indonesian Way” by George Quinn and Uli Kozok is licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)” license.

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Please note that the license covers the text and the sound files, but excludes the illustrations.

Date of Last Revision: 13 February 2015

The development of “The Indonesian Way” was sponsored by grant P017A090375-10 from the US Department of Education, International Research and Studies Program.


Wordlist for Module 1

J The smiley face indicates words that are part of the colloquial speech. Please note that

these words are frequently used in casual speech, but never in formal speech or in writing.

é The Indonesian spelling system is to a large extent phonetic. Words are pronounced as

they are written and each grapheme (letter) by and large represents one phoneme (sound). Only

the letter /e/ represents two different sounds: In most words (such askenal, selamat, terima) the e

stands for what linguists call the schwa. The schwa is the vowel sound in many lightly pro-nounced unaccented syllables in words of more than one syllable. It is sometimes signified by the pronunciation “uh” or symbolised by an upside-down rotated e. In English the schwa sound can be represented by any vowel letter. In most dialects, for example, the schwa sound is found in the following words: The /a/ is schwa in adept; the /e/ is schwa in synthesis; the /i/ is schwa in decim-al; the /o/ is schwa in harmony; the /u/ is schwa in medium, and the /y/ is schwa in syringe. In In-donesian the schwa is indicated by one letter only: /e/.

However, the letter /e/ is also used to represent an accentuated e-sound. Some English words of French origin mark this sound with an accent: résumé, sauté. When the letter /e/ is pronounced as the é in sauté, then it is indicated by an accentuated /e/: é. Note that the accent is only used as an aid in this wordlist. You will not find it in texts written in Indonesian. Soré is always written sore.

• Many Indonesian words have affixes in the form of prefixes, suffixes, or circumfixes at

-tached to the root word. When a word contains an affix, the root word is given in parentheses

pre-ceded by a dot, e.g. “(•kenal)”.

Lesson 01


Anda   you

apa   what

apa kabar?   how are you?

baik-baik saja   fine/good (when answering the question “How are you?”)

biasa   usual, ordinary, normal

Bu Ma'am, Mrs.

duduk   to sit, to sit down

kenalkan (•kenal)   this is... (when you are introducing someone); allow me to introduce...

makan   to eat

malam   night, good night

masuk   to go in, to come in, to enter

minum   to drink

nama   (someone’s) name; the name (of something)


Pak Sir, Mr.

saya   I, me

saja   just, only

selamat   safe from trouble; Also: congratulations!

siapa   who; Also: “what” in the sentence “What is your name?” siang; selamat siang   afternoon, late morning to mid afternoon; Good day

silakan   please (go ahead and...)

soré; selamat sore   late afternoon, late afternoon to early evening; Good afternoon

terima kasih   thank you

Lesson 02

Amérika Serikat   The United States of America

Arab Saudi   Saudi Arabia

Belanda   The Netherlands, Holland

berasal (•asal); Anda berasal dari mana?

  to originally come (from), to originate (from); Where do you come from?

Cina   China

dan   and

dari   from

dari mana   from where

dari sini   from here

Filipina   The Philippines

Inggris   English, Britain

ini   this

Italia   Italy

jauh   a long way away, distant

Jepang   Japan

Jérman   Germany

maaf   sorry, I apologise

Mesir   Egypt

O begitu   I see, I understand

Perancis   France

Rusia   Russia

Selandia Baru   New Zealand

Singapura   Singapore

saya kira   I thought (that ...), I was under the impression tidak   no, not (negating a verb, adjective or preposition.)

Yunani   Greece

Lesson 03



gedung   a building

geréja   a church

kantor   an office

ke mana; Mau ke mana?   to where; Where are you going?

mau   to want (to do something), to want (something)

mari   good bye

mesjid   (also: masjid) a mosque

pabrik   a factory

Pak   Mr., Sir (a title & term of address)

pasar   a market

réstoran   a restaurant

rumah   a house

rumah sakit   a hospital

sakit   sick, ill

akan   will, going to (the word that marks an event that will happen in the future)

aku J I, me (informal when talking to close friends, spouse, etc.) apakah; Informally simply: apa   The word that begins a sentence/clause when you want to ask

a “yes/no” question Are you from Bali?

ayam   a chicken, chicken (meat)

bisa   can, able to

daging   meat

dapat   can, able to

di   at, in, on

ikan   fish

kamu J you (informal when talking to small children, close friends, spouse, etc.)

kepingin J want (to), wish (to) (informal); also: péngén, pengin & kepéngin

kopi   coffee

nasi   rice (cooked, ready to eat)

nggak J no, not (informal)

pisang   a banana

roti   bread, a loaf of bread. Also often: a bun, a biscuit, a bread roll

rumah makan   restaurant

suka   to like (someone or something), to like (doing something)

susu   milk


téh   tea

témpé   tempeh (fermented soybean product)

telur   an egg

tinggal   to live (in a certain place), to stay, to remain

Lesson 05


air jeruk   orange juice

atau   or

ayam goréng   fried chicken

bioskop   cinema, movie theatre

bir   beer

buah   fruit

coklat   chocolate, brown in colour

di sana   there, over there

durian   durian (a large, egg-shaped, green fruit with a hard, spiky skin and a strong odour)

hotel   a hotel

juga   also

kantor pos   post office

kentang   potato

mal   a shopping mall

nasi goréng   fried rice

pasar swalayan   a supermarket

términal bus   bus terminal

tetapi   but

universitas   university

warnét   an internet cafe (from warung internet)

warung   a small streetside eatery, a small footpath shop or stall

Lesson 06


administrasi; gedung administrasi   administration; the administration building

bank   a bank (i.e. a financial institution)

buku; toko buku   a book; a book shop

di antara   between, among

di dekat   near

di depan   in front of (sometimes opposite) di belakang   behind, at the rear of, in back of

di mana   where at

di samping   beside, side-by-side (with), next to, in addition to kampus; kampus universitas   a/the campus; a/the university campus


jalan   a street, a road

imigrasi; kantor imigrasi   immigration, the immigration office nasional; Universitas Nasional   national; The National University pemerintah (•perintah); kantor


  the government; a government office

perpustakaan (•pustaka); perpustakaan pusat

  a library; the central library

polisi; kantor polisi   the police, a police officer; a/the police station

pusat   the centre

Lesson 07


ada   there is, there are

dekat; dekat sini   nearby, close by; near here -mu; rumahmu J your (informal); your house -ku; kantorku J my (informal); my office

angkot   short for angkutan kota, city transport, usually a mini bus

bécak   a three-wheeled pedicab

bémo   a three-wheeled taxicab

berjalan (•jalan); berjalan kaki   to go, to move forward, to walk

bus   a bus

bis J a bus

datang   to come

dari sana   (from) there (suggesting movement away from a place far from the speaker or listener)

di sini   here

sini!   Here, Come here! (suggesting movement towards the speaker)

dokar   a horse-drawn two-wheeled gig

harus   must, have to

kaki   a leg, foot

kapal   a ship

katanya   I heard that..., they say..., people say that...

ke sini   (to) here (suggesting movement towards the speaker)

ke sana; sana!   (to) there (suggesting movement towards a place far from the speaker or listener); Off you go!

kembali   to go back, to come back, to return


mobil   a car

naik; naik mobil   by (when talking about a mode of transport), to get aboard, to go upwards, to ascend; by car

pergi   to go

pesawat terbang   an aeroplane

sepéda   a bicycle

sepéda motor   a motorbike

taksi   a taxi

Lesson 09


bagus   excellent, impressive, great, terrific, really good

baru   new

bersih   clean

buah-buahan   fruits; many and varied fruits

besar   big

cepat   fast, quick

énak   good (to eat), tasty, delicious

indah   beautiful; fine; lovely; precious; picturesque; scenic

jagung   corn, maize

menyenangkan (•senang)   pleasant, nice, enjoyable

minuman (•minum)   a drink

murah   cheap, inexpensive

penuh   full

ramai   crowded, full of people, bustling, noisy

Lesson 10


bagaimana   how? what is ... like?

belajar (•ajar); Saya belajar bahasa Indonesia

  to study, to study/learn something; I learn Indonesian

cukup; cukup baik   quite, pretty (adverb); quite good, pretty good sekali; murah sekali   very; very cheap

Lesson 11


biasanya   usually


dingin   cold

jelék   ugly, bad, of poor quality/workmanship

kurang   less, not so much, not enough, not ____ enough, not really ____

lambat   slow

orang   a person, a man/ a woman

negara   a country

negeri Belanda The Netherlands

pahit   bitter

panas   hot; very warm

pedas   spicy (“hot”)

yang   which, who (when used as relative pronouns, not question-words), that (relative pronoun)

Lesson 12


Apakah Anda mau?   Would you like (something)? Would you like to (do something)? Do you want to...?

baik   good, fine, very well (indicating understanding of, and agreement with, what has been said to you)

dengan   together with

goréng; ikan goreng   fried; fried fish

jawaban (•jawab)   an answer

minta; saya minta   to ask for something, to request; Would you please give me... pertanyaan (•tanya)   a question

rambutan (•rambut)   rambutan (a fruit), (a small, round reddish fruit with hair-like growth on its skin)

satai   satay, kebabs (meat roasted on skewers); also saté sama J with, together with (in informal usage)

traktir   to pay for someone, to “shout” someone wah!   oh! (an exclamation of surprise, admiration etc.)

Lesson 13


berjalan-jalan (•jalan); informally: jalan-jalan

  to go for a walk/stroll, to wander about, to travel around

bagaimana kalau   what about (doing something), what if (I/we/you do something)

bahasa   language

bahasa Indonesia; belajar bahasa Indonesia

  Indonesian (i.e. the national language of Indonesia), to study Indonesian

baiklah   okay, fine, very well

boléh   may, can. In reply to a question: Sure! No problem! Great!

kalau   if

keluar   to go out, to come out, to emerge, to exit


tidak apa-apa   that’s fine, no problem, no worries

Lesson 14  

asrama   a dormitory, a hall of residence

bahasa Inggris   English (the language)

bahasa Cina   Chinese (the language); also: bahasa Tionghoa

bapak; Bapak Presiden   a father, Mr (followed by a surname), a respectful title for male office-holders; Mr President

bélok; belok kanan, belok kiri   bend, curve, turn; (to make ) a right turn; (to make ) a left turn

dosén   university lecturer, professor

fakultas   a faculty

ilmu   a science, esoteric knowledge

ilmu bumi   geography; also: geografi

ilmu ékonomi   economics

ilmu kimia   chemistry

ilmu politik   politics

informasi   information

kuliah; Dia kuliah di Universitas Indonesia; Maaf, saya harus kuliah nanti.

  a lecture (in a university course); to study at a university; to attend a lecture; to go to a lecture; She is studying at the University of Indonesia; Sorry, I’ve got to go to a lecture shortly.

ruang kuliah   a lecture theatre

mahasiswa   a university student

matématika   mathematics

numpang tanya   May I ask you a question?

pertama   the first

réktor   the chief executive of a university, a vice-chancellor, the president of a university

sastra   literature

seberang   other side, place across (the street, river etc)

studi; fakultas studi Asia   the study (of something), studies (in a certain field); The Faculty of Asian Studies

terus; belajar terus   continue, go on, go straight ahead, keep on going; to keep on learning

toko buku   a book shop

toko roti   a bread shop, a pastry shop, a bakery

Lesson 15


banyak   a lot (of), many, much

bermacam-macam (•macam)   all sorts (of), various (kinds of), many different ...

cukup   enough

Éropa   Europe

kamar   a room (especially a room in a house or hotel), a bedroom


lama   old (in the sense: of a prior/previous/former time), outdated, superseded

laut   the sea


Wordlist for Module 2

Lesson 16

alun-alun   a town common (the grassed central square in Indonesian towns, especially in Java & Bali)

bupati   the head of a shire or a sub-provincial district

désa   a village, administrative unit at the village level (also in urban areas).

kampung   a village

kelas   grade/schoolyear; ruang kelas a classroom

kué   a cake

kebun   a garden, a plantation

méja   a table

pésta   a party (a social event where you dance, drink, chat etc.) Also: a celebratory festival

perahu; perahu layar   a small boat, a traditional Indonesian sailboat, a yacht pertandingan (•tanding); pertandingan

sepak bola

  a (sports) match; a football (i.e. soccer) match

pulau   an island

sayuran (•sayur)   a vegetable, vegetables

sépak bola   football (soccer)

sungai   a river

Lesson 17


belas; tujuh belas   -teen (the number-word following other number words to form numbers between eleven and nineteen); seventeen

berapa   how much, how many, what (when asking about a number)

delapan   eight

dua   two

empat   four

enam   six

ibu; Ibu Widya   Mrs (also a title for older unmarried women and unmarried women with some status); Mrs. Widya

Kartu Tanda Penduduk   an identity card. Abbreviated: KTP

kosong   empty; also: zero, nought

lima   five


nomor; di kamar nomor enam   number (such-and-such), such-and-such a number; in room number 6

puluh; tiga puluh   the number-word indicating multiples of ten; thirty

satu   one

se-; hanya seorang   (prefix as in seratus) one; just one person

sebelas   eleven

sembilan   nine

sepuluh   ten

tiga   three

tujuh   seven

télépon; berapa nomor telepon...?   a telephone; what is the telephone number of ...?

Lesson 18


jumlah   sum, amount, total, number, quantity

kurang; also: dikurangi   minus (in mathematical calculations)

ratus; seratus   hundred, one hundred

ribu; seribu   thousand, one thousand

rupiah; abbreviated: Rp.   Rupiah (Indonesia’s unit of currency)

sama   the same

sama dengan   equals (in mathematical calculations/formulae)

seribu; seribu lima ratus   one thousand, a thousand; one thousand five hundred seratus; seratus lima puluh   one hundred, a hundred; a hundred and fifty

tambah   plus (in mathematical calculations)

tanggal   date

Lesson 19


banyak; banyak orang di sini   much, many, there are many..., there is a lot of...; there are many people here

beberapa   several, some

biro pariwisata   a tourist bureau, a travel agency; also: biro wisata dalam   in, inside, within; ; also more precisely: di dalam

gambar   a picture

hanya   only

kendaraan   a vehicle

kilométer   kilometre

kira-kira   roughly, about, approximately

macam; semacam   a sort, a kind; a sort of, a kind of

perlu   to need

stasiun; stasiun kereta api   station, a railway station


Lesson 20


berapa tahun?   how many years

tahun berapa?   what year?

betul   correct, That’s right

berumur (•umur); Adik saya berumur 15 tahun.

  to be such-and-such an age, to be so many years old; My younger brother/sister is 15.

kalau begitu   if that’s the case

lahir   to be born

mulai   to begin, start

pada   on, at, in

présiden   President

sekolah dasar   primary school

tahun   year

umur   age

Lesson 21


ayah   a father, someone’s father

anak   a child, a son/daughter, offspring (singular and plural)

anak-anak a small child (singular and plural)

adik   a younger brother or sister, someone’s younger sibling bekerja (•kerja); Saya harus bekerja


  to work, to do work. I’ve got to work hard.

cucu   a grandchild, a grandson, a granddaughter

dia   he, she, him, her; also ia

ibu   a mother, someone’s mother

istri   a wife, someone’s wife

kakak   an older brother or sister, someone’s older sibling

kakék   a grandfather, Grandad

keluarga; dalam keluarga saya...   family, a family; in my family... laki-laki; anak laki-laki   male, a boy

namanya; Ini anjing saya. Namanya Mopi.

  by the name of..., whose name is..., his/her/its name is...; This is my dog. I call him Mopi.

nénék   a grandmother, Grandma

-nya   his, her, its

orang tua   parents, someone’s mother and father

pacar   a boyfriend / girlfriend (i.e. a special friend of the opposite sex)

perempuan   female, a woman

punya; Saya tidak punya uang.   to have; I don’t have any money. saudara   a brother/sister, a sibling, a relative


tentang   about, concerning, relating to

Lesson 22


aja J just, only (informal variant of saja)

ama J with, together with (informal variant of sama) Also: and (a linker-word connecting a verb with its object in informal speech) apa; Mobil ini apa mobil itu? J or [when you are stressing an “either/or” contrast]

(informal/slangy); This car or that car?

bilang; Siapa bilang? J to say (informal/slangy); Who says? / Sez who?

belum; Belum selesai.   not yet; Not yet finished.

cakep J pretty, good-looking, “spunky”, “hot” (informal/slangy) cantik   pretty, beautiful (describing the appearance of girls/women) dosén   a lecturer (at a university), a professor (i.e. a member of the

teaching faculty at a university)

duit J money, “dough” (informal)

gimana; Gimana kabarnya? J how, what is ... like? (informal forbagaimana); How’s it going? (a greeting)

kali J maybe, probably (informal variant of barangkali)

kawin; Belum kawin   to get married; not yet married / still single

kerja J to work (informal for bekerja)

masih; Masih muda.   still; Still young.

muda   young

ortu J parents (slangy abbreviation of orang tua)

sudah; Sudah makan?   already; Have you already had something to eat?

tanggal; Tanggal satu Januari.   such-and-such a date [a marker word in front of a number indicating the day of the month]; The first of January.

teman   a friend

terkenal   famous

tuh J that (informal variant of itu))

tua   old

uang; uang kuliah   money; tuition fees (at university)

udah; Sudah makan? J already (informal variant of sudah); Have you already had something to eat?

Lesson 23


aduh; Aduh! Sakit!   oh! ouch! (an exclamation of pain, shock or surprise); Ouch! That hurts!

agama; Agama Islam   a religion, religion (in general); the Islamic religion / Islam

alamat   an address

bantu   to help someone, to assist someone

bersekolah (•sekolah); Saya bersekolah di Sekolah Menengah Nurul Islam.


hidup   to be alive, to live

ikut; Siapa yang mau ikut?   to go/come along, to join in, to also do something with others; Who wants to join?

jadi   so (introducing a comment or conclusion arising from something said previously in the conversation)

keterangan (•terang); keterangan diri   information, data a statement/declaration (concerning the facts of a matter); personal details

kembali   you’re welcome (in reply to “thank you”)

lagi; Apa lagi? Siapa lagi?   again, further, extra, more, else; what else? who else?

lama; Sudah lama tinggal di sini?   long (when you are talking about a period of time), a long time; Have you lived here a long time?

meninggal   to pass away (a polite way of saying “to die”) permisi; Permisi, boleh saya duduk di


  excuse me (when you are interrupting, intruding,

inconveniencing someone, or taking your leave); Excuse me, may I sit here?

Saudara   you, Mr, Mrs, Ms, (formal and egalitarian)

Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)   a middle school, intermediate school Sekolah Teknik Atas   a senior technical high school sudah berapa lama?; Sudah berapa

lama Anda di sini?

  how long have/has; How long have you been here?

tanda tangan   a signature

Lesson 24


atap   a roof

bagian (•bagi)   a part

bagian depan   the front part

dapur   a kitchen

depan   front (when you are talking about the front part of something), next (week, month, year)

gudang   a storeroom, a warehouse

halaman   a yard (i.e. a fenced/walled area adjacent to a house/building)

halaman belakang   back yard

jendéla   a window

ruang tamu   reception area (close to the front door and adjacent to the living room)

ruang keluarga   a living room

kamar tidur   a bedroom

ruang makan   a dining room

kamar mandi   a bathroom

kamar kecil   a toilet (the room), a “comfort room”, restroom

pagar   a fence

pintu   a door, an entrance


ruang   space, a space, room, a room

sawah   paddy fields, irrigated rice fields

tamu   a guest, a visitor, a customer (i.e. someone who comes into a shop/office)

tangga a flight of stairs, a ladder

untuk   for (i.e. intended for someone or something)

WC   a toilet, “comfort room”, loo, toilet bowl, restroom

Lesson 25


berbelanja (•belanja)   to go shopping, to do the shopping bercakap-cakap (•cakap)   to chat

berkebun to garden, farm, work in the garden or field

bermain (•main)   to play

dilakukan (•lakukan) be done, carried out

ia   she, he (variant of dia)

gaji   wages, salary

kaya   rich

keras   hard

komputer   a computer

mandi   to take a bath/shower

masak   to do the cooking, to cook (something)

membantu (•bantu)   to help someone, to assist

membersihkan (•bersih) to clean something menélépon (•télépon) to make a telephone call

meréka   they, their

naik sepéda to go by bicycle

prihatin   very concerned (about something)

sayur-sayuran   vegetables, a variety of vegetables, all sorts of vegetables sedang   in the process of... (to talk about what someone is currently

doing or what is currently happening)

sepéda bicycle

tidur   to sleep, to go to bed

Lesson 26


berapa harga ...?; berapa harganya?   how much is...? (asking about the price of something) How much is it?

botol; sebotol   a bottle, a bottle of

bunga   a flower

cari apa?   What are you looking for?

guling a cylindrical pillow designed to be hugged when sleeping


harganya; Harganya sepuluh ribu.   costs (i.e. something costs such-and-such); It costs ten thousand.

jam; jam dinding   a clock, a watch; a clock(at the wall) kompor   a stove (including the small benchtop stove)

kursi   a chair

kursi malas   an easy chair

kursi panjang   (long) lounge chair, sofa

lampu   an electric light, a lamp

lemari   a cupboard

lemari és   a fridge, a refrigerator

lemari pakaian   a wardrobe

méja makan   a dining table

méja tulis   a desk, a writing table

mémang   indeed, yes I agree, that’s absolutely right

mencari (•cari)   to look for

pot bunga   a flower pot

radio   a radio

rak buku   a book case, a book shelf

rumah tangga; alat-alat rumah tangga   a household; things for the house, household appliances & furniture

televisi   a television set, television

tempat tidur   a bed

Lesson 27


berbicara (•bicara)   to speak

berwarna (•warna); televisi berwarna   coloured ..., ...in colour; a colour TV

biru   blue

halo   Hello (when you are answering the telephone or greeting someone informally)

HP; Nomor HP-mu berapa?   a mobile phone, a hand phone, a cell phone; What’s your mobile number?

di atas   above, over, on top of

di bawah   under, underneath, at the foot of

di sebelah   next to, on the ___ side,

dinding   an interior wall, a dividing wall (in a house), a partitioning wall

hijau   green

hitam   black, dark coloured

kanan   right (the opposite of left)

kiri   left (the opposite of right)

kuning   yellow

lalu   then, after that, Then? Then what? What happened then?


lantai   floor

mérah   red

penting   important

putih   white, colourless

tolong; minta tolong   please (help me); to ask for help

sebentar; Tunggu sebentar!   a short time, a moment; Wait a moment! Hang on a sec.

ujung   the end (of an object, i.e. the furthermost extremity of something)

warna   a colour

Lesson 28


air kelapa   coconut juice (for drinking)

air putih   drinking water

anjing   a dog

bertanya (•tanya)   to put a question, to ask a question

boléh; Boleh saya bertanya?   may; May I ask you a question?

burung   a bird

di luar   outside

di sebelah kiri   on the left, on the lefthand side (of) di sebelah kanan   on the right, on the righthand side (of) di tengah-tengah   in the middle, in the very middle of

garasi   a garage

guru   a teacher

kandang   a cage (stable, pen, sty)

kelapa; pohon kelapa   a coconut; a coconut tree

kucing   a cat

luas   broad, extensive, big (in area)

mangga; pohon mangga   a mango; a mango tree

mempunyai (•punya)   to have something, to own something

oh ya   Oh, before I forget...

pembantu (•bantu)   an assistant, a maid, a domestic servant

tinggi   tall, high

dulu; Ayo makan dulu!   first (before doing anything else) C’mon, let’s eat first!

jawab   answer, ... answered so-and-so (in a narrative)

kata   a word, ... said so-and-so (in a narrative)


lari   to run, to run away, to escape

luar   the outside, the exterior

melihat (•lihat)   to see something/someone, to look at

membuka (•buka)   to open something

mungkin   possibly, maybe, perhaps, possible, may

pakaian (•pakai)   clothes, clothing

panggil; Saya akan memanggil dokter.   to summon someone, to call out to someone; I’m going to call the doctor.

panggung   a stage, a raised platform

peraga   a character (a play, story)

sekeliling; di sekeliling   around, all around (located); around

seperti; Rasanya seperti es krim.   like (i.e. resembling); It tastes like ice cream.

tadi; Tadi anak-anak bermain di luar.   just now, earlier (today); Earlier the children were playing outside.

tanya   ask, ... asked so-and-so (in a narrative)

tiba-tiba   suddenly

tidak usah; Mereka tidak usah ikut.   (you) don’t need to, don’t bother; They don’t need to come along.

Lesson 30


minta diri; Sudah cukup, Pak. Saya minta diri.

  to take one’s leave of someone, to ask permission to leave; That’ll be all sir. I’d like to go now.


Wordlist for Module 3

Lesson 32


berangkat (•angkat); Aduh! Sudah berangkat!

  to depart, to set off (to go somewhere), to leave (on a trip); Oh no! It’s left already!

berkunjung (•kunjung); berkunjung ke Glasgow

  to visit (a place); to visit Glasgow

jam; jam dua belas lewat dua puluh   o’clock [a marker word used to express the time of day in hours and minutes]; twenty past twelve

kurang; jam delapan kurang seperempat

  to (i.e. “before the hour” or “before the half-hour”, when telling the time); a quarter to eight.

léwat; pukul satu lewat lima   more, past (when telling the time); five past one

makan siang   to have lunch makan malam   to have dinner perusahaan (•usaha); perusahaan


  a company, a business enterprise; a foreign company

pukul; pukul satu   o’clock [a marker word used to express the time of day in hours and minutes]; one o’clock

sampai   until (a certain time), as far as (a certain place) sarapan   to have breakfast

seperempat; dua seperempat   ¼ (a quarter); 2¼ (two and a quarter) setengah; satu setengah   ½ (a half); 1½ (one and a half)

tengah malam   at midnight, in the middle of the night tertawa (•tawa)   to laugh

Lesson 33


apaan (•apa); Orang apaan, tuh? J (Only used in informal speech Jakarta style) what kind of... [adding a note of humorous scepticism or cynicism to a question, especially a rhetorical question]; What kinda person is that?

banget; Cakep banget dia. J (Only used in informal speech Jakarta style) very, really; She’s really spunky.

bérés; Beres. Tunggu aja sebentar.   fixed up, put right, all okay, resolved, no worries; No worries. Just hang on a sec.

berlari (•lari)   to run

doyan; Nggak mau, aku nggak doyan. J (Only used in informal speech Jakarta style) to like (especially food); I don’t want any. I don’t like it!


jam berapa?; Jam berapa sekarang?   what time?; What time is it now?

kalo; kalo aku nggak mau. J (Only used in informal speech. In formal Indonesian use kalau) if, as for (me/him/that etc.), as far as ... is concerned; Speaking for myself, I don’t want to.

keliling around

ketemu (•temu) J (informal for bertemu) to meet, to find

lapangan (•lapang); lapangan sepak bola

  a field, a ground, an open space (especially for recreation); a

football field lebih suka; Saya lebih suka berjalan


  to prefer, to like something better; I prefer to walk.

lumayan; Hmm ... masakanmu lumayan.

J not bad, quite good; Hmmm... your cooking’s not bad.

nanti siang   this afternoon (spoken in the morning)

nanti soré   late this afternoon (spoken earlier in the day) nanti malam   tonight (spoken earlier in the day)

paké; Pake bus apa taksi? J (Only used in informal speech) by (a certain mode of transport);

(Shall we go) by bus or taxi?

pulang   to come home, to go home

punya; Aku udah ketemu ama dia punya ibu.

J [a slangy word used to express possession]; I’ve met with his/her mother.

sih; Gimana sih, kamu! J [a slangy particle that adds emphasis and colour to a question, often making the question feel more pointed, even adding a note of irritation, bewilderment, surprise, puzzlement or sarcasm.]; What is it with you!?

tentu saja   of course

yuk; Minum yuk! J c’mon, let’s...; Let’s have something to drink!

Lesson 34


hari   a day

kadang-kadang   sometimes, occasionally, from time to time

musik   music

(pada) pagi hari   in the morning(s) (pada) siang hari   in the afternoon(s)

(pada) soré hari   in the late afternoon(s) (pada) malam hari   at night

salah; Maaf, saya kira Anda salah.   wrong, to be wrong; Sorry, I think you’re wrong.

sesudah (•sudah) after

ténis; bermain tenis   tennis; to play tennis

Lesson 35



apalagi; tidak banyak bus, apalagi hari Minggu.

  particularly, the more so, especially; There aren’t many buses, especially on a Sunday.

apartemén   an apartment, a flat, a unit badminton   badminton; also bulu tangkis

berenang (•renang)   to swim, to go swimming

beristirahat (•istirahat)   to rest, to take a rest, to take a break bersembahyang (•sembahyang)   to say/do your prayers, to worship

bersenam (•senam)   to do gymnastic, to do aerobics, to work out cuma; cuma satu sudah cukup. J (Colloquial for hanya) just, only; Just one will do.

émangnya kenapa? J (Colloquial) why? (what’s it to you), why? (why do you ask?)

kalian J (Colloquial) you (plural of kamu) kegiatan (•giat)   an activity

kolam renang   a swimming pool

melakukan (•laku)   to do (something), to undertake (something); dilakukan be done

lalu then; and so

lari pagi   early morning jogging

lu; Lu mau makan nggak? J you (Jakarta slang); Would you like something to eat?

makasih; Makasih duitnya ya. J (Colloquial) thanks; Thanks for the money.

musala   prayer room (for Muslims), a small mosque

ngapain; Lu lagi ngapain? J (Colloquial) why? why on earth...? what (is someone) doing? what for? what’s the point? what’s going on?; What are you doing?

nih; Mau ke mana, nih? J (Colloquial) this, at the moment, now; Where are you off to right now?

olahraga   sport

berpacaran (•pacar) to be going steady, to be dating, to be going out with; pacaran (•pacar); Dodi lagi pacaran

sama siapa?

J (Colloquial for berpacaran) to be going steady, to be dating;

Who is Dodi going out with now?

senam J (Colloquial for bersenam) to do gymnastics, to do aerobics, to work out

sesudah (•sudah); sesudah pulang   after (doing something), after (a certain time), after going home

sulit   difficult, hard to do taman; taman nasional   a park; a national park

Lesson 36


asal   to originate (from)

bersama (•sama); bersama dengan together; together with

hari libur   a day off, a (day off for a) holiday, a one-day holiday

kafe a coffeeshop

kalau (Anda) bagaimana?; Kalau Pak Iman bagaimana?

  what about (you)? what about (her/John etc.); What about Mr. Iman?

pasti; Tidak ada restoran? Pasti ada!   definitely, sure to be, bound to (be...), must be (i.e. bound to


sekeluarga   the whole family

sepi; Pasarnya sepi sekali.   quiet, lonely, deserted; The market was deserted.

suka sekali; Saya suka sekali bermain tenis.

  to really like, to enjoy, to love (doing something); I love playing tennis.

tidak boléh; Tidak boleh ada orang lain yang ikut.

  not allowed to, shouldn’t, can’t (i.e. not permitted to); There shouldn’t be any other people coming along.

waktu senggang; Pada waktu senggang, saya ...

  free time, spare time, leisure time; In my spare time, I ...

Lesson 37


anggur; buah anggur   wine; grapes

bulu tangkis   badminton

capai   tired

gelas   a glass (i.e. a tumbler you drink from), a drinking glass kelab malam; also klab malam & club


  a night club

nanti dulu   just a moment, wait a moment, hang on a sec

percaya   to believe

semua; semua orang tahu   all, all of them, everyone, everybody; everyone knows.

tadi malam   last night

ternyata (•nyata); ternyata dia bukan teman yang baik

  so ... after all, it turns out that ... after all (expressing mild surprise that something is contrary to expectations); So he wasn’t a true friend after all.

wiski   whisky

Lesson 38


bésok; besok pagi   tomorrow; tomorrow morning

hari ini   today

kemarin; kemarin siang   yesterday; yesterday afternoon

hari Minggu; hari Minggu yang lalu   Sunday; last Sunday

hari Senin; hari Senin malam   Monday; Monday night

hari Selasa; hari Selasa yang akan datang

  Tuesday; next Tuesday

hari Rabu; hari Rabu pagi   Wednesday; Wednesday morning

hari Kamis; hari Kamis yang akan datang

  Thursday; next Thursday

hari Jumat; hari Jumat yang lalu   Friday; last Friday

hari Sabtu; hari Sabtu malam   Saturday; Saturday night

malam Minggu   Saturday night (more common than Sabtu malam)

kapan?   when? (asking about time) minggu; minggu yang lalu week; last week


Lesson 39


agén perjalanan   travel agent

jadwal   schedule

menurut   according to

penerbangan (•terbang)   flight

tikét   ticket

Lesson 40


kepada; Dia mengirimkan uang kepada suaminya.

  to (when you are talking about something that is directed towards an individual or a group of people, not a place); She sent some money to her husband.

majalah   a magazine

membaca (•baca)   to read

membersihkan (•bersih)   to clean something

mencuci (•cuci)   to wash (something with water) mendengarkan (•dengar)   to listen to something; to listen

menonton (•tonton); Saya suka

menonton film.   to watch something (especially TV, a sports match, a performance, a movie, a spectacle); I like seeing movies.

menulis (•tulis)   to write menyapu (•sapu)   to sweep

novél   a novel

piring   a plate, the dishes

sapu   broom

sedang apa?   what are (you) doing?; what is (he/she) doing?

surat kabar   a newspaper

surat   a letter (i.e. an item of correspondence)

Lesson 41


bangun; bangun pagi   to get up (out of bed); to get up in the morning

berita; siaran berita   news; a newscast, a news broadcast

berpakaian (•pakai)   to get dressed

bersiap-siap (•siap)   to get ready, to make preparations, to prepare (for something) bersisir (•sisir)   to comb

kemudian   then, after that

membeli (•beli)   to buy

mengambil (•ambil)   to go and get something, to fetch something, to reach out and remove, to pick up something

menggosok gigi (•gosok)   to brush your teeth

pemandangan (•pandang)   a view, a scene, a panorama, (natural) scenery

sebelum; sebelum itu   before (a certain time/event); before that


Lesson 42


alat   a device, a tool, an implement

baju   clothes (in general), an upper-body garment, especially shirts, blouses etc.

éléktronik   electronic

habis J after (informal for sesudah) ingin   to wish (to...), to want (to...)

jadi   (didn’t) happen, (didn’t) work out, so, therefore, thus

kami   we (excluding the person or persons you are talking to)

kerén J stylish, trendy

kita   we (including the person or persons you are talking to)

mencoba (•coba)   to try to do something, to try something out, to try on (clothes)

minggu   a week

nonton (•tonton) J (informal for menonton) to see, to watch something (especially TV, a sports match, a parade etc.)

sampai di + (name of place)   to arrive in/at (a place), to reach (a destination)

untuk   (in order) to

yang lalu   ...ago, last...

Lesson 43


bahasa Belanda   Dutch (the language)

berkuasa (•kuasa)   to be in power, to be the dominant force

bikin J to make (something)

duduk-duduk   to sit around (in a casual or leisurely way)

dulu   in former times, a long time ago, used to (i.e. regularly happened in former times)

hukum   a law, the law (as a body of regulations or an area of study)

ibu kos   the landlady (in a boarding house) kalo pagi J in the morning(s)

karena   because

kenapa   why?

macam-macam   all sorts (of), all kinds (of), various kinds of

mata kuliah   a subject (of study at a university), a course, a unit of study membuat (•buat)   to make (something)

mengapa (•apa)   why?

memberikan (•beri)   to give something

ngorok J to snore

pagi-pagi   very early in the morning


tadi pagi   this morning (spoken later in the day) tadi siang   this afternoon (spoken later in the day)

ya; Ini untuk saya, ya?   ..., right? ...have you? ...do you? ...does he/she? ...okay?

(seeking confirmation or approval); This is for me, right?

undang-undang   an act of parliament, law(s) of the land

Lesson 44


ada yang, ada ____ yang   some _[noun]_

ahli filsafat (also: filsuf)   a philosopher

berdagang (•dagang)   to trade, to earn a living buying & selling, to deal in such-&-such a commodity

berpikir (•pikir)   to think, to ponder, to ruminate

biji   a seed, a berry, a pip beans (e.g. coffee beans), the stone (in stone fruit)

bola voli   volley ball (sometimes simply: voli)

gitar   a guitar

istiméwa   special, exceptional, out of the ordinary

juta   million

kalah   to lose (a contest/fight etc.), to be defeated kurang   don’t/doesn’t really..., isn’t/aren’t really... lagu   a song, a tune, a piece of music

memperbaiki (•baik)   to repair something, to fix something broken

menang   to win

menjadi (•jadi)   to become, to be

menjual (•jual)   to sell something menyanyi (•nyanyi)   to sing

menyanyikan (•nyanyi)   to sing (a certain song)

pandai   to be good at (doing something), clever, intelligent, smart pernah   once, ever, at some time in the past

pintar   clever, intelligent, smart

sama sekali   absolutely, at all, completely, totally (in negative expressions)

tidak begitu...   not very..., not especially, not particularly... yang lain   the other one

yang + [adjective]   the _[adjective]_ one

Lesson 45


memakai (•pakai)   to use something, to wear something memelihara (•pelihara)   to keep (animals), to take care of

mengajar (•ajar)   to teach (someone / students / pupils / a subject), to do teaching


minta tolong; Maaf, boleh saya minta tolong?

  to ask for assistance/help; Excuse me, could you help me?

sejarah   history

selalu   always

selama; selama tiga minggu   for (a certain period of time); for three weeks

sendirian (•sendiri)   alone, on your own (i.e. without a companion) sendiri; Mereka sendiri yang


  self, -selves (myself, yourself etc. when you want to emphasise who did something); They themselves repaired it.

sudah cukup; Saya kira sudah cukup.   that’s enough, that will do; I think that will do for the moment

tidak pernah   never (the opposite of “always”) waktu; pada waktu itu   time; at that time

Lesson 46


akhirnya   finally, in the end, eventually, lastly berapa lama; Berapa lama film ini?   how long; How long is this film?

detektif   private detective di antaranya   including, among them

jam; tiga setengah jam   hour / hours; three and a half hours

kaviar   caviar

lobi   the lobby (of a hotel)

masakan (•masak); masakan Perancis   cooking, cuisine, cooked food; French cuisine

mawar   a rose (also bunga mawar)

membayar (•bayar)   to pay memilih (•pilih)   to choose

mencium (•cium)   to kiss someone, to smell/sniff something

méwah   luxurious

oléh; dilakukan oleh   by (i.e. done/made/written by); done by

pipi   cheeks

sambil   while

sampanye   champagne

senang   happy, enjoying yourself, to like something, to like doing something

seorang; seorang laki-laki   a, one (when you are counting people and there is just one person to be counted); a man / one man

waktu; also pada waktu; waktu saya sampai di rumah

  when, at the time when (referring to a certain time in the past when something happened); when I arrived home

wanita   a woman, a lady

Lesson 47


Allah   God

Allahu akbar   God is great


ayat   a verse, a stanza (from a poem or from holy scripture); e.g.

ayat-ayat Al-quran

batik   batik

barang   a thing, goods

beragama (•agama); beragama Islam, beragama Kristen

  to be a follower of such-and-such a religion; a Muslim, a (Protestant) Christian

berbuka puasa; also simply berbuka or buka

  to break your fast, to have a meal in the evening after a day of fasting

berkumpul (•kumpul)   to assemble, to gather

berpuasa (•puasa)   to fast, to abstain from food & drink

bersalaman (•salam)   to greet each other (usually by shaking hands) bersyukur (•syukur)   to thank God

bésoknya   the next day

bulan puasa   the fasting month di mana-mana   everywhere

doa   a prayer (especially a personal, meditative prayer)

gelap   dark

hari raya; Hari Raya Idul Adha   a feast day, a big religious holiday; the Festival of Sacrifice

haus   thirsty

Idul Fitri   the festival of Ied, the (usually two) days of celebrations at the end of the Muslim fasting month

kali   times, a time

ketupat   lumps of rice boiled in packets made from woven leaves (a special food eaten at Idul Fitri)

lahir dan batin   outwardly and inwardly

lantai   the floor (that you are standing on), a storey of a building

lapar   hungry

Lebaran   (the Javanese term for) the period of celebrations at the end of the Muslim fasting month

libur   to be shut/closed (for a holiday etc.), to have time off (from work/school etc.)

membawa (•bawa)   to bring memimpin (•pimpin)   to lead

mengucapkan (•ucap)   to say something, to utter something

minta maaf   to ask for forgiveness mohon maaf   to ask for forgiveness

mudik   to make a visit back to your home village in the countryside, to go upstream

nabi; Nabi Isa   a religious prophet; the Prophet Jesus

naik haji   to make the pilgrimage to Mecca

oléh-oléh   a gift/present brought back for family or a friend after a trip somewhere


puasa   fasting, the Islamic Fast

réndang   a stew of beef chunks cooked until dry in spices and coconut milk

saat   a moment; a point in time; a short time; while; during

sahur   to eat a pre-dawn meal during the fasting month, to eat an early breakfast during the fasting month

sangat   very, extremely

sekitar   approximately, around, about sekolah menengah   high school, secondary school

setiap   each, every

takbiran   to chant Allahu Akbar (God is Great) in chorus over and over tempat kerja   work place


Wordlist for Module 4

Lesson 48

ada; Ayah ada?   to be present, to be “in”, to be at home; Is your father in?

anak kecil   a small child, a little boy/girl

andaikata   what if, supposing, supposing that..., in the event that... (from andai)

Apa acara...   what’s on the agenda...?; what are (we/you, they etc.) up to...?; what will (we/they) do...?

barangkali   maybe, probably, hopefully

berdansa (•dansa)   to dance (western style, disco style)

berjudi (•judi)   to gamble

dansa; pesta dansa   dancing, dance (popular western style), disco/ballroom dancing; a dance party

hangat; salam hangat   warm; warm greetings

hidangan (•hidang); hidangan malam   the food served at a meal; dinner

jika if, when

kalau ... sudah; Kalau pertandingan ini sudah selesai...

  when (i.e. after something in the future has happened); When this game is over...

kasino   a casino

larut malam; bekerja sampai larut malam

  the middle of the night, late at night; to work until late (at night)

lotré   a lottery

minggu depan   next week

bulan depan   next month

tahun depan   next year

sarang; sop sarang burung   a nest; birdnest soup

seandainya (•andai)   what if, supposing, supposing that..., in the event that...

selesai   finished, completed (doing or making something), over (i.e.


sop   soup

Lesson 49


akhir   end

berlibur (•libur)   to take a holiday, to go on vacation

bulan   the moon, a month


Hari Natal   Christmas Day

hari ulang tahun   a birthday

kemerdékaan (•merdéka); Hari Kemerdekaan

  (national) independence; Independence Day

merdéka   free, independent (i.e. free of colonial rule)

pindah   to shift, to move (from one place to another)

setahun (•tahun) one year, a year,

sering   often

Tahun Baru   New Year

tanggal berapa?   on what date?

ujian   an examination (in the school/academic sense)

yang akan datang; bulan Mei yang akan datang

adat; rumah adat, pakaian adat   tradition, old customs, traditional/customary law; a customary house, a traditional costume

bénsin   petrol, gasoline

berhenti (•henti)   to stop, to come to a halt

karcis; karcis kereta api   a ticket; a train ticket

kuat   strong

menarik (•tarik)   interesting, attractive

menginap (•inap)   to stay (for one or more nights e.g. in a hotel or with a friend/relative), to sleep over

perjalanan (•jalan); rencana perjalanan   a trip, a journey, travel; an itinerary, travel schedule

pertama-tama   firstly, first of all

provinsi   a province

rencana; menurut rencana   a plan; according to plan

singgah   to drop by, to make a short stop/visit, to call in (at a place)


Lesson 51


agén   an agent, an agency

alam   nature, natural (i.e. to do with nature)

biro   a bureau

danau   a lake, Lake ____

gunung   a mountain, Mount ____

hutan   the forest, the jungle

losmén   a small hotel

misalnya   for example

pantai   a coast, the coast, the coastline, the shore, a beach

satu dua   just one or two, just a few, a couple

pariwisata   tourism

wisata   tourist (as an adjective)

wisatawan   a tourist

Lesson 52


anéh   strange, weird, puzzling

benar   correct, true

dari J (an informal way of saying daripada) than (in expressions of

comparison like “this bigger than that”)

daripada   than (when you are comparing two things)

kasar   crude, oafish, rude, impolite, rough to the touch

ketimbang J (an slangy way of saying daripada) by comparison with, than

kok J How come? Why? (A slangy particle which, when it appears

before a verb or adjective, expresses surprise)

lebih banyak   more (when you are comparing nouns i.e. a quantity/number of things or people)

lebih   more, -er (when you are comparing qualities or quantities)

lho J [A slangy exclamation which, when it appears at the beginning

of a phrase or sentence, expresses mild surprise and incredulity]

mana   what, which (after a noun, personal name or place name, in the

sense “what one?” “which one?”)

masak J I don’t believe you/it! Come off it! You’re kidding!

membosankan (•bosan)   boring

modern   modern (usually pronounced modéren)

pendapat   an opinion

pokoknya   in short, in a nutshell, anyway, the point is

ramah   friendly

sekamar   to share one room


serumah   to live in the same house

sip J fine, acceptable nice, great (probably from the English word “safe”)

teman sekelas   classmate

Lesson 53


betul-betul   really, truly, genuinely

hati-hati   careful, cautious

jauh   far (in distance, but also in expressions like “far more money”,

“far smaller”), much (as in “much longer”)

jelas   clear (when you are describing ideas or understanding)

lebih ____ lagi   even more (+adjective), even [adjective] -er

mengerti   to understand

museum   a museum

sanggup; tidak sanggup   to be able to; (I) cannot afford it

setuju   to agree

terlalu   too (as in “too much”)

terus terang   to be honest, to be quite frank, frankly speaking

Lesson 54


cuaca   the weather

di samping itu   in addition to that, moreover, furthermore

halus   refined, considerate, polite, polished, well-spoken

hampir   almost

lengkap   complete, fully featured, not short of anything, not missing


mandi   to take a bath, to have a swim, to go swimming

parlemén   parliament

sopan   polite, courteous

tidak kalah   just as good

Lesson 55


aman   safe, secure

baik hati   kind, understanding

berbahaya (•bahaya)   dangerous

binatang   an animal, a living creature

bosan   bored, sick of (something)

dokter   a physician, a (medical) doctor, a general practitioner/GP

hiburan (•hibur)   entertainment

jangan lupa   to forget; don’t forget


ladang   a field (unirrigated, for crops)

lingkungan   the environment, your surroundings

menangkap (•tangkap)   to catch

merusak (•rusak)   to damage (something), to destroy (something), to break something (so that it doesn’t work any more)

miskin   poor, impoverished

mudah   easy, not difficult

pekerjaan (•kerja)   work, a job employment

penjahat (•jahat)   a criminal

petani (•tani)   a farmer (especially a farmer who grows crops)

rusak   broken, out of order, not working, damaged

sakit   sick, ill

séhat   healthy, in good health

takut   to be scared, to be afraid

tenang   calm, quiet, stress-free

terburu-buru   in a hurry, hurried, hurriedly

udara   the air

Lesson 56


jangan   don’t (telling someone not to do something)

kera   an ape, a monkey

lebih baik   better, it would be better if/to..., should

orang utan   an orang-outang

sebaiknya   preferably, it would be good if..., it would be better to..., should

Lesson 57


asli   the real thing, genuine, not imitation, indigenous

bandar udara   airport

daérah   a region, a sub-district of a larger territory

gunung api   volcano

karyawan   an employee, a staffer, a worker

kayu   wood

kerajinan tangan   handicrafts

kesenian (•seni)   art, the fine arts

langsung   direct, directly

masyarakat   a community, a society, the public, the people of a certain place

mengadakan (•ada)   to hold, to have (a meeting/gathering/event)

ongkos   the cost of a service, the charge for a service, the fare

orang asing   a foreigner


rumah adat   a customary house (i.e. the big house that is the centre of community and ritual in traditional societies), a big house built in traditional style

segala-galanya   everything, all the components/items (especially of an event or category)

tarif   the cost, the rate (for the hire or rent of something)

tempat   place. ALSO: where (as a relative pronoun, not as a question


terbuat dari   made (from)

terletak (•letak)   located, sited

upacara   a ceremony

Lesson 58


atas   for (preposition)

badak; badak Jawa   a rhinoceros; the Java rhino

bahwa; saya mendengar bahwa dia sakit

  that, (after certain verbs to report what happened or what someone said) I heard that she was sick.

bajak laut   a pirate

bantuan (•bantu)   assistance, help

barat   west, western, the West

bingung   at a loss what to do, worried and undecided, undecided

who/what to believe, confused

bunyi   a noise, noise , a sound

gajah   an elephant

harimau   a tiger

hilang   vanished, disappeared gone, lost

ibukota   a capital city

kanan-kiri; di kanan-kiri jalan   to the left and right of, on both sides of, all around; on both sides of the road

letusan (•letus)   an eruption

luar negeri; pergi ke luar negeri   overseas, abroad; to go overseas

mati   to die, dead

meletus (•letus)   to erupt

membunuh (•bunuh)   to murder someone

mendengar (•dengar)   to hear

mudah-mudahan   let’s hope that..., I hope that... , hopefully

oléh karena itu   because of this/that, for this reason, that is why...

selat   a strait (i.e. a narrow body of water between two land masses),

the straits, the Strait(s) of ___

selatan   south, southern

turun   to come/go down, to descend , to get out (of a vehicle) to


Lesson 59


berapa kali?   how many times?

bisnis   business, commerce

internasional   international

jalur   a traffic lane, route

kelas ekonomi   economy class

khususnya   especially, in particular

komposisi   composition

pakét   a package

penumpang (•tumpang)   passenger

populer   popular

sebagai   as

tempat duduk   seat

terbang   to fly


Lesson 60


berubah (•ubah)   to change, to evolve, to be different •before

berganti (•ganti)   to have one thing replaced with another, to change (i.e. have one thing replaced with another)

kata kerja   a verb

memukul (•pukul)   to hit someone/something, to strike (with fist, weapon or tool) menerima (•terima)   to receive something, to accept something

mengantar (•antar)   to take/accompany someone somewhere, to deliver something or someone to a certain place

mengatur (•atur)   to arrange something, to regulate something, to “pull strings” (in order to get something done)

menggoreng (•goreng)   to fry something

menghitung (•hitung)   to count something / things mengirim (•kirim)   to send something

mengisi (•isi)   to fill something, to put content into a holder/container/form menikah (•nikah)   to get married (especially in the sense “to go through a wedding


menutup (•tutup)   to shut something, to close something

menyimpan (•simpan)   to store something away, to put something away for safekeeping, to save/deposit money (e.g. in a bank)

merasa (•rasa)   to feel (an emotion), to feel that... (when you are expressing an opinion)

mohon   to ask someone for something (respectfully)

pena   a pen

pénsil   a pencil

rasa   a feeling, a sense, a sensation of something

sedih   sad, to feel sadness

Lesson 61


kamus   a dictionary

memotong (•potong)   to cut something, to cut something off to reap (e.g. rice) menanam (•tanam)   to plant something, to grow something (e.g. a crop)

mengubah (•ubah)   to change, to alter

padi   rice (as it grows in a paddy field or dry field), a rice plant

Lesson 62


akuntan   an accountant

dokter gigi   a dentist

éfisién   efficient

gagal   to not succeed, to fail


insinyur   an engineer

jenis   a type, a category, a class of something, a species of something

marah   angry

mengetik (•ketik)   to type

montir   a mechanic

pegawai negeri   a public servant, a civil servant, one who works in government administration

pelayan (•layan)   a waiter / waitress

pemain (•main)   a player

pengusaha (•usaha)   a businessman, a businesswoman, an entrepreneur

rajin   conscientious, industrious, hard-working, disciplined, diligent

sebetulnya   actually, to be honest, as a matter of fact

sepatu   shoes

sekretaris   a secretary

sopir   the driver (of a motor vehicle, usually but not always, the paid driver)

tentara   a soldier, the army, the armed forces terima telepon   to answer the phone, to take a phone call

tugas   the things you have to do (as part of a job), a task, duties, obligations

tukang kayu   a carpenter

tukang listrik   an electrician

wartawan   a journalist, a reporter

Lesson 63


Bapak   you (term of address for older male person, also for younger person if the situation is very formal)

Ibu   you (term of address for older female person, also for younger person if the situation is very formal)

seniman   an artist

ékor   tail, a counter-word for animals, birds and insects, used when you are mentioning a certain number of them

melukis (•lukis)   to paint (a painting)

kepala sekolah   headmaster, principle of a school

tukang masak   a cook

bengkel   workshop, repairshop

sapi   cattle, cow, ox

orang   counter-word for people, used when you are mentioning a certain number of human beings

pembeli (•beli)   buyer, customer


Lesson 64


baru   it is only then that..., before

habis   used up, finished, all gone, exhausted, none left

jarang   rarely, seldom, not often

kué kering   biscuits, cookies

makanan kecil (•makan)   snackfood

mengurus (•urus)   to take care of the management/arrangements for something, to see something (e.g. an application) through the bureaucracy

organisasi   an organisation

pembangunan (•bangun)   (economic) development

program   program, a plan of action

rapat   meeting

sedikit   a little, a few, not many, not much

sambal   chilli-based side dish, chilli paste or sauce

urusan (•urus)   matters requiring attention, affairs (requiring bureaucratic attention)

Lesson 65


berwawancara (•wawancara)   to conduct an interview

ibu   a lady

masalah   a problem, a difficulty, an issue

membangun (•bangun)   to build (especially a building/dwelling), to construct something mencari jalan   to look for a way (to do something), to try to find a way (to do


orang desa   a villager

setelah   after (a more formal variant of sesudah)

Lesson 66


abjad   the alphabet

éjaan (•éja)   spelling

huruf   a letter (in a alphabet), a script, a writing system

khusus   special, specific (adjective)

peneliti (•teliti)   a researcher

sekali lagi   once more, once again

terima kasih kembali   you’re welcome (responding to someone’s expression of thanks)

tulisan; tulisan tangan   writing, a piece of writing; hand writing ucapan (•ucap)   the pronunciation (of a word)

Lesson 67


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