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Perancangan Simulasi Pengatur Lampu Lalu Lintas Berdasarkan Volume Kendaraan Dan Lebar Jalan Berbasis Logika Fuzzy.


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "Perancangan Simulasi Pengatur Lampu Lalu Lintas Berdasarkan Volume Kendaraan Dan Lebar Jalan Berbasis Logika Fuzzy."


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package simulasi_lalu_lintas;

import java.io.Console; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random;

import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MessageBox; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;

import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;

import org.eclipse.wb.swt.SWTResourceManager; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;

import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.ImageData; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;

import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.ShellAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.events.ShellEvent;

public class SimulasiLaluLintas {

protected Shell shlSimulasiLampuLalu; protected Boolean check = false; protected Image green;

protected Image red; protected Image yellow; protected Image black; protected Image blackCar;

public static final int RED = 0; public static final int GREEN = 1; public static final int YELLOW = 2;

public boolean start = false; public Text text;

public boolean loop = true;

public int currentSimpang = 1; public int nextSimpang = 2;


public boolean rotate1 = false; public int carType1 = -1;

public int arrowType2 = 1; public boolean rotate2 = false; public int carType2 = -1;

public int arrowType3 = 1; public boolean rotate3 = false; public int carType3 = -1;

public int arrowType4 = 1; public boolean rotate4 = false; public int carType4 = -1;

public int carType = -1;


* Parameter untuk timer */

public static final int ONE_SEC = 1000; //time step in milliseconds

public static final int TENTH_SEC = 100; public Label txtWaktu;

public Thread threadTimer; public Thread threadFuzzy; public Runnable timer;

public Runnable carAnnimation1; public Runnable carAnnimation2; public Runnable carAnnimation3; public Runnable carAnnimation4;

private int clockTick;


* Fuzzy parameter */

public FuzzySet FuzKepadatanKendaraan; public FuzzySet FuzLebarJalan;

public Text txtLebarJalan; public Text txtMaxRandom; public Text txtSepi; public Text txtSedang; public Text txtAgkRamai; public Text txtRamai;

public Text txtSangatRamai; public Text txtMacet;

public Text txtLebar; public Text txtCkpLebar; public Text txtSempit;


* Lampu * * */


Label lblYellow1; Label lblRed1; Label lblGreen2; Label lblYellow2; Label lblRed2; Label lblGreen3; Label lblYellow3; Label lblRed3; Label lblGreen4; Label lblYellow4; Label lblRed4;

private Label lblCar1; private Label lblCar2; private Label lblCar4; private Label lblCar3;


* Launch the application. * @param args


public static void main(String[] args) { try {

SimulasiLaluLintas window = new


window.open(); } catch (Exception e) {

e.printStackTrace(); }



* Open the window. */

public void open() {

Display display = Display.getDefault();

green = new Image(display,

SimulasiLaluLintas.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLoc ation().getPath() + "/simulasi_lalu_lintas/files/green.png");

red = new Image(display,

SimulasiLaluLintas.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLoc ation().getPath() + "/simulasi_lalu_lintas/files/red.png");

yellow = new Image(display,

SimulasiLaluLintas.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLoc ation().getPath() + "/simulasi_lalu_lintas/files/yellow.png");

black = new Image(display,

SimulasiLaluLintas.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLoc ation().getPath() + "/simulasi_lalu_lintas/files/black.png");

blackCar =

SWTResourceManager.getImage(SimulasiLaluLintas.class, "/simulasi_lalu_lintas/files/car/black-car.png");

createContents(display); shlSimulasiLampuLalu.open(); shlSimulasiLampuLalu.layout();


if (!display.readAndDispatch()) { display.sleep();

} }



* Create contents of the window. */

protected void createContents(final Display display) { shlSimulasiLampuLalu = new Shell();

shlSimulasiLampuLalu.addShellListener(new ShellAdapter() {


public void shellClosed(ShellEvent e) { System.out.println("close"); if (threadFuzzy != null) {

if (threadFuzzy.isAlive()) { loop = false;

} }

} });

shlSimulasiLampuLalu.setSize(1000, 600);

shlSimulasiLampuLalu.setText("Simulasi Lampu Lalu Lintas Dengan Algoritma Fuzzy");


Composite composite = new Composite(shlSimulasiLampuLalu, SWT.NONE);

composite.setBounds(10, 10, 500, 500);

composite.setBackgroundImage(SWTResourceManager.getImage(Simula siLaluLintas.class, "/simulasi_lalu_lintas/files/street.png"));


lblGreen1 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblGreen1.setBounds(172, 309, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblGreen1, GREEN, false);

lblYellow1 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblYellow1.setBounds(146, 309, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblYellow1, YELLOW, false);

lblRed1 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblRed1.setBounds(120, 309, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblRed1, RED);

lblGreen2 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblGreen2.setBounds(312, 309, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblGreen2, GREEN, false);


lblRed2 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblRed2.setBounds(312, 361, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblRed2, RED);

lblGreen3 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblGreen3.setBounds(312, 169, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblGreen3, GREEN, false);

lblYellow3 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblYellow3.setBounds(338, 169, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblYellow3, YELLOW, false);

lblRed3 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblRed3.setBounds(364, 169, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblRed3, RED);

lblGreen4 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblGreen4.setBounds(172, 169, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblGreen4, GREEN, false);

lblYellow4 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblYellow4.setBounds(172, 143, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblYellow4, YELLOW, false);

lblRed4 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblRed4.setBounds(172, 117, 20, 20); setOnOffLight(lblRed4, RED);

lblCar1 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblCar1.setBounds(127, 206, 65, 35); lblCar1.setText("car");


lblCar2 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblCar2.setText("car");

lblCar2.setImage(getImage(SWT.DOWN)); lblCar2.setBounds(211, 309, 35, 65);

lblCar3 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblCar3.setBounds(312, 255, 65, 35); lblCar3.setText("car");


lblCar4 = new Label(composite, SWT.NONE); lblCar4.setBounds(258, 124, 35, 65); lblCar4.setText("car");


txtWaktu = new Label(shlSimulasiLampuLalu, SWT.NONE); txtWaktu.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("Segoe UI", 19, SWT.NORMAL));

txtWaktu.setBounds(536, 10, 64, 35); txtWaktu.setText("00");

Group grpFuzzySet = new Group(shlSimulasiLampuLalu,


grpFuzzySet.setText("Fuzzy Set : Kepadatan jalan"); grpFuzzySet.setBounds(536, 169, 191, 182);

Label lblSepi = new Label(grpFuzzySet, SWT.NONE); lblSepi.setBounds(10, 22, 55, 15);


Label lblSedang = new Label(grpFuzzySet, SWT.NONE); lblSedang.setText("Sedang");

lblSedang.setBounds(10, 46, 55, 15);

Label lblAgakRamai = new Label(grpFuzzySet, SWT.NONE); lblAgakRamai.setText("Agak ramai");

lblAgakRamai.setBounds(10, 70, 67, 15);

Label lblRamai = new Label(grpFuzzySet, SWT.NONE); lblRamai.setText("Ramai");

lblRamai.setBounds(10, 95, 67, 15);

Label lblSangatRamai = new Label(grpFuzzySet, SWT.NONE); lblSangatRamai.setText("Sangat Ramai");

lblSangatRamai.setBounds(10, 118, 76, 15);

Label lblMacet = new Label(grpFuzzySet, SWT.NONE); lblMacet.setText("Macet");

lblMacet.setBounds(10, 143, 67, 15);

txtSepi = new Text(grpFuzzySet, SWT.BORDER); txtSepi.setText("0,0,10,15");

txtSepi.setBounds(92, 19, 90, 21);

txtSedang = new Text(grpFuzzySet, SWT.BORDER); txtSedang.setText("10,15,20,25");

txtSedang.setBounds(92, 43, 90, 21);

txtAgkRamai = new Text(grpFuzzySet, SWT.BORDER); txtAgkRamai.setText("20,25,30,35");

txtAgkRamai.setBounds(92, 67, 90, 21);

txtRamai = new Text(grpFuzzySet, SWT.BORDER); txtRamai.setText("30,35,40,45");

txtRamai.setBounds(92, 91, 90, 21);

txtSangatRamai = new Text(grpFuzzySet, SWT.BORDER); txtSangatRamai.setText("40,45,50,55");

txtSangatRamai.setBounds(92, 115, 90, 21);

txtMacet = new Text(grpFuzzySet, SWT.BORDER); txtMacet.setText("50,55,70,100");

txtMacet.setBounds(92, 140, 90, 21);

final Button btnStart = new Button(shlSimulasiLampuLalu, SWT.NONE);


btnStart.setBounds(536, 69, 75, 25); btnStart.setText("Start");

final Button btnStop = new Button(shlSimulasiLampuLalu, SWT.NONE);


btnStop.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("Segoe UI", 9, SWT.BOLD));

btnStop.setBounds(625, 69, 75, 25); btnStop.setText("Stop");

text = new Text(shlSimulasiLampuLalu, SWT.BORDER | SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.MULTI);

text.setBounds(536, 368, 422, 142);

Group grpFuzzySet_1 = new Group(shlSimulasiLampuLalu, SWT.NONE);

grpFuzzySet_1.setText("Fuzzy Set : Lebar jalan"); grpFuzzySet_1.setBounds(767, 169, 191, 182);

Label lblSempit = new Label(grpFuzzySet_1, SWT.NONE); lblSempit.setText("Sempit");

lblSempit.setBounds(10, 23, 55, 15);

Label lblCukupLebar = new Label(grpFuzzySet_1, SWT.NONE); lblCukupLebar.setText("Cukup Lebar");

lblCukupLebar.setBounds(10, 47, 76, 15);

Label lblLebar = new Label(grpFuzzySet_1, SWT.NONE); lblLebar.setText("Lebar");

lblLebar.setBounds(10, 71, 67, 15);

txtLebar = new Text(grpFuzzySet_1, SWT.BORDER); txtLebar.setText("5,5.5,7,8");

txtLebar.setBounds(92, 68, 90, 21);

txtCkpLebar = new Text(grpFuzzySet_1, SWT.BORDER); txtCkpLebar.setText("3,3.5,5,5.5");

txtCkpLebar.setBounds(92, 44, 90, 21);

txtSempit = new Text(grpFuzzySet_1, SWT.BORDER); txtSempit.setText("0,0,3,3.5");

txtSempit.setBounds(92, 20, 90, 21);

Label lblLebarJalan = new Label(shlSimulasiLampuLalu, SWT.NONE);

lblLebarJalan.setBounds(545, 136, 55, 15); lblLebarJalan.setText("Lebar Jalan :");

txtLebarJalan = new Text(shlSimulasiLampuLalu,




Label lblMaxRandomKepadatan = new Label(shlSimulasiLampuLalu, SWT.NONE);

lblMaxRandomKepadatan.setBounds(545, 112, 154, 15);

lblMaxRandomKepadatan.setText("Max random kepadatan


txtMaxRandom = new Text(shlSimulasiLampuLalu,



txtMaxRandom.setBounds(721, 106, 76, 21);

timer = new Runnable() {


public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub if (txtWaktu.isDisposed()) {

return; }

if (clockTick >= 0) {

txtWaktu.setText(Integer.toString(clockTick)); start = false;

//threadMessage(Integer.toString(clockTick)); clockTick--;

}else if (!start) { start = true; }

display.timerExec(ONE_SEC, this); }


carAnnimation1 = new Runnable() {


public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub Rectangle rec = lblCar1.getBounds(); if (currentSimpang == 1) {

if(arrowType1 == 1) {

lblCar1.setBounds(rec.x + 3,

rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.x + rec.width) >= 565) { carType = carType1 = -1;


carType1 = carType;

lblCar1.setBounds(0, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

arrowType1 = 2; }


lblCar1.setBounds(rec.x + 3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if(rec.x >= 228){

if(rotate1 == false) {

carType = carType1;


lblCar1.setBounds(258, 223, rec.height, rec.width);

rotate1 = true; }else


lblCar1.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y + 3, rec.width, rec.height); }


if ((rec.y + rec.height) >= 565) {

carType = carType1 = -1;


carType1 = carType;

lblCar1.setBounds(0, 206,

65, 35);

arrowType1 = 3; rotate1 = false; }

} else if(arrowType1 == 3) {

lblCar1.setBounds(rec.x + 3,

rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if(rec.x >= 181){

if(rotate1 == false) {

carType = carType1;


lblCar1.setBounds(212, 169, rec.height, rec.width);

rotate1 = true; }else


lblCar1.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y - 3, rec.width, rec.height); }


if ((rec.y + rec.height) <= 0) { carType = carType1 = -1;


carType1= carType;

lblCar1.setBounds(0, 206,

65, 35);


rotate1 = false; }


}else if(rec.y > 223){

lblCar1.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y +3,

rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.y + rec.height) >= 565) { carType = carType1 = -1;


lblCar1.setBounds(0, 206, 65,



}else if (rec.y < 169) {

lblCar1.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y -3,

rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.y + rec.height) <= 0) { carType = carType1 = -1;


lblCar1.setBounds(0, 206, 65,



}else if(rec.x > 127 || rec.x < 120){

lblCar1.setBounds(rec.x + 3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.x + rec.width) >= 565) { carType = carType1 = -1;


lblCar1.setBounds(0, rec.y,

rec.width, rec.height);

} }

display.timerExec(10, this); }


carAnnimation2 = new Runnable() {


public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub Rectangle rec = lblCar2.getBounds(); if (currentSimpang == 2) {

if (arrowType2 == 1) {

lblCar2.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y -3, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.y + rec.height) <= 0) { carType = carType2 = -1;



arrowType2 = 2; }

} else if(arrowType2 == 2){

lblCar2.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y -3, rec.width, rec.height);

if(rec.y <= 206){

if(rotate2 == false) {

carType = carType2;


lblCar2.setBounds(216, 205, rec.height, rec.width);

rotate2 = true; }else


lblCar2.setBounds(rec.x + 3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height); }


if ((rec.x + rec.width) >= 565) { carType = carType2 = -1;


carType2 = carType;

lblCar2.setBounds(211, 500, 35, 65);

arrowType2 = 3; rotate2 = false; }

} else if(arrowType2 == 3){

lblCar2.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y -3, rec.width, rec.height);

if(rec.y <= 270){

if(rotate2 == false) {

carType = carType2;


lblCar2.setBounds(148, 256, rec.height, rec.width);

rotate2 = true; }else


lblCar2.setBounds(rec.x - 3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height); }


if ((rec.x + rec.width) <= 0) { carType = carType2 = -1;



lblCar2.setBounds(211, 500, 35, 65);

arrowType2 = 1; rotate2 = false; }


}else if(rec.x > 216){

lblCar2.setBounds(rec.x + 3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.x + rec.width) >= 565) { carType = carType2 = -1;


carType3 = carType;

lblCar2.setBounds(211, 500, 35, 65);


}else if(rec.x < 148) {

lblCar2.setBounds(rec.x - 3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.x + rec.width) <= 0) { carType = carType2 = -1;


carType3 = carType;

lblCar2.setBounds(211, 500, 35, 65);


}else if (rec.y < 309 || rec.y > 314) {

lblCar2.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y -3,

rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.y + rec.height) <= 0) { carType = carType2 = -1;


carType3 = carType;

lblCar2.setBounds(rec.x, 500,

rec.width, rec.height);

} }

display.timerExec(10, this); }


carAnnimation3 = new Runnable() {


public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub Rectangle rec = lblCar3.getBounds(); if (currentSimpang == 3) {

if (arrowType3 == 1) {

lblCar3.setBounds(rec.x - 3,


if ((rec.x + rec.width) <= 0) { carType = carType3 = -1;


carType3 = carType; lblCar3.setBounds(565, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

arrowType3 = 2; }

} else if(arrowType3 == 2) {

lblCar3.setBounds(rec.x - 3,

rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if(rec.x <= 227){

if(rotate3 == false) {

carType = carType3;


lblCar3.setBounds(210, 200, rec.height, rec.width);

rotate3 = true; }else


lblCar3.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y - 3, rec.width, rec.height); }


if ((rec.y + rec.height) <= 0) { carType = carType3 = -1;


carType3 = carType;

lblCar3.setBounds(565, 255, 65, 35);

arrowType3 = 3; rotate3 = false; }

}else if(arrowType3 == 3) {

lblCar3.setBounds(rec.x - 3,

rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if(rec.x <= 267){

if(rotate3 == false) {

carType = carType3;


lblCar3.setBounds(259, 271, rec.height, rec.width);

rotate3 = true; }else


lblCar3.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y + 3, rec.width, rec.height); }


if ((rec.y + rec.height) >= 565) {

carType = carType3 = -1;


carType3 = carType;

lblCar3.setBounds(565, 255, 65, 35);

arrowType3 = 1; rotate3 = false; }


} else if(rec.y <= 200){

lblCar3.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y - 3, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.y + rec.height) <= 0) { carType = carType3 = -1;


carType3 = carType;

lblCar3.setBounds(565, 255, 65, 35);


} else if(rec.y >= 271){

lblCar3.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y + 3, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.y + rec.height) >= 565) { carType = carType3 = -1;


carType3 = carType;

lblCar3.setBounds(565, 255, 65, 35);


}else if (rec.x < 312 || rec.x > 315) {

lblCar3.setBounds(rec.x - 3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.x + rec.width) <= 0) { carType = carType3 = 1;


carType3 = carType;

lblCar3.setBounds(565, rec.y,

rec.width, rec.height);

} }

display.timerExec(10, this); }


carAnnimation4 = new Runnable() {



// TODO Auto-generated method stub Rectangle rec = lblCar4.getBounds(); if (currentSimpang == 4) {

if(arrowType4 == 1){

lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y

+3, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.y + rec.height) >= 565) {

carType = carType4 = -1;


carType4 = carType;

lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x, -65, rec.width, rec.height);

arrowType4 = 2; }

}else if (arrowType4 == 2) {

lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y

+3, rec.width, rec.height);

if(rec.y >= 210){

if(rotate4 == false) {

carType = carType4;


lblCar4.setBounds(211, 255, rec.height, rec.width);

rotate4 = true; }else


lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x -3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height); }


if ((rec.x + rec.width) <= 0) { carType = carType4 = -1;


carType4 = carType;

lblCar4.setBounds(258, -65, 35, 65);

arrowType4 = 3; rotate4 = false; }

}else if (arrowType4 == 3) {

lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y

+3, rec.width, rec.height);

if(rec.y >= 160){

if(rotate4 == false) {

carType = carType4;



rotate4 = true; }else


lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x +3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height); }


if ((rec.x + rec.width) >= 565) { carType = carType4 = -1;


carType4 = carType;

lblCar4.setBounds(258, -65, 35, 65);

arrowType4 = 1; rotate4 = false; }


} else if(rec.x <= 210){

lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x - 3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.x + rec.width) <= 0) { carType = carType4 = -1;


carType4 = carType;

lblCar4.setBounds(258, -65, 35, 65);


} else if(rec.x >= 280){

lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x + 3, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.x + rec.width) >= 565) { carType = carType4 = -1;


carType4 = carType;

lblCar4.setBounds(258, -65, 35, 65);


} else if(rec.y > 124 || rec.y < 120){

lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x, rec.y +3,

rec.width, rec.height);

if ((rec.y + rec.height) >= 565) { carType = carType4 = -1;


carType4 = carType;

lblCar4.setBounds(rec.x, -65,

rec.width, rec.height);

} }



btnStart.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override

public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {

MessageBox msg = new

MessageBox(shlSimulasiLampuLalu, SWT.ICON_ERROR | SWT.YES);

if (txtLebarJalan.getText().isEmpty() ||

!isNan(txtLebarJalan.getText())) {

msg.setMessage("Lebar jalan harus diisi dan harus bilangan");

msg.open(); return; }


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Sepi tidak boleh kosong");

msg.open(); return; }else


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Sepi tidak sesuai format"); msg.open(); return; }


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Sedang tidak boleh kosong"); msg.open(); return; }else


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Sedang tidak sesuai format"); msg.open(); return; }


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Agak Ramai tidak boleh kosong"); msg.open(); return; }else


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Agak Ramai tidak sesuai format"); msg.open(); return; }


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk variable Ramai tidak boleh kosong");

msg.open(); return; }else


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Ramai tidak sesuai format"); msg.open(); return; }


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Sangat Ramai tidak boleh kosong"); msg.open(); return; }else


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Sangat Ramai tidak sesuai format"); msg.open(); return; }


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Sempit tidak boleh kosong"); msg.open(); return; }else


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Sempit tidak sesuai format"); msg.open(); return; }


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Cukup Lebar tidak boleh kosong"); msg.open(); return; }else


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Cukup Lebar tidak sesuai format"); msg.open(); return; }


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk




msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Lebar tidak sesuai format"); msg.open(); return; }

if(txtMaxRandom.getText().isEmpty() ||


msg.setMessage("Fuzzy set untuk

variable Max Random Kepadatan Jalan tidak boleh kosong dan harus bilangan");

msg.open(); return; }

System.out.println("currentSimpang: " + currentSimpang);

System.out.println("nextSimpang: " +


start = true; loop = true;


setFuzzyThread(Float.parseFloat(txtLebarJalan.getText()), Integer.parseInt(txtMaxRandom.getText()));


display.timerExec(ONE_SEC, timer); display.timerExec(3, carAnnimation1); display.timerExec(3, carAnnimation2); display.timerExec(3, carAnnimation3); display.timerExec(3, carAnnimation4); btnStart.setEnabled(false);

btnStop.setEnabled(true); }


btnStop.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {


public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { start = false;

loop = false;

display.timerExec(-1, timer);

display.timerExec(-1, carAnnimation1); display.timerExec(-1, carAnnimation2); display.timerExec(-1, carAnnimation3); display.timerExec(-1, carAnnimation4); btnStart.setEnabled(true);

btnStop.setEnabled(false); resetUI();


shlSimulasiLampuLalu.addListener(SWT.CLOSE, new Listener() {


public void handleEvent(Event event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("close");

threadFuzzy.interrupt(); }

}); }

public void resetUI() {


lblCar1.setBounds(127, 206, 65, 35); lblCar2.setBounds(211, 309, 35, 65); lblCar3.setBounds(312, 255, 65, 35); lblCar4.setBounds(258, 124, 35, 65); setOnOffLight(lblGreen1, GREEN, false); setOnOffLight(lblYellow1, YELLOW, false); setOnOffLight(lblRed1, RED);

setOnOffLight(lblGreen2, GREEN, false); setOnOffLight(lblYellow2, YELLOW, false); setOnOffLight(lblRed2, RED);

setOnOffLight(lblGreen3, GREEN, false); setOnOffLight(lblYellow3, YELLOW, false); setOnOffLight(lblRed3, RED);

setOnOffLight(lblGreen4, GREEN, false); setOnOffLight(lblYellow4, YELLOW, false); setOnOffLight(lblRed4, RED);

currentSimpang = 1; nextSimpang = 2;

arrowType1 = 1; rotate1 = false; carType1 = -1;

arrowType2 = 1; rotate2 = false; carType2 = -1;

arrowType3 = 1; rotate3 = false; carType3 = -1;

arrowType4 = 1; rotate4 = false; carType4 = -1;

System.out.println("currentSimpang: " + currentSimpang); System.out.println("nextSimpang: " + nextSimpang);


public boolean isNan(String nan) { try {


// TODO: handle exception return false;


return true; }

public boolean checkFuzzyFormat(String data) { String[] arrFuzzy = data.split(","); if (arrFuzzy.length != 4) {

return false; }else{

for (String item : arrFuzzy) { if (!isNan(item)) {

return false; }

} }

return true; }

public FuzzyItem parseToFuzzyItem(String data, String name, int type) {

String[] arrFuzzy = data.split(",");

return new FuzzyItem(Float.parseFloat(arrFuzzy[0]),

Float.parseFloat(arrFuzzy[1]), Float.parseFloat(arrFuzzy[2]), Float.parseFloat(arrFuzzy[3]), name, type); }

protected void setOnOffLight(final Label label, final int color, final boolean on) {

Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {


public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub if (on) {

if (color == RED){


//threadMessage("SET RED"); }else if (color == GREEN){


//threadMessage("SET GREEN"); }else if(color == YELLOW){


//threadMessage("SET YELLOW"); }


label.setImage(black); }

} }); }

protected void setOnOffLight(Label label, int color){ setOnOffLight(label, color, true);


protected void setLight(Label redLight, Label yellowLight, Label greenLight, int light){

if (light == RED) {

setOnOffLight(redLight, RED);

setOnOffLight(yellowLight, YELLOW, false); setOnOffLight(greenLight, GREEN, false); //threadMessage("RED");

} else if (light == YELLOW) {

setOnOffLight(redLight, RED, false); setOnOffLight(yellowLight, YELLOW); setOnOffLight(greenLight, GREEN, false); //threadMessage("YELLOW");

}else if (light == GREEN){

setOnOffLight(redLight, RED, false);

setOnOffLight(yellowLight, YELLOW, false); setOnOffLight(greenLight, GREEN);

//threadMessage("GREEN"); }


public void processSimpang(final int status, int simpang){ if (simpang == 1) {

setLight(lblRed1, lblYellow1, lblGreen1, status); } else if (simpang == 2) {

setLight(lblRed2, lblYellow2, lblGreen2, status); } else if (simpang == 3) {

setLight(lblRed3, lblYellow3, lblGreen3, status); } else if (simpang == 4) {

setLight(lblRed4, lblYellow4, lblGreen4, status); }

//threadMessage("Process simpang : " +

Integer.toString(simpang)); }

public void setNextSimpang() { currentSimpang++;

if (currentSimpang == 5) { currentSimpang = 1; }

nextSimpang = currentSimpang + 1;

if (nextSimpang == 5) { nextSimpang = 1; }


public void setFuzzyParameter() {

FuzKepadatanKendaraan = new FuzzySet();


FuzKepadatanKendaraan.getItemList().add(parseToFuzzyItem(txtSed ang.getText(), "Sedang", FuzzyItem.NORMAL));

FuzKepadatanKendaraan.getItemList().add(parseToFuzzyItem(txtAgk Ramai.getText(), "Agak Ramai", FuzzyItem.NORMAL));

FuzKepadatanKendaraan.getItemList().add(parseToFuzzyItem(txtRam ai.getText(), "Ramai", FuzzyItem.NORMAL));

FuzKepadatanKendaraan.getItemList().add(parseToFuzzyItem(txtSan gatRamai.getText(), "Sangat Ramai", FuzzyItem.NORMAL));

FuzKepadatanKendaraan.getItemList().add(parseToFuzzyItem(txtMac et.getText(), "Macet", FuzzyItem.NO_DOWN));

FuzLebarJalan = new FuzzySet();

FuzLebarJalan.getItemList().add(parseToFuzzyItem(txtSempit.getT ext(), "Sempit", FuzzyItem.NO_UP));

FuzLebarJalan.getItemList().add(parseToFuzzyItem(txtCkpLebar.ge tText(), "Cukup Lebar", FuzzyItem.NORMAL));

FuzLebarJalan.getItemList().add(parseToFuzzyItem(txtLebar.getTe xt(), "Lebar", FuzzyItem.NO_DOWN));


public List<Inference> getFuzificationResult(float value, FuzzySet fuzzy, StringBuilder msg) {

List<Inference> result = new ArrayList<Inference>(); FuzzyItem item1 = new FuzzyItem();

int type = fuzzy.getOption(item1, value); if (type != FuzzySet.LINIER) {

if (type == FuzzySet.NAIK) {

Inference inf = new

Inference(item1.getName(), fuzzy.getDerajatKeanggotaan(value,

item1.getA(), item1.getB(), type));

msg.append(item1.getName() + " : " + inf.value + "\n");

result.add(inf); }else{

FuzzyItem item2 = new FuzzyItem();

int type2 = fuzzy.getOption(item1, item2, value);

Inference inf = new

Inference(item1.getName(), fuzzy.getDerajatKeanggotaan(value,

item1.getC(), item1.getD(), type));

msg.append(item1.getName() + " : " + inf.value + "\n");


Inference inf2 = new

Inference(item2.getName(), fuzzy.getDerajatKeanggotaan(value,


msg.append(item2.getName() + " : " + inf2.value + "\n");

result.add(inf2); }

} else {

Inference inf = new Inference(item1.getName(),

fuzzy.getDerajatKeanggotaan(value, item1.getB(), item1.getC(),


msg.append(item1.getName() + " : " + inf.value + "\n");

result.add(inf); }

return result; }

public void setTimer() {

threadTimer = new Thread(new Runnable() {


public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {


public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub

while (clockTick >= 0) { try {


start = false;




} catch

(InterruptedException e) {

// TODO: handle


} }

processSimpang(YELLOW, currentSimpang);

processSimpang(YELLOW, nextSimpang);

} }); }


public void resetTimer(int clock) { clockTick = clock;


public void setFuzzyThread(final Float lebarJalan, final int maxRandom){

threadFuzzy = new Thread(new Runnable() {


public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub while (loop) {

try {

if (start && clockTick < 0) { processSimpang(YELLOW, currentSimpang);

processSimpang(YELLOW, nextSimpang);



setNextSimpang(); }

if (start) {

StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();

Random rand = new Random();

int rndKepadatan =


message.append("Lebar Jalan : " + lebarJalan + "\nKepadatan Jalan :" + rndKepadatan + "\n\n");

message.append("Fuzzyfikasi \n---\n");

List<Inference> inf = Inference.conjuction(getFuzificationResult(rndKepadatan,

FuzKepadatanKendaraan, message), getFuzificationResult(lebarJalan,

FuzLebarJalan, message), message);


Defuzzyfication def = new Defuzzyfication();

int redTime = (int)

def.defuzzyficationProcess(Inference.disjunction(inf, message));

message.append("\nDefuzzyfication\n---\n Waktu

merah : " + redTime);


processSimpang(GREEN, currentSimpang);




//threadMessage("Main Thread start : " + start + " time : " + Integer.toString(clockTick));


} catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO: handle exception }

} }

}, "Main"); }

public void threadSetTextBox(final String message) { Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {


public void run() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub text.setText(message);

} }); }

static void threadMessage(String message) { String threadName =

Thread.currentThread().getName(); System.out.format("%s: %s%n",

threadName, message); }

public Image rotateImage(Image image, int rotate) { ImageData sd = image.getImageData();

ImageData dd = new ImageData(sd.height, sd.height, sd.depth, sd.palette);

boolean up = (rotate & SWT.UP) == SWT.UP;

// Run through the horizontal pixels for (int sx = 0; sx < sd.width; sx++) { // Run through the vertical pixels

for (int sy = 0; sy < sd.height; sy++) {

// Determine where to move pixel to in destination image data

int dx = up ? sy : sd.height - sy - 1; int dy = up ? sd.width - sx - 1 : sx;

// Swap the x, y source data to y, x in the destination dd.setPixel(dx, dy, sd.getPixel(sx, sy));

} }

// Create the vertical image

Image vertical = new Image(Display.getDefault(), dd); return vertical;


public Image rotateImage(Image image, int swtStyle, int rotate) {

Image temp = image;

if (swtStyle != SWT.UP) {

temp = rotateImage(temp, swtStyle); } else {

for (int i = 0; i < rotate; i++) { temp = rotateImage(temp, SWT.UP); }


return temp; }

public Image getImage(int arrow) { Image temp;

String arrowName = ""; Random rnd = new Random();

int type = (carType == -1)? rnd.nextInt(3)+1 : carType; carType = type;

//to get car arrow

if (arrow == SWT.RIGHT) { arrowName = "-right"; } else if(arrow == SWT.LEFT) {

arrowName = "-left"; }else if (arrow == SWT.UP) {

arrowName = "-up";

}else if (arrow == SWT.DOWN) { arrowName = "-down"; }

if (type == 1) {

temp =


"/simulasi_lalu_lintas/files/car/black-car"+ arrowName +".png"); } else if(type == 2){

temp =


"/simulasi_lalu_lintas/files/car/red-car"+ arrowName +".png"); } else {

temp =


"/simulasi_lalu_lintas/files/car/green-car"+ arrowName +".png"); }

return temp; }


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