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T1__BAB I Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Code Switching: A Case Study Code of Switching in English Department of Satya Wacana Christian University T1 BAB I


Academic year: 2018

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In our daily life, the use of two or even three languages to communicate in daily life conversation is a very normal phenomenon. In other words, people code switch languages. Brown (2007) said that code switching is the use of first or third language in a conversation using second language. The term Code switching is used to refer to the switch between two or more different languages in a single conversation. Code switching occurs when a bilingual or multilingual speaker uses two or more different languages to communicate. Fishman, (2000) said that every individual has to make choices over what language they have to use to whom and when. In addition, code switching often occurs when people begin to learn a new language. Learners usually code switch to their native language when they do not know the term of some words in foreign language. When they code switch they may think that the listener does not know their native language. In such case, they will slip a few words to make sure the listener understands what is being communicated (Brown, 2007).

English department students use different languages to communicate. This condition raises a phenomenon called code switching. This study analyzed how EFL learners deal with code switching. Based on description above, there were two main problems for this study. The first problem was the condition which pushed learners to use code switching. There would always be a reason for a learner tocode switch in a certain situation. The second problem was the form of code switching itself. EFL learners do not only use one kind of code switching form. The form and types of code switching will be explained in literature review.


identify why EFL learners used code switching in a certain situation. The second one was to analyze the types of code switching used by EFL learners.

This study is significant because it provides and overview of the phenomen of code switching in Englih department of Satya Wacana Christian University. Code switching is an interesting phenomenon which maintains bilingualism. The use of code switching is important because it can change the perception of other people toward the speaker, both in public as well as in the academic area. By realizing these factor, interlocutors may use code switch to fulfil their communication goal which is to make the receiver understand what they are talking about.



language depends on the situation where the conversation takes place, and the listener will understand the speaker’s language (Hudson, 1996).

Why People Code Switch

There are a lot of reasons why people code switch. According to Hoffman (1991), there

are ten reasons why people code switch.The first one is when people talk about a particular topic.

People prefer to talk about a particular topic using their first language as main language and slip

some words to express something which they cannot express when they used their first language.

The second one is when people quote somebody else. People sometimes use code switch

to quote a famous sentence or proverb. When there is a catchy sentence from a famous actor in a

great movie, people tend to quote the sentence. The switch only involves the words that the

speaker thinks it is a famous sentence said by famous people.

The third one is when people feel emphatic about something. When someone feels

empathic about something, they will switch to their first language or second language depending

on whether he/she feels more comfortable to express their feeling using their first language or

second language.

The next reason why people use code switch is interjection and inserting sentence fillers

or sentence connector. Interjection is words or expressions, which people use to show their

emotion or to gain attention. Interjection is a short exclamation like:Darn!, Hey!, Well!, Look!,

etc. It does not have grammatical value, but people use themquite often, usually more in


multilingual peoplecan sometimes mark an interjection or sentence connector. It may happen


The other reason why people code switch is repetition used for clarification. When people

want to clarify his speech the listener will understand what the speaker is talking about,

He/Shesometimes use both languages. The purpose of using first and second language to explain

about something is to emphasize a message so that the listener will understand.

The next reason is intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor. When a

bilingual or multilingual person talks to another bilingual/multilingual, there will be lots of code

switching. This happens to make the conversation run smoothly and can be understood by the

listener. A message in one code is repeated in the other code in somewhat modified form.

People often use code switch to express group identity. Code switching can also be used

to express group identity. They use code switch to show to other people or to a group they are

belong to. The communication style between academic people and non-academic people will

obviously be different. In other words, the communication style used by people in one

community will be different with the other community.

The other reason why people use code switching is to soften or strengthen request or

command.For Indonesian people, switching Indonesian into English can alsofunction as a

request because English is not their native tongue, so it does not sound asdirect as Indonesian.

However, code switching can also strengthen acommand since the speaker can feel more

powerful than the listener because he can use a language that is not being understandable by all


The needof real lexical is the next reason why people code switch.The most common


lexicon in the language. When an English-Indonesian bilingual has a word that is lacking in

English, he will find it easier to say it in Indonesian. In contrast, when he has a word that is

lacking in Indonesian, he/she will use an English term.

The last reason why people code switch is to exclude other people when a comment is

intended for only a limited audience. Sometimes people want to communicate only to certain

people or community they belong to. To avoid the other community or interference objected to

their communication by people, they may try to exclude those people by using the language that

no one knows.

Types of Code Switching

According to Hudson (1996), there are two types of code switching. The first type of code switching is situational code switching. Situational code switching happens when language contact occurs depending on the situation on the same conversation. In addition, Hudson (1996) stated when the switches between the languages in one situation or topic to another situation or topic occur, it will change the language used. For example, when students are talking to their friends and suddenly a teacher approaches by, they unconsciously will change their language. Furthermore, the language used also changes when there is a change on the topic, for example, when students talk about their girlfriend or boyfriendand suddenly someone comes and asks them about the progress on their thesis, they will change the language used into language which is more suitable to be used in a particular situation.


listening to a lecture or having conversation with their friends. As Hudson (1996) said that in some cases the situation is less clear, either because it is ambiguous or because the speaker decides to ignore the situation and focus instead on the people He/She is talking to. In such a case, the choice of language that determines the situation, are called metaphorical code switching.

In addition to the two types of code switching by Hudson above, Poplack (1991), proposes three types of code switching. The first type is called tag switching. Tag switching is related to the use of a tag (e.g. you know, I mean, right, etc). Tag switching is very simple because it does not involve a lot of words from both languages, since there is a minimum risk of grammatical rules violation. The example of Tag switching from Indonesian-English bilingual is; diasangatcerdas, you know,diamenang di olimpiadefisikaminggukemarin. We can see from the

example that the speaker used the tag you know in his or her sentence.

The second type of code-switching is intersentential switching, which is at thephrase or sentence level orbetween sentences. For instance, the title of Shana Poplack’s paper used in this study (2000) is a perfect example of intersentential switching; Sometimes I’llstart a sentence in Spanish y termino en español [Sometimes I’ll start a sentence in Spanishand finish in Spanish].



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