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Physiological Seed Performance of Local Aceh and National Release Variety of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) to Water Stress | Ichsan | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5799 11799 1 SM


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Physiological Seed Performance of Local Aceh and National Release Variety of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) to Water Stress | Ichsan | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5799 11799 1 SM"


Teks penuh


Ph y siologica l Se e d Pe r for m a n ce of Loca l Ace h a n d N a t ion a l

Re le a se Va r ie t y of Rice (

Or y z a sa t iv a

L.) t o W a t e r St r e ss


Cut Nur I chsan,


Bakht iar,


Efendi, and




Depart m ent of Agrot echnology, Facult y of Agricult ure, Syiah Kuala Universit y, Darussalam ,

Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia;

* Corresponding Aut hor

: zak_sabar@yahoo.com

Abst r a ct

Global w arm ing causes changes in rainfall pat t erns causing lack of w at er for cult iv at ion ( I PPC, 2007) . About 50% of t he rice cult iv at ion area in t he w orld has w at er short ages w h ich becom es lim it ing fact ors of product ion ( Bou m an, 20 09) , hence t he need early det ect ion for drought -resist ant v ariet ies w it h seed phy siological t est . The ex perim ent carry out at Laborat ory Seed Technology and I ndust ry of Agricult ure Facult y Sy iah Kuala Univ ersit y from April t o Ju ne 2015. The ex perim ent in split plot design 3X10 w it h 3 replicat ion and st anding roll w et paper germ inat ion m et hod used. Am ount of 2250 seed are used for phy siological seed perform ance t est . Wat er st ress condit ion induced w it h PEG 6000 0% ; 12.5% ; 25% . Local genot y pe and nat ional released v ariet y of rice used in t his experim ent are Bo Sant eut , Rom ok ot , Sanbei, Pade m as, Aw euh, I npari 16, I R 6 4, Sit u Pat enggang, and Tow ut i. Con cent rat ion s of Poly et hilene Glicol 60 00 ( PEG 6 000) hav e significant effect on all phy siological param et er. Som e local rice Aceh genot y pes pot ent ially t o be cult iv at ed on dry lands t o cope w at er st ress condit ions. Ke y w or ds: PEG 60 00, w at er st ress, rice, germ inat ion

I n t r od u ct ion

Early det ect ion of genot ype / rice variet ies that are tolerant of wat er st ress need t o be done early t o

save t im e and costs. Wat er st ress induced by osm ot ikum t reat m ent using various m aterials such as

NaCl and PEG as well as ot her com pounds that can affect water potent ial solut ion t o create water

st ress condit ion. Genot ypes / variet ies wit h good physiological response under condit ions of wat er

st ress is expect ed to grow well in water st ress land. PEG 8000 at a concent rat ion of 15% has been

able to show a different response t o water st ress resist ance in rice ( Ballo

et al

, 2012) . PEG 6000 at

25% is effect ive for detect ing drought resistance in rice germ inated seeds ( afa

et al

, 2013) . t he

physiological response of local and nat ional released variet ies are used t o determ ine the resist ancy of

genot ypes and variet ies to grow in condit ions of water st ress. so t hat it can be est im at ed for chances

of genot ype and variet ies which can grow on dry land. Genot ypes and variet ies t hat are able t o m ake

osm ot ic adj ustm ent by producing various com pat ible com pounds are resist ant t o drought condit ions

( Redillas et al, 2013) .

M a t e r ia ls a nd M e t h ods

Pr oced ur e

The experim ental design used is Split Plot 3 x 10 wit h 3 replicat ions. There are 2 factors st udied which

were PEG 6000 concent rat ion with 3 levels ( 0% ; 12,5% ; 25% ) as t he m ain plot s and variet ies ( Bo

Santeut , Rom okot , Sanbei, Pade Mas, Aweuh and 5 Nat ional Variet ies t hat are : I npari 16, I R 64, Sit u

Patenggang, Margasari, Towut i) as a subplot. St anding rolled wet paper germ inated seed test use in

t his experim ent which consist of 90 unit s . every unit consists of 25 seeds. The germ inat ion m et hod

used is st anding rolled wet paper seed test.

Th e p a r a m e t e rs obse rv ed in th is st ud y ar e


1. Potent ial Seed Growt h ( PSG)

PSG ( % ) =


2. Germ inat ion Percent age( GP)

GP ( % ) =

3. Seed Growt h Rate ( SGR) =

( % / et m al)

4. Growing sim ultaneit y ( GS)


5. T50 ( Tim e needed for 50% germ inat ion)



( days) = t i + (

) ( t j - t i)

6. Dry Weight of Norm al germ inated seed ( DWNS)

dried in oven at tem perat ure of 60C for 3 x 24 hours. Then weighed and expressed in gram s.

D a t a An a lysis

Analysis of variance was perform ed separately for each t reatm ent and each variet y ( ANOVA). Means

were t ested by Honest y significant difference at p = 0.05 ( HSD = 0.05) .

Resu lts a nd D iscussion

The effect PEG 6000 concent rat ion and Variet y on potent ial seed growth, germ inat ion Percent age,

seed growth rat e, growing sim ultaneit y, t im e for 50% germ inat ion and dry weight of norm al

germ inat ed seed. honest y significant difference t est use t o see significancy between level of each

fact ors as seen in table 1 below.

Ta b le 1 .

Average Value of Param et ers Effect by Wat er St ress wit h PEG 6000

Tr e a t m e n t PEG 6 0 0 0

Th e pa r a m e t e r s obse r ve d

PSG ( % ) GP ( % ) SGR ( % / e t m a l) GS T5 0 ( D a y) D W N S ( g)

Kont rol 9.88 b ( 97.20)

9.80 c ( 95.60)

3.75 c ( 13.60)

9.80 c ( 95.60)

2.74 b ( 7.00)

0.9 a ( 0.31)

12.5% 9.81 b ( 96.00)

9.24 b ( 86.00)

3.29 b ( 10.59)

8.65 b ( 76.67)

2.98 c ( 8.4)

0.92 b ( 0.35)

25% 9.01 a ( 82.93)

1.00 a ( 0.93)

0.74 a ( 0.06)

0.71 a ( 0)

1.02 a ( 1.4)

1.00 c ( 0.51)

HSD 0,05 0.23 0.14 0.02 0.13 0.11 0.01

( Figures in brack et s are t he original dat a, out side t he brack et s is t he dat a t ransform at ion using t he arc. sin√x + ½ )

Table 1 shows value of rice seed germ inat ion physiological param et ers t hat indicate t he difference due

t o t he influence of wat er st ress effect of concentrat ion of PEG 6000, affected t he physiological

perform ance of rice seed. Because of decreasing in pot ent ial water at concent rat ion of PEG 6000 0% ,

12.5% and 25% becom e -0.03, - 0,49 and - 0,99 MPa. Make lim it ing water im bibit ion in seed. these

results in accordance wit h Suardi 2010, Ballo 2012, Afa 2013 where increasing concent rat ions PEG

6000 effected lower of physiological perfom ance of rice seeds. I ncreasing concent rat ions of PEG 6000

also resulted increasing dry weight of norm al Germ inat ed seed at 12,5% PEG 6000. I n t he above table

looks at a concent rat ion of 12.5% increase in weight when com pared wit h cont rol of wit hout PEG 6000

( - 0.03 MPa). Physiological responce of wat er st ress involves several process sim ultaneously. First

response of recept ion signal st ress of water by roots or em bryos, followed by a decrease in t urgor

pressure, decreased pot ensial water and process osm ot ic adj ustm ent, it t urn t o reduce the growt h

rat e ( Lisar et al, 2013) som e of t he biochem ical process can also occur in water st ress condit ion, t he

decrease t ransien m et abolism and im port ant enzym es. act ive m et abolism of som e soluble com pound

product ion such as MDHA, Glybet, Proline and t ocoferol as well as an increase in ant i- oxidant s such as

SOD, CAT, APX, POD, GRX, MGHAR and decrease t he accum ulat ion of ROS wit h act ive ant i- oxidants.

under wat er st ress condit ion are also affected by m olecular response in t he form of gene expression –

such as a gene t hat produces ABA, LEA, DSP, RAD, Dehidrin which can affect germ inated seed

t olerance t o water st ress.

Effect of genot ype and variet y of physiological param eter of rice seed shows at table 2 below.

Table 2. Average Value of Physicological param eter of Rice Seed

Va r ie t ie s

Pa r a m e t e r Assist e d

PSG ( % )

GP ( % )

GS ( % / e t m a l)

SGR ( % )

T5 0

( D a y) D W N S ( g)

Bo Sant eut 9.84 b ( 96.44)

6.76 c ( 63.56)

2.70 b ( 8.76)

6.64 ab ( 61.33)

2.10 a ( 4.89)

0.87 a ( 0.26)

Rom ok ot 9.91 c ( 97.78)

6.72 c ( 62.67)

2.65 b ( 8.39)

6.69 ab ( 62.22)

2.14 a ( 5.11)

0.91 b ( 0.34)

Sanbei 9.77 ab ( 95.11)

6.76 c ( 63.56)

2.66 b ( 8.53)

6.71 ab ( 62.67)

2.10 a ( 4.89)


Pade Mas 9.89 c


( 13.84) ( 8.78) ( 0) ( 96.00) ( 50.67) ( 0)

Sit u Pat enggang 3.79 c ( 13.90)

3.42 b ( 11.21)

0.77 a

( 0.09) Sit u Pat enggang

10.02 c ( 100)

9.26 c ( 85.33)

0.71 a ( 0)

Margasari 3.82 c ( 14.09)

3.30 b ( 10.44)

0.71 a

( 0) Margasari

9.96 c ( 98.67)

8.55 b ( 73.33)

0.71 a ( 0)

Tow ut i 3.69 c ( 13.08)

2.15 b ( 4.25)

0.71 a

( 0) Tow ut i

9.62 c ( 92.00)

5.45b ( 29.33)

0.71 a ( 0)

H SD 0 . 0 5 1 .3 8 H SD 0 . 0 5 4 .2 7

( Figures in brack et s are t he original dat a, out side t he brack et s is t he dat a t ransform at ion using t he arc. sin√x + ½ )

Table 7. The av erage v alue of t he int eract ion bet w een t he v ariet ies and concent rat ion of PEG t o T50

Table 8. The Av erage v alue of dry w eight of norm al seedling( DWNS) due t o int eract ion bet w een t he PEG 6000 w it h Variet ies

PEG 6 0 0 0 ( % ) PEG 6 0 0 0 ( % )

Ge n ot ype / Va r ie t y 0 1 2 . 5 2 5 Ge n ot ype / Va r ie t y 0 1 2 . 5 2 5

Bo Sant eut 2.00 a 2.33 a 3.33 a Bo Sant eut 0.84 a ( 0.21)

0.84 a ( 0.21)

0.93 b ( 0.36)

Rom ok ot 2.00 a 2.00 a 3.67 a Rom ok ot 0.88 a ( 0.27)

0.90 b ( 0.31)

0.96 c ( 0.43)

Sanbei 2.00 a 2.00 a 3.67 a Sanbei 0.90 b ( 0.32)

0.92 b ( 0.35)

1.00 c ( 0.49)

Pade Mas 2.00 a 2.67 a 4.00 a Padi Em as 0.91 b ( 0.34)

0.94 b ( 0.39)

1.01 c ( 0.51)

Aw euh 2.00 a 3.00 a 4.33 a Aw euh 0.86 a ( 0.25)

0.89 a ( 0.29)

0.96 c ( 0.42)

I npari 16 2.00 a 2.00 a 5.00 a I npari 16 0.95 b ( 0.40)

0.96 c ( 0.43)

1.06 d ( 0.63)

I R 64 2.00 a 3.00 a 5.33 b I R 64 0.89 a ( 0.30)

0.94 b ( 0.38)

1.04 d ( 0.58)

Sit u Pat enggang 2.00 a 2.00 a 3.33 a Sit u Pat enggang 0.92 b ( 0.34)

0.94 b ( 0.39)

1.03 d ( 0.57)

Margasari 2.00 a 2.00 a 6.33 b Margasari 0.88 a ( 0.28)

0.91 b ( 0.32)

0.99 c ( 0.47)

Tow ut i 2.00 a 2.67 a 3.67 a Tow ut i 0.94 b ( 0.38)

0.98 c ( 0.47)

1.05 d ( 0.61)

H SD 0 . 0 5 3 .2 8 H SD 0 . 0 5 0 .0 6

( Figures in brack et s are t he original dat a, out side t he brack et s is t he dat a t ransform at ion using t he arc. sin√x + ½ )

From Table 3 t o t able 8, show t hat t he increasing of PEG 6000 concent rat ion decrease t he

physiological param eter of seed test ed. Local genot ype and nat ional release variet y has various

response in int eract ion wit h concent rat ion of PEG 6000. Local Genot ype Aweuh, Sanbei, Pade Mas and

Rom okot have alm ost t he sam e perform ance. I npari 16, Sit u Pat enggang have bett er perform ance

t han ot her genot ype and variet y.

The average value of 50% germ inat ion due t o the interact ion between t he variet ies and concent rat ion

of PEG 6000. At a concent rat ion of 0% PEG 6000 all variet ies have t he sam e t im e t o reach 50%

germ inat ed seed t he sam e as at PEG 6000 25% , but at a concent rat ion of 12.5% genot ype Aweuh,

Pade m as, I R 64, Margasari, Towot i need longer t im e for T50. Genot ype Bo Sant eut , Sanbei, I npari 16

and Situ Patenggang have shorter t im e for T50. I n general, respond of Aceh local genot ype and

nat ional variet y of rice t ested have t he sam e response at 25% PEG6000. As well as incont rol. But , at

12.5 % PEG 6000. Genot ype Bo Santeut , Rom okot and Sanbei have t he sam e response which are

bet t er than ot her t wo genot ypes. For nat ional release variet y situ pat enggang inpari 16 and Margasari

have bet t er respond physiologically t o cope wat er st ress.


Response of concent rat ion of PEG 6000 at local genotype aceh and nat ional release variet y are sim ilar

wit h ot her research result . At oat , PEG 6000 - 0,75 MPa at 8 ° C germ inat ion cham ber increases

m edian germ inat ion t im e but decrease final germ inat ion percent age and root lengt h (Mut

et al

, 2010) .

PEG 6000 10% - 20% decrease m axim um germ inat ion of rice ( Yari

et al

, 2012) . PEG 6000 10% and

15% decrease germ inat ion percent age ( Neshad

et al

, 2013) . At - 1 and - 1.2 MPa decrease plum ula

lengt h and at - 1.2 m Pa germ inat ion st opped ( Toosi

et al

, 2014). PEG 6000 at - 1.25 for t wo days

increases MTE (Mean Tim e Germ inat ion) (Solanga

et al

, 2008) . PEG 6000 at 15 % decreases

germ inat ion percent age , at 30% germ inat ion of tom at o seed st opped ( li

et al

, 2014).

Con clusions

Aceh local genot ypes were t ested and nat ional variet ies have different responses t o water st ress.

From t he physiological response of genot ypes/ variet ies tested, there are several variet ies and

genot ypes will able t o survive in condit ions of wat er st ress. A Sanbei local genot ype and Pade Mas,

and Situ Patenggang variet ies have bet t er physiological response wit h increased wat er st ress induced

by increased concent rat ions of peg 6000.

Re fe r e n ce s

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Table 2. Average Value of Physicological parameter of Rice Seed
Table 5. Theaverage value of growth rate due to the interaction between the PEG 6000 with varieties
Table 8. The Average value of dry weight of normal seedling(DWNS) due to interaction between the PEG 6000 with Varieties


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