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Materials for English extracurricular of Pangudi Luhur Elementary School Yogyakarta Grade 5 - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Bernadeta Pungky Septiana Student Number: 091214012









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Bernadeta Pungky Septiana Student Number: 091214012





I dedicated this thesis to:

 My beloved family

 My dearest friends

 Everyone I love

Treat other

people like the

way you want to



Septiana, Bernadeta Pungky. (2013). Materials for English Extracurricular of Pangudi Luhur Elementary School Yogyakarta Grade 5. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

English extracurricular is one of the additional activities which are often offered to students in Indonesian schools. English extracurricular is usually held to help the students develop their English ability. This was what Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta elementary school did in helping their students’ English ability.

Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta elementary school started to cooperate with Sanata Dharma University in holding the English extracurricular for their students. Sanata Dharma then prepared some of their students to be the English extracurricular tutors in Pangudi Luhur elementary school.

This research was conducted to produce a suitable module to be used for the fifth grade tutor. This research belonged to an Educational Research and Development research because it produced an educational product in the form of a module. It had five steps of instructional design adapted from Yalden’s Instructional design. Those steps were needs survey, description of purpose, production of a proto-syllabus, production of a pedagogical proto-syllabus, and evaluation stage. This research also used questionnaires, class observation and interviews as the instruments employed.

There was only one research problem in this research, “What do the appropriate materials and activities for Pangudi Luhur elementary school English extracurricular grade 5 semester one look like? The researcher tried to reveal the answer out by designing a module. The module consisted of four units, namely Parts of Body, Feeling, Family Tree, and Daily Activities. In each unit there were some learning activities namely games, songs, fill in the blanks, crosswords puzzle, etc. The module was divided into two namely Teacher’s Book and Students’ Book. The Teacher’s Book was completed with the teacher’s guidance and suggestions which might be really needed in facilitating the students in the teaching-learning activities.



Septiana, Bernadeta Pungky. (2013). Materials for English Extracurricular of Pangudi Luhur Elementary School Yogyakarta Grade 5. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu kegiatan tambahan yang sering ditawarkan kepada siswa di sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia. Tujuan umum diadakannya ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris adalah untuk membantu siswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka. Ini yang sedang dilakukan SD Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta untuk membantu para siswanya dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka.

SD Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta kemudian menjalin kerjasama dengan Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD) untuk menyelenggarakan Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa-siswi SD Pangudi Luhur. USD kemudian menyiapkan beberapa mahasiswanya untuk dikirim menjadi tutor dalam Ektrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris tersebut.

Penelitian ini ditulis untuk menghasilkan sebuah modul yang dapat digunakan oleh tutor Bahasa Inggris kelas 5. Penelitian ini termasuk Penelitian dan Pengembangan khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan karena menghasilkan sebuah produk pendidikan dalam bentuk sebuah modul. Penelitian ini menggunakan lima langkah Instructional Design yang diadaptasi dari langkah-langkah Instructional Design milik Yalden. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah survei kebutuhan, pendeskripsian tujuan, pembuatan proto-silabus, pembuatan silabus pedagogi, dan tahap evaluasi. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan kuisioner, observasi kelas, dan wawancara sebagai instrumennya.

Hanya ada satu rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yakni, “Seperti apakah materi dan aktivitas yang sesuai untuk digunakan dalam Ekstrakurikuler bahasa Inggirs SD Pangudi Luhur kelas 5? Peneliti mencoba menemukan jawaban dari rumusan masalah tersebut dengan merancang sebuah modul.Modul tersebut terdiri dari empat unit, yaitu Parts of Body, Feelings, Family Tree, dan Daily Activities. Dalam setiap unit terdapat beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran seperti permainan, lagu, mengisi jawaban, teka-teki silang, dll. Modul tersebut terbagi menjadi dua, yakni Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa. Buku Guru dilengkapi dengan pedoman guru dan saran yang mungkin akan dibutuhkan dalam mendampingi siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar.




First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for His entire great love and

blessing to me so that I could accomplish my thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes to Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. as my

thesis advisor. I thank her for all of her guidance, feedback, advice, and patience

during the entire process of my thesis accomplishment.

I would also like to sincerely thank Brother Teguh FIC as the headmaster of

Pangudi Luhur Elementary Schools and all of the teachers and staff, especially to

Cornelia Anindyasari S. Pd. who was responsible to teach the fifth graders. It was a

precious opportunity to be able to work with the lovely students. Also, it was

impossible for me to finish my thesis without the help from the 8 English tutors of

Pangudi Luhur Elementary School; Awang, Chacha, Nana, Anggun, and friends, it

was a great time to work as a team with them.

I would like to deeply thank my beloved parents and sisters, Florentinus

Teguh Widodo, Yosephine Retno Sri Rejeki, Alberta Pungky Febriana, and

Fransiska Pungky Oktaviana, who have given me everything that I need. It was a

great blessing for having all of their love, affection, care, advice, guidance, and many


I would also like to thank my best friends and my family in Jogja, Sr.

Benedicte CB, Tante Eni and family, Ine, Mira, Anggi, Bayu, Rendy, Galih, Sr.

Anselina FSGM, Maris, Anna, Dike, Candra, Palma, Sila, kak Erni, Awang,

Vivi, Helen, Chacha, Dhian, Yudith, Efri, Okta, Danik, Bruder Sarwo, and all of

my friends both at campus and at Syantikara Dormitory. I thank them for the love,

spirit, and advice from everyone who helped me in writing my thesis.









ABSTRACT..……… vii

A. Research Background ……….……….. 1

B. Research Problem……...…..……….……… 4

C. Problem Limitation ……….. 5

D. Research Objectives ………...….. 5

E. Research Benefits ………..………….. 5

F. Definition of Terms ……….……… 7


A. Theoretical Description ……….. 9




A. Research Method ……….……… 19

B. Research Setting ……….…………... 24

C. Research Participants/ Subjects.……….………... 24

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ………….………… 26

E. Data Analysis Technique ……….……. 28

F. Research Procedure ………... 30


A. The Design Materials for English Extracurricular of Pangudi Luhur Elementary School Grade…..……….… 32

B. The Final Version of the Designed Materials ……….. 44


A. Conclusions ……… 53

B. Recommendations ………..………..… 54





2.1The Competence Standard and Basic Competences of Elementary

School Grade 5……… 16

3.1 The Description of the Designed Materials Questionnaire Participants.. …. 26

4.1 The Competence Standard and Basic Competences for Fifth Graders

Semester 1 ………. 33

4.2The Activities of the Designed Materials for English Extracurricular of

Pangudi Luhur elementary school ……… 40

4.3The Result of the Design Materials Questionnaire………. 45




2.1 Language Program Development (Yalden, 1987)………. 12

3.1 Yalden’s Steps of Instructional Design and the Researcher’s Steps of




4.1 The Teaching-Learning Activity Chosen by the Students……… 38

4.2 The Variation of Teaching-Learning Activities Chosen by the




APPENDIX A Letter of Permission……… 58

APPENDIX B Interview of the English Teacher and Tutor…….… ….. 59

APPENDIX C Class Observation Checklist………... 60

APPENDIX D Questionnaire for Pangudi Luhur Elementary School Fifth Grade……….……… 61

APPENDIX E The Syllabus ………. 63

APPENDIX F The Teacher’s Book……….. 67

APPENDIX G The Students’ Book……….. 87

APPENDIX H The Questionnaire of the Designed Materials…………... 107 APPENDIX I The Example of the Students’ Questionnaire Result.……. 110





This chapter explains the introduction of the research. The researcher provides

the detailed information of the research introduction to give a clear view for the

readers thus they are able to figure out what the research talks about. This part

consists of six parts namely Research Background, Research Problem, Problem

Limitation, Research Objectives, Research Benefits, and Definition of Terms.

A. Research Background

English is considered as one of the important subjects in Pangudi Luhur

elementary school that needs an extracurricular program as an additional

teaching-learning activity for the students. The extracurricular program is held to help the

students master English better. Therefore, Pangudi Luhur elementary school

cooperates with Sanata Dharma University in holding the English extracurricular

program for the students. Sanata Dharma University is entrusted to provide the

English tutors for the English extracurricular program (English extracurricular

coordinator, personal communication, n.d.).

For the first step, Sanata Dharma University (to be specific from English

Language Education Study Program) informed their students to join a recruitment to

be the English tutors in Pangudi Luhur elementary school. At the recruitment


specific topics. There were fifteen students who joined the recruitment process. Then,

as the result, nine students were entrusted to facilitate the Pangudi Luhur elementary

school students in learning English. The researcher was one of the nine tutors

mentioned before.

During the academic year of July 2012- June 2013, there were nine classes of

students joining this extracurricular program from the 1st up to the 5th grade, with

different total number of students in each class. The researcher chose this English

extracurricular program as the topic of the research because it might become a big

opportunity for the researcher to help the students develop their English by designing

an English extracurricular module. The researcher tried to design the materials for the

English extracurricular students because there was no guidance for the English tutors

to select the appropriate materials for the students. No guidance here meant that there

were no specific topics or objectives of the English extracurricular program given to

the tutors. They were given a full authority to choose the materials given to the

students as long as the elementary school students learnt something in the

extracurricular time. The researcher had observed some of the tutors in selecting the

materials. They usually took the materials from the internet or made the materials by


One question which might appear based on the circumstances was why the

researcher had to design a module while there were so many readily – used text books

available in public. The researcher had to design a module because the readily – used


language program objectives. Moreover, the readily – used text books might have

been used in the intra – curricular activities by the English teacher. Those were the

reasons of why the researcher had to design a module to facilitate the students in

learning English better.

The extracurricular program coordinator from the Pangudi Luhur elementary

school once gathered the English extracurricular tutors to ask the difficulties or

problems they might encounter in teaching the students. In the gathering, the

coordinator suggested that the tutors should cooperate with the English teachers of

Pangudi Luhur elementary school to prepare the teaching materials. It is

recommended to the tutors so that the materials which are given in the extracurricular

program can support the teaching learning activities in school because in fact there

was no relationship between materials given in school and in the extracurricular

program at that time. However, there was no further action to collaborate the

materials from the English teachers and the English tutors as what had been planned

before until the English extracurricular period July-June 2012/2013 was over.

Therefore, this research was conducted to produce a module which can be used for

the fifth grade tutor in facilitating the students to learn.

The researcher would design a module which was surely related to the topics

of the materials given in the school time thus the materials given in the

extracurricular program can support the teaching learning activities in that school.


more enjoyable, fun, and effective. The decision on using games and songs was

supported by some theories from some experts. Murphey (1992) says that songs can

help young learners improve their listening skills and pronunciation; therefore songs

potentially help them to improve their speaking skills. Song can also be useful as the

tools in learning vocabulary, sentence structure, and sentence patterns.

While as cited in Wright, Betteridge, and Buckby (1984), games also help the

teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The

learners will take part in the games and in order to understand what the others have

said or written, and they must speak or write their questions as well as opinions to

express their own point of view or give information.

Another expert, Frobose (2008) says, “Through playing, children learn about

themselves, their environment, people and the world around them. As they play,

children learn to solve problems and get along with others. They enhance their

creativity and develop their leadership skills and healthy personalities.” These

statements from the experts gave more encouragement to the researcher to use many

games and songs when delivering the English learning materials. In conclusion, based

on the needs of the English extracurricular program, this research was conducted in

order to produce an appropriate module for the English extracurricular for the first

semester of the fifth graders.

B. Research Problem


What do the appropriate materials and activities for the English extracurricular grade

5 look like?

C. Problem Limitation

To make this research more feasible and reliable, the design of the English

extracurricular is aimed only for the fifth grade students of Pangudi Luhur

Elementary School Yogyakarta semester one.

D. Research Objectives

The objective of the study was that the appropriate materials for the English

extracurricular can be designed and be used for the students. The researcher was

encouraged to provide the module for the fifth grader tutor which can be used freely

in the teaching learning process of the English extracurricular. It was conducted

because the researcher was motivated to provide materials which had relation with

the materials given by the teachers in the school time thus the learning process in

school and in the extracurricular can support each other. By learning this subject, the

researcher also expected that this research could be used for many people to

understand the steps of designing the appropriate materials to young English learners.

E. Research Benefits

In this chapter the researcher would explain the expected benefits of the study.


grade 5, the English teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school, the fifth graders of

Pangudi Luhur elementary School, and the future researchers. The detail of the

researcher benefits will be explained as following:

1. The English Tutor of Pangudi Luhur Elementary School Grade Five

The first benefit is that the fifth graders tutor can have a module using to

support the teaching and learning process of the English extracurricular.

2. The English Teacher of Pangudi Luhur Elementary School.

The other benefit is that the English teachers can be accommodated to deliver

the English materials because the topics taught in class are matched with the topics

given in the English extracurricular. The materials given in the English

extracurricular will enrich the students’ knowledge of the topics and it will help the

students to master the materials deeper by doing exercises and games.

3. The Fifth Graders of Pangudi Luhur Elementary School

The fifth graders of Pangudi Luhur elementary school might be helped to

master English better through finishing all the activities and materials in the module.

The students are also given opportunities to enrich their English vocabulary and

practice their English skills in the activities included in the designed materials.

4. Future Researchers

The researcher hopes that this research has some benefits for the future

researcher who might conduct some similar research as the inspiration for further


F. Definition of Terms

In this sub-chapter the writer gives information about the related subjects

discussed in this research paper.

1. Pangudi Luhur Elementary School

Pangudi Luhur Elementary School in this paper consists of 3 branches; SD

Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta, SD Pangudi Luhur 2 Yogyakarta, and SD Pangudi

Luhur 3 Yogyakarta and the students who joined in the English extracurricular are

from those three schools.

2. English Tutors

The English tutors mentioned in this research paper were nine Sanata Dharma

University Yogyakarta students from the English Language Education Study

Program. They were from batch 2009 and 2010. They were eight female students and

one male student.

3. Materials

As cited in Richards & Rodgers (2001), materials mean what is specified with

respect to objectives, content (i.e., the syllabus), learning activities, and learner and

teacher roles, etc. (p.29). Materials here means every task, activity (such as games

and songs), or hand out used to deliver the knowledge to the students so that the


4. Extracurricular

Extracurricular program is an additional class after the school time to help the

students understand better the materials given in the regular teaching-learning activity





In this chapter, the theories and quotations used as the background knowledge

of the research will be explained one by one clearly. This chapter is divided into 2

parts. The first part is the “Theoretical Description” and the other one is the

“Theoretical Framework”. The researcher obtained the theories and quotations from

some books and resources from the internet.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section the fields which were chosen to be concerned would be explained

for the readers clearly. These fields were all related to the study. They were used to

choose the background theories of this study so that the theories could cover all the

aspects which were needed to design the module.

1. Instructional Design

The first thing to be explained was about the theories related to the

Instructional Design. This study used a book about Instructional Design which was

written by Gagne and Briggs (1992). They were from Florida State University. They

clearly defined the word “instruction” as “… a set of events which affect learners in

such a way that learning is facilitated” (p.3). It meant that the instruction was a set of

activities to facilitate the learners in teaching-learning process. Gagne and Briggs


activities were conducted. It meant that the instruction must be planned and designed


Another researcher who conducts a study of instructional design was Borg

and Gall (2007). They said that, “Research and development is an industry-based

development model in which the findings of research are used to design new products

and procedures, which then are systematically field-tested, evaluated, and refined…”

(p. 589). Thus the purpose of this research was to develop and validate an effective

educational product used in school, not to formulate or test theories.

Another related theory about instructional design was the theory from Yalden

(1987), who said that in preparing the description of the purpose to be produced for a

given course, the language program design will accordingly work in terms of broadly

or narrowly focused purposes, and occupational or educational categories

(pp.107-108). It meant that, in designing a language course, the purpose of the program

should be determined from the beginning. It this research, the purpose of the program

was to help the elementary school students to improve their English (educational


He also offered some stages to follow in designing an Instructional design

product as stated in Table 5, stages in language program development (p. 89). The

stages he offered were:

a. Needs Survey

This stage was needed in designing instructional materials, because by


information about the learners such as their personal needs, strengths, weaknesses,

and the motivation to study.

b. Description of Purpose

Describing the purpose of the program was a stage where the program

designer should determine the purpose in terms of students‟ characteristics and skills

before and after joining the language program.

c. Selection/ Development of Syllabus Type

In this stage the language program designer should create an appropriate

syllabus to be used to achieve a completely learner-centered approach.

d. Production of a Proto Syllabus

The language program designer should select and combine the materials as the

content of the syllabus. In such syllabus, general objectives, specific topics, the

language functions, and the vocabulary are shown.

e. Production of Pedagogical Syllabus

In producing a pedagogical syllabus stage, the language program designer should

develop the teaching materials (as far as possible) and testing instruments.

f. Development of the Classroom Procedure

Developing classroom procedures here include the selection of exercises types,

teaching techniques, lesson plan, and weekly schedules.

g. Evaluation

In this stage the language program designer evaluated the learners, the programs,


In order to make the Yalden‟s instructional model clearer, the following figure

was made to help the readers to understand the instructional steps easier.

Figure 2. 1. Language Program Development (Yalden, 1987)

2. English for Young Learners

In this session, the theories used in this research related to English for young

learners would be shown. The researcher took the theories from a book entitled The

Primary English Teacher‟s Guide written by Jean Brewster, Gail Ellis, and Denis

Girard (2002). From this book the researcher obtained some theories about the special

characteristics of the young learners compared to the adult learners and the way they

learn language. The characteristics of young learners which were found by Brewster

et al (2002) could be seen in this following paragraph.


Those characteristics were usually found in children of elementary school.

Brewster and friends classified children into 3 age bands: 3-6 years old, 7-9 years old,

and 10-12 years old. In addition, Brewster et al (2002) said, “… we must remember

that chronological age is not always the same as developmental age” (p.28). It meant

that the age of children did not always accurately show the development of children‟s

characteristics and needs. It was because every child had their own background and

environment which could affect their personal development. That statement was the

reason why teachers should improve the teaching materials and strategies based on

the situations of the class, not only follow the teacher‟s guidance book.

The researcher also quoted one statement from Piaget. As cited in Brewster et al

(2002) in their book, Piaget had done a study on how children thought. After that he

presented that children tended to actively construct their own thinking by acting upon

the physical and social environment (p.29). It meant that children should get enough

opportunities to explore their surrounding as the learning environment so that they

can understand the point of study. It became the duty of the teachers to set the

teaching-learning activities as authentic as possible so that the students would feel

familiar with the teaching-learning activities.

3. The Use of Games and Songs in Education

These following theories were related to the use of games and songs in the

teaching and learning English for young learners. The first theory was from Lewis

and Bedson (2003). They conducted a study about the use of games in the


and children like to play them. … Playing games are vital and natural part of growing

up and learning. Through games children experiment, discover, and interact with their

environment” (p.5).

Another statement supported the researcher‟ choice to use games and songs as

the important activities in the designed materials was from Brewster et al (2004).

They said that “Children love songs, rhymes, and chants and their repetitive nature

and rhythm make them an ideal vehicle for language learning” (p.162). By using

songs, rhymes, and chants, the students were introduced to many vocabulary and

sentence structures. The students became familiar with the English sentence patterns

and be able to guess the words after the other words through repetitions. The songs,

rhymes, and chants were also useful to help the students to memorize the acceptable

pronunciation and the stresses of the English words.

Language game is considered as one of the important tools used in this

research. Lewis and Bedson (2003) said that, “Language games are a healthy

challenge to a child‟s analytical thought. The rules of the game set clear limits within

which the children‟s natural decision-making processes must function” (p.6).

The next statement about games in the educational field was uttered by Martin

(1995). He wrote that games were any fun activities for young learners which gave

them opportunities to practice the foreign language in a relaxed and enjoyable way

(p.1). The other statement related to the use of games and song was taken from

Brewster et al (2002). They said that in some countries, playing games or doing


process of learning. The language games planned to use in this designed materials

were mostly related to the words construction because children would be much

helped to practice their sense and skill in composing English sentences by doing

those kinds of games. As cited in Brewster et al, “Children enjoy constructive play

and games. They are not only motivating and fun but they can also provide excellent

practice for improving pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and the four skills”


It was considered not necessary to have a different game for each meeting or

opportunity because some games were considered excellent enough to be repeated in

order to make the students mastered the materials faster. It was supported by Paul

(1996) who wrote that there were many games that were played over and over to let

the students practice more and more until they „turn into unthinking parrots‟.

4. Curriculum of Elementary School Grade 5

The designed materials were made to support the teaching-learning activity in

the school time. Since the teaching-learning process in school used a curriculum as

the source of the topic, objectives, and materials selection, in this part the researcher

wanted to show the curriculum used for Indonesian Elementary School students in the

fifth grade semester 1. The curriculum here is the Competence Standard and the Basic

Competence (or in Indonesia is usually called SKKD) based on Peraturan Menteri

Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia (2006). The Competence Standard and the


Writing. The Competence Standard and Basic Competence of Elementary School

Grade 5 would be shown as follows.

Table 2.1 The Competence Standard and Basic Competence of

Elementary School Grade 5

SKILL Competence Standard and Basic Competence


1. Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks sekolah

1.1.Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan secara berterima dalam konteks kelas dan sekolah

1.2 Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana secara verbal


2. Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

2.1 Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu, memberi aba-aba, dan memberi petunjuk

2.2 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi jasa/barang secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta bantuan, memberi bantuan, meminta barang, dan

memberi barang

2.3 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur:

mengenalkan diri, mengajak, meminta ijin, memberi ijin, menyetujui, tidak menyetujui, dan melarang

2.4 Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: Do you mind … dan Shall we …


3. Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris dan teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah 3.1 Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi secara tepat dan berterima yang melibatkan: kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana


SKILL Competence Standard and Basic Competence


4. Memahami dan megungkapkan makna kalimat sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

4.1 Mengeja kalimat sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima

4.2 Menyalin dan menulis kalimat sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima seperti: ucapan selamat, ucapan terima kasih, dan undangan

The researcher included also the curriculum of the elementary school grade

five because the goal of the English extracurricular is to support the

teaching-learning activities in the intra-curricular. This curriculum was used as the basic

foundation in selecting the target skills wanted to practice or the appropriate

materials included in the designed materials.

B. Theoretical Framework

In theoretical framework the researcher explained the use of the theories which

had been mentioned before. The theories related to Instructional Design, especially

the theories from Gagne and Briggs (1987) and Borg and Gall (2007) were used to

distinguish the type of the research, while the theory taken from Yalden (1987) was

used as the basic foundation in doing the designing process. Those theories became

the guideline for the researcher in order to determine the steps of conducting this

educational research.

This study also applied some theories of English for young learners. Those


were needed to obtain information about the characteristics of young learners. The

researcher used this information to choose the appropriate and authentic materials for

the English extracurricular.

The other theories from Lewis and Bedson and Brewster et al (2002) were

used to attain information about the use of games and songs in education since the

researcher chose games and songs as one of the important activities to teach English

for the children. The use of games and songs in this design were also supported by

the other theories related to the use of games and songs for the designing material

process by Paul (1996) and Martin (1995).

The last theory included in this research was about the curriculum used in

Elementary school grade five semester 1. The data were taken from Peraturan

Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia (2006).These data were included

because the goal of the English extracurricular was to support the teaching-learning

activity in the intra-curricular lesson. These data were also important as the basic





In this chapter, the researcher elaborates about the steps or procedures used to

obtain data needed to accomplish this research. This chapter consists of 6 parts. In

each part, the researcher explains every step and the details briefly to give the

complete information so that the readers can understand how this research was done.

This chapter would include research method, research setting, research participants/

subjects, instrument and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and the

research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research was an educational research and development type of research.

According to Borg, Gall, & Borg (2007), “Research and development is an

industry-based development model in which the findings of research are used to design new

products and procedures, which then are systematically field-tested, evaluated, and

refined…” (p.589). This meant that educational research and development type of

research was a process used to develop and validate educational product. The major

purpose of this study was not to formulate or test theories but to develop effective

products used in schools.

This research was an educational research and developments type because the


extracurricular of Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta Elementary School grade five semester

one. It was proven by the formulated problem of this research as what the researcher

had mentioned before about what the appropriate materials for English extracurricular

of Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta Elementary School grade 5 looked like. These

instructional design steps were adapted from the some instructional design theories.

The first theory of instructional design which was used by the researcher was

the theory from Yalden. He offered some stages to follow in designing an

Instructional design product (p. 89). The stages he offered were needs survey,

description of purpose, selection/ development of syllabus type, production of a proto

syllabus, production of pedagogical syllabus, development of the classroom

procedure, and evaluation.

From the seven steps offered by Yalden, the researcher only took five steps to

be followed in designing the materials. It was because the limitation of time. If the

researcher took all the steps offered by Yalden, the researcher should have

implemented the design into the real classroom activity. Then the researcher also had

to evaluate the whole component such as the students, the program, and the teaching

activities. It would take a very long time to do and it would be called a project, not a

research. Therefore, the researcher adapted only five steps and they would be


Figure 3. 1. Yalden Steps of Instructional Design and the Researcher Steps of

Instructional Design

The previous figure was about the adapting process of the Yalden steps of

instructional design by the researcher. The five steps chosen by the researcher would

be explained clearly as followed.

1. Needs Survey

Needs survey was the first step to be done by the researcher. In this step, the

researcher gathered data about the students’ characteristics, students’ interest,

Yalden steps of

4. Evaluating the design 3. Developing the design


5. Designed material presentation


students’ strengths and weaknesses. From such information, the researcher could

determine the appropriate materials and activities for the students.

2. Description of Purpose

The description of purpose here was included in the first step of the researcher

step because the researcher conducted the needs analysis at the same time with the

determination of the purpose. The needs survey and the determination of the purpose

of the language program were done in three ways. They were class observation,

questionnaire for the students, and the teacher and tutor interviews.

3. Production of a Proto-syllabus

In this stage the researcher determined the goals, objectives, and the topics of

the language program. The data were obtained from the English teacher of Pangudi

Luhur elementary school. The topics also determined based on the Competence

Standard and the Basic Competence employed by the school.

4. Production of a Pedagogical Syllabus

After knowing the goals, objectives, and the topics of the designed materials,

the researcher developed the materials as far as possible. The materials were chosen

based on the characteristics of the students and the purpose of the language program.

5. Evaluation.

In Yalden steps of Instructional Design, the evaluation steps included the

evaluation of every element, namely the students, the program, and the teaching.


covered the evaluation of the designed materials. The researcher was helped by some

experts in doing the design evaluation.

In this designing process, the researcher conducted more than one survey, as what

had been stated by Fraenkle and Wallen (2008), that surveys were used as the tools to

obtain data from qualified respondents employed to support the designed materials

development. Those surveys would be explained as follows.

1. Needs survey

The needs survey, as what had been stated before, was used as a means to

obtain data about the students personal data and the English extracurricular preview.

In this research, the fifth graders helped the researcher to obtain the data by filling the

questionnaire about their personal data and their opinions about the English

extracurricular. The English teacher and tutor also helped the researcher by answering

the questionnaire’s questions about their opinions and suggestions toward the English


2. Designed materials survey

The designed materials survey belonged to the four steps of the researcher

steps of instructional design. The designed materials survey was conducted by the

researcher after the materials had been made. This survey was used to check whether

this design still needed some revision or not. The researcher was helped by one

Sanata Dharma lecturer, one English teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school


B. Research Setting

The setting of this research was at Pangudi Luhur elementary school

Yogyakarta. It was located on Jalan Koni near the Alun-Alun Utara of Yogyakarta. It

was a private school institute under the coordination of FIC Brother.

The researcher observed the class at April 11, 2013. The researcher joined the

class from 1.30 p.m. until 2.30 p.m. At the end of the class, the researcher distributed

the questionnaire for the students and the students filled the questionnaire at the time.

After filling up the questionnaire, the students submitted it to the researcher.

After the end of the class, the researcher interviewed the English tutor of the

fifth graders. The interview took place at the Pangudi Luhur Elementary School for a

half hour long. The other interviewee who had been chosen by the researcher was the

English teacher of the Pangudi Luhur elementary school. After arranging the

meeting, the researcher interviewed the English teacher at April 27, 2013.

C. Research Participants/ Subjects

In this part, the researcher explained the participants of the researcher. The

explanation would be divided into two parts.

1. The respondents of the Needs Survey

The participants or subjects of this research were the students of Pangudi

Luhur elementary school grade 5 who joined the English extracurricular, the English

teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school, and the fifth graders English tutor of the


elementary school was divided into three branches; Pangudi Luhur 1 elementary

school, Pangudi Luhur 2 elementary school, and the Pangudi Luhur 3 elementary

school. The fifth graders who joined the English extracurricular program were from

the three schools of Pangudi Luhur elementary school. There was only one English

extracurricular class for the five grade students. The class consisted of 11 female

students and 6 male students. The English tutor was the student of English Education

Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The English teacher who had been

mentioned before was the English teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school. The

English teacher was the person who had a responsibility to teach the fourth, fifth, and

the sixth graders of Pangudi Luhur elementary school.

2. The respondents of the Design Materials Survey

To be able to improve the designed materials, the researcher had done another

different step. The researcher distributed a questionnaire to three people who

considered capable in this field. One of them was the English teacher of Pangudi

Luhur elementary school. The English teacher was considered capable because she

already knew the characteristics of the students and she had been dealing with the

teaching learning activity for the fifth graders in quite a long time. The other

participant was the lecturer of English Education of Sanata Dharma University. The

other one was the English teacher of SMPN 1 Kalasan. The description of the


Table 3.1 The Description of the Designed Materials Questionnaire Participants

Respondents Sex Educational


Teaching Experience (in Years)

F M S1 S2 S3 1-5 6-10 11-15 >15

Participant 1 √ √ √

Participant 2 √ √ √

Participant 3 √ √ √

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

There were three instruments which were used by the researcher to obtain the

data needed to design the materials for the English extracurricular. The instruments

used in this research would be explained clearly in this part.

1. Questionnaires

There were two questionnaires used in this research. The explanation about those

questionnaires would be divided into two parts.

a. Students’ Questionnaire (Needs Survey)

The first questionnaire was made for the fifth grade students. The

questionnaire was made in Bahasa Indonesia so that the students could answer

the questionnaire easily. The questionnaire was an opened and closed-ended

questionnaire. For the first part, all of the questions were made to know the

students’ opinions about the English extracurricular activities. The four


toward the English extracurricular or whether the English extracurricular

really helped them to master the English materials given to them. The second

part was designed to know what kind of activities that the students like the

most. The students were given opportunity to list their favorite activities or

materials as the main way to deliver the knowledge. The students were also

being asked whether they like to have various activities per week or not.

b. Design Material Evaluation Questionnaire

The second questionnaire used in this research was the questionnaire

distributed to the experts who had been asked for help to evaluate the design.

The questionnaire was made to know whether the designed materials were

still needed to be revised or not. The questionnaire belonged to opened and

closes-ended questions. The questionnaire gave the participants the

opportunities to state their opinions about the designed materials (the

participants were asked to give their opinions about the weaknesses, strength,

and the general comments about the designed materials).

2. Class Observation

The other instrument that was used in the data gathering process was an

observation checklist. The checklist was made to ease the researcher to get the data

about the general information of the characteristics and the needs of the students. This


3. Interviews

The last instrument used in this research was interview. The question list was

made in order to get the basic information needed to design the materials. The same

question list was given both to the English teacher and the English tutor. The

questions were about the situation of the English classes both in the intra-curricular

activity and in the extracurricular one. The teacher and the tutor were also asked to

give their opinions about the fifth graders characteristics. The teacher and the tutor

were also asked for the suggestion about the materials should be selected or made in

order to make the students master the materials well.

E. Data Analysis Technique

In this section, the researcher explains about how the data gathered were

analyzed. First of all, the coding process, the writer classified the data based on the

number. For example all of the answers of the first question were put together and

that system also applied to the answers of the other questions. After that, the writer

classified the answers based on the similarities and differences.

From the process mentioned before, the writer could make suitable criteria of

the data. For example from the students’ questionnaire, the researcher classified the

suitable or appropriate activities and materials given to the students into six different

activities, namely doing exercises, singing songs, storytelling, playing language

games, reading story books, and one empty space to fill based on the students’


calculated the percentage of each answer found in the data. The formula that was used

by the researcher could be seen as follows.

X= ΣX x 100% X= the mean/ average point

N ΣX= Respondents

N= total number of respondents

This process was needed to be conducted so that the writer had a clear

guidance to design the appropriate materials or in the other words to know the needs

analysis of the materials. Another formula was used by the researcher to analyze the

result of the designed materials questionnaire. The formula could be seen as follows.

In order to check whether the designed materials were accepted or not, the

researcher used some the data calculation formula adapted from Cahyarini (2004)

who made a classification about research results categorization (p.41). The

classification of the research result calculation total number would be explained as


M = ΣX M = The Average Points

N ΣX = Sum of Respondents’ Answer for each statement


1.01 - 2.00 = The designed materials were poorly designed

2.01 – 3.00 = The designed materials were good and acceptable, but still need

some revision.

3.01-4.00 = The designed materials were well- designed and acceptable.

The formula and range points which had been stated before, the researcher

could decide whether the designed materials were acceptable, need some revision, or

need to re-design.

F. Research Procedure

The steps or stages needed to be taken by the researcher in conducting this

research will be explained clearly in this section.

1. Needs Survey

In this step, the process was begun by obtaining information needed especially

about the students’ characteristics, the English extracurricular situation, curriculum

and the materials given to the students through class observation, questionnaire and

interview. The researcher also needed to analyze the result of the class observation,

questionnaire, and the interview. After that, the next step was reviewing some related


2. Description of Purpose

In this part, the researcher did all the process to decide the purposes of the


the English extracurricular. After that, the researcher also interviewed the English

teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school. Next, the researcher analyzed the

results of the interview and identified the goal and the objectives of the language

program. The last step was deciding the indicators of the designed materials.

3. Production of a Proto-syllabus

There were only two steps in this stage. The first was reviewing the

curriculum employed by the school while the second step was arranging the topics of

the designed materials.

4. Production of a Pedagogical Syllabus

Selecting the main materials related to the topics of the lesson was the first

step to do in this part. After knowing the main materials, the researcher selected the

appropriate activities for each meeting. The researcher also collected the related

pictures and finished the layout.

5. Evaluation

In the last step of the instructional design, the researcher distributed the

questionnaire of the designed materials evaluation. After that, the researcher analyzed

the evaluation and the suggestion. From the result of the analysis, the researcher

revised the designed materials. The very last step to do was producing the final

version of the designed materials.




In this chapter, the researcher explains the results and the discussion of the

research results. The result and the discussion of the research results would be used to

answer the research problem which had been mentioned in Chapter I. This chapter is

divided into two parts. The first part is the explanation of the English extracurricular

materials for the fifth grade students of Pangudi Luhur elementary semester one. The

second part is the final version of the designed materials.

A. The Designed Materials for English Extracurricular Program of Pangudi

Luhur Elementary School Grade 5

This part explains the designed materials for the fifth grade students’ English

extracurricular program of Pangudi Luhur elementary schools in details. The details

include the four important points of the designed materials. They are the goal of the

designed materials, the students’ characteristics, the performance objectives of the

designed materials, and the content of the designed materials.

1. The goal of the designed materials

The materials were designed to facilitate the fifth graders in the

teaching-learning process of the English extracurricular program. The English extracurricular


the subjects which have been taught in school. By finishing this program the students

are expected to really comprehend all of the English knowledge and skills taught in

the regular teaching-learning process in school. They are also expected to gain more

things which are especially given as the extra knowledge for the students. Since the

English extracurricular program was designed to support the teaching-learning

activities in the regular school time, the designed materials were also determined

based on the curriculum employed by the school. The researcher tried to combine the

Competency Standards and Basic Competence of the four skills thus the

extracurricular program could help the students to improve their English skills

holistically. The Competency Standard and Basic Competence of the fifth grade

students based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia

(2006), which had been combined by the researcher, would be shown in the table


Table 4.1 The Competency Standard and Basic Competences for Fifth

Graders Semester 1

Competency Standard Basic Competences

Mendengarkan dan berbicara:

1. Memahami dan mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks sekolah.

1.1 Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan secara berterima dalam konteks kelas dan sekolah maupun secara verbal. 1.2 Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan/


Competency Standard Basic Competences

Menulis dan membaca:

2. Memahami dan mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan dalam konteks sekolah.

2.1 Membaca nyaring dengan ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi secara tepat dan berterima kasih yang melibatkan: kata, frasa, dan kalimat sangat sederhana

2.2 Memahami kalimat, pesan tertulis dan teks deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima.

2.3 Mengeja dan menyalin kalimat sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah

2. The Students’ Characteristics

The materials were designed based on many points which were considered

important. Besides the curriculum employed by the school, the characteristics of the

students were also included to the vital aspects needed to design the English

extracurricular materials. The researcher had done some research to get enough data

about the students’ characteristics by conducting a class observation, distributing a

questionnaire for the students, and conducting interview with the English

extracurricular tutor and the English teacher of the school.

The researcher got the data from the fifth graders who joined the class of the

English extracurricular program (there was only one class of English extracurricular

program of the fifth graders). The class consisted of 17 students (11 female students

and 6 six male students).

a. Students’ Needs

Based on the interview results which had been obtained by the researcher, the

students needed to master the English materials as what had been stated in the


extracurricular program when the researcher asked about the purpose of the English

extracurricular program itself. The answer was:

Tujuan dari kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bahasa Inggris ini sebenarnya adalah untuk membantu kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. Jadi seharusnya, materi yang diajakan di ekstrakurikuler bahasa Inggris berhubungan dengan materi yang diajarkan pada kegiatan belajar-mengajar pada jam sekolah. (The coordinator of the English extracurricular of Pangudi Luhur elementary school).

The purpose of the English extracurricular program is to support the teaching-learning activities in school. Thus, the materials given in the English extracurricular program should be matched with the materials given in the school time).

Another thing given to the students was the additional material about English

vocabulary with its acceptable pronunciation. This point was obtained based on the

answer of the English teacher from the interview. The English teacher also said that,

Tutor bahasa Inggris juga sebaiknya memberikan murid-murid lebih banyak ‘pengayaan’ mengenai vocab bahasa Inggris terutama British vocabulary. Para siswa juga perlu memperkaya diri mereka dengan vocab bahasa Inggris sebanyak mungkin sebagai pengetahuan dasar untuk dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai sarana untuk dapat berkomunikasi. Selain itu, para siswa juga perlu diberikan latihan mengenai Simple Present Tense. (The English teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school)

(The teacher should give the students enough additional materials about English native vocabulary (British). The students needed to enrich their selves with as much as possible English vocabulary as the basic knowledge to be able to use English as the means of communication. The other important thing beside English vocabulary was the simple present tense exercises.)

The students needed to learn this simplest pattern of English sentences so that

they will be able to compose sentences started from the simplest one

b. Students’ Lack

Based on the interview, class observation, and the questionnaire, the


students would pay less attention to the teacher or the tutor when they were given

materials without any visual media, games, or music. The students would prefer busy

playing to chatting with their friends. It was proven by the answers of the English

teacher about the students’ motivations,

Para siswa akan lebih memperhatikan pelajaran jika mereka diberi materi menggunakan media visual (media atau realia) atau permainan. (The English teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school.)

(The students have more attention to the materials which are delivered in the form of visual materials (media or realia) or games.)

The English teacher also added an answer about the students’ willingness to

learn through songs by saying;

Para siswa senang untuk bernyanyi, teruatama jika ada musiknya. Namun ketika tidak menggunakan musik, mereka jadi tidak begitu berminat. (The English teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school)

(The students like to sing, especially when there are some music. They will lose their interest when the teacher asks them to sing without some music.)

The similar answer was given by the English tutor about the students’

motivation. The English tutor said that,

Ketika diberi penjelasan, murid-murid tidak begitu memperhatikan, hanya beberapa siswa saja yang mendengarkan dengan sungguh-sungguh, terutamayang perempuan. Tetapi ketika mereka diberi materi dalam bentuk visual (video stories, animasi sederhana) murid-murid terutama siswa laki-laki akan lebih proaktif. (The English tutor of Pangudi Luhur elementary school)


c. Students’ Wants

The researcher drew some conclusion about the students’ wants from the data

obtained by the teacher and tutor interviews and the questionnaire distributed to the

students. From what their tutor and teacher said, the students are interested to be

taught by using games, but one thing to be paid more attention was the class

management because sometimes the students turned to be uncontrollable. They were

also like to sing some songs in class as one of the teaching and learning activities,

especially with some music. Moreover, the students were really fond of learning more

when the teacher prepared some visuals materials namely realia, pictures, or short


The statements above were given by the teachers. Therefore, the researcher

was encouraged to make it more accurate by distributing questionnaire to the

students. By distributing the questionnaire to the students, the researcher could know

what the things the students wanted the most.

When the researcher asked them to choose activities that they like, they chose

some activities which had been written in the questionnaire. The result was 16

students (94,12%) chose playing games, 12 students (70,59%) chose reading stories,

11 students (64,70%) chose doing exercises, 7 students (41,18%) chose storytelling, 7

(41,18%) students chose singing songs, and 4 students (23,53%) chose the other

activities (watching movies, working on puzzle, sharing, and reading text books). To

be more clearly, the researcher had provided the graphic to show the activities chosen


Graphic 4.1 The Teaching-Learning Activity Chosen by the Students

Besides choosing the activities they like, the students were also asked to

choose the variation of the activities per meeting. For the variation of the activities,

16 students (94, 12%) said that they preferred to have various activities per meeting

while the one student (5, 89%) said that he preferred to have the same activities per

meeting. The graphic of the variation of activities per meeting could be seen as


Graphic 4.2 The Variation of Teaching-Learning Activities Chosen by the


3. The Performances Objectives

These designed materials were made to facilitate the students in the teaching

and learning process in the English extracurricular program. This design can be used

to facilitate the students in one semester. By finishing this program, the students are

expected to be able to:

a. enrich their English vocabulary and help them to be able to both use and

pronounce it in an acceptable way.

b. make and evaluate simple sentences by using Simple Present Tense

c. develop their skills in English, especially the speaking skill.

4. The Content of the Designed Materials

The designed materials consisted of four unit lessons which were improved

into a set of teaching-learning activities which were suitable to be implemented in the

extracurricular program. Each unit had two meetings, and one meeting was designed

for a 60 minute lesson. The units, themes, and activities of the design could be seen in


Table 4.2 The Activities of the Designed Materials for English

Extracurricular of Pangudi Luhur Elementary School


Theme Meeting Session Activities Explanation

1 the fill in the blanks part will help the

4. Filling in the blanks in a paragraph.

Pre-Activity 1. Opening prayer 2. Greeting



Theme Meeting Session Activities Explanation

2 They fill in the blanks and draw expressions will help the students to understand and 2. Filling in the blanks 3. Drawing feeling help the students to pay attention to the lesson and ready to receive the next materials. Filling in the blanks will help the students to


Figure 2. 1. Language Program Development (Yalden, 1987)
Table 2.1 The Competence Standard and Basic Competence of
Figure 3. 1. Yalden Steps of Instructional Design and the Researcher Steps of
Table 3.1 The Description of the Designed Materials Questionnaire Participants


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