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Table A9–1 table a9 1


Academic year: 2017

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Faculty Portfolio Faculty Sufficiency

N o rm al P ro fe s s io n a l R es p o n s ib ili ti es 3

Percent of Time Devoted to Mission for Each Faculty Qualification Group5

B ri e f D es c ri p ti o n o f B as is f o r Q u a lif ic a ti o n (e n te r b ri e f q u a n ti ta ti ve a n d /o r q u a li ta ti v e in fo rm a ti o n c o rr e s p o n d in g t o t h e a c co u n ti n g a ca d e m ic u n it ’s c ri te ri a f o r ea ch c a te g o ry ) F a c u lt y M e m b e r’ s N a m e (L is t in d iv id u a lly i n s ec ti o n s r e fl ec ti n g th e u n it ’s f ac u lt y o rg a n iz a ti o n al s tr u c tu re ( e .g ., d e p a rt m e n ts a n d re s e ar c h g ro u p s ) 1 D a te o f F ir s t A p p o in tm e n t to t h e u n it H ig h es t D e g re e , Y ea r E a rn e d P ar ti c ip a ti n g F a c u lt y P ro d u c ti v it y ( P ) 2 S u p p o rt in g F ac u lt y P ro d u c ti v it y ( S ) 2 S c h o la rl y A c a d e m ic ( S A ) 4 P ra c ti ce A c a d e m ic ( P A ) 4 S c h o la rl y P ra c ti ti o n e r (S P ) 4 In s tr u c ti o n a l P ra c ti ti o n e r (I P ) 4 O th e r (O ) 4

Faculty Sufficiency Indicators1:

 Overall: P/(P+S) > 75%

 By discipline, location, or program: P/(P+S) > 60%

Faculty Qualifications Indicators1:

 Minimum SA: (SA)/(SA + PA + SP + IP + O) > 40%

 Minimum SA + PA + SP: (SA + PA + SP)/( SA + PA + SP + IP + O) >60%

 Minimum SA + PA + SP + IP: (SA + PA + SP + IP)/( SA + PA + SP + IP + O) >90%


2. The measure of “teaching productivity” must reflect the operations of the accounting academic unit, e.g., student credit hours (SCHs), European Credit Transfer Units (ECTUs), contact hours, individual courses, modules, or other designations that are appropriately indicative of the teaching contribution of each faculty member. Concurrence of the metric must be reached with the peer review team early in the review process. If a faculty member has no teaching responsibilities, he or she must be listed and reflected in the qualifications part of the table.

3. Indicate the normal professional responsibilities of each faculty member using the following guide: UT for undergraduate teaching; MT for master’s level teaching; DT for doctoral level teaching/mentoring; ADM for administration; RES for research; ED for executive education; SER for other service and outreach responsibilities. A faculty member may have more than one category assigned.

4. For faculty qualifications based on engagement activities, faculty members may be Scholarly Academic (SA), Practice

Academic (PA), Scholarly Practitioner (SP), Teaching Practitioner (IP), or Other (O). Faculty members should be assigned one of these designations based on the unit’s criteria for initial qualifications and continuing engagement activities that support currency and relevance in the teaching field and to support other mission components. Faculty members may be assigned to more than one category, but must be listed only once. Doctoral students who have obtained ABD status are considered SA or PA (depending on the nature of the doctoral degree for 3 years. Faculty who have earned a doctoral degree will be considered SA or PA (depending on the nature of the doctoral degree) for 5 years from the date the degree is awarded. The “Other” category should be used for those individuals holding a faculty title but whose qualifications do not meet the criteria the unit has established for SA, PA, SP, or IP status.

5. The “percent of time devoted to mission” reflects each faculty member’s contributions to the unit’s overall mission during the period of evaluation. Reasons for less than 100 percent might include part-time employment, shared appointment with another academic unit, or other assignments that make the faculty member partially unavailable to the unit. A full-time faculty




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