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Gamification: Quizizz in Mathematical Game Learning for Secondary Students


Academic year: 2023

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Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober 2022

Gamification: Quizizz in Mathematical Game Learning for Secondary Students


Digital textbooks and online homework have made students used to classes without books.

Technology in the classroom and exam administration helps retain students. Technology and non- traditional assessments are supported by pedagogy to improve student learning. Quizizz is a multiplayer educational game that makes classroom practice fun and interactive. This survey examined students' opinions of Quizizz for online math learning. It involved 45 students from a senior high school in Bulukamba, Indonesia. This study used a 10-question web-based survey to assess students' views on Quizizz's use in online mathematical learning. Quizizz improved students' attention spans, focus on the lesson, and comprehension even when they used it at home to study. Because it's easy to use, attractive, and like a game, students enjoy learning and retain more.

Keywords: Quizizz, game mathematics learning, survey


Students have grown accustomed to attending classes that do not utilize physical textbooks due to the widespread adoption of digital books and online homework assignments (Nejem & Muhanna, 2018). We frequently assume that it is preferable to practice under the same conditions that you will take an assessment; consequently, we are concerned that giving our students' paper exams may be detrimental to their academic performance. It is in everyone's best interest to turn in graded quizzes as quickly as possible and discuss the answers, but does this make a difference? Additionally, Campilla and Castañaga (2021) stated that in today's modern society, we are led to believe that the utilization of technology in the classroom and the administration of exams are beneficial to the retention of students; however, this may not be the case. This investigation aims to determine whether or not there is a correlation between the mode of delivery of quizzes and the levels of performance attained by the class as a whole (Mohd. Yusof & Shahrill, 2021).

In addition to determining the best way to evaluate students' progress throughout the semester, there is also the issue of providing feedback. In the past, Serrano (2019) expressed

that teachers have accomplished this goal by giving Cadets quizzes, examinations, or problem sets to evaluate the level of their knowledge regarding the course's subject matter. We use the time-honored method of handing out the examination materials to the students in the form of hard copies or paper copies, which they then hand back to the teacher to be graded later (Wijaya, Elmaini, &

Doorman, 2021). The grading process can take anywhere from one to two days, which is valuable time for students to reinforce incorrect concepts that they will need to recommit to memory (Rahaju & Rahutami, 2018). This is a waste of time for the instructor as well as the student, and technology has the potential to eliminate this waste by providing real-time grading, which also has the added benefit of identifying students who are having difficulty with the concepts being taught (Kenna, 2019).

It is possible to provide students with immediate feedback when using web-based homework in extensive university courses, use cutting-edge technology for instruction, reduce the grading burden on faculty, and grade all student work using this method (Calder &

Murphy, 2018). These are just some of the reasons why using web-based homework is beneficial. Also, Etcuban and Pantinople (2018)


Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober 2022 implied that web-based assignments might have

some potential drawbacks. However, such as the inability to provide specific feedback, the possibility that multiple submissions will encourage students to be lazy, and the increased depersonalization caused by substituting a computer for a human grader. For the most part, web-based homework systems deliver materials and exercises that are relatively standard.

Despite the shift in delivery medium, the pedagogical content remains unchanged mainly (Handican & Setyaningrum, 2021).

There is a wide range of opinions regarding assessment, and the reasons behind and methods for assessing students' learning.

According to Novita and Herman (2021), a review is more than just an exercise at the end of the course to determine student grades. In their place, these situations can become opportunities for students to learn (Dahlan, Darhim, & Juandi, 2022). It can communicate goals to students so that they can understand more efficiently and identify students' misunderstandings so that teachers can improve their instruction. Tests are the most common form of assessment used in schools today due to the significant influence that students' test scores have on their final grades. Ramli, Maat, and Khalid (2020) favor having students design assessments that require them to think critically.

Having said that, there are times when you want to make sure that the students have a firm grasp on the fundamentals before proceeding. It is argued that in-class quizzes are the most suitable assessment form for this level (Chen, 2017).

Quizizz is a game-based educational application, according to Setiyani, Fitriyani, and Sagita (2020), which brings multiplayer activities into the classroom and makes classroom practice interactive and fun. The media application known as Quizizz can be implemented in businesses to facilitate the delivery of content and the management of quizzes that are structured similarly to games (Bromberg & Seminelli, 2017). Study materials and tests can be distributed to one another through links. Games are a form of educational

media that can be combined with assessment tools or questions. They can benefit students because they are fun to play while also supplying them with opportunities to practice logic and problem-solving skills (Wulandari, 2022).

The preparation process for using Quizizz media in education is very straightforward (Mahmud & Law, 2022). Using the Quizizz online application, the instructor first constructs the instructional content through form of questions and potential answers.

According to Ginovart (2021), the use of Quizizz media in the classroom can be in the form of mobile devices, which eliminates the need for a data projector or computer because quizzes can be accessed via mobile phones or tablets; it has game-based design and repeats gamified mechanics such as music, rankings, scoreboards, avatars; inserting pictures or videos related to questions and using formulas and symbols; analyzes the performance of each student or the performance of the entire group.

According to Varsavsky (2019), Quizizz is a leaderboard that shows students' natural rankings based on how well they do on the platform.

According to Handican and Setyaningrum (2021), instructional technology can perform various valuable functions. Some include providing new opportunities for enhancing student learning that would otherwise be impossible or very difficult to achieve and addressing specific education goals more effectively. White and McCoy (2019) stated that the increasing prevalence of web- based programs for completing assigned homework in large classes makes incorporating technology into other evaluation forms an obvious next step.

Enhance student learning, and there is pedagogical support for utilizing technology and various alternative forms of assessment in addition to traditional tests. Considering these concepts, Nurmawati et al. (2020) compared the effectiveness of assigning students' physics homework via the internet versus giving it on paper in the context of a college-level


Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober 2022 mathematics course. In a large-enrollment

introductory mathematics class, they compared the effectiveness of assigning students traditional paper homework and web-based homework to evaluate their overall performance (Calder & Murphy, 2018). The standard web-based assignments were given to one group, while the other group received paper-based assignments that were graded manually. After that, the conceptual and problem-solving abilities of the two groups were compared to one another. No discernible improvements in student performance could be credited to implementing the homework strategy (Russo, Bragg, & Russo, 2020).

One of the advantages of utilizing web- based evaluation is the provision of immediate feedback. There is a split opinion regarding whether or not immediate feedback is preferable to delayed feedback. Rondina and Roble (2019) believe that delayed feedback is preferable because students are more likely to argue the correctness of their incorrect answer, which interferes with an instructor's attempts to correct the student. As a result, delayed feedback prevents students from arguing about the correctness of their wrong answers. On the other hand, Etcuban & Pantinople (2018) contend that their research demonstrates that providing immediate feedback is the most effective strategy for retaining students. In an introductory chemistry course with many students enrolled, Cole investigated whether implementing a web-based homework system could better satisfy the requirements of the various student body. One of the things that guided their research was the wish to give immediate feedback to students to improve their learning and capacity for memory recall (Setyarto, Murtiyasa, & Sumardi, 2020).

There have been a lot of studies done on how technology can change the atmosphere of a classroom, but those researchers haven't been able to figure out whether or not to provide timely feedback during class (Kenna, 2019;

Lavidas, Apostolou, & Papadakis, 2022;

Wijaya et al., 2021). There is no such thing as effective instruction without effective feedback.

According to research findings on feedback, students place a high value on receiving written comments on their work. However, Wijaya et al. (2021) become concerned when the input is illegible, ambiguous, excessively abstract, excessively general or vague, or overly cryptic.

Studies have shown, apart from comments on the content of written feedback, that students receive feedback too late for it to be beneficial (Lavidas et al., 2022). We are attempting to determine whether technology in the classroom is beneficial or detrimental to the retention of mathematical concepts and the overall understanding of the subject (Kenna, 2019).


During the hybrid learning period, the survey design was used in this study to determine how students felt about using Quizizz for learning mathematics during that time. It is common practice to survey as part of research to ascertain a population's perspectives, preferences, attitudes, and opinions on a particular subject that interests a researcher (Creswell, 2014). This research was carried out with the participation of 45 students from the Bulakamba Senior School in Indonesia. The instrument used for this study was a web-based survey consisting of ten questions that probed students' perspectives on the application of Quizizz to online mathematical learning. The questions posed by Setiyani et al. (2020) then we were reworded and reorganized. They were closed questions, also known as multiple-choice questions, and they were constructed with the help of some indicators related to features offered by Quizizz. The utilization of the Indonesian language partly ensured the participants' comprehension of what was being communicated. Respondents maintained their anonymity throughout the data analysis.

After data had been collected, it was analyzed percentages and descriptions so that the proportion of the group within the population could be determined (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2013). A descriptive explanation was used to describe the data


Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober 2022 portion. A conclusion was arrived at based on

the findings of that explanation.


Learning in the game begins with a problem related to the subject matter that needs to be solved or resolved. This is done so that during the learning process, the teacher must activate students' knowledge to find and understand phenomena in small group learning, which enables students to understand the concepts and subject matter, learning experiences that also help students develop their understanding of the context. Subsequently, they follow their learning methods and situations, such as e.g., playing a game in which there is a problem related to the subject matter that needs to (Novita & Herman, 2021).

Students learn problem-related concepts and scientific methods to solve problems when participating in mathematical game classes because the learning model centers its attention on the selected issue (Kenna, 2019). This has a beneficial effect on students’ critical thinking skills. Consequently, it is necessary for students to not only comprehend the ideas pertinent to the issue at hand but also to gain experience in learning skills related to applying scientific methods in problem-solving and to encourage mathematical skills (Ginovart, 2021).

The learning from the game is centered on the selected issue, and it provides students with the opportunity to learn concepts associated with the case and the scientific method, which assists students in developing their capacity for mathematical skills (Rondina

& Roble, 2019). Students are given real-world economic problems to solve as part of the game- based learning experience. These problems are then distributed to students via the Quizizz application's various distribution channels. It was expected of the students that they would be able to solve problems on their own. To provide students with an opportunity to practice critical thinking skills by solving the issues presented here. According to Wulandari (2022), students can develop their necessary thinking skills through the use of game learning by connecting

information from their prior knowledge with problems that occur in real life. Second, the instructor encourages student participation in the learning process by giving them opportunities to apply what they've already learned to the solution of problems.

In actual situations, students took an active part by observing any information that might be pertinent, organizing it by combining it with their prior knowledge, and developing their ability to think critically. The teacher gave the students the most significant number of opportunities to practice solving problems and learning new things (George, 2020). The idea that is being taught to students is also a challenge they will face on a regular basis in their lives, making it much simpler for them to apply this concept in the real world (Bouzid et al., 2021). The use of Quizizz media is another factor that contributes to the enjoyment of learning. Students receive assistance in improving their understanding and skills to meet the learning competencies through Quizizz media (Naseem, 2021). The findings of this study are also consistent with the results of Purba (2020), who discovered a significant difference in the critical thinking skills of students in classes that use smartphone-based Quizizz applications as opposed to traditional learning models. The researchers found that students who used conventional learning models had significantly lower critical thinking skills than those who used smartphone-based Quizizz applications. Quizizz media, according to the findings of research conducted by Bromberg and Seminelli (2017), has been shown to improve students' cognitive abilities.

The instructor utilizes Quizizz media as an assessment tool to provide varied learning opportunities for the students, making learning more engaging.

In education, Quizizz Media is prompt, secure, and astute; it makes it simple to create questions that call for applying critical thinking skills (Mahmud & Law, 2022). Because remote learning in our educational system is still relatively new and requires significant adjustment, some breakthroughs are necessary


Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober 2022 to maintain a high level of motivation and

engagement among students throughout the learning process. When deciding which learning strategies to implement during online learning instruction, it is crucial to consider the students' viewpoints to develop the most effective solutions to this problem (Varsavsky, 2019). According to the survey findings, it is possible to conclude that the vast majority of the students preferred using Quizizz for their mathematics education via the internet.

Table 1 provides a representation of the students' perspectives regarding using Quizizz for learning mathematics, specifically in emergency remote learning. The vast majority of the students offered affirmative responses to the questions. When quizzed on the convenience of using the Quizizz app, 45% of the students responded agreeing with the statement, while 43% gave a firm agreement.

Most of the students in the class did not agree with the information. This data is in line with the findings of a study conducted by Naseem (2021), which found that students viewed the Quizizz app as an application that is straightforward, uncomplicated, and simple to operate, and that can be accessed from any location.

Although they have to learn mathematics independently, 56% of students believe that using Quizizz to deliver mathematics lessons will help them understand the material better.

This is even though the students have to study mathematics on their own. About 14% of respondents strongly agreed with the statement, whereas 28% strongly disagreed. Quizizz has been shown in some studies to improve students' attention spans, focus on the lesson at hand, and overall comprehension of the material even when they are using it to study online at home (Figure 1).

Studying can become a chore if one is forced to do their homework and does not find the activity enjoyable. Even though they are taken over the internet, quizzes can lighten the load for students, increase their enjoyment of the material being taught, and ultimately motivate them. Campilla and Castañaga, (2021)

conducted a study that confirmed that students were encouraged to learn mathematics when they could apply what they were learning. This is further supported by the findings of this study, which showed that most students confirmed that using Quizizz makes them enjoy learning Mathematics online, with 51%

agreeing and 29% disagreeing with this statement. In addition, 53% of students agreed, and 28% strongly agreed, that the application could improve their motivation to study Mathematical online. One ought to anticipate favorable results when learning occurs in an atmosphere like this.

Table 1. Students’ Perception of Using Quizizz for Mathematical Online Learning

No Statements 1 2 3 4 5 Mean

Score 1. Quizizz is

simple to use.

0 0 12% 70% 18% 4.06

2. Even though we have to study online, the quizzes help me understand the mathematics lesson.

0 4% 36% 40% 20% 3.92

3. Quizizz makes Mathematical online learning more enjoyable for me.

0 4% 16% 62% 18% 3.96

4. The Quizizz boosts my motivation to study Mathematics.

0 6% 44% 30% 20% 3.96

5. I believe that doing Mathematics assessments with the Quizizz app is a lot of fun.

0 6% 34% 40% 20% 3.92

6. Quizizz has an appealing design.

0 6% 14% 50% 30% 3.96

7. Quizzes help me pass the time while studying Mathematics online.

0 4% 16% 60% 20% 3.78

8. The Quizizz leaderboard system motivates me to learn Mathematics.

0 4% 16% 60% 20% 3.78

9. Quizizz's real- time feature makes it difficult for me to cheat.

0 4% 28% 54% 14% 3.86

10. Quizzes boost my confidence in learning Mathematics.

0 4% 20% 60% 16% 4.06


Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober 2022 Figure 1. The Quizizz Overview

The Quizizz application is thought to be enjoyable for delivering lessons. It also makes students enjoy taking assessments due to its challenging, competitive, and game-like features (43% agree and 47% strongly disagree). However, some believe the application is not enjoyable for delivering lessons. In the meantime, the real-time feature of Quizizz makes it challenging for students to cheat (35% agree, 45% strongly agree). This character helps provide more accurate evaluations of the student's capabilities in your class. Learners believe participating in online activities with Quizizz is more competitive and challenging than taking a quiz using the traditional paper-and-pencil format, as Chen (2017) stated. Because of the real-time component of the application, according to the findings of another study carried out by Pérez et al. (2018), students reported that they could not cheat while taking the exam.

The students have a favorable opinion of the appealing layout of Quizizz, with 40%

agreeing and 56% strongly agreeing with the statement. Students can avoid becoming bored while studying Mathematical online, according to 53% of respondents who agree and 32% who strongly agree. They can maintain their focus on Quizizz while also studying Mathematical on the internet. These assertions are supported by a few studies (Connie, 2020; Kenna, 2019).

Students' moods have also been shown to improve due to playing Quizizz. One approach is to incorporate a system of leaderboards into the application itself. When students are challenged, it can increase their motivation to

complete the assignment. This aspect is in line with the characteristics of the students, as they gravitate toward activities that are more like games. This statement was supported by 43% of the student body, including 41% who gave it their full backing. It has been demonstrated that using the leaderboard function will motivate students to study the material more thoroughly (Connie, 2020).

Finally, it is believed that playing Quizizz can boost students' confidence in their Mathematical language learning. These findings emerge clearly from the responses to the questionnaire. The findings indicate that sixty percent of the student population voted in favor of the option. According to Setiyani et al.

(2020), students using Quizizz can immediately check within the application to see if their answers are correct contributes to their increased confidence in their Mathematical language learning.

Online education is rapidly becoming the standard teaching method globally due to its portability and reliability (Bouzid et al., 2021).

Consequently, the Ministry of Education in Indonesia has made various online in-service training and webinars available to assist mathematics educators in enhancing their capabilities to implement digital mathematics instruction. In addition, other nations, such as Indonesia, are actively offering Quizizz webinars on YouTube to support educators in delivering online lessons (Naseem, 2021).

Aside from that, educators can access pertinent information about the Quizizz application through other platforms because they have this information at their disposal.

According to the findings of this survey, nearly all of the respondents believed that it was not difficult to access the Quizizz website. This finding is in line with the results of other studies that have been done in the past. Wulandari (2022) found that the Quizizz application is intuitive for students and useful for teachers.

This finding demonstrates that most mathematics educators would be open to participating in training courses offered by Quizizz. Purba (2020) research, which led to the


Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober 2022 same conclusions, was published in the same

journal. The vast majority of the mathematics educators who participated in their study had a positive attitude toward attending training courses offered by Quizizz. Learning is a process that never comes to an end.

As a consequence, educators are required to increase the breadth of their knowledge. In addition, educators in mathematics should be creative and explore the numerous online applications available as potential resources to assist them in delivering their lessons. The Quizizz application includes, in addition to online quizzes, an instructor-paced feature that enables educators to control the pace of their lesson to provide students with a deeper understanding of the questions being asked.

In addition, most respondents held favorable opinions of the Quizizz platform. It was discovered by Varsavsky (2019) that mathematics teachers supported the use of the Quizizz application because they believed it assisted in student-centered learning.

Specifically, they thought that the application made it easier for students to control their education. As a consequence of this, it is suitable for application in the procedure of teaching and learning. In addition, most respondents concurred that the ranking function and leaderboard on Quizizz inspire students to further their mathematical education. The use of gamification in educational settings, such as the Quizizz application, is currently being investigated as a potential strategy for boosting student engagement and motivation levels (Wulandari, 2022). Educators should be willing to experiment with new platforms to improve the efficacy of the mathematics teaching and learning process during online learning.

This research also showed that there was no discernible gap between respondents' interest in using Quizizz and their prior experience in the classroom teaching mathematics. As a consequence of this finding, we can reach the following conclusion: An individual's level of teaching experience does not influence their desire to use the Quizizz application during the teaching and learning

process. According to Bromberg and Seminelli (2017), the vast majority of students viewed the Quizizz application favorably and believed that it had the potential to pique their interest in the subject matter they were studying. During online lessons, all mathematics instructors should use appropriate applications to attract new students and keep the ones they already have. According to the findings of this study, both seasoned and inexperienced mathematics educators are captivated by the Quizizz application, which is an excellent tool for actively engaging students in the learning process and serves as a great way to keep their attention during class.


When it comes to e-learning, using technology appropriately for the task at hand is one of the most important factors to consider.

The continuation of learning, the efficient operation of the process, and the accomplishment of one's goals should all be ensured by doing this. Teachers are obligated to select the most effective strategies, or in this instance, given that we are discussing online education. This most effective application suits the students' requirements and circumstances.

According to the findings of this investigation, students reported a high level of contentment with this platform for completing online mathematical coursework. It is clear from their responses that they focused heavily on the capabilities offered by the Quizizz application. This can be seen. Consequently, Quizizz is one of the options that can be utilized when engaging in meaningful instruction through online learning. Students and teachers involved in mathematical study can benefit from this platform. Students better understand the material because they enjoy the learning process, which is made possible. After all, it is simple to use, has an appealing design, and is similar to playing a game. In addition, it lessens the likelihood of students becoming bored, boosts their motivation, and makes them feel more confident in their mathematical abilities.


Indonesian Journal of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober 2022 In conclusion, adding a leaderboard and

a real-time option elevates the difficulty level presented by the application and piques the student's interest in using it. After reviewing the information given earlier, it is possible to draw the following conclusion: Quizizz can be a handy tool for teaching mathematics, particularly in learning it remotely. It is recommended that instructors use this application while their students are learning Mathematical online. While this is going on, there is a need for additional research to be conducted with a larger population to gain a more comprehensive view or perception of the use of Quizizz for Mathematical online learning


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