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CHARACTERISTICS OF BOARDING SCHOOL CURRICULUM AT INTEGRATED-ISLAMIC JUNIOR-HIGH SCHOOL Characteristics of Boarding School Curriculum at Integrated-Islamic Junior-High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten In The Academic Year of 2011/2012.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Magister Degree

in Educational Management Department


Iswahyuni Q. 100100276






Iswahyuni 1, Yetty Sarjono 2, and Phil. Dewi Candraningrum 3 1

Student of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, 2

Lecturer of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, 3

Lecturer of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta


The purposes of this study are to describe the characteristics of the program and the content of the boarding school curriculum at Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Klaten Ibnu Abbas. The results suggested that Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas is one of the school-based boarding school where the school used a model curriculum that combines school curriculum (Education), JSIT (Network of Integrated Islamic School), that the curriculum of schools with schools to develop the curriculum by using the basic curriculum signposts that have been established by the foundation. Boarding school curriculum in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten, refers to the government regulation number 19 of 2005 of the national standards, article 6, paragraph 1, consists of a group of subjects and noble religion, nationality and personality, science and technological, aesthetic, and physical lessons, sports and health. Curriculum structure in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten held for 42 hours of lessons in one week with a duration of 40 minutes, plus 4 additional hours to Religious lessons, and 4 hours for Arabic and Al Quran. Local content carried by boarding with features to accommodate local culture, so that the local content include: Tahfidzul Quran, Arabic, and Javanese.

Keywords: character education, material, development,



Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif, dengan desain penelitian etnografi. Penelitian ini peneliti mengambil lokasi di SMP IT Ibnu Abbas Klaten. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam, obsevasi, dan dokumentasi. Model analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data tertata dalam situs untuk diskripsi.. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) SMP IT Ibnu Abbas Klaten merupakan salah satu sekolah yang berbasis boarding school dimana sekolah tersebut menggunakan model kurikulum yang menggabungkan kurikulum SMP (Diknas), JSIT (Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu), kurikulum pesantren dengan catatan bahwa sekolah melakukan pengembangan pada kurikulum dengan menggunakan dasar rambu-rambu kurikulum yang telah ditetapkan oleh yayasan. Program-program yang dimiliki SMP IT Ibnu Abbas Klaten meliputi program pengembangan bahasa arab, kemampuan menghafal Al-Qur’an dan program pengembangan kemandirian dan potensi siswa dengan program andalan berupa bahasa arab dan tahfid. (2) Kurikulum boarding school di SMP IT Ibnu Abbas Klaten, mengacu pada peraturan pemerintah nomor 19 tahun 2005, tantang standar nasional pendidikan pasal 6 ayat (1), terdiri atas kelompok mata pelajaran agama dan akhlak mulia, kewarganegaraan dan kepribadian, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, estetika, dan pelajaran jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan. Struktur kurikulum SMPIT Ibnu Abbas Klaten dilaksanakan selama 42 jam pelajaran perpekan dengan durasi waktu 40 menit, ditambah dengan 4 jam tambahan untuk pelaajaran Agama, dan 4 jam untuk bahasa Arab dan Al Quran. Muatan lokal dilaksanakan berdasarkan ciri pesantren dengan mengkomodir budaya daerah, sehingga muatan lokal yang diberikan meliputi: Tahfidzul Quran, Bahasa Arab, dan Bahasa Jawa. Ketuntasan belajar setiap mata pelajaran ditentukan oleh kelompok guru mata pelajaran dengan mempertimbangkan materi esensial, kompoleksitas, dan daya dukung siswa dalam penyelenggaraan pembelajaran.

Kata kunci : pengelolaan kurikulum, Boarding School


Functionally, education is aimed at preparing people for getting the prosperous lives in the future, both as individuals and collectively as a community, nation or community of nations. For believers, the future includes life in the world and a view of a happy life in days later. But this time, our education cannot fully meet the expectations of society. This phenomenon is characterized by low quality of graduates, the incomplete education problem solving or likely patchy, even project oriented. Consequently, the results of education are often disappointing public. They continue to question the relevance of education to the needs of the community in the dynamics of economic, political, social, and cultural rights (Rosyada, 2008: 6).


The cause of the low quality of education in Indonesia, among others, is a matter of effectiveness, efficiency, and standardization of teaching. It is still a problem of education in Indonesia in general. While the specific problems in education, it includes the low infrastructure, poor quality of teachers, low teacher welfare, low student achievement, low educational equity opportunities, the low relevance of education to the needs, and the high cost of education (Fuady, 2011: 2).

The quality of education is reflected by the competence of graduates

affected by the quality of the process and content of education. Achieving the graduate competence that is met the standards must be supported by the content and process of education that also meet the standards. Embodiment of qualified education process is influenced by the performance of educators and education personnel, the quality and quantity of infrastructure, quality of management, availability of funds, and a valid, objective, and decisive assessment system. (Rosdiana, 2008: 15).

Under Chapter I, General Provisions, Article 1 of Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2010 concerning the Management and Delivery of Education stated that: Management of education is setting authority in the implementation of the national education system by the Government, the provincial, district / city governments, educational organizers established by communities, and education units in order to make the education process in accordance with the national education goals. Furthermore, Article 39, stated that: educational organizers established by the community has a responsibility for managing the national education system and formulating and establishing education policy at the organizer unit (Setiawan, 2010: 8).

Boarding school Tahfidzul Qur'an (PPTQ) Ibnu Abbas Klaten is one institution that is managed by the education unit established by the community. Since the beginning of its establishment, Boarding school Tahfidzul Qur'an


commitment to Islam with the characteristics of good attitude (salimul aqidah), true worship (shohihul aqidah), and noble (akhlakul karimah), (3) producing tough preachers who are able to realize ’Izzul Islam wal Muslimin and become the future leaders of the nation. To realize the above objectives, PPTQ Ibn Abbas applies the concept of integrated Islamic education by integrating national education curriculum with SBC and Islam Sharia-based Diniyah materials. (Muinnudinillah, 2010: 6).

Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas is one secondary school

under the Boarding school Tahfidzul Qur'an (PPTQ) Ibnu Abbas Klaten, which applies boarding school system with the integrated curriculum, the integration between the national education department curriculum (SBC) with Diniyah curriculum compiled independently by PPTQ Ibn Abbas. Boarding school is a new formula in educational management, this is a consequence of the paradigm shift in the management of a centralized toward decentralized government. It is also influential in structuring the decentralization of education, management of boarding school program.

Boarding school is the implementation of quality schools to improve students' quality. The students attend regular education from early morning until noon at the school followed by a boarding school such as religious education or other special values education. For 24 hours the students are under the supervision of a tutor (Maknun, 2006: 35). Boarding school is a school that is equipped with accommodation facilities for students and it is located in a location adjacent to educational facilities (independent schools that provide educational facilities as well as accommodation for their students).

According to Maknun (2006: 36), there are several advantages of boarding school when compared with the regular school, a) a complete educational program, b) complete facilities, c) qualified teachers, d) conducive environment, e) heterogeneous students, f) security guarantees, and g) quality assurance.


teacher; (b) Curriculum development by a group of teachers in a school; (c) Curriculum development through teacher’s center; (d) Development curriculum of local level; (e) Curriculum development in / through the national project.

Curriculum development activities at the national level certainly have more advantages when compared to the development in the other conditions. Therefore, the development idea is more stable. Ideas that have been produced by an expert and experienced team disseminated in some schools to be tested. Subsequently, it is returned to the national project with a number of comments.

The test can be done in a couple of times in order to have a high relevance and consistency, then published and implemented in all the schools that fit the curriculum. So basically, the national approach is more rational and follows the process as expected in curriculum development. Despite a national approach is good, but if the curriculum also used the local approach would be more relevant to the needs of the construction. Within the framework of the implementation of the combination of the two approaches, the local content is already initiated today (Hamalik, 2007: 102).

Curriculum in a boarding school includes: (a) Core curriculum that the material is the same as the public schools, the nationally applicable curriculum and determined by the Minister; (b) Special curriculum is the Islamic education curriculum with boarding contents consisting of: study (reading, writing, memorizing, and interpreting) the Qur'an, religious guidance, coaching attitude and morality, as well as contemporary Islamic thought; (d) Complement curriculum (extra curriculum) provide additional materials that are tailored to the needs of the students in the present and the future, such as: computers, active foreign languages (Arabic and English), do the simple research as well as writing papers, scouts, life skills and out bound, self-defense, as well as the appreciation of Islamic art; (e) Hidden curriculum that is the curriculum with the foundation of the Qur'an and Sunnah, which although does not have a written document and a

specific time, but it is integrated at every daily activities related to the core curriculum, curriculum and extra curriculum.


Some programs offered in a boarding school curriculum include: (a) Main program, which is based on the curriculum of Ministry of Education and the Foundation; (b) Supporting program, both routine and incidental; (c) Selection program, either sport, art or skill.

Some previous methodes regarding to the Boarding School Curriculum include the study of Russel (2007), entitled “Plans For Slimmer, More Flexible Curriculum Welcomed”. Management of learning requires a well-planned curriculum. The curriculum is made to create more freedom for schools to

ascertain how basic skills students in mastering the material. Level curriculum should be improved to obtain rapidly changing world and the ease of the teacher to teach so students interested in getting a great desire to learn. The curriculum was developed in the syllabus and the implementation plan good learning support teachers to implement learning;

Buczynski’s study (2007) entitled “Understanding and Shaping Curriculum: What We Teach and Why”, stating that the implementation of the curriculum is divided into four stages, starting with the first clear view of educators on curriculum, both continuity and the use of methods and approaches to the basic theoretical models of curriculum , the third focused on practical learning tailored to the allocation of time specified in the learning plan, and the fourth part discusses the invitation to the debate about curriculum changes, leading to the results of a contemporary curriculum. The study recommends that the successful implementation of the curriculum lies in the teacher's views on curriculum and curriculum development using appropriate learning methods and learning strategies;

Kennedy’s study (2006) entitled “Reforming The Curriculum in a Post Colonial Society The Case of Hong Kong”. The results showed that changes in the curriculum in Hong Kong is influenced by the political environment, education policy in 1999 Hong Kong has embarked on a review of the education

system. Changes in the education system is reflected in the changes in the previous curriculum refers to the colonial government. The focus of the research lies in the education system.


Roehrig’s study (2005) entitled “The Role of Teachers’ Beliefs and Knowledge in the Adoption of a Reform-Based Curriculum, School Science and Mathematics”. The results showed that the changes of curriculum have impacts on the changes of teachers’ knowledge and believe in practice. Practice in classroom experience drastic changes when the curriculum changes done. The research focus is the change in the behavior of students in practice as a result of changes in the curriculum.

Valverde’s study (2004) entitled “Curriculum Convergence in Chile: The

Global and Local Context of Reform in Curriculum Policy”. The results showed that various complex instruments in curriculum development particularly in Natural science and mathematics in schools in Chile. With the acquisition of knowledge and mathematics education can produce quality output at competitive, however, the curriculum should be adapted to global change. The study emphasizes the process of curriculum development especially for science subjects and mathematics.

Based on the previous background, this study has a focus on how the characteristics of the boarding school curriculum in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten. This focus was elaborated into two subfocuses. (1) How are the characteristics of the boarding school curriculum program in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten; (2) How are the characteristics of the content of the boarding school curriculum in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten?

This study aimed to describe the characteristics of the boarding school curriculum in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten, (1) To describe the characteristics of the boarding school curriculum program in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten; (2) To describe the characteristics of the content of the boarding school curriculum in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten.



Islamic secondary school integrated the national education department curriculum and the modern boarding school curriculum.

The students were required to live in a boarding school for 24 hours and trained by professional teachers / preachers graduated from the outstanding universities/boarding school in this country or outside this country, which ensured the process of Islamic education based on the Quran and as-Sunnah through the implementation of the integrated curriculum and teaching and learning processes, and supported by an Islamic learning environment, tarbawi, ma'hadi.

Data collected in this study were in the form of sentences of the results of interview and observation notes that have a broad sense, derived from the interview transcripts, notes, field interviews, official records, and so on. Informants in this study were teachers, and students in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten.

Data Collection Techniques used In-depth Interviews, Observation, and Documentation. This study used a method of data analysis arranged in site for description. Data collected from the field then processed by collecting all available data. The available data then collected, selected, and analyzed using a qualitative method. This means to group and select data collected from the research based on the quality of truth, then describe and conclude the results used to solve the main problems of the research, then elaborated in a descriptive language. The process takes place in a cycle form (Miles and Huberman, 2007: 101).

The validity of data from a study is very important because the validity of the data is one of the first steps of correctness of the data analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative research, they do not distinguish the importance of data validity, only the terminology used and the techniques are different.

According to Sugiyono (2007: 366), data validity test in qualitative research included the credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability




1. The Program of Boarding School Curriculum at Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten

The boarding school curriculum model at Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten combines the secondary school curriculum (National Education Department) and JSTI with boarding school. This curriculum is flexible and looks at two positions. The first position is its relationship with flexibility as a thought of education for educators. The second position is as a rule of curriculum

development. The availability of curriculum development in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten proves that the curriculum is a dynamic educational tool. The existence of the dynamic nature of the curriculum encourages Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten shows that this school has been able to respond to various changes and demands of people who want a change to improve the quality of education.

The curriculum in formal education has a strategic position because without it, education will lose its identity, as well as the direction and the goals to be achieved. Curriculum is the heart of education. This means that all educational activities conducted at the school are based on what is planned in the curriculum.

Activities in school are the activities designed based on what the educational curriculum want. In short, the position of curriculum can be concluded into three, as the construct that is built to transfer what happened in the past to the next generation to be preserved, continued and developed; as an answer to solve social problems related to education; as a tool to build a future life, which puts the lives of the past, the present, and the nation-building and development plan as a basis for developing future life. Therefore, to adjust to changes and demands of the community, Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten has sought to develop once every five years. The curriculum development is consistent with the results of the Valverde’s study (2004), who

stated that the acquisition of knowledge and mathematics, education can produce a competitive quality of output, however, the curriculum should be adapted to global change.


The development of curricula that includes the integrated Islamic content, Tahfidz Qur’an curriculum, independence, and the ability to speak Arabic shows that Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten has used the principles of: (1) based on the potential, progress, and learners condition to master the competencies that are useful for them, (2) enforce the five pillars of learning- learning for the faithful and pious to God Almighty, learning to understand and appreciate, learning to implement and act effectively, and learning to live together and useful for others, to build and find out self-identity through an active,

effective, and fun learning process.

Based on the previous description, it showed that the development of the boarding school curriculum in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten intended to follow the changes and demands of the community, as well as the development of environment. The available curriculum that was structured by the principles of appropriate curriculum development assisted teachers in holding learning activity to achieve competency determined. This is consistent with Russell’s study (2007), who concluded that the management of learning requires a well-planned curriculum. The curriculum is made to create more freedom for schools to ascertain the basic skills of students in mastering the material. The level of curriculum should be improved to obtain rapidly changing of world and the ease of the teacher to teach so students interested in getting a great desire to learn. The curriculum developed in the syllabus and the good plan of learning implementation support teachers to implement learning.

Similarities of these two researches were similar to conclude that the development of appropriate curricula facilitates teachers in implementing learning and achieving competency set. However, this study focused more on the development of a curriculum that led to Islamic education, whereas in the Russel’s study (2007), focused on curriculum development in general.

The curriculum development of Integrated-Islamic Junior High School


Buczynski’s study (2007) that concluded that there were four things that must be considered in the development of curriculum, educator’s view to the clarity of curriculum, the use of method and approach, time allocation, and the achievement of competence.

2. The Content of Boarding School Curriculum at Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten

The content of boarding school curriculum at Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten that referred to the government regulation No. 19

of 2005 of the national standards of education, article 6, paragraph (1), consisting the religion and noble character subject, citizenship and personal, science and technology, aesthetic, and physical lessons, sports and health, suggested that although the school had been given the freedom to develop curriculum, but it still followed the applicable rules and sought to promote the educational function in accordance with the Act of the National Education System of 2003 Chapter II Article 3 which reads: National Education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at the development of human potential in order to be faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative , independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable.

The content of boarding school curriculum at Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten contained in the structure and content of curriculum clearly. In this curriculum has been specified the group of subjects and its scope, and including learning substance covered in one education level in three years starting from the seventh grade to the ninth grade.

The content of boarding school curriculum at Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten was divided into five groups of subject- Religion and noble character, Citizenship and personality, Science and technology, aesthetics, and physical education , sports and health. This indicates that the


in the Minister of National Education No. 22 of 2006, where the number of hours per class per week should reach 42 hours with additional hours to 4 hours a week.

The implementation of local content in the curricular activities to develop competence based on the specific characteristics of boarding school is the step conducted by Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten in order to develop knowledge, skill, and learners’ devotion to God.

The existence of the provision and scope of subjects, structure of curriculum and the additional time of learning per week is intended to make the

curriculum that has been set can be utilized by teachers as a reference in learning activity. This has been recognized by all teachers in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten that every change of curriculum will have an impact on the changes in students’ behavior, so in determining the content of curriculum, teachers remain results-oriented. Therefore, the results of this study support the Roehrig’s study (2005). He concluded that the changes of curriculum have impacts on the changes of teachers’ knowledge and believe in practice. Practice in classroom experience drastic changes when the curriculum changes done. The research focus is the change in the behavior of students in practice as a result of changes in the curriculum.


Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten was a boarding school that utilized an integrated model of curriculum by combining secondary school curriculum (Ministry of National Education), Integrated Islamic School Networked, and boarding school curriculum a note that the school undertook curriculum development on the basis of the curriculum signs set by the foundation.

The differences of the curriculum applied in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten and the secondary school curriculum located at the entry of integrated Islamic content, tahfidz Qur’an, independence, and the


consisted of Islamic and general subjects, Tahfidz AL-Quran and the Arabic language.

While the principle used in developing the school curriculum in Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten was to integrate science and technology and religion. And for programs of Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten, it included the development of Arabic language, and the ability to memorize the Quran and program development of independence and potential students with the flagship programs, Arabic and tahfid.

Boarding school curriculum at Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten referred to the government regulation No. 19 of 2005 of the national standard of education, article 6, paragraph (1), consisted of the religion and noble character subjects, citizenship and personal, science and technology, aesthetics, and physical education, sports and health.

While the structure of curriculum of Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten, it included learning substance covered in a level of education for three years and compiled based on the standard of graduate competence and competence standard of subject matter. Special for the seventh and eighth grades curriculum, it was added the local content material and self-development program with more time than the ninth grade.

Local content is the curricular activities to develop competence tailored by the specific characteristics of boarding school. While self-development, it is the extracurricular activities aimed to give opportunity to students to develop their interest and talent. This self-development was facilitated and guided by the counselors, teachers, or education personnel in the form of extracurricular through counseling service related to the individual and social life problems, learning, and carrier development of students.

The structure of curriculum of Integrated-Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Abbas Klaten held for 42 hours of lessons every week with the duration of 40


Quran, Arabic, and the Javanese. The learning completeness of each subject was determined by subject matter teachers considering the essential of material, complexity, and support of students in organizing learning activity.

There are such recommendations addrressed to the principal and teachers. For Principal, the development of curriculum should be done every year based on the evaluation of the implementation of the program in the last year. It is not only for every five years. For Teachers, in developing curriculum content, teachers should be guided by the criterion of minimum standard score, and the curriculum

set by the government.



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Miles, B. Mathew dan A. Michael Huberman. 2007. Qualitative Data Analysis : A Sourcebook of New Methods. London New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Muinnudinillah. 2010. Profil Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an Ibnu Abbas Klaten. Tersedia: http://www.ibnu-abbas.com, accessed on January 20, 2012.

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Setiawan, Wisnu. 2010. Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 17 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pengelolaan dan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Sekretariat Negara RI. Jakarta: Kepala Biro Peraturan Perundang-undangan Bidang Politik dan Kesejahteraan Rakyat.


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Valverde, Gilbert A., 2004, Curriculum Convergence in Chile: The Global and Local Context of Reform in Curriculum Policy, Comparative Education Review, Academic Research Library.


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