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A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Department of FPBS of Indonesia University of Education as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan



Intani Pertiwi







Intani Pertiwi

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© Intani Pertiwi 2014

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2014

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Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu TABLE OF CONTENTS


PREFACE ... ii






1.1 Background of the Research ... 1

1.2 Reaseacrh Question ... 4

1.3 Aim of the Reseacrch ... 4

1.4 Scope of the Research ... 4

1.5 Significance of the Research ... 4

1.6 Reseacrh Methodology ... 5

1.7 Clarification of Terms ... 7

1.8 Organization of the Paper ... 7


2.1 The Concept of Character Values ... 9

2.1.1 Character Values ... 9

2.1.2 Character Values in Curriculum ... 10

2.2 The Concept of Narrative ... 12

2.2.1 The Definition of Narrative ... 13


2.2.3 The Structures of Narrative ... 16

2.3 BSE/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) ... 19

2.4 Character Values and Narrative ... 20

2.4.1 Cvharacter Values in Narrative ... 21

2.5 Previous Reseacrh ... 22


3.1 Design of the Research ... 24

3.1.1 Method ... 24

3.1.2 Approach ... 24

3.2 Subject of the Reseacrh ... 25

3.3 Data Analysis ... 26


4.1 Character Values in Narrative Texts ... 31

4.1.1 Good Character Values ... 32

4.1.2 Opposing Character Values ... 53

4.2 Recommended Narrative Text Based on Character Values Contained ... 68

4.2.1 Recommended Narrative Texts ... 70

4.2.2 Not Recommended Narrative Texts ... 70


5.1 Conclusion ... 72

5.2 Suggestion ... 73



Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

An Analysis of Character Values In Narrative Texts in A Buku

Sekolah Elektronik/BSE (Electronic Textbook) of English for Senior

High School Students

Intani Pertiwi (Pertiwiintani@yahoo.co.id), Didi Suherdi1

), Rojab Siti Rodliyah2)

English Education Department

Facullty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education

Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengkaji nilai-nilai karakter yang dikandung oleh teks

narasi dalam salah satu buku sekolah elektronik bahasa inggris untuk SMA yang kemudian menentukan apakah teks tersebut layak diberikan sebagai materi pembelajaran atau tidak. Penelitian ini menggunakan design kualitatif, khususnya dengan pendekatan intrinsik dengan analisis menggunakan teori Warren dan Wellek (1962: 139) dan juga digunakan oleh Schirova (2006) yang menyatakan bahwa analisis teks harus berawal dari struktur intrinsik teks itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada beberapa nilai karakter yang terintegrasi dalam teks yang dikaji, baik itu nilai yang sesuai dengan kurikulum maupun tidak, sehingga ada beberapa teks yang tidak disarankan untuk diberikan pada siswa. Penilitian ini ditutup dengan justifikasi bahwa guru harus dengan teliti memilih bahan ajar karena penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tidak semua text sesuai dengan kurikulum.

Kata Kunci: Teks narasi, nilai karakter, buku paket

Abstract: This research aims to analyze the character values in narrative texts in

an electronic textbook of English for senior high school, which further to decide whether the texts are good to be given as materials for students. This research employs a qualitative reseacrh design, especially an intrinsic approach, using Warren and Wellek theory (1962, p. 139) which is also used by Schirova (2006) who believes that an analysis of text should start from the intrinsic structures of the text itself. The findings indicated that there are some of the character values integrated in the texts, both good and innapropriate character values according to the curriculum, so that it makes some of the texts are not recommended to be given to the students. The research concludes with a justification that it is suggested for teacher to choose the material wisely due to the finding which tells that not all narrative text suit curriculum.

Keywords: Narrative text, character value, textbook

Corresponding Authors:


) First Corresponding Author




This chapter discusses several points that cover background of the research,

research questions, aims of the research, scope of the research, significance of the

research, research methodology, clarification of key terms, and organization of the


1.1 Background of the Research

Character has been an ongoing issue in the educational area since long time

ago. Since 2001, character development had been cited more than 16,000 times, with

a variety of different meanings and approaches reported in the research of literature

(Burns, 2012, p. 3).

Behavior and good personality are very important to be counted. As Lexmond

and Reeves (2009, p. 11) state “Being of “good character” means excelling a good

life”.Otten (2002, p. 1) even says that character development is the most important foundation in education. With a good character, students will be more settled in life.

School could be said as one of the most important elements that isresponsible for the

character development of the students.

Now people realize that character capabilities are becoming more important

for their life while at educational life still the basic skill of literacy and numeracy

matter more (Lexmond and Reeves, 2009, p. 14). Therefore, it is important to note


2 Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Furthermore, if we recall, character values of the students have also been a

matter in Indonesia. There are cases that show the failure on educational field.

Recently, Indonesia got very shocking news. A high school student in Jakarta threw

the acid water to the bus passengers. 13 innocent people became victims and suffered

from a serious injury (Kompas, October 14, 2013). There are also students in

Situbondo who were caught fighting just because of a girl (Kompas, December 23,

2012). Still from the fight between students, there are many victims that suffered

from not only a light injury, but also death. As written on Kompas (February 21,

2013), a student in Jakarta was dead on a street due to the fight between students. The

cases show how poor the character values in Indonesia are and these thus needs to be

addressed in education field. We could imagine when the students, the young

generation that is expected to be well educated act like that. What they will become in

the future is doubted. It could affect their personality as a grown up too. For example

we could hear many cases related to money fraud that can harm the entire nation. The

current news regarding the corruption happened to the head of Constitutional Court.

We believe that he is an intelligent person who has high grade in cognitive aspect, but

with low character values, he failed. In contrast, when the students have good values,

they will be prevented from something that could harm themselves and the others.

There are two principles in infusing the character values based on

Sulistyowati (2012, p. 127): The material and the process should be interesting. One

of the learning media that provide a fun and interesting way to learn is through

narrative. Narrative has two characteristics: a good language and a good content

(Noor, 2011, p. 17). Noor (2011, p. 17) adds that a good language gives the reader

entertainment while a good content provides character values. The teacher could

consider thenarrative as a good medium in developing the character of the students.

When the teacher reads and gives the studentsnarrative, indirectly, they contribute in

making the students’ character (Haris and friends, 2009, as cited by Noor, 2011, p.


improve the textbooks’ effectiveness on students’ attitudes about the character traits

(Tyra, 2010). Tyra (2010) adds that story could be a good way in changing students’

attitudes. Unfortunately, not all narrative has good moral values for the students

(Hazel, 2007, p. 6). Teacher should select the material carefully to prevent the

misleading message. The wrong message could harm students’ personality because

the values contained on the story will be internalized into students’ subconciousness

and affect them until they are grown up (Hazel, 2007, p. 6).

With regard to the case, narrative text could be used as a potential material to

infuse character values. Narrative texts as learning and teaching materials could be

found in bse/buku sekolah elektronik or electronic textbook. It is a textbook that is

administrated and uploaded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia for

the students that could be downloaded freely.

Many studies had been conducted in regard to character values on the

narrative text. This research has the relevance with the previous studies about the

character values on narrative text.One of them is the research by Panichas (2000)

entitled Moral Sense in Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim which employs the fourth novel of

Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim. The research focus on finding the moral values contained

by the novel.The other research is entitled The Moral Value of Literature by

Yolkowski (2011). Yolkowski makes a review on how moral values is conveyed by

the novels. The other research is conducted by Brno (2008) entitled Man and Moral

Philosophy In Tthe Novels of Iris Murdoch. The research investigates how moral

philosophy is related to narrative fiction. The current research aims to continue the

study on the character values contained by the narrative text but focuses more on the

narrative texts in the bse/buku sekolah elektronik (electronic textbook) for senior high

school as materials that could be used in teaching-learningprocess.

Based on the background explained, it would be very interesting and useful to


4 Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

educational field especially in giving the reference in how to analyze the narrative

text so that the material could be effective in developing students’ character.

1.2 Research Questions

This research will answer these questions:

a. What character values are contained in the narrative texts analyzed?

b. Are the narrative texts recommended for the students considering the

character values contained?

1.3 Aims of the Research

Based on the research questions, theresearch is expected to find out:

a. Character values contained in the narrative texts analyzed;

b. Whether the narrative texts are recommended for students considering the

character values contained.

1.4 Scope of the Research

The research will be focused on the analysis of the character values in the

narrative texts in bse/buku sekolah elektronik (electronic textbook) entitled

Developing English Competencies for Senior High School Grade XII of Natural and

Social Science Program, one of the textbook for senior high school.


The research is expected to give a valuable significance both for theoretical,

practical and professional aspects.

1.5.1 Theoretical significance

The result of the research is expected to enrich the relevant theory about how

to analyze the material especially narrative texts with regard to the character values


1.5.2 Practical significance

Theresearch is one of the ways to give an experience to the researcher that

could be useful to enrich the ability to be a good teacher and choose the right

materials to reach the goals.

1.5.3 Professional significance

The research hopefully could give the enrichment of knowledge for the

teachers about how to do the analysis on the narrative texts to find out the character

values conveyed.

1.6 Research Methodology

A. Research Design

a. This researchuses descriptive qualitative research which deals with


6 Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

method as collecting textual data by using interpretative analysis rather

than statistical method.

b. This research uses objective approach. Objective approach deals with a

work of literature as something which stands free from what is often

called "extrinsic" relations to the text, or to the audience, or to the

environing world (Abrams, 1999, p. 53). It describes the literary product

as a self-sufficient and autonomous object which is to be contemplated

as its own end, and to be analyzed and judged solely by intrinsic

structures (Abrams, 1999, p. 53). Objective approach is also known as

intrinsic analysis. This approach is autonomous and ignores the extrinsic

structures. Because the approach ignores the extrinsic structures to be

analyzed, so the primer source that should be analyzed is on the text

itself that is the intrinsic structures.

B. Subject of the Research

This research employs the narrative texts in one of the BSE for twelfth grader

of senior high school entitled Developing English Competencies for Senior High

School Grade XII of Natural and Social Science Program. The main focus of the

research is analyzing the elements of the texts as a whole and interprets it to get the

character education conveyed by the texts.

C. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the research referred to intrinsic analysis. Intrinsic

analysis is suggested by Warren and Wellek (1962) in their book “Theory of

Literature”. Warren and Wellek (1962, p. 139) states that the starting point to work in

narrative text is the interpretation and the analysis of the works of the text itself.

However, they are only character and characterization, setting and plot which is


p. 22). So, the analysis will focus on character and characterization, setting and

plot.The data are analyzed through the steps:

a. Read the texts several times.

b. Determine the intrinsic structures will be analyzed.

c. Analyze the intrinsic structures.

d. Interpret the character education conveyed by the text according to the

intrinsic elements analyzed.

1.8 Clarification of Terms a. Character Values

Lewis (2006, p. 8) states that character values are the unseen qualities

including thoughts, ideas, beliefs that make us who we are and results honesty,

fairness, respects as the character trait.

b. Narrative text

According to Bruner (2002, as cited by Hazel, 2007, p. 3), a narrative text is a

text containing of sequence of events, mental states, happenings involving characters

or actors.

c. Textbook

Textbook is the collection of materials that could be used by the teacher as a

learning-teaching material that is made to support the curriculum’s need (Olinger,

2010, p. 3-8).

1.9 Paper organization

The paper is presented in five chapters, as follow:


8 Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

This chapter discusses about background of the research, research questions, aims of

the research, limitation of the research, research methodology, clarification of

terms, and organization of paper.


This chapter elaborates related theories proposed by experts to support how to

analyze the character values in narrative texts in a bse/buku sekolah elektronik

(electronic textbook) of English for senior high school”.


This chapter gives clear discussion about methodologies that are used in this research.


This chapter discusses the findings of the research and analysis of those findings in

discussion objectively. It portrays the analysis of character values in narrative

texts in a bse/buku sekolah elektronik (electronic textbook) of English for

senior high school and which narrative texts are recommended to be given to

the students.


This chapter presents the conclusion and several suggestions for improving teaching

ability in choosing narrative text as learning material to figure out the

characters values contained and decide whether it is good or not for the




Research needs methodology. In general, methodology guides the researcher

on how the research is conducted. This chapter elaborates the design of the research,

subject of the research, data collection and data analysis.

3.1 Design of the Research

This point elaborates type of the research and the approach used in conducting

the research.

3.1.1 Method

The research uses descriptive qualitative research which deals with

non-numerical data. Croker (2009, p. 4) defines descriptive qualitative method as

collecting textual data by using interpretative analysis rather than statistical method,

remember that this reseacrh deals with analyzing narrative texts and interpreting the

text rather than analyzing the number.

3.1.2 Approach

Approach means a way to approach an object. Approach is one of the most

important things in the research because it relates to the method of the research. There

are some approaches, as suggested by Abrams (1999, p. 52), that could be used to

analyze the narrative text: Mimetic, pragmatic, expressive and objective approach.

This research uses objective approach because as Abrams (1999, p. 53)


25 Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

solely. Objective approach deals with a work of literature as something which stands

free from what is often called "extrinsic" relations to the text, or to the audience, or to

the environing world (Abrams, 1999, p. 53). This approach is autonomous and

ignores the extrinsic elements. Objective approach is also known as intrinsic analysis.

Because the approach ignores the extrinsic elements to be analyzed, so the primary

source that should be analyzed is on the text itself that is the intrinsic elements.

3.2 Subject of the Research

This research employs one of the bse/buku sekolah elektronic (electronic

textbook) of English for twelfth grader of senior high school entitled Developing

English Competencies for Senior High School Grade XII of Natural and Social

Science Programmes written by Doddy, Sugeng and Effendy (2008) administrated by

the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia. It consists of 173 pages of five

chapters. It covers 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It also provides

exercises for each chapter, final evaluation, bibliography, photo credits, glossary,

index, listening script and answer keys. Each chapter provides functional texts and

narrative texts could be found in chapter one, three, four and five. The totals of

narrative texts in the book are 10 texts. They are the Purse of Gold, Sangkuriang,

Doctor Knowall, the Story of Bagobo, A Good Lesson, the Lazybones, the Story of

Embok Gendong, the Man and the Serpent, the Princess and the Pea, and the Lion

and the Mouse.

The main focuses of the research are analyzing the elements of texts and


3.3 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the research referred to intrinsic analysis. Intrinsic

analysis is suggested by Warren and Wellek (1962) on their book “Theory of

Literature”. Warren and Wellek (1962, p. 139) state that the starting point to work in narrative text is the interpretation and the analysis of the works of the text itself.

Warren and Wellek suggest that what to do in analyzing the text using intrinsic

analysis is enhancing the evidence from the texts. However, they are only character

and characterization, setting and plot which are included to the factual structures of

the text that are mostly analyzed (Stanton, 2012, p. 22). So, the analysis will focus on

character and characterization, setting and plot.

The data are collected through the steps:

a. Reading the texts several times;

b. Determining the intrinsic structures which will be analyzed;

c. Analyzing the intrinsic structures based on the textual evidences;

d. Interpreting the character values conveyed by the text according to the

intrinsic structures analyzed.

The subjectivity in interpreting the moral education contained in the narratives

texts might happen (Nurgiyantoro, 2010, p. 324) since it depends on how the readers

interpret it. However, there is a suggestion to maintain subjectivity at a near zero

level is by sticking to the text which is analyzed (Mucchieli, 1979, as cited by

Drapeau, 2002).

The example of data analysis is presented in the tables below. Further


27 Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The Purse of Gold

A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in a market place.

Opening it, he discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. Then he heard a

merchant shouted, “A reward to the one who find my leather purse!”

Being an honest man, the beggar came forward and handed the purse to the

merchant saying. “Here is your purse. Will you keep your word to give a reward now?”

“Reward?” scoffed the merchant greedily counting the amount of gold. “The

purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You’ve already stolen more than the

reward I’ll give to you! Go away or I’ll tell you to the police.”

“I’m an honest man,” said the beggar defiantly. “Let’s take this matter to the court!”

In the court, the judge patiently listened to both side of story and said, “I

believe you both. Justice is possible! Merchant, you stated that the purse you lost

contained 200 pieces of gold. Well, that’s a considerable cost. But the purse the beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold. Therefore, it couldn’t be the one you lost.”

And with that, the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar.

a. Character and Characterization

No Characters Characterization Textual Evidence


When he found the wallet, listened to both side of story

and said, “I believe you

both. Justice is possible!...””

Table 3.1 Character and Characterization Analysis

b. Setting

No. Setting Textual Evidence The setting indicates

1 Market place “A beggar found a


29 Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

court, the judge patiently

listened to both side of


Table 3.2 Setting Analysis

c. Plot

No Stages Series of causal events Indicates


5 Climax The case was taken to the

court of justice

6 Falling action The jugde listen to both side

of stories

7 Resolution The judge dicided that the

beggar won the case and

handed the purse to the


Table 3.3 Plot Analysis

Character values

No Character Values Explanation

1 Honesty The judge as the symbol of justice, wise and

power on his duty in the court dicided the

beggar who represented the honesty won the

case over the merchant who symbolize the

dishonesty teaches the audience to be faith to

the honesty.


72 Intani Pertiwi, 2014

An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER V


This chapter contains conclusion and suggestions from this research.

Conclusion is derived from the discussion and finding in this research. Besides, this

chapter also suggests several aspects dealing with the narrative texts as learning

material analysis for the teacher and further researchers.

5.1 Conclusion

Choosing the right material not only should be based on it’s cognitive aspects

but also it’s affective aspects. One of the affective aspects is character values.

Character values are proposed by the curriculum. There are 18 character values based

on curriculum to be integrated to the learning process. One way to integrate them is

infusing them in the narrative text as the learning material, as it is told to be an

effective way in teaching character values by many theories.

There is one way to analyze the narrative text to find out the character values

inside, it is using intrinsic approach that focuses on analyzing the intrinsic structures

that build the story.

Using intrinsic approach, it is found that there are 7 character values of 18

values that could be integrated in the narrative text.

The character values that suit the 7 character values proposed by the

curriculum are honesty that is found in “the Purse of Gold” and “the Lion and the

Mouse”, hardwork that is found in “the Lazybones”, independence which is conveyed

by “the Story of Bagobo”, appreciation that is shown by “the Lazybones”, the value


conveyed by “the Lazybones”, “the story of Mbok Gendong”, and “the Lion and the

Mouse” and responsibility which is shown in “A Good Lesson”.

Besides good character values that suit the curriculum, the narrative texts

which have been analyzed also containsome values which oppose the curriculum. The

character values of curriculum which are opposed by some texts are honesty which is

violated by “Sangkuriang” and “dr. Knowall”, hardwork which is opposed by “the

Princess and the Pea” and peace which is opposed by “Sangkuriang” and “the Man

and the Serpent”.

According to the analysis, which figured out that not only the narrative texts

contains good character values, there must be recommended narrative texts and not

recommended narrative texts. From 10 narrative texts analyzed, there are 6 narratives

texts that are considered to be recommended narrative texts in regard to the character

values contained. The 6 recommended narrative texts are: The Purse of Gold, the

Lion and the Mouse,A good Lesson, the Lazybones that contains hardwork, the Story

of Mbok Gendong, the Story of Bagobo, while there are 4 narrative texts which are

considered to be bad to be given to the students considering the character values

contained in the texts that do not suit the values proposed by curriculum KTSP. The 4

narrative texts that are not recommended to be given to the students are: The Man and

the Serpent, dr. Knowall, Sangkuriang and the Princess and the Pea.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the research that has been conducted, some suggestions are

proposed as folow:

1. The teachers should be more careful in choosing the material for the students

because the finding shows that 4 from 10 narrative texts are inapropriate for


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An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2. Intrinsic approach could be a good way to analyze the text since the starting

point of the text is the intrinsic structure of the text itself.

3. The next researchers could consider to conduct research on the same field to

analyze the character values contained in the materials in the textbook for



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An Analysis Of Character Values In Narrative Texts In A Bse/Buku Sekolah Elektronik (Electronic Textbook) Of English For Senior High School

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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Table 3.1 Character and Characterization Analysis
Table 3.2 Setting Analysis
Table 3.3 Plot Analysis


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