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T MTK 1402196 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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PembelajaranEksplorasiUntukMengembangkanKemampuanBerpikirLogis dan Self Concept MatematisSiswaSekolahMenengahPertama. Tesis. UPI. Tidakdipublikasikan

Akay, H. and Boz, N. (2008). The Effect Of Problem Posing Instruction On The Attitudes Toward Mathematics And Mathematics Self-Efficacy.


--- (2009). Prospective Teachers’ views about Problem Posing Activities.

Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vo.1, 1192-1198.

Arikunto, S. (2006). ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktek. Jakarta: RinekaCipta

--- (2009).Dasar-dasarEvaluasiPendidikan. Jakarta: BumiAksara

Bonotto, C. (2010). Engaging Students in Mathematical Modelling and Problem Posing Activities. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application. Vol. 1 No.3, hal. 18-32

Brown, S. dan M. I. Walter. (2005). The Art of Problem Posing. 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Mahwah Lawrence Erlbaum Association

Budiyono. (2003). MetodologiPenelitianPendidikan. Surakarta : UNS Press

Cai, J. and S. Hwang. (2002). Generalized and Generative thinking in us and Chinese students mathematical problem solving and problem posing. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior., 21: 401-421.

Cai, J., et.al. (2013). Mathematical Problem Posing as a Measure of Curriculas Effect on Students Learning. Educational Studies of Mathematics, vol 83 hal.57-69. Springer

Carifio, J. (2015). Updating, Modernizing, and Testing Polya’s Theory of Mathematical Problem Solving in Terms of Current Cognitive, Affective, and Information Processing Theories of Learning, Emotions, and Complex Performances. Journal of Education and Human Development. Vol. 4 No. 3, pp 105-117


Christou, C., et.al. (1999). An empirical Taxonomy of Problem Posing Processes.

Zentralblatt fur Didaktik der Mathematik (ZDM) – The International Journal of Mathematics Education. Online tersedia http://subs.emis.de/journal/ZDM/zdm053a4.pdf

Demirel, M., Derman, I., Karagedik, E. (2015). A Study on the Relationship between Reflective Thinking Skills toward Problem Solving and Attitudes toward Mathematics. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.197, 2086-2096.

Ellerton, N.F. (2013). Engaging Pre-Service Middle School Teacher Education Students in Mathematical Problem Posing: Development of an Active Learning Framework. Educational Studies of Mathematics, vol 83 hal.87-101. Springer

Emzir. (2008). MetodologiPenelitianPendidikanKuantitatifdanKualitatif. Jakarta : PT Raja GrafindoPersada

Fraenkel, R., Wallen, N.E., dan Hyun, H. (2012). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. United States of America : The McGraw-Hill Companies

Ghasempour, Z., Bakar, M.N &Jahanshahloo, G.R. (2013). Innovation in Teaching and Learning Through Problem Posing Tasks and Metacognitive Strategies. International Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, Vol.1 No.1, 53-62

Guvercin, S. (2014). The Effect of Problem Posing Task Used in Mathematics Instruction to Mathematics Academic Achievement and Attitudes Toward Mathematics. International Online Journal of Primary Education. Vol. 3, issue 2, 59-65.

Hamzah. (2003).

MeningkatkanKemampuanPemecahanMasalahMatematikaSiswaSekolahL anjutan Tingkat PertamaNegeri di Bandung melaluiPendekatan Problem Posing. Disertasi. UPI: Tidakditerbitkan.

Hake, R.R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American Journal of Physics, 66 (1), 64-74.


Hayat, R. (2016). Pembelajaran Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran, Pemecahan Masalah Dan Disposisi Matematis Siswa Smp. Tesis. UPI: Tidak diterbitkan.

Hidayat, A. (2015).


Self-Efficacy AntaraSiswa MTs yang

MemperolehPembelajaranBerbasisFenomenaDidaktisdanBerbasisKurikul um 2013 MelaluiPendekatanInvestigasi. Tesis. UPI: Tidakditerbitkan

Hong, N.S. (1998). The Relationship Between Well-Structured and Ill-Structured Problem Solving in Multimedia Simulation. Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University.

Hosnan, M. (2014). Pendekatan Saintifik dan Kontekstual dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21. Bogor : Ghalia Indonesia.

Humaira, T. (2015).

PeningkatanKemampuanPemahamandanPemecahanMasalahMatematis, serta Habits of Mind Siswa MTs melaluiPembelajaran Model Core MenggunakanStrategiKonflikKognitif. Thesis, UPI Bandung. TidakDipublikasikan

Lestari, I. (2015). KemampuanRepresentasi Dan Self-Confidence SiswaSmaMelaluiStrategi Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (Tapps) BerbantuanGeogebra. Tesis

Irwan. (2011).

PeningkatanKemampuanPenalaranMatematisdanBerpikirKreatifMatemati sMahasiswamelaluiPendekatan Problem Posing Model Search, Solve, Create and Share (SSCS).Disertasi, UPI Bandung. Tidakdipublikasikan

Isik, et.el. (2011). Prospective teachers’ skills in problem posing with regard to

different problem posing models. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 15, 485-489

Iskandar, J. &Riyanti, R. (2015).

UpayaMeningkatkanKemampuanBerpikirKreatifSiswa SMP

denganMenggunakanPendekatanPembelajaranMatematikaRealistik Indonesia (PMRI).Prosiding Seminar NasionalMatematika, FMIPA UniversitasNegeri Yogyakarta, 861-866.


J.Drew, Clifford.,L.Hardman, Michael., &L.Hosp, John. (2008). Designing and Conducting Research in Education. United States of America : Sage Publications

Kadir. (2010).

PenerapanPembelajaranKontekstualBerbasisPotensiPesisirsebagaiUpaya PeningkatanKemampuanPemecahanMasalahMatematik,

KomunikasiMatematik, danKeterampilanSosialSiswa SMP. Disertasi, UPI Bandung. Tidakdipublikasikan

Kar, T., et.al. (2010). The Relation between the Problem Posing and Problem Solving Skills of Perspective Elementary Mathematics Teachers. Procedia of Social and Behavioral Science. Vol. 2, 1577-1583

Kilic, H. (2010). The nature of preservice mathematics teachers’ knowledge of

students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol 9, 1096-1100.

Krulik, S danReys, R. E. (editor). (1980). Problem solving in school mathematics. New York: the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc.

Labe, B.L. (2015). Student Teacher’s Self-Appraised Problem Solving Ability and Willingness to Engage in Troubleshooting Activities. Sage Open, Juli-September 2015, 1-10.

Larsen, J. (2013). Attitudes in Mathematics. Simon Fraser University

Leung, S. (2013). Teacher Implementing Mathematical Problem Posing in the Classroom : Challenges and Strategies. Educational Studies of

Mathematics, vol 83 hal.103-116. Springer

Lin, K.M &Leng, L.W. (2010). Using Problem Posing as an Assesment Tool. http://hkage.org.hk

Mahmudi, A. (2010). PengaruhPembelajarandenganStrategi MHM BerbasisMasalahterhadapKemampuanBerpikirKreatif,

KemampuanPemecahanMasalah, danDisposisiMatematis,

sertaPersepsiTerhadapKreativitas. Disertasi, UPI Bandung. Tidakdipublikasikan

---. (2011). Problem PosinguntukmenilaiHasilBelajarMatematika.

Prosiding Seminar NasionalMatematikadanPendidikanMatematika 3 Desember 2011. Yogyakarta


Malone, J.A., et al. (2007). Measuring Problem Solving Ability. G.C Lader, H.J Forgas (Eds) Stepping Stones for the 21st Century. Sense Publisher. 187-200

Mata, M., Monteiro, V., Peixoto, F. (2012). Attitudes toward Mathematics: Effect of Individual, Motivational and Social Support Factors. Child

Development Reseacrh, Vol. 2012. Doi: 10.1155/2012/876028

McIntosh, R dan Jarrett, D. (2000). Teaching Mathematical Problem Solving: Implementing the Vision. New York: NWREL, Mathematics and Science

Mishra, S danIyer, S. (2015). An Exploration of Problem Posing-based Activities as an assessment tool and as an instructional strategy. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Springer Open Journal, DOI 10.1007/s41039-015-0006-0

Mohd, N danMahmood, T. (2011). The Effect of Attitudes Towards Problem Solving in Mathematics Achievements. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol 5 (12), 1857-1862

Murni, A. (2013).

PeningkatanKemampuanPemecahanMasalahdanRepresentasiMatematisSi swa SMP MelaluiPembelajaranMetakognitifBerbasis Soft Skills.Disertasi SPs UPI Bandung: Tidakditerbitkan.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Commission on Standards for School Mathematics. (1989). Curriculum and Evaluation Standards

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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principle and Standard for School Mathematics. USA : NCTM

Nurcahyo, N. (2014). Pendekatan Problem

PosinguntukMeningkatkanKemampuanPemecahanMAsalahdanPengajuan MasalahMatematisserta Habits of Mind Siswa SMA. Thesis. UPI Bandung. Tidakdipublikasikan

OECD. (2016). PISA 2012 Assessment and Analytical Framework: Mathematics,

Reading, Science, Problem Solving and Financial

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Prajitno, H.S.,&Mulyantini, S.S. (Eds) (2008). BelajaruntukMengajar (EdisiKetujuhBukuSatu). Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajarPurwanto, S.E. (2010).

Purwanto, S.E. (2010).

MeningkatkanKemampuanPemecahanMasalahMatematisSiswa SMP dan MTs melaluiPembelajaranMatematika Realistic. Disertasi, UPI Bandung. Tidakdipublikasikan

Quinones, C. (2005). The Effect of Journal Writing On Student Attitudes And Performance In Problem Solving. Florida : University of Central Florida

Roestiyah, N.K. (2001). StrategiBelajarMengajar. Jakarta: RinekaCipta

Rosli, R., Goldsby, D., &Capraro, M.M. (2013). Assessing Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving and Problem Posing Skills. Asian Social Science. Vol.9, No. 16, 54-60.

Ruseffendi. (2006). PengantarkepadaMembantu Guru

MengembangkanKompetensinyadalamPengajaranMatematikauntukMenin gkatkan CBSA. Bandung :Tarsito

Schunk, Dale H. (2012). Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective. Teori-teoriPembelajaranEdisikeenam. Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar

Sengul, S., Katranci, Y. (2015). Free problem posing cases of prospective mathematics teachers: Difficulties and solutions. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science. Vol. 174, 1983-1990

Shadiq, F. (2004). Penalaran,

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Silver. E.A. (2013). Problem Posing Research in Mathematics Education:

Looking Back, Looking Around, and Looking Ahead. Educational Studies of Mathematics, vol 83 hal.157-162. Springer

Singer, F.M., Ellerton, N. Cai, J. (2013). Problem Posing Research in

Mathematics Education: New Question and Direction. Educational Studies of Mathematics, vol 83 hal.1-7. Springer


Singer, F.M., Voica, C. (2013). A Problem Solving Conceptual Framework and Its Implication in Designing Problem Posing Task. Educational Studies of Mathematics, vol 83 hal.2-26. Springer

Subroto, Surya. 2002. Proses BelajarMengajar Di Sekolah. Jakarta: PT. ArdiMahatya.

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Suryadi, D. (2005).

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Syaiful. (2011). PeningkatanKemampuanBerpikirLogis,


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Szetela, W danNicol, C. (1992). Evaluating Problem Solving in Mathematics. Chicago Public School Bureau of Student Assessment. https://web.njit.edu/~ronkowit/teaching/rubrics/samples/math_probsolv_c hicago.pdf. Diaksespada 22 Desember 2015.

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Voica, C., Singer, F.M (2012). Problem Modification as an Indicator of Deep Understanding. Proceeding of 12th International Congress on

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Wardhani, S. (2002). PembelajaranInkuiri Model Silver untukMengembangkanKreativitasdanKemampuanPemecahanMasalahM atematikSiswaSekolahMenengahAtas. DisertasiDoktorpada PPS UniversitasPendidikanIndonesias Bandung: TidakDiterbitkan.

Wardhani, S &Rumiati. (2011). InstrumenPenilaianHasilBelajarSiswa SMP:

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Xie, Xuehui. (2004). The Cultivation of Problem-solving and Reason in NCTM and Chinese National Standards. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Diperoleh 16 Desember 2015 darihttp://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/journal/xuehuixie.pdf

Yulian, V. (2014). Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran dan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa melalui Pembelajaran dengan Metode Inkuiri Berbantuan Software Algebrator. Tesis UPI Bandng. Tidakdipublikasikan

Yulianti, P. (2015). ImplementasiPendekatanMetakognitifdan Problem Posing dalamPencapaianKemampuanPemecahanMasalahdan Self-Efficacy MatematisSiswa. Tesis, UPI Bandung. Tidakdipublikasikan

Zakaria, E., Haron, Z., Daud, M.Y. (2004). The Raliability and Construct Validity of Scores On The Attitudes Toward Problem Solving Scale. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education S.E Asia. Vol 27, No. 2, hal. 81-91

Zakaria, E., Ngah, N. (2011). A Preliminary Analysis of Students’ Problem Posing Ability and its Relationship to Attitudes Towards Problem Solving.


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