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Analisa Total Productive Maintenance Pada Mesin Thermoforming Dengan Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) di PT. Tirta Sibayakindo (TSI)


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Analisa Total Productive Maintenance Pada Mesin Thermoforming Dengan Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) di PT. Tirta Sibayakindo (TSI)"


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Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang penerapan Total Productive maintenace (TPM) pada mesin Thermoforming dengan menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Efectiveness (OEE).Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pada perlengkapan dan peralatan produksi dengan Investasi perawatan yang seperlunya sehingga mencegah terjadi 6 kerugian besar (Six Big Losses). Six Big Losses yang menyebabkan kerugian tersebut diantaranya adalah: Kerugian karena kerusakan peralatan (Breakdown Losses), kerugian karena pemasangan peralatan (Set-up and Adjustment losses), kerugian karena beroperasi tanpa beban maupun berhenti sesaat (Idling and minor stoppages), kerugian karena penurunan kecepatan produksi (Reduced Speed Losses), kerugian karena cacat produk dalam proses (Rework Losses), kerugian karena hasil rendah (Yield/Scrap losses).

Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan nilai OEE di mesin Thermoforming selama bulan Januari 2015 - desember 2015 di peroleh nilai availability =93.91% memenuhi standar JIPM sebesar 90%, performance efesiensi=95.08% memenuhi standar JIPM sebesar 95%, quality of rate = 99.84% kondisi ini memenuhi standar JIPM sebesar 99% , dan hasil nilai OEE = 89,15 % produksi dianggap kelas dunia. Skor ini merupakan skor yang cocok untuk dijadikan goal jangka panjang.

Kata Kunci: Availability, Performance efficiency, Rate of Quality Product,OEE,

Six Big Losses



This study analyzes the application of Total Productive maintenace (TPM) on Thermoforming machine using Efectiveness Overall Equipment (OEE) .total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is to increase the productivity of the equipment and production equipment with care as necessary investments so as to prevent large losses occurred 6 (Six Big Losses). Six Big Losses are causing these losses are: Losses due to damage to the equipment (Breakdown Losses), losses due to the installation of equipment (Set-up and Adjustment losses), losses due to operate without load or paused (Idling and minor stoppages), losses due to the decline production speed (Speed Reduced losses), loss larena product defects in the process (Rework losses), the losses due to the low yield (Yield / Scrap losses).

Based on the results of the calculation of OEE values in the machine Thermoforming during January 2015 - December 2015 obtained availability value = 93.91% meet the standard JIPM by 90%, performance efficiency = 95.08% meet the standard JIPM by 95%, quality of rate = 99.84% of these conditions meet JIPM standard of 99%, and the yield value of OEE = 89.15% is considered a world-class production. This score is a score that is suitable to serve as a long-term goal.

Keywords: Availability, Performance efficiency, Rate of Quality Product,OEE, Six Big Losses


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