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Academic year: 2018



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Terbit tiga kali setahun pada bulan April, Juni, dan September. Berisi tulisan yang diangkat dari hasil penelitian, pengajaran bahasa, linguistik, analisis konseptual

dan literary


Nazirun, M. Ed


WAKIL PIMPINAN REDAKSI Sri Yuliani, M.Pd Khulaifiyah, M.Pd

SIRKULASI Yulianto, M.Pd Diyah Ayu Rizqiani, M.Hum

DEWAN REDAKSI Miranti Eka Putri, M.Ed

Aladin, Drs Marhamah, M.Ed Fitra Elia, M.Hum

Afrizal, M.Pd Estika Satriani Ari Muliani Ahmad

Joko Arianto Andi Idayani

REVIEWER Seno Himala Putra, Prof

Syofianis, M.Ed Betty Sailun, M.Ed

Rugaiyah, Dr

Design Cover Miranti Eka Putri, M.Ed.



Daftar Isi

IDENTIFYING THE GENERIC STRUCTURES OF GENRES ... 1 - 12 Apriliani, Khulaifiyah and Fitra Elia

USING TRIPLE ROLE PLAYING TOWARD SPEAKING SKILL ... 13 - 22 Abdul Afif, Betty Sailun and Johari Afrizal


STUDENTS‟ READING COMPREHENSION ... 23 - 35 Anita, Syofianis, and Yulianto


COMPREHENSION ... 36 - 46 Emelia Nanda Sari, Syofianis Ismail and Miranti Eka Putri



SMK SAINTIKA PEKANBARU ... 47 - 54 Irfaini, Khulaifiyah and Fitra Elia

STUDENTS‟ WRITING A PARAGRAPH BASED ON AN OUTLINING. . 55 - 67 Fitria Ramadhani, Seno H Putra and Afrizal


DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ... 68 - 79 Laila Najemi, Syofianis Ismail and Sri Yuliani

STUDENTS „VOCABULARY THROUGH EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING 80 - 89 Nurhaida Siagian, Betty Sailun and Astagini Amalia




OF FKIP UIR ... 90 - 95 Wardiana, Betty Sailun and Diana Indah Putri





*Emelia Nanda Sari, ** Syofianis Ismail,**Miranti Eka Putri ** Dosen FKIP Universitas Islam Riau

* Mahasiswa FKIP Universitas Islam Riau

Abstract: This research was experimental research. It was conducted at SMPN 25 Pekanbaru. The population of this research is second year students SMPN 25 Pekanbaru. The samples of this research are class VIII.6 and VIII.7 as experimental group consist of 30 students and 30 students as control group. This research focuses of

imaginative approach on students’ reading comprehension. The instrument of this

research is reading comprehension test. The data collection technique that writer used analyzed data is t-test. Finally, the result of test showed that the mean score of post-test was higher than pre-test with increasing 82.33 for post-test and 57.33 for the pre-test. Hence, after calculated the writer found that tt (2.045) on the level of significant 5% and

tt (2.756) in the level of 1% is smaller than to 12.90. In other word, to was bigger than tt

in the level of significant 5% and 1% (2.045 >12.90> 2.756). Therefore, it could be conclude that alternative hypothesis was accepted, and null hypothesis was rejected. There was significant positive effect for the students who were taught by using

imaginative approach toward students’ reading comprehension reading text has great

effect for the second year students of SMPN 25 Pekanbaru.

Keywords: Imaginative Approach, Reading Comprehension


One of the four language skill that has priority to be learned by students in junior high school is reading. Reading helps students to think in the new language helps students to build a better vocabulary and make them more comfortable with written English. Reading is one of the main keys in English Learning Teaching Process. Through reading, the students can grasp or gather such important information needed, sharpen our insight and vision and give enjoyment. Basically, reading has been claimed as one of skill that can determine the students‟ success in Learning English. In this case they do not only understand the structure of the texts but also comprehend the meaning of the text. spent teaching reading than other skills”. It can be caused by some factors, for example, students readiness, motivation to the reading text in use teaching reading. The teacher needs to choose an interesting and appropriate material for students. Besides, the teachers need to provide the students with good imaginative reading.



language students. At the very least, some of the language sticks in their mind as part of process of language acquisition and if the reading especially interesting and engaging, acquisition is likely to beeven more successful. They not only read the text, but also understand the meaning of the written being text read.

Imaginative approaches are important and effective pedagogical tools for imagination ideas a facilitating learner‟s comprehension of newly acquired information. One of the reading strategies is Imaginative approach, can also called the faculty of imagining, is the ability to form new images and sensations that are not perceived through sight, hearing, or other senses. Imaginative approach helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems and is fundamental to integrating experience and the learning process. Imagination is the key to new development of the mind and can be shared with others, progressing collectively.According Eva Brann‟s (1991) the imagination is relationship to perception, thought, and memory in the focus of the oldest tradition relevant to the themes of this book. This domain of research extends from classical philosophical inquiry to contemporized neuroscience with a vast range of philosophical approach occupying in middle grounds.

Based on the writer‟s observation in SMP 25 Pekanbaru, the students have problem in reading comprehension.There are many problems are faced by the students in reading comprehension. The writer found that in the reading text has something must student finds, such as generic structure narrative text. They students cannot understand about generic structure of the text that is an orientation, complication, and resolution. And then the students have difficulties to identify the setting of the text, they have difficulties to identify the main character, plot, they have difficulties to identify the problem, and they have difficulties to find resolution from the text. And also they assumed that the text is not interesting because they cannot understand about the text. However, the writer focuses on reading Narrative.


Imaginative Approach

Imaginative Approach is the term to a strategy or style of teaching as part of learning in science project. There are many experts who have defined about imaginative approach such as imagination‟s relationship to perception, though, and memory. According by Olin Levi Warner, Imagination (1896) Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C. Imagination, and Imaginative Approach is the ability to form new image and sensation that are not perceived through sight, hearing, or other senses. Imaginative helps make knowledge applicable in solving problems and is fundamental integrating experience and learning process. According to Brann, (1991) imaginative has sporadically captured the attention of many great thinkers in philosophy, psychology, and the arts, yet it would be hard to argue that we are much closer to elucidating its central mysteries.



According Eva Brann‟s (1991) the imagination is relationship to perception, thought, and memory in the focus of the oldest tradition relevant to the themes of this book. This domain of research extend from classical philosophical inquiry to contemporized neuroscience with a vast range of philosophical approach occupying in middle grounds.

Imaginative approach to teaching is groundbreaking book that offer and understanding of how students imagination work in learning and show the acquisition of cognitive tools drives students educational development. This approach is unique in that it engages both the imagination and emotions. The author clearly demonstrates how knowledge comes to life in students minds it is introduced and emotion. The human hopes, fears, and passions. To facilities this new educational approach, the book includes a wide variety of effective teaching tools such as story, rhythm, narrative understanding that value and build upon the important. Egan provides framework for lesson planning and more than sample lesson to show how teacher can use these tools to awaken intelligence and imagination in the classroom.

Concept of Imaginative Approach

Imaginative Approach is Establish cause and effect and thinks logically. Imaginative approach is integration emotion and sensations of arts, as well as nature find its roots in the philosophical recognition of imaginative. Imaginative as important the faculty for standing human condition, by Cristopher Bouriau, Qu‟est-ce que I„imagination? (Paris, Vrin, 2003). One type of Imaginative Approach mainly use in narrative text. According to Spinoza defined to imagination „ethics‟ is involves not merely perception of internal state or “Affection”, but also representation of internal body. The imagination seem to reader this literary incredible.

Here Bruner Draws on his earlier work (1986, 1990) Imaginative Approach is the source of meaningful experience offering a rich heritage of stories, drama, myth etc. while clearly learning towards the letter conception, Bruner suggest that both perspective enhance our understanding of the nature knowing. Imaginative Approach mainly used in narrative text in the story. And narrative text in the story call students‟ attention to the main elements of stories, such as character, time, setting plot, ( problem, action, outcomes) and visually represent key information in narrative text using a specific structure.

Procedure of Imaginative Approach

The teaching procedure of imaginative approach as follow:

1. Stage 1. Teacher does it

The teacher construct the imaginative approach, provides students a copy, and use it when teaching the content.

2. Stage 2. Class does it

Teacher and students co-construct imaginative approach depicting important ideas as the content is explored.

3. Stage 3 Individuals do it



The stage 1 is used to introduce to the students about imaginative approach. It gives some explanation for the students for the students about what and how to create imaginative approach. In reading class imaginative approach can be used before reading, during reading, and after reading. Before reading, imaginative approach function to imagination prior knowledge and provide a conceptual frame work for learning new material, take notes during reading, and summarize, reconstruct, text after reading process. Here are four basic steps to follow:

1. Select the information you intended to present to the students. This may be a chapter, or a story, or certain concept.

2. Decide what key components are necessary for the students to learn.

3. Help the students see the connections by examining the information in the imaginative approach.

Reading Comprehension

Reading is an enjoyable activity when it is carried out effectively. The students should be motivated to acquire this skill and they should also read a lot to cover any kind of information. In order to increase their knowledge. Harmer (1992:190) also states that reading is an exercise dominates by eyes and brain, the eyes receive message and the brain id functioned to work out the significance of these message and require the students to read for meaning. Similar to Kathleen (1998) says that reading at first appears to be simple process of meaning eyes across lines of print, reading is complex activity involving skills, knowledge, and experience.

Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning. An individual‟s ability to comprehend text is influenced by their traits and skill, one of which is the ability to make inferences. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes capacity to an individual with their ability to comprehend what is read. There are a number of approaches to improving reading comprehension, including improving one‟s vocabulary and reading strategies.

The Purpose of Reading

According to Rivers and Temperly (1978) in Hanisah (2012), they suggest that are there are seven main purposes in Reading:

1. To obtain information for some purpose of because we curious about some topics.

2. To obtain instruction on how to perform some tasks for our work or daily life (ex: knowing how appliance works).

3. To act in play, play a game, do a puzzle

4. To keep in touch with a friends by correspondence or to understand business letter.

5. To know when or where something wills takes place or what is available. 6. To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in newspaper,

magazines, or reports)



Reading needs a clear purpose in order to get the best understanding about content of the books or text. To understand the text, we must know then way to it. According to Johan (2002, in Hanisah 2012) there are some skills of understanding the text, they are:

1. Deducing meaning of the word from context by analyzing the words and phrases in the text. So, the function and the type of the words can be identified.

2. Understanding the form and the meaning of non-idiomatic phrases of noun phrases, gerund phrases, predictive verb, phrases, and infinitive phrases. 3. Understanding meaning through syntactical structure.

4. Recognizing and understanding rhetorical structure as framework of content related to the topic written as the purpose of the writer and the reader.

5. Critical reading skill.

6. Understanding the purpose, view, and type of the writer. 7. Making generalization and conclusion. read, he/she will be left behind or may lose some information.

In this case,Muhammad Ali (1994) states the advantages of reading, they are:

1. Reading can increase our knowledge 2. Reading can direct our opinion

3. Reading can help the ability of critical thinking

Narrative Text

Based on Basic Competence Curriculum 2004 says that narrative is a text which purpose is to amuse, entertain, and to ideal with actual or various experience in different ways. It deals with problematic events, which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn. Narrative is a kind of genre that usually tells about past events. According to Derewianka (1991:21), narrative begins with an orientation where the writer attempts to sketch in or create the possible word of his particular story, and then the story is followed by series of events that is complication brought about and resolution. Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that narrative text is a kind of the text that tells us about a story such as the legend, myth, fable, and folkloreor narrative text is a kind of text that tells about story, activity, or past events, that contains the problematic experience, resolution, the entertain the readers or listener and also gives the moral. Then the story has character, setting, and action.



Orientation is introduction in which the characters, setting and time and is located and when it is taking place. It set the scene and introduce the participants (who, when, where).

2. Complication

Complication is usually the main character often mirroring the complication in real life. Tells the beginning of the problems which leads to the crisis (climax) of the main participants. There are kind of complication that is: Natural conflict, social conflict, and phiscyological conflict.

2 Resolution

Resolved for better or worse/ happy or unhappily. Sometimes there are a number of complications that have to be resolved. These add sustain interest and suspense for the reader.

Narrative text is a story with complication problematic events and tries to find the resolution to solve a problem. Narrative text is a kind of text that tells about story, past event, that contains the problematic experience resolution, the entertain the readers or listener and also gives the moral. Then the story has character, setting and action. Narrative have a generic structure that is a Orientation it set the scene and introduce the participants (who, when, what, where), Complication that is a tell the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them, Resolution that is a the crisis is resolved for better or worse.


This research is experimental research. They are two variables: Independent variable and dependent variable. The independent variable is a variable that is identifying as a casual variable is taught to cause the dependent variable. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is variable that is identified as effect, the result variable is taught to be caused by independent variable. In this case, the independent variable is imaginative and dependent variable is reading comprehension. In this research, the sample is one group; that is experimental group and group. The effect of reading comprehension through imaginative is an experimental group.

This location of this research is conducting at SMPN 25 Pekanbaru. The time of the research in on the academic year 2013/2014. The data for this research was started from November. The population of this research is all of the second year‟s students of SMPN 25 Pekanbaru in academic 2013/2014. The process will use to get the sample of the study between experimental groups. The first is the writer put two piece (number 1 and number 2). The second is the writer the chairman who gets number 1, his class is experiment group. Then, the chairmen who get number 2, his class are control group. In this study, the writer used two series of test, pre-test and post-test, that is used as her research instrument to get the score of the students. The pre-test was used to determine student‟ reading comprehension before getting treatment, and post-test was used to determine students‟ reading comprehension after getting the treatment.



Before treatment the students in experiment group would be given pre-test. The purpose is to know the students comprehending text before treatment. Pre-test was conducted for first meeting. The pre-test is in order to know whether the test 30 items are difficult for second year students of SMPN 25 Pekanbaru or not difficult them.

b. Materials

There is no treatment when teaching learning process in control group classes. The students will study in the class depend on subject from the teacher by using their textbook. The material is Narrative Text.

c. Post-test

The post-test will be conduct after the pre-test. It has purpose to know there is increase on the students‟ learning in comprehending reading text.

Experimental Group

a. Pre-test

The students are will giving pre-test before they get treatment. Before conducting a treatment, the writerhad given the test to experimental group to choose the correct answer from pre-test. There are 30 items for 90 minutes. One of the purposes of giving this kind of the test is to measure the sample respondents‟ comprehending reading text trough imaginative approach. It is to know the students‟ reading comprehension of the second years at SMPN 25 Pekanabaru. After evaluating the students answer and computing the students‟ score the writer their percentage in order to know their ability level in reading.

b. treatment

After the score of pre-test is calculating, the writer will teach the students‟ comprehension through ultimate teaching strategies. It is held for experimental group only by applying Imaginative Approach. The writer will use random the Technique in order that enough for materials. The material is Narrative text.

c. Post-test

After treatment will had been going, the writer gives post-test to the students. It aims to know there is an increase on the students learning reading comprehension by using Imaginative Approach.

Data Collection Technique

The writer collects the data by using test. The test is aimed to measure how many students understand material given. The students are asked to answer the questions based on the materials that were given in pre-test is the same as material given in post-test.

Before treatment was administrated to the students, the pre-test was given to the students in order to know the early background ability of students comprehend the text before treatment. The pre-test conducted the first meeting. The numbers of students who follow the pre-test are 30 students. After pre-test the students in treatment use Imaginative Approach while teaching and learning process. The procedure of Imaginative Approach in teaching and learning process is conducted in the following activities:



and explain about Imaginative Approach, what the use and function. In order to make students understand what they learn.

2. 2 and 3 meeting: The teacher asks the students to follow the teacher read the reading text. And then teacher show narrative text and Imaginative Approach and the students listening carefully and repeated loudly. And the teacher giving exercise and asking the students to do using Imaginative Approach. And then collecting their answer.

3. 4 and 5 meeting: The teacher asks the students about knowledge part of narrative text and part of Imaginative Approach. And then teacher and students co- construct imaginative approach provides students copy and uses it when teaching and learning process.

4. 6 meeting: This was last meeting in giving treatment; the teacher concludes materials, and gives the chance to students in giving the question.

Post-test administrated after treatment in order to know the students improvement in comprehending after the treatment by using Imaginative Approach.

Data Presentation

Most of the important thing in a research is the presentation of data and research. In this chapter the writer is going to present the data has been collected from experimental group and control group.

Diagram 1

Comparison Score Pre-test and Post-test for Experimental class and Control class

0 20 40 60 80 100

Pre-test Post-test

Control Class

Experiment Class

The Effect Students’ Understanding in Reading Narrative Text


44 Table 1

The Effect of Students’Reading Narrative Text

By using Random Strategy

Group Pre-test Post-test Improvement

Experimental Group

57.33 82.33 25.00

Control Group 57.8 60.9 3.10

From table 1, it shows the result students‟ reading narrative text of pre-test and post-test in experimental and control class. From the data, it could be seen that the result follows‟ in experimental class the mean is 25.00 and control class the mean is 3.10.

Data Analysis

After showing the data of the experimental group and control group pre-test and post-test, the writer analyzed the data of both in experimental and control group. It was done to get the answer the formulation of the research that there was a significant the effect of imaginative approach toward students‟ reading comprehension of the second year at SMPN 22 Pekanbaru.

Data Interpretation

To give interpretation to the value, the researcher needed to find out the degree freedom (df). The formula for degree of freedom is df = N-1. So, df = 30-1 =29. Then, the researcher checked the t-table for critical value of df= 29. It was found in the table that the critical value as level 5% was 2.045 < 12.90 >2.756. Therefore, there was a significant or positive effect by using imaginative approach.

Finally, the researcher could make conclusion whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected. If the t-value is the same or less then critical value of t-table so the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected. If the value t is bigger than t-table, it means the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected (According Gay and Airaisian in Rahmi ( 2012: 39 ).


45 Diagram 2

Graphic Pre-test and Post-test Narrative Indicator

0 20 40 60 80 100




Based on the figure 1 showed that the students increase in each reading components from the lowest to the highest. From the graphic we can see the narrative indicator and it was increase become points pre-test and post-test.


Based on the result of the data analysis, the writer draws conclusion as follow:

The result of this study is taken from quantitative data. It can be seen that there is improvement from the score pre-test ( 57.33 ) to that post-test (82,33 ) for experimental class and also the t-table 2,756 is smaller than t-observed 12.90 ( 2.045>12.90>2.756). Morever, it can be seen that after being taught by using imaginative approach, there is increasing of the students‟ reading comprehension and they can answer the question with more efficiently. The students can analyze the story and answer the question effectively.

Meanwhile, as the description of the research finding, the writer got from representative data, there was positive effect after the writer gave the students imaginative approach and it can be seen from the improvement score from pre-test into post-test that got by students.

As the conclusion of the research are :

a. Imaginative approach gave significant effect to second in students‟reading comprehension of the second year students at SMPN 25 Pekanbaru.

b. There is significant difference between the students‟ reading comprehension that taught by imaginative approach. Therefore imaginative approach effective to students reading comprehension of the second year at SMPN 25 Pekanabaru. c. After conducting imaginative approach, the second year students‟ reading




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Table 1


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